OCR Interpretation

The Meeker herald. [volume] (Meeker, Colo.) 1885-current, March 16, 1889, Image 4

Image and text provided by History Colorado

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90051081/1889-03-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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hATI lIDAV. MAIRII l«, I**'.
|'ui.lt*iii-l Kiit) Hnl unlay !•>■
Kiit.-wl In Hu- I'lMiuin.-v nl Mwki-r, <iMiS«-M
• '••Hilly, t . H* w»iiit.l-«lass mall matter.
|UN aCUm It IITI ••» .
(i(i« Vmr *
Hu M<'Hill* I
Thrra Mniiilia •
r<ut ADvrirriaisiu.
I'rofi-eelnnal Curd*. |mt M.-tilU f ? Ul
mu* loch, <li*|>la>. p»»r Mwulli -
Tan in- -bee. |» r Month ■* 1,1
Thw I»m'Im»«. | 1 *t Mniuh 4 "»
lour Unlit-. I'l f Mmilli
» Ira tin Im*. |«**r Mouth
g|«-» 111 lih lira , r«•Illlllll |M-r Vwlllll R» •"
T*iiiiri" n In* -li»*e *1 ii'lunim |**r Mmilh 1.% »»•
I'r..r* %>i*>nal Cards, ah.-ii |uld In a'lvßii.-.-,
f I.VUi |**r year.
|>a'4l.MH«l la-gal Nnlwaa, flfteen cents |-r
llw fnr Ural linurtlnii amJ !•••» ii*nt» for nw li
ml w*<|iMnl liit«*rll<*n.
All •■••mniiiiii* ••l*#n» ahmilil la- »*lJnnwl
\|*i k>*i. I'wiwnuln.
Tin* Spring weather «»f the |Mi»t two
wiM-ka Inn* lUrtwl tin* gras*.
several hundred oil eliiim* have licen
inkcn up lit Hit? vicinity of " Ini*’ ltivc.
Stage driver* r»*i*oil lli»* mn<l lrtirw , u
Mi-rkt i uiul New Castle In vrrv Innl con- ■
a »- ■
J. \V. Ilugu* »* Co. have a rnr lo.ul of
frnl wheat on Him way in. Till* nieaiw
a «-
J. \V. Welch Maya lie will deliver 000 I
linn of the mine) to the Hour mill for j
r I per ton.
lliiie ia.tile Dion hare put in an tip
|M*atiii;<*e mill me lend) for the the mix
folia o|ierillloii!t.
To-morrow la St. I'ntriek’s Hay. 'Hie
•oils of the Kllierahl lair 111 Meeker will
celebrate the day in a ipilel way.
Twelve county lull'* were kllleil in the
legislature taat Saturduy. Kio Illanco,
county wicuri ntiemg the nuiiiber.
-♦ • -
Adam hrkel hna a few ontt*. not yet
two veuti old. that give proml*** of a
high rate of e|M • a|. Tlie\ arc I tel toon 1 1
(dock and 110 ilotlht Will nhow thru
e »-
'1 lie Meeker lln sc Hall train for *•:»J
practice yearly every day and Hie boy*,
rvprrt lobe In tr » d 1 1 tin by the time
Hmiaeaaono|«eua. II M Drelfuas lathe
leading 'pirn in the rluh.
The season of the year hna m!!c**|
round when weojm our mall am* • ,,,
diopt a varl.il assortment of rail*
nreil. cabbage need, bwwato ‘ u " l
in fuel home tiling reprraeirffMf «- v ««> ]
plant in Hie vegetable k.wtfnom.
A New Cavite * |Y*«I >'* ,l "' l>*'"*'
•ilmniM)* i i--*'*"' s, -" tl ' " l ‘” '» 1,1
New \oik. ril * ,, * , * t,u * me* "aryl
fiimli |r r] i |F,Hl the line, and material
ii nor ia»ing purchased. Several Mid
-1^,.« ooutmetura are on the ground and!,
preparation* which look bind liens-1 Ike (
are lieltig made ',
*•••* , I,
It li nalil every alile-tmdied citizen In i
White River City was picking mound,'
a gun otic day lint week. A few • |
utlcg.il had me n had feist word that
they were .inning to town to clenu It;
out; hence the buckling on of aide arm*.
\\ Idle River City is Mill doing btulJir**
nt the old Hand.
William McFarland wa* an liivolim
tary pi" tiger on the outgoing C.unoti
Mage Tneid.iv m-imlng. Mr Kurland** 1
prc«r:ii-.* ii diioml at the Springw fur
the punier of giving an explanation re
go.ling certain little Irregularities in-,
dulgrd mi white sojourning sit Dlcnwosl'
lately. Constable Wo it went along In 1
the caimcily of euwrt t » Mac.
loonier to furilitute travel In-twreen,
\ i*||.»w creek, lower Cjire-imce and
Thurman cieeki and Meeker a road
ought to In* hllilt down tile *olltll ude of
the liver from n point io the vicliutv of
Hi*. •»!•! gov rnui**td f- r 1 to connect
• i»' iH at li.p.l*l Hi. otai'i * « oimnonlv
.* _• I 1
IJlgh llcrnw 11 taking ulitm hold on
l«eopte ev*
i-lionld i.ot Ii ti hittd tlie* r in this;
utuiUnr. High lui’Uie v\ \ Keep out
• •thetaniid givethoae already cMahllihc.l
n Llie I 1 exiat*
*Otr platform l # l.lren • lip t * the
iiuivimtdi. and the number of mulooiii
iTiUi* - * il t.< (lie niiiiiinnin.
Another entoipiiM- that will add
gr< tily lo the proiluctiveneHH of the
country trihutary to Meeker will Mhnrtiy
he under way. We refer to the Hrether
tou ditrh. which will be built by the
llrethevton brother* and Hay brother*
(il. .1. and Ftetehei l tld*Niimtner. The
ditch will head noinowhere nlniut Attlx's
ranch and bo ahont six miles long. It
Is altogether probable this ditrh will Iks
continued lielow the Ilav much in
which event it would bring under water,
a largo tract of vacant mesa land lying
between the Ilav ranch and While
Itiver City.
Sample ropic* of the San Francisco
Daily Call, the San Francisco Weekly j
Call. Texas Siftings, and the Detroit
Free Press can he had kuki; by calling
at this other. J'm: lllkai.d hns ar
ranged vi:uy liberal clubbing tales
with tdl these pn|N*r*. and the leading
public are invited to take advantage of
this opportunity to grt tliei.- home paper
nltd the choice of several class pub
lications at bed-rock figures. Tiik Hkr
ai, h wants to add ."MO names to its siiW
s Tiptiou books ami tuk"s this way to
1 reach the desired end. Subscribe at
' once.
F. It. S Sanderson went down to Ids
ranch this side of White Itiver City, in
the early part of HiD week, and in a
distance of ulmit eight miles Mr. San-1
deisoii says he counted the carcasses
of sixteen head of cattle luying along j
OIOM to the road side, and up a miiull
gulch hack of his place he found six
head turned into fertilizing substance.
This would go to *!iow that the cold
and storms of January and Fehruury
was much severer on stock Hum antici
pated. It ii siippos.il, however, that
the buses are conllued mostly to trail
cut llu.
Mis. J.-sep t IVltiei left on Monday**
stage for a two months’ visit to friends
at i ‘anon City.
1 Kids' Oldlaud sjeut several days in
town this week transuding business
and visiting fi lends hereabout*.
The genial Dan Tavlurof (Hack Sul
phur clerk, was in town after seed*.
Mr. Taylor is going into Hie granger
’ blliilieim on a large scale this fl*: Hull.
1 Ike liner, the )i>pulur l.eadville mer
chant. came in Thursday. Mr. Haei
predicts tug thing* for Meeker and tin
White Itiver valley the coming siitnuiei.
! C A. Seymour and family of l.end
villc, mid A. N\ fnt« more of WiHcociiu
reglitei.il at the Meeker hotel Wednes
day. Mr. Seymour was en route lo h s
Vampa nver milch where he expect* to
.ipi-iid iiuut of Ihc summer.
I Sheriff Frank Sheriden arrived fioiu
! i .leuw'uit Situnlay and will s|N*nd a
week among hi* Mi ek< • fi tend* Mr.
Sheridan wui one of White Itlvcr’s rep
leM'.Ttatives at Minvgr ill la-half of ftlo
j Hlauro county and took an active |«rt
in th- fight
I S 11. Ib. thcrton and family of la*ad
vllle. ate in v lilting Mr. Clem IMrtlu r
ton of lower White. Mr. Ilretherton.
who. liv Hie way. Is coimeclrd with the
I American Smelter at l.eadville ut.d
[ aim lo'avily inteiest.il In some rich
mining properties nl K.d<'li(T. I** tight
M-verul town lot*la'fote leaving Me* k* 1
The round up will cnmnieuro e.rly
I Hit* year, it 1* piedlcled.
Cln i'*e export rattle *o|il *» Chicago
lost week for $| iV'. 1.*41.
' All who are inter ,n raising
j niuiii should call a 1 • "** c tckel * Mai
; tce-se jack.
Adam la l • "dl st uni III* Ik'luioiil
1 .tnlllHll n* Alwkrr
The |h*nonl st. M-k has pi. Audi some
of lb' fn-l. »l trotting horse* in Hits
1 co-try.
Notes From Hayden.
II a V t»t \. (!omi„ March s. l*o.
Toll.*- f tu.'i of Tlia llr.iivi.ii:
Spring m eim to to* putting In nu an
peamuce, wtdrli Is heartily welcomed
by the Mu krnrn in tl.t* section. lout
1 v ear being n very diy on.* und the low
I land* not I M*lug overflowed a*commonly
, moile a scmcity of hay. C«)M.".i|iieilth
Inn early *piing will save lots of suifei
lug among the *t«*ek. Hut fa r ew.'ll to
scare!tv *»f !»ay wlien the ditches under
construction are completed. At tin
iipiwr 1 n l of Hie Hayden bottom 11 mt
comes the Ki*ke ditch on the south sid.-
of Hie liver, and the Morgan Itoltotii
ditch on the north Side. Uoth of these
| ditches arc well under wav. and un
doubtedly the middle of May will llud
water limning in rarli. A little lowrt
down Is found the Williams ditch. Till,
hu ll has lii'ii In operation for the past
Hire.* veai* ami III* big rlrkiof hay that
werei pul up 011 Mr. Williams’ ranches
Iml seas.hi prove what water did fui
him. Mr. Williams has a line lirtd of
rattle and tlo* cause of Id* g*"* I sucres*
has tarn In breeding from the very l*e*t
jof I Hilts. IIHoW Mr. William*’ ditrh
roiur.4 the K.-rd ditch Thin ditch lin*
bi'n under e' l Htructlon for a numbei
■ • . • ' : | 1 1 11 ■ 1 • r • %
at the |u*nd of this ditch. IU d In Ip IN-iug
I scarce, it w. nt verv slow. Mr. It.nl
| the piiiicipal owner, say* Hu* ditch I*
entirely completed ul the head and all
ready f w rannlog water. Mi Reedii
another of our cattlnucn airl h 1* dour
a great ileal toward* developing and
hut'dmg u;» our section. Still lower
• - . ■ dtt t». Thlfl
.. the old.■: ot It *a: nver. ! ui;"; f-.•
0 1 •
gn > ' II nn
Mr.o Surlloii, Walker, ICenl and
1 .
l.v. ty thi* wlnjcr.ti'nslderlng tlm iium-l
g<iHJly uunrs-r.-: verv |*!«M*aiit parties)
1 vive U'cn if.ven by Urn different fami
|Q • \»
v. a* given a’ tl*e .-id.!'"..- > " Cary. j
and It was well attended. Mr. Carey 1
Inguon the n r. It lieiug large, there
» .*•• •■a* 1 •• ■ll f•»:. ..1 . A lin.*
siipjiT was ?pr* ad .it Hu- midnight hour
Mes-sr*. I’nrkrr and Kohler turulslicd
the music for the occasion, ami they an*
hard to heat.
Our public school Is flourishing this
winter. It lias been under the sn|ier
, vision of our County Superintendent.
Mr Whyte, but owing to hi* failing
health lie had to give up the school, and
it is now in charge of one of the stu
dent*. Mr. Adl crt S. Heed.
We have a literarv society here with
a membership of about thlitv. Our
meetings arc Ixeld every two weeks. The
I debates, dialogue*, declamations, rcad
-1 lugs. etc., are ns a rale finite entertain
ing and instructive. Slocum.
Old Papers for Sale
At this office. Those contemplating
spring house cleaning will liml them
handy to put under carpets.
A line 40-U0 Marlin rifle. For further
, iidoiinnUoti call at this office.
Triekep. comes back t«> it* mas tor.
L CliriK’ll Milt VICK*.
. Fourth street, east end of City I’ark.
1 Morning I'raver and Sermon, II a. in.
1 Sunday School, immediately after
- 1 morning I'raver. I- in.
■»' Kvcnlng I'rayer, at 7::mi p. in.
l , Choir leliearsel every Friday evening
l at 7::xi p. in.
i Services at Coal Creek School house
. • March l«l|i and Jtth. at »:.*iU p m.
I A. I*. Williams.
, Missionary iu i'huigc.
t won* k.
I All person* Indebted to the under
signed are requested t«* settle their ac
counts by Hie l-*th of Hd* luoiitli. if
not settled by that date hills will lie
4 placed In Hie hand* of a collector. Ilere
* after 1 will sell coal for cash tody.
, Mkkkkii. March ft. lsso.
Leave* Meeker (carrying I*. 8. mail)
daily (except Siiihluv) at 7a. in., and
! arrive* at New t 'astle same flay ill time
to make connection with Hux evening
train for (Jlenwo.il Spting*. This line
Is supplifil with gfssl st.a'k and careful
1 and competent driveis arc 111 charge.
11 xpress matter coiiMghvd U» the Cuisou
* line will receive piouipt attention.
J. C. Caiisom,
, row WALK.
* Five luiuditii rtilnr ii*'!*. cheap.. Will
trade fur hay or grain. Apply to i'mil
' K. Wugii. r.
il K >
Vucataii at lloustoir*.
• «»•
toi to Houston'* for drugs and patent
, medlcitics.
1 -a** -j?
If you want lo order Je»g*. tnedlelue*
* or tiny article handled 1,1 M wholesale
drug store, we woiih refer you to Dr.
.1 H. OrU.rne* 14,1 *» «‘i"iber
* r dumii.
„ .sell (i'll WALK.
t ed live mile* l«luw White Uivei
t'lt- title perfeet. For furtliei pnrlic
-I.us Inquire nl Tiik \ lkiiai.h office.
fill IlmsMtrr.
For drug*, uiedieiliei. p.illlt*. links. I
stationery, fancy aral toilet articles, j
> held ghiv h. artist# mnletinl*. inusliali
etc., etc., go or j-'iui vuur oniern j
to Dr. 11 Shiver. Knwlins. Uvonnng.
innl g»*t the l.i'st g'sils at lowest prim.
• •
Jain* ' fhi Fonda, dealer in ladles*and
gent** tine idlk handkerchief*. rrej*c.
•liar ! • iiif- • • l .-i pi 111 • call oil
■•China Jim."
• Li.lllOV AO IKK.
To lh<- •|i'4»UlW'l rktfi>n • b*’ T*»m ft!
M*. Xr» flwrfW-l'l «• mily.« r-iil«.
Notice is hrtchy given that the nn
tuiul election of a Mavor fur one year.
I lire** Truster * f“i two year*, and three
TfUdce* for one y.-at. to citliitllute the
Itonnl of Trustee* of said Town of
Meeker, will be held nt the office of the
Meeker Stables in said Town on Tup*
dat. the day of April. A. D. 11*0.
L 11. W.u.,»uitHip.. Mayor, pro tern.
Clerk nud llrconler.
Mkkkkr. Ci*l.o . March 7. |ssi.
If you want to order drugs, me.llrlnei
or any article handled ill a wholesale
drugstore, wo would refer you to F.
Chatterl l*ll. mrrewsor to J. K. Oslmrae.
Haw In,s. Wyo.. di-plav ad in another
I'alrtil m.iliriiie* of all kind* at J. V.
lirrp I'avlrd,
F.verjr fanner mi l me'li.iulc In C»lo
nulosiioutd lake Ids horn, - to g. t
all Hi** local news of Illsc :tion II
-hotiM a-* take tlo* Ih-i.v.-r K< puhll
can. daily or weekly, in order to li> |
(to.tn| on :.l! fopug'i and V.ili »i:;d nea •
The Iletmbllean pnldlslies Die moit «-.\ i
tenaive special tel graphic repiurt of I
my paper west of st. lam l ; » ml-J
tun ns coni tin m day to d oven I®*
portanl event that iut|ipens In
the world.
Sixteen cr»m|idei.t men ar. 1 mploved •
I In the mlilotiai department ot the p iper. 1
and over one hundred corr." p indent*
me engaged In gathering the news for '
politic*' ion.
I’l',- D 1! ! ’•’>! n 1 Is putilhhnl.
jnvmlh ?* 141; 11.-ee ni'J.'.ihs I
: Ti e iav H-p-Miran e r -i-.ts of
1 hii-iie,; -r»i Je or literary mul inisccila
■ I ■
' pul, . . IV v Sunday. 11 it tin- lf sl !
I Stind.iv (».ij published in Hie West 1
•I'rl. e W.*)|»er year. Subscribe fur it j
lor purchase it from your local news)
■ ’
(< ’ m.m quarto. Uu* lurg.-ML pub* I
li-hed ill the State, and i* devoted 1
largely to the agricultural and pn.storint
interests of the West. Price SJ |*er
year. Subsrjelbe f«-r it eithf-r through
vour local new * dealer or by Hcuding «li
rect to the office.
! ■
Pure bred Hi own Leghorn Mgg* for
1 hatching, at $-.00 |>er setting. Inquire
of Mrs. A. Mt kkl. Meeker. Colo.
♦ «M
Hullil sidewalks!
AT -
IO Per Oerxt. Per Annum. 1
1 Money Furnished to Make Final Proof.
Apply to: HOSKINS. MCDOWELL & CO.. ,ik.|i"oud Spiiu K s, c.. 10..
Or A. J. SIIKROUY. Nwekor.
ONLY $3.75.
Important to Our Readers.
r \ £4 Tappr, MM) rn«p«. l‘»«M) Illustr«tloiin, iMMM) ( uluinn.,
1 May i* lb ip liMr&lir, *r ii u; ilkr 14* bi h)ulW lb f«lU«iag
extraordinary orrsß.
To evary person who (within 60 days from
1 the date of this paper) will subscribe for
The Siipucr ltd Inn Price of which U fa. but will be mluccd (for no days) t.» ?J.7*.
And pay, la advana*. Iha yearly tubwripiiou j»ric« aad #1 addltloaal we studl send
for ow year a copy, wooklj, of oar paper and also for ouo y«ar * copy, weekly, of
The •oh*rtip«k»a prk« of KIFFIMiH Uf« a year. It l* a IC-pogo |«ajwr. pro
fuorly illn.tnvUsl l,y lb# hathng nrii.ta ai,d raricaturuu of Ih# .lay. In ll*« n.attcr
of original liimor.il !« *rknowirdg.il to iland at (he head of the illaitrnt.d nrrei of
|l,„ rounlry. *ud h*a Into Writ IM'unl "‘flit Witty \Vuod< rof the World.’ It il
puldutbed iu Nr* Yurk aid has a Satiinal repuUlimi. T’l*« merits of NIITIMCiH
are «o w II tiurn that we do not dwni it nrmury to »• fer to tiwm further.
11.tl» nr* iuli.-rib«n and |Lom< «ho r-new their »ul««-ripiiou4 will have the
privilege ot this 00, r.
HKUKMItKU tlud TKXAS MITIMiS woffrrcslal this price only to who
within ibo nr\| C*i »L». *. N<» *u< h nff.-r as this L,*M.r been made. Wa
I «Bkr the two papers far Ins than tha arlrr of TKXAH KlltllH.M.
Ko on« t-.il our »uUnUu ran g« t SIITIMiS for leas than ft a year.
The r-.-g.dvr |*ri*i> of that p*|>«r l« now, and »ill eotitlnua to l*e. ft a y«>ar, but the
i |.uLh*h< n, W>ug dr.io.ua of adding to their lut of itdraeril>ers in thta tecUou. have made
a ajwcial ami ettraoedinary rwdaetioa In u* f..r a limited |«riod.
Tits atu tal for Imth pa|>m ste-akl I* will rfirgt to us hr P. O. Order. Tostal
Sole, or other aad we shall order the putdiahen to mail HIrTIXUH from New
York to yoa fareEyrar.
Call, or writ* to thk oAce, and you will get a sample copy of HllTlsiiB,
Taka Advantage ol this Very Liberal Otter and Subscribe
tor The Herald and Slftinge.
ONLY $3.75.
j: jay joslin,
DSWV ML aIVI t illll* street•.
We itp *tH>wla* »T far the
Largest and Most Varied
lane of lh< (l.aale In tbe
W*r IV>I •*»IV I terl in nurmortivaie ttirk*. Inti
Ali-. In Ibe rvmarkal-i)
’ el nhw b all .air r-«et* are mnrXnl. --|N»|wllar
I'rinmn Mrrj artk It*.
Our Mail Order Department
I* i-rfert. a tv I we tek« the grvnt.-«t .-are
| to.-nrnr oulemy Inatrurtkm «»f «mr
I-Out-.if-Town” cxistumor*.
Sastplet aad Infortnaliou Chrerf iily B<nr.
L G. Mitchell,
1 Plena and Specifications Fur
nished on Short Notice.
1 ' --it* r. < >rn r Mnllt nml Kmirtli Street*.
Mr.KKßtt* r-»l*tllA|.-.
r i D. 3. CRIMES,
Nursery man,
To.mable disi.mt p • • fiu t: i
i > I. .rl, vve vv:H pci"! l»> mail, in'
’ -1 . ..li,. i .. <|.«tc» viuli it- "f ~ i
1 ti ; - l - . tin.l orn.iM. ■ : 1 , tirnlr
‘ I l-rl ■ 1i..: (• ••• A-tilrttM
O. t. CRIhiEU,
Denver. CoSo.
I '
• Not!, v lor Public niton.
r ui.K*w«vm .“rnmuN, Cwio., r.-i». i\ I'M*, i ,
i I Vim IT. i* l.r-rchv glv.-n Unit thv f.ill-.v. in,-
: .s i .nm .l • uli-r hif* lII* *1 nollti* «»f IU- !•»-
; tint l< ii t. * iiiklci- lltnil |*r»n»f In Mi|i|«»rt if I*l
- nml tl.itt Fit I*l «111 Ih- mini.' In-f.-r*'
I Ihn R.-gi-l-r nil I ll.i-flvi-r ul I»Ii-ii««»mI
I *|.rltnr*. t ‘•.lot-.'.10, on Mrvi I--*', nt I" • .'.-I.wW
n. in.. \ir: ilronn* W. Wnlnm-n. «-f Diy.
It.nitt <-«Mitit) . l oin., nn hi' •’ l‘. I> ** N’" r *T. f--r
the- t» ' n« , .'n* li mul it '» ne '» 11. Tp. ,
N. It \'l W ftl> p VI.
I lit-imiii.v ih-follovrlmi wllnt--*».-.« pr**v«'
hi- rtnillntniii. .•-■kli-iKV n|H»n. i,,t«l t-ttlliMith-n
nf. - tl-l luinl. \ l«:
I W ilii,.in Id. hiinl.-nn. lMminl llii"*n nt*''
I'ntf* I Ivllitifi-r. i»f laiv. It.iutM'o.. t'nlo.. Mini |
1 An’lilf M< Ltiirfhlllt. <>T Ynnip t, llnntt * •*.. • • !•>. ,
H. J. fn-.I.A*. Ihitl'lcr. I
I Kir-t puli r- I.SV-Invt Mar :h. P*h»|
All pcrsonii Indebted to the under• 1
I signed are h quested to cuine forward'
mid settle their accounts either by cnsli |
Dr note, on or before April ilrst. All
! bill* not si tiled bv the latter dnte will)
lie turned over to a collector. Notice is
ir ! also hereby given that on and after
~ March Ist all business will be conducted
lon a strict ~ cash basis.
Harp & Wrioiit,
' Mm:tvr.r; Colo., March 1, lsso.
- Otaris’ —
Barber Shop.
Hot, Cold, Shower and Vapor
Use Anderson
After n triul you will uw no other.
S 3 for 2,000 lbs. Delivered,
Or £-* Ml the mine, one inilo
due West of Meeker.
Ophru with Wm. ik-lt.-u.
Notin' (or Publication* '
til S*e»ll\' •. I '-li *-s I'***. » I
NOTICK I* h«•»••»>> sr • « • it (I'M Ibe f..lt. .win*
imidol Mllrr ha* DM IM'll)'' *•( Hl* liilm- I
I Inti I..tillin' tliuil pP-'f 111 •U|*p*'lt«.f 111 • Ullll.
•uni Unit m»|il iin-il will I.' nmite l.fm. ih
l?*vi*i*T mi I lli I' lvi r nt (l|.'iiwi.-l .'•print,-*.
I .•:••r»i * I. •. mi Mu) •. I "TO. 11l I" • •Vln.k •«. in..
I\ i IM. r lUn •• ■« Iml/. •f A Minis*. » .• n
hi. I* V. I* “ N" l«t. (nr I hi- n ’, Mini n 1 •
• if |?,Tu«N ii i"M I* M
II- n mu « Ihi- fnllnwliiii wilm—• •* In prior
lII* i-i.i.i timmi* n • I't.-in-v upon. mii'l «-i lilt nil"'i
nf. *iil'l ln"‘1. ' O:
John 11. IM\ i«. Marlin W"i«i.ivk. Ilmch
Mill *v-ll Mini Ih It l. n hi j . nl! "f Vampn. Ci4i».
f* J. I*» I." Ili'irl.ler.
IPIr-t imi. M.tr S-lai.t A|ir«. l-vi
Nnllro lor •*Mbll«-all«>n.
I \T|iomrHAT •
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r-i (hr l. It*-*.--ifr.it «il.-i. .v
M. . ».t. t -.I" . li. * I' I !• J* N• i 1,1 11...
t ! Ip I*'. It * ' Ml. »’ M*
• 11. i. .in— Ih- nil... ■ I . |.|. ».• I
l«.i I ... •- / ... I. I Archer. impl
I it-Her. "I"
.1 lu I,AN. It. «l«ti r.
I r Ir-t pub KcbO—iHil Mai »■ lw| .
Notice for Publication.
Oi.rNwoon Hi'iu.iom Coin.. Fell. I*. IW. .
| V’OTjr T. I* hcn-liy irlvi n Unit thi following
nitiiml netller linn lllul m-Ilee of lII* lul-n
-tl.ui in make tlnnl prouC In •mppott of hi*
Halm, iiit'l llnti *nl«l proof will la* tnii'lo la'fiin*
| the Itc iri*tcr nu l lltielver m 11 lon wnn»l
Mirltur*. t'olonulo. mt April I*. I '**”*. it! I"
hi Ik k n. in., tl/: I’li n* ml I*. Ilarp. of
Ml ek. r. I 010.. oil hla I* F. t» S No HO. 1 I It.
f..r ih- n ', 'i «<• '* Sir ilninl ne no
«ee 111. T|. I N. It •■•* W nth I* M.
II- iiiiino- ih- f.’llowinjr wiiit.-.«••« in prove
Ills iiuillliuou" reaHeiiee ii|mil. Mini ctilllvnlloil
of. i*iit't Inii'l. * I*:
11-ujimiln 1.. Nlchula. .John Nlehnl*. I rank ;
I'.. She*-Man niul Win. 11. t Turk, nil or Meeker. |
1 oln.
H. J. lb-.I.AN. Iti'dalor.
IFI ml I’nli Fefl Sl—lata t Mtir :W. IRH»|
Notice tor Pulillratlon.
(Ii KKffoon Mi'mimu*. Colo.. March 12. iw<». i
N't (TICK In borelij-irlveti ihnt Ih- following
ttiimiil “i-tiler hit" llle«l lint lee of lII* liilen-
I tlnn tu tiiiiki' tlnnl priH.f in support of lII* |
1 i-Ihliii. mnl tluil wthl pr«Kif will In- uiinle liefnro
i the lli'irikter Itiul Itecelver lit OlenwiMi.l
, Spring*. t'nln.. mi April 24, l u- 0. nt ln«.«!.M-k
1 n in.. 11/: < Inv ii. Mill*, of Ituiltt I*. (»., Ciiln.,
I on hi* I* F. I> NNo TIH. for the in', iiw n '.
1 »« >, iiml ~w i, «w L* !*«’<- 15. Tp AN. It \V
l r.lli ?• M.
lie inimra Ihr following w Itmm-. to prove
lil* coiilliiuotik n'rhlence ii|h.ii, mnl < ultli nt ion
| of. *-iul Imnl. \ Ir.:
.1. ,M. irmlnoii. Thomii* Ilutiillfmi. Henry
Mnt»\ mnl June* W S'btt. nil nl limitt 4'.nini>.
* 8. .1. In I ts. It *irl«l -r.
1 [First pubMnr 10 -Inst April :.M, !► "1
Blacksmith and Wagonmaker.
Minina; Tools Constantly on Hand.
All kinds of llluck .smithing Done in Klrst-Claui Style, llontesdioeliig a
Specially. All Work Guaranteed. 'iVitui* lteuauuublo.
Hhop Comer of Market Mini Fifth Hlrccts tin rear of Wataou’a Store).
—The Cabinet —
Sample Room and Billiard Hall.
IF*. F. "Weloli, Proprietor.
Imported Bottled Gooos a Specialty.
The Lee Hardware Co.
Stoves, Tinware and Wagon Material
Fishing Tackle, Cuns, Pistols, Ammuni*
tion, Studebaker Wagons, Car
riages, Buggies, etc.
Meeker, Colorado.
Finishing Lumber, Siding, Floor
ing, Ceiling, Moulding,
Lath, Shingles,
We Carry a Full and Complete Stock,
and are Prepared to Fill All Or
ders on Short Notice.
Rawlins Drug Store !
The Place to Purchase
Drugs, Chemicals,Patent Medicines,
| Artists’ Coods, . Window Claas,
: Pari*’, Toil.’t Article*, Booka and Station-rr,
* s -
An<l arth’lu tmiallr «>M In n Lars# Wkulr.'
• nlr hruj M«rr, i« .In n- il.ia < )a*« ~f K ...| a am
ii. -p. .iiiiii.-*
Co or Send Orders to
F. Chatterton, Wholesale Druggist,
(SuccPMor to Dr. J. K. O.dairnp.)
And you will alwnya prucurr purr, fresh u.kmlm from the Inrgeststock in Wyoming
nt New York prices.
A full and complete line of
Confectionery, Tobacco,
Cigars and fancy
O. K. SALOON! j The Largest and Best Stock *
Liquors, DRUGS
Beer and in me county „t
Solis Cigars THE PHARMACY”
ij Cler.wood Springs. Colo.
John W. Welch. 1 IWI „
, | line. Mini I mil aurr | t „„ nm
v, "«vynti thill It le m j our Intm-af to b
M .voitr ilrnaiMif hi-.
: !<,r »'» T W. S. PARKISON.
r0.%1. lit fillr ilifiirv.i. ~.X | j*,,,,, o ,

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