Newspaper Page Text
THE GUAHD. Office —Over W. E. Berens’ Drug Store, Main St. Term* of SMbacriptlon. ONF COPY ONE YKAB, -• • • ' * OHB COPY SIX MONTHS, . ' - - n (Payable in Advene*.) TIMM Whit* River Br’chL M., 84. L. * 8. R’y. Ar Main Lina trains arrive at St. Louis Mt:® a. depart daily, except Sunday. tutu ixatx STATIONS. omvk o-00 a. m. - - Newport * - - - • 8:00 P- m. o<w a m . - Dias. - - - - • 4:48 p. m. Paroquet, - - • ‘4:10 p.m. 10:18 a. m. • - Newark. OHS P- m. 10:54 a. m. - - Sulphur Bock, • - - 3:04 p. m. 11:» a. m. - - Moorfleld, - - - - 8:40 p. m. 1S:OB p. m. - - Batesville, - - - - 8:00 p. m. *22s^^— LEGION OF HONOR. MARKS COUNCIL, No. 5M American ot Honor, holds its regular meeting Thurs day night of ««^&NK. JOBUIf . Cxn-der. B. B Goodwin. Secretary. The folowing are Grahn rates for an nouncine candidates for the campaign of 1884, CASH IN ADVANCE: For CongreM »15 00 For State offices • 10 00 For Judicial district offices 10 00 For Representative 7 50 For Clerk 10 00 For Sheriff * 10 ”0 For County Judge 10 00 For Treasurer 5 00 Eor Surveyor 5 00 For Assessor 10 00 For Coroner . o 00 For Township offices 150 local news. —Wheat looks promising. — Anti-up before yon cull, as a candidate. —Far cash bargains call at Brown ing a. —Webber will take pleasure in show ing goods. —Call on S. B. Earnheart, at Case corner, for cheap goods. —A silver dollar will pay tor the Goans to January Ist, 1885. Webber wants you to examine his new spring goods. —County Court this week. Hie Honor, Judge Griffin preridisg. —Webber's prices are moderate, and a sure fit is guaranteed you. —Think of it and take it ; only one dollar and the Guard goes to January let, 1885. —3nly 75 cents. The Gua%d till October Ist for only 75 ceutj. Have oue. —Buy your Hardware at C. T. Rosen ■ that’s, you will save money by it. —Give a dollar and get the Cuann in ex change each week until January Ist, 1885. —For Fresh Eggs call on Archer at the Bridge. Also Cotton Seed Meal. 12-6 m. — Mark Craig is selling first-class beefsteak at 8 cents per pound. —SPECIAL drives in ladies fine eleaks and shawls at Case & Co., — Ladies, call at Case & Co’s, and take a look at those charming collars. —IOO pair of fine kid gloves, at only 40 cts. a pair, with a fan as a chromo, at Hobwitz'B. A large stock of nails on hand, at 3J to 6 cents per,pound at C. T. Rosenthal s —Webber has as fine a stock of good, as can be found in the state, and all new goods. —One hundred suits of clothing at actual cost, at Case corner, by H. B. Karnheart, trustee. —Case & Co. have an elegant assort ment of Ladies' Gloves. They are sertain to please and suit you. —Cook Stoves, fully trimmed, with thirty-two pieces, from *lO up, at Ro ^■pthal's Hardware Store. —Skillets and Lids, Ovens, Wash Ket tles, etc., at five cents per pound at Ro senthal’s Hardware ritore. —The finest and best line of Ladies ■ad Misses’ Shoes in town can be had at Case & Co’s. Call early. The Notion department of Case A Ge. surpasses anything in that line •ver brought to this market. —Only seventy-five cents, from now to October Ist, is the price for the Guann. Take one. —They come! the caudidates. Well, we are prepared to receive them in due form, when they come with the fee. —Are you dyspeptic, then go to Beven's and buy a bottle cl apepsia, a sure cure for such ailments. Price 75 ota. per bottle. —An you suffering from dyspepsia, if so, try a few bottles ot apepsia, for sale at Bev en's Drug Store. —For nice, first-class beefsteaks go to Mark Oraig’e. He sells the choicest ante at sight cents per pound. -First class horse-shoe nails at six teen cents per pound at Rosenthal'* Hardware Store. Try them. —Two good mules, wagon and har ness, and one good saddle mare for sale cheap for cash, by 8. B. Earnheart, trustee. —Ladies' dress goods, th* best neatest and most stylish in town. Ask for what you wish, you will find it at Cass A Go's. —For the beet and freshest, nicest and finest garden and vegetable seed*, call at Beven s and procure a few papers of Bliss A Son seed's, ths best in the market. —Ths Kentucky barrel bones at Bowport, era agents for thecelebrated Budweiser beer. Th*y have Ice which will be furnished to customers at lowest rates during the season. —AU letters and papers addressed to I. F. Clark or the Yellville Watchman, will more readily teach ths late proprietor of that paper by bring addressed to Batesville, in ears of the Gvab* office. —Candidates do not forget the Gusan. She Teams to announce your name to the people. Come while the spirit is willing— while there is room for yon -stand not back. If you feel sailed, come right at once. —Those who are in want of a "leetie spir its are invited to ihe card of the Kentucky Barrel House, 8. Kehrman A Co. proprie tors. They deal in fine Whiskies, Brandies, Winss and Beer, also furnish foe on prompt —lt will be a game of rustle, tussle and hustle with the candidates, but we would re mind them, that it is not always the longest pole that geta the official persimmon. Those that have ths grit to tackle, and the nerve to shsk* the tree, ofttimas secure the fruit —New spring stock at the St. Louis Store. K. Hoawirx, Manager. —Rubber belting and all kind* of Machin* repairs at Bt Louis prices at C. T. Rossnthal's, —G. O. Winn*, druggist Boonville, Ind. says; Kress’ Fever Tonio has cured more severe chronic cases of Chills and-Fever than any proprietory Ague medicine that I have been selling during the last ten years. This valuable anti-periodic ought to be known wherever humanity aUfien from ma larial poisoning. —To enable us to give our reader* as mttch readable matter as possible under the surrounding circumstances, we have to pub lish the revised fax list in supplement form. We wish that we could give our reader*, at least twice the reading matter that we do, but we are doing more than the pay and profit justifies. —Read the appeal for lid for the vetorns of the late war. EVefy one that can possiably do so, ought to give a small mite, at least, in ।Jd of this worthy project. Prominent Fed eral Generals are giving this matter their earnest attention and support This appeal comes directly to the people of the south and should find a hearty response from every heart and every pocket —Read that "big ad.” to be found in the Guinn. Tin Baird A Bright's Sign. They are the most extensive dealer* of hardware, machinery, etc., in the State—are liberal ad vertisers, prompt and reliable in all their dealing, hence they do an immense business, the best in the State. When you want any thing in their line that you cannot secure at home, write to them. They guarantee satis faction in every particular. — By his card in the Guard, it will be seen that Ed. W. Pascoe is a candidate for sheriff of this county. Ed. has, as he says, had several years of experience as a Deputy Sheriff, and we feel warranted in saying that he believes himself to be fully qualifier! to fill that high and im portant station, and should be be elect ed, he will no doubt discharge the du ties faithfully. None*. In another column will be found an article in which nil (whether they will or no) are interested. Neglecting to read it may prove a very serious as well as an ex pensive affair. We refer to the advertise ment of Frickly Ash Bitters. A knowledge ot its merits and the benefit yon or your family may derive from using it will save not only health, bat many dollar* otherwise ex pended in "Doctors' bills," —Tbe Bine Jenns Tobacco is manu factured of the best, sweet, Henry county fillers, and is the standard chew everywhere. This goods is made by S. W. Venable A Co. Every plug guaranteed sound. G. M. Miniken w’.i hereafter keep this celebrated tobacco in stock; and offer* it at a reasonable price, having made arrange ments to get it direct from the factory. 32-ly. —Robert M. Desha informs his con stituency that he is a candidate for re election to the office of sheriff of this county. Bob has filled his station with honor and credit alike to his connty and himself. Young and inexperienced when elected, two years ago, he has agreeably surprised hi* most ardent friend* and supporters He has endeavousd under all circumstances to do hi* whole duty to his county and state, having conduct ed the affair* of his office acceptably, he asks your endorsement at the September election. —ln the Guard to-day, will be found the announcement of judge R. H. Griffin for re-election to the office of County and Probate Judge; an office that he ha* filled very acceptable for the past three years, with credit to himself and to the people of this county. He was elected at the special election held January 27, 1881, and re-elected, at tbe September election in 1882. He has been sin cere and conscientious in the discharge of hi* duties as County and Probate Judge, hence he ha* given general satis faction as an officer. —Thoa. B. Padgett ’presents himself to thc^eople of this county for re-election to the office of assessor. That he has filled Ihe office-worthily, no one eon doubt. Compe tent and efficient,'!* everywise qualified- the state may be searched over and no man could be found better qualified than Tom. Padgett, in fact, we think he ought to-day to be occupying the chair of Auditor of State, for he would be no figure head in that depart ment. Independence rink second to no county in the state, and it should be the pride of her citizen* to elect the best quali fied men to each *°d every station. Tom. say* he cannot now think of abandoning the pleasures aud enjoyment of home, for a state office, but if his own people wish him to serve them that he is ready and wil ling to do so. —The best bargain* in cook and heat lag stoves at C. T. Rosenthal's. Cotuamptloa Cared. Au old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hand* by an Eavt India missionary, the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical core for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has fell it bis duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. It will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with fall direction* for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, homing this paper, W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, New York. । 35-eow-lyr. Notice. Mrs. Arnett and daughter, in Charleston will do plain sewing, at very reasonable prices; also,. crocheting, embroidery and rick-rack. Special Drive*. On our trip we have brought down tbe apple again and can truthfully say that ws have came vary bargain* all along the entire line for you, if you would but look. Strange that people complain of scarcity of money, end will not buy goods where they can get them cheapest. Look at Our *7.00 suit, Onr *4.00 boot. Our *3.60 boot, Our *1 60 boot, Our 75 oent Polka, Our 76 oent bat, 2-bnckle plow shoes, *l, 2-b*kle Basest plow shos* .86, Our best Brogan* at *1.26, and many other thing* too numerou* to mention. w- G. Momm A Son. Notice, All parties indebted to R. B. Oaae A Co., ure hereby notified to make *ettlen*ent with the Trustee at onoe, and mve trouble and expense. 8. B. RARNHBART, n7-tf 1 Trustee. Nmllee. Allordersfor Bum or Baggage forth* depot, or for snytaek or beggsaa lift at tbe office of tbe Western Union Triumph Co. will reesive prompt attention 2 ‘ J.C.MeGvma. Dqtt V nil If you want any of these articles, I^lll Idj lUU towrite to or call upon BJLiItD & Ames’ ^Portable and Stationary Kngines and Boilers, ^Skinner” Ginning Engines,. Milburn Eclipse Huller Gins, Milburn Anti-Fnotion Roller Breast Cotton Gms, Brennan & Co.,s Saw Mills, Lath Machines, ' "Kentucky” Shingle Machines, Rawson Mowers and Reapers, Sweepstakes Planers and Matchers, Perkins & Co.'s Shingle Machinery, And 0. K. Saw Gummers, We Keep in Shook, at Litlte Bock, ready for Immediate Shipment: All sizes Ames and Skinner Engines And Boilers, I A Car Load Kentucky Cane Mills and Evaporators, All sizes Genuine Bradford Corn Mills, | A Car Load Hot Polished Shafting, &c , &c. PAT RD & BRIGHT. 809 & 311W* Markham St. Littleßock, JArk. <3*o “to ZEKooA’s /P -OR TO- 40 SELL YOUR COTTON. They Sell Goods Cheaper and Pay more for Cotton than any other House in Town - ^^“Don’t forget to go to . SPECIAL TELEGRAM! Good News For All! The following Special Telegram was 'received from NATHAN FRANK, Trustee, at St. Louis, on me io g P«- yesterday, by K. Horwitz, Home Manager: ‘Sell entire stock of goods, regardless of cost!’ “Th. business of BAUM BRO S must be closed out by the flrsl. „ Now to the time so buy. Come early-one and all-mid make money, buying your goods at the St. Louis Cheap Cash Store! • -g- 3vCaxia«eT* Batesville, Ark., January 2, 18S4. Nwttee. All person* interested are given no -1 tice that oar claim* are now dne, and an immediate oettlement is requeated. Where *ati*factoty arrangement, are not ■ made, collection* will be forced. > Respectful ly. Thro. Maxpirld A Bro. Notice. All person, indebted to me must come i up and pay. I want the money. A word to tbe wise i, sufficient. Euoeni R. Goodwin. November 20, 1883. JVAW ADVKRTIBKMKNTB. TBKHffIBY ; ' BARRELHOUSE. i NEWPORT, ARK- • S. Kehrman a Co., ) AGKNTB FOR Wm. J. LEMP’S KEG AND BOTTLE BEER, Will tarnish Ice to all parte of the coun i try from Newport at cheap rate*. e Extra Export Beer. 2 do*.ln case, for $4,70 I and *1,70 allowed for return of empty bot tle* and case. 14 6m 8. KEHRRMANk 30., , Notice for Publication-1203 i — 1 Land Omcx, at Little Boek, I 9 March 25,1884. f ] KI OTICE I, hereby given that the tollow , 11 ing named aettfer ha* filed notice ot Ids intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said.proof will be made before tbe County Judge of Independence county st Batesville, Ark., on April 25th, 1884, vis: John H. Moore, Homestead En try 7859, for the 8. W. 4 Section 24, Town ship 13, North, Rouge 5 West He name* the following witnesses to prove bi* continuno* reaidsnee upon and oaltiv*. >, lion of said land, vis: r John W. Moore, of Bateaville, Ark. James M. Moore, “ •• George W. Browning. “ " ® ' Hugh W. Vaughan, of Sulphur Bock. M- W. GIBBS, a R Kmmnr, Register. ? Receiver. 1 »H 6 FREE! ^RELIABLE SELF-CURE • 'A fhworite pMrlpikMiof on« of the | AMesss SB. WANS ACo , Maa* It*. New Advertisements. TTWST tlx© ^roxxt WITH Low Prices!!! AND A Complete Assortment OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE, And gentlemanly salesment to wait upon all who will come. The Best Goods Tor Least Money. A Fine Line of Clothing. BOOTS and SHOES. Examine and price our Goods. G.M. MINIKEN’S CM SIWD BATKSVILLK. ARK. Dry Goods, Groceries, BOOTS ANDSHOKS. First-class Goods a specialty. Give us a cull. Batesville Barber Shop. 0. N. Roussel, Dsdres to say to ths publie that beta, as for many years psst, at his old stand, waiting on all who want abaving, shampoo ing, hair cut or beard colored. Also works fidss hair and beard to order Thankfal for past favor*, be *oUeU* ■ erm tiauawe M earns in the future. The "Only Genuine” Bradford Corn & Wheat Mills, The "Only Genuine” Kentucky Sorgo or Cane Mills, J. I. Case & Co.'s Traction Engines and Separators, Ivens' Doublequick Self-returning Screw Cotton Press, Eagle Cotton GinS, Centennial Gins, Lummus Gins, Rubber & Leather Belting. Hot Polished Shafting. (offictal.) Proposed Amendment — TO THE — tOSSTITBTIOSW ARKINW No. I.—Joint Besolntion proposing on Amendment to the Constitution of the ' State. Recoined by the Saute and House of Kepre of the 'Jeneral Aaumbhf of the Stale of Arlcaruae, a mzyorily of all the Maeben elected to eack Haute agreeing thereto: That the following Article ■hall be proposed as an amendment to the CoHMltttlon of the State of Arfcaaaaa, which, when agreed to by a majority of an the member, eleoted to each House, and adopted by a majority of the electofe of the State, vising at the next (&meralEWttlo*for B^mfote and Rep remotattvcn, shall bsoone a par* at the said Con stitution,; Aancbs XX. TbeGenml Assembly shall bare . no power to levy any tax. or make any appropria tions to pay either the principal or internet, or any par* thereof, of any of the following bonds of the ) State, or the claims or pretended claims upon which they may be based, to-wit: Bonds issued under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, entitled, “ An act to provide for the funding of the public debt of the State,''approved April <th, A. D. IMO, and numbered from four [ hundred and ninety -one to eighteen hundred and sixty, inclusive, being the "Funding Bonds" de livered to F. W. Caper, and sometimes called "Holford Bonds," or bonds known as Railroad Aid Bonds, issued under an act of the General Assem bly of the State of Arkansas, entitled, “An act to Aid In the Construction of Railroads," approved July Pl, A. D. 1808; or bonds called “Levee Bonds," being bonds issued under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, entitled, “ An act providing for the building and repairing the Public Levees of the State, andror other purposes," approved March 16th, A. D. IMP; and the supple mental act thereto, approved April 12, IMP; and the act entitled, "An act to amend an act entitled. An act providing for the Building and Repairing of the Public Levees of this State,” approved March 23. A. D. 1871; and any law providing for an^auch tax or appropriation, shall be null and Approved January 10th, 1888. I, Jacob Frollch. Secretary of State for the State of Arkansas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Joint Resolution pro posing an amendment to the Constitution of the State, adopted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, and approved by the Govenmr on the 80th day of January A. D. 1888, as appears 1 from comparing the same with the original rolls I filed in this office. I In testimony whereof I have hereunto set I my hand as such Secretary of State, and [Seal] affixed the seal of said office, at Little Kock, this the *th day of February, A. D. 1881. . [Signed] JACOB FROLICH, Secretary of State. Ornes o» no Sucutabt or Bran, I Statu or Assins.a. ( In conformity with the requirements of the act tribe General Assembly at Arkansas, entitled, “An act to regulate the mode of proposing and voting upon amendments to the Constitution of ths State of Arkansas,” approved April 1,181 V, notice is hereby given to the electors of this state, that at . “the next General Election for Senators and Bep -1 reseutatives," to beheld in this State, to-wit: On Monday, the Ist day of September, A. D. 1884, the . foregoing proposed ameadmeart to the Constitu tion at the State of Alkansae will be “submitted to the electors of the State tor their approval ar rejeo ballot at such election, shall Tots for or against said amendment;" and Ota*bach eteotor, fat voting upon said amendment. Is remitted by taw to have , " written or printed upon Na ballot'Ube words, if in favorof its adoption. "For th* Amendment ’ ndopU^-AgabiANV ' Un ■ asr" "ssKsau C. T. ROSENTHAL, —Dealer in— —And All Kinds of— Tools, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Etc., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The largest and best selected stock of above goods to be found la AriMMri Prices low, and goods always as represented - AprlMyv . THEO. MAXFIELD & BROS. — AftE OFPEEINd — Special Inducements . —TO PERSONS INDEBTED TO THEM, — In Buying their Cotton! All claims held by them that are not paid by the first day of December next, will be COLLECTED IF POSSIBLE! NOTICE! Having been appointed Trustee for the Finn of R. R. CASE Sf CO., I will sell out their entire stock of Merchandise, at COST, | CASH. As these goods were well selected, and are all N® NUD FKi BSD now is the time to get bargains. Call early, and get your choice. Mr. J. M. MOORE and myself will take pleasure in waiting on you at Case Corner. 8. B. EARNHEART, Trustee. Batesville, February 12, 1884. vB-nT STOBYiCAMP tab? 203 North Fifth Street, _ st. louis, no* >- y —):WHoinAll AND IETAIL DEALDtI «:(- PIANOS ■■ T ORGANS^H dm «MiOFAOftJ«ias h th* STORY & OAMP OBGiABn MitedbyaayoUtar, are Aret-clMs ta tone, Salah and »MhMiKft,aM tillyn<niMM ABT» Tam HBBT-CLABB PIANOS AT XoOWBST BATBSa CATALOGUES MAILED IBU TO AMY ADDUSS. STORY & CAMP, 808 NORTH FIFTH ST.* ST. LOUIS, Ma C“MATSa» AU 8011* AU ^3FSJ^ 3325 1884 CATALOGUE FREE® KKKrHIRAM SIBLEY A CO. Rochettv, lU¥* Chlc.go, 111, SARDEN GRBWTN TEAS. Tp AMI LIES can about One-half bf L sending to ns for Teas, as we import our dwn. And hate .dsns so for forty year* THE ORIGIkAL AMERICAN TEA CO; Send for tnrcnlar, which RiVet britee ana lull particuUtrt, id ROB'T WELLS, President. P. 6, Bax 1287 . 43 Ve.ey St, N. I. ONE DOLLAR'S worth of any of ons garden growth China and 4hpaa Teas **ni by mail, postpaid, of a iaaonn quantity b/ express, ChafgU prepaid. n7-3ni ( remedies. DetemttiM Trail id. Call er write ter Uriel fMMttoMto be ■newnrai by thoee <MiriagteaataMMlbgrM£ ANmate.LLteMßn, IMliJeirij ßrill teChai CHrtral 3M. A tar*. Int Mate. MB I W- Sac Miior te IMbßiteFCifteuegyb MteliilatWWF t&Z PVGEB A COMABD CO* natrrmx, kvsbamokom • KOSH