Newspaper Page Text
THE ARVADR ENTERPRISE . VOLUME L Local and Personal. For SALE—Registered Duroc- Jersey boar. -Roy RAND, Gold _en, Routel. - % £ e P R ° . All our tub” goods reduced at‘i . Hutchin ; T l ~~ For a real up-to-date meat market step in and see George Muench, ‘ Rugs and carpets at Burton & - Chinn’s, : ————— ceived a car load of northern coat < and are now ready to supply all .-who are in need of coal. A . .' 7 5 For Sale—Small pigs by T. C, Sellman. Box 72 Arvada. ; See Bagshaw’s ad in this is sue, Wanted: Plain sewing and dressmaking at Gertrude Lucas’, West 3rd St., near Ralston Ave., Arvada. = ° - Display of men’s new fall hats, soft and stiff at FvD. Hutching’s store Friday and Saturday. WANTED“—L(’)IO gallons of milk every day at the Central Cream ery 2130 Larimer St., Denver. Phone Main 6128. - Do not forget that we are here to stay Peoples Meat Market phone Arvada 1931. ‘Boys and girls clothing, hosiery, and headgear at the Recht Em porium. Haye Burton & Chinn measure your tooms for any kind of ‘car pet or linoleum you want. ’ Hole Proof Sox 4t Hutehings’ $1.50 for 6. pair. Bring your boy or girl in and Jet us, fit them to our durable Peters shoes. Theé Recht Em- POYIUN Gl ey AT RE St s v S e eke N ~around Arvada will'he carriedin stock by A. J. Recht. . High grade statienery —Ullery the druggist. Turkey Red seéd wheat for sale by W. H. Merrick; Golden, R. D. 1, Box 75: Phone Ralston 1123. thocl tablets, cgmpcsitior.s pencils, erasers, g)encfl boxes and everytf)mg needful for school, at the Post Office store. High school text bobks will be spld as usual by A. J. Recht. Ralph Robingon was brought home from Lvyfl\-n on, a stretcher on Monday last being quite seriously hurt, He was caught between twc cars and had quite a bad squeeze He was taken to a l\()spi!nl\"?fln('s' day. i ¥ Don't forget that the Al'\_"u('l:'l Jew elry store sells the best Rogers Bros 1847 table silverware, . The Rev. Dr. Horatio Béavig de livers his famous lecture atthe Ral ston schoolhouse tonight, Friday. Brundon and ILawrence started this week to work on a finoe resi. ~ dence to be built on the Dr. Bush plage for Fred Wick. Neow barrettes at the Jowelr\\" srore. ! My, and Mrs. Dennis who hn\'r‘ been rpesiding on a dry farm near Ault have been visiting this weék with their son Mr. Harry Dennis and family. They do not take to dry farming and are looking for a guitable home in Arvada. Mr, and Mrs. Parfit left on Wed nesday for a (rip to Pensylvania where they will enjoy a visit-uniong relatives and fri¢nds. Qollar pins,' eollar pins, collar pins. = 26 ets., 25 ets., 25 cts. at the Avvada Jewelry store. . Mrs.F. I\‘l"ilnor,t'm'm(-rl.\' of Obdron put now of \Grand Junction'was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kline the early partof the week and went out to lok over her home at Oberon which ig now leased to Mr. Matson. D. Leslle;‘w;rites from Ohio to en gage him furnished rooms for light housekeeping. He expects fo be .o here ingide of two wacks and in tends to build a good home on his land just west of town. Mr. and Mrs: E. H. Dormer are entertaining’ Mrs. Dormer’s sister, Mas. W. M. Shull of Mendon; Mo. and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cox of Brookfleld, Mo. this week. " Nine: miles of riding on a hay vack means loté of fun when loaded with good natured folks. There will also be 16e cream and cake thrown in, allfor 15 cents. The hay rack will be at the M. E. church to-night lfr day) at 7:80. p. m, This social i A‘ven‘ hvthe D, S. G- elub: Starting the Town Water Plant. On Tuesday afternoon at 5;00 the. lorgg delayed pump was started up and was run for about an hour and pumped a good sized stream of wa ter. It was algostarted again on Wednesday morning and the water ran through the mp_naurlng" the presence of the town board. Tt pumped at the rate of 130 gallons per minute a part of the time, when some loose gravel interfered with the valves on the ull)] stroke reduc ing the rate just onehalf. The gra vel will natorally bother for a little says he is well satisfled that there will be plenty of water for at least a few years from one well. ‘l‘lfi pipes were then flushed previous to. to raising the water to the tank. The height of this tank gives a gplendid pressure for fire pm'roseg' and it must be remembered that it is artesian water, without the goaslbll-: ity of an impure substance being in it. If we are go;]ug to celebrate, the town bopardshould now fix the,date 80 that the citizens may go ahead with the preparations. i The death of S. B. Trauger was a great surprise to his friends and also his neighbors on Ral ston avenue. Mr. Trauger had recently sold his four acre gar den tract and was rePariné.m mové to Missouri witfih s family. The rugs had all been. taken up and the household goods packed and Someof them in the yard waiting for the teamster to come, when on Thursday of last week he felt so-poorly that he decided to call a physician and it was soon discovered to be a possible attack of appendicitis. Growing worse, preparations were made for him to go to a hospital in Denver and, atSaturday noenan operation was performed. The operation proved successful and he recovered conciousness in a few hours and was able to ¢on verse with his wife, and together they felt he would soon be all right again, - and the surgeons said he came" mxt’vf:&hxfiw tion satisfactgrilly. ' Al six e g e came #nd by ten oclock he died. I It is exceedingly sad for, Mrs. Trauger is quite young and has three little children with the home all broken up and a nlace in Mis souri already - purchased. Her neighbors, who kilew hér deeply sympathize with her in her sore and sudden bereavement. The Queen City Business Col lge, Denver, Colo., will sell 25 regular $5O. schotarships for com plete course in either bookkeep ing or shorthand and seeare po 'sition for student when course is completed. If interested address Prof. Géo. J. Blakeley, G. D., Denver, Colo. W. P. Greene formerly of this placé but now of Torrington, Wyo. is spending a week here in Colorado visiting. with his bro thers in Arvada; R. C. dnd Dr. E. P. Greene and others. Mr. Greene is holding down a g‘ome-‘ stead to which heis expecting ir igating wateér will come in the near future. fm oy When in need of limbet, paint, or any king_of building material, see A. L, Davis, tne lumberman in East Arvada. Pnone Arvada 41 T The contractors for the town water plant wish to announce that they-are here in Arvadaand and if any of the citizens who have been employed are not paid, or any one has any bill against the firm, they are requested to present them at this time. Prompt attention will be given to all customers at the People’s Meat Market in the Wiebelt block call or phone Arvada 1391. If you are going' to buy. silver ware, call inand seeotr fineline, Arvada Jewelry store. | Mrs.'J. A. Watton has arrived home from Long Beach, Califor nia and was here with her mar ried daughter from Brighton. Mrs. Watton will ;;]tobably_reside in Denver for a while where her sons have steady work. ‘ All makes of watches: and] clocks at the lowest prices. | Arvada Jewelry store. | A few thousand pounds of good wheat for sale, $1.50 per Eunfi dred; also stdck of good clean straw cheap. . * M. Alexander, Arvada, Colo. You can ]])urqhage the finest candies of Ullery the druggist, ULR T AR T U \ vY T RTNSLSs YYO B e 3 AR’Y:AfiA‘:le b FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910 Rev. Peter Sylvest er Cook. . e ~ SN R Y " . . After several weeks R st l trying illness the Rev.iRe S.” Cook passed into the Bs:l life Reydm% %aox;tlg,’lfgfgd o1 ing August 3( AD10, ey s | born ing}Varsa_w.“fiigL.-NO' N | 1846, where he'grew,u‘i) A A manhood. He_attended Pt university for three year{#ft.r which he went to the MNat:- western university, - H He was married to Mis b 1R, | and at the age of 29 enteregitic’ ministry of T Methodist 1pgco pal church. N In the year 1878 Mrs §@d*¢ died leaving her husbanfili to’ mourn her floss, and a Piftlc damter motherless. L fter six years Mr. Cooljiltas married to Miss Elizgeth Blatzley of Coessee, Ind: 0 this union were born o y ter and two sons; Berjd K A died when but.three mofealtis . Gerald N., who died in ; “A Colo. in 1908, and F: Me y The Rev. P. 8. Cook labded diligently and faithfully as a - ister of the Lord Jesus Chemst and served loyally the churelp: ‘his choice for twenty ye%l;s"r active work and had the happi ness of having ‘‘many seals added to his ministry. 15580 years were spent in N. Dako i and fourteen years in Indiana® In the year 1895 his healthtbe gan to fail and in August ‘ he moved with his family to Col orado and located close to Ary; and later in town so that he ms near the church he loved ‘sowell. After an illness. of seyer ‘weeks hattling against typhoid and heart trouble, he sed quietly away to his everla.ét}fi’g reward at one oclock on Tuesda morning to hear the words of th }t‘he“‘.’enly z=,.' ""“ gll .dan. owgaod-and PAlthiil Servant.’ 'IMMdé\'on,Mohdayt 1 he was nearing the end; a 1”67( after midnight He ardse from-a state of unconciousness and asked *What time is it?”’ being told that tt half passed twelve, ne said, ‘O, I thought it was lat I’m ready, I have {o go at one o’clock,”” and just two minuics after the clock had finished str ing one his prepared spirit weni into the presence of angels, a1 loved ones who had preceded hin Hé had lived 63 years and nin Public Sale | " o I wili sell to the h;lghestlbidéer at my place one-half || - mile north of ‘Abtada) Colo., on | . v | THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1910. : Sale commenices at 1 p, m. sharp. THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES. f .2 Fine milk-Cows 3 :.H‘ea,ting Stoves ‘ “1 Roan Horse 1 Beet Cultivator L 8 Head of Hogs . 1 s€ée] Harrow | 4 Dozen Chickens 1 12-inch Plow | 1 Hay Rake | 18inch Plow | 1 McCormick Hay Rake || ISingle Harrow i I'Hay Sfacker 1 Drag [ 1 3-inch Bain Wagon % Feed Cutter | 1 Spring W ! 1 Double'Harness l e Mo | 1 Eight Harness | 1 2-seat Rig ; 3il ) .|| IJordan Drill ‘ 1 Cr@m Separator All kinds of Garden Tools 1 Stack, First Cutting Ha | Firewood and Fence Posts || 123 Wagon i Household Furniture ete. 'l’ak'é Leéyden car and get off at Sherid_an crossing. i Anyone having anything they desire to sell on the day of sale, bring jt on and I will sell it for them. ; TERMS OF SALE | All sums of $lO and under. cash, + ATI sums over thatamount Six months’ time on approved security or bank note. | Four per cent discount for cash. 1 "COL. G. M. BANKS A. F. FRAUENHEIM | Auctioneer ST - Owner ' ‘months. Heis survived by a lov (ing wife, one daughter, Mrs. A. 10. Lehman who visited him and (Ministered to his wants for a few | weeks in his last illness, and one son, I Merrill who was at his dside when he passed away. erc are also surviving five bro ers and one sister. . i Funeral services were held in ‘ine Mcthedist fehurch, Wednes ‘day afternoon conducted by the (#astor, the Rev, A. W. Rice and aassisted by the Rev. A. G. Voight S vemains in charge of Burton & {Chinn were shipped back to Jarsaw, [nd. accompanied by the ¥ sidow and son. s Gratitude. | The B. B. Lamereaux family l'hnar}ily desire to express their ,I."}‘ailtudc for the many pacts of W dness by the very many ‘ ds, through the siege of ty 2Mhoid fever; to Miss Cantrall who 'Waved by us as long as her own Aealth would permit, without cost; Jto the Methodist church for sub _|stantial donations, to the neigh -(bors for innumerable favors, to - those who kept the sick room U fragrant with fresh flowers, and i toall who contributed in any ,way to lighten our burdens. ~4 Truly we were fortunate to be . Arvada- during our gickness. % Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lamereaux. School Opening. fi! The Aryvada Public Schools will ” E‘:xpen Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1910. All|k S high school pupils and prospec .| iive high school students and any ‘ || coming from other schools will |’ ] see the principal at the high} d | school on Friday Sept. 2, 1910. 2 0. B. Drake, Supt. # \he Rev. R, Sanderson was - ¢ Hing amo j’gjffiéfids on.'%;ues ;e ARY- UL Lo St L e i i - i’ e "ce.. g SS 5 ~__COD fon is here, theguest of M yéglan b ke glad to e back in Arvada. ‘(‘l! * Their beautiful brickzénhpme in l.,néarly completed, the fdmily ex ¢ pect to move in next Wednesday . and Arvada will then be their ./ bermanent home. This makes a > | great change in a minister’s life *to have what might be termed & | \‘; {permanent home on carth. 1.- Get: your school supplies at the i |[drug store. e s Screen Doors 4 | e o e e All the latest styles of the | celebrated ‘ , the best made | i Screen wire as wide as SlXty InChES : Screen moulding ‘ All kinds of up-to-date trimmings | ! —————————————— N || . - - - | | | ARVADA LUMBER CO. ‘| ol i eto o e o — F. D. HUTCHINGS \ SCHOOI, DAYS | g YAW AW W : i\ I \‘:"’”k!" P o TS g e 3 will soon be here. We carry this«fall everything for the H. = l(;?tleean?l big g)e((’;)>lco l{;v\\oazsififlla'fsm o 8 1:" kT ; will astonish you. : SHUES Boys’ and girls’ shoes with Elkhide soles, just the thing for wear 2.25 Boys’ suits, up to 17 years old. . . .. 5.00, 6.00 and 7.00 Boys’ knee pants, never rip corduroy 85 Boys’ hats and caps .25, .50 and 1.00 Children’s hose, every pair guaranteed to wear .15 and .25 Overalls, Jumpers and Play Suits. ‘ 1 IFor ladies ¢ d en Hole Proof Hosiery ™" o iso. Ladies’ ready 1o wear dresses, new patterns We also carry MUSLINS DRESS GOODS UNDERWEAR BLANKETS AND DRY GOODS GENERALLY Tickets giver with every purchase, good in trade or souvenirs i Open Saturday Nights till 10:30 p. m. Open other nights till 6:30 p. m. } S S . ‘ o I - SA e i \Py ’ CHILDREN’S SHOES The best place in town to buy shoes is the ' A " 4 ARVADA SHOE STORE ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prap. We labor to please cur customers with the best of goods at the lowest possible price. Try a pair of our boys school shoes and you will have no other. ! 7 CLDTTECT IS S L 0 AA B A T )WS )50 MY AR e (ALY SR RN (PR Lb et e §oi T s L\ SLA S F. C. VETTING 1 v DEALRR IN . a.‘Q‘ 7“‘:!\ SEEDS, POULTRY SUPPLIES. { «_.”X ¥ ».’,-k;'e (h{drn Tools' Spray Pumpe, Insecticides, ' g .‘;v‘ .r.‘ Vege table Plants, Pratt's and laternational Ao Stock Foods, Poult.y Regulators and Reme h dies. Arvada, Colorado. : Phone ‘..:81!1. Pty -4 (.._":- - .~‘- e bialova ook AR NUMBER 10