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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY. APRIL 29. 1927 ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL DAY AT FIRST METHODIST CHURCH i Next Sunday, May Ist, will be the I t occasion of the annual Sunday School j ] Day program at First Methodist ; Sunday School. ‘ The regular Sunday School services ! at 9:30 will be held as usual. i At 10:50 the entire Sunday School, along with the regular church con- I gregation will meet in the auditorium of the Church for the Sunday School | Day Program. A very interesting | program has been prepared. The j Sunday School orchestra and the' Young Peoples choir with Mrs. Ruth I Johnston, organist, will furnish the | music. Several short and helpful i talks on the Sunday School work ',vill be made. The elementary departments j will sing special songs. We are hoping to have a large Sun- I day School and we want ever:, ; church member who is not a Sun- t School pupil to be in the morning I church service so that you may see • c what the Sunday School is doing. ' 1 Visitors and strangers are cordially i * invited. Lets fill 11 e Sunday Schoo’ [ and Church to overflowing or. Sunday | c morning. J c Nels Barnett, Jr., Sup’t. ! i ST. PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH J Morning Prayer 11:00. j • Dr E. B'. Tucker will preach at I the morning service. t Evening Service, 7:30. i The B. Y. P. U. will be in charge of the evening service. Sunday School and Bible class at 9:30 A. M. DR. TUCKER AT ST. PAULS Dr. E. B. Tucker, President of Arkansas College has accepted in vitation from St, Pauls Church to preach the sermon at the 11.00 o’- clock service next Sunday morning. . A GOOD THING—DON'T OVERLOOK IT. ' 1 From Jas. Edwards, Montgomery, I Ala.. comes this letter which con- ' I tains a valuable suggestion: 'T feel ! like a new man since taking Foley’s Honey and Tar. I can now sleep all night, soreness in chest and the bad I cough entirely gone. My whole fa- I mily use it—for coughs, colds and I croup, and it always helps.” Stops i tickling throat, nervous hacking cough . puts a healing, soothing coating on ! an inflamed throat. Sold and rec- I ommended everywhere. Ask for it. , 7 Days One Week 7 Days GG Greatly Reduced Prices /A ON ALL j |KII Badger and Beaver Tires and Tubes Beginning April 27th and ending May sth, (Day for giving away Chevrolet) we will make drastic reduction's in prices of all Badger, Beaver, and Trinity Casings on hand. These prices are far below our usual prices and i f you are going to need a tire or tube at any time during the summer it will pay you to buy from us during this sale. These prices are positively good for only one week. .... . Please Remember—Prices good only for stock on hand. „ f t3O x 3 30 x 3 1-2 29 x 1.10 BEAVER FABRIC TRINITY CORD BEAVER BALLOON Casing and Tube Casing and Tube Casing and Tube $6.34 | S 7-95 $9-06 fll II - ' - If CLmH I-I'll 30x5 HASSLER SHOCK j Ml BEAVER CORD ABSORBERS 1 Ml Casing and Tube For Ford Cars $20.92 $11.25 oily Batesville Battery Company Batesville Arkansas St. Pauls Woman Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Claude Dorr Tuesday May 3rd, 3 o’clock. Assistant Host esses; Mesdames, Jones, Kennerly, Reeder, Kealer, Miss Alexander. The program subject will be “Christian I Social Service.” Mrs. Bates, Leader. | | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Sermon—“ Life Worh Living.” ' :30 F M. Evening Worship. Sermon—‘‘Satan” Christian Endeavor: 2:30 P. M. Junior. 5:45 I’. M. Intermediate. 6:30 P. M. Senior and Young Peo- j pies. The public is cordially invited to MOTHERS Watch for symptoms of worms ini the great destroyers of chlid life. | If you have reason to think your, child has worms, act quickly. Give j your children. These parasites are the little one a dose or two of White’ j Cream Vermifuge. W’orms cannot exist where this time-tried and sue- ! cessful remedy is used. It drive out the worms and restores the rosy ! hue .of health to baby cheek. Price 35c. Sold by Goodwin Drug Cc. . ...... I For Good DENTAL WORK Call on DR. G. H. BRIGGS Hinkle Bldg. Batesville, Ark. । i i Dr. P. T. Blond j i The Batesville Chiropractor is 1 now located at 304 Boswell St. j at the corner of Broad. | J— ————— — THE BATESVILLE GUARD these services. R. E. Carroll. Pastor. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH “The Honest Doubt,” will be the j theme of the sermon at the First I Mehodist Church Sunday evening a* JEM. j Sunday School Day will be observed with a special program at the morn ing hour. The Sunday school will be ; in charge of the program. Short <yl- ! dresses will be made by the pastor I and others. Sunday school will open at 9:30 a. ' m. The special Sunday School Day program will begin at 10:50. I The first of a fecial series of prayer meetings for the month of May will be held Wednesday night at i 7:30 and will be in charge of the | Board of Lay activities of which W. I ! M. Findley is chairman. The genert 1 I them ■ of these special ] layer meet- j in'. 1 will be. “The Chri-tinn Minis’- ry". The theme for Wednesday night ‘ I will be. ’•Preparing A Min’stry.” | The Batesville District Conference i [ will be held at : e i.rai A venue Church Thursday and Friday of next weeF. Further Proof Not Needed. It seems an Oklahoma girl adver-| tised for a husband, and found one i within a very short time. The ad- I \ ■ it isement cost $3.00 and the wed-1 • । ding $9.00. Tn less than a year the [ husband died and left liis widow sll.- 000 insurance. Yes sir, it pays to advertise. The Dallas News says, “Undoubt edly. personal liberty is a good thing —But we don’t like to ride with a driver who is full of it.” Speaking of Prohibition. WELL- KNOWN’ MEDICINE QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS AND THROAT IRRITATIONS “Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound has its own place in our medi | cine cabinet and has saved us many a burdensome doctor's bill. For bronchial coughs, for croup and ! whooping cough, for troublesome । night cough, and when my own sen sitive throat starts up a nervous hacking, we find Foley's Honey and Tar Compound always a prompt and reliable aid.” Mrs. J. M* (naine fur nished) Oemdale, Wash. Sold and I recommended everywhere. Ask for it. Advertise in the Guard n ' ‘ Special This Week Only 500 Letterheads and 500 : i Envelopes $4-50 J 4 ; The letterheads are printed on finest Hammermill Bond and the envelopes are Columbia Bond a standard quality Don’t miss this opportunity to save and at the same time supply your Printing Needs “AN AD IN THE GUARD GETS RESULTS” BATESVILLE PRINTING CO. i i t < h Publishers of ij - THE BATESVILLE TWICE-A-WEEK GUARD j I _ ...--'G