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THE ARVABA ENTERPRISE “VOLUME 111. Local and Personal. FOR SALE—Registered Duroe- | Jersey boar,” Roy RAND, Gold “en, Routel.. - Chester Wolff left home on Sat tu'day to take ughis work in the he DelNorte schools as principal. | All our tub goods reduced at Hutchings. } i B. C. Williams has had a ce ment walk laid in front of his property on West Ist st. You can purchase the finest —candies of Ullery the druggist. - For a real up-to-date meat market step in and see George Muench. Mrs. Morgan and children from Fall River are enjoying a visit this wéek with her sister Mrs. R. R. Rodda. i A Rugs and carpets at Burton & Chinn’s. - .Sam Doughty is visiting with his sister at Highland Lake, Tetzlaff Bros. have just re ceived a ¢ar load of northern coal and are now ready to supply all who are in need of coal. Mrs. Walter S. Flack lewd son Paul of Albuguerque N.Mex. are visiting with J. H. Nicholson: and family. For Sale—Small pigs by T. C. Sellman. Rox 72 Arvada. Mrs. Charles McFadden re turned from Ward Sunday where she made a pleasant visit at the gummer home of Mrs. McDonald. See Bagshaw’s ad in this is sue. : J. H. Bawden left for Central City on Tuesday morning, also the visitors who have been hav ing a lovely time at the home of _Mr. and Mrs. Bawden, left on the morning train, R TS, o Y U R S : ~Plain sewing and T West 3rd St., near Ralston Ave., Arvada. . : Miss May Weeden who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ellis for several weeks, returned to her home near Idaho Springs the first of the week. Display of men’s new fall hats, soft and stiff at F.D. Hutching’s store Friday and Saturday. _J. H. Clark arrived home from his trip to Missouri last Sunday. He reports that the crops were fairly good. s Do not forget that we are here to stay Peoples Meat Market phone Arvada 1931. Lecture and refreshments at the Presbyterian church next Tuesday evening June 13th. Hole Proof Sox at Hutchings’ $1.50 for 6. pair. Sl Mr. and Mrs. James T. Ken nedy, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Buck and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin enjoyed a day’s outing ~Sunday at Eldorado Springs. The weather was ideal and all were impressed with the beauty of the scenery. 3 High grade stationery—Ullery the druggist. ‘‘Heroes of Toda_y,v” by Rev- Horatio S. Beavis, tickets only 10e followed by ice eream and other refreshments at moderate prices. This entertainment is for the benefit of the Ralston church fund. 24 ! Turkey Red seed wheat for sale by W. H. Merrick, Golden, R. D. 1, 80x75. Phone Ralston = 1123. iR C. B. Garrett and daughter re turned Wednesday from their trip to Tolland where they have enjoyed a few weeks of camp life and where the trout took a special fancy to the flies at the end of their lines. Have Mr. Garrett tell you al»l_z}})i)ut W For Sale—Watkins separator, used only a little, cheap; also Single Comb Leghorn hens, Coop er, Clay and Decker stock; also four Wyandotte pullets from Beach’s stock and one fine Wyan dotte cockerel not related to pul letts, J, P Giltner,-Arvada, 38 I R Y SeL /) P Miss Viz_-g'infiia Robinson leaves Colorado next Sunday for Buff. alo, N, ¥. where she will finish her education instead of at the Colorado college where she has spent the first year in the tourse. It is regretted very much by her many friends that this course be comes neeessary on account of thedtitude here. Miss Robinson is one of our bright young ladies and while in hér senior year at the Highschool was one of the ‘r ‘“‘Enterprises’’ most sugcecessful writers of ‘‘High School Notes,”’ Yesterday, Thursday, there was a farewefi- yeception tendered her at the'home of her mother. The was a large number present in cluding sevge.r%L of her: young friends. from Boulder. The En terprise joins in the hope that the change to a lower altitude may be beneficial, and on gradu ation day Miss Robinson may come off with the latrels. When in need of lumber, paint, or any kind of building material, see A. L, Davis, tne lumberman in East Aryada. Pnone Arvada 741. L GRS () The Thimble club of the Circle held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. Mosier on Wheat ridge last Friday afternoon and théy had a specially goed time. Mrs. Martin furnished the means of transportation and although they were referred to (by some member of their own crowd) as a tough looking bunch, they en joyed the trip immensely. A great deal of work was accom plished under the directions of their able and efficient president, Mrs. Comstock. after which Mrs. Mosierassisted by Mrs. Morehead, served a bountiful repast. Cer tainly each one felt more than repaid forthe trip. ~ Prompt attention will be given to all customers at the People’s Meat Market in the Wiebelt block call or phone Arvada 1391.. A s S e - The hay rack ride last Friday ‘levening: was a ‘decided ‘success. A jollier crowd of young people never assembled on a hay rack before. The long ride seemed very short as the time was spent in singing songs and discussing future school days. Surely there were never such genial and ideal hosts as Mr. and Mrs. Bates. That ice cream was certainly de licious. I have four corner lots in Reno Park for sale. R. Graves. Nothing over the Racket. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strickland and baby spent quite an enjoy able day Thursday of last week at Longmont. The refreshments were fine this year and consisted of pumpkin pie, sandwiches, cheese and coffee and the coffee was no 1. Arvada was wéll rep resented there, sowasthe coun try around Longmont. Go to the Racket for notions. Mrs. Leucretra Fleming and daughters from Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilsey of Denver, relatives of Mr. Chas. Beach, spent Saturday at Beach land poultry farm, Mr. Beach had not seen these persons for fourteen years and was delighted to meet them. They are all in love with the country. Camphor ice and face cream at the Racket. F. C. Hutchings and wife have decided to put in a private water nlant so as to complete their beautiful country home with all the modern advantages of the city. ‘They will have a steel tank placed in an outside cellar and run the pump witha motor. They will greatly enjoy giving the ‘‘armstrong’ machine a rest, Candy, tablets, lead pencils at the Racket. Mr. Byron Strickland and Wal ter Olson have returned froni a week’s outing at Glenwood, Col orado Springs and Manitou. The boys enjoyed the pool at Gien wood and they still carry the memory of Manitou and Pikes Peak. They both say they are ready to plunge into their studies after such a nice vacation. Post cards 6 for a nickel at the Racket, ¢ 0000 [ Get §our school supplies at the | drug store, ~ ARVADA, COLORADS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910 County Fair and the Sabbath. v ST How do the Christian] ‘le;‘ and lovers of the Sabbathlikeit? The Jefferson County Kai ‘.," over Sunday, finishing on Sun-| day night according to thesad- . vertisenients in ’gut i Can any person point -“‘g n gle instance where it was“ever | known in a g}&u U | a county fair on Sunday,=But this is entirely in Keeping With| the ‘spirit of the White @ity where the fair is held. “Themen in this county, who are suppesed to be directors of the countyy 'l‘\ ought to be ashamed of “then selves in Offering such :‘,;- Bt insult to all the church membe: S’ and others who have any tespect: for God’s day. Is it not’ aston ishing, the influence the White' City management is havingfion our citizens. Who would™ 9! thought the directors woul'di Ve promoted such Sabbath bregh }r‘ business? Y B Birthday Party. Milton Nicholson delightfally entertained a few of his friends at his home THursday evening, September Ist, in honor of His fifteenth birthday. The evening was spent in playing the various games so dear tothe heartsof the young people. At an early hour light refreshments were served. The latter part .of the evening wasspent in singing the jolly old high school songs ‘s most of the guests were mem bers of the freshman class oflast year. Those attending were the | Misses Gladys Morton, Elsie Apel, Ruth Cambell, Sarah Dormer,Le c}))na Christian, Violfitta Bloom, weomb, Lela Biick. Jatie | Gaßoh Soserhing” Bt oHeE riffith, Mary Oltman, Mrs. Wal ter Flack and son from Albuquer |que, N. Mex., the Messrs. Wen dell Morton, Byron Strickland, Walter Olson, Arthur - Apel, Floyd Brandon, John Reynolds, August Graf, Geo. Lowden, (lif ford-Null, Frank Weibelt, Harry Plattner, S. A. Thompson and Ll mer Davis. Northen Colorado Dayat the Interstate Fair and Exposi tion at Denver, Sept. 14. September 14th has been de signated as Northern Colorado day at the Colorado Interstate Fair and Exposition at Denver and promises to be one of the big days, Arrangements are being made to have the uniform bands | from Windsor and Fort Collins, and probably from some of the other towns, to attend on this date and have a good time isin store for all. A one-fare rate will be made from all points via |the Colorado and Southernand | tickets will be good returning up | to and including September 19th, School Days. The opening of the school means much to the young people and children. Their meTy laughter is heard again on the streets as they go to and fro. The school opened on Tueslay with a large attendance, and with bright prospects for the fu ture. In this. competitive ;Ige the young person is behind the | times who is not well educateds He does not have an equal chance. Young people should make the most of their happy |school days. “' Why is your Life Insured? Doesn’t the same prudence sugs| gest the gelection of a bur ‘5 ' glot? Do not wait until push ed | y stern necessity; make .\'o | selection now while choice locg tions may be had at modera ? | prices. ) | Crown Hill, the ideal burial | park makes the way easy. Our |auto is at the service of prospees | tive lot buyers. & | Office, suite no. 522 S (b’ld’g, telephone. Main2l%. = i gpioes b | Baptist Church. Stnday School, 9:45a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. W Youn% Peo&le’s Meeting, 6:80 p.m. By, E. G. Jupp. Paston Broomfield Buds. The mountain vyisitors have nearly all arrived home safe ex cept that Frank West and fami ly‘are still missing. The M. E. church is receiving a coat of plaster which has been needed badly. ¥ Threshing is about finished six weeks ahead of time. The Mother’s club has raised the pastor’s salary to S4OO a year, the Father’s club- has taken no action. The Broomfield ‘construction ompany hastately built-—a new shed for school district No. 25, Jefferson county, - Mr. and Mrs. Morse made a short call at the Jones ranch last Sunday.- ' Mr. W. C. West and family left for home at Ranson, Kans., last Thursday. The Church ditch also the Dry ICreek Valley ditch are undergo |ing a thorough cleaning {o be in readiness for next season’s run of water. ) Miss Rossella Burgess has been promoted to mail carrier on route No. 2. 5 An tntelligence office has been opened just arouind the corner in Broomfield with a lady as mana ger. Jacob Kalbar is still down with typhoid feyer this is the third one in the family who has been confined with the fever. The quarterly conference was held at the ‘church last Monday | evening. Preslding Elder Chase | officiating. There was a largol taudience who * listened to the ‘ |pastors report of the charge, | which was the best report that {has been made since the charge | has been established. Fremont Items. g Colli 'Wrom St | FAnthony s’ ital . eek’ | He is getting along nicely. | e Ladies aid met at Mrs. Chas. Davis’ home Wednesday afternoon in order to begin the winters work. Owing to a light attendance the election of officers was deferred for two weeks. School has started with good attendance. The new teachers are Miss Palmer of Golden and Miss Carrigan of Denver. Will Bennett is suffering from an attack of erysipelas. —Among those attending Lhei high school i Arvadaare the fol- | lowing: Ann- Redstrum, Irene‘ Roberts, Richard Roberts, Ettie Doane, Isabel Hooper and Elmer Davis. The district pays for the tuition and it is certainly much better than to crowd the teachers here with so much extra work. Methodist Church Notes. The Arvada Methodist church| has been placed in the Colorado Springs district instead of Greeley and consequently the Rev. I'. R. Hollenbeck becomes the district superintendent instead of the Rev. A. L. Chase, The Methodist church and our citizens generally are pleased to | know that the Rev. A. W. I:ice} has been returned to Arvada for another year. ’ - The appointments for the| Methodist churches of Jefferson county outside of- Arvada are: Golden, R. R. Adams; Berkeley, ID, C., Winship; Wheatridge, O. A. Annison; Morrison, 0. G. KonkelnJefferson Ave, M. J.| Fields. [ Methodist Church. | Sabbath School at 10 a. m. f i | Preaching, 11 a. m. f | Junior League, 3p. m. - | Epworth League, 7 p. m. I Preaching, 7:45 p, m. - Mid-week Prayer service every | | Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. | | A cordial welcome is extended Ito all of the services. ‘ e A. W. RICE, Pastor. | St. Mathews’ Church. | Sunday school at 10 am. Eve- | ning prayer and sermon_at 3:45 | p. m. Rev. Joun O. FERRIS, B " Rector. R. — | Presbyterian Church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Christian ‘Efie&vor at7p. m. . v, Horatio Beavis, pastor. All the latest styles of the celebrated ‘ o~ the best made Screen wire as wide as sixty inches . Screen moulding - All kinds of up-to-date trimmings e ey — F. D. HUTCHINGS i e here. We carpy this fa) thi B o Ve beoiie. B 0 s a%\ate;;rges \Dilvedon sbe AR TR R \,fwflag?omsh you . e SHOES Boys’ and girls’ shoes with Elkhide soles, just the thing for wear. .. ... .. ... .. .. . .225 Boys’ suits, up to 17 years old. .5.00, (.'y,(l() 7(111?1 7.00 Boys’ knee pants, never rip corduroy. ....... ... .. .. . . & Boys’ hats and caps. ... cee... .25, 50 and 1.00 Children’s hose, every pair guaranteed to wear .15 and .25 Overalls, Jumpers and Play Suits. 1 [“nrx:rlutliesrnvntl mA('n Hole Proof Hosiery Ladies’ ready to wear dresses, new patterns. We also carry MUSLINS DRESS GOODS UNDERWEAR b BLANKETS AND DRY GOODS GENERALLY Tickets given with every purchase, good in trade or souvenirs Open Saturday Nights till 10:30 p. m. . Open other nights till 6:30 p. m. TP A S I S SR SRk KYT IR 3 CHILDREN’S SHOES The best place in town to buy shoes is the ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prop. ' We labor to please our customers with the best of goods at the lowest possible price. Try a pair of ourbys schoool shoes and you will have no other. RR,2N S N WA YTV T O RTT I P M VY T - -~ F. C. VETTING My, DEALER IN A e ’*" 4% SEEDS, POULTRY SUPPLIES. :‘%}s}l7—7 (larden Tools' Spray Pumps, Insecticides, % "i".‘“ ~; ‘.x' Vegetable Plants, Pratt’s and laternational ‘_‘%}l‘t*fi‘ ,‘ :Q. Stock Foods, l'qu'l._\ Reculators and Reme- Arvada, Colorado. Phone 811. y NUMBER 1T ¢