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SPECTATOR Siccmw to The Spectator, Fermerly Published Twice • Week. = VOLUME 5. OZARK, FRANKLIN COUNTY, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1916. NUMBER 98. WEDDING BELLS RING OUT MERRILY IN OZARK THIS WEEK This Week Witnesses Marri age of Two of City’s Most Prominent Young Couples; Monday and Wednesday. Mr. Tom Fleeman and Miss Cornee Guthrie were quietly married early Monday afternoon •t the home of the bride’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Guth rie, in the west part of the city. Promptly at one o’clock Rev. J. H. King of the Presbyterian church, entered with the groom, taking their places before an ar tistically arranged embankment of ferns and flowers. As the sweet strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march played by Miss Sula Kate Benson, echoed across the room, the bride entered, ac companied by her father. A very beautiful and impressive ring ceremony was used. Miss Louise Nichols sweetly sang “0 Promise Me” while Miss Ruth Blaylock accompanied on the vi olin. The bride was beautifully gowned in white organdy and carried dainty bouquets of sweet peas. Miss Sula Fleeman was sweetly dressed in pink organdy, Miss Gelene Nichols in yellow, Miss Willie Bryan;4ft lavender, Miss Janie King while lira. Harry Rust* matron of hon or, wore old rdlie dfgdhtfy. The happy couple left on the 2:10 _jrest bound train^rXape Girar deau, Missouriwill spend their honeymoon. . The bride wore a wii&Ai'v&ti'.'which was very beconttfirfW^ ihd cere many. Her «omg. away dress Wms of beeutifiit blt&>tteffeta with hat and shoes Mrs. FI of Mr. and, M of this city, womanhood in a favorite am# ughter Gutlj|ie wn to young iast and is her many friends—a very deserving and popular young lady. Mr. Fleeman is the son of Mrs. Sola Fleeman and is well and fa vorably known over Franklin county, a young man of sterling worth and high ideals. He is Oiark’s efficient postmaster, having been appointed by Presi dent Wilson some two years ago. The bride and groom will be at home after about June 20th to their friends in the Verne Mc Kinney cottage on Spring street. The second important society event of the week was the mar riage of Mr. Edgar Dowell and (£T^iss Willie Bryan which was tftUemnized at the spacious and hospitable home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bryan, on East Commercial street, at 9 o’clock Wednesday evening. Miss Anna Marr Bour land, of Fort Smith, presided a t the piano and sweetly ren dered ’’Melody in F” followed by "Sextettee from Lucia.” "At Dawning,” a beautiful vo * cal solo, was charmingly ren dered by Mrs. Arthur Dupreast. ft To the sweet strains of Rosary ^ the .bride and groom marched iglD the beautifully decorated mom. lavishly illuminated with / artistically arranged twining f English ivy, nasturtiums and and took their places the chandelier beside the officiating clergyman, Rev. J. J. Galloway, pastor of the Methodist church. Next came Hasel Bryan, sister of the beautifully dressed Jn white organdy, trimmed in pink agd carrying pink sweet peas. Then came Little Miss Mary niece of the bride, who a large magnolia blossom bore the ring. During the impressive ring ceremony. Miss Bourland sweetly rendered Loehngrin’s wedding march fol lowed by Mendelssohn's to the enchanting strains of which the bride and groom marched out. The bride was gowned in a very beautiful embroidered voile, trim med in threaded lace and carried bride’s roses. About 100 guests witnessed the ceremony. Brick ice cream and white cake was served. Mrs. Dowell is the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bryan, a young lady of many graces of mind and person and capable of filling the home she will adorn with a wealth of happiness and cheer. She is a graduate of the Ozark High School, class of 1909, and has taugh successfully in the local schools as well as one term at Altus, and numbers her friends by her acquaintances. Both bride and groom were members of the same class when in high school. Mr. Dowell is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dowell of this city, a grandson of the late and lamented Dr. W. A. Carter and is too well and fa vorably known to need any in troduction. He has been con nected with the Bourland Whole sale Grocery Co., of Fort Smith, in the capacity of traveling rep resentative for several months and is one of their most valued and trusted employes. Mr. and Mrs. Dowell were re cipients of many useful and valuable presents, consisting of cut glass, silverware, linen, etc. For the present the bride and groom will be at home to their friends at the Bryan home. Ford to Occupy Pulpit, . Account the absence of Rev. J. J. Calloway to Conway where he went Wednesday to attend the Ministerial Alliance, an nouncement is made that D. L. Ford will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist church at the regular hour of service Sunday morning. No services has been announced for the evening hour. Dr. Williams’ Mother Dead. Mrs. Julia Williams, mother of Dr. H. F. Williams of this city, died at her home about Si miles east of Ozark Wednesday night. Funeral services will be held this afternoon (Thursday) at 4 o’clock and interment made at Nichols Chapel. Unveiling Ceremonies Sunday. As announced last week Hon. Farrar Newberry, delivered a memorial address at Highland cemetery Sunday afternoon at the unveiling of the monument placed by the W.* 0. W. lodge at the grave of T. B. Tuggle. The ceremonies wer$ witnessed by a large crowd. The Ozark male quartet furnished appropriate music for the occasion. Mrs. Tuggle was here to attend the ceremonies, returning to her home in Van Buren Monday morning. Still Meeting With Success. As a result of his pastorial calls in the Pleasant Grove com munity Wednesday. Rev. J. L. Shelby, who delights in doing personal work in the homes of the people, reports three con* versions, the securing of four new members to the church and the baptism of two. Rev. Shel by is meeting with unbounded success in his charge and is cer tainly doing some effective work. Owing to recent rains in Okla homa and Kansas, prediction is made that the river will reach its highest stage since January. ' LOUIS H. MOORE .PASSES TO GREAT BEYOND SATURDAY Death Came Suddenly and Unexpected—Funeral Servi ce* Held at Family Home Monday Morning. New* of the death of Louis H. Moore of thi* city at hi* home on West River street about 7 o’clock Saturday morning came as a profound shock. Although he had been in ill health for some time it was not thought that death was near. Death was thought to be due to heart fail ure. It is stated that he appar ently rested well Friday night but about six o’clock Saturday morning he was struck by a se vere pain. He called to Mrs. Moore who immediately sum moned a physician but before he could arrive Mr. Moore was un conscious. Deceased was 65 years of age and was well known over the entire state. He was chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, delegate at large to the Republican Convention and former president of the Arkan sas Travelers. He was born and reared in Fhulkner county and for more than 30 years he was traveling salesman for the Rice Stix Dry Goods Co., of St. Louis. About five years ago he retired and with his family moved to Ozark. During the last years of his life Mr. Moore devoted a great deal of his time to lectur ing and last summer he conduct ed a home patronage campaign in this county. He was one of the oldest traveling men in the state, was a progressive man and always identified in all move ments for the betterment o f Franklin county. Funeral services were held from the family residence Mon day morning at 10 o’clock, con ducted by Rev. J. H. King, as sisted by Rev. John T. Donnell, of the Presbyterian church of which Mr. Moore was an elder and superintendent of the Sun day school. Beautiful floral wreaths were sent by the Chi cago Republican Convention and the Arkansas Travelers, many members of the latter organiza Besides his wife who was Miss Maud Forrest, a niece of the late Senator James H. Berry, he is suruived by two sons, Hugh and '‘Doc”, both of Chicago, and 3 daughters, Misses Grace and Margaret, of Ozark and Mrs. E. C. Perkins of Chicago. Matt Moore and Mrs. J. S. Westerfield brother and sister, of Conway, Hugh Moore, son, of Chicago, and Louis Ragsdale, cousin of the deceased, o f Russellville, arrived in time to attend the funeral. Interment was made in Highland cemetery. The fu neral was largely attended. Boys Wore Shaken Up. What came near being a ser ious accident was reported Sat urday afternoon when Edgar Pendergrass. John Pendergrass, John William Felker and Ross Harris were out driving in the Pendergrass car went off the bride juat east of town. It is stated that they were driving at a fair rate of speed while cross ing the bridge and in some man ner the front wheels jumped off. but before any damage could result were back on the bridge and the hind wheels* off. When the rear wheels left the bridge all the occupants of the car were thrown out, the front axle bent, windshield broken and other minor injuries sustained by the car. It is considered miracu lous that the car did not turn over, which would have pinioned the quartet beneath it and prob ably resulted seriously. The occupants were somewhat shak en up while Mr. Harris suffered a lame shoulder as a reminder of the occasion. Meeting at Pleasant Grove. A protracted meeting will begin at Pleasant Grove Satur day night, June 17th. Services will be conducted by Rev. J. L. Shelby. It is expected that Rev. C. E. Gray, of Charleston, will be on hand from the beginning to assist Rev. Shelby in the meeting. Everybody invited. Attended Chicago Convention. N. B. Burrow, of Altus. stop ped off in Ozark Monday while enroute home from Chicago where he had been as a delegate to the Republican convention. He reports a succussful convent’n and the absence of all the storm and heat that the public had been led to expect at this gather ing. He stopped off in Ozark to attend the funeral of L. H. Moore held Monday morning. Preaching at Fair View. Announcement is made that Rev. John Bowlin and Rev. J. H. Williams will preach at Fair View Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Everybody invited. Has Excellent Record. Rev. J. L. Shelby, pastor of the Oaark circuit, drove over Tuesday for a few days visit with his father south of town. Rev. Shelby is highly pleased with his assignment and reports wonderful success. Since he has had charge of the Ozark circuit, six months, through his efforts 60 conversions have been made, he has received 72 into the church and baptized 58. He has organized one new church, one new Sunday school and three new prayermeetings. He has visited 603 different homes dur ing these six months. Charles ton Express. Taps Sounded For Aged Veteran W. A. Williams died at his home in the west part of the city about 10 o’clock Wednesday afternoon after a 1 i n g er illness. He was seventy-nine years of age— born in Tennessee October 7. 1838. March 18. 1860 he was married to Miss Matilda A. Beeseley. six child ren being born to this union— three boys and three girls. Mr. Williams moved to Franklin county in November, 1878 where he has resided ever since. He professed religion at the age of 20 and has always been a faith ful member of the Methodist church. Funeral services were held from the family residence at 3 p. m. Thursday afternoon con ducted by Rev. J. L. Shelby as sisted by Rev. M. G. Jobe. In terment was made in the Bart lett cemetery. * Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Myers and baby went to Vian, Oklahoma, Sunday for a visit with Mr. Myers’ brother, Charles, and family. Incidentally Mr- Myers was pressed into service on the Vian ball team, he having pitched the game for Vian against Gore which was played at the former place Sunday. The Watkins man for North Franklin county is on his wav to your house with everything new and fresh. Hold your orders and tell your neighbors. kdv. FRANKLIN TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE IN INTER ESTING SESSION Large Attendance and Profit able Meet—More Than 140 Teachers Present From all Over County. The North Franklin County Teachers’ Institute convened in Ozark Monday morning with a large attendance. The principal action Monday morning was the election o f a secretary -Miss Ethel Garrett being chosen for the place—roll call and other formalities. County Examiner J. J. Partain presided over the organization in his usual pleas ing and enthusiastic manner. A talk on spelling by J. R. Sanders was highly interesting, after which adjournment was made to one o’clock. Devotional servi ces were led by Rev. J. J. Gal loway. The afternoon address of welcome was made by D. L. Ford, followed by an address by J. L. Spence, president of the Arkansas Cumberland College of Clarksville. H i s subject was, “Hold up Big Things to Your Pupils” which was well deliver ed and very instructive. This was followed by an able talk on physiology by R. L. Austin. Tuesday morning’s devotional was led by Rev. J. H. King. A very instructive lecture on pri mary reading and spelling was given by Mrs. A. D. Reynolds after which followed an address on rural school promotion by L. M. Redwine, county superinten dent of Sebastian county. Prof. Redwine briefly told of his meth ods of securing interest in the rural schools and showed that the only means practicable to make the schools a success and to secure proper interest which is necessary, was to secure the interest of t h e patrons, one method being the organization of parent-teacher’s associations which could only be brought about by the assistance of a county superintendent whose du ty it is to work in the interest of school upbuilding. He recited his success along these lines and spoke very favorably of the pro posed 12 mill amendment. Rev. Dr. Miller, of Van Buren. was first on the program at the af ternoon session, his talk being upon the subject of training for good citizenship. This was fol lowed by a demonstration by Miss Sallie Burrow on methods of teaching arithmetic. A class was provided and actual demon stration given. Another feature of the afternoon was instruction in Latin and algebra by W. I. Agee. J. B. Randolph recited his methods on teaching geog raphy after which adjournment was made to Wednesday morn mg. The devotional Wednesday morning was led by Rev. L. S. Ballard, of Magnolia. Work in English grammar was then taken up by Prof. Agee. This was followed by an address by State Agricultural Agent C. W. Wat son who urged upon the teach ers the importance of teaching agriculture in the schools, orga nization of corn, cotton and can ning clubs, etc. "Theory and text books are alright," he said, "but it is more necessary to give the child something real practi cal—and what is there any more so than to give the child instruc tion in farming—classify the birds and bugs; the enemies and those that are not" H i s talk was interesting, practical and simple. J. W. Sallis, editor of the Clarksville Herald and dem ocratic nominee for superiatend »- ■ ent of Johnson county followed with an address, subject, “A Trained Mind.” The talk was entertaining, logical and plain. The Ozark Male Quartet was in vited to sing, accepted and de lighted the teachers so much so they recei ved great applause and responded to several encores. The county examiner announced the following committees^ Committee on recommendation concerning school meets: W. R. James, C. C. Denniston, J. D. Buchanan and Misses Bessie Wil liams, Annie Arbuckle and Ethel Garrett. • ^ Committee on Resolutions: W. G. Stockton, J. R. Sanders, El mo Hunter. Miss Elizabeth Jen nings and Mrs. E. H. Wilson. At the afternoon session C. W. Watson was again called and made a talk on the subject of Pigs and Peanuts. This was followed by demonstration in kindergarten work by MissSallie Burrow after which Miss Elgin Milton gave some demonstration work in 3rd grade arithmetic. Adjournment was then made until Thursday morning. The remainder of the institute proceedings with list of teachers enrolled will be published next week. Off On Outing. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Waterfield and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maxey departed Thursday for St. Louis where they will attend the Democratic Convention. Prom there they will go to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to remain for about two weeks. Ships First Peaches. The first peaches shipped from Ozark this year were from t he orchard of Daniel Jeffers in the west part of the city. Last Friday Mr. Jeffers shipped seven crates by express to a commis sion firm in Independence, Kan sas. The peaches were of the Red Bird variety, large, choice fruit, and it is expected that they will command a high price on the markets. The peach crop this year will be a big item in this section of the state, and although the fruit is not as abundant as in former years, it is said that the peaches will be larger and command a better price, it will be some time yet before the Elbertas will begin to move in car load lots. Speaking at Jethro. Announcement is made that Elder J. W. Pruitt will speak at Jethro the Fourth Sunday in June at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Subject at 11 a. m.—What Makes the World So Bad After 1900 Years of Preaching? and at 3 p, m. The Promised Land and the Coming Kingdom.” Let every one who can, come pre pared to serve dinner on the ground. Don’t forget the date, June 25th. Postoffice Sites Changed. Announcement is made by the Postoffice Department of the following change of sites in Franklin county offices: Cass, 25 feet east; Barnes, 175 yards southwest from present locations. Preaching at Oak Hill. Announcement is made that Rev. W. J. Davis will preach at Oak Hill Sunday, June 18th at 11 a. m. Subject- The Soul, What is it? Everybody invited. D. L. Ford was present at an alumni meeting, Fayetteville university, at Fayetteville last# week where he delivered an ad* , dress before the organization. . imm I