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Lost— Cameo Pin in front of 'Crouch’s store or at the cemefery if found return to Mrs. J. C. Evans. Mrs. Deener and a few of her pu pils will give an act in the Football Extravaganza to-night at Alumni Hall. Miss Katherine Ramey arrived in the city last night. She will meet her dancing class this afternoon and will return to Newport to-night. “Tune in” to hear Glenn Metcalf ^o-night at Alumni Hall. Admis sion is 50c for everybody. Miss Cleo Magness has returned from Conway where she wiK finish the school term out taking a business • course at the High School. | Donald Bags Chester and John | Eberlle of Little Rock spent Sunday ' in the city visiting .friends. Paul Crow spent Sunday in Bates ville the guest of friends and rela tives. Lost—Gold engraved key-shaped pen, reward if returend to Guard of fice. Marvin Wade of Memphis spent : Sunday in the city visiting relatives and friends. Garden and Truck Fertilizer—Get a bigger yield from the same seed , and the same work. Call 391 for prompt delivery. Barnett's . — I VULCANIZING There’s a 21x 40 Balloon, A toy Balloon And a great big Naval balloon, But any balloon. Needs repairing soon, When a blowout fl causes a boom. Only a special material is used in balloon tires Have your balloons repaired with new material of the right sort. 1 Arnn Motor Co. - ==:JI X* ■ X 1 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS § | Battle Greek I | Food Products | = E= J Learn the Road to better Health s , ee thru eating the proper Foods. Our = j = store has been selected as the exclu- || I H sive Distributor in this city of these I = famous Health Foods— = J J Sanitarium Cooked Bran. j I 2 —Bran Biscuit Malted Nuts I j Paralax || I = Minute Brew Fig Bran Flakes 3 I J Savita Vita Wheat j B Gluten Flour Gluten Biscuit 2 —Protose =, I I B Follow the Royal Road to Health j । s via the Battle Creek Route 2 I 2 s I i fl | Barnett's 11 s Batesville, Phone 391 s j I ^UHIMIIIOIIIM “ Mrs. E. E. Bonewits and her sister I Miss Mary Busby have returned from J Hot Springs where they have been I visiting friends and relatives in that I city. I Mrs. A. J. Casey and daughter Miss B Angie have returned to their home in I Little Rock after spending the past I two weeks visiting Mrs. Casey’s I daughter Mrs. Chas Barnett and fam- I n y- ’ .. J The Philo Syncopators will broad- I east a radio program from P. Q. M. I F. at the College Alumni Had to- I night. Be sue to hear their Jazz I numbers. I Ewell Hess left Monday for Ra- D mondsville Texas where he has ac- I cepted a position. I W. E. Anderson of Sulphur Rock I was trading in Batesville Monday. J Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins of Newport I are in Batesville this week. I COFFEE —Drink Pride of Little I Rock. “Perfect Satisfaction in Every I Drop.” Packed in tins for sale at fl your grocer. 2-52 R. Stolen—One Firestone Balloon cord i tire 29x4 on the wes tside taken I Tuesday night. The tire was new , and was taken off the wheel of a ; fl Ford touring cv any information | leading to the whereabouts of this I tire will be appreciated by calling ( I 11. A. Bickers. Reward to finder. ; I — Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hunt spent Sun day in Batesville guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Waters. Mrs Water® returned with them, after Laving vis ited a Salem fro several days. .THE BATESVILLE GUARD B ' ' 111 4-^— 4-— — —4.—— 4— —.... ..g..- — Just 4 More Days of Our February Sale of Furniture I Don’t fail to fulflill your needs of good furniture during 111 It is the best sale we ever held, because of the unusually I price reduction of our February Sale. You save 10 per I > ar & e variety of stylish new goods, and the fine quality a , of everything. Consequently, it has been our busiest I cent, 2o per cent and even 50 per cent, by buying now. sale> and one that has attracted customers from all over You can furnish one room or an entire house. 11l the county. Below Are Some of the Exceptional Bargains That Have Attracted Buyers From All over the County Dining and Bedroom Specials Two Tone Walnut Suite $198.00 An unusual value in an eight piece suite, made of hardwood and Genuine American Walnut, two-tone col or Suite consists of large 72” buffet with two cupboards, j full length drawer two short drawers, one with velvet ? lined removeable eight section, one arm, tray; oblong extension table, five straight and one arm chair, bottoms . upholstered in good grade of tapestry. China Closet for | the above may be obtained. 8 Piece Walnut Finish Suite $121.50 i Splendid construction and design makes this suite I a wonderfud buy. It is made of hardwood, finished i’ l . the serviceable American Walnut. Suite consists of 60” buffet, oblong extension table and six chairs. Stippled Bedroom Suite $130.50 Lavender Gray finish a charming suite especially designed and finished for the young ladies bedroom, in the new stipple finish. Suite consists o flarge vanity dresseh; chifforette with two out-side drawers and two I door compartment bow end bed, bench and comfortable bedroom rocker to match. Genuine Mahogany Bedroom Suite $125. Consisting of large, room dresser, with two large , and two small drawers, good size plate glass mirror; . Chiffroette with deep roomy drawers; bow end bed and , rocker. A handsome suite, made of combination hard- I . wood and geniune mahongony. Furniture Selected Now Delivered When You Say If you are not ready for your new furniture, there is no reason for passing un the ' tremendous savings offered during our February sale. We will be glad to keep I the Furniture you select and store it for you until you are ready for it—without cost to you. Satisfy Yourself. Come to Our Store and Look Over These I alues I j FREE! ■ v This Beautiful j Floor Lamp j To the Owner of the Old- i est Refrigerator in Actual H . • f Use. Register Your Refri- | • gerator at Once. - n । Registration Clos- les Saturday, Feb- ’ ruary 27, If Your Refrigerator is 10 Years Old or Older be sure S * and Register! Every one Who Re gister Their Refri gerator Gets a Gift i MAXFIELD’S g 4.^=F==^ L ' 8- —* <■—— Living Room Specials : -T - •. Overstaffed Suite $98.00 3 piece overstaffed suite, consisting of rocker and chair with spring upholstered seats, and long davenport with three spring filled removable cushions. Upholstered in a figured velour. 2 Piece Tapestry Coverd Suite $117.00 An unusual bargain for those who want a living room suite for hard service. Suite consists of daven port and wing backed chair, upholstred in good grade of tapestry in a small all-over figure of a pleasing color combination. 3 Piece Velovr Covered Suite slkK7s A luxurious overstuffed suite in a good grade of figured velour. The davenport, fireside chair and rocker are exceptionally combortable and good looking. Fibre Suite $99.00 A feature of our February Sale is this attractive three piece fibre living room suite, in the new Frosted Brown finish, with rich upholstering of a dark shade of blue figured tapestry, of an excellent quality. Suite consists of long davenport straight chair and rocker, all with removeable spring filled cushions. 3 Piece Fibre Suite $19.50 In the new star gold finish. Suite consists of short settbe. rocker and straight chair, upholstered seats and backs of good grade croton. All cushions springs fUd. A mighty good value for taose who want a snappy look ing suite for only a small investment- ! 1 Bring This Coupon I Today! | REGISTRATION OF OLD REFRIFRIGERATOR ‘ | Name of Owner I | Town I j Name or Make of Refrigerator । j How Long in Use . Condition J Tear off and bring in or mail to our store.