Newspaper Page Text
THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE " TR "‘ g ’\/OLUME 1.- Local and Personal. Eli E. Olson was in town on business Saturday. _ See Bagshaw’s ad in this is sue. Ve Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Knapp re turned from their trip to Hastings Neb. on ’I‘hurjsdair1 evening., Mr. Knapp is somewhat improved in health but” not so much so as he had hoped. Call and see us at the ENTER PRISE office if you want some good garden tracts with buiid ings at or near Griffith station. | Mrs. B. F. Howes of Mont ~ clair spent Frinay with Mrs. R. - Minger. 3 | Wanted: = Plain sewjnf and %essmaking at Gertrude Lucas’, est 3rd St., near Ralston Ave., Arvada. For all kinds of buildinima terial, see A, L. Davis, the Lum ber man, in East Arvada. Mrs. R. H. Beckett and Mrs. A. B.-Cole were* joint- hostesses ata recefitipp last Thurs'dgy after noon in honor of Miss Swadley of Tennessee. . Just rgfleived a shipment of high-grade stationery for all occasions, H. A. ULLERY, .~ “The Druggist. Mr, and Mrs. R. O. Graves en tertained at an elegantly .ap &ginted dinner Thursday evening. iss Laura Swadley being the guest of honor. Pure ice cream with crushed fruits, H. A. ULLERY, ° i The Druggist. The Post Office store carries . stationary, fishing tackle, base ball goods and post cards in good variety. . . B, ger.sold his four acre $ tritop%«%& John: Tye ‘of * Brighton, - €olo. Mr. and Mrs. Trauger expect to move to south: westhis'souri. s fi—_— > Don’t fail to see those beauti ful carpets and rugs at Burton & Chinn’s. Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Segelke enjoyed a trip on the C. & S. over the loop on Saturday. Have Burton & Chinn measure your rooms for any kind of car pet or linoleum you want. The clearance sale at the Recht Emporium furnishes an oppor tunity to get staple dry goods at a large saving. Hole Proof Sox at Hutchings’ $1.50 for 6. pair. Mrs. A, Parfit now of Phipps purg isin the neighborhood en- Jjoying a visit with friends. All trimmed hats at less than cost at’ the French Millinery, to glose out, Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Blake are entertaining Mrs. Blake’s aunt, Mrs. Sarah A. Blake of Nether land Colp, this week. For Rent:—One good ‘five room house with artesian water in the yard, ENTERPRISE office. Mrs. Charles Dayis and Mrs. Bert Fields visited yesterday, Thursday, with Mrs. Pete Davis and Mrs, Harry Dennis. Turkey Red seed wheat for sale by W. H, Merrick, Golden, R. D, 1, Box75. Phone Ralston 1123, J. B. Johns and his daughter Mrs. John Young returned from their trip to the Uintah country Monday. Get your good home rendered lard at Geor%:a J. Muench’s meat inarket, at the same old stand. 10: pound pail, $1.80; 5 pound pail, '90¢; 8 pound pail, 60c. A cou};lle of mutes from Ogden Utah, who have been attending tha convention in Denver came out tosee Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Roach on Sunday. Mr. Roach ‘was guardian over one of them “for some time in Kansas. . The corn roast held by the _Jadies of the Catholic aid society ‘on Wednesday night was largel #ittended, there were oyer %% g;gsmma the procegds were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cormg Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dennis and Mr.: and Mrs. Pete Davis sFent last Sunday with Mrs. Charles Davis and had a lovely time at the farm home. @ * [ sy For SALE—The best five acres in Arvada under Wadsworth ditch rich deep soil, fine for fruit or garden Within ten minutes of two car lines. = Easy terms to right party. M. Alexander, Ar vada. 8 . Hans Werder was over on Tuesday. He has sold his place just west, of the town tank to Mrs. Craig of Denver who will move ‘here the first of September. For SALE—New four roomed house ‘and one acre, good out buildings on Golden car line. Eqr sale Q%“easy terms. U: G. riffith, Phone Arvada'ssl, Miss O’Gorman has resigned her position at- the Recht empori um and will move with her moth er on Monday to Westminster where they have built a ‘nice home. WANTED TO RENT—An im proved garden tract early this fall, well fruited. _Enquire EN -S‘SEIRPR,IS_E Office. Phone Arvada When it is possibly to buy the kind of clothing and shoes sold by the Recht Emporium at prices offered during the sale, there can be no need to seek greater bargains. $4,000 for loan on real estate | at 7 per cent. Call at ENTER PRISE office. . Miss Flora Smith and Miss ‘Hazel Eddy of Havensville, Kas. called on Mr. and Mrs. T W, ‘Roac,h on Thursday and spent the night and left the next day for Pueblo. . They are sisters to Mr. Ira Eddy who is Mr. Roach’s son-in-law. : A ’l'etzlaf% Bros. have }Jluft re-, ceived a car load of northern coa and are now ready to supply all who are in need of coal. John Churches died at hig home west of Arvada last Friday morning as a result.of a broken leg. He was a native of Somer set, England and had lived 50 ‘years in Jefferson county and ‘was well known. ' If you are anticipating the purchase of a good piano, from ‘the best firm in Denver it will ‘be to your interests to step into the ENTERPRISE office ‘and con fer with J. F. White or call up phone Arvada 951. F. C. Murchison moved from the home he built and then sold to J. Schul into Capt. Reno’s house on Grand View avenue. Mr. Schul will move to the Mur chison house having rented his place to a family from Black Hawk. When in need of lumber, paint, or any kind of building material, see A, L, Davis; tne lumberman in East Arvada. Pnone Arvada 741, Lost—A pocketbaok between John Boyd’s and Arvada. Finder kindly return to John Boyd.. P. 0. Box 600 R. D. Edgewater. - A thoroughbred Swiss-Jersey bull calf for sale or trade by H. Mather, Arvada. The D. S. G. Club will give a hay rack ride and a lawn social Thugsday evening, Aug.2s, price 15 cents. Meet at M. % church at 7:30 p. m. Ido all kinds of repair work. WALTER R. JAMES, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Enoch Newcomb and family left this week for two weeks camp ing in the hills. They will visit Mrs.” Newcomb’s sisters at Pine and will also camp at the Chees man dam. I carry only the best of every thing, Arvada Jewelry Store. Mr. Ed. W. Henry and famil returned to Arvada this weeK after spending ‘over a year in Ireland. Mr. Henry owns the large 12 room house on Ralston avenue - into which the family ‘has moved. ’ Remember that l‘-f"m .can get "Toys, Dolls, Doll éads;‘G%m‘es, ’gxu;hzs bte, a5 The Post Office ' ARVADA, COLORABOS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1910 A The election of Rev, «: . 548 ‘ der as chafla'in of the legislature had entirely escaped our fi; | till we saw in the Dexgér Lress that one of the eminent, states men took exception to the fenap lain’s prayer when h% X o.:;*;. that the legislators might b g ald: ed in serving the xfie:p Insteac of the interests. Mr. Rader:awa formerly pastor here and was the chaplain of the last"s 3.',3;%{" of the senate which wag largely Repudlican _and strange to 84 was elected without og sition at the extra session:in the house which “is Demoeratie.* =~ = . It was Wesly Staley’s birthday last’ Tuesday. He W‘; 45th milestone. A few of hia relatives gathered at g‘h ‘home and his wife gave him a surprise in-the shape of a fine open.faced ‘watch. It is a beauty, ane to kéep Mr. Staley from’ missing his car especially‘if it should be the last dne returning from Den ver. We do not say that the gentleman has ever been- gll%g of this, but we know he . cannoi now make the excuse, that his watceh was a litfle off. == Mrs. Otto Fronheim was called home from Wisconsin on aceount of the continued and sengua,ifl ness of her son Arthur, who has been down with Typhoid fever but igslowly recovering:” . = Mr. Fronheim likes itin Wis consin and is still working for Rosser and Whitaker, = Mrs. Fronheim had a pleasant time visiting with old friendsin | Northern Wisconsin a part of the | time dnd is accompanied’ on her \ return by her cousin, W. Gunther. . H. J. Hicks formerly of this place was a visitor on Saturday. He had just returned.from his { vacation which he spent with relatives and friends in Wiscon sin.© Mr. Hicks is not greatly in fayi’ar of. éh_e‘: 'diretct pri'n}ary, He claims ‘it +is nof satisfactory i - %‘mnsm on dccd%%f’gf *)t';?% creased cost to the candidates. ® I means two elections where one did‘béfore, =7 " ) - C. W. Fuller a prominent ranchman living on the King tract, was in town to pay with a load of exceptionally fine canta loupes and watermelons, The latter weighed in the neighhor hood of forty pounds. He left a couple of the finest at the Gazette office as a sample of his ski which made glad the hearts of the printers. —Glenns Ferry, da, Gazette. # Ltttle Lola Pearl Graved daugher of Mr. and Mrs, Chag} ‘Graves died August "12th = and ‘was buried at the Arvada cemgs| tery Sunday afternoon.—The baby]| ‘was nearly four months old and| ‘was beginning to take notice .;,15 things. It is always hard to loge ‘the baby even though they may be with usonly for a little while, Thomas S. Bell gave an option this week on his home and fiye acres of land to R. L. Newton ] Merino, Colo. who expects to] move and take possession about Sept. 6th. Mr. Bell will build'g home on the corner of Wads worth and College Avenues on | the 2 1-2 acres remaining. = Sheriff Heater was in town 0 Saturday. The sheriff is a ufig who attends’ to his business strictly, and is in great fayor with all citizens. who believe in law enforcement. We save you at least ten per cent on monuments and iron fence. Bill Bros., 1455 Droad way, Denver, Colorado. Write us. - S The stork’s visit at the 'ho:fle of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bigginson August 6th had escaped the nf tice of the ENTERPRICE last week. It was a little girl. Baptist Church. . Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Preaching, 11a. m. 3 Young People’s- Meeting, 6:30 p. m. REv. EG. Jupp, Pastor. ‘ St. Mathews' Churchi ~_Sunday school at 10 am. Eve ning prayer and sermon at 3:45 p. m. REv. Joun O. FERRI§, | Rector, . Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 10 & m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. £ Réey, Horstio Beavis, pastor, Fremont Items. Thers was a lar%e company out at the social last Thursday night at the school house. The pro ceeds were S2O, which was ap plied to the pastor Rev. A. W. Rice, Mr. A. C Hunt,-Mrs. Deets, Mrs. Bell and daughter May all attended the moving picture | show ut the Tabor Thursday after- || noon, . | The Misses Parker of Denver spent a few days last week visit ing with Mrs. Kimmet and Mrs. W. A. Weber. = * & { The Rev. A. W. Rice will preach atthe school house next Sunday afternoon. It will be the last time previous to the Annual Con ference. ' Mr. and Mrs. North Evans |went to Colorado Springs and spent a weekvisiting with friends. The threshers are through at C. E. Allens where they ‘threshed out 4317 bushels of grain and left for Torrence Whites’ where it is expected to have about 5000 bushels. The rain makes it hard on the threshing business. Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Edwards entertained Mrs. and Mrs.-C. Bell fiind Miss May at dinner last Sun day. Maj. Anderson Post Reunion. s 1 The Major Anderson Post held another of their delightful monthly reunions at Mrs. Eliza beth Frey’s last Friday. They | were also accompanied by sev eral of their friends. | Mrs. Frey is a _splendid enter | tainer and with the help of The Ladies of the Relief Corps and others, got up oneof the best dnners the editor has had the |7cagureiof s participating in for T Orvriorenba torers b1 fov [ipder the table “at Capt. S.J.' Shoop’s. Y t was a splendid social gather ag of the old soldiers with their wives and friends, and they are indecd fortunate in their monthly gatherings. After dinner the lcompany repaired to the lawn land under the shade of a spread- | ing tree, Commander Garrison called upon seyeral for speeches and the time pleasantly passed till the hour of adjournment. The next meeting is to be held at Commander A. C. Hunt’s. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. G Voight, Mr. ar. ! Mrs. A. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White, Mr. | “Mrs. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. | E.” P. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison, 5. Dell Sangster, L. Sangster, 'P. D. Clark, H. R. Brown, Dr. C. Shoop, Mrs. McLain, Mrs. E. ‘fi Bruce, Mrs. D.W. Hester, Miss Grace Bruce, David Beebe, ‘Mrs. 0. B. Graves and children, ' Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Rice, Mrs. | Jennie Jones, Mrs. C. E. Shoop, Mrs. C. M. Hillman, %rs. G:-A: | Lucas, Mrs. F. B. Walsen, Miss hns, Capt. S. J. Shoop. Announcement © Having decided to runa meat market in the town of Arvada, and of opening the same to morrow (Saturday,) I wish toan nounce to the people of Arvada and vicinity that I am in it to| stay. lam starting, not for the| purpose of running any one else | outof the business, but for the purpose of getting my share of your patronage, assuring you of I‘_B. permanent market where you may find the best meat and re ceive prompt attention. 3. Harry S. Dennis. Town Board Meeting. A meeting of the town board was called yesterday morning. It wasa short session held mostly for the purpose of the final pas sage of the ordinance governing the use and price of water. The board also took up the ap plications for water commissioner and elected T. J. Segelke 'to that position at a salary of SBO per month. Mr. Segelke will fill the bill and we may expect that every thing will be done right, and that for a few weeks he will be kept quite busy making the con nections with the main and get ting the tank filled, but after that ifliare will be very liftle to do. Screen Door?" “—_-W All the latest styles of the celebrated the best made Screen wire as wide as sixty inches Screen moulding All kinds of up-to-date trimmings | | | ARVADA LUMBER CO, F. D. HUTCHINGS Open Saturday Nights. Phone Ralston 641 B b\ e SHUES ‘%mu-,t.close,gufir ifidies’ Children’s and Men’s Oxfords to make room for our fall stock: and we are offering them at cost. Ladies’ Oxfords 2.00, 2.25 and 2.50 values at 1.75 Children’s Oxfords 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 vaJues .75 Men’s Oxfords 3.50 and 4.00 values at 3.00 PANTS Great reduction in all our Men’s Pants. We are selling them at 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 1.85. HULE PROUF SOX We are sole agent. Six pairs for 1.50. | WASH GOODS All our 15¢ and 18c Scotch Ginghams at 10c We carry table Linen, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Comforts and General Dry Goods. U Natest andcovlest store i Arvadas S T A e ) ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prop. Your choice of any Ladies Low Shoe in the house for 1.85 Ladies Comfort Shoes l .25 Mens Vici and Patent Leather Shoes for 3.00 Guaranteed Whips .50 to 1.00 F. C. VETTING A T DEALER IN < % SEEDS, POULTRY SUPPLIES. mfi%@ Garden Tools' Spray Pumps, Insecticides, g fifl::g:zi? .’ Vegetable Plants, Pratt's and luternationad Amlo Stock Foods, Poult.y Regulators and l(cms‘- S 0 O dic‘s. Arvada, Colorado. Phone 811, < | NUMBER 8