Newspaper Page Text
THEIOI7Aj^Qf MimFtoSrfM^^ j Bt^pn* Melter WMOMAT, SEPT. M, ISSS. Th Jury Is the Frank iaam oasß, at Galla* in. Mo.,rradmd a verdict on la»t Thursday awning of not. guilty Mr. James retaroej to JaR, to await an other trial in Oeaeter, brother ebuMra against him, Iwoney-awoae Mquital of the other chargee. Th« Hastings-book agepL letter baa been a long limo enroute to iw- disti llation, aa the editor of. Ibis paper, heard of it some weeks ago, as having been read to some of the ciiiseae of Healing Springs, perhaps the author was so proud of the double cla nrad child, that he had to show it around among the neighbors, to see if they would know its daddy. TUB COTTON CROI\ [Special to the AppotL] • Mew Orleans, September Ml— The of fflcisi statement of the cotton crop of the United States for the year ending August St, 1883, issued by the National Cotton Exchange, shows a total crop of 6,046,766 bales, including receipts at shipping ports, 6.100,613: shipments by tail routes over land to Northern spiunen direct from pro ducer, 641,801. The report shows that Southern mills consumed 313.383 bales, an increase over last season of 96.430 bales. The increase in the total erop, compared with the previous year, was 1,403,708; tah inga of United States spinners for the year, 8,073,096 bales, an increase of 108,661.' rROM WHITK RIVKR. TO TUB JtBDITKRRANRAN ÜBA. We clip the following from last Sunday’s Memphis Appeal. The Josie Harry, which arrived eartv yesterday morning tram White Biver, de parted last evening with a handsome re turn tnp. One item of her cargo tram De vall'a Bluff was 1943 boat oars made from sane aah. said to be the finest wood in the SP- ,C ? *7 ~>e purpose it io intended. This is White river valley wood, and wan taken on at Mt. Adatna and Devall'a Bluff and consigned across the oceon, to be used in the Italian naw of the Mediterranean. They will be sent forward by the Louisville and Nashville road to New York, from which p< iut they go by steamer to their destination. This is only the first install ment of a targe order wlueh will be gotten out ss fast ss possible. B«o. Hastings (per book agent) will reply to the Legislators through tne Pilot this week, but- the book agent, under the num de plume of J. B. Hastings, the “one single, obscure, ig nominious projector,” will fail to either meet, or to answer even, a single de nial of the editor of the Guard In bis representative capacity, in the issue of Joly 18th, to the false and infamoua charges made by the nom de plume. Reel easy, and possess your dying soul in peace for a while, and the book agent will have proper attention and burial, In the interim the Editor would advise the aforesaid book agent to at tend to the usual deception and practices used in humbugging the people into buying bb books. He will surely fall in bls use of subterfuges. Answer our positive denial, or throw the pen in the fire. Every good citixen who has any state or county pride, who has a spark of liberal ity^and ente-prise, who wish so to eee hie state and section bloom and prospering, along the highways of progress, onght to take an active and working interest in the Agricultural and Stock Fairs of county and slate, Fairs; that bring into competition skilled workmanship, and the handi works of art, tb-t prompts man to give more care and attention to the improvement of live stock that in duces the neighbor farmer to vie with bis neighbor in the improvement of the breed of horses, mules, rattle, aboep and bogs. County Fairs more than any other known factor, have increased the value and farming services of all kinds of live stock. These it b, that have brought a year old p(g„to be worth more than the common two oq three year old bog, that brings the fine yearling colt or calf Into market and can be ca«h«d for more than the usual price paid for a grown up hone or cow. Fino breed and cared for stock has and will always pay the owner, and the Fairs of the country, have more than any other or all other causes, given tbia impetus to the producing and rear ing of fine stock. To the Fair, men go to select and to purchase the best breed ot all kudo of live stock, from the no ble horse to the mammoth bog. Why bit that the farmers who toil in the beet and the odd, the well-to-do farmsrs, of competency, who are abb to repose with ease, do not take a mors active and material interest ia the county Fairs, has always been to us a deep unfatbomed mystery. • Can stingy ignorance be the oauoel •nthe Bail, and Thoughts and Eveato On the Way. On Monday, August the 37th. I mads my way to a station, on the Batesville Biaaeh of the Iron Mountain road, call ed Moorefield, a good depot building has been erected there, but no agent yet, and seemingly, no nseeesity for one, for there was no freight in eight, and 1 was the only passenger. I boarded the train, end arrived et a station, called Sulphur Book, no agent at thio place, 66 yet; a few buildings going up. The next station is Newark, there ie quite a boom at this place; four large, new store houses are being erected. The next station to Paroquet, no agent there and nothing else, but a depot. After ■liming the river, 1 soon arrived at Bhiloh, the junction with lbw mate road, hero worship a few minutes, thsu| ran np a carve, on to the main track, and run backwards into Mowp«t- That night I took Uro train for 84. Louis, wad arrived in the city next morning, here I lay over untill next dan hero we •nd our BetocriNe boyCMr. J.P. Clenlon, B- Weaver and Carrol Wood, all looking ap souse one to bay. geode, tbodtywaa fan * amanait* and eoosa one told them, that I wanted to bay goods; a^esea know ma, that I had novae sesH nor hoard of'before. apmjj^ro and In two minuter wo wore moving; and tb* oondvetor momnl throwgii ths tavo •nd hollodown year win- emergingfrom damtos to light, we were crossing the great Mississippi, on : the Iron bridge, built by Bade, It is , wide enough for trains to ran, owe each i way, and above, are wagons passing each way, the master structure of the age; then we passed through the Miseto ' sippi ho^bfe for ton mites, an^ then, through some of the vast praines of K ITIinoU, at a speed at forty mites an hour. Through Illinois and into Indiana, the crops in neither one of i these states are good. Ou the Wabash . bottoms, th^re h some good corn, and , have had a good yield of hay, but the J . drought has cut off their potato crone; ) apples and peaches are a failure; White nver valley is ns good aa any country r we saw. We have now passed through Illinois and Indiana, two of the great i producing states of the west; and now, > wo erose the Ohio river, on a bridge one mile long, and stop at the depot, on Kentucky soil, in the city of Louisville. I soon found a hotel for they were not crowded, and rested for the night. 1 was up early in the morning, looking ' at the city, and et eight o'clock, I J started for the exposition. I boarded a , street ear and rode one and one-half I mites, to the gate of the exposition. , One half dollar was the ticket that let ■ me in; that was the only ticket required. ’ A short walk sijd you are inside the ■ Exposition building. At 10 o'clock. 1 the machinery was put in motion; Indiana, Illinois and Ohio had their reapers and mowers, their threshing machines, both, steam and boien power, their flouring mills, saw mills, ploughs, in short, all kinds of machinery. You > could see 100 reapers and Mvwerw; some droppers, some binders and some self rakers, all going at once. Massachu setts had her cotton factory; the cotton goes into one machine, and oomes out ■ thread at another. New Jersey had her . woolen mill, carding and spinning ■ machinea. Connecticut had her watch • m; Atlanta's citisene had their cotton 1 planters and other machinery; Ken -1 tuohy had her ores and coal, her man ufactories and machinery of all kinds f on exhibition. One manufacturer bad । a farm, on a small scale, in operation. He ploughed with his turning plough, । then his harrow, then his double shovels l and then his scraper, all that any farm ■ needs, was running by steam There - was broad-cast seed sowers aud drills । there. This is a southern exposition, for making a display of the products of the different statea Yet, strange to say Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, South i Carolina, Virginia'and Maryland, were not represented there, but Tonnemss, Alabama and Arkansas were; each claiming and contending for the victory; , Alabama had the largest tree, six feet in diameter, one plank M inches wide; her coal looked to be ae good as any । other, sho bad an MceUent dirplay of i her produote. Teanaeeee, right by her i side, had the highest stalk of corn, her , ocal looked to be as good a* any other, । her iron ores are rich, bee fruits were , fine, her potatom large, bar wheat fall ' plump, bar grasses tall, she tod, wade a Im msplay of her products. Next is I Arkansas, close by ths side ot Alabama and Tennessse, ooutending hard fine the I victory. On her table close to Alabama, . and Tennessee, are two large buck horns , locked together, and no one can take . tliem apart. Her coasmissionecs say to Alabama and Tennerou, wo have lockde arms with you and by the eternals, we will succeed. Those gonttoasea are working hard and are doing aU they cau to make a good display, and well have they succeeded. Arimnene exoele every other state in fruits. Her potatoes are m large, her ores are ae rich, her liaae m good, her grasm are ae tali, her wheat as plump, her outa as heavy, and in her health-giving waters (for Bureka is there with her tank fall of water dis pensing to everybody by the cup fall), brefoommiesioaers are as polite, m any, although. I ant an Arkausian, I have tried to be aa boarart judge, and I mast my that Arkansas has made ths best display at her products, of aay southern state. Bho is wanting in somethings. Mollrose mills had her cotton yarn there, bnt no oae had a plough, a reaper, a threshing machine, a woolen mill, and no one, even had an ax man ufactured in Arksasas, not even a basket was on exhibition. That is all wo nesd to make as one of the great states of the Union. . This is not all I mw, I was in the 1 fart gallery, full to overflowing, of fine and ancient pictures. These are away from the Exposition building, out in the Park, in a Are proof buudiug. To an artist, tins is worth while to see. The music was flu*. The mau that played the omnett was encored. Time and again, he excelled any I over beard. Their fire-works at night, were grand. Their cars, ran by electricity around the Park, et ton cento a rids; not a bit of siooko or fire to bo seen. Their electric Hghto (for the whole building was lit up by that), a clear, sparkling light in a bottle. Wo are living ia a feet age, and wo must keep up with it. I predict, they will plough and run the ears and ma chinery by electrioity. I can’t my, m to the cost, it may bo cheaper for us to ' ran ours by horse and water power. The Exposition is a success, and get ting batter ovary day. Carpenters are building, up to make a display of pro ducts and machinery, not yet shown. , Our commiaaionors say they need money and I know they do, for they hove a . large amount of the products at the , state lying in bulk yet The press of the state ie doing well, ; sending seven or eight hundred papers ; weekly, for gratuitous distribution. , Many of them hm a description of their counties written up, Mr. Nowlaud eall i ed my attention to the foot, that ho had not estei the GUARD or PILOT there J Btraagan were reading and taking thorn oC that were there. Aay owe that bm the time and money to spare, vrill never regret visiting the J Bxpcrition. ABKANBAB. TUELL & TAYDOR. ; Boot and Shoe Makers. • Would beg leave to inform the pub ’ Ue that wo have removed our shop to Main street next door to Wyoougb's, - where wo vriti bo pleased to have ladim i ; awd geattoaron, who desire aw oresitent ; and boantifal fit, fog call awl see m. Invteiblo patching a epceialtyj low aataed ia every reopeet. ▼oty respeetMly. TVBLV^bYAYLOB. S9SSSB9MSSefaEB99B9EeSfI^w > Pat a Brand on Him. •*Wonran arsa beomsaryMp,** he said t bstagfaß dbwn his fist bard M the eoun . ter to esremasiae the hsartMi remark. iTwm tlo villam store at Wt Milton, , Saratoga Count^aad the (Maker vm I the cenUnl figure of a group of bucholio । phUomphers. Hswm'hemely, slovenly . and sixty. ‘•There’s where I differ from , you altogether,” mid Mr. George T. , Grayham, of the seme place. ••Women . are mmtly what mon make’enu When J husbands are brutes, wives will fall into , rabmiasion or make home hot for the men; and theykn Uimatural in either’ » bhariwter. Love them, and especially , bo gnodto them whan they Ie rick, mid , you'll have no trouble.. There’s my j own wife, how. Sho’s suffered a good deal with dyspepsia, nervous prostration । and other mlmente that took the bloom , off her cheeks and the spring out of her . steps. Well, she saw an advertisement I at Parkers Tonio, and thought it would , be just the thing for her case. Gentlo , men, I sent five milm after a bottle. t She took it. I rent again after moio. So several times. Trouble? Why, if J you oould see bow much good it has ’ done her, you would say that women are the greatest of God's biemiugs, and j Parkora Tonic the next. I This preparation, which has been , known as Parker's Ginger Tonic, will [ hereafter be called simply Parker’s Ton t io. 'This change baa been rendered neo r eamry by subatitntee inipoaed upon their customers by unprincipled dealers i under the name of ginger; and m gin ger is really an unimportant flavoring i ingredient, we drop the tuimleadii.g word. There is no change however in ' the preparation itself, and all bottles ’ remaining in the hands of dealers, wrap ped under the name of Parker’s Ginger ' Tonic contain the gennine medicine if ' the facsimile signature of Hiaeox A Co. ’ ie at the bottom of the outside wrapper. J BRABIJBSijirS~BDNi)AY~JtAOA ZINR. For October, ta peculiarly attractive, va ■ ri ed in its contents, profusely illustrated. ’ and altogether, a most interesting and edi- J tying number. A ehameteriatic article by , the editor (Dr. Talmage) ••Shams in Beiig . ion”; No. XI. of "Religious Denominations • in the United States—What is the Chria -1 ties Church; or, Who sra ths Diseiplea ot 1 Christ?”; "The Kingdom of Cho-Sen”; “Ike ' Life and Character of General BobL Es i Lee”; "Mount Vrsovions and Around Na. , pies”; "Santa Fe and its Churches” aad i the continuation of "Among the Nations at > ths North," are prominent artidea, many of . them finely illustrated. ff"M r. Burke's Nisc f os in continued, and there are stories, sketch es. cereya, etc., by Hsrriet Brown, A E. ( Alexander,(Eben R Bextord. F. M. Holmes , ote., and poems by Annie Matbrena. A K i Duuua, Mm W. Fawcett, Charies D. Bell, > D. D, etc.. In the Home Pulpit is a Ser ’ mon bp Bev. Dr. Taknagejend brief artistes ’ paragraphs, end aa entertaining and ta ; stractivo miseelteay make up this admirable ■ number. Pries 96 cents, or 83 a year, poet ' paid Address, Maa FnairxLaaux PabUehse, ' 68, Wand67PkMfr Ftaea, New York. LAND la punmanoeof adscreoof the ludspen • donee Cireait Court (in equity), rendered la a enooe wherein Mary K Gillam waa ' plaintiff, and Maria Bathorford aadotheea, , were defeadenta. the undersigned re Spa > dal Coewrisrionar ia CtancMy. will, on, • SATURDAY. Bth day .of OCTOBER 1883. betwoea the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. and 3 o'doek p. m. at the Court Renee door, in ' the town of Rstrevilte. proceed to coll et . pobßc emotion to the highest bidder, oa a credit of fear (4) months, tbs hereinafter doecribed tract of tend lying in the County 1 of Indopeodroca. aud State of Arkeneen, towiL The North West quarter oftbo North Went quarter of Section Twenty-two (H). in Township Thirteen (13). North ot Bangs Six (6) West, containing Forty (40) seres, mors or teen. Ihs purchaser, or purchasers, will ho re quired to exaeoto note with approved per so. J security, bearinu intercut at the rate at ten per cent per aunem. from date until paid, aud a lien retalue.l upon Ilie laud un til paid. En. M. Dtcnveoa, Special Cuum>i*aiouer lu Chancery. Sep. fih, IS'-I. Road Notice. NOTICE is hereby K>ven. that an appli cation will bu mad*, at the OeUdirr i term. 1883, of the lud'liendeure e-iuuty ' court, to make and rrtabliah a now roa.t, eoiu-1 menoing at. or near R. 1. Koolt'a. in A-htey | township; thence, nw., by Henry W-ll* - ; John Lewie and A. E Nixon's, tateewting • the Batieville and M. lb“srn mud. at the i Dig Spring mill, ae a county cud pa'die . , road. J. F. Sucitoaa. i D. H. Nsu-r. : Ass. Borrow, and others. Sept. Ist. IMA pMilionam irew iLkwremecmssmte. DR. STRONG’S’PILLS! ! THE OLD, WELL TRIED. WONDERFUL RENEW ING REMEDIES. 1 ffTRONa’B SANATIVE FiLLB*« «teo • Liver. A speedy cure for Liver Uoiaplaiut, Rognlnting the Bowsla. Purifying the Hood, • Oloanaiug from Mslartal Tsint A perfect j cure for Sick Hoodaehe, Ouuotipation and , Dyupepcia. •TRONQ’ff EBOTOEIAL MLLff 4 “- euro Lualtiiy appetite, good digesu-iu. reg > ularity of ths bowels. A cure remedy for ) Cohteand Rheunatiam. A preeioua boon . to delicate faccaiea, soothing and bracing r the nervous system, and giving vigor and . health to every fibre of the bo<fr. Hold by I Druggteta rw pamphlets, ote.. addrecs C. E. Bull AOo., Box filfi, Nsw York City. J 36-lm. r Chambers* Book-keep* ing for Beginners. A fletf-Instraater in Single sad Douhte Bstvy# Usmmmi oIGMs ai*|>le gonptelMsUML Ant taßriwc ean Senoh it. Onfr text-book publtebed spacially adapted to Qonthera oomhmmi t Soolf. nail token np in detail the bmtasm of the Hoatheni * Minntrv HMtshanL emo wiHnsoinn. notion . shipments, ate. Handsoasefr hound ta ciotb and sent postpaid. 81. DfoeMM to 5 tMMiMifa. fart & K CHAMBERS. Principal. Montioeilo J^ndsgßpp MemiesHo^ kib ’ flfiAm. 1 n IVtnOEB—No pubiioifr; recidenteof V a«y state. Dsrectfea, Nnaretmnrt. I 6 Arisa mi 1 ^mVintics W ■ , WBnSS B^aA ’ B^VUiL ACO. lOfaMMflL MT Administrator’s Sale ofLand. YIYYIBTUEot carder of Mhe petes D cou ol ptodsnraooulifr. uwSTat thbfrMusttermMwreoC toMft : John A. Price, dSorored, trill. <m Sat urday, the 16th day of September, tie tween the hours presoriboa by law for judicial salsa, at ths front door at the court Mhtoi fa the town at Batesville, Ark^ expose to sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, the following tracts bf land, to-wit: * * i - The southwest qr,.„thc east half of southeast qr, ths northwest of southeast qr, and ths south west of the northeast qr, all in Section twelve (13), towdsbip eleven (11) North, Range five (6) West, containing, in the aggregate, three hundred end ■ twenty (330) aorea, more or less, aH lying and situated in Independence county, Ark. TXUMB or BALX : One-half on a credit of six (6) months, one-hslf on a credit of twelve (13) ms nths; purchaser or purchasers sre to execute notes With approved security, with interest at ten per centum per annum, from maturity until paid, and a lien retained u|M>n the lands to secure psyment of purchased money. W. B Psdgett, Administrator of the sstate of John A. Price, deceased. Anguet 30, 18M. 4t TeMmw. A School of Telegraphy, called the WESTERS UMIOM TELEGRAPH COLLEGE baa been opened In Van Buren, Ark., for the purpose of educating young men and ladies in the art of Telegra phy, and fitting them for operators’ end station agents’ position. We teach Railroading complete. Write at once for circulars; you will never regret it. Address 11. H. DILL, SVPT. Van Buren, Ark. ON IHIKTY jATtf TRIAL. I'm Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mioh.. will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro- Voltaie Belts aud Electric Applianees on trial for thirty days to men tyuung or old) who are afflicted with nervous debility, lout vitality and km.lretl troubles, goer. aoteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vig. r. Address ss sbova--N. 8.-No risk Is incurred, ss thirty days’ trial is allowed. 1-yr. ECGHEII. WII, DRUGGIST, lartill on hand, in the Case Block, third door from the Corner, with the Largest Stockof Drugs —nr— Wwtß Arkaagag. DBUCB. DRUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS. CHKMICALtL CHEMICALS. CHEMICALM. P 4TENT MEDICIN EH. DYE STU PFK. , I'AiENTMIUHUr.ES. liYESTDFkX ! I'MENC MHDICIXES. DIEMUrE.x I'AINln. OILS, I PAINTS, uliAAe. PAINTS. OILS. Ac. ■ SCHOOL BOOKS — Fine Perfmnedee, Toilet Arti etee. and Notions ta endless variety. CHOICE TOBACCO, CHOICE WHACCO. CHOICE TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF CIGARS, SNUFF CIGARS, SNUFF AND AND AND SMOKERS' GOODS. SMOKERS' GOODS, SMOKERS' GOODS. (USHOJIDKNSKBIK, To Phyridans and Country Mirahsuta, Goods at St. Lome prices, freight added. CaUand baaowrifrseA E. R. Goodwin. ^stoMknWjntebir ■Vj*7 '- ^'C' —‘ . IwOIUUI, Aagurtl 1811 TO JHE ,w|lici Invaatigatogter TouNeltea^ liabew'wUfaißiriiindE£^fli|Mood regarato the character at the Louiaivna State Lottery Company, the following foots are given to the public to prove his atato ineui, that wo at* <pg*go4lna fraudulent famine**, to bo fol** and untrue: Amount of prire* pail by The Louisiana StataLqUtey Company from January 1. 1879, 40. the present date: - - hid to Southern Express 70., New Joe H. Oglesby, President 483.900 PWtoUuMnaStotoSMtatfrßank. H K Kenedy. Prorident 136,100 Paid to New Orleans National Bank, A. Baldwin. PrwMent..Bß.6so Paid to Union National Bank, 8. Charlaron, Cashier 64,450 Padd to Citfaen*'Bank, K. L. Oa rriere. President . .'67,000 Paid to Germania National Batik, : Jnle* Caaaard, President ~r . .30,000 Paid io Hibernia national Bank, Ohan. Palfrey.aCaßhier...... .....37,000 Paid to Canal Bank, . Ed. Toby Cashier 13,150 Paid to Mutual National Bank, Joe. Mitchel, Cashier ..8,300 Total paid as above... 83,353,6 M Paid in sums of under 81 000 at the various offices of the Company throughout the United States... .3,637.410 Total paid by all 84,881,060 For the truth of ths above facte we refer the publie to the officers of th* above-named corporations, and for our legality and stand ing to the Mayor and Officers of the City of New Orleans, to the Slate authorities K Louisiana, and also to the U. 8. Officials o* Louisiana Wo claim lobe, legal, honest and correct in all our transactions, as much ooao sny fauuueea in the Country Our standing is conceded by all who will inves tigate, and our stock Las for years been sold nt our Board of Broker*, and owned by many of our best known and respected citisena" X A. DAUPHIX. President. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. Tick«*te«Mly *5. Shares in Proportion. Lhls! am State Lottery Company. ’ •’•We do Aerehycertpy But tee eunervueCM] munvK't for ait the Mmdhly and &mi-An nual Dnucingn of th* Louiniana Hale Lottery Qnuxiay. and in person otanaje and control the brwtnge themndree. <md (Lit the autne are conducted vith hontxty, fairneen, and in good faith fadard alt mtiee. and re anthoriee the Gonpony to thin rertiltade, frith fiie-nimilen of (Mr n, attadded, fa Ke adrerti^ Commiaeioneiw. Innorporated in lIMB f.w 36 rwo hr the Lrgialntars for Educational and Char ta' 'e parpuMe—wMh a capital of 81.mia.m, to which a reserve fund of over 8650,000 ba since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote it* franchise was made a pan of the State Constitution adopted Dvcciaber 2d. A. D„ 1879 7Ae only Lottery erer ratal on and etrloreed hy the people of any .Kate It never eeolee or pnetponee. ■«* Stand Btagfe Vamta-r wvwwrlwgu take place monthly. A BPLEDID OPP«HTtJIITI To WIN A F4H4TI IE, TEMII GRAND DRAWING, CLANS K. AT NEW ORLEANS. Twrvsslny. October •, IM3 tetet BCoaattaly Saawlat. Capital Prize, $15,000. 100,000 Tirkete at Fife Ml'trt T'ach fractions in J \t~lhs m proportion. — • Li-T us *umb: 1 Capital I'riae 875.'i0< 1•• 36. W 1•• " .... JIMI* 8 Prises of 86.000 ISJIIt 6 “ 2,000 10,001 10 •• 1,000 lO.rtno 30 « 500 10,0011 lUO •• *4l 30,001' 300 •• lull 30.1-0 600 “ 50 25.HH' 1000 •• 35 35,10 arraoiuunoH ruusa.. 9 Approximation yrixe* of 8750 BA76<‘ 9 •• “ tOO 4.500 8 - 250 2,250 196“ Prise*, amounting to 8265,500 *H>lieali«n f«r r*t< Hto club* ulunM be mad. only to the office of lbs Com] any in New iMtsuia. For farther Inf. ruistion write clearly, giving fill aJ-ir.'Ns. M«ko P. O. Money Order* payable end address Register Let er* to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BaNK. New Orleans, La. Ortliuary letter* by Mail or Ex] rns to m a. Dauphin, New Oriaana, La., erM. A. DAUPHIN, 807 N..yantb St, Washington, D. C. iffilJumoiM AGBWT MB DUDLEY Ee JOMES OF LTTTLB BOCK, IVIHUIIIHLIII IN THE STATE. I am mv acting Agent for the above well knowm firth. 1 WILL BEU. AT FACTORY PRICES, From a “BULL TONGUE PLOW To a STEAM SAW MILL fk«i«htn added. GIN STANDS, STEAM ENGINES. SORGO MILLS, HARROWS, MOWERS, PRESSES, irr nm nroinr tn nt MA CHINE UNE. ; ^UfcrCMßtosM ^PriMß,aUbe .J - ; Kl MIIMiTOD. GUNS* ‘ WEHAVKTHB 1 Bist Equipped town h th Zi AND CONSKQUINTLY THE BEST 07 FACILITIES FOK MANVFACIVKnrO TESTING FIREARMS. WB HAVE MASA OYER ORE MILLION MILITARY RIFHB WMfa taw beta steynd adn la mats BVZRY QUARTER OF WKADOBE. ISLINGTON SHOT GOWS MI NOTED FOR THE GOOD RESULTS OBTAINED AT ALL RAM9M. WB RaKR / TO ANYBODY WHO HAS USED THEM. OUR HUNTING AND TARGUT RIFLES Haw ntaa HIGHEST AWARDS at JwwnmfoMf r-|insWirr-. MUNOFAL PRUM'ta • REMINGTON *W*S • J r 1 ARE UXEQUALXD FOK Strength, Simplicity, Durability, Range, Penetration, Precision. Ease of Action, and Rapidity of- Fire. E. REMINGTON & SONS, NEW YORK OFFICE, 281 & 283 BROADWAY. ARMORY, ILION, N. Y. SW* Sam roe luoenaTcn Cataukv*. STORYICAMP W, 203 Norfli^Flfth Strwt, ct. loins, no. -):WNOLkBMI N» BITAIL DCAUBB IB:(- ^&fl|NN|||||H PIANOS ‘WANSJm j STORY &“cAMP ORGLAJS7 - 2^ | ^^ a 7 Mb *t a f***7 t * 0 * aMIB teas, Antta sad mschsatiu^ sad telly*. r .^S* AlbbMm WaMffim —W« west good reliable men to roproesai ae taevmy t Atara WAwn. f nBBT.C)LASS PIANOS AT LOWEST BATBS. CATALbeUES MAILED FRU TO ANY Annmeag, STORY & CAMP, SO3 NORTH FIFTH ST., ST. I0UI& r ED. W. MARTIN&CO., ur <: ;z: 34»ax«2netxiaw«i ' * attd WHOLCBALK DEALERS IN CBOTIII^TGL. A *KF*n cmHiNMmosDs, •t* Locust St. Nt. (.ntaia Mm, Hepreeentel in trkannw by R. p. Weaver FO IuKT! 25 Good Building Lots IN RATESVIIJX I Dwelling, with Ont H»n*ea. 1 Good Slone lee H >n*e. and 35 Grind Building L>>, all in R«te*ville, 25Gv«l building lota in Snlphii’ Huek. * 44>iM)^cre* nf laud. Militated in tarinua ,«rt* of Inilrpomleuoa omniy. Ark., by fanl7lv W. B FADGkTT. TRUSSES World’! ZooMaltion tt NmIL RmeMton-iMi—AmmauncMannt. AhSMtekelwYWffiiiATSffiMAL MffiMaai. AvwtAiirTAM B» MNBHL the WarMa hmm UKBXiaa mi inf Ihalr WRattßdWMffirftaw V matfac cut “awais am:" ?a zmat "to i. n. aantßT. muMtrau. o. a. a." ; &BMMW tai" l ’ *err i-pe?’ ■ cun»^3 to mmm. f. a c r. ma. WBWFR HA A*WPBBFB TEUMES. । mnalwllr imantif Lgta UfUj. **"*<•■■ , aeataaate ta tateW. talak, »• mmUml n.iamli* Umtaete teAiM; { 2? I J.fSr AhmSiaM' by *ll totelM DrMSta. aZt । aKaUifoMal.lMrOhNtaatSL.Pbilad'lplua.U.&A. ] tuaw CraiumiMiT. M femr tram, terne*, ba. Vater Kwm* •< —> —> ■■hate SaagMaa. BaraMMW i fYWH- * M. •we. •. JtepM Afaaw. WMaM WATCHe CUXIK AND JEWELRY CO., co^ce :do"w*t ‘IS o 1 p Ton ehall s raoeiy* proaapt attention. •H Sttr»r W«r», »•* in *•* King's Spectacles 7/ w <Wi WnU® m Sant £* t e e To anv qne Rending frill name auA addreae. Contaii * lithographed FtahteffiJfiatM and above IJMObeantifnl Wtxxl‘EngMainga, ib luetrating tlie very latent uovrltjea in La. di« e’ and Children’* Suita and Cloaka. Un derwear. Infant*’ Outfit*, lioaiery. Genta* Furnixbing , Gonda, La^en Fancy Gouda. Nthterware, Jewelry, M atche*. H>nt*; and Shoe* Jllair Good*, etc., etc. Price* lower th*n th<i*c of any other hnnw. H. C. F. Kerb A Son «tk Ave SOthSt, Hew Vert. KBIMV WTWt BETTEir HAtF es t«W.nif '■•nteal DirectorShlnn«B'* jtaw Work MAVAL BATTLEC R— OF THE WORLD.— U HtoWto. Tletoriai Hlsterr wf Naval ArwßitaMar*. AtuUe teaeripUMM AititM.lßwHAte- W rhidWe ArmadaT Bite. Tratatear. UMeßiteJU vartna. Mnnpa.UaaaTlle* Ortea«B^bn Flatar, MMa .Z nQniK TV^Y^ 3 ...asftjSnl' ^FromtSirvaritougCUM’’ ’ tIiCToSw BiE t a