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El Democrata Del Condado de Costilla Español— Ingles TOMO No. XII Big Thanksgiving DANCE Át the S.P.M.D.T.U. Hall, In San Luis THANKSGIVING DAY, THURS.Nov. 29 With Virgil Maes and His Orchestra Josephine Roche Señorita Josephine Ro che, señorita da grandes nego cios y trabajadora social, resi dente de la ciudad de Denver, quien ha sido nombrada por el Presidente Roosevelt, al pues DEPOSITS INSUBED Q j The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WASHINGTON, D. C. Si tCnñn MAXIMUM INSURANCE ffEfinfl $t)UUU FOR EACH OEPOSITOR Í3UUU The San Luis State Bank DO YOU KNOW WHV--- No Man Has Yet Solved the Greaf Woman Problem? mmwAwawAi. t«tosa Co K. r. Briwn for ttitt papar By FlslWf ¿¿¡eVswiI ITEmEses/ irjsür^i fOM rr& OtuwTMEj ( , w*«. ú.w /Xa Iig_ / I ) VOOTOu I V k Orj, FTN os v__Stvlc { ímcw '6 0. « uoo<, tOuch \ \ fco ( a#0 j S i h** ( Semanario dedicado Al Bienestar. Adelanto yProgreso del Condado de Costilla mSe Publica Todos Los Sábados .«9- "Enteren toeecopdrolASk mnttw May 6. 193», at tba pqát pg) C e at Ban Latg, Colgrada, andar thp Ao» of ” Interpreting the Washington News- You are vitall, intercalad today in what i* happening at the na tional capital. A new aet of Con grasa or an order isined by one of the maltitnde of government departmenta may haré a far rcachina effact that i» net appar ent in tha rontíne newi reporto. It ¡a aa interpretation of theoe government eedvitie* that it needed to enable yon to Itnow Í'ust what it ia all abant and >ow it all may offset yon. It is •uch an interpretation of the capital ncws that thl* papar ii nroviding fer yen In Wuliam Brnckert’e WASHINGTON DIGEST wkieh ia beiag pub lialñd easb wcclt. Ten will flwd it fnll of jnat the kiad of in formation yoa want. to de asistente secretaria a la tesorería nacional, bajo Henry Morgenthau. La señorita Ro che es bien conocida, tanto por su abilidad de negocios, asi co mo por su conocimiento de a suntos de gobierno. Ella fu* candidata para Gobernador de Colorado en las primarias De mócratas pasadas. Siendo q’ su positud es el completo ao» porte del “New Deal", la seño rita Roche provara ser da gran de valor a la administración. ¡ er \]f SAN LtJIS. COSTILLA COÜNTT, cOZ'QBADO SABADO NOVIEMBRE V, IBB4, DIA DE GRACIAS z r'”0\ 'T 1 recientes catorse ano* pasado* un gru * P° Peregrinos arrojaron *u ancla en ( una cost¿ inhabitada en la Nueva Inglatar . Apenaste habían establecido estos valien tes explcraadores en su nueva colonia cuan do el teroble Invierno estaba sobre de ellos 1/jTJ -1 Solo la mitad de el partido sobrevivió el tra. m bajo y sufrimiento ese Ivierno. /¡fv* No se desanimaron, esos que sobrevivieren f ' sembraron. Ejerciendo la economía mas es ®V tricta pudieron vivir y prosperar. Estos Pere j grinos aprendieron el valor de economía ,V I Su método nos dejaron una lession que hicie mtíAj I ranos bien de seguirla. v '*y' físfr Jueves, Noviembre 29/ 34. K. C. Sapero, M.D. Denver Specialist Is Corning Again to Almnosn, Wednesdnv una Tliursday, A'ov. 28—20 Victoria Hotel, lio treatm aucceaatully of the BYB, BAR, XOSB and THROAT also Catarrli, dcafnesa, ton aila, adenoide and voitre. ' Glasees Fltted Soientili oaliy with or without oh art. C onsultaticn and exami nmtion freo. Frioea rea sonable. Or. Sapero has been vi mitin % thei e rogularly for the pnmt 30 years Help Kidneys Doctor'» Prsserfptien OystsÜKSWtM) Cysfex The Election Presents a Problem for Both Democrats and Republicans Demócrata smilod Broadly, when election retuins ahowed that thcy had won the moit overwhclming victory in pelitieal hiítory. Then almoatat once, the amilea diaap pe .red from the fecea of thought ful Demecratlc leadera. They realizad all too well what a tremendous rcaponsikility euch a, vich ry placed on them particularly on the bread shoulders of a single man. Prcaident Roosevelt. The truit and confidence of the peoplo their deaire for action-even radica] methodsto achitve recovery and to refoim onr social ayatem-was ex prested in the characterof the men they chose as their repreeentativee. In the House, Demócrata held their twn thirds majority; in the Sa natr, their majority waa inereased to nearly three-fourths. Only aix of the 48 Governera are now Republi cana. A few of the Demócrata elected were eut and out radicáis, who will carry to Congress schemes fer the reckless tpending of larga funda, regardleaa of the President a deaire to balance the budget at the earlieat Linea De Telefono Mexicano Rompido Por Rebeldes. Ciudad Mexion-- Les oficiales de la compañía de telefono Mexi cana, reportan que sus comunica siones telefónica* entre Monte rey y Laredo Tex,, han sido rom pidas; aparentemente por nna banda de rebelde*. Ua manifestó qaa aparecí# ea la prensa bajo el nombre del Ge neral Villareal, anuncia qae ua lebantamiento armado se desta caría. opportunity and to keep the Nations. credit intact There ia a danger that tome of thaae achemea, actually harmtuf to eur Government, may ba coma lswa if party ioyalty causea the Deano crats tj vete tegether. In tket cate Mr. Roosevelt Kiimaelf will heve to check dangeroua propoaale with a firm hand. Goed kailor that ho ia, he muat try to steer e safe conree between radieakiam enai hidebound conaervatiam. Already, benkera and big Ismai neas men, who eriticixed the “ndi caliam" of New Deal raeesuree in tha pest, are begineing to rígbt -aboul face. They fell that the mo dérate and liberal polioiea edvocat ed by the Pteeident ere really safe guarda egainat more radical meas oras which might be patead, it wiee reforma are not tríade. They are worried by the near-vietery of the Socialiat Upton Sinclair, ia Ce lifornia. Te them, it it a waraing that tha public will adopt extreme methods ef relief, if the oíd me thoda are not entirely saUsfactory. Eve some Demócrata ere ssrry that the group oí Kepublioees in Congress is ne larger. Our de mocratic guvernment is buedon a system of checks and balances. A strong oppesiuon prevents the party in power from “running away with things”. A ene-par ty svstem-such as has been de veloped in certain Europeas ceun tries...-can too easily ge to ex tremes. Eor this reasun, Demo erais as well as Kepubúcans hopa toseethe G.UP. elephant teco ver trom the blow deait hits at the polis lilis month. Nsver, in the 78 years tineeits íounding. ha* the Kepubii an laced sucb a crisis. Bal “it is not üeud and is not going to die' according to Henry P. Eietcher, chairman oí the Kepublisan Na uouai Uurmnittee. atrong mensures will be takea «oon to rebutid the partv, and te work out a mor* defiaite uro gram for it thaa mere oppoeitiea to the Now Doel. Ropubheaa .oadert realizo that thoy musí Pavo forward lookiag plana to ofíor as substitutos for tho New Deal, if thoy want tho publis to doten to them. it is ukeiy that tho youagoi mon, who aro aot so hootiie to ohaiiges, may soise oontrei ia the repub.ican party oopooiall) sinco tho dofoat of sucb coasoi cativos as Senator Keod oí Bonn jyivania and Venator Feos el Jhio. Thoy will sook te adepi more human policiea”, aa Reprt senwtiva Hamiiton Eish, ef New York, puto it. ■evwttsesWOOiOSOSSOtoOl Span¡sh-bgGsh Procura el Reclute de Muchachas Mujeres Y muchachos en la Armada Irlanda, --Tom Barry, guia de la * annada de Irlanda, temeroso de un encuentro eon Inglaterra per la libar tad de Irlanda, urge a todas las mi jaras, muchachas y muchachos da enlistone on la armada, aprepoatto de eetai Iistoe pera cuando se rom pe oí ialabon qae conecta a Irlanda y a Inglaterra, y el caal Barry, pro dice qua aera ea el cercano futuro. Barry, jefe republicano de la ar mada da Irlanda se «pene a laa ps liana del Presidente Eamon Do Va lera. Henry Jackson Víctorío so En Defensa De Su Titule. aa eeeoev a Ea medio de la mas grande au deacia do boaao aa la hiatoria en Aatenile, Cola., Henry Jackeon, campana da pota libiaao ea el oe tade. aalio victorias# ea la dafenaa de cu titulo, habiendo rccivido Iu decisión sobra “chuchera" Hildo brsnd de Alameaa, Según iufenne de la pteaee, la eonteeta entre Jsekeen-HiUcbread i repuso-hs fahx da aeeJou entra “Pug” Sutkarlaad v Lea Daltoa. fue enepandida por el referee, pea motivo que Dalten, rekueaba asea alarse oon “Pag". From The Editor Of The American Boy During the coming year, the boy» el America will get s hall tare rato to edveuture une fun! THE AME ftlUAN BOY-VOUTH’8 UUMfA- NlttN, the uatiuu’e lesCisg nesga sise tur boye, iermerly fz.uo, aew eoets «l.UU. A three-yesr eubaarip tiee, prsvleuely Í3.6U, eoets enly Urlffitb Ogdsn Ellis, edites et IksAMSKlUAM BUY, brioge boya tbe kaarty seeuranse tbat ths asw prisas will iu ns wsy effect Ibe edi torial eoulente ot the magasiae. It wtJl be ae largo, as beautlfully primt vd, ae tull of hlgh-splrltsd adveu tata ae ever. “THE AMERICA* BOY’e load erehlp hae been ao aecideet,’* Mr. Milla etatee. " We publish the aa gastaa ua tbe tiras beiief tbat baya jasar ve a meg.sioe ae geed aa aay paaileetien tur grewe-ups. He we tbe liaelralers «btaiaable— well baewa erusls wbe werb ter the big gesl magaslaes. We eoad car elaff otilare all orar tbe oeuntry digglag ep Iba ialerestlag facía ef eeieaee, latervlewiag werlS-faateae expiar ere, talking to eoeehee aad athleiea "We eueeurage aad aeeiat ear wrltere le gu ererywaere fer mate riel., to Haití, Africa tbe aeae, Obi. ce..and brtug beuk edveatere for Amerieau boya. We aire experta ea hebbiee aud bey preuleaie te ad rice boye and yuusg mea. Theao etapa aeeoeui fer ear poeltlea ae tbe quaiity uiegaaine fer boya, aa* «a ebaii eeaiioae te labe khem." Twelve laiuee of fuá aad asalto, inent for 1 MI Threo y cara fer l.tgl agresd tbe new* ameng yeur irlanda ....and send yeur own anbeerlpMua dlreot te THS SMUIOAX RUT, 7430 aeeond Blvd., Detroit, Mleh. dervioe un your lebeerlptlon will •Inrt wnh tbe iscue yen spooUy. Nn, 36