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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
MOOREFIELD Henry Turner and family of Dota ■pent last week with relatives here. Several from Sharp attended church here Sunday evening. W. H. Johns and family spent Sun day with P. B. Goodwin and family. Mrs. Henry Hodges and childrn of Sulphur Rock visited Mrs. Bettie Vanemburg and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MeLen/on at tended the picnic at Desha Saturday. August 4th. I Dish Kent was a business visitor to | Batesville Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duncan, July 31, a girl. Misses Hazel and Dorothea Lee Parks of Batesville visited Mrs. Mat tie Massey the first part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sexton are vis iting their daughter at Jacksonport. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orvall Haul eey, Saturday, July 28, a girl. Mrs. Allie Keith is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Harris. Alberta Goodwin of Hot Springs is yisiting relatives here. Mamie Huskey visited Daisy Coop, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McLendon and Misses Mary and Pearl McLendon spent Sunday of last week at New port. M. E. Moore and family and Mil ton Mack have been visiting in Litt’e Boek, Osceola and Memphis. Ruth and Mildred Parks spent Sunday with Velma Seuberth. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morris have re turned from Cleburne, Texas. They were accompanied by Mr. Morris’ 1 ( / ! । K « x/ * K Close comparison will readily 3 ’ ■ reveal to yon why the good ■ Maxwell has gone so far H in public favor in such a I B short time. Its outstanding B superiorities are apparent ? I B even to the casual observer. X X t -ww J I, - 1 K . Hickerson Brothers Auto Company The Good MAXWELL f. o. b. Detroit Disc Steel Wheels Included I—. Five-Passenger Touring Bringing Ip Father !■■■■■» By George McManus mother and Mrs. Jim Ashley and fam-1 ily. George Harris and family of Sharp I spent Sunday with W. A. Lanier and I . j family. Mrs. Osmond Pence and daughter,! I Virginia, of Batesville, visited the former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Callis and family, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Maud Finley and son, Logan, visited at the Hiram Finley home last week. J. M. Duncan and Jim Carter made I a business trip to Batesville Mon j day. ; W. F. Goodwin and family spent 1 | Sunday at the Orvall Haulsey home. I I Mr. \»d Mrs. C. T. Abey of Pfeiffer I and Hazel Kirkland spent Sunday al । . the T. S. Ottinger home. Mrs. John Coop anti Mr. and Mrs. I Lynn Moore of Smithville visited at the Claud Coop home Monday and । Tuesday. Harry Johns and family of Sul ’ phur Rock spent Sunday at the Wm. Stauffer home. Picnic at Desha The picnic held at Desha Saturday for the benefit of the Desha public school was « success in every respect. A large crowd attended and the pro i ceeds were sufficient to pay for the t drilling of a well on the school prop erty, which was the object of the com-1 I mittee, who arranged for the benefit picnic, ! IwufrM. 1 HUW JH« epportunfty st eMfag Oythtnf beautiful. Welcome It Im BYery fair face, every fair sky. every । fa‘r Rower, and thank Him for ft. whit is 'Le fonntn'n of Mi '^ j • = —■-■■-■c ———Ts" ' IVE COT A DETECTIVE -VCR.'x | WATCHING OINT'Y MOOREb WELL- i | AND IF YOU GO THERE WiTi today for corned beef «Ui t AND CABBAGE - I'LL SEND j TOO TO A HOSPITAL! I ! I ^wniOßi \wv’°^ir\ if J® Ji Makes a Survey of Nursery Stock | Little Rock, Aug. 7.—George W. ! Winfrey, Deputy Inspector of the State Plant Board, has returned from a tour of the state, making a survey of nursery stock. He reports that he has found the stock in much better condition than usual. This is due to a more favorable season and to elim- I ination of careless handling on the I part of many growers. The stock is I cleaner and freer from disease and pests than usual. No stock that has evidence of plant disease is permitted Ito be sold. These regulations are । having the effect of raising the qual [ ity of fruit trees sold by all the nur j series of the state. j NOTICE — Notice is hereby given that by au-1 thority given me under Act 279, 1919, i I have impounded and will sell at the ! Good Luck Vat, 4 miles South of Floral on August 23, at 10 a. m., the , following described cattle: One red j poll steer yearling not marked or' branded; weight about 350 pounds, CLAUDE V. BROWN, ltd-ltw. To Meet at Petit I Jean Mountain Little Rock, Aug. B.—The county superintendents of Arkansas will meet j on Petit Jean mountain for a four | I days’ session at a date to be fixes I later, during the summer. The meet- ! ing is for the purpose of considering I a uniform program for the education- I | a', work in the various counties. 4 | I KNEW *bHE T * HADA J : Detective I I There- I w ======£== SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS z— feLlßt Better Health Invariably follows, when a re liable Dentist is consulted, and your teeth are “looked all over” and “fixed all over.” Aluminum plates a Specialty 30 Years Experience H Guaranteed Work. G. H. BRIGGS DENTIST Fitzhugh Bidg. Vacation Time rapidly approaclund ys y‘^p :=1 ' Fy Decide now on ^Colorado C,aliiomia or combine both in one grand tour! Take advantage of the Low Summer Fares end the route of unusual scenic appeal via the 1 Missouri Pacific \ ROUTE. to Colorado, and thru Colorado to California f*rotn To Round trip iarcß exclusive of Pullman anti surcharge i t $40.50 ( Pueblo) iithcßock .... ... .. . Colorado < 42.56 (Colorado Springs) i| ( 45.30 (Denver) California. 81.50 t4emphte Colorado | 47 65 ( Colorado ( bpnngs or Denver) California 85.15 ^"he fares will be correspondingly low from till localities. Tickets on sale daily to Colorado and California from points in j! | Arkansas and Memphis, Tenn., May 15 to September 30, 1923; i with final return limit October 31, 1923. Lilrend stopovers. Literature and expert advice furnished to assist you in making your plans. Write to — C. K. Bothwell I | . , Assistant General Passenger Agent MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD Little Rock, Ark. HERE I I tLM 1 HAT a At-HAGIN- u LMej OAc ka,. a . . J I TOO no JH i • OUH Sc ■ ©l9^3 by int l Feature Service, Inc. 8 & spniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^ I ARKANSAS COLLEGE | | Batesville, Arkansas | | CO-EDUCATIONAL | = A Christian College with a long and honored past, a vigorous, = E growing present, and a still larger future. E E Wholesome environment and influences. Sound scholarship. E X New ?100,000 dormitory for men; $325,000 recently subscribed for z = additional buildings, equipment and endowment, over SIOO,OOO of = E this from Batesville. Clean athletics. E E Strong courses leading to A. B. degree. Expression. Home = = Economics. Music under Eduard H. Scherubel, Director. Martha = E Miner Richards, voice. E e Local Students Should Plan Their f 1 Courses Early. f e See | | R. K. TIMMONS, D. D„ Dean | | or | | E. B. TUCKER, President. | nlllllllllllllllll!lll' *IHI l!Hi:i:illlll!IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|||||||||||||K i AOOU‘3 I GITAPLATI Av-i ill I WHAT l*b U GIVE YOU SOMC- I VHAT- J I lT't> COR.tSL£U> cM i f ■U AN’ CAEMNAGE - । FxJT | IT IH HEKE \ XCGTEKDAV- i Iv' > : O' ■■ I” OfeEll