Newspaper Page Text
THE GUARD. Office owr W. R Bmtn't Drug More. Main Street. Ssbscriptioß, me year $1 60. Six Months 75. In Advance. ABE YOU BILIOUS? - mwMaMßoom..«o Is your skin sallow? Do yon have ii ringing in your ears, and a dull pain in yonr head, and feel it diffi cult to remember or think of name' persons, or things while attending to yonr daily task ? Hare you coated tongne, bad breath, heartburn, sick headache, or sour stomaehe? and di yon bare any pain in yonr side, bad or under the shoulder blade ? If you have any of these symptoms, then ;on have a TORPID^LIVER^ knd five or six half tea foonfulls MALARIONj Taken twice a day, will relieve yon. nnd one bottle will cure you. It contains no arsenic, strychnine, or mercury, and is a superior substitute for calomel, blue mass, and nauseat ing, griping pills. EAT AMD DRINK wh.vt you PLEASE For it 11 "UI Xot Salivate. SOLD BY EUGENE R. GOODWIN. THS POPULAR DRUGGIST Batesvilix, Ark. j ~ __ ; i St- L-, x. X4C. <Bz S. IB’y. WHITE RIVER BRANCH. S£E«ct S-kX3xdA3r v April 15, ’O3. NORTH. SOUTH. STATIONS. Kixsn. Mixm. Daily. Daily. 8.52 p. m St. Louis 6.52 a. m Leave. Arrive 9 00 a. Newport 5 51 p. m. 9.06 a. m. Diaz. 5 38 p. m 9.44 a. m Paroquet... 5 00 p. m 10 18 a. m Newark 4.35 p. m ' 1051 a. m Snlpbnr Rock... .3 51 p. m* 11.22 a. m Moorefield 3 30p. m 12.05 p. m Batesville 2 50 p. m Arrive. l.eave LEGION OF HONOR. Masks Corxcn. No. 561. Amruicin Lbgior ar Hoxon. reuubir meetings Tlm.sdny night leach week. J. W. CASE, C. D. McCormack, Commander. Secretary. E LOCAL NEWS. —ls yon want to buy a good buggy call :n Dr. D. C. Ewing. — Ask Pat about the col lon gi” scrape Carrol dot s not like that kind of a joke. — Ladies, tall at Case & Co’s, and take a look nt those charming collars. — John W. Glenn has shaded the front of his store house with a new shod cov ering. —J. K. Gibson, a member of the Powhatan b*r, attended onr circuit court last week. —Moro than thirty witnesses have l>etn summoned, in the Watson, vs Dawson suit. —The finest and best line of Ladies’ and Misses’ Shoos in town can be had at Case & Co’s. Call early. —The Watson—Dawson suit was, on yesterday; venued to Iznrd county, on application of the defendant. —The Notion department of Case & Co. surpasses anything in that line ever brought to this market. —Case & Co. have an elegant assort ment of Ladies’ Gloves. They are aertuin to please and suit you. —The best lot of Mens’ and Boys- Boots and Shoes to be found in Bates ville can be hod at Case & Co's. —The jury rendered their verdict of not guilty, in the State vs Gosa, charged with murder, on Monday night. —N. Erb, of Little Rock, attorney tor the K. C. 8. & M R R., was in at tendance. at our circuit court loot week- —Gents' Clothing; best made and most stylish, to be found at Case & Co’s. Go and get a suit at once, wait not. —Ladies' dress goods, the best, neatest and most stylish in town. Ask for what yon wish, you will find it at Case d; Co's. —MisaSoUie Stinson is selling ont nt cost, her nice stock of tima, laces, hate, collars, ribbons aud notions—some beautijlil pieces •f embroidery, all will lie sold at cost to make room- far tall stock. —Miss Katie Pascoe, left oh Monday for Pocahontas, to visit friends and Relatives. Cheer up, Hammy, my boy, zeawnihsr it is always daik before dnwm. —Mrs. Baker has refitted her haaae for the reception of all who may give her * call she has a nice cool shady place.airy rooms and sets a splendid table. She asks the patronage of the public. —“Ths Furniture Store”' has been moved to the Long Building, apposite W. G. Moore A Son. Large stock, low Slices. Don’t be misled as to the place, ome and seo me. Tmoi C. Bone. —Lectures begin at Memphis Hospi tal Medical College about Ist of Octo ber. Send for Catalogue. Address the Dean,. W. E. Rogers, 38w8 293 Main St., Memphis, Tenn. —C. C. Waters andiiMnilyof Little Boek arrived, in our town on last Fri day, and ar i stopping at the McDowell Bouse. Mr, Waters is U. 8. District Attorney for the Eastern DiStriot of Arkansas —Pasties wishing tickets in tho Louis hM» State-Lottery, should bear in mind that all post-office money ordem-or reg istered letteev should be addressed to the New Orleans National Etank, New Orleans La. —Bailey’s Bblitee- Apperient is a white powder, and when placed in water, foams, sparkles, snd tastes just like soda water. It is very cooling and pleasant, acts gently upon the bowels, relieves oonrtipation, cures sick bead tefoe, sour stomach and heartburn. —The election for'township officer* held on last Monday, in Logan township resulted in the election of Sami. R. Fet zer and Sami. Hurt for Justice of the Peace, and Berber for Constable. —The Railroad suit, Kansas City Springfield nnd Memphis Railroad Co. vs Rhea, change of venue from Lew rei ce county, occupied two entire days of the court last .week (Wednesday and Thursday), the verdict was *I.OOO dam ages awarded to Mr. Rhea. —English Female Bitters sends red blood to a sickly woman's cheeks and strength to her muscles, by giving an appetite, aiding digestion and building up the system. AU sickly women who need a never-failing female regulator, will be delighted with its prompt and reliable action. —The articles of association of the Batesville Lumber Company at this plioe, was filed for record in the office of the clerk of the circuit court on last Saturday, with F. Bimon - son as President, J. L. W. Grover, Sec retary, and E. T. Thomas, Treasurer of the company —Rev. R. 8. James, late President of the Judsonia University, at Judsonia, has accepted the|Superintendency of the Public School, at this place. He visited our town last week, and made all necessary arrangements to remove to our town, in about one month. Mr. J., honored us with a cal), wbilm here. —Agents wanted in every town in the United States io sell Rex Magnus, an article indispensable in every family. Live grocery meu and druggists preferred, as they need it in their own business. Crocers aill not only make a good profit in supplying the lirge demand but can save a great deal of money by Using it to keep meats, milk, etc., which would otherwise spoil Addrem The Humiaton Food Preserving Co., 72 Kilby SL. Beaton, Mass. See advt. —Mrs. Shackelford and Mrs. Hon. Wiley Baird and Miss Buiah and Mattie Baird, of Newport, spent the day with Mrs. W. E. Bevens, on last Friday, they are visiting their relative Mrs. Geo Massey. Mrs. Ella Shackel foid. is the daughter of the late Judge D. W. Lowe, ones one of Independance county's honorable citisens. He died many years ago. .—Attention Will the ladies, of St. Paul’s Parish—especially the “Parish Aid Society"—remember the meeting, tins evening at 4 o'clock, at Dr. Wm. M. Lawrence's, and also, that “delays are dangerous ?” Affairs of the greatest moment, demand your pres ence and co-operation, and a/uil attend ance, is most earnestly requested. Bear in niind, the fact, -‘lime it Jtying, and wait* not for no man or woman. There fore arouse yourselves! give the fleeting hours their due and work while you can. —The Watson-Dawson courting brig ade were disbanded on yesterday, and left fur their respective homes, with in structions of the court to assemble at Melbourne, Izard county eironit court, on the 4:h day of next September, when they will go into fall quarters. We will say ttiat while "in Camps” here, that the command behnv. d admirably and orderly, not even as much ns ruiting a whiskey saloon, our people were very much pleased with the general conduct of “these troo|>ers." hence; we feel that we can c mmend them to the good people of Izard. - Some of our young gents seem sad and lonely to day. upon inquiry, we learn that the fullowing young ladies. Misses Ella. Do a well, and Mattie Stay ton, of Jacksonport, and Misses Emma, Lamb, and Mimie Wallace, of Newport who have be< n visiting friends in out town tor seveeal days past, loft on yesterday’s train, for their respective homes. These dei>artnros from our healthy little city, just at this wason, may have produced the sadness, certainly there Ii is b iea tern i groat hidden cause, that makes these plainly sick Iwa its, ns shown by the action nnd faces <f - otic f our yoi n ; men, who « e anticipate will soon ' have pressing business calls to Jucksongprt and New port. A visit is a balm. —Rome of our Main itroet clerks were singing dolefully on last evening, from the dark dismr.l sounds, wo think they certainly have organized a Singing 800. and from the sorrowful groans, some of them must have been etung about the heart, they made the hours ard night more lonely, by ringing "I am lonely to night" several had it, Mattie Dear, oth ers chimed in, Mamie Dear, while oth ers, more sanguine chimed; Elin, nnd Eiuina Dear; each appeared hanno niously hopeful, when this singing bee band shall have had more practice, they will serenade some of Jacksonport's and Newport's fair rez, the Guard will endeavor to give due notice of the time, and |Jaces if |>oasiMe. in the inte rim we bid these gal ant gents to be of cheery heart. Suiruvu RockTakk, July 23, 1883. Epitoh Guard Please publish, in year paper, that, I will present a new hat. to any person, who will explain, through the columns of the Guard, the hypothesis, on which Copernicus, the Frusian Philosopher, based his calcu lation, to detenmns the distance from the earth to the sun. To everybody, greeting. John Hindman. b It RelMte, Tn the aat grand drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery, which took place at Havana Caln. April 9; 1883, ticket No. 9.258 was the winner of ths capital prise. The origiuaT “Little Havens” (Gsald &Ce> decide all tickets by the numbers drawn in Havana, the prizes occupy tboaoaai relative i positions, difftrmgonly nit to amount; eon wqnenlly, ticket No. 9,258 in the Original Little Havana (Gould 4 Co's) was entitled to the capital prize therein of *14,009 enr ( remy. The holder proved to be Jose Pinero iof Matamoras, nephew of F. Ytnrria of Brown ville. A cable massage seat by tl a ' holder to Messrs. Woodward A Stillman, । New Post Building. New York, resulting in a verification of the good news previously received by telegnuih- by the ages*, the ticket was forwarded to them for colection, and the amount promptly paid on presenta tion of the aunt- to-Shipeey Company, the General Ageute. 'fhi* is the tiiiMl time ' within.2(* mouths that the first capital prise in tbs Origjtwi) “Little Havana” has been sold through tin agent here, the holders . being Ange) Mais. Matamoras, Miss Brib'd* of Ifiitmnonn, mid Mr. Joseph Fbrmad of Ibis city (who heH joitatly), and last though not least. Jeee Ptnerr. AU Received their money promptly in F. Szsurrenuy, on pre sentstion of the ticket-—Rio Onside Talley, ; BrewiiiHiilo,. (Tezns). F**ni Bob- Oi ThMßaw Ang. 7th, thee* will be , a public- exhibition of tbs Improved Horse Mrwer, on Col. T mim Btather ford's >li*ntatirm. There wiß alto be on exhibftinn, Tanwincklo'a dm Fbeder and) oondbnsor, thisgi* wn* awnreted the first prize at the Atlaate fotsma tional Cotton Exposition, foe “best sample, best general reenltein ginning, and best constructed machine?' Par ties interested are invited to be present, at thia trial. For information, Address, Maosrthy & Pope, Batesville^ Ark. Clrentt CMrc Froewedfad MWeG, Monday, July 23rd. no cases were tried time was oecupyed in flling motions, demurrer Ao. Tuesday July Mth, B. B. Case A Con vs Edward H. Woodward,complaint at law, ordered that a warning order is sue against tho defendant, W. A. Bevens Esq. appointed attorney, for non-resi dent defendant, herein, on motion of plaintiffi cause continued. Coleman and Yanoey, vs El w ard H Woodward, complaint at law, same or ders as in preceding case. Theo. Msxfield A Bros, vs Edward H. Woodward, complaint at law, same orders as in preceding caeen This last order filled the test page 640 of Record book, L. New record book M page 1-appears attachment case of Simon Adler, com plaint at law vs Edward H. Woodward doing business under the style of Ferro Manganese Company, summons issued, and order of attachment issued directed to sheriffs of Independence and Isard counties respectfully, warning order di rected to issue against said defendant and Sam. Peete E-<q. appointed attor ney tor said non-resident defendant, and cause continued. Simon Adler, vs E. H. Woodwsrd and J. C. Ysnoey, complaint at law, complaint filed and exhibits A. B. A C thereto, same orders ss in preceding case. ► State, vs Napoleon Beet and Jeff Moore, disturbing religious congrega tion, jury trial, verdict not guilty. State, vs Chester O. Davidson. Wilson Edwards snd Morg Barnett, disturbing religious congregation, continued, on applicationof defendants. Stste, vs Jscob T.Miller, sssault and battery, continued by consent. State, vs Wm. C. Miller, disturbing religious congregation continued by consent. T. M. Baker, vs Marion B irnes, et al, appeal from J. P. continued by consent. Wednesday July 25th, Wm. H. Cal away, and James Craig, vs Isaac N. Bland and Ann Dunlap, complaintat at Isw. . Report of commissioners heretofore sppointed st this term of court, that a partition could not bo made without prejudice to the right of the owners. Sale of land decreed, to be made at public auction at the court h >use door on Saturday the 22nd day of September 1883. on a credit of three months. W. A. Wond and J. W. Headstream, sppointed commissioners to carry into effect the order of sale. Springfield and Memphis Railroad Co. vs O. O. Tisdale complaint at law. change of venue from Lawrence county, death of defendant suggested and admitted. Malin, Fowler A Co. vs W iliam Ozkr defendant and Allen Goodeaiote, as in terpleader, complaint at law, judgment against Osier, for *201.73 attschraent sustained, mistrial as to interpleader, property attached ordered to be sold on Saturday the 18th day of Augnst, at town of Fairview on a credit of three months and cause continued. Chas. T. Rosenthal vs E. H. Woodward complaint at law, same rule order Ac; as in cause of Case A Co.. Maxfield ,Co. Thursday Jnly 26th 1883. Memphis and Springfield R R. Co. vs John H. Rhea, coinplaint at law, change of ven ue from Lawrence county circuit court Jury trial; verdict for right of way for petitioners and damages ssmss ed at *I.OOO for defendants, motion for a new trial filed Friday. July 27tb. State vs Sila« Go sa, Murder, change of venue from Lawrence county circuit court, ver iict not guilty rendered on Mun day July 30th, the following were th« jiirurs in the above case towit; Jas B. Totty, Sami. M. Wyatt, George 0. Lus ter John H. Scribner, John H. Englur, James C. Hardin, Benji.ii.iii Owens, Wm^C. Williams. A. Miller Hicks, Wm. White. Louis E Johnson, snd A. Jsck son Barnes. Report of Ike Grand Jury, Jnly Term, 188*. To Hon. R. H. Powell, Judge of the 3rd Judicial circuit. Bin:—Wo respectfully report, that we have performed the duties, devolving upon us, as a grand jury, to the best <3 our ability. We have examined the public build ings and report as follows : The court house, we And in about the same condition, as has been reported to your Honor fur several years, ex cepting wear from constant use, and natural decay. We think that more room should be provided for our county clerk; and that a platform and sub stantial steps should be erected at the rear of the building; aud we do earnest ly recommend tbst some suitable arrangement be made at once for the protection and safety of our county records sgainst lorn by fire. The oounty jail, we find—with tbe exception of some little repairs—that should st once be attended to, for the safety ot tbe prisoners, is in as good condition ss can be expected; snd several of us, who have been on the grand jury before, are willing to say, that we find the jail neater and nicer kept than before. Tbe prisoners are in good health, aud say they get a plenty to eat, and have all tbe atten tion they can expect. If possible, more ventilation should be given to the colls, snd the sinks clesned or drained. Tbe Poor House should have a higher and more substantial fence, for the pru > tection of the same. Tbe Keepers house wants move new repairs, sad also a new smoke house, fur which an appropria tion has already been made. More house room should be provided for tbe paupers, bat they seem to be well cared fur, and as well satisfied as ooald be ex pected under tbe oircumstaneea We think twa of tbe inmates, lunatiss, should net bo allowed to remain at the Pbor House. We have exasmned the Books and Record* ot the county, and And them correctly and neatly kept; the accounts of tbe Collector and Treasurer, we And correct; tbe Cbnstables throughout tbe 1 county have settled in folk The Jus iticesof tbe county have made their re ports as required by law. AU of which is xespeotfolly submitted. Jorn Batut Bbreman ofttraadJurv Attest. Lira HiOKfcusoN, Clerk. Filed in open court by tbe Grand Jury. Jnly >Bth 1883. Kx M. XkcßiNsow Cterk Joaa Ensuson, Bt C. A»w*m She wan Yenwgs “I have need Parker’s Hair Bataase and like it better than any aimiiar preparation I knew ol” writes Mm. Ellen FVmy, write of Ere; r »twy, ofCaMiteeok Springs, Hhss. “Mt Bata was almost awiireiy gr^ hat » dblter bottle of the Balaam fans restored tbe settees', snd ths brown color it bad when I was young—not a single my hair left. Since I bMan applying the Bafaain my hair has stopM tailing out, and I find .that it is aj>«teetly harmless and agreeable dressing." IM nf VaeWaed letter* Reessining in tbe Brteiviße. Post Ofltow July, tbe 30, 1883 : Breoks. W. C. Motor, Bev. R. a Burbridge, Beqj. Mcßride, Mathew Button, Am Mask, Mathew Baker, Mies Hsttie Mnetian, & J. Oaperton, Jno. Mathews, H. G Davidson, A. J. Monroe. W. A. Davidson, G. W. 2 McLendon, W. L. Dillisrd, Jas. N. Perrin. Jas. Fulkerson, J. L. Punter, A. J. Fletcher, j. P. Penny, Miss Bettie Green, Mrs. M. Parrish, MtmElla Gravelly, Mira V. Prieh. tt, J. R Gibbs. John A. Richardson. H. T. Goodwin, H. C. Richardeon, Mro. J. Hunt. Jno. M. Smith. Percy L 2 Hetford, G. W. Sanders. M. H. Henderson, H. Smith A Edwards Howard. W. A. Woods, W. Harris, Mra L. Yarber. Rev. A McCnMn, Wm. Yegner, BUL When calling for above letters ray they were advertised. If not allied for within four weeks they will be sent to the dead letter office. W. J. Pnanson, P. M. Aguet lot, 1883. A Card from Generali Bnnregnrd and Enriy. A publication headed. “Are the Louisiana LoUery drawings feir.'’ whi- h originally appeared in several Northern and Western papers ss an advertisement, by« hostile lottery company, as we believe, has been copied into a number of other papers doubt less sa an advertiaetnent also. The charges, insinuations, snd inuendoes contained in said publication are false in every respect, so tar as they effect ths fairness ot the drawings of the Louisiana Lottery, or the integrity of the acta of the Lottery Coas pany. When the undersigned bed charge only of the xemi-annual drawings, they counted tho tubes containing the numbera previous io each of those drawings to be certain that all were put in tbe wheel. Hiuce they have had charge of tbe montl !y drawings alsi. the wheel has been nader their exclusive control, and after each drawing they have restored all the drawn numbers to the wheel, lockeil it, and sealed it in such a manner as to render it impossible for tho numbers to be r. sched or Interfered with without their knowledge. They have thus been always certain that all the numbers were in the wheel at each drawing, and they atone are responsible for the integrity of the drawings. The suggestion that each ticket bolder, on tbe day of and before each drawing, ahould be allowed to call ont his number snd nee it pnt in tbe wheel, is too slnnrd to deceive soy one who ever witness ed a single number draaing, and any lot terr company which reoorta to any such trick proves itself to be s fraud. The intimstion that persons have been paid to allow their names to be publislied as the Winners of prises jn this Lottery is also false and without the slightest foundation in fact. Millions ot dollars have been paid out by the Company in prises through tbe bank and exprem agencies, as can be ascertained from the bank officers in New Orleans, and the Express Agents in New York. Waahing ton City, and Ibis city, m well ns from the winners of tbe prizes whom namm bave been given to the pnhlic. Signed, G. T. Bnaunnaann, I Oam'rt. J. A. Einxv, ( New Onutaxa, July 12ih, 1883. Notice To Seheel Directors. Plsme call st the office of tho under signed snd get blanks for annual, and ennmorative reports. T. J. BTUBBR, County Examiner. Independence county, Arkansas. ice CrcMNt Festival. The Ladiee of tbe Baptist Church, will give snotherooo of their elegant mid delightful ice cream festivals st their new church building, on Fridsy evening. Everybody is invited to st tend snd enjoy theniaelves, the occasion i» a laudable one and ought to be well {■atronised. netice ExtraorAiteary. All |«ramMi wishing liquors for medicinal purpnara, or otherwise; Wines for aacro mentsl |>nrpos. s; temperance friends, who need "a UUle for the stomach's sake," can get good, pure goods of Mull A Bach, oi Peter Bneb st J .ckaoaport. All orders will be filled promptly on dsy of arrival and forwarded next day bv the tiaiu. You can order by mail to-nay, and you will receive your gumls to-morrow. We run an express wagon, free of charge to Newport, on ar rival and departure of traiua. To receive immediate a'tentiou, direct your orders to Mnll A Bach, Newport, Arkansas Goods guaranteed as sold. If they do not come np to expectations, or give satisfaction, you can return tbe some. MULL A BACH. Jacksonport, Ark. J. 0. McGuias, J. F. Montih HOBNE TRAINING. We now have tbe speed track at tbe Fair Grounds in excellent order, ami are prepar ed Io drive and train bocaee. Those wish ing to enter their horses at the Fair la Oc tober, would do well to give us a trial in training their dock, in raring, trotting or pacing. Good care and attention given to all stock entrusted to us. Due nouee will be given of time of races, we will give liber al premiums on same. For hither particu lars apply to, or addrem McGuire A Martin Batesville. 2mo FBEE! FREEH FREEH Beautiful Chromo CMto Bent FBEE to any Boy or Girl who attends tbe Snndsy School of tbe BL K Church South, in Bateavine, or any part of Independence Cnuuty, Arkenma Ap plinant will please stats age. give nasue of Pastor, and apply in his at her own handwriting. Aomn, C.». HENRY, T*ewtam^ New Jersey. OKAXGXS ASD FLORIDA. Berm than Hassans and buossomb—undxs A NSW FLAO. Even the balmy air and erases groves of Florida thit to keep its people Ml of hap piness snd comfort- Art mns* hsfo nature everywhere-in the tropics as among the pmea of ths north. “And, ehief aseong tbe blessings which are adapted to all sonea,” writes J. R G. Walloon, of Fort Itede, Fla., •is PARKER’S TONIC. It seems to have the world for a field, and most of tbe cur rent dfocsem yield to Ite notion. I hsve used it to the ease of a delicate and dys peptic young tady. with the moo* gsuiriying reauhs. It seemed to seecmplish with earn wbat ths mual preoeriptiofis and treatment for Gat miserable malady failed wholly to briugabout lassalsoglad to state that tho Tkufc baa greatly relle vod mo personally of a troobhaoare atonic eondflfon of tbe etomaoh of long standing. B so the Ideal purifier and inrigoranL” Momra Hlsoox A Co. on* eapiseial atten* lion to tee Got that alter Aprrtl*,lß33, the name ami style of ibis BrinnwMsn will hereafter ba simply Pwksrfi^nM Tbe “word GtateF'is Amped, for tho resenn t that unprfori^Mdmtere are ooartzntfr de ceiving tbafr patnns By aubetitutfag in ferior preparations under tbe name of Gihger;sndMahMter is an unitopertaat flavoring ihgrodfent fa our Ibata, wo are aare Gat enrftfeadbwfW agree wM* as as to the-propriety of Mo ofiann. There win Be no eßanse. nowovv; fn the nreiMMMtiiMi itself; sndsll bottles remaining intitehendi of .dealere, wrapped under the auras of “Patter's Gfagw Tonio,” contain tbs gen ninemsdieinsifthsdgaatare of HISOOX A CO. Is si Iha botlom of tho outside wrapper. 29-lir r W. E. SEVENS DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY BATBSVILLB. ARK. HBRBBY announces to the citiswns at Batesville anil North Arkansas gen erally, that be has opened at his New Stone, Iron Front, opposite the Institute Building, when the public can always And a choice selec tion of RR DRUGS, OHBMICALB, DYB STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OXT PUTTY. AND HKAVY GOODS ALSO. Toilet Articles, Kstrncta, Brushea, Fancy Soap, and ©tear OF THE BEBT.BBANDB. School Books and Stationery AU of which is offered IXJW FOR CASH- Physicians’ prescriptions carerally compounded, at all hours, day or night, by a competent druggist. I solicit * share of public patronage. m« W. B. BBVBNS. Alexander, WATCHMAKER, AMD MSAUSa UI Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Notions, King’s Spectacles, Toys, Etc., BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. An work left at hit More or sent by aadL boat or espreaa, will be promptly attended w^at reaaonablo prices. All work guanm- Bemomber the Xew Jewelry Mere, opposite the Court house. SI G.M. MINIKEN’S CB® STOW BATESVILLE. ARK. Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES. First-class Goods a specialty. Give us a call. DR. J. W. CASE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BATESVILLE. ARKANSAS. /WOrrics- Over Goodwin's Drag Store, Mint man. ED. W. MARTIN & CO., aCeuawSacttaswaw and WHOLESALE DKALCRS IN CLOTHING. GBMWLMHS GOODS, •IB Locust St, RI. tenia. He. Represented in Arkansas by R. P. Weaver. FOR SA.LE! ! 25 Good Building Lots IN BATESVILLE. 1 Good Dwelling, with Out Houses. 1 Good Stone loe House, and 35 Good Building Lota, all in Bateavilla 35 Gwd building lots in Sulphur Rook. 4.000 Acres of land, aituated in various parts of Independence connty. Ark., by ianl7lv W. B. PADGETT- Baker House- Only one square from the Iren Mountain Depot Having fitted up my bewae, I am new well prepared to aeceotmodaie beardem, either lattice or gentTeaarn, in good style, by tie day. week or month. My table will be supplied with the best the market "fiord.. My roesm aw airy, duan and comfortable, and the pricea moderate. Give esc a call aad be nan Ha sc A IStf Mrs. F. J. BAKES, Manager He IE WIEEdIL, Boot and Shoe Maker. I would beg leave to inform the pub lic that I have removed my shop tc Main street nest door to Handy's, where I will be pleased to have the ladies and gentlemen, who desire an exeeHent shoe boot or slipper of first Macs material and beautiful fit' to cuß and see me. Invisible pat I king ■ specialty, low prices, and finisbed workmanship guar anteed ia> every respect. very respectfully, N. B. Trill. ▲ Valuable Farm For Sala. DON’T let a good bargain nans, A good farm for sale, situated adfoining to Jameelown, in Greenbrier townshin 4p or TO surra in cultivation; a good building '>***"**■ i*> • k»g house on the same, , which I offer cheap for oasbv Now is the । time to invest your surplus change. Come and nee for yourself. a a McFarland. RMw- Jamestown, Ark. •THE ORIGINAL Mabxß.R, Wtcough PHOENIX LI KB Hu aroee from the Übes, and to now ready to watt on ouatomera at Cor. Main and Broad Street, with GROCERIES A 10 aad Sfrcent good*, AHAPPY TJME TO ALL No one haow* the waateeftho people anon than ^the Original Wtcoogh HE BUYS what you cannot aell to other merchant* HE BELLS GOODS FOB LESS than any man in town. CALLON ant OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. Cotton Gin.^’H Sorgo IMCIII Or any other Machinery, Call on THEO. MAXFIELD & BRO. NEW GOODS! JUST; RECEIVED.- AT Elegant Spring Stock! E»KIOSS TO SUIT TITZE TI^EflL FREE! FREE! FREE! Secure the Agency for the Most PERFECT and BEST SEWING MACHINE in the World, the NEW WILSON OSCILLATING SHUTTLE I ••WITHOUT a competitor I” Is the Award at the Charleston Fair. We keep on band ALL KINDS of Machines, Attachments, Needles, Oil, Thread, Etc. AND SELL AT Lower Prices than any House in the Southwest. Save Money and Time by sending your Orders to Us—WeJ Guarantee Satie faction both as to Prices and Quality. For reference we refer, by PERMISSION, to the Merchant's National Bank of Little Bock. Good, Reliable Agent Wanted ! In each County tn the State. For terms and further particulars address S. B. KIRBY & CO., : : Little'Rock, Ark. apt 4-lyr C. T. ROSENTHAL, DEALER IN iz.a.:r,:d"wlajr,:e3 —And All Kinda of— Tools, Sutler?, Iron, Steel. Etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The largest and best selected stock of above goods to be found fu Arkansas. Prices low, and good* always as represented. Aprlß-lyr Clad Tidings FOR ALL! DON’T FORGET That we have NOW aad are DAILY RECEIVING the LARGEST and BEST Selected Stock of General Merchandise Ever brought to Batesville. A Full Line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES! It will be to yowr advantage to price our goods before buying elsewhere. The Ladies especially are invited to an inspection of t w Choice lines of CdremYgoods?! embroidery, tittup NOTIONS, <ScC. We soHcit a eoatinaanee of the very liberal patroaage that you haw gimßua, R. R. CASE & CO., Case Block, Corner Main and Spring Streets, PERFECTION ■=W CHARTER □gSOgQAK ■jSSiK STOVES ^ And RANGES