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IS EN ROUTE TO PRESCOTT FROM THE NORTH POLE * The “Foxy*1 Old Gent Invented An Air Ship and Expressed His Reindeers and Sleigh to Skagway, Alaska, Where He Will Get These Letters Addressed to Him From Prescott—He is Coming at a Terrific Rate and is Due Here Saturday, Dec. 24, 1 1:30 P. M. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll buggy and a little stove. Some apples, oranges, candy, bananas and a bunch of fire crackers. Ruby Evans. Dear Old Santa Claus:—Please bring me a little saddle, harness and bridle that will fit my Billy goat, and a little wagon with shafts, a little bicycle, apples, oranges, candy, nuts, and some fire works. Your little boy, Lindell Buchanan P. S.—Little Charlie said bring him a little *Vgon,” apples and “cannie.” Dear Santa Claus:— How are you? I want you to bring me a gun and wagon, some baby “giants” a dozen > l’ mat t les 2 agates, dime's worth of crocks, some candy and nuts and a pair of gloves. I want leather gloves. Good-by. your little friend. Burton Andrews. Dear Santa Claus: How are you? I want you to bring me a sweater, and some candy .apples, raisins,01 anyes and a pair of riggons, Bananas and some nuts arc! a storybook, a pair of skates. your friend, Rebecca Andrews. Dear Santa ’Cl. u <: 1 ease bring me a o.i head a ul a doll buggy, apples, candy and all kinds of nuts. Bessie Hue’ nan. Dear Santa Claus: 1 want a red sweater, a great big doll, a doll buggy, a teaset and a little stove, a little table, some little chairs, a little machine, a little trunk lull o. nwthes, a post-eard album, a set of furs and a brace let. Some nuts, oranges, apples, candy and bananas and lemons. Your little girl, Jeannette Burns. Dear Old Santa: I would like for you to bring me a knife, some books, a game of dominoes and an air gun, and don’t forget little boys and girls who have no papa or mama. Your friend, Edwin Steen. Dear Santa C I a u a: —Please bring me a story book, a picture, a speech book, a hat pin and soms fruit. Amy Moore. My Dear Santa Claus: —1 want a “Teddy” bear, a doll and a set of dishes and a doll buggy and some oranges, apples and candy. Your little girl, Jewel Bean. Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to bring me a ring and a doll and a buggy and some oranges, ap ples and candy and raisirs. From Lorene. Dear Santa Claus:—I will write a few lines to tell you what I want. I want.'a little doll buggy, a picture book [and some hand kerchiefs and some fruit. Your friend, Birva Hitt. Dear Santa C1 a u s:—Please bring me a nice new doll and a doll buggy, some nice fruit and nuts to eat. I hope you are well and will have a present for every one this Xmas. Thelma Brummett. Dear Santa Claus: —I am a lit tle girl nine yeafs old. I would like for you to come and bring me a doll and a buggy and a story book and a piano and a set of dishes and a trunk and a stove, and some candy, oranges and bananas and apples and some nuts. This is all I want this time. Hope you will net pass me by, I am Vonnie E. Vinson. Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to bring me a doll and some clothes and a buggy and little stove and a set of little dishes and some candy, ail kinds of nuts and some fruit. Your little friend. Edna Andrews. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a bicycle and some fire works and a train. I want a uun that will shoot far into the dr and a good story book that has good stories in it. Good bye. your friend. Milton Young. Mr. Sa^ta Claus My Dear Friend:—! will be glad when you come. Don't forget me, for 1 never was forgotten. I wonder if you v ill give me a ring, a necktie and muff. Bring me all you please Santa. I have seen your picture but I never seen you. Well, good bye. Priscilla McClain. Dear Santa:—I want a “’agon” and a drum and some Roman cannons and about five packages of fire crackers and all kinds of nuts and some candy, apples and oranges. 1 forgot to tell you that 1 wanted a story book. Be sure and come. I will bang my stockings by the chimney. Allen Greeson. Dear Santa Claus: —1 want a doll, a ring, some games and books and all kinds of nuts and fruits. Mary Ward. Dear Santa Claus:—I want a “rocky” horse, a doll buggy, a fur, a mutf, a bracelet, a scarf, a story book, a toy auto, a “Teddy” bear, a toy machine, a toy train and some apples, oranges, bananas, candv and | nuts, Your little girl, Sallie Norman. Dear Santa Ciaus:~I want a i couple of books am) » wheel and ! book strap. Also a key for a pair of Richardson skates and a box of candy. Elizabeth Hambey, Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to bring me a doll and some clothes with it. Also a bicycle and apples, candy, nuts and a nice pair of skates and a nice story book. By the way, bring me a piece of ribbon, a tea set or a little stove. Your little friend, JFannie Andrews. Dear Old Santa Claus:—I am not going to ask you for much this year, for I know you have more rounds than usual to make. I only want a doll, doll buggy, little set of dishes, a nice little desk to study on and a story book and also candy, all kinds of fruit and nuts. Your little friend, Pauline Lavender. Dear Santa Claus:— Please bring me some oranges, some fire crackers, a story book with easy words in it so I can read it. Also some candy. Arthur Trevillion. Dear Santa Claus: -I want you to brirtg me a bicycle, a little doll and a pair of kid gloves, some fruit of all kind. That is all I want this time. Helen Andrews. Desr Santa Claus:—Please send me a plain gold ring and a doll and a doll cart and a pretty vace. Also some candy and oranges, Roman candles and rire crackers Loise Derks. Dear Santa Claus: — Please bring me a little train, a horn, some a b. c. blocks, a little gun so I can shoot, and v. knife and lubber ball, a story book apples, oranges nuts, and candy. I will be a good little boy. Hoyt Beekner. Dear Santa Claus:- Please bring me a big doll with black curly hair and black eyes, a buggy and a trunk to put dolly’s clothes in, and a nice little story book and a locket and chair., ap ples, oranges, nuts,and candy. Your little girl. Jessie Beekner. Dear Santa Claus:—1 want you to please bring me a doll buggy, a table, dishes,candy, ap ples and oranges, I will be good and go to bed early. Daisy Miller. Dear Santa Claus: —Please bring me a pair of glove?, a story book,a drum also a little gun, ap ples, oranges, nuts of all kind and don’t forget to bring me some fire crackers and Homan candles. Your little friend. Josh Moore. Dear Santa Claus;- Please bring me a pair of glove?, a lit i tie gun, also a little writing desk land drum, candy, apples, oranges and fire crackers. Your little boy, Terrell Moore. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll and a pair of skates, apples and oranges. Your little girl, Jennie Elkins. Dear Santa Claus:—As you haveso many to remember I wont ask you for much. I want a set of dishes, a small piano, a set of furs,and a small supply of fruit and nuts. Your lictle friend. Artie Duke. Dear Santa Ciaus:—Please bring me a big sleeping doll, a set of dishes, apples, candy and all kind of nuts, a story boo*. Please don’t forget to come. Yours truly. Callie Woolsey. Dear Santa Claus: —I want you to bring me a rocking chair, a big round stica of candy, apples, candy and fire crackers. Eddy Kirby. Dear Santa Claus: — Please bring me a ring, a little piano, stove a little set of disnes, a doll buggy, apples, oranges, candy and all kind of nuts. 1 will go to bed eariy and shut my eyes real tight. Your little friend. Eva Griffis. Dear Santa Claus: — Please bring me a husband with brown eyes and b!a:k curly hair. Now dont forget me. I wanted | you to bring me one last year and you didn.t do it. You can diing him to 3015 Hickory Street. Your friend. The old maid. Dear Santa Claus: —I have been a good girl and I hope you will bring me a big doll, a doll trunk, a little Iron, a pretty ring and a story book. Your friend Puth Yancey. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a big wagon, a toy pistol, a little tra;n, a horn and a knife. Don't forget my little brother, Watson, and bring me all kinds of fireworks. Your little friend, Jim Yancey, Dear Santa Claus: I hope you will not pass me by. I am seven years old and am a good litttle girl. I would like for you to bring me a doll and buggy, a set of dishes, a piano, some oranges, apples, candy, bananas and nuts. That is all I want this time. Irma A. Vinson. Dear Santa Claus:- How a'e you? I will be alright if you wj 11 brijp^ doll buggv. Dear Santa Claus:—I want you to bring me a drum, some fire works, a cow boy suit,an airgun, a horn, some candy, oranges, apples and nuts. Now, old Santa Claus, please do not forget me for I have been a good little boy. Your little friend, Carl Carrington. Dear Santa Claus:—I have been a good little girl and have studied hard. I want you to bring me a doll buggy, a set of dishes, a ring, a story book, and all kinds of fruits and don’t for get me. I will go to bed early. Your Uittle girl, Lula Beth Gee. Mt. Moriah, Ark. Dear Old Santa Claus: —I want you to bring me a toy train, a wagon, some nuts, candy, apples and oranges. I w nt you to bring dear “Mr. Ed.” a good turkey dinner ar.d a long cigar. Ellis Whitten. Mt. Moriah, Ark. Dear Old Santa Claus:—I want vou to bring me a doll with long yellow hair, some candy, oranges and all kinds of nuts and apples. Bello Whitten. Dear Santa Claus: — Please bri g me a doll, some randy, nuts, apples, oranges and a little tea set. Alpha Summers. Dear Santa Claus:—Please bring me a pair of skates.a drum and a gun. That is all I want. Bob Elkins. Dear Santa Claus: — Please bring me a big sleeping doll and some apples, oranges, candy and ! all kinds of nuts and a set of dishes and a nice story book. Rena Woolsey. Dear Santa Claus:-I want you to bring me some candy, some apples, oranges, a bicycle, a tricycle, an automobile a train j that runs on a railroad track, an airship, a loop-th^-loop, some clowns, some fireworks, some monkeys and a story book and an Irish Mail. Fletcher Young. > Dear Old Santa Claus:-I hope you and all the children will have a good time Christmas. Please don't forget me. Earl McKenzie. Dear Santa Claus:—I want a ring, a bracelet, a pretty vase, lots of toys, nuts, candy, apples and oranges. Daurice Kelley. Dear Santa Claus:-Pleaae don’t furget this old maid this Xmas. I axed you last Xmai to bring me a man and I wus disappointed, but I guess you wus mistaken * here I wus and carried him to Sai r she got one last year. Now, Santa, I live at No. 14 Dog Gone St in that pea green cottage jistbelow the hill. Please bring one that likes cats fur I couldn’t separate frum the half dozen I have. I will leave the front door unlock ed and you kin tie him to the table in the kitchen. Now, I want you to be sure and dont furget me this time and I wont never ax you no more to bring me a man. Your lonely old maid. Mary Jane. P. S.-Any old batchelor in Prescott will do. paper. Plug hard, reg ularly, systematically* Play up the best goods you sell at the right price in this paper. (Copyright. IW1. l>» W Our Policy of Values to Christmas Buyers We sell only the BEST. A gift from here is sure to be SOME THING GOOD, and to be appre ciated. W« try to do everything JUST RIGHT, and solicit not only your business but your criticism and suggestions. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE, Chas. Adamson Jeweler EAST ELM ST.. PRESCOTT. ARK.