OCR Interpretation

The Nevada County picayune. (Prescott, Ark.) 190?-current, September 19, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90050306/1913-09-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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icond Count, Friday, Sept. 9th
rrnint for Special Prize Will Have no Bearing Upon
Question as to Who Will Win at the Final Count.
Friday evening, Sept. 19th
SO o’clock the ballot box in
Picayune Popular VotingCon
will be closed for the second
lt for leadership in one of the
t interesting events which
been pulled off in Prescott.
his contest the candidate who
made the greatest gain since
first count of a month ago
receive $10 in gold as a prize.
second greatest gain will get
d gold.
matter what your standing
ht have been at the conclusion
ie first count, if you make a
iter gain over tnat count than
other candidate you will win
For instance, if you had
35 votes in the count made
' 18th, and you made a larg*
ain than the leader, you will
the money. If you make a
lof 15.000 or 20.000 or 25,000
the leader in the first count
lesagain of only one less
i you, you will have the $10
:bed for yourself. So get busy
bring in all the votes possible
ueen now and Friday Sept 19.
little exertion and hustling
wig the contestants is what is
Hired to win, and the one who
he most active and who uses
best judgment and business
seir, her canvass is the one
hwill land the prize. It will
le without the expenditure of
enny to the one who captures
prize, but eternal hustling
I be the price of success. Are
being to win it? Or are
igoing to take a vacation and
the other girl beat you to it?
dprobably by a very few votes
Whatever number of votes you
f have in the second count
ite placed to your credit in
final count. But if you make
greatest gain now you will
“the$10 which is offered as
j*ial prize at the count on
* kPt f9th. And all the
* cast during the entire con
,fl|l determine who is to get
fpiano-the ^pseial counts
cutting no figure in the grand
J°und up. There is nobody
so far ahead, according to the
first count, but what a little hustl
ing on the part of the other con
testants would place them right
up among the leaders. New sub
scribers are what count the most
in this contest, because for every
new subscriber bought in, the
person bringing it in is entitled
to 600 votes, and 500 votes is giv
en for each renewal, while 400
votes are given with each back
Bear in mind, that the ballot
box will be closed at 7.30 Friday
evening. Sept. 19. Be sure and
have all your votes in by that;
time, so you will have had a fair
chance to show what your stand"
ing is. As soon as the ballot
box is closed the count will be
made and the result announced
as quickly as it is known.
Remember the special bonus
offers made in connection with
this contest:
For every seven new subscrip
tions a bonus of 10,000 extra
votes making a total of 14,200.
For every seven renewal sub
scriptions a bonus of 8000 extra
votes making a total of 11,500.
For every seven back subscrip
tions a bonus of 6000 extra votes j
making a total of 8,800.
Subscriptions turned in for the
first count will not count for these
bonuses. They will count just
the same for the piano at the
final count, but these bonuses
are good only on subscriptions
brought in from now until the
offer is withdrawn.
For every 40 merchants cou
pons brought to this office and
counted bv the Publisher or one
of his assistants, a bonus of 500
extra vote9 will be given making
a total of 1,500. These coupons
may be collected from any and
all merchants who are in the
The following are the enter
prising merchants who give cou
Guthrie Drug Company
Stainton Drug Company
Barham Bros
i * \mrrican 5-10-25 Store
Ritchie Grocer Co.
(Wholesale only)
Groceries, Flour, Grain,
Produce and Fruits
your patronage solicited.
Pure Food Grocery Co.
City Grocery Co.
Mrs. A. E. Shankle
A. J. Lavender
Joe Boswell
The Newth Studio
There will be another special
prize of fifteen dollars in gold di
vided as follows at the next count
Sept 19:
Ten dollars in gold to the con
testant who makes the greatest
gain in votes from now till the
next count Sept. 19, and five dol
lars in gold to the next greatest
gain. This gives all the contest
ants an equal chance to win one
of the special prizes offered no
matter where they stand now.
We will give the following
bonuses from now till the next
count Sep 19.
Following are the candidates
and their standing at the first
Mollie Luck 100
Bertha Freyberger 25
Irene Murry, 1000
Trixie Lancastor 14.800
Pearl Daniel 13.400
Ismav McDaniel 16.400
Mildred Mendenhall 17.400
Mary Shell 17.600
Carrie Gulley 18.150
Irma Waters 8.200
Dell McGough 11.900
Edyth Newth 9.200
A quick relief from lumbago „ nd
rheumatism is had by the application
of Hunt’s Lightning Oil, the quick act
ing liniment. A friend writes, '‘we
have been using Hunt’s Lightning Oil
for 13 years and deem Jit above all ot
hers.—Mrs. J. T. Nevels, Gordon, Tex
as, Route 2, Box 31. 25 and 50c bottle
All dealers,
Although it was rainy weather
there was quite a number present
at the opening exercises of the
the Agricultural High School last
Monday morning.
Rev. B. A, Few held the open
ing exercise, after which the
School sang America.
Short talks were given by Mes
srs M. W. Greeson, C. C. Hamby,
G. R. Haynie, Prof. Ellis Butcher,
and Superintendent Ury McKen
Miss May Nunn gave a vocal and
also piano solo which were cer
tainly appreciated as well as the
After this interesting opening
the pupils went to their respect
ive rooms for the assignment of
lessons for the next day,
The teachers were assigned to
the different grades as follows:
English-Miss Lowery.
Mathematics-Mrs. Munn
Latin and History-Miss Lucy
Domestic Science Miss Mar
ceula Arthur.
Music—Miss May Nunn
Science-Ury McKenzie
1st Grade —Miss Gilmore.
2nd Grade-Mrs. Randolph P.
Hamby. . ,
3rd Grade— Miss Bessie Vaughn
4th Grade-Mrs. R. B. Hamil
ton _ ,
5th Grade-Mrs. J. R. ^ork
6th Grade—Miss Mary Weisi
ger. ^ ,
7th Grade-Prof. Ellis Butcher
Put your stomach, liver and blood in
healthy condition and you can defy dis
ease. Prickly Ash Bitters is a success
ful system regulator.
New Buggies
Be sure and look at our Buggies
before you buy. Can suit you
in Top Buggies or Run a Bouts,
Auto Seat or Plain Seated,
Rubber Tires or Plain Tires
and a New Tire which looks
like Rubber, but made of Iron.
Something new and think you
will like it. Better see it be
fore you buy. These Rigs
are the Hercules make and
priced from $50.00 to $75.00
Bishop J. C. Kilgo, of Durham
N. C. will preach at the Metho
dist Church in this city next Sun
day. This is the Bishops first
visit to Arkansas. He is one of
the leading Dignitaries of the
Methodist Church and is consi
dered one of the most eloquent
speakers of that denomination.
Cures every time. "Your Hughes'
Tonic for chills and fever has never
failed yet, and I have sold it to a num
ber of chronic cases. It cures every
Sold by Druggists 50 c and $1.00 bot
tle. Prep ared by Kobinson-Pettet Co.
Loiflsville. (Incorporated)
whoIm I?
Last year I did not want to em
barass my best girl to make her
propose to me, so ask her to be
my wife, and she said: “I would
rather be excused, and I like ar,
idiot excused her. But 1 got ev
en with the giri. I married her
mother. Then my father mar
ried the girl. Now I don’t know
| who I am.
When l married the girl’s
! mother, the girl became my
: daughter, and when my father
I married my daughter he is my
; son. When my father married
my daughter she was my mother.
If my father is my son, and my
f daughter is my mother, who in
thunder am I? My mother’s
'mother (which is my wif ) roust
!be my grand-mother, and I being
my grandmother’s husband, lam
;iny own grandfather.
t --—
Our friend Chas Cobault of
Boughton was a caller last Satur
day. He told us that he killed
a rattle snake near his Mill in
Missouri bottom that had 27 rat
tles and a button. It measured
7 feet
tohe BANK of
To listen is to learn,
A number of young people,—srme of
them not yet in their ’tretis, have their
own savings a -counts with the Bank of
They started with a small deposit,— usu
ally just a few dollars. They have added
other amounts to their accounts whenever
they could.
We pay them 4 per cent interest on what
they save,—add it to their account twice
yearly. One girl has saved $40 in six
months. One young man now has nearly
$100. Each started with $1.
You can start your savings account with
$1. You can save $40 or $100 or still mure.
Will you try it? Will you ooen your ac
count todav. The Bank of Prescott will
hely you.
Bank of Prescott
Capitol and Surplus $ 150,000.
Prescott, Ark.
. .
— - - _ -_- - - - ■ linn — —- -

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