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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Prescott, The Nevada County Picayune _____— Published every \Y edtiesday and Sat urday by C. B. Andrews, Proprieior. _ _ SUBSCRIPTION, Si 50 A YEAR. \pplieatmn tins b»*t*n made to the poptoffice de partment for admission to the mail as second-class matter. C. B. ANDREWS - - Editor. Special Notice, To OurSuscribeks: Last Sun day morning about 4:30 “The Picayui^e” office was totally de stroyed by fire, not even saving the books or subscription list. This is a heavy blow to me fi nancially, being my hard-earned savings for the past 15 years. There is no way for me to tell how much each subscriber owes me or even who they are so I must trust it entirely to them to notify me who they are and as near as they can how they stood with the paper. So T ask everyone who was taking “The Picayune” to please drop me a card and tell me as near as possible how they stand with the paper and send the amount, if possible, for if I ever needed the money 1 need it now. I have, hpught a new and com plete newspaper and job office, and it will be shipped at once. As soon as it arrives we will open up in the Brooks building on Hast Front Street, one of the best equip ped printing plants our county lias ever had. We will issue a twice-a week paper, lull of live news and will be prepared to fill all orders for job printing. It will be more than appreciated if you will send or hand in the amount due the paper. You know what it is; I don’t. I trust it to your honor. You will find me at our new quarters, in the Brooks building four doors from the post office. This will be t lie last issue published until our new plant ar rives which will not be later than February ist. Now a postal card will cost you mly one cent and my subscription ist is worth hundreds of dollars to ne. So please drop me a card and it least tell me you were a subscrib ?r. There has never been a loss in n the country by lire that I did not ielp when asked to do so. Now friends, I do not a^k a do nation, but only that you drop me the card as above stated, which will be worth more to me than any thing you could give me. I thank you all for your past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same in the future, I am Yours truly, C. B- Andrews. J. A. NELSON. In this issue will be found the nainwMi, Nelson of Laneburg as iSjIBKlate for Representative from this county. Mr. Nelson has lived in this county since its forma tion and is one of the most success ful farmers in the county having followed that vocation all of his life. He has never held a county office but was nominated in 1S93 for County Judge but was defeated in the general election with the bal ance of the ticket. Mr. Nelson is a conservative man and is honest and trustworthy and if he is nomi %> nated and elected as your represen tative, will ever be found battling for the good of the people. We trust you will consider his claims %/ when you go to vote March 28th. J. B. MUNN. We present the name of J. B. Munn of Albany Township this week for county clerk of Nevada county. Mr, Munn was born and raised in this county, and worked on a farm until about ten years ago, when he engaged in the mercan tile business at Uaneburg in which business he is still engaged. He is ampiv qualified to fill this position, if elected. Mr. Munn bel eves in rotation in office. He believes in the old democratic custom, that a man should hold an office 2 terms and not ask for it again. We ask the voters of this county to consider his claims when they go to cast their vote. The Bank of Prescott held its an nual stockholders meeting Tuesday Jan. 9th, in the directors room of the Bank of Prescott. The present Board of Directors and Officers were re elected. The directors then met and paid a ten per cent dividend, placed $1200.00 to surplus account and charged off $235.34 of the Furniture and Fixture account. The Bank of Prescott makes this excellent showing amounting to 18 i-2 per cent alter having been in business just exactly eleven months. Eminent Men Coming. -_- * To Prescott One Day, Thursday, January 18. 1906. Dr. Gunn & Co., of Philadelphia. These Em inent Quaker Electro Medical Physicians and Surgeons Will Visit Our City and Will be at the Miller House. This Being an Advertising 1 rip to Introduce a New System of Osmosis, they will give all dtsir ous of Commencing on the above date, Consultation, Advice and all Medicine Necessary to Com plete a Cure—Absolutely Free. It will only be expected of all patients taking advantage of this offer to state to their friends the results obtained by this new sys tem of treatment. They treat all kinds of Chronic Diseases and De formities. It is very seldom that our com munity has the privilege of con sulting such renowned specialists, who are in constant attendance to wait upon you, diagnose your case, and give you the benefit of their medical knowledge- There is no experimenting or guess work. You will be told whether you cau be cured or not. If your case is cur able they will treat you, if incurable they will give such advice as to prolong your life. They treat deafness with an en tirely new method. Hearing re stored to many at once. Catarrh iii all its varied forms cured so that it will never return, by breaking up the cold-catching tendency by Electrical Absorption of medicine. Weak Men suffering from Gen er d Nervous We akm ss, Lost Mem ory, vSirciigth, Weak Back, Kid ney Trouble, Rheumatism, Pains in Back, Hips, Shoulders and Chest, Lumbago, Sciatica, Torpid Liver, Indigestion and Dyspepsia here can find a cure that perma nently restores them to their origin al strength and manhood without loading their stomach with poison ous medicine. If you have week lungs or con sumption do not fail to be examined Their new discovery of adsorbing medicine by osmosis in paralysis, and all di-eases of the nervous sys tem, including Epilepsy, is a God send to suffering humanity. Medi cal men are amazed at the marvel ous cures that are being effected wherever this system has been in troduced. Thousands who have given up all hope of being cured now have an opportunity of a life time to consult without charge, doctors of a national reputation. Remember their knowledge of medicine combined with electricity gives them control of diseases that others do not possess. If you have weak eyes or headaches, this new system will cure you quickly. Don’t fail to call on these emi nent specialists as a visit costs you nothing, and may save your life. If you suspect kidney troubles, bring a two-ounce vial of your urine for chemical and microscopi cal analysis Go early, as their offices are al ways crowded. If you are im proving under your family physi cian, do not come and take up their valuable time. They wish to give each one plenty of time, but cannot listen to long stories not pertaining to your case. The rich and poor alike treated. Women who suffer from the many nervous derangements and ails pe culiar to their sect and weakness quickly cured without at operation. Out of twelve hundred cases of Rupture treated last year there were cured 90 per cent, without opera tion or detention from business. N. Ik—Cancers, tumors, wens, goitres, all blood, skin and scalp diseases cured by an entirely new method. Piles cured in a short time with out the knife. They make a speci alty of all chronic diseases peculiar to either sex. and cure where oth ers fail. This is a treatment which is used at home. Remember, not one cent will be charged for all the medicine re quired to make a permanent cure to all those commencing this new system of treatment on this, their first and advertising trip. Notice—Married ladies must be accompanied by their husbands. Office Hours; 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. Remember the date and location. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I, as administrator of the estate of A. P. Greer, deceased, will apply to the Probate court of Nevada Count), Arkansas, at its January, 1903 term for an order to sell the following lands lying in Nevada county, Ark ansas, 10-wit: The fractional South half of the South kalf of the South west quarter of the Northwest quar ter of Section Thirty (30), Town ship Eleven (it) South Range Twenty (20) West, containing ten acres; also the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty five (25), Town ship Eleven (11) South R-mge Twenty-one (21) West and contain ing One Hundred and Sixty acre-.. Said lands belonging to said estate are to be sold for the purpose ot paying the debts of said estate. John Grkkr, Adm’r.Est. of A.P.Greer, deceased. This December 21, 1905.