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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE “VOLUME 111, Local and Personal e’ ' 3 A¥ ”‘" ’;VT. M e For SALE—Registered Duroc-‘ “Jersey boar. Roy RAND, Gold-, en, Route 1. e .gh‘fi\fi. John Young took Mrs. ¥ " Young, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. No ; lanand Mrs.. G. Dénnis in his auto to Cheyenne this week where they all took in the fron tier fair, , All our tub géods reduced at Hutchings. Mr. Alb. Wolff was over this week. He has been under the weather for about two weeks so that he has not been able to at tend to business but we are” glad - tosay he i§ much bettér. i For a real up-to-date meat market step in and see George Muench, VS R, Rugs and carpets at Burton & ) Chinn’s. 3 s T Miss = Helen Lawrence left Long B%ach on. Monday and is expectedt home the last of the week so as to be here a full week before school begins. | s Have Burton & Chinn measflre‘ your rooms for any kind -of car ' pet or linoleum you want. © - Hole Proof Sox at Hutchings’ $1.50 for 6. pair. | Austin Chamness and his sen Leland left on - Tuesday. for his ranch in the southeastern part of the state, and Mrs. Chamness with her sister who has been vis . iting her all summs left for Illi nois on Monday. All trimmed hats at less than ' cost at the F'rench Millinery, to close out, : A blessed little baby boy, a regular eight ' pounder, came in to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reno early Wednes day morning, and it is reported that Horace is still 'ox}.?rra firma, . orwagwhenlast heard from. . © Turkey Red seed wheat for sale by W. H, Merrick, Golden, | R. D. 1, Box75. Phone Ralston 1128, . Get your gopd home rendered lard at George J. Muench’s meat market,’at the same old stand. 10 *pound pail, $1.80; 5 pound « pail, 90¢; 3 pound pail, 60c. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Burton and “Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Graves took a spin on Monday, in the latter’r auto to Cheyenne, return ing on Wednesday.. They en joyed the annual fair and the trip was fine. Don’t fail to see those beauti ful carpets and rugs at Burton f Chinn’s. We save you at lcast ten per cent on monuments and iron fence. Bill Bros., 1455 Broad way, Denver, Colorado. Write us, Mrs, J. H, Grace of Colorado Springs is enjoying a visit with her father, C. S. Barlow and ith her sister, Mrs. J. McCarthy. ghe will rgmain here with the children till after the Methodist Conference which meets the last of the month at Fort Morgan. Just received a shipment of high-grade stationery for all neeasions, H. A. ULLERY, ¢ The Druggist. For all kinds of buildinima terial, see A. L. Davis, the Lum ~ ber man, in East Arvada, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Frey left on Monday night for Carterville, | 11l where they have a farm not 7 far from that city. Previous to Jeaving they were entertained in the home of Mrs. A. Jolly on Sunday and at the home of Mrs. W. D. Bradley on Monday. Tetzlaff Bros. have just re ceived a car load of northern coat and are now ready to supply all who are in need of coal. b When in need of lumber, paint, or any kind of building material, see A. L, Davis, tne Ipmberman fn East Arvada. Pnone Arvada 741. e S T Prompt attention will be given to dll customers at the People’s Meat Market in the Wiebelt block .ca?f'or‘ phone Arvada 1931, G e AR L Nt T Albert Scroeder, of Denver, who owns a five acre tract near ly two miles west of Westmin ister college is havigg a six room concrete }'nlcl)us'e. bu! zhlch ‘his family will occupy when com gy i | Pure ice cream with crushed fruits, ‘H. A. ULLERY, The Druggist. Tred Wick, who bought Dr. Bush'’s five acre tract southeast of town and moved his family oqn to it several months ago, ex® ects at once to build a five room Brick house on the place to take the place of the old house they are now occupying. The finest barretts madg at the Arvada Jewelry Store. ¢ See Bag%aw’s ad in this is sue. ! : Mr. Orin DeLand banker from Long Pine, Nebr. nephew of Dr. and R. C. Greene arrived on his honeymoon on Saturday and with his brigie is visiting his uncles and their friends. They will visit other places of interest in Colo rado, returning the last of the WeeKTRIT Bane i [ Wanted: Plain sewing and dressmaking at Gertrude Lucas’, West 3rd St., near Ralstén Ave., Aryadp.t o o T For SALE—Good Brood sows and pigs or trade for Cyphers incubators or hay and grain_ at - Fleischmann’s southeast of Ar vada, phone Avvada 1591. Mrs. F. C. Gilmore and daugh ter had a delightful visit from Mr. and Mrs. John Elliot and children Friday afternoon and evening: and again for the day Sunday. They are from Manhat tan, Kansas and say Colorado sunflowers look like daisies in comparison to those in Kansas. Nevertheless they think Denver and Colorado Springs are beauti ful cities and are coming again for vacations. : ; l Cheapn Cotton Blankets for gut.. door use. RechtEmporium. ™ Mrs. Anna Jolly entertained at dinner last Sunday Mng. Marga ret Thomas, Mrs. Maud Mills, Mr. and Mrs. James Frey and Mr. Chas. Dyer. Tnose who were present are satisfied that Mrs. Jolly knows how to put up a good dinner. Some 50ct. men’s fleeced shir.ts} 39 cts. The Recht Emporium. | o e | J. B. Drake came in this weeki with his Missouri bride and vis ited with his brother and'family| Prof. O. B. Drake. They leave | this week for their future homel in Hotchkiss, Colo. ‘‘Hotkiss’’ ought to be a good place fo take a bride, and the Enterprise hopes their honey-moon may never end. Mr. Drake was at one time a resident of Arvada. Display of men’s new fall hats, soft and stiff at F.D. Hutching’s store Friday and Saturday. ‘ One of the .brettiest parties of | the season was the lawn party given by Miss Dorothy Newton | at her home on Wednesday eve- |- ning. The lawn was lighted by electric lights and in spite of threatening weather every one passed a very pleasant evening. ‘Refreshments were served in i ‘the house. Among those pres ent .were: Misses Pearl and| Nell Nicholson, Shearer, Kiddie, |° Clark, Wiebeit, Brandon, Mur-|' chison, Graves, Smith, Blake, Martin and Christian and Messrs[ Rice, Ryan, Lercher, Cook; Frank, Arthur and Elmer Kaler: Kiddie, Fred and Walter Newton, ] - WANTED =100 %flmns of milk | every day at the Central Cream- |: ery 2130 Larimer St., Denver, | Phone Main 6128, ! ‘ Do not forget that we are here % to stay Peoples Meat Market ] ;phone Arvada 1931, ] Surprise Party. ~ B. C. Hardenburg, northeast of Arvada, was pleasantly sur prised last Saturday. evening by about twenty five of his friends |, coming in to. spend the evening ] with him, it béing his forty sec- | ond birthday. Games and re-|, freshments were indulged in and all left for their respective homes |- at a late Hour wishing Mr. Har-!|" denburg many happy réturns of t the day, » (] ARVADA, COLORADO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1910 Crown Hill- the Beauty . s SRR | | The providing of @ ggent |resting place is a greaten duty ; than the selectipn of a tempol Y home. One is for a bril %0\( at best. The other for all time. [; Would it not be a satisfaction to know that you had relieved your ] family of a heavy burden in the | time of their deepest dl,stl'é?&'i | Do not wait until pushed by stern | necessity. Choice locations may {now be had at modgi'a@e'-bflcp»“ Call up the office for an appoint-r ment. Our auto isat theserhc» ‘i of grospective buyers.' ©% "1 I ffice, —522 Symes Bldg. i( Phone Main 2199, } To The Public Having ' decided to put .riix small stock of variety goods; take this method of announcin | to the public that my store will |, open Wed., Aug. 31st in the room | west of Burton and Chinn’so ffice 1 As Arvada grows I hope my store |, will improve until I have as good | a ' variety store as you can fintl ianyv.'here. To the school “child- |, (ren I wani to say I will o:.';.'-,a complete line of school supplies | and also of penny candies. Thagk- | ing you in advance for your pa- | tronage. W e | | : Mrs. M. P. Chi% Fremont ltems. Colly Porter who hagtfi{»! vhoid fever, was taken t§ the St. Anthony’s hospital on Wednes- | day in C. E. Allen’s auto a¢cof- | panied by Dr. E. P. ,:g';f;} neighbors here all hopeithat i | will be a light attack ‘figfiu will soon be able to refurn. = 4 | Torrence White threihed 409 bushels of wheat frgm 10 ' acres of land and 5 1-2a | dry land which went 20 § shels | to the acre. Mr. White »,;"-» Thur%day for the fair atChdzenne | \retur ing on Saturday. B, Ll Broomfiefd-Budseg | Rev. Buhler and Ted Joves started for Specimen Mountain, Estes Park"fist week they e port seeing plenty of grouse also a few deer. Both were suffer ing from an attack of mountain fever. R Mr. and Mrs. W. C. West of Ransom, Kansas are stopping at [the J. J. Jones ranch. | Mrs. Mock is touring the Dry ‘Creek valley in the Lugon diring car. ] I Threshing is nearly over. five ’machines'have been working fo sometime near Broomficldy Wheat is yielding from six to| forty bushéls per acre. | Everybody has gone to the| mountains or jntends doing so if the near future, -] Bro. Jo Djbble and family, also| Bro. J. P. dravés left for Plattel Canon for an outing a few days| ago. i‘ A Broomfield lady came vepy| near losing her pocket book w walking up 16th st. the other dag, School Opening. The Arvada Public Schools open Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1910. high school pupils and pros tive high school students and coming from other schools see the principal at the high school on Friday Sept. 2, 19105 ‘ 0. B. Drake, Supt, Democrat Primary The Democrats of east Arvada held their caucus last Monday nifht Aug. 22nd and elected the following delegates to the county convenfion to be held in Goldén Aug. 31st,—C. J. Smith, W. Sta ley, Isaac Hines, H. J. Hicks, Mrs. Inez N. French, H.W. Muh lenbrock, O. E. Secrest, J. B Flaherty, D. W. Comstock, I'. A, Cantral z H. W. Muhlenbrock, See, F. A. Cantal, Chairman, On last Thursday evening Mg, and Mrs. Minges gave a farewell party for Miss Laura Swadley which was largely attended and enjoyed by all, ; - Miss Lola Parker of Cheyenne Wells, Colo. }5_ expected Iriday to spend & few days with Mrs. Minges, - Resolutions of Respect | In" the great plan of the ni ‘verse it is decreed that all hu manity must pass from life to death, and as death has bereaved the family of our brother, Charles Graves of one of its members, an \infant daughter, therefore, | Be IT RESOLVED; By Arvada \Lodge 1. 0. O. F., that we ex tend to our brother and his fam \ily the sincere sympathy of this |Lodge in their bereavement and be it further.- /Sy EuEEY - REROLVED: That a copy be spread uponr the minutes of this Lodge, a copy be sent to the fam ‘i]y, also a'copy be published in onr city papera. ‘ H. S. Burton, ’ 0. B. Drake, . | F. C. Murcheson. School Building lmbroved. Contractors Brandonand Law= rence have been making consid erable improvements at the High School building. The new labor latory has been plastered and ceiled and doors and windows put in. The hall in the base ment has been cemented, plas fered and céiled and* the north west room in the basement par |titioned in three rooms. All rooms lhave cemented floors and two {rooms are fully equipped with |lavatory and ‘toilet. The school | building is now strictly modern in every respect. = The plumbing was put in by contractor Simms. Almost a Surprise. 1 A P o . { A party of friends gathered at |the home of Miss Hines on Fri iday evening, Aug. 19 to help cel ebrate the ., passing of another !milestone. Ft was intended for fasurprise but it was only par i tially so for she obtained inside ,|information as to the event but | did not know who were to be her guests. © Those present were: ‘\me, d Mrs. Drake, Mr. and Mrs: Wathz Miss Emma Spar |ling, of Denver, Miss M. Schultz, | pter Schultz, isael? Alice and ss Ethy r n!'a%d‘ggllr orgia Hines. d A Corection, the rush of business last k the types made us say (in orting the Methodist Home sionary Society) that Mrs. C. Horton had charge of the Dea ess department. It Should ve been Mrs. N. Evans, Mrs. orton has the press bureau de artment. Caucus. West Arva’a Democrats will old their pr.nary on Monday, g. 29th at the high school uilding, when ten delgegatps will be clected to the County Convention. | The ENTERPRISE office has re ceived a nice long letter from the Rev. Dr. J. L. Lower telling of his experience since he left Ar 2 . The Doctor and his wife 1ad the hardest time of their lives for the first two months. 'They came out to the open prai rie and settled with their son and family without even a tent but with lumber, so, Having no tent to pitch, they built a house| over their heads the best they could, and felt like one entering a mansion when they got a roof over their heads. It is small, boarded and battened, with cor rugated iron roof which sheds] the worst storms alright. Now each family has its own home on their séparate half sections and the doctor is looking around for a place to preach. He says he is trying to get a site for a Lfig]flhquse. There are sixteen | *en of school age can be got ten together and if they can get a school house they will then have a ftln'eaching place. ~ Kuteh is the nearest post office and is nine miles off. There is one house there which combines fi:oceri\; and post office. They have the R. D. however, which furnishes the mail at a box a mile away, twice a week. The doctor says it is as pretty | a.piece of land as lies out doors. | He says they are all well with“ excellent appetites and have to hustle to satisfy them. 1 - They send kind love to all their | friends. | For Rent:—One good five room house with artesian water in the yard, ENTERPRISE office.’ : -‘.7 j., ' e ; PNI R . ey Screen Doors | ? : - All the latest styles - f the celebrated the best rnade ‘ 5 I . 1 -‘“ Screen wire as wide as sixty inches Screen moulding All kinds of up-to-date trimmings e o e ARVADA LUMBER .CO, ' F. D. HUTCHINGS will soon be here. We carry this fall everything for the littlé.and big people to wear and at prices which 1« ) g , will agtonish you! 2R b E » o 8 i o - SHOES Boys’ and girls’ shoes with Elkh‘ide -o!eJ, B just the thing for wear.............. ... .2.25 Boys’ suits, up e 17 years 01d...... .....5.00, 6.00 and 7.00 Boys’ knee pants, never rip corduroy . . Atansn ... .85 Boys’ hats and caps. .. . B .25, .50 and 1.00 | Children’s hose, every pair guaranteed to wear .15 and .25 i Overalls, Jumpers and Play Suits. 1 For ladies and men - Hole Proof Hosiery ™ "™t s Ladies’ ready to wear dresses, new patterns. We also carry MUSLINS DRESS GOODS UNDERWEAR BLANKETS AND DRY GOODS GENERALLY Tickets given with every purchase, good intrade or souvenirs Open Saturday Nights till 10:30 p. m. Open other nights till 6:30 p. m. »RVADA SHOE STORE ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prop. Your choice of any Ladies Low Shoe in the house for 1.85 8 Ladies Comfort Shoes 1.25 Mens Viei and Patent Leather Shoes for 3.00 | Guaranteed Whips .50 to 1.00 | F. C. VETTING N ‘ DBALER IN < %k SEEDS, POULTRY. SUPPLIES. Qfim Garden Toolg} 'Spray’ Pumps, Insecticides, "I'M ‘&:;,7&5'. \'vgutalilc Plants, Pratt’s and Tuternational , ‘A%TE;}'Q Stock Foods, Poult.y Regulators and Reme -0 O dies. Arvada, Colorado. Phone 811. NUMBEK &**