i II G 1
These Prices for Cash Only
> S
2 cans corn ILm
for .I«fb
2 cans tomatoes 1/Cin
for .fDC
1 can Hominy
1 can kraut 10c
lean peas IfTU
3 cans oysters 2Jj|£
3 cans Pork and Beans 25 b
8 bars Silk Soap /.25c
6 bars Crystal White .25c
6 bars P. G Sjpap .25c
6 bars Ivorj^Soap .25c
6 bars Fainy Soap 25C
Lump starch CA
per pound ..Ju
3 bars Toilet Soap .10c
1 gallon Green Label 7fin
Velva.I Uw
One-half gallon Green Q7A
Label Velva.0I U
1 gallon Red Label Velva QKA
One-half gallon Red Label
1 gallon Red Label Karo CCA
One-half gallon Red Label OQp
Karo for . 4Uu
1 gallon Blue Label Karo y|£A
for .*tJU
One-half gallon Blue
Label Karo for.
Oats 1Qa
Corn Flakes QA
per package .Uw
v Hams • on«
per pound..<LUb
Grape Nuts *|Qa
per package .i Zb
Puffed Wheat 10a
per package.I UG
Puffed Rice
per package. 3&b
IJacon OHa
per pound. uUu
Calumet, 5 lbs.
for . OuC
Calumet, 1 pound 00 a
for .bull
Good Ludk, 1 pound Q
for .. Uu
K. C., 25 ounces \ OC,,,
for. luu
K. C., 10 ounces lOr*
for.... I lib
Chops 1 /E
per sack ... .I ■ l \l
Mixed Feed 4 PR
for... buy
M. R. Bran 4 AC .
for ..I i*tii
Every Pail Guaranteed.
Bol) White, 10 lbs. \
for .ivlJ \
50 lb. can lard .4.40
Bob White, 5 lbs.
for .
10 lbs. Snow Drift 11 10
for . .Du flu
5 lbs. Snow Drift
for ...
Bulk Bob White lard
for .
per package
per package
per pound.
Navy Beans O*,
for .....Gu
Mexican Beans
for ...
Full Head Rice
per pound .
Lima Beans
per pound ..
Vhe New England
f !
\ i
Teuton Admiral Paints Danger of the
Break With the United States.
Another Note.
Berlin, July 5.—Admiral Oscar Von
Truppel, at ope time Governor of Kiao
Crow, the German concession ?n the
Chinese province of Shantung, cap
tured in November by the .Tapanese, \
contributes an article today to Der
Tag, asking ms compatriots to weign
seriously the question whether the ;
value of Germany’s submarine warfare (
against British commerce is great en- j
ough to justify a continuance of its j
present form at the expense of a rup- j
tyre with the trans-Atlantic nation.
The article is remarkable not only
for its open statement regarding the
wide-spreading effects which the par
ticipation of America in the hostili
ties might exercisil on the future
course of the war—^effects whch Ad
miral Von Truppel says are greatly
underestimated in Germany—but as
a contribution from a naval officer.
All the naval publicists of Germany
hitherto heard from have been de
voting their energies to accelerating
public opinion against any modific'
tion of the submarine campaign ana
endeavoring to prevent or limit con
cessions to American demands in the
forthcoming German note to Wash
Campaign Intense.
The campaign between the two fac
tions is still intense and delay of the
note which a few days ago was sched
uled for Monday or Tuesday, prob
ably will be delayed several days.
Admiral Von Truppel In his arti
cle in Der Tag, writes:
“A German-American war or even
. a rupture of diplomatic relations, the
effect of which would virtually be as
great, would injure German prospects
more serious than many , believe.
Though America at first wouid be
able to contribute little to the mili
tary strength of the entense allies,
except by an accelleration of me mu
nitions supply, it could, in time, co
operate with considerable land and
sea forces and with first-class sub
marines and aeroplanes in the com
plete Isolation of Germany. It also
oould exercise such pressure upon the
few remaining neutral countries that
these would probably be arrayed ac
lively, cr passively among our ene
Admiral Yon Truppel discounts the
stories of earlier existing American
agreements with Great Britian against
Germany, explaining that this was
most improbable, owing to American
diplomatic traditions.
Remarkable Lull in Flanders Believed
to Presage Important Action.
I oiuior:. July 4.—The British front j
ir. Zanders remains remarkably quiet, j
a. fact which may presage some im
portant movement on either side. The
French and Germans are at grips a
gain in Hie Argonne region and else
where. The French are using a dead
ly gas. according to German claims,
and have retaken a position on the so
called Kilgen ridge in the Vosges.
French Official Statement.
The French War Office in Paris to
night. issued the following:
“The day was marked by Increased
activity of the German artillery, nota
bly in Belgium in the region of Neu
ville, Ecurie and Reclincourt and the
front to the Aisne. We replied against
both the trenches and the German bat
“On the right bank of the Aisne, in
the region of Soupier and Troyon and
also in Champagne on the Pertlies
Beausejour front, there was fighting
with mines.
“In the Argonne the day was quiet
er. Since the checking of their recent
efforts, the Germans have made no
further infantry attacks.
. “On the heights of the Meuse, at.
the Colonne trenches and on from
of Lahaya, the cannonade continues.
“In the Vosges there were artillery
actions at La Fontanelle and the Hart
Revival at Baptist Church Closed Sun
day Night—11 Additions.
The revival, which has been in pro
gress at the Baptist church in this
city for the past two weeks, closed
Sunday night with 11 additions to the
church. Five were admitted by letter
and six by baptism. The interest and
congregations were good throughout
the meeting. Rev. John D. Freeman
assisted the Rev. J. D. Brown in the
meeting, the former conducting the
song services.
Cemmissioner’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that in pur- j
suance of the authority and direction., I
contained in the decretal order or the |
Chancery court of Little River county,
made and entered on the 19th day 01
May A. D., 1915, in a certain cause
(No. 805) then pending therein be
tween R. 15. Wilson, complainant, and
Wm. L. Harvey, defendant, me un- i
dersigned ,as commissioner of said
court, will offer for sale- at public
vendue to the highest bidder, at the
F;ront door or entrance of the county
courthouse, in which said court :s
held, in the county of Little Rive;
within the- hours prescribed by '.aw
for judicial sales, on Saturday the
24th da5' of .1 ly 1915, the following
described real estate, towit: Lot 7 lo
12 inclusive in block 1, and lots 1 to '■
12 in inclusive in block 1 in the town
of Allene, in Little River county, Ar
kansas. Terms of sale: On a credit
of three months, the purchaser being
required to execute a bond as required
by law and the order and decree or
said court in said cause, with approv
ed security, bearing interest at me
rate of 6 per cent per annum from
date of sale until paid, and a lien be
ing retained on the premises sold to
secure the payment of the purchase
money. Given under my hand this
25th day of June A. D., 1915.—Clias. H.
Park, Commissioner in Chancery. 621V
Citrolax! Citrolax! CitroIaxT
Bestt liing for constipation, soui
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushing—no pains, no nau
sea. Keeps your system cleansed,
sweet and wholesome.—R. H. Weihecht
Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: “I find
Citrolax the best laxative I ever sued.
Does not gripe, no unpleasant after
effects.” Sold everywhere advt.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at Camden, Ark., June 12,
1915. Notice is hereby given that
Charles C. Lee of Wilton, Ark., wno,
on April 17, 1911, made a Homestead
Entry. Serial No. 04935, for EJ of NW4
section 19, township 11 south, range
29 west, 5th principal meridian, nao
filed notice of intention to make final
three year proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before the
County Clerk of Little River county,
at Ashdown, Arkansas, on the 22nd
day of July, 1915. Claimant names
as witnesses: John II. Parker. J. N.
Parker, Jep Desmute. all of Wilton,
Ark., and G. B. Milford of Ben Lom
ond, Ark. R. D. Newton, Register. 58
Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain’s
“I have used ■ Chamberlain's Lini
ment for sprains, bruises and rheu
matic pains, and the great benefit I
have received pustifios my recom
mending it in the highest terms.”
writes Mrs. Florence Slife, Wabash,
Ind. If you are troubled with rheu
matic pains you will certainly be
pleased with the prompt relief which
Chamberlain’s liniment affords. Ob
tainable everywhere, advt
nmBmaaMiMMmannnBBnnnMHi —
Commissioner,s Sale.
Xotice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as commissioner in Chan
eery. in pursuance of a decree of the
chancery couit of Miller county. Ark.,
n ad" and entered on the 26th day of
February, 1915, in a case therein
pending in which the Bank of Fulton,
Arkansas is Plaintiff and Charles
Schwarz is defendant, will on the 16th
day of June, 1915, at two o'clock p. m.
oiler for sale at public outcry at the
front door of the Little River County
courthouse in the town of Ashdown.
Arkansas, the following described
real estate, twit;
The fractional southwest quarter
of section 9. township 13 south, range
27 west; the fractional Northeast quar
ter of section 14. township 13 south,
range 27 west; the east halt of the
soiWuwest quarter of section 14, town
ship 13 south, range 27 west; con
taining in all 2S7 acres (more or loss,)
and all lying in Little River county,
Said sale will be to the highest
bidder upon a credit of three months
and the purchaser will he required to
give a note with approved personal
security and a lien will bo retained
upon said real estate to secure the
puli-ehase price. Dated this 14th day
of May. 1915.—J. S. Brooks, Commis
sioner in Chancery. W May 19-2
Notice of Filing Road Petition,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned. together with others will
file in the Little River County Court,
at its April 1915, term, a petition pray
ing the establishment of a public road
to run through, over and across the
following lauds to wit: Beginning at
the Southeast corner of section 12 ill
township 12 south, range 30 west, on
the range line between ranges 29 and
.30, thence run west on section line be
tween sections 12 and 13, 11 and 14,
10 and 15. in township 12 south, range
30 west, to an intersection with the
public roads now known as Oak Hill
Road and Mill’s Ferry Road. This
the 5th day of June, 1915. A. Keenan.
Joel Mills, and others. 50
Mistake Made by Many.
Don't wait for rheumatism to indi
cate diseased kidneys. When you suf
fer pains and aches by day and sleep
dusturblng bladder weakness t>v nlgni
feel tired, nervous and run down, the
kidneys and bladder should be rest
and red to healthy, strong and regular
action. It is a mistake to postpone
treatment. Foley kidney pills put the
kidneys in sound, healthy condition
and keep them active and strong. Be
gin taking today. Good results fol
low the first dose.—Sold Everywhere
Chnmbcrlian’s Colic, Cholera and Dla
rhoea Remedy.
This is a remedy that every family
should be provided with, and especial
ly during summer months. Think or a
pain and suffering that must be endur
ed when medicine must be sent for or
before relief can be obtained. This
remedy is thoroughly reliable. Ash
anyone who has used it. Obtainable
iverywhere. advt.
-:-- V
t ■ mmissioncr’s Sale.
i Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of the authority anil directions
[contained in the decretal order o: the
Chancery court of Little River co aty.
made and entered on the 17th day of
May, A. D., 1915 in a ceiitain caiss
(No. 814) then pending therein be
tween Charles Coulter, complainant
and .f. T. Perkins, and *J. T. Perkl-js,
[administrator of tlie Estate of Susie
j A. Perkins, defendants, the und r
i signed, as commissioner of said court,
[will offer for sale at public vendue to
' the highest bidder at the front, door or
i nti once of the county courthouse in
I which said court is held, in the county
of Little River, within the hours pre
[iirihed by law for judicial sales, on
I Saturday, the 2Cth day of June, 1915.
It.lii' following described real estate
! tot. it: The Wi of the WJ and the Wf
|(.i tin1 El of section 17. in township 13
south, range 27 -west, containing 1 >
acres in Little River county, Ark in.
sas. Terms of sale: On a credit ot
tin . o months, the purchaser being re
quired to execute a bond as rtcy k-'d
by h.-v and ,t'e order of said court in
said cause. ith approved secn.uty.
bearing inti: -t at the rate of six per
cent per ant. m from date of saie un
til paid, am a lien being retained on
tho premise sold to secure the pay
ment of the purchase money. Given
under my hand this 20th day of May,
A. D. 1915.—Chas. H. Turk, Commis
sioner in Cha"'<iery. 52W
Millions Attacks.
When you have a bilious attack y.:ut
liver fails to perform its functions
You become constipated. The food
you eat ferments in your stomach in
stead of digesting. This inflames the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting
and a terrible headache. Take Cha.n
'bcrlain’s Tablets. They will tone y
j up, clean out your stomach and you
will oon be as well as ever. They ul
' ly cost a quarter. Obtainable every
I where. advt
• —_—o--—
Hoad Notice.
The undersigned, free holders of Lit
tle River County, Arkansas, hereby
give notice that they will, on the first
day of the July term of the County
Court of Little River county, Arkan
sas, file a petition in the County Court
to change the public road leading from
Ashdown to Pine Prairie, known as the
Ashdown-Pine Prairie Road, said
change to begin on said road at the
southeast corner of the southeast quar
ter of the northeast quarter of section
18, township 13, range 29, and run
south on the section line between sec
tions 17 and 18, 19 and 20, in town
ship 13 south, range 29 west, to where
it intersects said road near the bridge
on Cauey Creek. W. L. Perkins, et al.
Respectfully tenders til’s
Professional services to
the people of Ashdown
Restored to Good Health.
• “I was sick for four years with sfe
macli trouble,” writes Mrs. Otto Uaue
Zanesville, Ohio. ‘‘I lost weight anc.
felt so weak that I almost gave up
hope of being cu-red. A friend tote
me about Chamberlain’s tablets, amf.
since using two bottles of lhem 1 have
been a well woman.” Obtainable ev
erywhere. ad:.
Only a Few Can Go.
Those who are so fortunate that ex
pense does not have to be ccnsicerec
are now going to health resorts to get
rid of the impurities in the system thzr
cause rheumatism, bachache, swollen,
aching joints and stiff muscles. If yos.
are ci*e of those who cannot go, yer
feel that you need relief from sues
pain and misery, try Foley Kidney
pills. They restore the kidneys u> e
healthful activity and make you fee;
well again. Sond everywhere. adrt
Notice of KyeOution StW
Slight-fhtlamation of the broncfiii,'
tubes causes a distressing cough as.k
makes refreshing sleep impossibly
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound css*
rs raw. inflamed, irritated surfsaa*
with a soothing, healing coating aa&
stops that annoying tickling, rellexlog
the racking, cough. Take this spkmT
I cough medicine with you on sumxcur
1 trips. It is good for coughs, eraifi,
; bronchial affections and la grip-sr
^coughs. Sond everywhere. Advt.
Notice Confirmation Thie. s
| In Little River Chancery Court
j Charles Schwarz, exparte.
Notice is hereby given that ChaytSw*
; Schwarz has filed, in Little River
I Chailcery court, a petition seeking te
| confirm his title to the following Lt*es
town: The fractional southwest qrat
'ter of section 9; the fractional nor&i
least quarter and east half cf the
I west quarter of section 14, all in tewu
! ship 13 south, range 27 west. ^
I therefore, all persons who claim aw
j interest in said lands, or any parr
thereof, are hereby warned to apptnr
' in said court and show cause, if *u\
i they can why the title of the petit toevu
should not be confirmed. Given urn**
I my hand as such clerk this 6th cay ef
July, 1915.—Chas. H. Park, Cltr* of
Little River Chancery Court. W6t
The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Keatf.
Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAKW
TIVK BROMO QtJININR is better than otxlkiirjr
Quinine and does not cause nervousness »«s
l ringing 111 head. Remember the full name wart
Vok for the s gjature of R. W. 'tiROVR iffls.
Dr. Henry Louis Smith, Pres, -aft
Washington and Lee University, Lex.
ington, Va., says: “In the last fe»
years we Rave used
VimtCroup andrilUV
V It Wa Pneumonia &ALV E
constantly, and our belief In Its eflV
, clency. has grown with continued u.%*
until in such cases we now rely entire*!
upon It, and have discarded the use
vapor lamp*, internal medicines, arid?
everything qf the kind.” Sample o*
request. At p.11 druggists, 26c, 60c an£
*1.|)0, Vick tlhemlcal Co.,
„ Creeutjljoro, M. £
< 1
it 1 V