Newspaper Page Text
.MEEKER HERALD. August 15, ls«6. JAMES LYTTLE. Editor & Publisher. HATHlItAY. BB1*TBMBElt-9. !«■& Eutt-nni In ll*« I'lwtnfllr** at Meeker,. llio Ulunco (Joint ty, Co!o.,uh wcond* rliis* mail mutter. HOMS NEWS. The Affair at Honor. M«*e nun hll Poerson are n k»Iii too rttu Ik* It 1 11 < I Hie Stulml nftur *lco >1 t until t a. five* blggem met* butt Ive gull it noo trick That henry Itm'imn wz ull innlk him sick. Ann henry seat Just look how I'nvltl hIuo Kolluth inin lie war n glttnt too. WVnn cnnybudtly walk:* liontu every nltc With ure tu-at gurl wl uve Just gott too file Mo henry tieinuH ne* ur ull uno Ulo l»ee n toward I IT u let hint go. nftcrwuriU henry so/. I iiiumIs Htmtur.l mt hiiihmcIs ur uli I wuae overt railed. Knnyhow he pull lntnfstukw on nit eyon mm sex I nm it terror (ur mt sighs lint lit I wnx too big fur me. Ho my fuse donut hurt ho ImuIU becus Ills no it I Kg nils too lie licked henry »ez If tin* owtcliiKHcd In Highs. ( think that file ull tun* my liunit Vur kuiii time nun 1 gen* Its good enuf fur uie fur bollevim lira golluth stud Tho Russlan-Japanese pence treaty has boon signed. The creamery project in making satisfactory progress. Every day it is becoming jnore evi dent that, it pays to breed good cattle; likewise horses. -Dr. H.C. Dolph wishes to announce that lie will close up Ids dental prac tice on September 20, 1905. Uuhc Dull Says if the present rush keeps up lie will have to build an other addition to the Meeker hotel. This valley is gaining an enviable reputation for the fine class of beef it is turning out. Breeding up does It, C. J. Dickinson moved Ills family back to town last Saturday, after a four months' sojourn on the ranch.— Rifle Reveille. Fred Kracht has fifty acres of fine grain on the Wilber mesa ranch tinder the Miller creek ditch—the wheat is noticeably good. Albert Pierce and brother Horace, loft for Dead villa Sunday. Albert will enter tho Denver University the coming school year. W. A. Keller has a carload of thoroughbred shorthorn bulls on the way In. They am said to tie the fin est lot ever brought to this valley. An eight pound girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller on Curtis creek, on Thursday, Sep tember 7. I)r. French attended the ceremonies and reports all well. Those who have been on South Fork lately report one of the best grain crops in the county up there. The showing is especially fine at Winder mere lodge. Good for Fanner Pat terson, “l*y cracky.” The maw friends-of the Rev. O. F. Os ten son will bo sorry to learn that ho is now in St. Duke’s hospital, Den ver, severely ill, with faint hopes of recovery. Bishop F. S. Spalding paid him a visit a few days ago. Tho county com miss loners mat this week and sat as a board of equaliza tion, but practically no business ap peared for consideration. Commis sioners Kililuif and Crawford were oi. hand to attend to tho ccmplain s. The weather looked bad in the fore part of tho week. Many thought it would turn to snow, hut fortunately the elements produced nothing but liberal downpours of rain during most of the week, which had no other had effect than that of retarding the ripening of standing grain. W.- A. Keller, Bud Sandy, John Crook, S. P. Wear and W. A. Fair field were on the Kansas City market last week. Mr. Keller topped the market with his two-year-old steers, which averaged 9!(1‘ pounds and brought $1.00; his cows weighed over 1100 and brought $3.10. The others got $3.75 for their steers. Tho case of Hayes Bros, against Reignu, concerning tho water in Sta ger gulch, which was tried in the District Court last fall, has just been (1‘clded by Judge Shumate in favor of the Hayes boys. E. A. Martin was titfc lrney for the boys, Sena tor Taylor being associated with him. Hon. J. C. Gentry was attorney for Mr. Beigan. The stories in the Salt Lake papers by disgruntled hoiiieseek- r.« who have home from the reservation, ull have a tendency to keep others •way who have drawn lucky num bers. At tho rate they are dropping out every day, half of the agricultural kind will b * loft, and then at the end of sixty days there will be a rush for the land by people living here who know the country, and who did not draw tow numbers.—Vernal Express. COMING AND GOING. * S.«n» Queen of Angom got caught on the Jury. G W Carson and son are in town after a visit to the reserve. Mrs. Fred Nichols is up from Raugely visiting her folks here. John Delaney of White River looked in on the court proceedings. Assessor Thompson spent this week In town attending to ofllcial duties. Mrs Fletcher Hay and the chUdreu have moved to town for tho school year. * Elmo Foreman of White River | spout the week in town attending court. James Mikkelsoh and George Letch mere of Piceance were drawn o i tho jury. Mr and Mrs Thos H lies and tho hoys took possession of their resi dence Monday. Mrs Givens is again looking after Bert after a very pleasant visit with Mr and Mrs W H Tomlinson. State tinuio Watden Nichols cnltio in Saturday after “making” all tho flattop region during tiie month. Mr J H Aldrich of Thornbury is entertaining a large party of friends from Dos Moines and Anita, lowa. Will Simms, one of the Hugos com pany's popular clerks, left for Denver and other outside points today for a brief outing. 0 Mrs C M Thompson and sister Miss Minnie Beavers, drove to Craig Sun day on a visit with a brother residing near that place. Mrs A LStrehlkeand son, Lal’oole, returned homo Monday after a two month’s visit with relatives and friends in Aspen. Among tho late arrivals in Meeker are Mr and Mrs Ira J Brown and Frank Brown. The Browns are here with a view to locating. Among the Angoraites in town during tho week were noticed W B Barnes, M Fletcher, Horn Fletcher, Sain Queen and Mr Melton. Mr and Mrs A L Durham and the children returned to their city resi dence the first of the week after spending the hot months on the ranch. Win Bailey was in from Blue moun tain Monday and Tuesday. Mr Bai ley and sons have a good stock ranch down there but had a very dry sum mer and will be shorter than usual on hay. Miss Anna Ryan came in from Den ver Wednesday evening. Miss Ryan will spend a few days with he? father Judge Ryan, and then return to the capital city to resume her duties as one of the principal teachers in the Miss Wolcott academy. Mrs George Zitzman returned from Portland Saturday, after a short but very enjoyable visit to the fair and other points of interest in the north west. Mr» Zitzman. accompanied by her mother, Mrs McDowell, and sis ter, Mrs J Kinney, leave for their re spective homes tomorrow. Paul E Gregg and wife of Denver registered at the Meeker hotel Mon day. Mr Gregg Is on the Denver Post staff, and is an able cartoonist. The Greggs will spend a month or six weeks in the Trappers Lake region and In duo season tho scenic wonders and beauties of that section will be given to the public. Death of Fred Johnson. Fred Johnson died Tuesday even ing, September 6, at 6 p. m.—appen dicitis being tiie cause of his un timely end. He hud been sick for alMnit two weeks and was under the care of Doctor Bruner. Tuesday morning his condition became so alarming that Doctors French and Bell were called in for consultation. It was decided to operate as soon ns possible and the operation was per formed about three o’clock that after noon. The physicians found that tho appendix was ruptured and realized, as they had from tho first, that the chance for saving tho young man’s life was exceedingly slim. He died without regaining consciousness. The body was taken to Rifle for in termient, the deceased’s parents and other relatives residing at that place. Mr. Johnson was a young man, 25 or 28 years of age, of good habits ana commanded the respect and good will of all who knew him. He leaves a wife and other relatives and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. overalls made from materials Piceance Pencilings. We are having some nasty tifeather —rain; cloud bursts and inora'fctm d L. Dudley has sold his big team to John P. Schsrtnarhorn, the con sideration being s£*). Oscar Collins, who has been stay i ng with his brother Kus«aii, depart, d for outside points Thursday. George Letch mere, Jens Mikkei son. Perry Boies and A. J. Ryan are the lucky (?) jurors this year. R. A. Collins, who has been cutting grain for Perry Boles, went toM -ker after some repairs for his binder. Jesse Buckner, manager for Joe Ehler, up Hunters gulch, mad * a four-horse trip to Rifle tbL week after supplies. Harry Cook, with his outfit, passed up Piceanco Monday with a bunch of I cattlo which ho had brought from Browns park. J. W. Bainbrck, Sr., is taking a layoff these days, the first in throe years. The Dudley hoys are driving t ic mail wagon In ills stead. Mrs. Fremont Dixon has given up g dng to Rifle to send her children to school this winter, concluding to send them to Piceance instead. Alfred Redden says that fits saw mill is on the road and here ■lnside of ten days. He experts to do business shortly*, good for Shorty. J. B. Deacon ha**severed his con nection witii the Plateau Live Stock company, being succeeded by Clar ence Lamb. We are sorry, Jud, to see you leave for you have made a iiost of friends during your stay with us. John Byron, wife and son, of Mil waukee, Wisconsin, who have been touring the West, are now visiting Mrs. By roil’* father and brother, J. W. Bainbrick, Hr., and Jr., and hor sister, Mrs. O. L. Dudley, of Pice ance. rj" Aiitone Wood, the youthful mur derer, has been parolled. The G A R encampment at Denver is one of the largest and will be the most successful in tho history of tho body. It is to be hoped that when Polly Pry goes to New York she will take her staff of grafters along with her. Colorado can well spare them.—Den ver Democrat. According to the semi-annual finan cial statement just published, the total indebtedness of Garfield county on July 1, 1905, was $*16,935.37. Enough and more than enough.—Ri fle Reveille. r, J udd Deacon has severed his con nection with the PL outfit, being suc ceeded as foreman by Clarenoe Lamb. Tho latter, who has bean local repre sentative of Clay, Robinson A Co., Is succeeded by W. C. Worthington of Denver. —Rifle Roveille. Pierce A Reef shipped 601 killers last week from Wolcott. Twenty four of the best, weighing on an aver age of 1205 pounds brought $3.60 at the Kansas City market last Friday. The balance averaged 1101 and sold for s3.4o.—Eagle Enterprise. After being out but ten minutes the jury in the third trial of E. M. Johnson, president of the defunct fi delity Savings association, found him guilty as charged in the indictment of mnking, stating and publishing a false report on the financial condition of that concern. A son and daughter were born last Friday night to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Corbett, and tho happy parents are rt. coving the congratulations of many friends. Dave will have the pleasure of being called “papa” by the first pair of twins born in the town of Rifle. —Rifle Reveille. Tiie Moffat road surveyors who came into Steamboat the fore part of the week and pitched camp on the island received orders Wednesday to procetkl to McCoy’s and survey from there to Steamboat over an eiftirely new route into this city. Tho whole outfit pulled out yesterday morning. —Steamboat Sentinel. Mrs. L S. Miner and son of Meeker are in the vicinity of Mamm and Di vide creeks with a view to locating a ranch. A number of persons from Palisade and Grand Junction are also camped on the Hunter mesa and will likely lake up land under the High Line ditch. Thus the country con tinues to increase in population.—Ri fle Telegram. Jacob R. Harding says dry ranches la Routt county are not being boosted to the sky like irrigated ranches, but that they get there just the same, am! Mr. Harding generally knows what lie is talking about. He and George Wither have a dry ranch, but it pro duces better than most of the “wet” ranches because the owners know how' to handle the soil. This year, Mr. Harding tells us, the ranch will produce- 8,000 bushels of oats. Plow deep and harrow often is what Is needed to make a Routt county ranch produce without water, according to Mr. Harding’s way of handling • dry farm.— Steamboat SentLuuL . IHIj Yaars ffcs Slastol mm mm Mi fraa part cram af tartar darlvad frm grapta. ram bakimo powdbr 00. CHIOAQO. Old King Corn shows sings of trn: - scendiiig himself this year. At prer ent tho prospects are for a bumper crop exceeding anything in the coun try’s history. Great is King Corn and lie makes Ills homo in the centrul valleys of the United States. Over 20 miles of telephone wire is being used in connecting the various part of the Cary ranch with the home office. Later on a wire will be run to tho Lily park ranch of the company. Everything is being done on a large scale by these enterprising gentle men. —8 team bon t Pi lo t. Of all the great land schemes pro posed wo think tho Davis-West syn dicate w-ill knock the spots off any thing else. Juan Davis of the Den ver Post draws No. 18,880 in the Uin tah lottery and the West family of the Transcript drew 23,987 and 37,585 respectively, and we propose to pool Issues with Davis and thus make of It the biggest thing in the mountains. When we put Junn's joy with our booby prize it ought to send the stock kiting.—Golden Transcript Bro. Riland of the Review, who drew 29,424 might get into this pool by presenting the proper credentials. Ayers You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood — Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, alt your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust It yourself. There is health and strength in it. M I att(f*r«4 terribly from Intlljrostlon nnd thlu blood. 1 found n» rrllof until I look Ayor’a HsraapariiU. pour bottle* pernio- MfiUf eurrd me." Mk». ». n. If A tiT, Ml. Klaro.N. Y. fl.oo A bottle. J. c. ATKIt ro„ ■■■aMi&MMaßaaa ffoi* Ayer s PJIla ur© gently laxatlvo. T»*•»/ £ar9ar>r>« St. James’ Episcopal Church. Services tomorrow (tho twelfth Sunday after Trinity) as follows: 10 a. m.—Sunday School. 11 a. in.—Morning Service. 12 rn.—Holy Communion. 4 p. in.r-Service for tho young. 8 p. ill. —Evening Service. The 5e Capital pencil tablet Is the one you want for school. Sold only at Dikeinan & Robertson’s. Hunting Guides. From deer season on, we will be prepared to take parties out for any kind of game. Have the only pack of trained dogs in the county. D. W. Black, J. M. Clark and Sain Ray. For prices address D. W. Black & Co., Meeker, Colorado. ATTENTION HORSE BREEDERS Tfie Season Now Open. j lmported Pcreheron ! , stallion, French number •fCi-.f, I ! number :U92i) who won ; a (?okl medal in France In nxsi, ; now owned by tho Hlo Rlnncn I Perchcrun Horse association, will | muke the season at Harp's barn, i Beo Poster for particulars. ! • j Free pasture for maros; best of . j care but no responsibility as- j j sumed for accidents. This horse weighs 18.7) pounds, j black with star In forehead, a per- • feetly formed horse, four years i old and Is considered one of tho ; best stallions In this country. Prizes offered—s.lo for t,he best colt six months old, |2f> for the next best and free service for the I third best. ’ Terms—lls, six months' negotl | able note, with Insurance. stock nxiANDS. SMIIUOSE OLD!,AND. Cattle branded same n> HrThMgjf part »nhnuf. Also B 3 Range. prj K 59 vicinity of jjjjy on left Shoulder. Pf> address. Mocker, (bio. L. D. WALimiDGU. branded ns or llaiiKO, Lime Kiln Hit TUB DA Eli BROS*. LAND k CATTLE CO. Cottle branded on left K "° POL Bxl Horse branded mme as cut. IfurmolUe J. P. NIELSON. Cuttle branded or l«*ft ttfijßHnßk sble. WflKCßfg stiiiie left shoulder. BK3KB| linage, upper W bite aunTHsH er Itetween North hik creek ami Dry creek. I JWf P O Meeker. JOHN I* SVK KS mark, underslopo and » Barge, Hulphur and ’VnynS’g.V* . j, Meeker. Colorado , b; Own hrnntl W - 3 and rtv- cattle carrying same. Also own cattle carrying tho following 1) 1) TAYLOIL F A ('AIISTENB & CO. Cattle hniud _ ed same its cut. f tie natawsOTf-soAfft i* ■ - ■ tK j MHinp UH Cl! t. Rmifto W'est Miller creek. P O Meeker. L. P. CilAloT THOHAS DAKEIL SrfJT ' Cattlo branded same ns cut Also VHkwSI ° WI> <alt,le bran tied Trl angle 11. Horses biand o«l Triangle on left hip. Itauge, governuieni , am I road. p ° Meoker H. 8. HAKP. rtMto Cattlo nisi hm|| horses. AlsoßJMyfi * >wlt nnr| rtmBSiBSiM I following brands: EBI Kaiige, NlnoMllc Hill anti Coal Creek. P O Meeker. s Summer Tourist Tickets I L I Is * From Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to @ ■* o ® St. Louis $2B 50 Chicago $33 50 !§ U ® Buffalo 57 75 Detroit 4« 35 § P ® Ht- Paul 31 50 Boston 73 50 ® _ Minneapolis 31 50 Montreal 58 50 & E i Correspondingly Low Rates from all Colorado Points § R ® On sale daily until October l«t —return limit October Slst via ® j • Special Excursion Rates—One Fare Plus $2.00 ® 0 Detroit and return—August 12-13—Tiiipit August 19 ft ® Kansas City and return—August 27-28—Limit Hept. 7 ® ® Hieinnond, Va., and return—Sept. 7-B—Hept. 21 ® ft Piiiladolphia, Pa., and return—Sept. 13-14 Final Limit Oct. 5 ft § DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH SERVICE |j ® From Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to Kansas City ® g and St. Louis, making direct connections at Uuion Stations for S ft all points East and South. Pulrman standard sleeping cars — ft ® Reclining chair bars; seats free. Through tourist sleeping cars ® ft to Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago. ® ft H. B. Kooser, O. W. F. AP. A.. J. H. Glnet, Jr., T. P. A., ft ft 17W Stout Street, Denvor,Colorado. ft § . MIDLAND ROUTE | | CHEAP RATESf California and Northwest | Sept. 15 to Oct. 31. ■ San Francisco - - - - $25 (X) ® Los Angeles - - - - 25 00 ft San Diego ----- 25 00 ft Portland ------ 25 00 ® Seattle ------- 25 00 ft Vancouver ----- 25 00 ft Helena - - - - - -*- 20 00 ® Butte - -- -- -- 20 00 ® Spokane 22 50 % ® ft ® Correspondingly low rates to ft ft many other points. 5,! ft c- • ft i THE WHITE 151VF.R CATTLE A INVEST MENT COMPANY. Cattlo Itraniltsl game it • ml on riff hr side. AI-*. 7 F. L ‘ Il left title. Ifcfnge, Jißpcr U'hit.- winitr range. MB IM Angt.m. PO lb.x i>. Mirki r. J W (' herd, nmtmger. VA •ms ~y 11 WAUKEN. Cattle bruodctl emno .-it lturw*B stmie Ka v* Jtungr M liter ereek amt iipi>or White river. gj | I’estnltice^addresH S hrnndrd on lefi Range. Lime ... W 1 and upper White river. * Po8toflh?o Meeker. j V. n. R ° J L McIIATTON. Cattlo branded same at cut mi left hide. Some cattle Erandetl Oar left J. P. KC’ll HUM Eli HORN. ' l same as f&gjg&a Ma n g irovenanetil CHARLES FARNSWORTH. (For Ruth C. Bartlett.) Cntlle > a* “lti/ieoii left; also umlei etichenr. Young raiigt.iowor White river nml Mnrvine creek. P O address llox iCIA, Meeker, Colo. D. M. VACO HAN. •MRAp Cuttle brandetl ns above cattlo brand- Horses branded All young stock branded Range but ween North Elk Creek and South Fork of White river. P O address : A C Elll son. Meeker. Colorado, M. L. SANDY. V Cuttle branded on lefß side. Additional brnndj^* Also horses ■■■■El W m 1 HI and cattle. fflKB Range, upper ■■■■» White, prlnelpanF on south aide of river. P O Meeker. ~ C A CMIKETZ. Cattle brandml same as rut on lelt side. t or7*e/titer side. Far mark—left ear, under Range, Miller creek # and I,hue Kiln hill. Address 11. F. Wheaton.Meeker,Colorado. j I J. S. Needham *g I TAILOR I — \ j Clothing made to J J cleaned, pressed * J and repaired. J hvvvvv* vvvswvvv ««4 9**tAA«A***««*****MM«| \ H. A. Wildhack, * 1— : .a « NOTARY PUBLIC and l J CONVEYANCER J < United States Land Commissioner* Attend to Pre-emption and Desert J - Land filings, lake and acknowledger t annual or final proofs'on Desert J j claims ns well us Pre-empt lons. In**i I - lut»* contests, etc. Necessary blanks f on burnt. :: :: :: :: :: Z