Stoties of Camp and War A LOYAL RECTOR. Ha Conducted gzrvka with the Aw •i stance of Squod of Pious Marinos. The recent death of Rev. Oogood E. Herrick In Watertown, N. Y.. recalls an Incident during the civil war in which he was conspicuous and which a correspondent of the National Tri bune relates. Mr. Herrick was rector of Bt. Paul's Episcopal church. Key West, Fla., at the time of the seces sion in 1861. Many of the congrega tion sympathized with the south and endeavored to dissuade him from read ing the usual prayer “for the presi dent of the United States and all in civil authority,” but without success. Finally he was told that he would be taken from the chancel the next Sun day if he persisted in reading the prayer. On the Saturday preceding the U. 8. ship Pawnee arrived in the harbor, and her commander, Capt. Rowan, met Mr. Herrick, and was told of the threats that had been made. The cap tain said: "Mr. Herrick, the marines I have on my ship are very pious, and . have had no opportunity to attend church for several months, and would The Marines Were Very Pious. only be too glad to attend the services to-morrow if you have some vacant front pews.” The next day. Just before the com mencement of the service, la marched 80 or 40 marines, stacked their arms In front of the chancel and took the front seata that had been reserved. When the prayer for the president was read they all responded with a hearty "Amen.” There was no attempt mads to move the rector on that Sunday or at any other tine, as a largo army and naval tome whs stationed at that port, being the resdasveas eC4hs BOsth Al lude and Gulf squadrons and an Im portant strategic poi* for coal and supplies and the only southern port held by the United States all through thb war. Shortly after the war, In considera tion of his loyalty to his country and through the influence of his friends in the army and navy, he was appointed army chaplain and stationed at Fort Warren, in Boston harbor, for several years, and will be favorably remem bered by many Bostonians of that period. He was afterward transferred to Fortress Monroe, where he re mained until his resignation a few years ago. He then returned to his old home la Watertown, N. Y., where be spent rcn^nlnj^eara. A SOLDIER'S MISTAKE. Charged the Enemy When He . Thought He Was Fleeing to Rear. "When the first call came for troopf In 1861,” said a member "oF a Grand Army U..PSH office In my town, and, turn- Ing around to a mad 1 had known since boyhood, I said: ‘“Well, Jim, shall we go?* M ‘Sure,* he replied, and 24 hours later we were off. Jim was my com rade and bunkle for three years, and came home to be kicked in the stom ach by a mule. After we had been In service two years we were having a scrap with the enemy one day, when all of a sudden Jim jumps out of the ranks and goes charging down on 3,000 men all alone. He was yelled at to come back, but he didn’t seem to hear. Some of us got the idea that an order had been given to advance, and we took after Jim, and in a min ute the whole regiment was charging. It was such an unexpected move that the enemy broke and gigged back, and Jim was made a sergeant for his bravery. "He had been home a year when he died. I was called to his bedside when he knew that he was going. The other folks all left the room at his order, and then he said to me: “ ‘Tom, do you remember that time I charged 3,000 men all hy myself?’ " ‘Of course, and It was a brave thing to do/ ** ‘Nothing of the kind, Tom. Do you know why I did it?’ ” ’Out of bravery.’ " ’That’s all guff. I was scared out of my boots that day and bolted, and the fun of the thing was that I got all turned around and bolted towards the enemy instead of our rear. Tom, I’m going to my long home, and 1 want you to kneel down in the ‘tater patch to-morrow and tell the Lord just how it was.’" The picture post-card erase Is di minishing in England. AN OLD WAR LETTER. Recalls the Sad Story of Wounding of Don. Wallace at Shlleh. Of an relies of the civil war the ones which most touch me are the faded yellow letters from soldiers at the front or In hospitals, and those other letters from home to the sol diers, showing the marks and creases caused by being carried long in pocket and knapsack, until by some chance they drifted back home again across the lines of faction and war, writes Ada C. Sweet, in Chicago Journal. One of the most pathotlc and yet nobly strong letters I remember to have read, is one from Mrs. Wallace, widow of the gallant Oen. William H. Wallace, who met death at Shiloh, after helping Prentiss to hold the cen ter all of that terrible first day, when the whole union army was crumpled up and crowded almost into the Ten nessee river, only escaping by holding Pittsburg Landing until morning came, with Buell’s advance on the field, and the dispirited troops of the day before ready for a new trial be fore the grim gods of war. Mrs. Wallace, worried and anxious at home, had started to visit her hus band in the camp at Shiloh, and she arrived at Pittsburg Landing on the steamer * Minnehaha before daylight Sunday morning, April 6, 1862. The letter I am describing was written by Mrs. Wallace some ten days after the battle to a near relation. She describes her arrival—the visit was to be a complete surprise to her husband—and she remained on board of the river steamer, after sending word to him that she was there, and as she waited him, as the sun rose over the spring landscape, she heard firing, but thought nothing of it there, near the great war camp, where thou sands of men were being drilled and trained in the uses of war. Before very long she saw wounded soldiers being brought on board of her steamer, and then came more and more, pale, bleeding and panic-strick en, and they all told the same story of the early morning attack and the driving in of the outer lines, and occu pation by the enemy, of the outer camps. Her husband, she was told, was on the field, in the very center of the rag ing battle. Vainly she tried to get an other message to him. He was in the ’ornate* Nest,” where no one could penerate. Before noon the boat was crowded with wounded, and Mrs. Wal lace tried to comfort and assuage their sufferings. In the afternoon the Minnehaha was used to ferry over Nelson’s regiments, the advanoe of Buell’s reenforcements. 1 At last, when the boat landed on the Pittsburg side, a message was brought to the anxious woman. Wallace’s di vision, they told her, had been falling , back, Wallace leading it, just having been flanked by the enemy. Just clear of the "Hornets* Nest,” and as his command came Into the road to the Landing Vthe general had bean shot and had ROlen from his horse and left for dead. One of his soldiers, an or derly, "one who loved him,” had car ried the body mom than a quarter of a mile, and then to avoid death and capture, had to lay him down out of the way of tramping feet, and leave him. All night Mrs. Wallace nursed the wounded on the steamer, and at ten o’clock Monday morning word came to her that the general was still! breathing, and that he was to be brought to her. Her dead was alive, and she rejoiced. She was allowed to take her husband to Savannah, a few miles away, on the river, and to nurse him tor tour days, before he breathed tis - Gratefully she tells in her letter of the comfort it was to both that they could have these last days together. The general could not speak, but he showed to the last minute that he knew his wife, and by the faint pres sure of his hand that she held told how much ij was to him to have her by HTiMe. "wfc* ;• -i. JS£ - • Such is tne story told by the faded letter; to read it brings home to the heart and Imagination what the men and women of the country suffered and endured, more than a generation ago, that the union might live. Rev erently I refer to this old letter from one of the women of Illinois. The survivors of Shiloh will hear of it with; mournful Interest, I am sure. One Use for a Newspaper. It may be asked what a man who: from his size belonged in B company* at West Point was doing in the. Eighth division among the tall men 1 of D company, writes Gen. Morris Schaff In Atlantic. It came about in this way: My second year, owing to an Increase In the size of the bat talion, the overflow of my company B and the various other companies had. to room in what was known as the "angle,” which threw me with John Asbury West of Georgia of D com pany. West and myself became very close friends, and that we might con tinue to room together, just before the battalion was formed In 1860 at the close of the encampment for divi sion into companies, he suggested, that I stuff some paper in my shoes to lift me up into the flank compa nies. Thereupon we inlaid a good share of a New York paper In each shoe, lowered my trousers to the ex treme limit to hide my heels, and, to my heart’s delight, the result was, in counting off the battalion, I fell just inside of D company. And on that bit of paper in my shoes all my life was hinged; for, had I stayed with the studious B company, I should In all probability have graduated in the en gineers, and the stream of my life would have i*un through different fields. DIDN'T PLEASE THE WOMEN. 1 Story of Rise ef Setf-MaSe Mm Osstod Trouble. That the early struggles of the aoo > eessful American business man are not always a source of pride to kla family was forcibly Illustrated the other day here in away that was not without its pathetic side. A recent patron of one of the fashionable ho tels told several persons with appar ently considerable pride how he had gone to America with a dollar la bis pocket and Is now worth f 10,006,000. A correspondent who Interviewed him was muca impressed, and la writ ing the story made reference to that fact in a compllmetntary way, never dreaming it would cause a family quarrel. A day or two later the cor respondent met the successful Amer lean in the lobby of the hotel. "Young man. you have caused me a lot of trouble,” said the latter. "How Is that?” "Well, In mentioning the small sum I had in my pocket when I went to America.” "But It was true, wasn't it,” in quired the correspondent. "Well, that’s not it,” replied tbs other. "You see, my wife and daugh ters have been entertaining a lot over here aqd met a lot of people. They feel now that they have been die graced.” "But surely you feel proud of what you have accomplished?” "Yes, I do. and for my part I’m mightily pleased. But you see women are different. They like to think 1 al ways had the money. I can tell you my life's been miserable ever since.” The correspondent assured the othef of his good intentiods, but he refused to be comforted, and had not made peace with his family when he left town.—London Cable in New York Herald. Would Exterminate All Rats. "Prof.” J. D. Smith of Cleveland wants to rid the United States of rats, mice, cockroaches and vermin. He says he can do it by the use of certain chemicals. In handling thesS chemi cals he has at various times mads himself very sick. "Some day they will kill me," hi says, "but lam not afraid. If lam able to cany out my plans, I shall be satisfied.” As he talks he drags packages of chemicals from his pockets—blue vit riol and acids of various kinds. His bands are burned through the hand ling of them, but he fondles them af fectionately and does not mind. If the city of Cleveland would give the professor 810,000 a year, he says he would make a vermin and rodent free community. Smith not only slays these pests; he annihilates them. By playing on their appetites he lures them to unlawful doom. To the professor, a dead rat Is as dan gerous as a live one. Each, he de clares. spreads typhoid and like dto Therefore he has prepared a chess leal mixture which will slowly In cinerate the rat As soon as the rat partakes of the chemical an Inex' tingulshable fire is lit in his Interior. The fire burns as relentlessly as a theater villain pursues. There is no escape for the rat. He cannot leave enough of himself behind to make a decent funeral. Phosphorus is the base of the mix ture which the professor uses. After he has gathered remnants of food Into a pall he adds a purple and white powder. Then some lemon. As soon as the rat partakes of this, he is on his way to a private fireworks display. % ‘ Quail Thao Were Quail. On the big plantations no gun was ever fired at a quail. There was no netting until the master said the word. He knew exactly when "bob white” was ripe for dinner, and woe to the poacher! A load of shot lbuckshot at that) was none too good *9l JSy? jgftT«ys of_ dozen birds each weed regarded as enough loir oak drive, making a capture of 00 fat, plump, sotm£ morsels the like of which we of this day and geltSfaDon may never know. The master woul£ look through the coops and release a dozen of the finest cocks and hens for breeding. The remainder were smoth ered for dinner in the old-fashioned southern style before the animal heat was out of them. Or they went Into a great Brunswick stew, with squlr : rels, squab-chickens, rabbits, slices of salt pork, rice and the usual veget ables used In the making of this, ths foremost of all southern dishes.—N. Y. Sun. Origin of Phrases. Posters were orginally stuck oa posts. Hence their name. v Rodomontade comes from /Rodo mont, king of Sarza, a braggart and swaahbnckler. Cutpurses are so calied because In the past the purse was worn about the neck by a long cord that the thiel had to cut. The tinkers of old, to prevent their solder from running, borrowed a lump of dough from the housewife, with which they made a dam about the hole that was to be caulked up. When they were done with the soiled dough, which was called a tinker's dam, they threw It away because 10 was utterly worthless. Hence not to care “a tinker’s dam" means not to care the least bit, and there is no pro fanity whatever In this phrase. . An Artist. "Your friend retains her age won .erfully." "Yes, she studied art in Europe" HIS PREHISTORIC MAJESTY T " -o# iS'«S?.7l3SaussSf u, “ - J "Doc," said the prehistoric king to : his surgeon general, whom he had 1 summoned to his past grand worshlp h ful presence, "what’s gnawin’ the peo j pie of this realm? What kind of a bug have they got now, huh?” * The physician stood a moment be j tween fear and perplexity. "I don’t quite comprehend the na ture of your majesty's Interrogation,” he ventured at last to observe. "What's that? You don’t careen to [ my George Ade breeze? Your balloon jib don’t fill to my jabber gust, heh? My advanced-thought air currents pass over your mental top-gallant, do they? Well, I’ll see if I can yank them down to a level with your bilge-water intel lect. What I want to know is, what } the dickens alls my people? Half of ’em are so dumnation good that they give me the saccharine sickness. When they come into my royal presence they ! make me feel as if I had eaten 30 charlotte russes in 30 minutes. r "After four minutes with one of r these human cream puffs the other day I hustled out to the kitchen for a dill pickle. Then, on the other hand, I the rest of my people are so thunder in' bad there's no gettln’ along with , ’em at all. Seems as if the very diel , was in ’em and they were glad of it. . To be sure, they're something of an t improvement on those animated me • ringue puddings that constitute the t other half, but their everlasting ras- I cality becomes irksome when you , have to wallow through it eight days l in the week. i “Now, then, Doc, it’s up to you to peek Into the pack and get wise as to why people ain’t built on less monot onous linos Why dl —iiMuimiii THE POPULAR LIND TO Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Cripple Creek, Leadvllle, Glen wood Springs, Aspen, Grand Junction, Salt Lake City* Ogden, Butte, Helena, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port land, Tacoma, Seattle. Reaches all the Principal Towns and Mining Camps In Colorado, Utah and New rtcxico. The Tourist’s Favorite Route To All Mountain Resorts The Only Line Passing Through Sait Lake City en route to the Pacific Coast Between DENVER snd Th rOU erh cripple creek salt lake errr > 6 * LEADVILLE OGDEN i QLENWOOD SPRINGS PORTLAND? y Cloanin a- grand junction san Francisco OlCCpmg LOS ANGELES Chicago, St Louis and San Praneiace CarS 'DININfI CABS W. I. SALTMAKSH, Local AganL j***************** s ****** s naonwsoMW3nnMno«oot*sots**s«p! | THE j Rifle, Meeker, Craig STAGE AND EXPRESS LINE | “ d ! ] General Passenger. Express and Freight Business | Livery Stable at Rifle j i For Information and Rates, addrn* A, &• R&ES St SON, Proprietors j MEEKER, COLORADO. I gH V\ MIDLAND mcSwtain OBSERVATION SfiSßßm Run Dell- ttstwaan **A - PBNVHR, SALT LAKH CITY and OGDEN ~ Panoramic Views. Daacrtptfra Pamphlets, etc., seat lm upon M application to it n u v - C - H. Spaa is. Can't Peas. Ag't., Dearer, Colo. w * WAWT you* PATWONAOK " 1 n^r 11 " * THE SHORT LIKE TO ALL POINT* IN TEXAS, LOUISIANA, FLORIDA AND MEXICO Tke Ctlirnd, 1 SMthsm Trato luvtnf Drnvw at ILK p.m., C*to -rgr-r Pr?£/”*?** **■•"<• r«t warn. Ann** mr. t - «. mm, a r. jl, Down, corn.