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MONEY LENDER MURDERED KANSAS CITY PAWNBROKER’S SHOP ROBBED OF JEWELS. Slayers Use Stone Mason's Hammer for Killing Merchant—One Sus pect Is Arrested. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 18.—After killing Nathan Smason, a pawnbroker, In his place of business in Kansas City, Kan., robbers locked his shop and looted it at their leisure. The men took money, diamonds and other goods valued at $8,000. Smason's body, with the head crushed by a stone mason’s hammer was found an hour after the visit of the robbers. A boarding house in which were several persons during the time Smason was killed is above the shop and none of the occupants heard a noise or saw the slayers en ter the shop. The police believe two men killed the pawnbroker, and think Smason was showing clothing to one when the other attacked him from behind. The robbers left by a rear entrance. A suspect is being held by the po lice pending further investigation. A tray of diamonds and several trays of watches and other jewelry valued at $5,000 were included in the goods taken. The murderers carried the trays into a rear room, which Smason had occupied alone. They had covered his body with a pile of over alls. The thieves washed at a sink in the room, and as a precaution against leaving incriminating marks they used paper to dry their hands. The paper was found stuffed in a hole in the wall. SAYRE IS FOE OF DIVORCE Marriage Is a Pact Which Should Not Be Endangered by Lax Laws, He Asserts. New York, Nov. 18.—Francis B. Sayre, who will resign as one of Dis trict Attorney Whitman’s assistants, and will become the husband of Miss lessie Wilson, daughter of the presi dent, on Nov. 25. has interesting ideas 311 marriage, divorce and the inequal ity of the law, which he has gathered since he has been in Mr. Whitman’s office. He has been assigned to the complaint bureau. He does not be lieve in easy divorce. Marriage he considers a pact, the solemnity of which should not be endangered by ax divorce laws. He would have the same standard in every state. As things are now, he believes that lot only does the poor man have a larder time to got the benefit of the law, but the law itself does not recog nize as serious offenses which moral ly are worse than murder. JRDINANCE LIMITS TANGO Chicago Alderman Says ‘‘Dip” in Tight Skirts Is Immodest—Po lice Inquiry Is On. Chicago, Nov. 18.—Police women, under the direction of Maj. M. L. C. Funkhouser, second deputy police su perintendent, are conducting a quiet nvestigation of Chicago's alleged lance hail evils. Alderman Pretzel announced that le is preparing an ordinance to limit die tango dance, eliminating the "dip" ind providing that dancers keep at east four inches apart. The aider man says that no woman can do the ango "dip" in the present styles of light skirts with any degree of mod ssty. The dance hall investigation is said o have originated at the suggestion 3f Mayor Harrison. SUFFRAGETTE TO WORKHOUSE Hard Labor in Jail for a Month Is Penalty for Throwing Hammer and Tomato at a Judge London, Nov. 18.—One month at hard labor in Holloway jail was the sentence pronounced on Ethel Seaton, suffragette, who threw a hammer and tomato at Justice Lawrence, at Old Bailey. Testimony at the Guild Hall police 30urt, where all of the women who created Saturday's disturbance were tried, showed that the hammer was nscribed: “No submission to govern nent. which tortures women.” Catherine Jones was given two Months and Mary Aldham one month 'or aiding the Seaton woman in the ittack on the court. Governor Defends Whipping. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 18.—Gov. Charles R. Miller issued a statement in defense of the whipping post and said Delaware would continue it until ^he law providing for it is repealed, ‘regardless of any attempted interfer ence by a member of congress or of ndividuals residing in other states.” Prof. Ferdi anelli Dies. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 18.—Prof. Ferdinand Vianelli, widely known as a music teacher and author of many compositions, died here at the age of 64 years. “Selz Waukenphast” This is a shoe that takes the eye of every man and young man who wants the best at any price —In Style - —In Fit —In Comfort Then comes the added pleasure in getting the shoe at no higher price than for the ordinary kind. We also have the “Selz Wauken* phast” for women and children and many other pleasing styles, priced as low as good shoes can be sold for. Aio-13 Just glance into our windows—better still, come in and inspect them without obligating yourself in the least. H II’s Royal Blue Shoe StorA ATTACKS COST Of HUNG NOTED AUTHORITIES HOLD CON FERENCE. Legislature to Be Urged to Take Steps Which Will Ready Lower Prices Consumer Pays. New York. Nov. 18—New York state took the first step in a nation wide legislative attack on the high cost of living today, when Gov. Glynn ■held a conference here with the heads of railroads which transport food into the state, and with noted economists and national officials. Glynn has determined to press leg islation which will tend to force the price of the necessities of life down ward at this session of the state legis lature, and he has enlisted the sup port of Senator O'Gorman to influ ence national legislation along the same lines. At today’s conference the report of the American Rural Institute commis sion was considered. This report, gathered by the commission after an exhaustive study of European farm ing methods, has not yet been made public, but most of its tenor has been placed at the disposal of the confer ence. Railroad heads, including Howard Elliott, president of the New Haven railroad, and William C. Brown, presi dent of the New York Central, dis cussed the problem of Inefficient dis tribution and suggested remedies. Among other prominent people who attended the conference are: Mrs. Julian Heath, president of the Con sumers' league; Franklin D. Roose velt. assistant secretary of the navy; Vincent Astor, Prof. W. A. Stocking for Cornell university and Calvin .1. Huson, New York state commissioner )f agriculture. WATERWAYS BODY IN SESSION Completion of the Inland Route From Maine to Florida Is Discussed at Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville, Kla„ Nov. 18.-—Several hundred delegates to the sixth annual convention of the Atlantic Deeper Wa terways association are assembled in this city for consideration of the ques tion of an inland waterway from Maine to Florida, near the Atlantic const. Through the e forts of this association many miles of the water route have already been constructed. The convention was crilled to order it 8 o’clock tiiis afternoon by J. Hamp ton Moore, niemher of congress from Pennsylvania and president of the as sociation. After addresses of welcome by Mayor Swearingen of Jacksonville and Gov. Trammel of Georgia and re sponses by Gov. Miller of Delaware ind Lieut.-Gov. Howe of Vermont, an adjournment was taken until this ‘veiling wnen a reception and "gel to gether” meeting will he h< Id in rooms of the local board of trade. The list of prominent guests in cludes Secretary of Commerce lted ficld, Gov. Blease of South Carolina, John Barret, director of the Pan American union; Brig. Gen. Dan C. Kingman, engineer-in-chief of the army; Henry W. Hill, president of the New York Waterways association; Maj. .1. U. Slattery, U. S. A., engineer in charge at Jacksonville; Secretary of the Navy Daniels, Gov. Glynn of Now York and other state and nation- j il officials. President Wilson sent his greetings to the convention and ex pressed regret that he could not be present. STATE VS. NATIONAL CONTROL ! t/ital Question That Confronts the Conservation Congress Now in Session in Washington. _ Washington, Nov. Is.—The fifth na .ional conservation congress opened oday in the New Willard hotel and ' he large number of delegates pres ent was one of the signs that the members recognize the hard fight that confronts them. This contest is over the question of whether the nation or the respective states shall have con rol of tlte forests and water powers of the country. Charles Lathrop Pack, president of the congress, called the body to order and in his address declared that the forests and water powers of the United States are at stake in the im nending conflict. It is expected that President W'ilson. members of the j •aliinet and many other notables will address the congress before it tui curns Thursday night. SLAYS WIFE: KILLED BY SON Louis Van Luven. Ohio Farmer, Had Tried to Slaughter Family, Boy Tells Police. Cleveland, O, Xov. 17.—Louis Van Luven, a fanner living at Harpers field, near Geneva, O., shot and killed liis wife and then was killed by his son Matthew. 17, in self-defense. ' oung N an Luven surrendered to the police. According to the story told by the boy and his 10-year-old sister, their mother was killed while sitting in the kitchen. The elder Van Luven fired al most point blank at her and then at tempted to kill the boy and his sister The boy succeeded in tearing the shot gun away from his father, and then brought down the heavy stock of the weapon on his father’s skull killing nim instantly. Young Van Luven said his father hud threatened several times to kill the whole family, and always slept with his shotgun at his side. PIANOS Do you need one? If you want a first-class instrument at a moderate price, come to see me. I buy from the factory and m save you the middleman’s profit. A. MONSO WEST sriCftB ST. PRESCOTT, ARKAI Leifer’s SEED Yield Seeds of every known variety If interested write for special price list. We Sell— Safes, Implements, Roofing and Building Pap and Hardware. Leifer Bros. Seed Co. 104 East Markham St. Little Roek, At Draughonfs College Little Rock, Arkansas A STANDARD School teaching only STANDARD ay stems, recogo^ as such by the United States Government. Over 160,0W foro .. dents testify to our Superior facilities for giving the b£,si "j and securing the REST positions. Draughon graduates ma * everywhere. Our enrollment this fall is the largest in °u ^ New equipment has been added in every department to Pr0P •; 0jj for the rapidly increasing attendance Besides our regular i ^ have have Bookkeeping.' Banking " Shorthand and .Tffi70rS’ depart^enTjn added the finest equipped Telegraphy and this section of the country. Positions guaranteed conditions. Write for literature and full information DO IT NOW. College, 7th & Main Streets, Little Rock, Arkansas. under reasoi Address the Cubanola Fcl* Smokes like It costs more Bloch-Lyons Co. Sole Distributors For Arkansas Little Rock, . . . . DecoriM Cut Flowers g Floral Designs RAUL M. PALEZ LEADING FLORIST Little Rock' 409 l¥laln Street. „ "''-’can eer Phone 463. After Business Hours Blooming Plants, Roses, Bulbs, Shrubs, etc.