Newspaper Page Text
.. UEoroior aeMML MpaaOoMN3t.lH& 66*,AMfouCa»Lu«bri h gß^y l ” •VA MoOuaMacx, * Owmm£ 11A£ ' ■ Secretary. r . mt. J. w. Cam, T PHYSICIAN AND SURGED*, .. . -MALESVILLE, ARKANSAS. >DOil I cm- Over Gooden's Drug Store, " mntinmr. ?* Warding Hotosu »«5 boding I"***' .: alttd Dickinron konae, formerly occupied by Mra. Hardy. Board by the day 01 week, with or without lodging. Tabli enryYtai with the heat Dm R fenrer— :' etracpir' 1 BATEfIFttaLE, If irifill^feri York,St. LoniSjoryewOrleanikj Will make to it the advantage town country merchants who wish Io smiJm^Sy ■breed or gat ftmda remitted, to roll ore arelWieyonr bueineeaand wtR.-guriC J > < kfWlya , ■ Batesville. Ar|^ > mr s. wettest. MAIN BTBEET. BATESVILLE, ABt., (V<Kt door above Bevan’s Drug M ANUFACTURER GF Saddles, Bridlesuc., And DEALERTN£ BOOTS AND H<& OMI on ma, whan yos need anything in •ya®* _' Roy S. Weaver. -———_— ; .- TM WWW QftLKANA ANO WHIfR . , .- NIVBR PACKKT. JuCHEROKEE. RTODLR - . - Halter. Th*. Oharohlt will ran between New . 3l»*aaißl White River porta during the. eotton season, making tnps about every two weeks. ts. N. IL AtaXANDza, | J. F. Mastin, Watchmaker. | Salesman. Alexander A Martin, 1^ *** WATCHMAKERS, -1 AWn DkALkM IS IfaMea, Jewelry, ■CRedtate Nntiona, H*NW*b •»®etn«lee, Toya, Etc-, ■ BATKSYLUJS, ARKANSAS. M JR Wk left table More or rent by mall, AjmSeea eanreos, will be promptly attended Satakes WMWonaMs prices All work guaran- ad Jewelry more, eppoMte ■tataMMWl, w Igiven away ■ A BOOK or MS PACES ■ With ae HlnotraUone ■PREMIUM. ^■To every person who will send ns the naMB or t new yearly subscribers to trUE GUARD, • year, wiht cash to cover the <>: AiMret of the subscription in foil, we will .gjßindby mail, postage paid, a copy at WMhhbtabhthk MDMtm.fth. hour. The dsmssd »W tore* a«»M bees oqaaUed ia th. history ol Aa,n. ■®lhtea.beekrf as* pa|**> coauiaiat mare than Oss SH9|e*ad attha sririnsl skcuhu wnllaa by Aki K. retreat mid J. Ahaay Knu, and publial»d in ietVIBKAA BUTTING*, the calibrated humorous L HhN beak to rotated an ya pared bank papan h ■UMnOi •** reprv-six original and vary unique RHAnmaaiaea by W B, Cathie. The illutirauont ia '.»«■» book and cover ere calculated to I^KdtaredauiW ia the brepsi of re Egyptiea mummy, ‘WgM whig a graves isiagv down from his pedestal io M|nd Mt IriMt tWfrotesqiM characters represent. •W®* **■* these sketches are superior, is issßgtiusg that has avar appeared ia Udi psementa. ... ■rfglilf'lg ONE WHO HAS , " : ^SS 1 linn USEDITFOKia YEARS. si iLnU Address n re JOSEPH A DUNN, j. ^aHMKPiaBMewS fNdMd.i< t ® iliill’MFro Modell I’m^mWTONi 1 ' WMBNwiP JjjH Jbewfr^wTJTook Donisltn^taft, and V“ ^’^4 oopi^ning ptortion^ t. D. ozrciL ...... giM -QPw over Druj Mose. Jfm'n WOAL yrjs-^rs. _ -rtWinteriah. . ‘ — Wu 4 **»• doo^A —Locsl n*n *onQfo. —Chnnk up'tht^irc. IjßiA** hfe^gHßhsVe returned. _ dj—gor hAgsiub, go to Case & dbs.' ^(^ghggiiK atiA J* e * at Caae & Co’s. . —Tlie grand jury adjourned yester day. ^gmAo&mt^KUunaLdtor -oapa at Case & julj^fived, go to -^^hsa?^fc.lh! , ‘\s Ulothing, go WpSi w enit of clothes ? ^.to.CtoaMC^s 1 I -ksadPanr-Bjitler says he dan heaVVi*' BffiUYroiu’lus house. ' 3 ’ ■^s*°P Krnman House.; » Aa j»Mtoeal for 25 cente. ■ JjwFlantation supplies at bottom at Ca»e * Co’s.' ' ?1 %^Wb. 15. Memwether has returned iataejthu Creßceut (Sty. '-.:-*rHeuitay,.^fiWsi' P«i*, beans, rice, ooSae-and-engar, at CmbV “ f —Will MtAtn,'AsSlft Trough, Idin toMi 't*kjng;£n*will**w. . -*lf y*w.Mive aaythfig to soil, or ;WhK toli^gtAb, Ombl Co. janShi PM*# I* town to buy Co. : b*B* tiine to SOW gjrw@h|> seed. re—T)BO-bdtoS**toa>e baokskiu gloves are to he aJffwTc-* * *-•'—Yte BarnM gppwts the Jackson tapimjail ft&l AtowviT-dowiiig. the use of Aoua &BL. ^Fwely vegetable. —Rome oCfan Wrf> w^re out skating an *&• railroad jpMMi .t'Mt Saturday. > O>-. AJ» prepared to pay arewarS 1b- —a>-r bSbre-*-T On cotton. v 'crowd greeted the Matie Williams 'Tbcafre-O»< Memday night. —C. T. Rosenthaj, the hardware mer chant, is in St Louis purchasing goods. —As a reliable Ghill Tonio (here is none Aat stands higher than Collin's Adds JUKK. — Read W. B. Padgett’s advertise ment. lie offers some good lots for sale. —John Clendenen, representing Dodd, Brown & Co., St. Louis is in toW.* —CoLLncs' Aovb Cuns never foils to ?ure Chills and Malanal troubles. I‘ricu >uly 50 cents. - We would be glad if our readers would keep us posted on marriages, deaths, otc. —The party at Dr. Ewings on last Friday night was well attended, wo ur_derstsu<l. —The Kinman House is prepared to take care of guests in good style. Rates, 25 cents a maul. —The first snow that has covered the ground here this season, fell on Friday night last. —When you come to town, be sure to call at Case A Co's, if you want to get good bafgains. —Jim FeriH was out enjoying tho mow last Saturday. His sleigh-bells jingled right merrily. —While attending court, do not for get to call at the GVAHn otiice and settle for your paper. — Postmaster Pearson snd Bob Caso have returned from St. An- other county to Lear from. —Capt Richardson asks you to oall: at Case * Co's , Mid let him show tho cheapest goods in town. —Take your dry hides, peltry and produce to Case A Co. They are paying the highest market price. —We club the GUARD with tho funny, humorous Texas Siftings. Both papers one year for <3.00. —We are in the rinf, and will ring out low price,!, which will be attested by buying of us. Case A Co. — Bring in your butter and eggs, chickens and turkeys. Caso A Co. will buy them and pay you the cash. —Bo groat has been the rush at Case A Co’s, that they have been forced to employ an additional force of clerks. — For five new cash subscribers, we will give the getter up of the club, a copy of “Sketches from Texas Siftings.” —lt has been rather slippery work on the iron bridge the last few days, but the workmen are still pushing the work foi ward. —While Attending Court stop at the - Kinman House. Good Accommodation* 1 1 at Cheap fates. 25 cents, a meal, Jb , SI.OO pot day, —Ben. L*rmau, the hardware drum mer, of St. Louis, is in town in the interest of his house, Caruth A Byrnes Hardware Company. ) —J. C. McGuire bM been awarded the mail contract from this place to Newport. We hope wo will have better mail service now. —■'lf yo». find anything in the Her ald pert week that you don’t like, go to the “devil” for satisfaction.—Jack sonport Herald. The “dovilj^ 'you —Rafe Comer died at h'is residence, in this county,, on -the 16th inst. He’ had been the mail contractor f^om this , place to Newport for a number of yearn.. .«.■> . • • —Faribetw and others desiring a gentool, lucrative ■getieybnsihee^ by which $5 to •30 a day can be earned, ae id address at once, on poetal. to H. & Wilkinson A Co., IBS snd 197 Fulton Stowt, New Eosto. ' <l«c9o-6m V -Matter WiUtasno' ir undoubtedly a oteverslit*!* ? aotroas. Katt* Putnam, in >*Lana, the Madcap." is no* more faoiuatingi cute, md Muoy, than Matie Williams as “Cricket.” the opinteo;nf'JMaß-tb «h* oontraiy i to^witha^ing, 1 । MS—An article entitled “How toWsnh Bto Baby: U going tho rounds efth* M will Rw Ihrongh a wringing maohino and hung , out on tie lino Io firy. J*, „ S',. 3Sfe. —John Wallace, of Newport, has been in town thia week. y —PensiderablA floating ice in the' river Monday and Tuesday. ^-The Williams Theatre 'Company will play here every night this week, and we can safely say they will hav. a crowded house every nig^t. —The Arkansawyer made our office a visit this week. It is a lively, humorous sheet, published st Argenta, Ark., by M. R. White. We X with piMWurffc’ 1 •* •- Matie Williams, supported* by the most excellent Williams Theatre Com pany, appeared on Tuesday night an “Kathleen Mavourneen," in that ptetty Irish comedy. She has completely captivated the Batesville people. . ■ —ldt Efearneat Sylverton, -a rich Wall street broker living in Hoboken, N. J., opposite New York City, writes: “The excessive strain of nervous exciteinent re sulting from stock speculation and too high living made quite an invalid .pi me. Brown’s Iron Haters reared u^e to perfect I z — of Trough , ,Bbt||B>taeiii^ M ' house, on last Tuesday morning. He was in town last Saturday, complaining of not feeling very well, went home, took pneumonia, and died aa abovo stated. The family have onr siccre sympathy. —Jacksonport Herald. —ln chronic disorders resulting from . .fixed bad df mind and body, the re moval of th* evil, to be pernianent^mnst necessarily be gradual. Although in same iuetenqea it ia slow, Brown’s Iron Bitters are always sure and never fail to restore perfect health to the physical organization. It is a complete strengthener. 4~-Maxfield's hall is crowded every night, which shows the high appre ciation our people ' have for the Williams Theatre Company. When you consider the disadvantages tho hall and temporary stage afford, and the lack of room, you are bound to admit that the Williams Theatre Com pany is far above the average traveling theatrical company. — After a severe test of twelve years, by many lending physicians nnd thousands of females, it has been thoroughly demon- i stinted that English Female Bitters has cured and relieved more sickly lemales, than all other remedies combmed All monthly defects, excesses or weaknesses, affecting m irried or single ladies, arc promptly relieved by its use. —We conuuenco . this week tho pub- । lication of a series of letters entitled “Early Times in Arkansas,” written many years ago by Col. Cliarles F. M- Nolana for the State Gazette and Democrat. It is impossible for us to publish the first of these letters, and we commence with letter No. 2. We will pulish one letter a week until all are published. -*• Dr. Clark, an evangelical minister of the^ Missionary Baptist church, preached every night last week, and on Sunday morning and night last, to appreciative audiences, at the Baptist church. The Doctor is an able divine, and his efforts here were splendid and we trust that the seed sown here by him will.bring forth good fruit to the Master's honor ana glory. Col. W. A. Bevens has gone to Little Rock to press his claim, before the tegulature, far tho teanvery of the Office at Batesville, after tho secoMion of the etfite. This money Col. Bevens afterwards had to repay to the United States, and we can’t see any reason why the Isgid*lgre should not pay him back the mptwy with interest. d7> o " njght Hall w^F crowded to its utmost ca paeixy _witK qM Mussateut 1 , v ing . PeoW® *■ •’■icWtb* firskpertorpianoe । rendered in a very pleasing and happy manner. Matte Williams as “Fsnchpv*' made a very lively “Cricket” and , elicited loud appknso. She is indsed a pretty little actress and if not a “witch*’ is very tgiwitoUing. She is supported by h kplendul ootiipany. Circuit Cann. i Circuit outart will 'be likely to ad* journ on Friday, the 26th. /"f 5 ’ State vs. Henry C. Wilson (colored), 1 removing mortgaged projierty; verdict of guilty, and sentenced to one year > in the penitentiary. ’ The grand jurors coWplctßd* their duties on Tuesday,, barißir found a > goodly number op" Mg against the * various offenders <*<he bounty. . W. J. Pqdbton' w was indicted for 1 perjury, continued to thd > next tejgg c< the court. The alleged ’ fslseJWce^ing grew out of Mr. Pear son'rto^niiouy before the grand jury J Mat Martin vs. Thos. 8.-« f ^ta^ett et. a*., for tho recovery of the*’ | /tonganese lands. The court, after tv^q, day’s argument on the demurrer of the . defendant to plaitifTs complaint, over-, , ruled tho demurer, and thereby held, tho act ot the legislature disposing of the lands for taxes, without sale, ar unconstitutional?' This is the act of -1879. ■■. ■ • ■■■ - o* Unclalmßd Letters Remaining in . the Batesville, Ark., Post* office, Janbary 20th, 1883: a Allen, Perkins Pitta.. Herbert Brooks, Dr. C. W. Powell. James H. . James, Thos. W. . Bhadden, Robert Kimbrongh~XUb. Scott, Mrs. Julia When calling tor the above letters, say , they were advertised. If not called for within four weeks they will be sent to the dead letter office. W. J. Prabsom, Jan. 94, 1883. Post Master. Col. Alexander C. Fiekett. Died.—Ort* ’ the 18th day of January, 1883, Col. Alexander/C. Pickett, ot, Augusta, Ark. ; ' For more than twbnty<.five years ' pMt has OoL Pickett been a citizen of . Arkansas. Diiring this period he has igivM MT Nine, Ite talent and his , money in suppogtuig and building up the institutions a£ the country. Four years of his Hfe'lm gave willingly to the cause of the Booth, in following , her banneedhsmgti stack land shadow alike. In his; ;ptofknikiM’<that of the > law. he stood high vHUi llrpesrs. Hit . conduct was qi -all times that of the MkJ^n^ff^iaYoltoirman audwM true to his oomlUy. Col, Picket* Was , * brother to J^^nMlßtiik *M» P l **- ) On' Rathrday afi^^^ or 1 Sooth stfoe**i a with : The finder wiU bojowsrdad 4 3A’ . ■ --4—'»• ■' ..--.-vr-r To the Femen, Six years ago tibia farmers of thia • county were, ont of debt and with money to loan. Pork was then selling at three oonts per pound, cojn “t twen ty-five cento per bushel, wheat at seventy-five cents per bnshel, beef at two and a half cento per pound-, cotton 1 at ten cents per wound, cows at from ten to fifteen dollars, butter at twelve cento per pound, potatoes at forty cents pertbushel, bacon, in the following spring, sold at seven and. eight cento. Farmers, in spite of all these low prices, you were out of debt and had money 111 your pockets. ' For more -th*n twelve months past all these' things, with the exception of cotton, have gone rip from on* hundred to nehrly four hundred per cent., and to-day you are in debt to your merchant, to your ’blacksmith, andtoyanr doctor, with your real and person i»l property mortgaged to secure the pay ment ot the sanies and tho most of the people in this county are without flour or meat with "which to make an other crop, Why is this so? In the year of 1877 you said that it did not pay to raise thee products and sell them for the prices realized, therefore you quit corn, wheat, potatoes, tobacco, hay, etc., and turned your attention to cotton; you sold your young cattle to the drovers, until to-day there is not a sufficient number of cows to furnish you 'with milk; you hav<. neither butter to eator to sell; you have neither beef or pork to sell; although last year was the finest potato year ever known, still the price of them has kept up higlier here than in St. Louis, showing that you have neglected that crop also. Yoprhogs have died for-the Lant o* corn. Farmers, did you ever know the cholera to kill hogs when corn was plentiful ? It rarely hurts them then. You have tried cotton for five years past, and on every bale made during that titae you have lost Upon an aver age of ten dollars, besides the loss sus tained to your wheat, corn, potatoes, tobacco, hay, etc. in devoting your whole attention ter cotton. The more cotton you raise the more loss you sus tain, and it is only a matter of time how long you can stand it. The cot ton which costs you ten cents to make, you often sell at eight and niue cento; and when this happens, you have no wheat, c rn, moat or potatoes to fall back on for revenue. Farmers, cut down your cotton crop from eight and ton acres to four acres; raise your 30m crop from eight to twelve acres, and your wheat from 0 to siz acres; your potatoes from six rows, sixty feet long, to one acre, of each kind—sweet and Irish; and no longer be without a good crop of hay; let the bams be full to the running over with it; and then the cotton you make will be clear gain, ns it will bo made with out loss; tho wheat, corn, potatoes, etc. will give you and your stock a good living, with a little of each for market. There is nothing which grows on the farm that you cannot raise cheaper than you can buy. Bu>p coming to town to buy axo-bandlea, aiugle-trees, hamos, collars, plow-lines, backbands, brooms, and many other things your fathers made and taught you how to make, that you might be able to keep out of debt and by slow aud cautious steps bo able to support your family ana have something to live ou in your old age. Go back to first principles; cheap products, cheap labor and cheap credit. You can't grow rich on any other plan. * Important Notice. All personH mdi bted to Schwarzkopf A; Loebuer will tlu.i th ir aicuuts in the hands ot SIMON ADLER, with whom they are requested to settle imniediataly. it not settled at an early dny, they wili fled their aceouuta in the bauds of an uflat ScnwAiizxorr A Lokbszu. January 17th. 1883. ORIIITiTc^NO. 75. An-Odrimtnce tn Keyuiots Ue Keiping of Gun Piualtr intAin the Qorporate Limits es the toon of IkJuu Uit. Sbctiun 1. Ho it ordained by tl.e Council et the kicorporiited Towa of Batesville: k IJuit heio.dler it shall lie unlawful for any’merchant; trader, or oilier person, cor poration or company to keep on hand, or ta More, al one aud the mine tine, wore than twelve (12) pounds of gnn-powder, blasting powder, or combust!bl* powder ot I ; mjr AMirtreUMauter whoever. Ati 1 ills the tiue iuteut aud lUeauPWt *4 Ulis ordt. njh.otsikit ntt Aurtou. /'> porutloa or eota puny, shall keep ou band or in stere more Chau twelve pounds, in the agg e^nte, of all kinds of combnsUble powder al oue and the same time. «Hzc. g. Any |>treon violating Section 1 of this Ordinance shall, ou convtuU<m thereof, before the MnyAr, be fiued in a sum not ' lew Ilian tweqly-tlvo d< Ham for each offense, and each day during which Suction - I ottlils OrdlUAV®® fh«U be violated, shall . constitute a sepamie offense. .-Ska 3. Thia Ordinance shall be in force ■ and fake cdTect after ita pasauge and due pablieatiou of foe same. ApjttUHU January Mth. 1883. J. C. McGUIRE, J U ^Td. McCrmwvcx. Recorder. t * n ° r ' • • £ fturjiniiir OlaL > The Voltaic Belt Co., MartoidlAllich.. > 'dUH' deM pt Pl ß ' s CeldiruW Eketro- Volfoic Quite aud JUreisic AppiMuMW ou . trial .foe thirty «b*ye to wen (yoang or old) , naroub debility, * 'rosUvltSlUy and kindred troubles, guar . jwtiMiing apeody nnd complete icwtnrsiion « ot' '-health ami manty vlg. t. Address sa * •abovß.<'-N, 8.-No. risk ia incurred, m ' foirty*4kya'*ri»l ia aUowsd. 1-yv. , r-, . ivtew • ynr Rent— ■ The MidSn e how occupied by the - undersigned. —Huan good wclt'al Mver failing cold water , stabla g«d«»vjand ' poaitey yard, and Ml tire conveniences of a good home. Apply-oa the promisee or to .^P. pe^ito^ UEOMLX. AXV*»TXBXMX»TB. Sheri^fi .S^e o^RMI BY VIRT^EkpAN EXECUtTOkib \neJ directed aa aheriffiof Independence IWtmBV Afifourtte by tiielclerk of the circuit ■ ndßiOjilMM fid I*MB- wiunty, I, as such shcriffPwill, off Soforilay, fte 2flk' day /MMry, 4883, Utf&iaKChn&i&LW-oWmk w.nt-rtid ' 3 o'clock p. m„ adhr -for sale, at public HaixreV artor of dketfon tikeuty. fISSWIJX! ' ■-•* ■'* ** ' OF SALE: ’ 1 Id s* * credit ofttatee Mfißtk|k,*hß. pnnghtwr being raguM to 3btMm.,A I JRMB. .vfiM approved atoaritg. > gjmM ot^te* ^ee ocA *”’■ ’ B. M. PSBHA* ** - OomMf. Jksgaor Mr UM> ... 'HARDWARE r CtaiTir^iP “rn JL k^sJEry^Li^ ! BATESAULLF., - AT7T< IIE ADQUA hT E K FOB • * BUILDERS’ MATERIAL, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, RUBBER BELTING, * MACHINE REPAIRS, • STOVES, PLOWS, AXES, CUTLERY All goods will be sold at the LOWEST PRICE. I buy in large quantities for CASH, and am pre- Sared to offer extra inducements to CASEPBuyers. all and see. C. T. ROSENTHAL. Theo. Maxfield & Bros., AHENOWRRCkiymg their Second New Fall And Winter Stock. a FIRST-CLASS GOODS * LO*W FTSICES, Is the Secret Os Their . Large Sales. ca-o TO Special Offers Next WeeX furnitureT io In About Thirty Bays k g The Cars will be Here! a H AND UNTIL THAT TIME h n JOHN C. BONE, f BATESVILLE, ARK;. M q Will off-r the Greatest Bargain, in ALL KINDS of FURNITURE needed by O H YOUNG COUl'LESpitorting out in life, aucn as W b - ((j Beds, Baby Cribs, Rocking-Chairs, Tables, L SAFES, MATTRASSES, BED LOUNGES. M §My Goode are FIRST-CLASS, and parlies buying of me will get .theii Q goods packed so that they can be hauled any dirtauce without damage. U o— ■ S . Q lam thankful to those who have given mo such HL'erul support, '’ A and by Honest Goods, Fair Dooling, I hope to merit their favors. O' N’ - ; :A’ | (Q To avoid a Smash, I sell for Cash! H X Come and see me. rj (9 JOHN C f BONA 8 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■■^■■■■■■■■■^^■■fal|lllllll im 111 wi win WALL PAPER, WINDOWIGLASS, CURTAINS. . . ■ . ■ ' ■ ^SS!^SSg^SSSSgSSS^SSSWBSBSSSSg?ESSSSBS^S^SSe^Ba^^ S Use LowrenceA Martin’s “ pcruO . For TOUGHS; iB&Ss^ORK’fnSoAFSRaW^ MA, PMtU- MONIA COEGDMFTION, DMwton^f THROAT 4 CH€RT AHD LUNGS- IRON, . STEEL, NAILS, fc * ’ CASTINGS. WAGON MATERIAL, BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, HORSE & MULE SHOES,' HORSE SHOE NAILS, Etc I^DN * . i • BIIIERS * BROWN'S IRON BIM^RS are a certain euro fbl' alt dteeaaea 1 requiring a complete toafc; eape- I daily liMllg<wii<M>,D a ^sop B i a , inter- I mittent Fcv^rg, Want a^ AppeUte^ Loe® of Strength, Lacis qf Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, sti-ength ens tho muscles, Aiid Wyes Hew lift to Uto nerres.* Aota‘like a | charm on Cho digastlvq . organs, I removing all dysipepf iersymptome, I such as tasting the fbod.-Belchiag, 1 Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, I etc'. ' The only Iron* Preparation that-will non blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by oil Drug, gists at SI.OO a boctla. ■; BROWN CHCMDMIrtCO. Baltimore, Md. • Hiat nil Tron Utters are nado JJsowii ChkmkaL Cd. and have ctorocMed Hnr^ m>4<arade mark Ju vrappor. BEWAhE OF IMIZATLOM' ■ W. E. BEVXBS DRUGGIST ANO APOTHECARY BATESVXLDEz AW. - . ——. -,’c.t. HEREBY the-efetizeus of II Batesville and itorth Ar&jisas gen erally, that he has openet^af pis New Stone, Iron front, apposite the Institute Building, wher the public can always find a choice selcc* tionof VUUE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS OILS, PUTTY., AND HEAVY GOODS .ALSO, Toilet Article*, Extrncts, BrnMiM. z Fairey Soaps U?oib®®-Bb (Dig&ir OF THE BEST im'NDH. School Books and Stationery All of which is offered LOW FOR CASH- Physicians’ prescriptions caret ully compounded, at all hours, day pr night, by a competent druggist.' •I solicit a share of publi*. natronn<-e. mfi W, E. BtVIKB. TUTT’S '• "T^GTeRAHT D oompoori of Ktrtal and MueiliMnous piod wct«,wlachp*nnc«te the aalMtaaace of tbs Aungs, oxpeotoratos lh« :UeiM*>MiUa> teat ouiloetaiu tbo Broadual Tubea-iurtfunnaa soothing coaling, wbich raUehM'Uie ir~ . citation ihat causes Ibe a>och».‘*tl«lMnaaa ■ atu tho circulation of tl»a blood, and ItacuVia ' uervoua aystua. Slight colda often and in lamuiaUon. ItladangakenJltti neglect thana. Applg the semeaDhgremgpy. A teat of twenty years warrants tho assertion that no remedy hae ever been ftinnat that Io M inflammation, and itazre Ipeadrtf CSrUtoa nori obstinate oougb. A nleaeant amaVtel, chil dren take It retulfly. For Tronp it U Invaluable and ahou id bn in awy tahily. WTW^ : ■■ ~ A. PWIIS ■loll Headache, rniione ColltoqpMkipa- Uim, Itheumatism, PlUa, PalpltaHoaal tbo Heart, Dlralucss, Torpid Xriber, and Steaneh, tMfarea tli« t«s fmpMWHtoPto the BPlain English? S HERE EXPRESSED I Out fsn Creouua TtUiT»t|UT ~ —■> R mfsns,• Jnie atif ifci * r'o.-GariW-I rm4UmPMUmm dNtefitfwl and thaT<.*oiavf^tMy cuiwdina. tu nb«it ou* tg. ar faupjjrerine eotUcri rirouMflte aont- IreO. Sen .* wH addr.iec to ■ • w*. . ■ —7" —‘ •; -fror —-*ro-W —tl-s ’ — ' 1 Herwigs' , . Ps3®matureXteusay, ? / Loss of • An Ao-pAcc (lotb-libund li4c£ of wh^eseTni* Mmca t<» ¥ oauU Men. a KMOtar nMMaa. t TfiS HEALTH JOUagM, MRWMMtaeVIS. ; '‘ vgy'vTfur vvyn’i —> IW eMOABJ MQHIM I W vere-retri XpduroYi^llkß* euoatHMHei’WUuifooeeean^'ul! .. AiZQretaVTa-ipiawt 6 u|w tim .niqnHJHMiJHj-. -,-i Ate|e»'A< favordo or.-’«'rls<lon IflJllftFjSo -> *• Mdw.i —...—. uiri.u'i iv uud a AWfaOiMw WrifflMlly