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4’hj£GTTaßl>. Office —Over W. E. Bevens’ Drag Store, Main St Tenas of Subscription. OCT COPY ONE YEAH. •* 30 OKE COPY SIX MONTHS, - - • - » (Payable in Advance.) TIMS TABX»S White River Br’dt I. M.. SU L. & S. R’y. On Main Line trains arrive at St. Louis at 6:6» a. depart daily, except Sunday. nunra LKAVK STATIONS. arrivk. »:00 a. m. * * Newport 5:00 p. m. i .-06 a. ni. - • I»iax. P- m - 1:44 a. m. - - Paroquet, - - - - 4:10 p. m. I':l8 a. m. - - Newark. 8:45 p. m. 10:54 a. m. - - Sulphur Bock, - - - 8:04 p. m. 11:22 a. in. - - Moorfield, - - - - 3:40 p. m. I.SJS p. m. - - Batesville, - - - - 2:00 p. m. ARRIVE. LEGION OF HONOR. MARKS COUNCIL. No. 564. American Legion of Honor, holds its regular meeting Thurs d.y night of each week. J. W. CASE. Com der. E. R. Goodwik. Secretary. MJ ‘ DOT IT DOWN IN YOUR MIND Ibat you can eat and drink, what you please when you take MALARION! FOR IT WILL NOT SALIVATE. 'Jiie-half Tcn.poonfnl is a Dose Tor MALvRTV. TORPID LIVER AND BILLIOUSNESB. o EUGENE R. GOODWIN. TUB POPULAR DRUGGIST J Batus him:. A ng. > i LOCAL IST EWS. —For sash bargains call at Brown .ng’s. - Big reduction in cl tilling at Miri ktn’a. , —Big lot best Flour, $3 per 100 lbs at Miniken’s. — Noir it the time to get fine Bed B ankets at Milliken's. —The best bargains in cook and heat ing stoves at C. T. Roscuthai's. —SPECIAL drives in ladies fine cloaks and shawls at Case A" Co.. f —There will be a grand hop at, the Baker Douse next Friday evening. — Ladies, enll nt Case ifc Co’s, and ti ke a look at those charming collars. —An elegant ?ine of mens clothing 31. cap for the cash nt G. W. Browning's —The best and cheapest line of hoots and shoes in Batesville, at G. W. Brown ing's. —The celebrated Keen Kuttor • axes fully warranted, for one dollar at C. T. B' sen'.hill’s. —Our friend,"W. B. Hannah, of Black R ver township, made us a pleasant call lust Monday. —The finest and best line of Ladies and Misses’ Shoes in town can be had at Case & Co’s. Call early. —Rubber belting and all kinds of machine repairs at St Louis prices at C. T. Rosenthal's, —The Notion department of Case & Co. surpasses anything in that line ever brought to this market. —Case & Co. have an elegant assort ment of Ladies’ Gloves. They are Sartain to please and suit you, —The steamer Winnie passed down, sos Newport, last Friday, with throe hundred bales of cotton on board. —Bro. Jo. Hixon, of the Mountain View Etpontor, sailed and spcntafe.v moments with us during the past week. —Ladies’ dress goods, the best l neatest and most stylish in town. Ask for what yon wiah, you will find it at Cum A Co’s. —J. M. Richardson was substituted . as a grand juior last week, in place of A's. Aydelotte, excused by reason of. sickness in his family. —Friends W. P. Henderson, M. B Davis and W. B. McClendon were cull ers on the Guard lust week, and re newed their courtesies for 1884. —lt is considered as "not safe to at tempt to leave Sheriff Desha after a fine has been imposed. At least, it is not safe to start by the Iron Mountain route, as rail and wire are hard to head off. —Dr. W. J. Bell had the misfortune to lose his residence, in Washington township, by fire, on last Saturday morning, together with moot of hie fur niture. Loss, about *1,600. Partially insured. . —Hie Honor, Judge Powell, is push ing business in our circuit court to final adjudication without needless delay. C There is no holding of jurors, awaiting attendance of witnesses, clients or at torneys. It is thought that the busi ness of this .term will be terminated ■ext week. —Thoae who cannot visit Waebiugton A- City to see Speaker Carlisle, can see s splendid picture of him by going to Pat Cowan's and calling for a Garlich cigar. They are the bert Ive-centoigar fa the market, and no mistake. Wo have tried . ‘ham. ■. -The number of boho of cotton handled by our merchants from Sep tember 1, 1882, to January 1,1883, was 6,169. From September 1, 1883, to January 1. 1884,.it wm 5,722, mak ing a difference of only 447 bales in favor of the season of 1882-83 over that of 1883-84. —The Blue Jeans Tobacco is manu factured of the best, sweet, Henry county fillers, and is the standard chew everywhere. This goods is made by 8. W. Venable & Co. Every plug guaranteed sound. G. M. Miniken will hereafter keep this celebrated tobacco in stock; and offers it at a reasonable price, having made arrange ments to get it direct from the factory, 32-ly. —M. Crombach, the well known Druggist, of Mount Vernon. Indiana, writes : I have been selling large quan tities of Kress' Fever Tonic for the last seven years, with a guarantee of cure or money refunded. This enables me to form a correct estimate of its merits. I cau say that in mv experience it has proved effective in nineteen cases out of twenty of long standing ague. I con sider it the best, cheapest and most pleasant ague cure in the market. 2-4 t —No more conclusive proof of the ] absolute fairness of the Monthly Draw ings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company can be given than the follow ing certificate, signed by Gen’s Beaure gard and Early. “We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with hon esty, fairnese, and in good faith toward all parties; and we authorize the Com pany to use this certificate, with fae similies of our signatures attached, in their advertisements.” New School Building. The citizens of School District No. 26, in Black River township have just completed an elegant frame school ed ifice, and had the same neatly painted by Prof. McCormack, who is a painter as well as a teacher. This school-house is fitted up with the latest style of pa tent seats and desks. Prof. McCormack has been employed to teach a ten months’ school, and opened on Monday, the 14th inst, with forty-five scholars. Lacrosse Academy. By a regretted oversight, last week, we failed to note the fact that the La crosse Academy would be re-opened, and educational facilities resumed by Prof. M S. Kennard, on Monday, Jan- j uary 21. One of the best methole to build up a good town, and to keep it up, is to have ' a good school. Lacrosse has for yeats been noted for its well-earned moral ■ status, and for the splendid schools that . have b<en taught there, while Professor Kennard stands, as he has stood for years, at the head of the corps of educa tors in our state; and we do hope that his school may receive a hearty and liberal patronage and support. He de serves it. Lacrosse deserves it, and hoi citizens deserve it. Assessor’s Appoiatmeuta. Thomas B. Padgett, county assessor, will la-gin bis round of assessing tor the I year 1884 on the 11th of February, and ! will visit the townships at the following timei, to.wit : , • Greenbrier township, February 11, j 12 and 13. Liberty township, February 14. • Big Creek “ '■ 15. Fairview “ “ 16. Caney “ “ 18. Christian tiiwnship, February 20, 21 and 22. Big Bottom township, February 25, 26 and 27. White River township, February 28 and 29, and March I. Logan township, March 4. Block River township, March 5, 6 und 7 Ashley township, March 10. 11 and 12. I Barren “ “ 13, 14 and 15. ; Washington tp.. 17, 18 and 19. Union “ 20 and 51 Jefferson •• “ 22. Gainesboro “ “ 24, 25 and 26. i Ruddell •• •• . 27, 28 and 29, j and thereafter, until April 30, at the court-house in Batesville. For Snlc. A good Milch Cow and Calf for sale, or will exchange for young cattle. Apply to Gtonoz W. Landxbs. Nolice. All orders for Buss or Baggage for the depot, or for any hack or baggage, left n t the office of the Western Uniou Telegraph Co. will receive prompt attention J. C. McGciub. Notice. All persons indebted to me must come up and pay. I want the money. A word to tbp wise is sufficient. Eugene R. Goodwin. Kovetnber 20, 1883. M. •. — Notice. All persons interested are given no tice that our claims are now due, and an immediate settlement is requested. Where aatisfactoi y arrangements are not made, collections will be forced. Respectful y. Theo. Maxfield & Bao. Wanted. A.good, steady boy, 12 0r.14 years o*d. Do not want one io smart that he can master the trade within a few weeks. One that will try to learn, and is smart enough to learn something. To such a one a splendid opportunity will be given nt this office. If your boy wishes to learn, send him at ouce. Notice Extrnorainnry. All persons wishing liquors for medicinal purposes, or otherwise; Wines for sacra mental purposes; temperance frieii'ls, who need “a little for the stomach's sake,” cun get good, pure goods of Mull * Booh, m Peter baoli nt Jicksonpcrt. All orders will be filled promptly on day of arrival and forwarded next day bv the tiain, You can order by mail to-<i iy, and yon will receive your goods to-morrow. We ran au express wagon, x free of charge to Newport, on ar rival and departure of traiiM. To receive immediate attention, direct your orders to Mull A Bach, Newport , Arkanaaa. Goods guaranteed as aold. If they do not come np to expectation^, or give satiafiwtion, ypu can return the sama. MULL A BACH, JackaonpofL Ark. G*o "to ZR.eed’B — OR TO — SELL YOUR COTTON. They Sell Goods Cheaper and Pay more for Cotton than any other House in Town. • t3F”Don’t forget to go to SPECIAL TELEGRAM! GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!! The following Special Telegram was received from NATHAN FRANK, Trustee, at St. Louis, on yesterday, by K. Horwitz, Home Manager: ‘Sell entire stock of goods, regardless of cost!’ “The business of BAUM BRO’S must be closed out by the firet day of April. “ NATHAN FRANK, Trustee.” Now is the time to buy. Come early—one and all —and make money, buying your goods at the St. Louis Cheap Cash Store tkl HORWITZ, Manager. Batesville, Ark.. January 2, 1884. Xc=.'t Sjilil tls.® JtAUta. ••There is no use crying over spilled milk,” snys the old aaw. If yon are not only bald, but have no Vfe at the loots j of your hair, there is no nse crying over that, either. Take both time and youv ' self by the forelock while there is a forelock left. Apply Parker’s Hair Bal ’ sum to your hair before matters got any worse. It will arrest the falling off of । your hair, and and restore its original Color, gloss and softness. It is a perfect ' dressing, withal clean, richly perfumed. - and cools and heals the scalp. vB-n2 Consnmp'ion (tired. An old pl.y ri -ian. n Ureil from practice, having hail placed in bis liainG by «u East India missioimry, the formula of a simple , vegvtniilr remedy for the speedy ami |x r mamnl cure of ConMimption, Bronehitis, j Catarrh. Asthma ai.d all throat ami Lung । Affections, also a positive and mlir»l core for Nt rvinH Debility and nil Nervous Coin pLiiuts, alter having tinted its woudcrtul I curative powers in thousands of eiises, bis j tvll it bis iluiy to make it known to his ans-, f fcrlng fellows. Ai-luatn I by this motive ami a desire to relit ve human suffering. It j will send free of charge, to all who desire it. I this recipe, in (tormnu. Fn weh or English. ! j witb’full directions for pre|iaring and using i Sent by mail by al li' -dag with stamp. I.aming thia paper. W. A. NOYES. 149 Power's Block, Rochester, New York. , 35-eow lyr. Bhut.EY—SHARP— At the residence of I John W. Thonn-s, in Caney township, j January 8, by A. J. Craig, J. P., Wm. Brulry and Miss Parissa Sharp. James—McClendon.—At the rc»i --■ ib nee of W. 11. Allen, in Greenbrier : township, January 17, by A J. Craig, J. P. 8. H. James and Miss E. J. Mc ! Clendon. Lasky—Kinsey.—At tbs residence of John Knight, iu Greenbrier township, i January 20, by A. J. Craig, J. P.. Sam- I I uel Lasey and Miss Dora Kinsey, j McCullough—Warnock. --January I 10, at the residence of Hou. J. 8. Trim ble, by Rev. Z T. Griffin, Mr. Charles G. McCullough and Miss Mariah A. Warnock. May Heaven's blessing? crown their heads, pleasures innumerable fill their hearts, and the beautiful flowers of peace bloom along their path of life. M. G. Sk IF AHVERTISKMKNTS. For Sale. | WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC BALE, ON JU 7UH DA r, FEintUAHY^ IW, irty entire outfit of HonpohohT und Kitchen Furnim e, Bed« am; Bt-dsteads, Cooking Uk'UHils etc., wtc. Teums of Salk : -On nli Mims of $5 and over, a credit of mua ino&Uia, with note rtiul approved security. All sums under $5, cash. H. H. WIYSEL. Batesville, January JB* 1881. vB-dl-U siiEKiFF's Half. UNDER and by virtue of n c< rtain writ, to me directed, as Nheriff pf Indepen dence county, Arkansas, by ths Cleik of the Circuit Court of said comity, in favor of G. W. Crow ami John C. Tiionipwn, plaintiffs, against A. H. Gilbert, defiu laut, I, as such Sheriff, will, ou ll 'edncs lay, Fdiruary 6th, 1884, at the Court House door, iu the town of Batesville, iu said county, expose to sale, at public auction, to Iha highest bidder, on a credit of four mouths, the following de scribed lands : Ooe-fifth of three-sevenths undivided in terest in and to the following described lands, lying in ludependence county afore said, to-wit : Northeast L the north i of the north west I section fifteen; the south 4 of south west 4 section ten, northwest 4 of northeast 4 section sixteen, all in township eleven north range five west. Raid lands levied on hymens the prop erty of the abovo-uuned defendant, A. H. Gilbert, to satisfy said execution. Sale between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. in. • Purchaser will be required to*give bond, Wring interest at the rata of six per cent, per annum from maturity tWIMd. withap- - » 6 ._<■ ; - ; • ... ! XEW ADVKRTISRMEXTS. For Kent. QNE HUNDRED ACRES of rich, river l>ottom tillable land, three inilea from town. Apply at once to N. E. DUFFEY, v^-ni-tf nt Cnae A Co’«. MILT^HARRY LINE. MEMPHIS. WHITE AND BLACK RIVER U. s. MAIL PACKET. F,»rTr«litn Bar. St Ch«rle«, (W”n I>n. DeTaH’s Bluff. I>»* Arc. AuguMa. JackaM^nrt, Hearty, ILUe viUe. Powhatan and Pocahontas'. 1 hr new and elegant pas wmjfri-earner TSEJKTT A.T>AJNZrS, M n. HARRY, - - - Ifaeter. ' Will leave Men phis every Feturtlar at 5 o’clock p. m.. connect I; nt Newport with th** ww Rim 1. River i nkM State* M-i) Packet MILT HARRY. I for Powhatan awl Pucaiinntats and with thciaily paekeKto Balesvi’;* and Um>er White River. TbnMi<:h nten to all noinU. Frefeht con-dciwl to "MiR Harry Line,” Sirmphta or Terrene, will be । prnmrthf torwanJed. K. R. THOM ML vw-nMy No. 9 street, Memphis .Notice of Copartnership. ! IT HE undersigned have Ibis day formed n I cnpartncreliip under the firm nams of SIESEL, JACOBS 4 CO., for the purpose <>f engaging in the Geu'rnl Merchandise business. MIXBIESEL, M. I ACORS,. H. BWHAHACn, Batesville, Ark., January 11, 1884. To tiX© I HEREWITH return mv sincere thanks for the lila'.rsl patronage licstowcd upon me during my three years' business here, and ask ita contiunauce for my snccecsors, Messrs. Kiesel, Jacobs Co., who uro in every respect worthy of your confidence and trad*. Respectfully, vB-u3-3t SAMUEL BIESEL. Election Proclamation. T ROBERT M DESHA, Sheriff of -1 • pendence county, Arkansas, do hereby proclaim mid make known that au election will bo held iu Christian township. Inde pendence county, A.kansas, at the voting precinct in said township, on Saturday, 6th day of February, 1884, for the purpose of electing a Constable, to fill die vacancy o. cnsione<l by the resigna tion of Jolin C. Thompson. Given under my band as such Sheriff, thia 12th day of Jauuarv, 1884. R. M.DEBHA, vB-ii3 Sheriff lodcpentlem-e Co.. Ark. IST yTT" JEWELRY STORE J. F. MARTIN, JEWE L E R. - — AND DEALER IN — WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Z^lxxg-S, Spsctaoles, ZbTotloxxs, -AND- SILVERWzVRE, Always in stock. to Jksgal Tl ng. Having purchased at vwy wlvantageous OTlocKtar belowcosl, cnotoauurs will get like benefita from all purchases. AD order, by mail will receive the eame eata and attention aa if driivend in pram. | NEW ADVKRTrSEMENTS. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC VHON No 1127. LuroOmcii at Lnra Rock, Ark., > January 1, 1884. ( NOTICE is hereby given tint the follow ing-named settler has fil 'd notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pro-f will he । made before the comity Judge of Indepen- I deuce county, at Batesville, Arkaim is, on iFtbnmn 18t’b, 1884, via: William T. Mox ley. who made homestead entry No. 7776, for the so nw 4 sec 10 tp 11 n, r 5 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his coutinnons residence on, and cul tivution of, said land, via : G. W linrrow, of Convenience, Ark, O. T. Stegall. of W. R. Borrow, of " " B. B. Bull, of “ “ M. W. GIBBS, Register. Ptr C. E. Kkusei, Receiver. n2-5t EVOTm DOCTOR. By ROBERTA. GUNN,M. D. I?VFnYBODY’ft DOCTOR contains «M octavo Vy pages. Is printed on fine paper, and is hand oaieiv l> Hind. It is sold at the low price of iFU t me dollars acopv, so as to bring It within tlio reach of all. Hie work differs from all other works on Do mest Medicine In having the diseases syatomntl enny arranged acconling to their classification. Everything is described in the plainest possible language, and the prescriptions are written out In plain English. so that they can be employed by anv intelligent reader. parents will find it a reliable adviser in every thing relating to the rearing of their children. Every family can save fifty times tire price of the liook every year by consulting it. It is complete In all its parte, and Is the most re cent liook of the kind published. If you have dystiepsia, find out how to cure it by reading Everybody’s Doctor. You can learn how to eurccatarrh by consulting Evervlsidv’s Doctor. For liabitual constipation, road Everybody’s Doclor- Forall dls»a«<« of the lungs and air passages, consult Every body's Doctor. You can cure croup and whooping cough by following the treatment given in Everybody’s Doc- For the cure of pile*, read Everybody's Doctor. The b.x>k will be sent free, by mall or express, on receipt of three dollars. We refer to the Editor of thia paper aa to the book. Address : NICKLES PUBLISHING CO., 29 Ann street. New York City. t^Agenta wauled. Exclusive territory guar anteed. n4B-3m DISFIGURED DY THE LATE FIRE, BUT STILL IN THE RING 11 NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY! — AND— Cheap, Very Cheap! Thankful for the patronage heretofore extended tome, I respectfully ask my friends and old customers for a con tinuance of same. We keep HRST CLASS GOODS, and all orders will Be Promptly Attended To. THE DRUG DEPARTMENT will be conducted by myself. T and I think, after 25 years* _ continuous experience in the business, I am competent to fill any department in the drug line; mid hope, by fair don ling and dose attention J to business, te merit the pa tronage of this obum y. C. T. ROSENTHAL, DEALER Ui HARDWARE —And All Kinds of— Tools, Cutlery, Iron, Steel. Etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The largest and best selected stock of above goods to be found in Arkansa*. Prices low, and goods always as represented. ■ • ' Aprlß-lyr COTTON SEED I COTTON SEED! O' O. Farmers ! Ton will find it to your interest, in all cases, to patronise • Lorm institution Ly selling your surplus cotton seed to the NEWPORT OIL MILL You have in your midst, a COTTON SEED OIL MILL that will always pay tho Highest Price for Cotton Seed! Send your Seed to the NEWPORT OIL MILL, as you are thereby patronizing a home institution, and the money is being distributed among home people. Apply, at the MILL, to GEO. K. TOZER, Secretary, or to H. F. ARCHER, at Seed-house, opposite McGuire’s Livery Stable BATESVILLE, - - A.ELK:A.JNrSA.S. THEO. MAXFIELD & BROS. — ARE OFFERING — .Special Inducements * — To PERSONS INDEBTED TO THEM, — In Buying their Cotton! All claims held by them that are not paid by the first day of December next, will be COLLECTED IF POSSIBLE’. FREE! FREE! FREE! Secure the Agency for the Most PERFECT and BEST SEWING MACHINE in the World, the NEW WILSON OSCILLATING SHUTTLE. ‘ C WIT H O ITT A. CO TM E 3 ET IT O It,” la the Award at the Charleston Fair. We keep on hand ALL KINDS of Machines, Attachments, Needles, Oil, Thread, Etc. AND SELL AT Lower Prices than any House in the Southwest. Save Money and Time by sending your Orders to Us —Wo Guarantee Satis faction both as to Prices and Quality. For reference we refer, by PERMISSION, to the Merchant’s National Batfk of Little Rock. Good, Reliable &ge.vt Wanted ! In each County in the State. For forms and furihor particulars address S. B. KIRBY & CO, : : Little Rock, Ark. GEORGE S. PATTILLO, LOCAT AGENT, apr 4-lyr Clad Tidings FOR EACH EVERY OnSTS? DON’T FORGET That we have now, and are daily receiving, the largest and best selected stock of General Merchandise Ever brought to Batesville. A Full Line of STAPLE ANO FANCY GROCERIES! It will be to your advantage to price our goods before buying elsewhere. The Ladies especially are invited to an inspection of our Choice lines of CdressXgoodFl embroidery,XhatoD NOTIONS, <3cO. We solicit a continuance of the very liberal patronage that yoa hart given u*. R. R. CASE & CO., Case Block, Corner Main and Spring Street*. e-——— —-5-SS—9— e—‘ I