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FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927 Mrs. Morgan Holmes who has been confined to her home for several months for special physical care, is: reported to be standing the heated season very well. The many friends of Mrs. Holmes are prayerfully hop ing that she will soon re over and be able to take her place in the so cial and church life of the city where she has been very greatly missed for the past year. ♦ ♦ ♦ E. 0. Arnold a special representa tive of the Yuban Coffee Company is taking the space in the Guard, thru Barnett Brothers to push this special bi and of coffee, and a free demonstra tion will be given on this coffee, at the date indicated in today's adver tisement spaci*. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lewis are spend ing she month in the west where they are taking a special vacation and al so looking after some valuable pro perty they own in Western. Texa * • • Hon. Horace Northcutt of Salem spent Thursday afternoon in the city looking after business interest. Sale starts Set., Inly 30 and ends Sat., August 13. 15 BIG DAYS. COME! Our Great August Clean Up bALt. advise early shopping. We reserve the right to limit quai.unes. Dry Goods Many of These Items Cannot Be Replaced at Prices We are Offering Them For Here 20c Hope Bleach Domestic. Only 300 yards to sell at this low price. IQUf Per yard 1 O /2 C 35c AAA our Standard 32 in. Feather Proof Tick at the lowest price in years. nn August (’lean Up Sale 441 27 inch Medium Weight Brown A Domestic. 7 l-2c value tor v V 36 in. medium weight Brown *7 _ Domestic, Our 10c value for f v 35c Genuine Pepperell Pillow Tubing, 36-in. Full bleached at a real low price IQ for our August Clean Up Sale, yd. 1 20c extra heavy Brown Domestic, 40 inches wide. The market has advanced the price on all cotton goods. This is 1 91/r an unusual low price. Yard 1 Zj/2 V 25c Heavy Blue Denim, 2.40 weight, at an extremely low price of 1 £ - per yard 1 vv 10c Wash Rags, each A _ During August Clean Up Sale vv SI.OO Checked Marquisette curtains HQ with ruffles and tie backs, pair v V v 35 CENT VALES 17 CENTS. One table of 36-in. Sateens, Chailies, Kimona and Underwear Crepe. A won- 17 C derful value for only lav 20c Percales, Silkolene, Cretons and Pajama Checks, all 36-in. material, and | A on one table at per yard 1 Vv VOILES 75 cent 40 inch Plain Voiles, per yard during Clean Up Sale VVV 59 cent 40 inch Plain Voiles, O A per yard V VV 35 cent 36 inch Plain Voiles, IQ per yard 1 VV FIFTY CENT VOILES One table of Figured Voiles, Jerseys, Under wear. Silk Striped Broadcloth and Organ dies, value up to 65 cents. QQf August clean-up sale VVV TOWELING One Table of 12, 15. 18 inch Toweling, colors White and Ecru, values up to C 12 l-2c vd„ August Clean-up Sale JI Barnett Bros. Mercantile Co. Your Foremost Store Bote.etlle, Mrs. .1. R. Evans and children, plan i vacation on visit to relatives and friends in Tennessee during the latter i part of the summer. • • • j For Sale:—Furniture and complete ilitfit for a rooming house. Right ind of prices. Call of see Mrs. E. t. Livingston. 4tpd. Mrs. .1. W. Parse has recently i> 'turned from an extended trip to ■ North Carolina where she spent a de lightful vacation. Johnny Carpenter, son ot Mr. and Mrs. H. Carpenter, who has been ill and part of the time under special treatment in Little Rock, is spending I several weeks with his parents in this city. O. T. Hunt arrived ^in the city Thursday where he met his tobacco trade. * * * Miss Madeline Shircliff is spend ing her vacation with relatives in Bloomington. Mo. * » ♦ Mrs. Arnold, mother of Mr. Carl Arnold and daughter are spending i the summer in the city the guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arnold and family. Jlerc. ' — ————~ I CURTAIN GOODS All Curtain Scrims, Marquisettes. Nets. Silk Nets. Cretonnes and heavy curtain Da masks, all at one reduction in ORCz price of /' ONE LOT OF QUAKER NET CURTAINS ONE-THIRD OFF. This includes broken assortments, for the most part two or three pair of a kind. BALCONY BARGAINS , You will find scores of BARGAINS on our Balcony. Men's Work Shoes. Ladies’ and Childrens shoes and oxfords. Dry Goods, Hosiery and Work Clothing. M e list hen only two of the many items. J 1000. Yards of Dress Ginghams, Percales, . Cotton Checks, and Suitings, mostly 27- inch All on one table, during our y Great August Clean Up Sale, yd. I V 500 PUMPS 50 CENTS One table of Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps in Satin, Patent Leather and Kid. s»ze-> 3 to 6, to close out during our PA . August Clean Up Sale at. pair dVI VALUES IN THESE 54 inch Heavy Table Padding. 4> 1 CQ during August clean up Sale <p I .VV 1 50 cent Gilhrae Ginghams, during QQ_ August Clean Up Sale, yard Ovv SI.OO All Pure Dress Linens, RQf during August Clean Up Sale VVV 50 cent English Prints. August Clean Up Sale price VVV $3.00 Flat Crepe. 40-inch. during Art DQ August Clean Up Sale s£«4iv $2.00 Flat Crepe. 40-inch. all ft 1 CQ colors. August Clean Up Sale'pl.Uv SI.OO Ladies’ Silk Hose, during RQr August Clean Up Sale vvV 1 Lot of Lace, values up to 35c 1 A- yard 1 Lot of lace, values up to 15c Q r yard 1 Lot of Children's 7-8 Sox. 50c ORf values, SI.OO Cotton Batts. 2 1-2 lb. 7Rr each • vv SI.OO Ladies' Union Suits, each 7Rr during August Clean Ip Sale f VV TOWELS One table of Huck and Turkish plain or fancy colors, sizes up to 4.2x41 values up to 35c each. August 1 Q _ Clean Up Sale, each 1 vv My house is ready for rent to : party who will come well recommend ed. Will rent for light housekeeping or roomers. My home is modern in every respect. F. V. Foneville. ttf. Misses La Vaun Gray and Lois t ody of Searcy spent last week in Batesville, the guests of Miss Ber nice Ball. If you want to buy or sell city property see J. C. Fitzhugh. IM. Miss Beulah Monday is spending the summer : n Memphis visiting rela tives and friends. For Sale 200 acres about four miles out on t ashman road. Make me an offer. Mrs. Earl E. Ellsworth. Box .34.".. Enid Oklahoma. Miss Bessie Goodwin who has been going to school in Oklahoma for the past two terms, has returned to her home in Batesville, and will fi nish her High School work in Bates ville High School. ** * * Harry Maxfield who has been tak ing special literary work in the uni versity of Chicago during the' past | summer, will return to his home in this city within the next few days. THE BAT^SVLLE GUARD Miss Thalia Reynolds from the Masonic Home is visiting relatives friends in Paragould. Miss Juna Morris is visiting rela tives and friends in Swifton this week. If you wish to buy > i sell city property see .1. C. Fitzhugh. PJ. Mrs. R. W. Waite. Jr., who has been visiting relatives in the city left Tuesday for her home at Little Rock. Roe Wells of Nelsonville was trad ing in the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Adler formerly of Batesville but now residing m Little Rock, are spending the sum mer months in Colorado. Judge and Mrs. L. B. Poindexter are spending a most delightful vaca tion at Eureka Springs where they will remain until cool weather. ♦ ♦ ♦ Walter H. Denison of Cushman is transacting business in Amarillo. Texas, this week. Mrs. O. P. Moss and son, Otway Jr., are visiting in the city- the guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Car penter. Ready T' 4 Wear, Millinery Anticipate vour future needs. Take ad vantage of the Sale Prices. LADIES SILK DRESSES One group of 16 Flat Crepe Dresses all this season’s styles, sizes 16 to 12. colors are copen. tan, honey dew. navy. rose, gray and gooseberry. These are dresses that sold up to $27.50. We have made an extremely low price for our Great August (lean I P Sale, your choice, tfjQ OR each <PV.OV SI.OO Ladies’ Rayon and Silk Vests J A silght seconds, assorted colors, ea. c xvv MORNING DRESSES One group of Sun Beam Dresses made of the higher grade of ginghams for morning wear and the styles are very pretty, colors fast, in sizes 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, values up to $6.50. Reduced specially for our Great August Clean Up Sale, to ft A RQ each V £ • v V LINEN DRESSES One group of all pure linen dreses all pretty, colors and good styles, only 10 to close out. each during our Great ftA DQ August Clean Up Sale CHILDRENS DRESSES One group of 45 Children’s dreses made of high grade percales all this season s sty les, in sizes 6to 14. Our $1.25 value now on our August Clean Up Sale QQr at each Ovv LADIES HATS One table of Spring and Summer Hats, mostiv small shapes, all colors values up to $7.50 reduced for our August ft 1 A A Clean up sale, each V 1 .VV GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES One table of House Dreses made of Gingham and Percale in all the new styles sizes 36 to- 54 and well made. Our regular SI.OO values on our August Clean Ip RQp sale at, each v vv SPECIAL IN FLOUR 1 Barrel of Soft Wheat Flour ft A H C during our August Sale <PU. I U Mis. Alex Hively, who has been vis iting relatives and friends here for several days has returned to her home in Memphis, Tenn. 1 VELVET g 5 ICECREAM I 2 in 3 SPECIAL FOR YOUR g SUNDAY DINNER i 1 Km 5 50c Per Brick £ ; IPs Delicious. £ i Batesville I S 3 K | Ice Company f ; B Phone 93 15 Big Days, Starting , Saturday, July 30, and ending Saturday, Au- gust 13. Come! Men’s Clothing Values That You ^an’t Resist MEN’S STRAW HATS All Summer Straws during our August Clean Up Sale at exactly one half price. MENS SUMMER SUITS All our Men’s and Young Men’s light weight suits consisting of linen, tropical worsted, mohair and Palm Beach, that sold for $12.50, $16.50, $18.50 and $22.50 at ex actly one half price. MENS SUMMER PANTS All light weight pants for Men and young Men in light or dark colors of cotton, part wool or all wool, priced from $2.00 to $7.50 all reduced ' SI.OO Men's Collar Attached Shirts CQ r during our August Clean I pJSale vvv $1.25 Men's White Collar Attached DQ. Shirts, August Clean up Sale price Qvl $2.00 Men’s Genuine English Broadcloth Shirts. White only. 14 to 17. ft 1 QQ during August Clean Up Sale 1 .Ov SI.OO Men’s Neck Band shirts. RQr during AuguSt Clean Up Sale D vU $1.25 and SI.OO Men’s Summer 7Qr Union Suits /vv BATHINGSUITS All Men’s Ladies' and Children’s Bathing Suits of wool or cotton, all sizes, SI.OO to i $6.00 values, at Exactly one Half Price. $1.25 Suit Cases. Full Size, each during August Clean Up Sale Os L One lot of Ladies’ Fine Pumps. ft Q nA , sold from $6.00 to $7.50. pr. SO. V V I One lot of Ladies’ fine Pumps values un to $5.00 to close out. during our ft A QQ Clean Up Sale, at pair, <D£.vO i Hardware Specials i * $15.00 Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers. 14 inch ( size, to close out during our ftQ *7 P - August Clean up Sale at SO S f v ICE CREAM FREEZERS Our entire stock of Freezers at a dicount i of 25 PER CENT during our August Clean I U p Sale. Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Powell who have been visiting relative^ in thia city, have returned to their home in Alabama.