OCR Interpretation

The Nevada County picayune. (Prescott, Ark.) 190?-current, September 02, 1920, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90050306/1920-09-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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ta New- York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don’t allow
yourse'f to become a victim by
Meeting pains and aches. Guard
<eainst this trouble by taking
Th* world's standard remedy for kidney,
-jrtf bladder end uric acid troubles.
Hollands national remedy since 1696.
*11 drugr-st3> ,hrea sizes- Guaranteed.
(or the name Geld Medal on aver* bon
md accept no imitation
The tastiest
tobacco you
ever tasted.
He Infants' and Children’s Rtfnlalor
P.Vasant to (five—pleasant to
take. Guaranteed purely veg
eiaoieanu auwiuiciy nannieia.
V It quickly overcome! colic.
I diarrhoea, flatulency and
7 other like disorder*.
S The open published
' formula appear* on
every label.
Shave With
Cuticura Soap
The NeW Way
Without Mug
Animals Cause Asthma.
Certain people are liable to attack*
of acithniii when brought into contact
with cats, dogs, etc. This is line to
tin emanation from the skin or fur of
the animal.
Don’t streak or ruin your material in
poor dye. Insist on “Diamond Dye*.
Xuy direction* in package.
lift Right Off Without Pain
Doesn’t hurt n bit! Drop n little
Treezone'’on au aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then shortly
y,m >ift it ri^ii • off with fingers. Truly!
^ lour (Inn-gist sells u tiny bottle of
Freezone" f r a few cents, sufQcient to
ttniove every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between ’he toes, and tlie calluses,
'■ithout son -less or irritation.
Iastor— Ti];< morning I will have for
tile i.i eat Flood In Genesis,
coin incut Member of Congregation
arising)—r-,. g,,t nn engagement to
Fa> golf so I can’t stay, but I’ll bend
subscription list with $1,000 to re
tio -Mttoring Geneslans.—Car
**** Magazine.
Nwd Vacher-Batm at Times.
otter for summer colds,
. ns nr ilL'hlnjj. Keep It handy.
Wnn,*‘d where we have none.
I*' * ' •xlitr, Inc., New Orleans,
“I klruh r
Spink Teller
A Mild Hint.
Iii.il of having that there
•■oming to see my girl.
nt‘ admitted Gup Johnson
him !"? Hldge, “and 1 sorter
dm to stay away.”
h:|t did y, ii tell him?
a nnljthlror.
'l.oai,1 ! 'n I"‘rtit'k:**r. I just says:
nicL. 'i Ul v"u Infernal, lop-eared,
l' 'I'.vster! If I ever ketch
TlU-h'' " :u'oir-d my place ugMn
h»i|.|,[. . M> ^>11 of holes that your
finer i. t hold anything
Y,. I
'•'enlng post
'• -liurks!’ Tlint's all.’
‘^'Bht and Morning.
Have Strong, Healthy
Eye*. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Bum, if Sore,
Irritated, Inflamed Of
Granulated, uae Murine
■nr...., , , —- Refreehae. Safe for
One Farmer Raised 856 Bales On 7C.3
Acres. Using 600 Pounds of Ferti
lizer To the Acre—Used Four
Tractors and Heavy Mules.
Little* Hock.-—Deep breakin of the I
soil is a most important factor in the
production of the hugp yields of corn
and cotton in Georgia and the t'aroli
nas, according to Mr. Cottrell. He
says that members of the party fre
quently exclaimed at the large mules
that they saw on the farms they vis
ited. as they drove mile after mile
through the three states through fields
of cotton that woul dproduce from one
to two bales to the acre.
"The growers of these large yields
told us that large mules or tractors
were absolutely necessary to produce
the big yields because tbe ground had
to be broken to a depth of 1)1 inches,"
sa ysMr. Cottrell. “The mules are
stocklly built animals such as are used
to do the heavy hauling in our cities.
A little unile would be i curiosity that
•would cause men to stop and look iD
these sections of high yields.
“We were told repeatedly that
yields of from one to two bales to the
acre cannot be produced even under
tbe most favorable conditions even
with heavy applications of fertilizer
where land is broken to a depth of
only three or four inches. As one man
said: ‘If you want big yields you
have to bust the soil as deep as you
can make a plow go.’
"The producers of the large yields
say that if you break land four inches
deep you can store in the soil a cer
tain amount of the spring rainfall to
be used by the plants in July and Au
gust. When you break the alnd
eight inches deep, :t will store twice
as much moisture as will that broken
four inches. When you break the
land 12 inches deep your soil will store
three times as much rainfall as will
land broken only four inches.
“R. E. Dunway of Athens, Qa., last
year raised S56 bales on iOO acres, us
ing 600 pounds of fertilizer to the
acre. He operates four tractors in
addition to heavy mules, breaks his
land deep and works it thoroughly be
fore planting.
"Madison Dean of Spartanburg, S.
C., in three years increased the yield
on hi sfartn an average of a half bale
to the acre by deeply plowing under
cowpeas, crimson clover and rye. Hast
year he secured 125 bales from 115
"J. W. Hightower of Americus, Ga.,
last year bought a f rrm that had
been abused by tenants for more tlia»
50 years. Considerable of It had been
abandoned and the part that was cul
tivated averaged five bushels of corn,
250 pounds of seed cotton, three to
four bushels of wheat and 15 bushels
of oats to the acre."
Conway.—The additional engine and
generator recently purchased for the
municipal light plant has been set on
its foundations, and the unit will be
ready for operation by the end of the
week. The installation of the new
unit will permit the use of two-phase
electric motors instead of the single
phase type.
Mena. — Polk county farmers, who
did not like the prices offered by local
buyers of cotton, arranged a co-opera
tive shipment of 38 hales to Memphis,
Tenn. Math Simons, a well known
Hoard Camp farmer, accompanied the
cotton to market, where the bales
were sold at a big increuse.
Springdale.—Masonor & Hewitt re
cently sold their grocery business to
R. R Wilson of Paris. Ark. Mr Wil
son has moved his family here and
will occupy the E L. Taylor residence
on Maple street.
Camden.- The annual dinner given
by Camden people to the Confederate
veterans at Mannaduke hord on the
Ou&chlta river will be held Friday,
September 3 Adolph Felsenthal and
Robert Newton have charge of the
Searcy.—The first open boll of cot
ton seen hen this season was brought
tn by Albert Huffman of Judsonia. It
Is of the Rowden variety or wlilch Mr.
HufTman has 45 acres. All cotton is
late in this section on account of the
cold wet spring
Texarkana.—A good seasonable rain
fell here recently, cooling the atmos
phere very materially, and being oi
gnat benefit to the truck farmers ana
Batesville. —Everything is being
placed in readiness at the various
s< hools of this city, for the I egfnning
of the school term, September 13.
Springdale.—The teachers for the
local school, which will open here in
September, have been elected except
•me vacancy In the high school.
i-Merks.—A number of young people
from this place will lease soon to at
tend college. Miss Daisy Dodd and
• Miss Ijouise Bean will enter Central
College at Conway. Eustace Baggetl
and Thoe James will enter Ojachita
College at Arkadelphia. Hal Although
and Miss Okla Fager will enter Hen
derson-Brown College at Arkadelphia.
Miss Snow Westbrook will return to
the agricultural college at Magnolia
and Cecil Easterling and Odell Forgy
will enter Rice Institute at Houston,
Pine Bluff.—The faculty for the Pine
Bluff district standard training school
for Sunday school teachers, which will
be held here September 19-25, has been
announced. The Rev. H. B. Trimble
will be dean with the following in
structors: J. L. Cunnigan of Dallas,
Tex.; Dr. J. L. Neill of Nashville,
Tenn.; Dr. Emmet Hightower of Nash
ville, Tenn.; Mrs. \V. B. Ferguson of
Oklahoma City; Miss Annie Marie
Hanson of Nashville. Tenn., and Mrs.
Nance of Houston. Tex.
Bentonville.— Benton county school
l>ook contract made before the pass
age of the state uniformity school
book law expired last December and
all the schools of the county will use
the uniform books this fall. Benton
vllle, Rogers, Siloani Springs anil (Jra
vette have been using the state
books, but the six-year contracts in
the rest of the county were made two
years after the contracts in .these
DeWitt.—The annual four days' re
union of ex-Confederate veterans at
Camp Fagan, 12 miles from DeWitt
has closed. It was in many respects
the most remarkable gathering in
years. Only about a dozen veterans
were'’ able to attend but there were
present a number of the veterans of
the Spanish-American war and nun
dreds of the veterans of the late
World war participated
Batesvllle.—The White River Man
ganese Company have recently install
ed a washer on their manganese prop
erty near Batesvllle, and is now clean
ing the small ore from the dirt, and
producing a very fine grade of manga
nese. In former operations in the
manganese mines, only the large ore
was considered valuable, hut through
this new process, which has proven
very lucrative, much ore is saved.
Dermott.—The Flying Squadron, a
motor convoy touring tho state in tho
interest of the reorganization of the
Arkansas National Guard, spent a day
in Dermott. Col. Heber L. McAlister
lectured to a full house at the Allied
theater. Much interest was mani
fested and plans are already under
way for the organization of a com
pany here.
Conway.— Miss Katherine Burnett
of Belton, S. C„ has been employed
as head of the Home Economics De
partment of Central College, it was
announced. Miss Burnett is a grad
uate of Carson-N’ewman College of
Tennessee and of Anderson College of
North Carolina. She has also done
post-graduate work at Columbia Uni
versity, N. Y.
Lead Hill.—The gin belonging to
the l<ead Hill Milling Company, at
this place, is being equipped with a
new press and air feed pipe, and oth
erwise being put in condition for rail
ginning. The cotton crop in this vl
cinity is fine, but there is only about
a half a crop of corn owing to dry
Fort Smith.—Since July 20 Fort
Smith has had but 59 inches of rain.
.58 of an inch Ijivlng fallen since Au
gust 1. The last rain of any conse
quence that visited the city was on
July tfi. Up to the present t^me the
drouth has only been injurious to pas
tures, but crops are commencing to
feel the need of moisture.
Arkadelphia.—Miss Frances White
side of this city. Miss Zella Taylor of
Pine Grove and Miss Bertha White of
Star City, representatives of the Hen
derson Brown College ^oung Women’s
Christian Association, have gone to
Estes Park. Col., to attend the nation
al convention of the Y. W. C. A., in
session there.
Yellville.—Ferd Owens of Joplin, a
large mule dealer, purchased a car of
mules at this place. Dan Crawford
sold him about half a car and the rest
he purchased from local farmers. They
were average sized young mules and
brought an average price of $187.
Mena.—County Superintendent W.
H. Morden has arranged with the as
sistance of rural teachers, for a school
rally for Polk county, to be held In
Mena November 26 Exhibits of
school work, a parade of pupils and
an athletic contest will feature the
DeWItt —The Rev Dan E. Kelley.
D. D., of Hattiesburg, M’ss., will open
a ten days 'revival here^Sunday morn
ing. September 5th. It will be a
union meeting in which all denomina
tions will take part.
Yellville.—County Judge Black has
purchased a rock crusher and grader
for road work in Marion county. The
county already had a Mg traction ea
Spadra—The annual picnic of union1
labor will be held at Spadra S* ptem
her 6 and 7. Preparations for the
event are now being made and the
picnic is being extensively advertised.
i Huntsville.—The Huntsville physl
j cians are row giving a free course of
[ lectures on sanitation and first si/
Shift Taken In Hope of Securing Re
sult—Poles Say They Were Har
assed at Minsk—Russians Try
ing to Sever Polish Front.
Warsaw.—Tho Russian soviet gov
srnment has accepted the Polish pro
posal for transfer of the Russo Polish
peace negotiations from Minsk to Riga
Letvia, it was announced in a Moscow
wireless message to the Polish gov
Definite indications reached War
saw Saturday that but little progress
had been made at the Minsk confer
ence, and that the Poles and soviet
representatives had agreed to a shift
of the negotiations in the hope of
bettering conditions generally.
A wireless message from Minsk by
way of the Foreign Office complains
further about the treatment suffered
by the Polish delegates. It says the
commander of the Western soviet
army placarded Minsk with posters
labeling the Poles as spies and warn
ing the population against associa
tion with them. Tin* message adds
that the commander destroyed the
Polos’ wireless apparatus, hindering
communication witli ^Warsaw.
The Poles are app:t\ntly planning
no advance beyond the enthnographic j
frontier mentioned in the American '
note, to which the Poles have replied.
The front rests at present roughly >
along the line laid down by the al- ■
lies. There are indications that the
Polish eastern lino is being stabilized '
temporarily and tlie General Staff lias
directed that there be no advance into
districts where the Polos might not bo
welcomed by the population.
The military authorities announced
today that the Poles along the front
are resting and regrouping after push- ;
ing the Russian Soviet forces beyond
the Rug river, where they are pre
pared lo make a stand if attacked.
There are indications, however, that
the Poles are planning to continue !
their drive eastward. The moderate
elements are urging the government
not to try to shove the line too far
to the oast.
The Russian soviet forces are en
deavoring to drive a wedge designed
to sever the Polish front, according
to an official statement on the fight- j
ing operations issued Just before last
midnight. Violent fighting is report
ed north of Belze, to tho north of
Lemberg, where the soviet cavalry
of General Budenny is trying a new
encircling movement against Lem- j
berg. An advanced soviet detachment
has reached Tyszowiec.
Clawed by Lioness.
Beach, N. I).— Harold Eidge, aged
11, suffered serious injuries when
clawed by a lioness at a carnival. '
More than 50 stitches were required
to sew up wounds on his head, back
and cheat. Although his scalp was
nearly torn from his head, he is ex- ,
pected to recover.
Miners Favor Strike.
London.— Balloting again shows
large majorities In Wales for a min- j
ers’ strike, but in some parts of the
country adverse votes were record
ed. Indications are, however, that the
strike will be voted by the necessary
two-thirds majority.
Find $10,000 in Gems.
Juneau, Alaska.—About $10,000 in
cash, nuggets and Jewelry was found
in the safe of the sunken steamship
Princess Sophia when Harold Post,
temporary receiver for the Deep Sea
Salvage Company, opened It here.
New Coal Car Ruling.
Washington.—The Interstate Com
merce Commission ordered that wagon
coal mines be not provided with open
top coal cars unless such mines are
equipped with either an elevator or a
tipple from which to load cars
More Oil Produced.
Fort Worth—Pipe line reports for
the week ending August 25 showed oil
production In the North and West
Texas fields gained 5,000 barrels In
round numbers over the previous
week, bringing the total to 198,000
barrels dally.
Reach Coal Agreement.
Chicago Illinois coal operators and
representatives of the miners agreed
on an Increase of $1 50 for the 40,000
coal miners In the state. The men
asked a $2 increase, but agreed to the
Americans Are Released.
Mexico City.—All the Americans
kidnaped by Pedro Zamora. th*» bandit
le*ler, at f'uale. Jalisco, last week,
have been released, according to re
liable advices received here from
Guadalajara, capital of Jalisco These i
reports state that Zamora has sur
Strike In Cardiff.
linden. A municipal strike has
been called In Cardiff, Wales, accord
ing to diapatche* recevied her*.
Doctors’ Favorite Medicine Now
Purified and Refined from All
Objectionable Effects. "Calo
tabs”—the New Name.
What will human ingenuity do nett?
Smokeless powder, wireless telegrnptay,
horseless carriages, colorless iodine, taste
less quinine,—now comes nauaealeas calo
mel The new improvement called “Calo
tahs” is now on sale at drugstores
For biliousness, constipation and indi
gestion the new calomel tablet is a prac
tically perfect remedy, as evidenced by
the fact that the manufacturers have au
thorised all druggists to refund the price
,f the customer is not "perfectly delighted"
with Oalotaba. One tablet at bedtime with
a swallow of water—that's all. No taste,
no nausea, no griping, no salts. By morn
ing your liver is thoroughly cleansed and
you are feeling fine, with a hearty appe
tite. Fat what you please—no danger go
shout your business.
('•lotahs are not aold in hulk. (Jet an
■ riginal package, sealed. Price, thirty
ive cents.—(adv.)
R ght.
Woo hoys linvo thoir own way of
judging time, as six your old Johnnie
proved the other morning. Ills mother
had taken hhn on a shopping torn
with her. She shopped long and then
met an acquaintance and began a dis
enssion on the subject of her pur
chases, John endured It as long as he
could. Then he touched her elbow.
“Hurry up, mother," he pleaded. “1
would like to go to dinner before sup
per time. Wouldn't you?"
Its Sort.
“Pa what l.i a lilting remark?”
“I suppose It Is the kind you say
to a person's teeth.”
Many a young couple agree to ninr
ry, and that's the last thing they agree
> 6 Bcll-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
"tTfic Skirt Scan tifie vT
40o, HV and II 00 Jar« - ,\lw,\yS
, dc iwtrrn
land the
Sin a • tire protection
k ag*’n*t the beam
I Ing »nn or bllMer
'Ing wind. It bring**
lo the akin the rel
retr noftnesta of ronth
« o«*for*» £<'ing om
i tb*» evening. it a«*«tirp*
a faultless complexion.
'UniriRtf*: Jnttr ifrvtf l«» la • «. Mtnrltnri t« r*
” Hi ltd tnnr nonfj If Taa-Nfl-Kwr* falls In plf««n y«m
Bak*>r Laboratories, Memphis. Umw
RMnoTtiOAndrrtfT BtopiHAlrl'Allifli
Re*lor«i« Color and
Bcaulflo Gray and Faded Hair
6»* and $1 •'rt at «lrncB*#t*
IflKol Chew. " k*. Catchoyn**. N Y.
0frt., 0tO|>S All PAIII, PIM'irM r'-'Tt tt tfl th«
iiiMkfii WAikinjf past. Ilk*. bf mall or At l>r»f*
slffU. liitcos Chemical Works, l’atohoKue, N. Y. 4
Don't Take Calomel
BOND'S Liver Pills ARE Defier
They act directly on the Liver and
drive all bile from the system. They
are small, mild and effective. Their
genuine merit is their best adver
tisement 25c at all druggists.
Ugly, Unsightly Pimples
Are Signals of Bad Blood
Give Heed to the Warning.
Pimples on the face nml other parts
of tlie body are warnings from Nature
that your blood Is sluggish and Impov
erished. Sometimes they foretell ec
zetnn, bolls, blisters, scaly eruptions
and other skin disorders that burn
like flames of lire.
They mean that your blood needs
S. S. S. to cleanse It of these accumu
lations that cause unlimited trouble.
John Pemberton Oak Has History
Probably Unequaled by That of
Any Other Tree.
Sol (Horn of live wars have boon
tinned l»«*n**ntIt the John Pemberton
onk tree, Bristol, Vlrglnln-Tennessee,
nominated for n place In the hull
of fume of the American forestry
association at Washington by M,-s. 11.
F, Lewis, secretary of Virginia for
(he Daughters of the American Rev
olution. Under this tree Col. John
Pemberton mustered Ids troops for
the battle of King's Mountain. A
marker has been placed on the tree
by the Sycamore Shoals chapter, says
the American Forestry Magazine, In
making the announcement. The sol
diers of the War of 1S12 met here.
Then came the Mexican war and the
old tree saw men again leave their
homes to tight. Next came the
struggle between the states, and the
oak witnessed the drilling of men to
tight one another In their own coun
try. Then came the world war and
again (tie veteran oak saw our boys
answer their united country’s call.
Good Intentions.
“l)|il you ever fool with the stock
market V”
“No, I was in earnest. The stock
market did the fooling.”
If a man never has anybody to tell
him what be would do In Ids place, he
Is friendless.
Tills remedy Is tIn* greatest vegetabla
Mood purifier known, and contains no
minerals or chemicals to Injure tha
most delicate skin. 8. S. 8. Is nn ex
cellent system-cleanser; It Is not sold
or recommended for Venereal Diseases.
Get a bottle of 8, 8. 8. today, and
get rid of those unsightly and dis
figuring pimples, and other skin Irrita
tions. If you wish speclul medical ad
vice, you can obtain It without charge
hy writing to Medical Director, 10ft
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Problem Put Up to Private Kelly Was
Something Over Which He Had
Been Pondering.
Kelly hurt drawn a Nummary for
Ing absent from post while on guard
“Where were you?" demanded thv
Judge advocate, “when the sergennt of
the guard passed Just In front of your
post ?”
“At the rear.”
"Wnere were you when the rorporal
passed Just behind It?"
“At the front.”
“And now," triumphantly, “where
were you when the sergeant and the
corporal walked around your post
from opposite directions without see- -
lug you?"
"Judge,’ said Kelly hopefully,
“that's been worrying me. Where wav
17"—The American Legion Weekly.
Priceless Money.
An American soldier on duty with
one of tbe allied missions recently
walked Into a bank in Vienna, laid
down Kin In gold and asked tbe
cashier bow many Austrian kroner be
could get In exchange. Tbe cashier
looked at the *10 and said: “Just a*
many as you want."
Making Hay.
"Did tbe captain do anything ta
clean up the preclnet?"
“Some say be got sixty thousand in
n month." Louisville Courier Journal.
The ModemTable Drink
A combination of good
flavor, economy, efficiency
and health satisfaction.
This pure and wholesome
beverage contains none of
coffees harmful ingredients.
Especially valuable in
families with children.
Sold by all Grocers
HJ. \j R*ta&n Ctrul Cojnc- Battle Creek,Mick

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