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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE VOLUME Il Local and Personal. Nothing over 15¢ the Racket. Rugs and carpets at Burton & Chinn’s. All our tub goods reduced at Hutchings. ot A You can purchase the finest candies of Ullery the druggist. The Krazy Partty tonight [Fri day] at Barth’s hall. - T]%.e' millinery opening takes placé today and tomorrow, (Fri day and Saturday.) There will be fine bargains in hats. You mlst come early and see the $2.25, $2.50 and and $4.00 tables. For a real up-to-date meat market step in and see George Muench. : See Bagshaw’s ad in this is sue, R If you don’t see what you want in our store ask for it and you will getit.—Arvada’s up-to date Jewelry Store. s A six room house and good gar den tract for rent in town. En terprise office. Get your school supplies atthe drug store. " .. Weareagents for Royal Tailor . ing suits and overcoats, $16.00 to $35.00. Better get the best. The Recht Emporium. I have come to stay.—Arvada Jewelry Store. " Post cards 6 for a nickel at the Rackebi . . o 2 : *._ The American Ladies Tailoring Line can be fourfi_ at our store. A present will begiven each caller at the Arvada Jewelry store . Saturday afternoon and evening, iept. 24th, 1910. ¥ I have four corner lots in Reno - Park forsale. R. Graves. . ".'.'_s.:;: 'fi Lo Rgdu “* A present will be given each caller at the Arvada Jewelry store Saturday afternoon and evening, Sept. %th, : A new fall hat guarranteed. 2.50 or 8.00. The Recht Empor ium. = I will give Arvada an up-to date Jewelry Store if you will give me your trade.—Walter R. James. __‘_'_#' High grade stationery—Ullery the druggist._ o A present will be given each caller at the Arvada Jewely store Saturday afternoon and evening “Sept. 24th, 1910. Hole Proof Sox at Hutchipgs’ $1.50 for 6.-pair. . Don’t forget I can give you as good a bargain as you can get elsewhere if you give me a chance. Ask those who have traded with me.—Arvada’s up . to-date Jewelry Store. : For sale: 1 doz. Buff Orping ton hens cheap. Mrs. D. W. Comstock, phone Arvada 991. . The Arvada Cemetery Associ atign is planning to get up a din ner on election day. | For Rent—s room house on Grand View avenue. Apply to H. T. Reno. For Sale—Thoroughbred White Wyandotte hens. W. M. Ellis, College ave. - ' Lost—Between Arvada ~and ten miles north of Louisville,two inner tubes, two chains and pump from an automobile. En terprise office or phone Arvada 951 and receive suitable reward. R. J. Arnold, one of our popu lar plumbers was married Sun day to Miss Rose Wilson of Den ver by theißev. Thos. Uzzel at the bride’s home. The Enterprise joins in congratulations as these fine young people start out to ) gether on the matrimonial sea. George W. Martin Attorney-at-law Notary Public Insurance s Office at residence West 4th strget, The town of Arvada was for a londg time without a watch maker and if the old clock got tired or the watch ceased to go, it meant a trip to Denver and then anoth er and possibly another. A year ago last June J. R. Shoemaker started in a small scale at the post office then enlarged his stock and maved into the Hall block. May 23rd 1910. Walter R. James a man of considerable experience, bought out Mr. Shoemaker and is so well satisfied with his busi ness and the outlook in Arvada that he has enlarged his store ca-| pacity, decorated the same and is gr-eatly increasing his stock in or er to meet thedemand. He as sures us he has come to stay and | that he knows he can please his customers by doing them a good job, no matter how small or costly or intricate the watch. It is his| intention to keep on increasing his stock so as to meet the grow ing demand. We are glad to be able to recommend Mr. James to our readers, having had experi-|. ence with his work and fully be-|: lieving he is a fine up to date|. workman and understands his ‘business. | Do not forget that we are here to stay Peoples Meat Market| phone Arvada 1931. ‘ Next Sunday morning a ser-|: vice in the interest of old people will be held. The fourth depart- | ment of our Epworth league un der the leadership of Miss Mary | Bchultz will make all welcome es pecially the aged. Conveyances|. will be in waiting to carry any| one desiring to go to church at | 11:00 2. m.. Would any who have no means of conveyance }R'llease report to the gastor.of the Meth odist church by Saturday. | For Sale—A fresh No. 1 butter cow and a good team of work horses. See Mrs. E. Lambert son or phone Ralston 1197. ; Watch us grow in size as we 48’” 3 dm—a- A .68 A Stog o O -"’fi—rtz L e Erattude. On leaving Arvada with the re mains of our loved one we over looked one thing which we now desire to do. : “We take this opportunity of expressing our heart felt thanks to the many friends for their kindness and helpfulness during the sickness and death of our pre cious one. Wedeeply appreciate the sympathy which was shown us in so many different ways. It did help us to bear our sorrow and we shall never forget your tokens of love. 3 Mrs. Eliza Cook . - . Merrill Cook. Just received a large assort ment of solid gold rings set and signet direct from the factory. I will replace any if lost except diamonds. — Walter R. James, Arvada Jeweler, ' Broomfield Buds. Broomfield is surely growing. The man who sacrificed his mus tache a few weeks ago on ac count of hard times, is growing a new one. M:. Ben Locket was struck by the Interurban car at Broomfield one day last week. He was hurled several feet in the airand was severely bruised but fortun ately no bones were broken. Miss Frances Crow has been visiting her aunt Mrs. W. G. Lewis, near Golden for a few days. Thursday evening she at tended the wedding of her cousin Frank Lewis. : Mrs. Mary Wright and Miss Rosella Burgess were delegates to the Republican convention held at Boulder, Friday Sept. 16. They report a lively time. Mr. A. F. Glover, our former Eastor spent Sunday with friends ere. Mrs. Geo. Jorgenson gave a party last Saturday afternoon for her boys’ Sunday school class. There will be ‘a dime social in the basement of the church next Friday evening, Sept 23rd. Ev erybody invited. 5 Miss Viola Crooks visited Miss Rosclla Burgess Saturday after lnoon. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Thompson lhave rented the Edwards ranch, - ARVADA, COLORADOSFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910 1";%9 4 s . - Milinery Opemng. / z 4", » . I hereby :‘-_‘i,‘"‘ ounce to all the ladies of Ar vada and(yi:inity‘-" fall opening at the Millinery 7 Storé on/Grand “‘ yenue will be September &3rdand 24th, 1910 e l . picasure to meet-you and - show you the splendid duplay dave for the coming season. - ¥ MRS.INEZE FRNCH. Town Council. The town board metin ad journed sessi? Thursday night, | a week ago, all members being present. Y | After the reading of tgle min utes a commitee from the Com- | mercial club addressed:the board’ in favor of a formal opening of the town water plant and the ce]~, ebration of: the event in a fitting| style. The report, on motion of | W. M. Smith was duly accepted | and the celebration was favored. Atto;ney ]Pierce of Dem{errhen 1 entered a plea against charging the contractorsD%?'le%n‘l Swartz per diem for their delay incom pleting the water works vhich should have been completed the 15th day of June ingfead of the 15th day of September. The| board then went into exeutive| session and we understad de cided to hold back $2050. from the contract price. Itleksas though the contracfigls were hop ing to evade the fillingof the| contract in regard o the esting | of the wéll, The togn ik the _!,,‘."'.‘:“'.“‘.::‘xzd-\‘y;:.x* s - made little Or no ence 'to them as to cost, r&yied they ordered it in time. There was only ontgngabout the last town meeti; which we | have heard criticed @There were a few tax payepréflent t hear the discussion! offwhon were friendly and ne ofhon would have caused thka ou ble, and no sooner wt thil min utes read thana motiiwv d to go into executiv2sson@ The Enterprise has alvay :l vicate open meetings anw ixlid¥e the more of our citJem vl are interested in towaffir tie bet. ter it wlll be forte tow ad we do not think the itizen: wiio are enough intereste to leve their homes and attel the cpunci meeting should e treatd} that way. We knovhowewry that there may be ome «cgsions when it is\&ecsar_\: tog® into executive sessioout is ught to be a very rare tng. § We would notish hovweyer to criticize the acharshly. | Our town board has thanklesd job, and do their rk somefimes when the rest ohe citizens are in bed, and thers no one 1 say a commendato word. They have worked v hard and de serve our prais |lB Mrs. E. R. Bop of Boulder has been enjog a visit With her mother ancmily previous to leaving for 1 Deigo, Cal, where she willwith her hus band in about zek. The D. S. (ub held their regular monthusiness meet ing at'the honf Miss Knapp last Friday evg. The meet ing was calle order by the president, Ethlartin. Forest Baglin was el treasurer to fill the vacancused by the de parture of ) Haller to her | home in Deny It was decided | to hold the 188 meeting the second Fride each month, | The next mec Will be held at | the home of Thirza Davis, After all thsiness had been transacted, tiful refresh ments were d and a social hour spent laying games. |Each one eS€d herself as having had ? -“fi id time. Thig, | club has bee & things, watch | for their an€port in Decem ber and thenQuet. \ Candy,‘{p lead pencils a} | the Racket Soldiers’ Monthly Reunion. The members of the Major An derson Post with their wives and friends held another of their de lightful monthly reunions Friday the 15th at the home of Comrade A. C. Hunt. Inaddition to those who regularly attended there were present: Wm. Allen and daughter Mrs. Hiram Brown, Mr. Jordan and his mother Mrs. Black, Mrs. Chas. E. Shoop, Mrs. C. Bell, Mrs. J. T. Kennedy, Mrs. Clarence Shoop, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White, Mrs. Walsen, Mrs. Randal and Mrs. Amidon of Den- | ver. It was a beautiful drive from Arvada over a road that has con siderable travel (and with a little work could be made good, the worst place was a mud hole in front of the road overseer’s farm) with good farms or fruit tracts on either side, a distance of about threemiles. The stranger y readily find Mr. Hunt's Hen told to look out for the T tious and more costly farm ho es but for a real restful beauty spot (such as we wish every old sol gm; owned) 1t would be hard to eat. 5 For a great many years Mr. ,|Hunt has lived in this neighbor )| hood with his wife and daughter -|Mrs: Deets. The inside of the _| home . corresponds in every way ,| with the outside, and the old sol ,|diers and their friends greatly ||enjoyed the hospitality of these | , | excellent people. .| At noon the tables literally | groaned with good things and the [vellow legged springs, the old |soldiers delight (although | preachers are said to have failings |also along that line) were in abundant evidence, and the ride |had so sharpened the appetite, that it was a real pleasure to eat and watch the zest of others. After the beautiful dinner an impromptu program was ren dered on the shady well kept lawn, Commander Garrison pre siding. This he always does with great felicitation. | Rev. A. W. Rice spoke of the [} soldiers adjustment from the ci vil life to the battle field and then back again to civil life show ing how easily and smoothly this wasdone. Thesubject of a bank guarantee law was also presented by another speaker from a non partisan standpoint after which the commander spoke very forc ibly of the embarrassment he had been placed in at times by the failure of the banks. The program was bronght to a most delightful close by a recita tion by Mrs. Amidon of Denver who is aertainly a most charming elocutionist, The Post and all who were |® Present received a hearty invita tion from Mr. Wm. Allen to meet | ® at his home for their next month ly meeting, which was readily ac pted. You have your home. Proba bly yout life is insured, but have | you firotected your family by the purchase of a burial plot? Crown Hill—the beauty spot of Denver—makes the way easy. Office 522 Symes Bldg. Tele phone Main 2199, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Meyers and - little daughter Bernice ot Greeley.and Mrs. G. W. Nelson of Denver visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Swanson, Sunday. i ” T - w v All the latest styles of the I celebrated | WABASH SOFT PINE ~ the best made Screen wire as wide as sixty inches Screen moulding \ All kinds of up-to-date trimmings e e e ARVADA LUMBER CO. hF. D. HUTCHINGS ° ° j- OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS PHONE !:AL‘STONVM»IV Don’t these-cool nights and days make you think of _ WARMER CLOTHING WY We are showing some Warm Suits for boys, age sto 15 years J at 3.75 4.75 6.50 and 7.50 Boys’ Overcoats at 5.00 6.00 and 7.00 Men’s Pants, kind that wear, 1.25 1.50 1.75 and 2.00 SWEATERS for Ladies, Men and Children. We have a few we are closing out at .75. Better ones at 1.50 1.75 2.00 3.00 and 4.00 ’ Wool Shirts 1.00 1.50 and 2.00 Ladies’ Dresses new patterns 1.50 Ladies’ Kimonos .50 Outing Flannels .08 Blankets 1.00 and 1.50 Sheets, Pillow Cases and Dry Goods of all kinds. Shoes for Children 1.00 1.25 1.50 and 2.00 Shoes for Ladies 1.50 2.00 and 3.50 Shoes for Men 2.00 2.50 and 3.50 Our motto ““We Try to Please.”’ i m!mmm — Ry ’ CHILDREN’S SHOES The best place in town to buy shoes is the : ] ARVADA SHOE STORE ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prop. We labor to please our customers with the best of goods at the lowest possible price. Try a pair of ourbys schoool shoes and you will have no other. RP T O TLT T mmm' F. C. VETTING DRATLER TN AT s %k S:EDS, PCULTRY SUPPLIES. Q i .-m 1 Is* S \ "un ) ides LD s R i ! i i umps, Insg cticides, ou IS oy Plan Pratt’s and Tuternational ‘ A%T’Q ok foods, Poulty Regulaters and Reme e O O dics Arvada, Colorado. Phone 811 © NUMBER 13