OCR Interpretation

The Little River news. (Ashdown, Little River County, Ark.) 1897-current, December 11, 1920, Image 5

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90050316/1920-12-11/ed-1/seq-5/

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A Few of Our Many Reductions on All Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes
•it. - ■ - —1—i——
Stetson Hats
your choice
These hats formerly
sold for $10, $12, $14
Carhartt, Scott’s
Level Best and Red
Deaning Overalls
per pair
Best Grade
Work Shirts
Peter’s Diamond Brand Shoes, 20#* Off
Now these shoes were bought after we had had two de
clines in the manufacturer’s price, which makes our regular retail
price considerably lower than the shoes bought on the high mar
ket. In addition to these two declines we are giving a
20 Per Cent Discount.
Best grade Outing
per yard
Good grade Brown
Domestic, per yd.
Cotton Checks and
Calico per yd.
U. S. Red Rubber Boots, pair
Black Rubber Boots, pair
Come in and
you can’t afford to miss,
see for yourself
The Joy of
CHRISTMAS time is a great thing
in the American Home, with the
children happy with their toys, dolls and candies, and
everything else that makes life a pleasure to them. Make
this the happiest Christmas of them all, one that they will
remember. Come in early and make your selections be
fore the best things are sold.
Toilet Sets, Cut Glass Bowls, Brushes,. Cigars,.
Lunch Boxes with Thermos Bottle, Flash Lights, Pipes
Shaving Outfits, Box Chocolates, Fountain Pens, Books
jjfctft Train does lit* Ditch Near
nuUckana, Dec. 8.—Engineer Fred
, SB4 his fireman, !R. H. Bortie,
both of Longview, Tex., were Injured.
Wynee, seriously, at 13:30 o’clock last
night when the first section of the
Sunshine Special, an hour and 40 min
utes late, running at a high rate of
speed, went in the ditch five miles
south' of this place. A sprung rail
was given by Missouri Pacific officials
today as the cause of the accident. The
baggage car, rolling down the em
bankment, turned over three times,
but none of its occupants was hurt.
Negroes Are Held for
Killing of Officers
Port Smith, Dec. 7.—Two arrests
had been made tonight in connection
with the beating to death of Deputy
Sheriff Art Person and the serious
injury of Special Deputy Sheriff Bert
McKenzie near Braden, Okla., 16
miles west of here, Iasi night. One
1 negro, believed to be Prank Cody ,
I wanted as one of the principals in the
affair, was taken tocray from a freight
, train at Watts, Okla., 50 miles north
! of the scene of the killiny. Sheriff
I Frank Carter of Leflore county will
go there tonight to identify him.
A posse is searching for the other
I A third negro, whose name was not
' available, is in jail at Poteau. He
told Sheriff Carter he saw the killing,
but took no part in it.
The officers went to the home of A.
D. and Prank Cody, negroes, four miles
from Braden, with warrants in whis
key cases. They were found t hree
hours later by McKenzie’s brother,
Prank, who had gone in search of
them. Both had been beaten and
terribly injured. Person died in a
hospital here last night, and McKenzie
has only an even chance to recover.
The negro prisoner at Poteau said
one of the Cody negroes struck the
offic°r with a rifle and the fight be
gan. He said he took no part in It,
and saw little of it, because the fight
was In the house and he was outside. ,
Former Little Elver Boys Win Prizes
In Another State.
Following is a letter from a former
Winthrop school boy, to his former
teacher, L. F. Wheelis, in which it will
be noted that he i smalting good. The
letter follows:
Gibsland, La., Dec. 1.
My dear old teacher: •
How I wish I could see you. I eup
pose you knew we were down here
hunting tor oil, but have not found It
yet. I was back home last June and
saw you on Sunday evening as you
passed my uncle’s house.
I understand; that our class of fif
teen at Winthrop, is about broken up
Roy and I are in the tenth grade which
is third year high school here. Gihs
lend is a little larger than Foreman,
and is considered as having one or the
best high schools In the state. There
are 94 one noil in high school, and
over 200 in the grades. We have a
Domestic Science department, second
to none in the state, according to the
state examiners’ report. We have four
teachers in high school. But I have
not found one that I thought more of
than of Mr. Wheelis, nor don’t sup
pose I ever shall.
In our class there are fourteen girls
and five boys. Our studies are plane
geometry, physics, tenth grade Eng
lish, and Ceasar for the boys, while
Domestic Science for the girls. We
have a boys’ basket ball team! that
whips about everybody they try.
Last year Mr. Fisher, the Parish
superintendent, worked out a plan by
which every high school in this Parish
(being seven) would send one repres
entative to each high school, the repre
sentative a Boy or a girl, to deliver a
declamation or reading on Thanks
giving night. The preliminary contest
was held about a week berore Thanks
giving. Roy was selected and was
sent to one of the schools, getting sec
ond plaice there. But I fell down In
the preliminary. But did not give up
so tried again this year. I got third
place in the prelimnary, while Roy
got fourth. Then Thanksgiving night
we both acquitted ourselves with first
place, thereby helping to gain for our
school the silver loving cup. The
name of boys declamation was: ‘‘Pat
ric Henry’s Speech before the Virginia
Assembly." Mine was “Abraham Lin
coln,” by Henry Waterson. Roy and
I were the only ones however out of
the seven who were selected that made
first place. There were two other
boys, one of them made third and the
other sixth. All three of the girls
made second place.
Is Mr. Anderson still teaching? He
is another teacher I shall never for
As it is lafte and there is nothing
running or even up in the house, but
the clock and the mice. I'll close,
trusting you will not be as long ans
wering as I was writing.
Your old scout,
Paxton Callahan.
How Big New York Grocery Firm
Keeps Down Hats.
Vroome & Co., Butter aud Cheese
Merchants, New York City says: ”We
keep Rat Snap in our cellar all the
time. It keeps down rats. We buy
it by the gross, would not be without
it.” Farmers use Rat Snap because
rats paEs up all food for Rat Snap. 3
sizes, 3yc, 6&c, $1.25. Sold and guar
anteed by Henry and Joyner Hdw,.
and Boyer Drug Store. advt.
Texarkana Model and
Machine Works
Do all kinds of general repai» and ma
chine shop work. Only first class ma
chinists, millwrights and engineers em
We do repair and machine shop work for saw mills, oD mills, shingle
mills, stare mills, handle factories, cotton gins, ice plants, oil, gas
and steam engines, tracks and tractors. (Men sent out on Jobs any
time, day or night If yon hare any kind of machinery to Install, re
pair or rebuild, let ns figure with you on the job.
Day Phone $32; Night and Sunday phone 2701. If the abore number
Is busy ,caU 1401.
Post Office Box 267, Texarkana, Ark.-Texas
Located In the Williams Mill Mfg. Co. Building, Corner East Broad
Ash Street
Texarkana Model and Machine Works
Public Utilities Pay
l-5th of Taxes!
Public utility oomjwnles pay
SO per cent of all taxes collected in
This surprising fact is shown by
the 1919 assessments. The total
valuation of all property was
9688,1614165. Of this amount the
utilities represented one-fifth, or 474.
Consider what this means; All
lumber mills, all mines, all factories,
all buildings of whatsoever nature, all
improved and unimproved land—
everything in the state, except
public service companies, paid only
96 In taxes for every 91 P*M by the
public utilities. ' '
On -the basis of 83 mills—state,
county, city and special levies In
Little Bock paid In taxes last year
On the same basis, all property
fat the state paid only $15,592,652.
The utilities actually paid mere than
93316,663, because they are subject
to taxes not levied against other
property owners—such as pole, cor
poration, franchise, and other special lc
If all the utilities In Arkansas were
forced ont of business by reason of
Inadequate rates or nnjust legislation
the people of Arkansas not only wonld
be deprived, of the comfort, convenience,
protection, pleasure arid profit provided |
by the operation of the light, telephone,
water, gas and railway companies,
lint the rate of taxation would hate to
be Increased to make np the four million
the utilities pay toward public Improve* j,
ments, governmental expenses and schools.
Public Relations Section
2091 Spring Street,
Little Rock, Arkansas.
In addition to the $3,816,663 practically every
utility has signed for the voluntary school tax.
Farmers Attention
Exchange Your Cotton Seed (or
Meal and Hulls. We will give
(or One Ton o( Seed
800 Lbs. Cotton Seed Meal
4000 Lbs. “ “ Hulls
4800 Lbs. Total weight of
feed for 2000 Lbs. of
cotton seed.
United Oil Mills

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