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Solana tíuaríi. El Demócrata del Condado de ¡ Costilla Scinnnario Español—Ingles de Información y Variedad Frank LaCome Editor y Munejador. Mra. J .11. Bcdan Manejadora do Circulación Suscripción; $2.00 al Ano; adelan. ¿ tado Profesional 5. N. Smith, Doctor Practico EN MEDICINA Y CIBÜJIA- Snn Luis, Colo. €X5)@«KsXi\*«-) ■ • •/•'-•/•J® [■ ISi ■ 8 ; m SAN LUIS SHOE SHOP. Alfredo Rodríguez, Prop. ¿San Luis, Colo. IX¿«3® Joe StClair, Herrero Practico. .ocado en el “Oíd Alien Place”. San, Luis, Colo. Elias H. Ellilhorp, Licenciado y Consejero. Practica en todas las Cortes de Registro. San Luis, Colo Robert E. Alien. Herrero Practico. Albañil y Contratista. Si ocupa Trabajo en estas Lineas Estoy a sus Ordenes. Precios Comodos y Trabajo Satisfactorio. San Luis, Colo. : .= Corta de Pelo, Re stira, Limpiesade Pelo y Baño a Vuestro Deseo en la BARBERIA de ’J. M. García, San Luis. IRWI lili 11 i ® MBNMBMHWMCttSHeOMMHNMMBaM No Regrets if you buy OBRELE Wallpaper and have a practica! Paper Hanger do thc papering. Let me figure onyour work. You .will be satisfied with re sulte. Ru iolph Hess Cout’actor & Buiídor tan Luis, Colo. I - t r.-.--r zz zz z-zzzzzz TH1NK ÍIK IT- THE HKMOCHATKOll OXLY (2.00 1-Ell YEAH. Solisitamos Ordenes por Empresos y A nun' •. dos, \ Pon’t forget the movies atStai Theatre Sunday Sept. 3rd and every Sunday; Special comedy drama Libar Day» I ISL\ i 1 feL bÉMÓGRATAbELCONbÁDO DE COSTILLA, Él Anos > J c P » ]or Med *° Para Anunciar—Precio de Susenaon: $2.00 Anuattes. En Obras de Impresión. SMALL TOWN HUMOR AND PHILOSOPHY BY BUCK CAMPBELL Anticiparon is about all thero is to kissin’. The proof of ths pudding is in the after effeets. Dogs that bark and howl are like ly to be asloep when the burglar comes. The faithful shall be rewarded eren unto the eleventh generation and the precint cominitteeman. The world may owe you a living, but you will have to be a good col lector to get all that yi coining to you. The theory nowadays is that every man is iunocent-until he reaches the point where he hasn’t money enough to pay a lawyer. fi i « - n The Game Of The Flowers This gamo is one of questions and answers. Playing it' is lots of fun andit’salsoa way to see how many ñames of flowers your friends know. Ask them the qu ostions, withholding the answers, and see. how many aro guessed. Every answer inust be the ña me of a flower. hat fair maiden lived behveen two monntainfi? Lily of the Valiey. Of what nationality was «he? Ameri can Beauty. What did she do eaoh early mora? Rose. What were the ñames of her three sis ters? Daiay Violet and Myrtle. What was her big brother’s ñame and with what did he write? Jon-quil. What was her baby brother's ñame? Sweet William. What did he a'.ways cali his father? Poppy. What did the father cali to the older son each morning? Johnny Jump Up. At what hour did they rise in summer? Four u’clock. What bella rang thru the valiey on Sunday? Blnebells. Who preached in their church? Jack in the Pulpit. How many cante to see him? Phlox. Who cooked the Sunday dinner? Brown-eyed Buean. What vegetables have they? Sweet Peas. From what kind of cups did they drink ? Buttercups. What fino animal did they see ai the circos? Dandelion. What accident hnppeced in tho baru oneday? Cowslip. With what was John puuisbed? Cold enrod. With what were the girls puniehed? Lady alippers. As John never married what did he sew on? Batchelor buttuns. When Lily left homo, with what did she kisa her mother? Tulipa. What did her mother eay? Forget Me Not. What did her mother have when Lily went away? Bleeding Heart. What did Lily wish for? Marigold Se Necesitan Trabajadores Para El Tapeo de Betabel. La Compartía Azucarera “Great Western” necesita trabaiauores para el Tapeo de Be tabel en la parre norte del estado. Hombres señoras y ñiños ae iz anos arriba, a los cuales la compañía oieria oagar el transporte de ida, pero no el de regreso. El precio que se paca por este trabajo son $9.50 por acre. A estr «recio se puede realizar hilen diñe ro. l’n trabador lituano puede ganar de $5 a por día. La cosech de betabel princioiara como el 20 de Setiembre; las personas que esten interesadas en es ta oferta puedci > consultar presto con el represen tante local en dan luis, señor Ep/fanio Gold. MICKIE/THE PRIMER’S X—Cr» L-, kAMMS AIMK OF WJOCKUtó f MAWMG OUR.X’OIMM k 4 -v- W0W ' 6 ' Gooo VLA.C& -co UVE.9 ■*•> r w '-VVai 1 ' . . k < « wwt v- 'W'FMUVRtS, W feí- -Miza til ? J (mnrry gold.) what did hor father m,k? Anemono (auy mouey.) wbou. did be ask? Aster (asked hor.) Los hermanos Pacheco, Isabel y Isaías, ambos resilientes do Gar cía, tranzaron negocios persona les on la plaza el sabado. El joven Willie Parrish y la se ñora E. C. Napes, hicieron un via jo en antouiobil ti Pneblo, aprin cipios de la Remana. Noticia A Los Rancheros Un toro de la edad de dos anos, cara blanca, Herford, de sangre pu | ra para venderse por la suma de Sesenta y cinco pesos (565). Cualquiera persona que desee un buen animal aplique a E. F. Er win en la estación ferrea de Fort Garland. a F. C. Robinson, en la estafeta de Fort Garland. o a Chas J. Robinson en su residencia en Ft. i Garland. i No se moleste amenos que tenga i os $65 y este listo para pagarlos • por un toro de Ohio. Adv. Que tanto de substancia tenga este rumor; no lo sabemos, pero so rumora de que nuestros amigos Republicanos lian recomendado al gobernado el nombre de W. G. Bean, para llenar 11 vacancia del borde de comisión. Advirtencia. Todos los padres de familia son por esta causionados de nopermetir a sus ñiños el ir a nadar en la Asequia del Moli no. Los Jovenes también son estrictamente proh.bidos en nadar o bañarse en esta ase quia, En vista de los acontecimie ntos recientes y el peligro que hay en bañarse en esto sito, es ' razón por quo todos son cau sionados y prohibidos de na dar en este sitio, y si lo hacen lo liaran a su propio peligro. I Respectuosamente, W. S. Parrish “Revolver” Perdida. Recompenza--$10 ' Un “Revolver Colts" y su cubierta ' de ajuste al hombro fue perdido el Dominao en la manana en las in mediaciones de la residencia del se ñor W. S. Parrish. La persona que la haiga hallado o la halle devuél vala a la oficina del Demócrata en onde tiene garantizada una re compenza de $10. HERE’S THE GOOD LUCK GAME FOR STATE FAIR ) ' . * — 1 ¡tocky Mountaln Horse Shoe Pltchlng Tourncy Win Draw People From ’ Everywhere The horseshoe hns forged to he front until now it is taking a placo n tile front ranks of American sports. hverywhere men and boys and even - xlrls and women are pltching horse - L’hihs of teams are already fopular in every section of the United >lnt»'s, and ussociatlons, town, clfy, ■ounty, State and nalivnal have been ’ormed. It is a deán, quiet, bealthful sport; •ringing ¡nto requisition the best of nentallty, nerve, muscle, pyesigbt and mitin. Tliere is Science in it;, , ?qullibrlum, g| ze> distance and time, i uc * 1 Piuying tlielr part. ; Under the rules of the National Horseshoe Pitcher’s Associatlon, Hiere ivill be held at the Colorado State . Falr, beginnlng on September 24, a | Rocky Mountaln Tournament of horse •iioe pltcldng. t Citsh prizes totalling $205 are of i fered, divlded ¡nto elght prizes. t The Pueblo Chleftnin offers a gold horseshoe with dianiond or ruby nails for the Individual Champion. The Oído Horseshoe Company, of t Columbus, offers two prizes, ono a arrying case, dnd the otlier a nickle 5 plated horseshob. The National Standard Horseshoe Company, Akron, Olrio, palr n'.ckle plated horsoshoes to persona who pitch most ringers during tournament. Otlier prizes are expected for in- ' dividual wlnners. ; Already entires are boing nrnde from ! all over the Rocky Mountaln región; Business and professional men and men in all callings and occupntions, in every section, are practlcing for the tournament, which is expected to be one of tlie most ínterestlng entertaln ment fentures ever provided for Colo rado State Fair visitors. A REAL HIGH-CLASS EQUINE EXPOSITION Everythinc.i.i thc Fancy Horse Lino j Will Compete at State Fair for $4,000 in Prizes I 1 A real bigh dass horse show,' after ' the order of that at the National 1 Western Stock show, is to be u new 1 i and nrnjor attraction for the 1923 Col» 1 í 'irado State fair, opening in Pueblo on I September 24. i This was decided by the State fair ' I eoiuinlssionvrs and manager during . ■ the meeting just lidd. 1 D. Schilling, manager of tho horse yliow at the .'htionul Westm-n Stock Show, is to and manage tile show to he héld in Pueblo the last weck in September. This spells suc cess in udvance. Prizes aniounting to between $3,000 and $4,000 will be hung up by Ihe State fair officials for this feature. J ■ «Ai)®-®» • • 1 <•<•»•) ¿>SKs ® 5.« II | II El Dr. Díaz í 1 Estara En San Luis, Todos los di as Reemplazando Los Servicios Profesionales Demítidos por El Doctor Gutstein. > ’! Sus Horas de 'Atendecia a » llamadas de Cirugía Serán ¿le Ca LOO a tas 4 ; 00 de Ca ¡ Sarde, todos tos dias. . Estara Locado En La Oficina Ocupada Anteriormente Por el Dr. Gntstein. ~~ - " " 1 ' I5y Qiartes SughrcH. <5 WcMtm N«w»|Mp«i L'ruut, Hunting horses, hlgh Jumpers, five i galted lloraos, poto ponles, teams of i' three hunters, ladies’ hunting horses, ¡ harneas ponles, galted saddle horses in paira, officers’ diargers, ladies’ sad dle horses, gig horses, high steppers, hlgh school horses, fancy drlvers* lieavy harness horses, roadsters—sin- I gle, double, tándem, four-in-hand and every otlier klnd of fancy, hlgh brow, puro bred members of the equino fam lly are to compete for prizes. Everyone who Is really alive to na ture ioves good horaes. The average Individual will “pass up" an inspectlon of the flnest auto- I moblles or airphine made to watch tho graeeful foini and actions of a good horse. Iligh class saddle and harness horses aro becomlng more and more a la modo, and thc* rislng generation demon stra tes lis love of horses at every op portunity. 'I'lie fancy horse shoe at tho State fair will lie one of the biggest fru tares ever shown. ARE YOU KNOCKING YOURSELF? . That in which you have money in i vested Is always Interestlng to yo-.*. Every cltizen of Colorado is a part owner in the State fair. Every tax payer heips to support it at least in 1 laxes paid. If you patronlze It yon are helping to make your Investnieht a success. Every person in the State who buys clolliing and food is a taxpayer. r l herefore, every person in Colorado who sponds money for anythlng has a money Interest in the stnte fair. Tlierefore, it is your fair, and it is up to you to help it win. If you boost tlie State fair you aro I boosting yourself; if you knock It, you 1 are knocking yourself. 65,000 FREE FAIR TICKETS Thursday, September 27, Instead ot Friday.ns heretofore, will be stnle school children's day at the State í Falr. Manager J. L. Bonman hns sent out ¡ to county superintendents of schools G.»,0oo freo tickels for the puplls and ' leachers of the schools, for adinission : to tho falr on that day. I These tickets will be distrlbuted by , I the school superintendents to tho 1 | teaclicrs, and by the teachers to the puplls. I Puplls of all publlc and prívate . schools are to be treated just the sanie: the tickets cali for free admlg. «ion to the falr on Thursday, Septwa ber 21. : Los Sabados a Las 12:00 Lh instituciones bancariasdel condado en junta reunidos acordaron en el sigui ente arreglo; I De cerrar las puertas de sus respecti vas instituciones el servicio publico to I dos los Sábados a las 12:00, durante los meses de Junio. Julio y Agosto. -— . I — ‘ ) Do Your Banking at Home, I | San Luis State Bank! ! I ’ r ■ < ••• s/' iifl. •!' 11 ! He 4/3’ mm&y í | § aparZnejr* g z/7 the r San Luis RoÜer Mil w. S. Parrish, Prop. San Luis, Coto. -v; Compra y Vende TODA CLASE DE GRANO PARA SEMILLA. Harinas Superiores- “Pride” y ’‘SpringLiiy . • tw ■ — — : Gj SB5B5H5a5aE35a5aSH5R5-dSe5aSBSHSH5B5e5g5F sHjBSBSB ||fl § La Tienda Popularía i| de J. P. Gallegos í ¿ Por Mas Barato: | ffi ’ Sus Indianias -fi J “j Lanías, ’ g Mosolinas, ffi Merinos H [u Y Abarrotes en General. 9] Ñ 1 aníaloiivs y Levas; Noin'c'todas, Soninrcros [0l g y Cacli uciias ja ¡2 COMPLETO SUR I IDO EN SOMBREROS DE PRIMAVERA |g| g PARA SEÑORAS Si Money on Deposit Talks”, and the things it says to you are: Security, Comfort, Scitisfacíion. We Invite You To Open an Account with u> 7 he Costilla County Banl San Acacio, Colo. "JVha£^^ho? ,, - I : - - -- ~ IRI I