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s WSBSS A DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL. publ«hmd nvbby Wednesday, by frajikd. DEvrap. TERMS i One copy, S?inon&m taa^aSoe.’.'.'.'.'.'.’.';* 1 8 coin dikectobt. . • THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. / B. H. Poumu* Judge. Melbourne, Ark. M. N. Dm, Prosecuting Attorney, Moun . tain Horae, Ark. Independence County, M Monday in Janu uary and July. Stone County, on the Sth Monday after the fid Monday of January and July. hard County, 7th Monday after the Sd Mon day in January and July. Baxter County. Ski Monday after the M Monday in January and July. Fulton County, nth Monday after the 2d Monday in. January and July. Sharp OOnnty, 18th Monday after the 2d Monday in January and July. Lawrence County, on the 15th Monday after the 2d Monday in. January and July. Jackson County, on the 18th Monday after the Snionday In January and July. COUNTY COURT of Independence County, meets first Mondays in January, April, July and October. PROBATE COURT of Independence County, meets first Mondays in February, May, August and November. JAMBS W. BUTLBB, ROBERT WEILL. BUTLER A NEILL, LAWY ER.S, BATESYILLB, ABKAMBAB. Will practice in the connties of Independ ence. Jackson, Lawrence, Sharp, Fulton, laard and Stone ;and also in the Supreme and Federal Courts at Little Rock. Jun 1 ly SAM'L PEETE, Attorney ext Lam?, BATKSVILLB, ABK. Will practice in the Court of the Third Ju dicial Circuit. CoUectioue promptly attended to. A HBST-CLASS Tailoring Establishment. ' I would respectfully inform the citizens of Batesville and vicinity that 1 have on hand CLOTHS, DOESKIMS, ‘Worsteds, CASSIMERES. DIAGONALS, ETC. My price will be from twenty to twenty-five per cent, loss than city prices. I guarantee to alia Perfect Fit and the best of-workman ship. 1 have a large slock of goods on hand, and I know that I can please the most fastidi ous, Call and examine. THOMAS WEBBER, Over Slesel’s Store. ~AT CANNAN’S, First door below Court-house, you can always find the BEBT AID FRESHEST CANNED GOODS Family and fancy groceries and CONFECTIONERIES, . FRESH BREAD, CANDIES, CAKES, NUTS, - CANNED GOODS GROCERIES, ETC., ETC. floods pure, frosh and full weight. Give me a call and I guranteo perfect and entire satis faction. Remember the place—first door be '•^Jow the Oonrt-house. JOHN CANN AN. SIMON ADLER, BANKER & BROKER Batesville, Ark. Buys and sells State and county scrip. Drafts cashed at small premium. Drafts sold on New York, St Louis or New Orleans. Will make It to the advantage of town and country mer chants who wish to send money abroad or got funds remitted, to call on me. I desire your business and will guarantee satisfactory terms. SIMON ADLER. apt 12-lyr. Batesville, Ark. H. H. WIYBEL, House Builder, CONTRACTOR, Etc., BATESVILLE, . . ABK. Bhargee moderate and reasonable. Plans and prisw fandShod on application. OB LT TXOK ^IRON Atonic ■ • Batesville Guard VOL. VIII. ML LOUIS ADVKBTISEMEMn. SdTwTI[ARTIN A C© , Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in CLOTHING AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods, 616 Locust St, St. Louis, Mo. llirrwW H Mam h I. F. WEAVER. david w. cauuth, m. j. bvwhm. President. Vtce-Prerident, T. M. MCOUAW, 080. W. CVSRT, Secretary. Treasurer. OARUTH&BYRNEB Harflware Company. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, ETC. 0* N. Mata st. and 110 Washington Ave, St. Lonls, Mo. Represented in Arkansas by BEN LAWMAN. T. B. PADGETT, Garni CiiMra, TaiPajiu AND Land Agency for N, E, Arkansas. BATESVILLE, ARKANSAS. npa«aß f^GafrfclUpße.ssaliaaM, ■oaaw«ratMAt , yn>« ratal ■eagUllM, Xww. pMntr Jtap.StaauM >tol<raTiaa».Cm«lUlto«.ad PamAwfrta, -, , wvwwMvvvwwMvwwwvwwvMaMaacaaßar miinDPCC ABSOLUTE DIVORCES tor UllUnuLu. jtersons residing throughout the Unlteu States and Canada for desertion, non-support, intemperance, cruelty, Incom patibility, etc. Advice free. State your care and address Attorney Ward, World Building, 1207 Broadway, Ne.v York. vol 8-no-2»-ly. ABDI7E send ~x <•*>*• for rnl4t. pFeXtt? goods, widen will help all. of cither sox, to more money right awav than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers ab solutely sure. At once address, TUCK A CO.. nlO-ly. Augusta, Me. J. F. TRUMPLER A SOI DSALKM DI SNOT SUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, ETC. Also Just received a new and elegant assert meat of FISHINfI TACKLK, SPOON TBOIU AMD gPIMMBBS, OF ALL SUHS AMD STYLBS, ABYmOIAI. BAIT, FINK UWBS, BAM. 800 POLKS, FANCY ABB OOM- MON FLOATS OF AU. SUBS, MINNOWS, Dir MKTS, BBAIDKB OIL SILK, BBAIDKD UNBN ANB COTTON, BOOKS Or AU MAKBS AND SKA* SHAM UNBS. STATT AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED BAHR GUI. DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Give us aoaU. MS Mata street, Little Beak, ArkansMt v4n4-ly The Gmt Ague Curo! Kress’FmrTonic NO CURE, NO PAY. The proprietor, of the Kress’ Pimp Tbw4a nave so mock eoalldonee la its eflelency a. aa ebsotale Cure for the Ague, that they guarantee It (if taken arnnriitacto diroetten.) to effect a ease in every ease, aad all Dr.ggUtl are authorised to sell It oa thaw tesuM. U It doos not do all we claim for It, bring back the empty bottle, aad your money will be refonded. It U purely vUKOta* Me aad does aoteontaia either anenle, etryehaino, or any other peleoa. la aad Fever. A box es Ljrv.r PiUs with pen. it will sort you aothiag. Full di. ruction. Win be found wrapfed around • onehbotUo. Frlee, Ono DaiSar. kimms* mn TOttw 00, Mee rmretssoes. Sit E—Mb ■4rtsg^m"yWrnwp^.»yfikay,wfrwq fiWSttfosfoaUlS fifes Cfß?umasmtSl nimirM sooagimetrnnueieilHHessßttefo^ DKVOTKO TO TMK IRTKRUTS OF INDKPKNDKNCK COUNTY AND NORTH ANKANBAS. BATESVILLE, INDEPENDENCE CO., ARK,, OCTOBER 15, 1884. CURRENT TOPICS. The New* in Brief. A bumob was in circulation at 'Washing ton on the «th that Secretary Lincoln waa thinking of resignihg. A suit against a Philadelphia firm for fI73,<XD for alleged undervaluation baa been compromised by the Government for f8.80.l- According to the Paris correspondent of the London Telejrt^h, the United States is taking a lively interest in the Franco-Chinese imbroglio. Mikistxb Fkbby stated at the French Cabinet Council on the 4th that Chlneae war preparations rendered it necessary to send Reinforcements to China. Thb Ninth Episcopal Congress of the United Slates met at Detroit, Mich., on the 7th. Bishop Harris presided and de livered the address of welcome. AT the quarterly meeting of the Mon treal (Can.) Board of Trade on th. 7th, the subject of extradition between the United Staten and Canada waa conaid ered. Capitausts will meet in Pittsburgh, Pa., October 15th to arrange for the con struction of an air line 1,200 mltea long to connect New York with Chicago, Council Bluffs end St Louis. Tas Custom-house Examiner of Foreign Mails at the New York Poet-office on th. S.h seised forty -one large diamonds found in the mails of th. steamer Britannic. Their value ia |IO,OOX A Bcbuß correspondent of the London JMly ifewi says the German colonising fever is dying out Wild hopes that vast acquisitions in Africa would divert emi gration from America are vaniahed. Tnxiul has been isiued from the Prohi bition headquarters in Chicago, a procia motion calling on the people of the country to observe Wednesday, the 29-h Inst, aa a day of fasting and prayer for the cause. Town elections were held in Connecticut on the 61b. The constitutional amendment providing for bienniol sessions of the Lig islature waa adopted by a large majority, that question being voted upon all over the State. It la the case to determine the eon etruction of the Thurman act, and particu larly the amount dua the Government from the Union Pacific under that act, will be called in the Court of Claims on the 24th of November. Tua International Meridian Congreaa reconvened on the fitb, at Washington, D. C., and after a long discussion adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. They came no nearer the acomplishmont of their purpose than on the day they first met. Tux Cbieopee Manufacturing Company, of Cbieopee Falli, Maaa., announced on the 3d that it abould run on three-quarter time, nine boor, a day for five days in the week. All the manufacturing eatablish taenta in the village are running on abort Ume. ■ Tub fall of Berber will enable Colonel Kitchener to reach Gordon from Dongola and ascertain his wishes regarding the Nile expedition and as to the necessity of the expedition going to Khartoum. The conference may result in th. abandonment of the Nile expedition. The court-martial to investigate the loee of the British gunboat Wasp, which was wrecked recently on Tory Island, found the disaster was due to the absence of care and to inattention in navigating the ves aeL The surviving members of the crew were acquitted of blame. * It is stated that the United States in its commercial negotiations with Spain, of fered to largely reduce the duties on sugar and raw tobacco imported from Cuba in return for reduced Cuban duties cm American cereals. The ques tion of the tariff la still undecided. The revenue cutter Corwin arrived from Alaska on the evening of the sth. She brought down the crew of the ice-crushed steam whaler, Bowlieod. The Captain re ports’ that a new volcano haa been discov ered at Four Mountains, near Seventy two Pasa. The whale catch was a good aver- Bancroft, the historian, celebrated hia eighty-fourth birthday auuiveraary at Newport B. L, on the 3d. Congratula tions from all parts of the world poured in. The reception was largely attended end was a delightful affair. Mr. Bancroft received from the cottagers many floral devices. AT Morrow, in Warren County, 0., on the 3d, an employe of the Pittaburgb, Cin cinnati and St. Louis Railroad Company was fatally injured by the premature ex plosion of a cannon, being flred in honor of Blaine's appearance. The man died soon afterward, and another waa also in a critical condition. Mna. Jakuok, the newly imported Euro pean actress, was physically prostrated at the dose of the third act of ••LoMaa'' in New York on tba night of the 7tb. The curtain was rung down. A pbysiolan wat summoned, and serious doubts were ex. pressed of tbs lady eingb able to reeunq her engagement immediately. Tbs Pair aad Expoeition managers, who mot in St. Louis, Mo.,recently, appointed a committee to recommend a suitable loca Uon for a World's Expoeition to bo held in 1862. The sub-committee thus appoint ed have selected Bt. Louis as the .most central and best auitad, aad will report that faul t© tIW JWMTbI CO&MllilitM DM©n* berM ' Tna Chief of Police of Meriden, Coan., waa in consultation with the Gorman Con sul in New York on the 7tb, claiming that there is now residing In Meriden Carl Btofert and wife, whom a recent German paper rays owned a tavern in Turstg, Premia, ia which were fouad after they had vacated, akoletoM of aevon porwna. ‘ On of ifee largaet crowds that ever gatbmod ta Bt. L?ula, Mot, witnessed the Vailed Prtpbots* pageant the evening of Iha Mi; and the verdiet of all waa ttai all previcsie aKort^jrtire evtdona. FERSOXAL AND GENERAL. A gabg of laborer, at Pittsburgh, Pa., struck for higher wages on the 6h. Later five of them returned to work and were badly bruised and beaten by the strikers. Coloxkl Stbwart, of the British forces in Egypt, whose boat wasyecently strand ed on the rocks in the Nile, ia reported to have been killo J, together with his com panions, by Bedouins. - Josh R. McLkaw, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, was married on the 7th in Wash ington, D. C., to Miss Emily T. Beal, daughter of General E. F. Beal. Tbr employes of the Oliver Iron Works at Pittaburgh, Pa., decided on the Sth to atrika against the proposed reduction, and this will cause a closing, down and 8,000 men will be out of employment. in conse quence. Thirx were thirty-six frosh cates of cholera and twenty deaths in Naples on the fitb, snd twenty-two deaths st Genoa. Earl Sprncsk has sent the British Gov ernment gloomy reports relative to the prospect for the coming winter in Ire land. Although the harvest is reported good, low prices prevent tenant farmers from making payments of their rents. Should the landlords insist on their full legal rights evictions will ensue and crims revive. Thb liepuMiyue Francaite says of fensive operations renewed in Tonquin by the Chinese will result in a state of war aven if disowned by the Government at Pekin. “It will be necessary,” aays the BepubUque, “to strike new blowy for re prisals and seise upon her territory.” Thb Woman’s Na tonal Christian Tem perance Union will meet in St. Louis, Mo., October 22d, 23d, 24th and 25:h. Promi nent lady apeakers will occupy some of the church pulpits the preceding Bunday. OcUbsr 7th will bi made a day of prayer by thousands of local unions throughout the country?- Tur issue of standard dollars for the week ended October 4.h was $101,672; cor responding period last year, 2615,999. Ths Pennsylvania Railway has notified the Baltimore A Ohio Riad that It ran not use the tracks of the formsr any more between Baltimore and New York after the 12th Inst. Jobs McCullough has gone to Now York. Lord Northbrook wants the Egyptian army abolished. Tur American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions were In srssion in Columbus, 0., on the 7th. Work began on the 7th on a new Pree ^yterisn Church on Connecticut avenue, Washington, D. C. ’ Tn Duke of Cambridge took lunch with High Sheriff Grehan, in Cork oa the 7th. ScUTHBRR ticket agents in session at Louisville Ky., on the 7th fixed tourist tickets the same as Isst year. RxrOBTS from France indicate that the cholera epidemic in that country is rapid ly subsiding. Thb Supreme Council pf the Legion of Honor met in St. Louis, Mo., on the Btb. Tn French Consul at Khartoum la re ported to have perished at the same time Colonel Stewart met hia fate. Thb old Board of Directors of the Gulf, Colorado A Banta Fa Railroad were re elected at Galveston on the 7th. Tu visible supply of wheat on the 7th waa 26,676,000 bushels; corn, 7,078,000 bushels; oaks 8,112,000 bushels. Thb cholera record at Naplea on the 7th waa 43 fresh cases and 27 deaths* at Genoa, 21 fresh cases snd 17 deaths. Thb Mississippi River Commission held s session at Major Suter’s office, St. Louis, Mo., on the 7th, and discuased river Im provementa. Harry Patrick, of Terre Haute, Ind., waa arrested in St. Louis, Mo., on the 7th on a telegram, charging him with ob taining goods on false pretenses. A Tkxas mob in pursuit of horse thieves on the 7th killed a man named Hayes and fatally wounded another named Dunlap. Ibtkhsb hot weather has been prevailing at Savannah, Ga., and one death from sun stroke occurred on the 7th. Commerce has been seriously retarded, stevedore gangs being overcome by heat and unable to load veeaeis. Chablks McNairy, of Laurel Hill, N. C., was killed on the 7th by his wife, who was tired of supporting him. Hs was an invalid. J. H. HammoWD’s St. Gatien won the Caarowitch stakes at the Newmarket races, England, on the 7th. This is ths horse that ran the dead heat in the Derby with Pole nier. Gborob Faakk, who waa arrested in connection with the famous Photo) Paulin murder, and afterward released, has bxen arrested for aggravated assault on Mrs. Hiltinger, at Newark, N. J. Thb lock-out at Oliver Bros. A Phillip)’ iron mills, Pittsburgh, Pa., began on the 7th. Three thousand- more men are thrown out of employment. An attempt will be made to reaume with unskilled la- Ay the aession of the Brotherhood aof Locomotive Engineers on the 7:h at Ban Francisco, Cab, E. 8. Ingraham was re elected First Grand Engineer and J. & Bpragge, Toronto, Ont., Second Grand. Samuel J. Tildu haa written a let ter to the gentlemen who conveyed to him the reeolutiona adopted by the Dimooratic National Committee. He aey s reform ia Governmental affairs ia abaolutely neces sary, and that reform can not be achieved by allowing the Republicans to retain power. Hence the- people insist oa the election of the Democrstio candidates. Rbtubns from all but eighteen towns in Connecticut give a total vote of 42^66 on the biennial aessiona amendment, with a total majority for the amendment of 18,107. Retaras from 114 towns show that tbs Re. publicans control the boards of reglstrs. tlon; the Democrats ia 40; squally divid ed, SA This U no material change from loot year. A Morr dlsaatrous storm swept ever portions of Pennsylvania OU the Bth. Ml Eplacdpal Ccngreaa at Detroit, Mich., on the SA, dlacasaed the "Cathe dral System ia Amerioa. w Thb Chinese bn sending, roiaforoomeata toPokta. CORLBY. of Bootee, wSI raw a few-mlte race with tern With Tsoaser at HUtoa, Pa., Qotebor'SHh, Bvaumsitatsoompio«s ateadsHU st iddftf IDuiif - S ' t if’■ . • peer. Ihg ^pemes were $10,028)881, aad ■fiWNMWwwt>BttM tiYWMdA' Johm L.- Bullivaw proposea to tratn down to 200 pounds, and then he wants to “put a head” on all the able-bodied pugil ists. Thb stovs moulders' strike in Pitts burgh, Pa., which lasted nine months, has been declared off. Mautacturers will ■take the men back at individuals tut not as members of the Union. Thb bombardment of Tamsul by the French fleet waa in progress at last ac counts. The Chinese are said to be strongly intrenched. A storm on Lake Michigan on the morn ing of the S.h washed away a hut in which a number of men were living while work ing in a water tunnel for a Chicago suburb. Ten of them were drowned. Onb hundred and ninety-seven fresh cases of cholera were reported in Italy on the Bth, and ninety-seven deaths. Thb will of the la'e Mrs. Augusta M. Hnntington, formerly Mrs. Shumway, of Cincinnati, 0., bequeaths $300,060 to Epis copal Institutions at Faribault. Minn., Bishop Whipple being the trustee. While receiving a "Plumed Knights” banner at Seneca Falls, N. Y., on the 8 h, General John B, Murphy was stricken with apoplexy and died in a few hours. Dubiko September British imports de creased £58,009, as compared with the cor respondiag month of last year. Exports incressed £19,000 in the same period. The President has appointed L. K. Stan nard Register ot the Land Office at Tay lor’s Falls, Minn., vice Owens, deceased, and T. B. White, alternate Commisaioner of the New Orleans Exposition for Ore gon. It is predicted that the Baltimore A Ohio Railway people will retaliate on ac count of the action taken by the Pennsyl vania Road in reference to the track facil ities between Baltimore and Now York. The former line has it in its power to stir np a great deal ot trouble. A civil-bights case was decided against a colored man at Washington by Judge Snell. The suit grew out of the refusal to sell the colored man a supper ticket on a Potomac River steamer. Hekht and Nicholas Zimmerman, broth ers, were fatally stabbed in a free fight at Honesville, Pa., the night of the Bth. Thb purged Gran t Jury obtained by Judge Beane at Balt Lake, Utah, returned six indictments on the Btb, making twenty one in ten days. Thb quarterly settlement with the lowa State Treasurer shows a balance of funds on band of $161,257. IX The general term of the New York Su preme Court handed down a unanimous opinion on the S.h declaring unconstitu tional the bill passed by the Legislature forbidding the manufacture ot cigars in tenements. Richard Clark, ot Canada, an employ of Forepaugh’s Circus, while opening the ventilator in a cage at Waterbury, Conn., on the BU>, had hia band seisid by a tiger. While trying to release himself he was seised by two tigers and dragged inside the cage. The anima's were finally beaten off with iron bars, alter Clark’s arms and legs had been horribly crunched and man gled. Thb safes of Nobles A Sons and Tomlin son A Sons, at Perry, N. Y., were blown open by burglars the night of the 7th, and robbed of $21,900 ot Arkansas State bonds, besides a largo amount ot other Securities and money. Orders have been received to close the Reading (Pa) Cotton Mills for one month, owing to over-production and slow sales. The mills have been working on an agree ment with Eastern mills. The mills em ploy 81W bands. Thb game and toy book manufactory of Peter G. Thompson at C ncinnati, 0., waa destroyedjby fire the night of the Bh. Ad joining homes were solnewbat damaged. Total loss, $130,009; insurance unknown. A heavy wind fanned the flames. CONDENSED TELEGNAJU. Thb new Japanese Minister arrived at Washington on the 9th. In the Loo Cbuan engagement the Chi nese loat 1,009 men, and 590 more on the retreat. Blasdeh A Co.’b large flour mill at Fort Dodge, la., burned on the 0 ,h. Barnet H. York, a prominent elevator man of Cleveland, 0., died suddenly on tbe9A. Orakgemeh tore down the gates of a convent at Harbor Grace, N. F., on the 9 b. Avian damp explosion In a mine th Mo ravia, on the Otb, caused the death of twenty persons. Thb Oliver mills at Pittsburgh, Pa., con eluded not to cut down wages, and work has been resumed. Thb Hamilton Powder Mills exploded at Cumminsville, Ont., on the 9th. Four men were killed. Tub smount of gold and silver coin in the United, States, socording to the Director of the Mint, is $815,00),000, of which $058,000,000 are in gold. Thb English Cabinet has decided to take steps to stop the encroachments ot the Boers in West AfricA Tbbrb was a great demonstration in New York on ths 6th by the Cleveland and Hendricks clubs of the various exchanges, such as the Stock, Mining, Produce, Cot ton, etc. Belva Lockwood's supporters in New Hampshire mot on the 9th and named an electoral ticket. Mrs. Ricker, the leading spirit there, thinks the woman lawyer will poll a surprisingly large vote. Tub University at Kieff, Russia, haa been closed, and 168 students arrested for being Nihillsta. Thb Cuban aoldien have received no pay for alx months, and the forcea are badly demorallssd. Thb stockboldera* meeting ot the Ohio * Missiasippl Railway Company was held In Clnoinnati bn the 9th. Iha Baltimore A Ohio people defeated the Now York and English parties who sought to take oontrol from the former. Rbvbbm Ffbumr and David Sinton have offeree StS,6O9 each to the Cincinnati (O.) Mnaaum Asaociation to pay for the removal and erection ot tba preaantPoat* office building to the grounds ot tbeasso otation In Eden Pork, a* fl sample of para Grecian arcbit act lire. T» Catania dlatriot in Sicily, which aufferad from a cyclone on the BA, is a^ to preorat almost the same appaarawse that Cbaamloioia did after the earthquoko taUKL Hia believed asaay eorpoea wQI yet ba found. . A max named Dofl jms ^bra bran era- 7 NO. 42. BAYARD ON THE STUMP. An Excellent Speech by the Dela ware Senator. Senator Bnjard to the Brooklyn (N. T.) Democrat*—The Contract Between Maine and Cleve land. In the course of a recent address to the Democrats of Brooklyn, N. Y., Senator Bayard made these telling points: A FALSB IBSUS. The condition ot our country presents for our consMeraton economic and political problems which demand a wise and reasona ble solution at our han Is. Some or them are new, and appeal to forces not hitherto known In our National politics. I refer to the fact that we now witness direct appeals by candi dates for the Presidency, and the parties that support them, to the prejudices and supposed interests ot classes of our countrymen whose interests are aliened to be distinct and at variance with those of other classes. To state the question simply, it is the attempt to create and force an issue between the laborins classes, so-called, and the owners of capital who employ them. Thia Is in my jungmont a false, un-Ameri can and wholly unadmissable Issue to be raised. This country undoubtedly was in tended to be governed in the interests, not of any class, but of all classes of our population. It was intended that none should have privi leges denied to others, which simply meant that none were to have separate privileges, and it will be vain to search through any public paper, in which the welfare of the whole people, and nothing less than the whole people, was declared to be the object of the American Government. It is clear to me that if this line of argument is to bo followed, and issues are to be created and fostered between the capital and labor of the country, or between different classes and employments of our citizens, that in such a struggle victory must ultimately be declared after long and disa-trous conflict, in favor of one or the other; that there is to be at the end of such a struggle a victor and a van quished party. There is nothing In suoh a spectacle that I think justltlable to the i lea of the American Constitution, and the man who contemplate! It may be Justly regarded as the foe to lioerty and the American form of Gov ernment. A MASTBS OF FBXTSMSIOH. Now, Mr. Blaine in bls famoui letter ha* laid down his pretensions, and Mr. Blaine, you know, is a master of pretension. He has taken care to claim everything—a 1 the bless ings of a tree Government, all the ad van tages of human invention and industry, the very bounty of the soil, the unlimited terri tory. the steamboat and railway, the tele phone, the very sun that warms, the breeze that co ils, the ruins that fructify, and even the natural increase of population. not to speak of the a-sl*ted immigration of labor -all that the toil of men and women has produced In the United States has been seized by this can didate for public honor and re<pect, and uuriif n P b]r b' o u a high pmt^five THU UXJUBT TABIFF FYSTCM. On the contrary, I make bold, tn direct op position to the statements and claims ot Mr. Blaino. to aver, and call the record of history as my witness, that a sense of injustice cre ated by an unjust system of laying tariff taxes has produced more local jealousy, more socUnnal feeling, more estrangements be tween our countrymen than any other single cause; that it has caused labor to organize In discontent for lack of steady employment and compensatory wagos, Ms rilled the land with violence and threats of violence, has strained the rule ot law, and promises to bring in the military arm of force as a customary resort to obta'n order. . . . This Ills which has emboldened and induced the dem ungue to appear in our midst. But for the acceptance of such doctrines as Mr. Blaine advocates and bls party approves. In respect to the use of the taxing power, but for the tone ot public thought and feeling gradually generated by such a mercenary spirit and abuse ot a great public trust. I do not believe such a spectacle could be witnessed in the United State* a* Is now. Ihat a candidate who has fattened upon every abuse that our laws contain, and yet bas strangely gone unwhlpned of public justice, should now be running up and down the land offering himself a* the special friend of the laboring man. whose scant earnings have gone largely to swell his vast fortune— and the foe of monopolies which have only adde lto his wealth—in cynical disregard of all that right-minded men value and respect; affecting specially to represent tbe Interests of labor, and yet seeking to array classes of society against each other, hoping thereby out of the general ruin to feed tat hl* grudge* haalnst decency and good order at tbe coitof the public peace and welfare. It is this system of taxation which, while producing a revenue of more than *200.000,- 000, Incidentally entails an enhanced cost of living upon the American laborer and upon the American consumer to the extent, at least, ot nve times that amount. In addition to this It has gradually sealed up the products of manufacturer* within their home market, rendering It Impossible for them profitably to increase their oroduct, or oven, as it would seem, to maintain Us present volume, much leas to expand their sa'os into foreign’fiiirf. kot*. when overproduction ha* glutted-tbe home market. THU ROUTHEBB qUBSTTOg, Think for one moment ot tbe class and eharactcr ot mon who have been authorized to represent tbe government ot the Union to tbe Southern people. Did they represent Its benignity. Its honesty or It* justice! On the contrary, tbe rising generation ot the Southern State*. it they measured their Gov ernment by its agent*, would be obliged to consider Its functions were to extort unnec essary taxes, to barrass the taxpaver, to wound the feeling* of tbe people, to bring dis grace upon republican institutions. After fifteen years of public service as a mcinocr of the Senate—tbe confirming body of. all executive appointments—l profess that I have known but a few cases, some rare ex ceptions, whore the men appointed to public office under th* Federal Government in the Southern States would have possib'y boon chosen for the same office In a Northern State. When I have protested against this, the answer Is: “What can we do? Such mon —bad as they are -are tne best, we can get in tne Southern Slate*, in tbe ranks ot the Bo publlean party." Look also at the kind of mon with whom political alliances are promptly made by the Republican party in the Look at the Cash family in South Carolina red-handed murderers and desperadoes, the class who have been painted as».typical Southern men—ruffians In broadcloth—yet young Cash died the olhoe day defying the legal process ot tbe State and its oliloeri. with a United States Deputy Marshal’s commission in his pocket. Look at Chalmers In Mississippi, gazetted for years by the Republican press a* the mur derer of tolored troops at Fort Pillow. Yet he to taken to the bosom of the Republican party and paid tec* a* an attorney to prosecute his goHUoal opponent* in the court* of the United Look at Virginia. O shade of Washington! Osacred tomb at Mount Vernon! Witness there the sacrifice of State honor—the repu diation of State obligations, tbe degradation ot every function of State government, the overthrow of every institution of good gov ernment, to place a corrupt jobber andoa joler of negro vote* in the Senate of the United States, and In control of the entire patronage of tbe Government ot that Old Dominion, “the Mother ot State* and States men.” A FOUCT OF lIUUSTICB. . Fellow countrymen, the war for the suprem acy of the Union ended in tbe oomplote over throw of it* opponent* nearly twenty year* ago. Whatever reMonan>*yon.o* hay* been nuy *Od Key In th* Cabjnet. aad Loq|ytr**t aMCash_ap^CMrmers alMn th* clo*e cm that tbe RebuoHcan party does trarttbe SoMh wMti it thu*,be*tow* office and pownr gr^ityuMee and atiennttaajtowwy yarly mirD nurotnmrn flntAto TMK BATES YiLuK GUAHS^. 111 Ml QTLDTISI 111 —" tLln.itto.|fE|»ln.|X**Lprar IS :S i| iSsisia iWaiiaM > ^niMmtadwMMMel**Mkl*ad«Ma ManM*** aa* OMtmwMtM* Oaila M*i* ready s*>artMmM*t daswaMt* them. The record of tbe criminal oourta M> test them. Everywhere and on every hand W emblazoned tbe burning truth that the rata ot party pplrit bas caused th<f HepubHcai partyto forget truth, justice and tbe Consth uon in dealing with the people of the South ern States since the close of the war. d This alone is an issue sufficient for thM can vass: thb alone should control u>e votes or thoughtful, moderate and patriotic citizens, and Instruct them that public welfare, the perpetuation of the Union, the promotion of civic virtue and tbe punishment ot civic vice! demand a change in the administration of thb Federal Government, Let u* deal with CUV brethren in the Southern State* In a high and' wise spirit. Let us evoke all that Is highest and best In their nature*. Lot us Ming to the front not tbe miserable mercenaries of their own society, or the low adventurers wbo, oar pet bag in hand, have been prowling for plunderamong them: tat let us ealt to the front the wise, the honored, the able, tbe con scientious, God-fearing, man-loving oitisens of eminence: such men ns are today the re cipients of the confidence and respect of the private citizens of the North who visit the South on business or in search of health or on pleasure; the men who are consulted when great private interests are at stake; the men whose learning and integrity cause the Supreme Court of the United State* to listen with admiration and respect to their aw incuts. inn BarunuCAir cakdidatb. And now, in conclusion, ono word as to the candidate* I have referred to Mr. Bjatae en tirely as a public man, and the public record of his action whilst in office is all that I shall criticise. He has been pictured by a very large body of his fellow-citizens, who. as In dependents. declare their unwillingness to vote for him and wbo give their reasons pub licly and in full. They are impressive wit nesses because for tbe last twenty-five year* they have been bl* party associate*, and have therefore a longer and more intimate knowl edge than hi* life-long opponents—the Dem ocrats—cm have. They give the reason why they recoil from placing him at tbe bead of the affairs of the Nation. They deplore his election as a National calamity ana foretell a downward plunge of the National character and tbe National interests when his influ ence shall be allowed to control them. I, as a Democrat, believe and feel what they say is true, and tor other and additional rea sons, which I have given you, I believe hi* election would be a public calamity. I hare nere tbe document report, No. IM, of the House of Representatives, Forty-fourth Con gress and first session. It contains the depo sitions under oath of James MulUgan.a citizen of Boston, made in the presence of Mr. Blaine. This witness Is not only to this day wholly un impeacbed, but bls veracity and Integrity have been sustained unquestionably. Having fully read these depositions I am unable to see bow any man can doubt that Mr. Blaine's conduct to this man, obtaining from him certain letters by false pretenses, kneeling down to him in unmanly terror, and falsifying tbe truth in regard to the transac tion, render bim wholly unworthy of tbe vote of any honest citizen for the great position of President of the United States. If any man doubts let him read the depositions of Mr. Mulligan and Mr. Blaine himself in tbe docu ment referred to and I believe his doubts will end. TH* DBMOCBATIC CABDIDATB. And now I oome to the character of tbe Democratic candidate. If any man ha* Im puted to Llm a corrupt use or intent to use public power, I never heard it, nor, I think, have you. He is not. as I have beard, a brill iant man, nor a “magnSUo” one, tat he la a man of sound judgment, of vigorous intel lect, and habits of laborious performance ot duty. He has the industry and capacity to form independent opinions, and the con science and the oouraye to maintain those opinions. This has brought him in sharp and positive conflict with vigorous and able men, and has displeaaed them, deeply offended them, but among them all I have never beard anjmpw, Utiogaccompanied by the*llghte*t evidence^ u^W his go ii faith, or Ms personal truth, honor or integrity. There is a kind ot evidence known as “un conscious proofs.” It consists of the un guarded disclosures of a man's motives and Impulses, made without reflection and unac companied by any Intent; sudden rays of light in falling Upon the more secret recesses of bls heart, and giving a better knowledge ot bl* nature than any premedldated act or word. 1 have a letter of Grover Cleveland, written in tbe unthinking confidence Ot fam ily affection to bi* brother. on the day of hi* election as Governor ot tbe State of New York, it was an echo from bls heart and a true reflex ot bls feelings at a time when high honor and great responsibilities han oome upon him. That letter had the true ring of honest man hood. with but one aspiration, and that to da bis duty. That mingled with that aspiration came the memory ot bi* dead mother, mid that her gentle influence seemed then to re vive and strengthen and purify hM thought* will not le* an tbe sympath ea ot the Ameri can people with the *on who mourned her alp ■eneo in the day of hi* renown and promotion among men. But this the leading influence in the char acter of Grover Cleveland a* I discern it; not love ot money, not to achieve *uooea* nor arouse noisy admiration, but chiefly te per form his duty In Ihat station of lite to which ft may please God to call him. Ole has done this alite In offices compara tively humble as well as in tbose ot great dis tinction and power, for be has governed the Empire State and A.Mn.OOO people honorably, honestly snd well for the past two years. As a son-and brother he has dqq^ Ms duty. As a citizen ne has done his duty. As a Sheriff be bas done bls dour. As a Mayor of Buffalo ho bas Oa*e his duty. As Governor of tbe State ot New York hr ha* done hi* duty. : And. God willing, as Prosldent-of the United States be will do his duty. A Playing Witt Edge Tml*. Tbe man who has given izlaine the most trouble in this campaign is that quiet and unobtrusive but clear-headed and honorable gentleman, James Mulli gan. A little over eight yean ago he went to Washington, summoned as| a witness by an investigating committee, , carrying with him a little green bag which contained letters from Jame* G. Blaine to Warren Fisher, Jr., and which over Blaine’s own signature afforded full and complete evidence that the writer was a corrupt man using the a«o --ond office in point of inSuence in the United States for purposes of private ga n. These letter* came into Mr. Mad< Ngan's hands in a perfectly proper and honorable way. Hi* testimony aS to the way in which Blaine «>t them' into his own bands and kept them there is a ' chapter of shame with which our conn try is thoroughly familiar. It has made absurd all attempts of the Blidite apol ogists to whitewash the roeord of their candidate. Aa long as that teetimooy is not impeached Blaine must ateaM before the country blotched MM stained with th* evidence of proved cor ruption. Thos* who remember th* eir cumstanoes under which the taattnony of Mr. MuUigan was given a* w*H as the character of the man. Mave wit. dared to utter a word Impiigri^ Ms veracity. But there are rigns of ratt uess abroad. If there is any diacretion in his open letter to “hi* dear -jwttg-' friend" intimated that Mr. MnUlgM w»* drawing upon his dxw will* •Ywtling plctwro ot 11^. Blaine’* distress. X StolonW tor away a* Richmand. Va», atea*k* hto only way to break tb* faroe of Ms tentt Stere » taKrtMAhat viable repnUtion as