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s^ss A DBMOCRATIO JOURNAL. roßUsam every Wednesday, by 1 , J 3RABK D. DESTOW. TERMS' Oran BAltra Fiv* copies, 87Ten copies and an* extra to getter up otolnb, 814.08. COURT DIRECTORY. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. H. Powxu, -Judge, Melbourne, Ark. 1 M. N. Dybr, Prosecuting Attorney, Moun tain Rome, Ark. Independence County, 2d Monday in Janu uaryandJuly. Stone County, on the Sth Monday after the M Monday of January and July. Imrd County, 7th Monday after the 2d Mon- , day In January and July. Baxter County, *mMonday after the 2d Monday in January and July. Pulton County, 11th Monday after the 2d Monday in January and July. Sharp County, 13th Monday after the 2d Monday in January and July. Lawrence County, on the 15th Monday after - ' the 2d Monday in January and July. Jackson County, on the 18th Monday after the 2d Monday in January and July. ■COUNTY COURT of Independence County, meets first Mondays In January, April, July and October. PROBATE COURT of Independence County, meets first Mondays in February, May, August and November. jambs w. BUTLX, nonnnT rbill BUTLER A NEILL, LAWYERS, BATUWLLE, ARKANSAS. Will practice IWhe Counties of Independ ence, Jackson,^Lawrence, Sharp? Fulton, Izard and Stone; and also in the Supreme and Federal Courts at Little Bock. Jun 1 ly SAM’L PEETK, A.’ttox'xxey at La-w, BATESVILLE, ark. Win practice firthecotot of the Third Ju dicial Circuit. Oo^ootlosM promptly attended A FIBST-CLABB Tailoring Establishment. I would respectfully inform the citizens of Batesville and vicinity that I have on hand CLOTHS, DOESKINS, Wealds, CASSIMERES, BMGONILS, ETC. 2 ’ A My price will ba tremtwenty to twenty-five per cent, less than city prices. 1 guarantee to all a Perfect Fit and the best of workman ship. 1 have a large stockof goods on hand, and I know that I can please the most fastidi ous, Call andexamlne. THOMAS WEBBER, Qver Sleael's Store. A.T CANNAN’S, First door below Court-bonze, you can always find the BEST HD FMESTCAHED GOODS Family and fancy groceries and CONFECTIONERIES, FRESH BREAD, CANDIES, CAKKt, NUTS, CjAISFN^D goods GROCERIES, KTQ., ETC: Goods pure, fresh and full weight. Give me a call and 1 gnranteo perfect and entire satis faction. Remember tbe place—first door be - low the Court-house. JOHN CANNAN. SIMON AbLEEL BANKER & BROKER Batesville, Ark. Buysand sells State and county scrip. Drafts eeshed at small premium. Drafts sold on New York, St. Louis or New Orleans. Will make it to the advantage of town and country mer chants who wish to send money abroad or get funds remitted, to call on me. 1 desire your business and will guarantee satisfactory terms. SIMON ADLER. apr 12-lyr. Batesville, Ark. H. H. WIYSEL, House Bui Ider, CONTBACTOB, KUI, BAYVILLE, . • • ARK. Sbargos moderati and reasonable. Plana and p rices, fundgiied on application. onT nn Suron StONIC » WRT6IWNNM6 ■ ( , . .. x Batesville Guard VOL. VIII. XT. LOUIS ADVERTISEMENTS. ED. W. MARTIN & Cd., Manufacturers and wholesale, dealers in CLOTHING AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods, 616 Locust St, St Louis, Mo. R»pfWtii li Mams h A P, WEAVE! DAVID W. C ABUTH, M. X. BTBMBS, President Vioe-lVesldoM. T. H. HeCLBAR, ÜBO. W. CVBBT, Secretary. Treasurer, CARUTH&BYRNES Hardware Company. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, ETa 020 N. Mata st and 110 Washington Ave, &t luoulo, Mo. Represented in Arkansas by BEN LARMAK T. B. PADGETT, General CMn, Tai-Fujiu ▲ND Land Agency for N. E. Arkansas. BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. KPgSt^ MMHIAGPEggI nivnoOCC adsolutk divorces for UIVUnuEv. persons residing throughout the Uniten States and Canada for desertion, non-sunport, intemperance, cruelty, incom ' patibillty, etc. Advlee free. State your case and address Attorney Ward, World Building, ISB7 Broadway, New York. vol 8-no-SHy. ABDITE Send tents for . BwEff B W BB postage and receive ■ Hllanfal free a costly box of goods, which will help all, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers ab solutely sure. At once address. TIiUE * CO., । nlO-ly. Augusta, Me. J. F. TRUMPLEB A SON DBALBM IN SNOT tout, RIFLES, MSTOLS, AMMUNITION, ETC. Also Just received anewjad etegant assort , FIEBIWa TACKLE, SPOON TBOLLfI AND BPDINEM, Or ALL SUKS AMD STYLE*, ARTIFICIAL BAIT, FINK LINES, BAU 800 POLKS, FANCY AND OOM BOX FLOATS OF ALL SUKS. MINNOWS, Dir MKTB, BRAIDED OIL BILK, BRAIDED LINEN AND COTTON, BOOBS Or ALL MAKES AND SEAs * GBASS UNES. STATE AGENT FOB THE : CMRATH) BO GDI. t r r DISCOUNT TO THB TR^DK, GlreuiaoaU. <OO Mala Street, I4t«e Back, AvtaMM. v<n< ly The Great Age Cue! Kross’FwerTonic ' - NO CURE, ROMY. The proprietors of the IW JWw rente nave so much sonMsnee In Its eStoieney ns an absolute Ours for the Agim, that they guarantee it <l2 taken “. ncsorain* to directions) to eflbet a euro la every ease, and all DnmflMto are authorised to sell it on theselernas. If It does not do all we claim for It, bring beck the empty bottle, and your money win be refunded. It is purely vsfleta ble and does not contain either aursenic, strychnias, or nny other prison. la malarial regions It Is n sure preventive. ' I****-, redremember, K B does not ema yon. it wM cost you nothing. Fen dl. EMM* mu TOMO CO, Mas Poornavoss. flit APPEL MMaZTrnSs^oMkrmSXmmSErmr mandsT flwßrtgliyl letter. Dm wMshJM obovo M s DKVOTKD TO TH! INTKRMTS OF INDBPKNDBNOK COUNTY AND NORTH ARKAHSAD. BATESVILLE, INDEPENDENCE CO., ARK., OCTOBER 1, 1884. CURRENT TOPICS. Wm News in Brief. Tnb condition of affaire in the cholera stricken regione of Europe continuee to improve. F. B. Hatbs, the Republican nominee for Congrese In the Fifth Maeoachnoetto Dlatrtct, died on ihe 20th. Tab Chinooe have destroyed the Cath otic chapels in ths Province of Canton, and six thousand Christians are rendsrod homeless. . Mb. J. L Cabb wants to* match Phallaa against any stallion in the country, to trot in October, on the course that may bo do elded upon. A BAND of Mexicans crosssd ths Rio Grands at Presidio Dsl Norte on ths 20tb, killed three Mexicane and quickly returned into Mexico. Thb iesue of etandard eilver dollars for tbs wsek ending Sep ember 20, wa, HU.- 80. x For the corresponding period last year, fiAd.tW. • NixmxN persons were injured, one fatally, by an accident on the Brattleboro A Whitehall Railroad near West Dum merston, Vt, on ths 23L Chas. H. Watbbmxm. of New York, ac cepts ths nomination tor Vice-President by the American Political Alliance, and will make an extended canvass. Tin families wsrs made homeless by a fire on the 21st, at Ashbury Park, N. J. During the fire a panic occurred at a Sal vation Army meeting and many women wore injured. Thb failure throughout the country for tbs eevon daye, ended the 10th, numbered for the United Stets., 105; Canada, 28; ' total, 218, Ms compared with a total of 221 tor ths preceding week.' Tab completion of the Artberg Tunnel through the Rhaetieu Mountaine, oetab- Hiking railway communication between Auetria and Switzerland, was celebrated in royal etylo on the 28th. Thb Prefect of Police of Perle, eating upon the advice of the Municipal Medical Committee, ha. i.»ned an order prohibit ing the holding of the baby ebow, an nounced .to open tn a Jew daye. Missbmobbs arrived at Cairo on the 20th bringing word that General Gordon bad vanquished numeroue tribee and their chiefe were begging tor mercy. Many tribee have come in and laid down their arms. Joan Ewixg, Preeident of the Penneyl vania and Maryland Miners' Association, has issusd a call for a reunion of tbs miasrs of Ponnsylvanla, Maryland and West Vir ginia, to be held at Huntingdon, Pa., Octo ber Ist, 21 and M. Clkvalaxd was visited by another fire on the 21st in tbs sems locality, but on a smaller ecale than the conflagration of two weeke previouely. Circumstancee connected with the fire load to tbs belief that it wee the work of inoondiariee. Ix the Blaine-AeatiMl libel cult at In dlanapolia attorneys tor ths plaintiff filsd answsn on the 20th to thb interrogetoriss filed by defendant. Mr. Blaine eaye &L. Blaine and Sarah Stanwood were wit neeoee to hie “.ecret marriage” in Ken tucky. Thb eteamer Lord of the lolee, from Yo kahoma, arrived in Now York on ho Mth. Auguat 23, off Cape Guardaful oho took oS the crow of the French transport Avyron, *>6 all told, and landed them at Alden. . The Avyron wae wrecked five mil., couth es Guardofut. Thb loyal .utj.cte of the Emperor Fran cia Joaopb, in Hungary, wore delighted at the announcement Uiat ho would open the Hungarian Diet in person, oa tbs 20th Inst,, at Psstb. His Majesty has also ex pressed hie intention of remaining in Hun gory tor at leoet a month. On the morning of the Wch the reeidenco ot John Byfow, Beet Toledo, a. wae burned to the ground. His daughter, agsd four, was burned to death. The mother and babe made a narrow oocapo with their llveo. The mother wae olightly burned, and the babe eoveroly. AcABLBanAM otating that Sir Jota Mac- Donald was to to slsvatsd to ths peerage was received at O.tawa, Can., on the 10th. Upon being congratulated, Sir John etated that the announcement wae premature. He had no official Information which would lead bhn to believe the report cor rect. Pbbsidbat Gnaw bae telegraphed the , King of Italy that the cataetropbe which baa befallen Italy excites ths dsspsst com miseration 'of the whole world. Gravy odds: “The sublime, heroic, magaanl mou. conduct ot your Majeety excite, the admiration and onthwiaam of the unt verae.” Thb two large buildinge of the Middle eex Bleechery end Dye Work, ot Bommer vllle, Mace., wese burned oa the 22d. The buildings oovsrsd two and « half acres. Thsy were filled with valuable fabrics, and the total lose to estimated to be 8200,- 000, on which there to 885,000 insurance. It was the oldest and largest sstablish mant of the Mad tn the country. Jamb* G. Bladth bet written a letter to Wm. Welter Pbolps, telling Mm about his marriage. Bo says be was secretly mar ried in Kentucky, whoa a mere youth, aad that be wae afterwardo married in Feaneyivunta. as there was aa record filed in Kontaoky. He gives the date ot the birth ot hie first child, aad waay other potato ceacsraing ht» domestto aSalra. Gxaaaa W. Bucham ax, an old pioneer ot Wesbiagton Territory, died on the 80th ’ at Chebalto at the advanced age of ninety yearn. Ho went to the Pacific Coast over I thirty year* ago. Buchanaa wee captain , ot the ooetfiaay that attacked cad killed i tbo Mormon ApoeUe Joeeph Smith, ot • Carthago. ML. in June, 18U. Ho also took a very active pert la the Meek Hawk • YFer. _ ; Tn manned and Utelss* body ot GAI to Lslgb,member ot tbo British Forltament, 1 was toeud st tbs bees of a precipitous rilfi i la th* Big Hora mountains in Wyoming ! ,r^ r l PKRBOXAL AMDWKNBBAIb Chao. F. Hbhkbb, blacksmith, banged bimsolf In tbs Seventh Word Democratic wigwam at Fort Wayne, Ind., on the 22d. He leaves a wife and six children. No cause aseigned. » Fin destroyed about halt the business part ot Bronson, Mich., on the night of the 21st. Eighteen bustnem houses, two dwellings and several barns wsre oon sums<£ It to supposed to have been the work of on'lncendiary. Thb Assistant Adjutant-General of the Grand Army of the Republic has called the attention ot the organixatlon to an ar ticle in the rules which prohibits the or ganisation being used-for partisan pur poses. Thb price of corn on the 22d wee five cents higher et Chicago than was paid for No. 2 spring wheat—one of the features of modern markets when corners are-con stantly bsing mads. Ths “squsexe” to one ot the tightest in the history ot specu ation. Dobing ths recent manceuvre of the German army Emperor William declined to receive a deputation with an address from the Catholic nobility of Westphalia, remarking that the parade ground was not a fit place for polemics. Michabl Murray was banged at Edens burg, Pa., on the 23J for the murder ot John Haneuff in October, 1881 ' Thb Logan National Bank at West Lib erty, 0., closed its doors on ths 23d. Thb cholsra record for Italy during the twenty-four hours sndsd ths evening ot tbo 28d, was 435 fresh cases and 285 dsatha Jobbph Babvbb, who mnrdsred his fathsr, was exscuted at Indiana, Pa., on the 23d. El Mahdi has tsrenty Krupp cannon, and 10,000 of his follosrsra are armed with American rilles. Jvsncß Ficld dsllvered an opinion on the 23d in reference to the Chinese ques tion at Ban Francisco. Thb eleventh annual convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen opened at Toronto, Oat., on the 23d. Thb gold reserve In ths United States Treasury on the 23d amounted to 8128,000,- 000. Thb police arrested tsrenty-one Anarch ists at Vienna on tbo 23d. Hbcbivsbb have been appointed in New York for the Bankers' and Merchants Tel egraph Company. Thb British gunboat Wasp was wrecked off Tory Island, northwest coast of Ire land, on the 33d. Fifty-two men were lost. Thb visible supply of whsat on the 23d was 31,057,000' busbsls; corn, 5,877.000 bushsis; oats, 3,738,000 busbsls. Fmdbbick 8. Nichols, editor ot ths Memphis Avolanche, died suddenly at Davenport, Is., on the 23J,'of paralysis of the brain. Prop. Joni Loan Taylor, an eminent Congregational divine ot Andover, Mass., died on the 331, In the seventy-third year of his age., Thb populace of Brussels, Belgium, made a great demonstration against ths Gov ernment on the 33d, creating intense ex citement. Tbx Eyck defeated Riley in a three-mile scull race at Peekskill, N. Y., on tbo 23d. Edwin Hbmby was killed at Hayesville, Tenn., on the 33d by B. T. Johnson. This to a oeqnsl to the suicide ot Mrs. Johnson at Indianapolis last ysar. A Nbw York company bas purchaasd 30,000 acres ot cultivated land in Now Mrx co, and will found an Episcopal col ony of Eastern people. Robbbm dug a sixty-foot tunnel under the vaalt of tbo First National Bank of Las Vsgas, N. M. Th* scheme being dis covered on the 33d, a Mexican went in ' the cellar and meeting ons ot the excava tors, shot him ds ad without a word. Thb Supreme Court ot Ohio reconvened on the 23d. Motion was mads to take up the cases under the Bcott liquor law out of the regular order, and the question was to be argued on the 25th. A fambrgbb train oa the Chicago A Al ton, Bailroad en route to BL Louis, collid ed with a freight train near Pontiac, HL, on ths !3d. No on* wa* seriously injured, but two Pullman coaches wsre burnsd- Mui Muirib Garrisom, eldest daughter ot th* late Wm. L. Garrison, was married on the 231 to M. Gaston Chandon de Buail les, son of a French Count, at bar mother's country ssat near Bibcron, N. J. Tn Wall Street Bank will pay de positors a dividend of either fifteen or tsrenty per cent, next week. A koticb was posted In ths works o t ths Brooks Iron Company ot Birdsboro, Pa., on ths 23d, announcing a ten per cent, reduction ot wages of all employes, sxcept day laborers, th* reduction to tak* effect October J. The works employ 800 hands. Birob th* assignment of the Newcomb A Buchanan Company at Louisville, Ky., no one has s*sn or hoard lot two ot ths members ot the concern. Crookedness to , freely charged, and the supposition is that , thsy bavs gone to join the army ot tour , tote in Canada. Thb corner in corn at Chicago has caused enormous receipts, over 900 cars bsing rsi esiysd on ths 231. Ths pries broke at the morning call, but the manipulator* con -1 tinned in supreme control. The excito ment was almost unpreosdsntod on ths । floor ot ths Bxchangs. Gbmbhal Gobdoh’* last letter stated ■ that many ot th* rebels besieging Khar ’ toum were retiring. Supplies wsrs com ing in wsll from tbs south. He bad sent ( four steamers to relisvs Bsnnaar. , Howard Bvllivam, in jail at Balam, , N. J., cbargsd with ths murder ot Ella Watson, made a full confession on ths 33d. [ Hs Mid he killed bor to get th* money tp I go on an excursion to Atlantic City. He , d*ni*d outraging her. Joan & Fagb, *x-Fre*ld*iit, and J. M. Haven, *x-Treasurer ot th* Rutland (Vc.) Ballroad Company, bar* b**n Indicted by ■ th* Grand Jury of Rutland County for *m i b**al*m*ntof 80,0001 Heavy rain* have r*lt*v*d th* long ■ drought in tn* Miami VaU*y ot Ohio. ■ The annual oonvnntion of Insuranos 1 Coounto*lon*n b*gaa at Chicago on th* * Mtb* ( D<wh« tw*nty-fonr hour* ending th* 1 rrenlagot tb* Mlh th*rew*r* 441 fresh «*a**ot*bol*i« la Italy aad 308 deaths. I DABWn N. GabDNBH, ot Cl«v*land, 0., , shot bls wife on tb* Mth and then shot I MummU No can** tor 'tk* tnqiMbr wa* 11 **BiKHjaa bondholder* have rat Asi th* »I ag**«M*nt lor th* MUtomrat « tn* Mexi -1 t I ' Th* basaar and MO bouse* at Setioun, Syria, burned on the 24th. Tn Chinese Government has applied tor 8,000 square feet of space at the New Orleans Exposition. As article In a French paper of the 24th declared that the relations between England and France are so strained that a rupture is feared. • OWING to differences with Prime Minis ter Ferry, it is hinted that General Can> penon, French Minister of War, will soon resign. Buffalo dealers recently shipped 95,- 000 bushels of wheat to Chicago to help out shorts on September delivery. John Forb, an Italian barber at Rinsua, Pa., was shot dead on the 24th by Mrs. Kavanaugh, to whom he was paying the devoted against her wishes. Tan British War Department forward ed $300,000 in gold to General Wolseley on the 24th for expenses of his expedition. Tn potato crop of New England, New York and Canada, according to one thou sand reports received, is considerably be low the average. In investigating the affairs of the New comb-Buchanan Company at Louisville, Ky., it is learned by bankers that dupli-1 cate warehouse receipts were given. Labgs shipment* are being made to China from San Francisco in view of the war cloud* that hang over the Celestial Empire. Within one month 2,700 tons of flour have gone over. Bbptbmbbk corn on the Chicago market dropped to seventy-two cents on the 24th. It was currently reported that Jay Gould was behind the stupendous deal that was squeesing the short* *o unmercifully. Thb Democratic State Convention ot Colorado was held at Denver on the 24tb. Alva Adams, of Pueblo, was nominated for Governor, Mr. Grant declining a re nomination unanimously tendered. John Ghat, a wealthy farmer of Case County, Ind., wa* killed on the 24th on bi* farm while engaged in pulling up •tump*. Hi* team starteJ suddenly, throwing a heavy stamp upon him, injur ing him so that death soon occurred. Thb Social Science Congress, which met at Birmingham, Eng., baa adjourned. Th* Emperor of Germany has conferred upon Herbert Bismarck the Order of the Red Eagle. Thb Crow Indians, much to their dis gust, have all been removed from Still water to their new agency on the Little Big Horn River, a short distance south of Fort Custer. The new agency is about fourteen miles from Caster’s battle ground, the scene of the massacre of 1878. A tbimbndovs flood occurred recently at Buenos Ayres. Many lighters foun dered and shipping was extensively dam aged. The position ot affairs caused by the disaster is alarming. Chas. R. Ric*, traveling agent tor Chase Bro*., nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y., killed bimselt at Paterson, N. J., on the 24th when about to be taken to jail on the charge of swindling hi* em ployers. Thb Turkish authorities at Scutari re cently seised a Montenegrin ship laden with arms and ammunition. The Monte negrin authorities have demanded satis faction. Alfred Hopkins, late Captain in the United States navy, died at hi* residence in Cleveland, on the 24th, from the effect* ot an overdose ot chloral, taken to allevi ate bis sufferings. A symphony by yendelssobh, never published, has been discovered among old papers in a Berlin music store. Reports from all the Newfoundland Ashing centers are most discouraging. From the northern part ot Labrador, where a great number of Ashing craft had gone, dolefnl account* are received. Out ot 700 vessels only 100 returned with full fares, 200 with halt tare* and 400 had not taken 100 quintal* each. OQIDBIBED TBLFfIBAHMr Galbraith McMullen died at Sandy Lake, Pa., on the 24. h, in hi* 103th year. Russia objects to the suspension of the Egyptian sinking fund. A German, seventy-Ave year* of age, fatally shot bi* wife, aged sixty-Ave, at Whitestown, Pa., on the 23th, the result ot a quarrel. A Paris journalist eloped on the 23th with the young wife ot an English noble man. President Mitchell ot the Milwaukee A Sr. Paul Road denies the report that he 1* about to resign. Dvbino twenty-tour hour* ended the evening of the 23th there wore 428 fresh cases of cholera in Italy and 198 death*. Since the outbreak of cholera in Naples there have been 10,203 cases, and 3,883 deaths. John W. Garrett, President of the Baltimore Sc Ohio Railroad Company, was at last account* extremely ill and hl* re covery doomed impossible. . Laboring men of Canada are of the opinion that the Chinese must go unless they become naturalised cltiMns. THB limited express train from Boston tor St. Louis was announced to commence running Monday, the 29tb, reaching 8U Louis via the Wabash. Railroad managers at a meeting in Chi cago formed a now pool on far Western business, and decided to call it the Paolflo Coast Association. There were four deaths from cholera at Toulon on the 23A. Th* disease is increas ing to an alarming extent in Genoa. Gbbbbal W. Q. Grbbbam was appoint ed and quail fled aa Secretary of the Treas ury the night ot the 24th. Mr. Hatton be comes acting Postmaster General for ten days. Thb city of Brussels, Belgium, is again tranquil, and a renewal ot the disorders was not expected before the communal elections in October. Hawk Adam*, a New Jersey negro, who abducted a daughter ot one ot the wealth iest eittaen* ot the State, wa* sentenced on th* 23th to Oftran year** Imprisonment., tn twenty-fourth annual Fair ot the Bt. Louis (Mo.) Agricultural and Mechan fail Association will bo Inaugurated Octo ber Bth and continue until the 11th. Th* premiums offered amount to 135,000 eaah, and Indication* point to one es th* grand •at exhibltioM ever given by thaaaeoeia- Me*, Among the attract ions ot the waek wUI be the grand nootarnal pageant at the Veiled Propfate on the 7th, prepare- Hon* far which bay* Ima modem. a*oale WMMBBdnOWnQ® ^mWmm ■wwV^Mjp^Wß IM *n^*althaut>>ori^ J. 'X y ‘V? NO. 40, EX-GOV. HENDRICKS. Doing Yeoman Service In Behalf of Democracy. The Next Vlee-Preeldent Makes a Notable Speech a* Manele—A Terriße Ar aalgament of Bepebllean Poll- •ios aad Methods. At Muncie, Ind., on September 6, Ex- Governor Hendricks delivered an inter esting address to an immense audience. In the course of his speech he said: It is now twenty-flve years that the Repub lican party has controlled the administrative and executive affairs of this country, and it is of the first importance that you and I should consider the question whether that Is as long as one set of men ought to continue in abso lute control. In other words, the question Is before us: Ought not there to be a change? That is the first question that strikes your at tention and mine. How much has transpired since the Republican party came into power— and I no not choose to include in that period the period of the war? I ask your attention only for the last nineteen years during which that party has controlled the administrative and executive affairs of the country. I could not find figures or words to express to you the enormous sums ot money that have been collected and the enormous sums ot money that have been paid out, I will refer byway of Illustration only to one year, the last year as reported by the Secretary ot the Treasury. The collections and expenditures amounted to *W3,< w. The history of those transac tions is found in many thousand volumes and they were recorded by many thousand mtn men belonging to one party only. No Demo crats have been allowed to participate in any ot the affairs of the country. I speak in sub stance. An occasional Democrat may bare been allowed an office, but for the great purposes ot administering the affairs of the Government the Democrats have been exo uded. and to you mon the question is presented now. Ought there not to be a change? Who knows what ia wrong In the books? Shall they be opened? Shan there be an opportunity forus mon to know What has been wrong la the rec ords of the country, so that we may know whetner it is well or ill wltfkthe country? May 4 ask your attention to another illustration on this subject? 1 do not claim that one po litical party, In the first place, in its organisa tion Is probably any more nonest than the other. If we bad no political parties la the country, and were going to establish two po litical pertie*, and were to run a Une through this crowd, and the men on that side were to be of one petty and the men on thia side of the other party, the chances are there would be just a* many honest men on one side as on the other, and as many rogues on one side, perhaps, as on the other. But take another step in this thought. Suppose this party comes into power and it becomes established that it is going to return to power for twenty years, have the control of the offices, the con trol of the money, and or the country. Don’t you seo that all the rogues on thia side would gradually come over and join the strong tide? Isn’t that human nature? And more than that—don’t you know as they come over they would gradually push honest men on this side back and hack until they would take control ot the dominant party them elves? To a very large extent that would prove to be the hu man nature of tbe case. Without discussing the question whether tbe Republican party has been guilty of a great fraud, for I leave that to your own reflections, 1 assume tbe ground that when a party has been tn pewer exclusively, not allowing the other party to participate In the affairs of the Government for a long period of time, there ought to be a change that tbe people may come to know with some degree of certainty how it is with their affairs (cries of “We will have it this falL") Ye*, sir, you are going to bare- it this fall.” I don’t expect, gentlemen, that all tbe men In office will be turned out. Ido not de sire that where a Republican, governed by bls conscientious convictions, has been in office and has proven himself to be atrue end honest man In the administration ot that office. I do not ask that be shall be turned out. But I ask that honest men shall be plaeed in office sufficiently numerous to give the people of this country information In regard to their affairs. 1 have one stop further to go in this argu ment. lam trying to establish tbe proposi tion that there ought now to be a change. I do not know why the Republicans for the last ■ nineteen years have said to every Democrat, you shall have no position in the control of the affairs of tbe Government. They bare seen lit to occupy that position, a cruel, pro acrlptlve policy, excluding every man that did not agree with them, and what do you think ot K. my countrymen? Shall It be con tinued any longer? (Criesof “No 1") Towhat condition have we come?” I refer now to the statemeat made by Mr. Calkins, Republican candidate tor Governor, In a speech at Rich mond a few weeks ago. He said we now have 8401.000,000 in the Treasury. Do you know how he came to say that? Ho said that by way bf braggadocio—by way of a taunt to the Democrats. He said tbe jtepublMMi party when it came into power found n empty Treasury, and now it baa 8400,000.000 ,in tbe Treasury. Do you want to hear me express my opinion of what is a fortu nate condition of tbe country. Well, it ia not m having a Treasury overflowing. It la not in tbe collection from tho people of un told millions of money that it may be hid away In the vaults of the Treasury. At Wash ington today they are digging new vaults, adding to the old i aults so as to And room tor putting away tho people’s currency. It i* a matter of joy, is It. that the Republicans have now In the Treasury And that, gentlemen, la half of the paper currently of the country, and more. The paper cu Tency ot tbe country 1* about 8700,000.000, and of the currency of the country there is looked up In Treasury 8400,00 >,OOO. Do you desire th*t? If so, vote ter Mr. Calkins, vote for tbe Repub lican candidate for President, tor they boast to you that they have locked up 8400,000.000 ot your money. What right has tbe Government to 3400.C0J.00i) ot the people's money that It has no occasion to use in the administration ot it* affair*? What would be the effect it the taxes were reduced so that the money would come back into your pockets and Into the channels of trade? Don’t you know that It would stimulate enter prize? Don't you know that it would give employment to laborers? Shall I stop now and speak ot the present condition ot cur country? Four years ago, when, you know, it was flusher times, and everything waa welt with the people, wheat was worth 81 JO, ana labor was well paid, and a Republican orator came to you and said: ‘My countrymen, won’t you let well enough alone? Are you willing to turn a party out that ba* brought you such prosperity and put a party in that you do not know what Will be tbe conse quence?’ And to that appeal the’people lis tened. How I* It now? Are men employed? Are furnaces throwing out Are and smoke that Indicate successful enterprise and indue try? I have here from an Indianapolis paper of yesterday evening, perhaps the best edited paper of tbe Republican party in that etty, the A’eua^a statement of tbe amount of fail ures that have recently taken place in the country. It la a dispatch from New York, that the business failures throughout the country the last seven days, a* reported to H. G. Dun * Co.—and they are great authorities on that subject—number.fortheiUnltod States IN, for Canada 14, total 218. as against IM last week, showing an Increase of seventeen fail ures tats week over last week. In other word*, It is H per cent, more for the week that ended yesterday than for the week before that, an increase in failures of 8 percent., and how can it be otherwise when there is this enormous portion of- the people’s currency locked up In the vault* of the Treasury? Send that money Into the channel* of trade and wheat wouA sell at a begging market for 02 cents, 12 oedß and 78 cents * bushel. It la 80 eenta a bushel leas to-day than when you elected a BepubUean coadMat* four years ago who made Junes G. Blaine Secretary of State, aad if you have your mortgage to pay or interest upon It, counting a bushel »r 81. It takes a good many more buahel* now to pay the interest on your mortgage debt then it did four years ago, and when you come to peg not well snofaa, ft is tad enough. When you seessenoutof employment you may now there Is trouble somewhere. God wrote ft in Beme taatcan i}ot got employ mest tq earq t MgS TKMMg OT ARffIWIM wUMi AM testat aeserttaauM* earn la aewasu fantaass^eoaMauMmuaMlK^^ tee burden lighter. There are a tew other matters about whMb, probably. LOoght to apeak to you this after noon. The Republican* have pretty muehi given youand me up.-s# ordfaary follow citisen*. They do not ex pact any more to get tbe vote* of the nntives'of Uilgoountry. tbaaa that were born hero. They hAv-fc pretty much given up the Swede* and Danes, and 1 believe they have come down hard and heßvyupon our Irish ffellow-citizens. When they come to the oonctaston that they can get Irish voters they are pretty much gone up tbemeelvee. It will be pretty much a disappointment when November cornea around. That *• my pre diction. I think, I know it is ao in the neigh- . horhood where l live. Why. I said the other, day at Connersville that an Iriahman waa a natural Democrat. That ia pretty much the, truth. For one hundred year* fie ba* been with tbe Democrats. He remembers the day when Know-Notbingism was rampant in the country, and that the Democratic party was the champion of a free Nation and the foreigner's right to occupy our country along with the rest of os. I think it I* a bad day when tbe Republieacs have to nay on the Irish vote. The Irish know where their friends have been In the peat. Now, my fellow citizens. 1 think I can say to you thu afternoon that our cause will be successful this year. We have a candidate for President that has borne himself with distinguisbadi - credit and honor in the high offices which he has heretofore Ailed. Ho has borne himself with credit in tbe city which promoted him to be the Chief Magistrate of that city. He has borne himself with great credit aa Chief Mag istrate of the greatest of the States of the Union. Substantial objection baa not been -made to his Administration He I* to-day supported by the ablestmen of the Republi can party. The Independent* of New York, ot Connecticut, Massachusetts and ot Indiana say he is worthy of their support. They have many reasons for that support. There are better assurances of good governmeot, ot American protection everywhere and under all clrcumstanoea IF Governor Cleveland be made President instead of. James G. Blaine, and With such supporvin addition to tbeearn est zeal of the Demqaraey 4n favor of bia eteCtlbn, I can entertain Ho doubt of the re sult. A paper tbe otter da* (eund fault with, me because, with my hat in my band, I stood In the present)* of tuy cotratrynmn and asked, ot them their support, and if they fall to And! any other charge agate** gtaeaoept that they, may go to—Halifax. (Laugnter.) As I have atated befdre. IdM not deatre the nomination for Vice-President eight year* age-Idld nol dc*li-<llcat,.€l>kte*n when -with absolute unanimity it was conferred upon me, but now that 1 nave been nominated and have accepted, of tbe. nnmln*tlnni.l oonie before you, my fellow-citizens of IndMna, and aay to you that my heart's earnest desire ie to re ceive your support. I will berglad to receive every Democrat's rapport I win be very proud of. the suppon or-: my BepuMtean friends, of my Greenback and Independent friends, and wheaftls all.oountadup I have a sort of an impression, very strong now. that there is going to be a very deoHea majority in November—Lda .not Boliave I have any doubt about Indiana. 1 do not think you have. It sucoeaefor mr party *<te* not mean better government cheaper government a more economtaal;a<lmteietr?tion of public affairs, I do not want it to succeed, but upon . faith only I have a rMt t*;*»k -you to try once more. This party, when it was In power before, waa e-onomlcal in its administration. It cost only a few thiuions in the administra tion of Polk, ot Pierce; and we have come to a period where YounKjnan xaitiiat add ft up. Blaine as a Dodger. One of the manifeafatlana of the .fm- ’ moral character tit otaf toublic men ia “dodging.” 18 ia Witßeaaed almoat daily in both chambers of Congreas. Hardly a division is talon on a public question or nieaisnYe ‘that is not pre ceded by the rapid dtkappesrance of some great statesman in a elosk-room, or his sudden recollection that he has an important appointment exactly at that moment in some other part or the capital. The real motive of his action is that of a political coward, or a truck ling politicMtro, who -wishes to avoid any record of an opinion on the ques tion lest it should be used to hi* disad vantage in some future election. It is the trick of a political knave, notithe set of an honorable statesman, who never is afraid to hold and to declare his opinion* on public question* At the recent etectiun iirMaine a pro posed “prohibition" -clause was sub mitted for incorporation in the proving elal obarter. Mr- Blaine, who appears to have taken greghv.pahM to exhibit himself at the voting booth in his pre cinct, did not vote on that proposition. That ia to Bgy, iM ’»dßdged. ,f After ward, in a stump speech to a crowd of his admirers, he took pains to state what he said vras his rtaeon for dodg ing. , He ^odgpd, tfei, prohibition ques tion, he said, because that is a provin cial question,'ah'dnbt a National ques tion. . . <-:.:•( ' -I (dill If this statemyd of Mr. Blaine's was not a mere quibble, not less unworthy* in the practice of a. statesman than dodging, then-the-local election in Maine must save been, a Rational elec tion to take the popular decision on some National question. What wns the National question that was submitted for decision in the Maine election? Was it the chdioe'df ’a' provincial Governor? Waa it tfa choice a representative of the Augusta District in Congress? Blaine delivered his vote oh those ques tions openly/ bravely, heroically, and, wen “magnelioally.r .y tfa accoonta, are not incorrect. If he did not vote.on a National question, but on a merely local question, in -voting ■for a oaadi-i date for Governor, (hen it, ia clearly a rational opinion mat the reason fa save for dodging the prohibition question, ao far from being ; aa excuse for dodg ing, added to the cowardice of dodging the meanness of a quibbling falaeboodj in defense of it. ;ti j Among the electors in (his part of tfa Republic, neither Mk BtMUe’s dodging nor his quibbltag explknntion of 13 o*4 cites-great wpfdauaer ~ man ahouMb refuse to vote on any aubjwt," aaya A. C. Hesing. “If Blaine favors prohibit tion of tfa hqswr taduotry, he faoaddl have said ao; it he- is hostile to ft>;fal should have said ao.” , That Would bA theoourae or u A : stateemfa, or ot ata erect gfatlema* who ia, not afraid M Mr. Blain* in not that kind of a man- ' National one; but Mr. Blaine's trun cheon flouriahers declare that that opin ion ia “boah,’’ and reiterate that •tea' there waa no reaeon in efaactame or law why he ahouH intafll thit'State question into a . Natioi|UH faam4giik fa ? didn’t do it—that ia an?' ZWmWfaJ ; the makera ot Blaifa Mfawfaro famla <. hie vote tbe mem provtaotel question M 1 ■^^roraYna^wpa > tfatisallt AndM dodffUttfa ■ h Governor, *•«*£** i at a maa ia I . - - - - - • ” ' ■ 7?- , ■ *’• 15 k S?Sw^^^