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Newspaper Page Text
! iff 1 II LJS THE OZARK SPECTATOR R. H. BURROW, Publisher Published Wednesdays and Saturdays at Ozark, Ark., and entered at said postollice as second-class mail matter, ,i<* ;0:‘ to act of Congress Mch., 1879. Saliaerlptlon BsImi | Onn Year . . t*-*® .ti\ Mentha .»• pi, ;•»■•«» Month* . ,*«iv#rtUlnK Ileteei i>l*plav !0c per inch per Insertion. I a'pkIs'. .. .60 per line per Inaerttoft. j j Local and Persona^* I. E. Wilson came back yester day on business. Miss Elizabeth Vick of Fort Smith is visiting Miss Mary Haynes. Miss Nadine Allen of Little Rock is visiting Miss Eugenia Currier. Mrs. Geo. Highfill is improving nicely anti was able to be re moved to her home last week. Mrs. J. T. Bounds of Alma came down Saturday and is vis iting homefolks near town. J. E. Bryan and family ie turned last Friday from their motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Nichols and Mrs King returned from the St. Louis markets Saturday. Mrs. Lucy Logan of \uma,, Anz. eamd'iast week and is vis iting her son. H. C. Logan, and family. Bert Boozman came down from Fort Smith Sunday and his wife and mother and Miss Myrtle Paul accompanied him home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Arrington, : Mrs. G. C. Carter and baby and Rev. W. J. Davis made an over land trip to Havana last week, going by Magazine, and Boone- j ville, Mrs. Horton and daughter, ; Margaret, and granddaughter,! little MargaretHancock’.left Tues day for Bentonville, where they will visit her brother, and will go from there to Baker. Oregon. Dr. Black will make regular visits to Ozark on the second Monday in each month. He will be pleased to see parties needing dental work done on July fith, at; he Bristow hotel. Miss Trixie Quaile is visiting Miss Louise Nichols. John Jeffers transacted busi ness in Fort Smith Monday. Chas. Reves. one of the Alma druggists, made a business trip to Ozark Tuesday. Fay Cooper of Little Rock is visiting his grand mother, Mrs J. F. Maxev. W. J. Glenn has just received a beautiful line of Dolls, ranging in price from 5e to $1. Mrs. A. D. Reynolds and How ard and James returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Tolle son and family at Jonesboro. Money to lend o n improved farms. Easy terms.—L. M. Guthrie, Ozark, Ark. The Red Cross Society will serve pies to the soldier boys at their lunch hall Thursday at noon. J. D. Benson and family left Tuesday morning for a trip through Northwest Arkansas, and will visit a number of places in Oklahoma. Circuit Clerk Hunter left Tues day for Braggs, Muskogee and other Oklahoma points for a few days vacation. Prof. Agee is acting clerk in nis absence. John William Felker left Mon day night for Fort Smith and will go from there to the Great Lakes naval training station near Chi cago, where he will undergo training for the naval service. D. C. Williams spent last week here meeting old friends and en joying his vacation. He returned home Saturday. Mrs. Holland ! and son, Winburn, and Lura Williams going with them. They were the guests of Mrs. M. B. Conatser. Prof. R. L. Austin and little son left Friday fora trip through Washington County. In a card|to Mrs. Austin he says they reached Fayetteville all 0 K and are en joying the trip. i We use extreme care so as not to cause the patient to worry, and also to prevent as much pair as possible. You don’t need to dread having dental work done if you come here. Try me once. Get my live and let-live prices on Guaranteed Dental Work. Dr. Black. ADVERTISING PAY£ KEEP Business Moving It is our patriotic duty to earn and spend as usual, the president ot the defense board tells us. . Business must be kept moving That means that we should buy our fall and winter suits as usual and as many as usual. So will the factory wheels be kept turning. Splendid fall styles and handsome fabrics have been received from the American Art Custom Tailors. See them today. Tailored to your measure at $17.20 to $1*5.00 The Fashion Shop AMERJCAN ART CUSTOM TAlCOR.S ' C I N C I N N A T I \ < Notice. % All persons knowing them selves indebted to me are reques ted to settle at once. Dr. J. C. Bridges. Mrs. Marsh of Hanna, Ok la , who was called here three weeks ago on account of the illness of her mother. Mrs Miles Childress of Cass, returned home today. Mrs. Childress came in from Cass Monday and is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hugh McClellan. Look over Franklin county, or the entire state, and you can read a prosperity story. The big corn yield in this county, with the other food crops, is the be ginning of the seven fat years. The lean years have been enough Heaven knows, hut the tide has turned. We are coming into our own. Good crops and good prices are here. Gus Whitson’s house burned about noon Saturday. The fire started from the kitchen flue. The smoke house was also burned. The household goods were saved except those in the kitchen and dining room. All the canned fruits in the cellar was lost. Mr. and Mrs. Whitson are staying with their son-in-law and daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Vestus Jeifers. ^ AGENT FOR CHEVROLET & BUICK CARS See me before buying. Dr. W H. Kennon. Preserve Your Complexion the easy, pleasing way by using Magnolia Balm before and after outings. You can fearlessly face the sun, wind and dust because you know Magnolia Balm keeps you safe from Sunburn and Tan. 1 his fragrant lo tion iswonderfully soothing, cooling and a great com fort after a day outdoors. Magnolia Balm is T the skin-saving 'jj beauty secret 1 which is regularly A .used when once > tried. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. Pink, Whitt, 'Pot Red. 75c. at'Druggist* or by mail direct. Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. LyonMfg -Co., 40-South Fifth St., Brooklyn. N. Y. ARE YOU} GUILTY f ii ii A FARMER* carrying an ** express package from a big mail-order house was accosted by a local dealer. "Why didn't you buy that bill tf goods from ms? I could hoot saved yoa the express, and betides you would have been patronizing a home store, which helps pay the texts nd builds up this locality." The farmer looked a! the m. f- I J moment and then said '' Why don 7 you patronise your home paper and advertise? I read H arul didn't know that you had thesiuff l hece hen. " MORAL—ADVERTISE GREASE. In Germany, today, the great est need is said to be for fats, and fats for frying are quoted at $4 a pound, and goose fat, a German staple, at $5 a pound. These prices are based upon the present imports through neu trals. which will be cut decidedly when the United States food em bargo goes into effect. The Germans are a northern people. They use much more fat in their diet than do we. and their consumption of fats for lubricating purposes and for glycerine is enormous. The German war-makers planned carefully and painstak ingly. Seemingly they perfected a military machine that badt fair to conquer the world. It would be a strange circumstance if the German plan should fail because the German experts failed to figure out the amount of fat and grease that would be required to keep moving the wheels of the German military machine. In view of this condition if may be that the Crown Prince's, Verdun and Paris special is tiedj up with a hot box! Notice Sunday Schools Notice is hereby given to every Sunday school in North Franklin that you are earnestly requested to attend our County Convention that is to be held at Mineral Springs September 8th and 9th. Let us come together with a full representation from each township in the county and have one of the greatest revivals ip Sunday school work that we have had for years. We earnestly appeal to each Sunday school for your help. May we have it? It is up to you to pray for and help this conven ' vention that we may get th< work to move forward. The program will appear later. Respectfully, T. L. Dickerson. This Is a Section of Our Splendidly Equipped Press Room We print everything. Before ordering yonr printing elaevhere give na n ! • Let Us Make Your Monuments Right Here at Home Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed WADE’S MONUMENTAL WORKS O/ARK, ARKANSAS Coming! Cole Bros'. The big show is coming, boys. The smell of sawdust is in the air. Hear the call of the bugle and the crack of the ringmaster’s whip. Two special trains of all steel cars, the only all steel show train in the world, will bring Cole|Bros.’ World-Toured Shows and Trained Wild Animal Exhib ition to .Ozark, Monday, Sept. 3, for two performances, afternoon | and night, rain or shine. This is | the show that you have been waiting for, Lite Cole Bros’ ta mous show that stands without a rivalThey have invested hun dreds of thousands of dollars, have given years of careful, sys tematic preparation to perfect their wonderful organization, and a glorious reward is the eui-, mination of their efforts. The Three Kober Gy mastic Acrobats, doing an act of swill and daring. *,Cheerful” Gardner, the animal trainer, and his troupe of performing elephants, these wonderfully trained animal ac tors do everything but talk, add ing lots of comedy to their act. Prof. F. J. Rogers, Europe’s greatest animal trainer, with his great troupe of White Arabian Horses, showing the acme of Equine skill and intelligence Prof Chas. Barry with his troupe of educated dogs and Shetland ponies which is the de light of the children and inter esting to the grown-ups: 2s of these ponies present drills and difficult military maneuvers with ail the precision and skill of trained soldiers. This act is rec ognized as the best trained school of ponies seen with any tented organization. J. D. BENSON LAWYER Will i ’ractice in all the Courts, Both State and Federal. Room No. 2. up Stair* Over*.I* Valley Rank, Ourk, Arl.. DR. M. D BLACK AN£ R. M. BLACK DENTISTS Have you decayeti teeth? If : . come to us. We will charge j <»» much less than elsewhere. We make a specialty of Gold Crowns and Bridge Work. / ALL WORK GUARANTEED DR. M. r>. HI VcK DR. IT. M. HI.ACK. Office 710 1-2 (tArri.uii A’ a.. I t. Smith Pop s Shoe Store We^ WSwer all c. ils. day or night, J^tlones -OIKce 15a. Res. 1250 Geo. W. Barham Attorney At Law, Will Practice in nil hi' Court* Chancery and Profane- Rmine*. n Sp-nrinlt-. t Office South Side of 3«tu»« '>% The KmI ; * i i w -1. rlom --.nd wonCbftV —•*ful Is t'.io adveni. of anothsr t % si _ ..o l v. hi .v baby Is bora I f th : >1 comas into the vorjd a «W ••.« li t i i. tli*- .Sm-trlcnn Bsituiy. Vjl ■fjF Win n the hou; ..-river- It should bo Hi tho tinwn of .-. no.. nnd porfeSl lit future. Ti o joy of t rotherhoai **( |l| should be .-s ; u« from four «u<J J’i ib"-.i r -.- It ;'t ;no .iib|c to make ii. III ’Tiousand.- of women bnvo w;§<| the safe urn! reliable npplteatl # „ ! •'Mother's i-Viend". Xt is it wi// dcrful help t, ' ture in relli V.n^ atruln and distress brought about by expand* tny muscles. Thu nerve*, too, will bo calm, making th.- ; - rl -1 no of eJu-orfut “ da>s and restful Ulv-.ts. The breast* arc kept In good** tmilt.. ii ; 'd the stbd ■>*ntnaj » muscles ivlax with ease t/hou baby 5* / born. "Mother's hYler . < it poust* ' I Me for the ei.oectni t r- Uo .elf to /' actually aid nature In 1 >:• gl -rh ... i I l>e performed, end no ..t 1 ne.- I. leet or fail to give nature a he!; ■ tufhd. I It will m in r ii.oly 1. . ; . . .it o crisis. ■ i* Do i - fall under any -'rei e . ■ e-> t *o J get thin greatest r.-: ady. v. : eb,t J pound, r for cxiieetSut ; .it. era. V,’n«, to| the Jtr. dlirb! fit i; .'. i' Co., V>ept. J.f . ... { NOTICE TO FARMERS The Veterinary Book being given away by the ARKANSAS VALLEY BANK i is full of home remedies j>r | stock, giving the symptoms and i treatment. The next time you| are in town you should go by and’ I get one as the book is h REE for [ the asking. ' A G. Sloan I KEGISTERED » * OPTOMOTRIST 1 EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES CORRECTLY FITl tl Willi J H. Smylhp. leweler. . , Phono 306i , 70S Gar. Avo., Fort Smith, Ar| ---If Warning Order ^ lu the Cimnceri Court of Franklin County, ,\rk. i. H. Curd. Plaintiff, vs .Small ;vl. Lviiguiim y l si. Defendant:*. The ili'ii'. J > a. Carey at d Clara I. Cary are warned to sppea; in this emu t within thirty days ami answer iho coi.ijtii.! it of tii. plaintiff. J. j;. Cuul, Vviim sg try h irtd and tile wtdofmCd court this 10th day of /V'. 1*1. . | A 1 mo Hi\tek. ! • WAkNiN'j GOT * ^ jin th* Cbt Court of Prattle# - County, Ark M J. i+. Mitehell, Plaintiff, vs J I Carroll Cronyr, Defendant \ The Defendant, J. J. Carroll Cronyrij is wnrneil to appear in this Court witlg in thirty days and answer the eonf plaint of the plaintiff, J. G. Mitchell.* Witness ray hand and the seal of said CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1 _ _ _Sm