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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE VOLUME III.° Local and Personal. : Nothmgvover 15¢ at the Racket ‘Rugs and ets £ Chinn’s, carpets at Burton & Mrs. Albert Wolff has 1- Ariola, Colo. to visit her rii)ttég:‘ and her brother and family and will be away about two wecks. - _Get your fine cigars and can dies of Ullery the druggist. S zeal_up-to-dafe _ meat et step in and s Muench. ’ o George; '~ Mrs. Cagley moved last week} into Mrs. Parfit’s house on Westl ~ 2nd street. The very best remedies for) coughs and colds. Ullery the druggist. ; Writing paper 10-15¢ e | Racket. : e tl.e|| The Waterman Ideal fountain ge“v nothing better. Ullery the ruggist. Mrs. W. A. McGill of Monte Vista has started to build a new’ home south of the high school and expects to reside in the same as soon as it is'ready. W. M. Brad ley is doing tne work. I have four corner lots in Reno Park for sale. R. Graves. Waxed paper for lunches, scat the Racket. Mr. and Mrs, Staley came on Friday from Nevada, Mo. with the intention of making Arvada their futurehome. They are'the parents of our bankers Wesley and Daniel Staley and Mrs. Len hart. If you want a real good loaf of bread, try a cottage loaf at the Arvada Bakery. It is hard to beat. Do not forget that we are here to stay. Pe'qp;e's Meat Market . person who con - | plates building, whether it s & ehicken house or a beautiful home ghould look in and see the fine stock of building material at the A. L. Davis lumber yard in East Arvada, or call up phone Arvada T4l. . H. S. Burton had his picture in the Globe Saturday. It wasa . fine picture, if the voters want a good looking man for corone they will surely choose H. 5. Bur ton, he is all right for his jol and has had considerable exper jence as an undertaker and wil: roll up a big vote in this neck of the woods.., For sale, —an eight foot F. I. M. steel wind>mill and a forty foot “our post steel tower in good con dition at half price of a new one. R. L. Newton, on Bell place south of Arvada, phone, Ralston 1611. John P. Graves of Broomfield left for Long Beach, California on Saturday where he expects to remain for several months. Henry W. Hill, mayor of Moun tain View and candidate for coun ty clerk and recorder, was visit ing in town Friday. We believe Mr. Hill is the man for the place he is loqking for, and in every way adapted. The Enterprisc takes pleasure in commending him to the voters. We have known him for years. For sale,—l pr. youngl2oo Ib. mares, close matched, sound, all purpose team, ‘thoroughly broke, uiet and gentle, used toall cars. 6ne 2 seated spring wagon good as new. 2 saddles. Wm. Craig, Ist house west of water tower, south of railroad. Last week Frank Greene re ceived his appointment as assist ant examiner of patents. He is to report at Washington on the 20th of this month at a salary of $1500.00 per year. That just serves him right. Frank is a fine fellow; has been working and studying for years p_rgparmg himself for such a position an passed success Tully the civil ser vice examination. Other young men could do just as well if they were not all the time going hggfi and there just to have a g time and amuse themselves. Frank is also an athlete having played center for D. U’s. They wil{lose a good man whose place - it will be hard to fill. i Mr, and Mrs. MecDonald of | Boulder are enjoying a visit of a |couple of weeks with Mrs. Mc- Donald’s brother Chas. McFad den and family. For sale—l have quite a num ber of patent galvanined ]Eoult;ry dishes which I will sell cheap to close out.. R. R. Carr, W.lst st. t J. S Hale will build a brick: | barn for T. Wiebelt and also will‘ | do the brick work for D. Lesher wao has started to build a nice home just west of town and has given the contract for the job to {Nel Rosander. See Mr, Hale’s !adin this issue. For sale— The following goods must go at once: Make me an offer: Double bed; 2single beds), \with mattress and -springs, 4 ‘quilts, double wool blanket, 'spread, pair pillows, commode, foak stand, Roman chair, lsmps, pails, flat irons, curtain poles, Coal buckets, clothes basket, ete. R. R. Carr, West Istst. Arvada A gentleman boarding at Mrs. Widemans’ just north of town, | was among the first to discover | the fire in R. C. Greene’s house | ’and after telling the family in-| isidc climbed to the roof, threw his coat to the ground and began to work to stop the flames. In in the coat was S2O. in currency inan envelope with some receipts and a business letter, when he again got his coat the envelope was minus and the probabilities are it dropped out of his coat and was consumed by the fiames but if it blew away from the house and has been found by any one, it will only be necessary to say that the owner is boarding at Mrs. Wideman’s on the hill. In the Transcript of recent date, mention was made of our county treasurer having received on daily balances two per cent since the beginning of his term, the aggregate sum of $1,500.00. huge G obe stta cks thl arrange- T P M would be'a necessary amount on deposit to accumulate this fund and also if it is wise to collect two per cent and pay out six per cent. . : ivow listen! It is required nd has been the custom to carry a balance of from five to eight thousand as an emergency fund against fire or water. . If the Globe wishes to make an intelligent ecriticism let them date back to 1907 when there wvas a balance of between one and two hundred thousand on de vosit and no interest either. The two -percent interest on dl daily balances is one of the zood results of the allied Demo crat and Republican vote of two years ago. ¢ > It is a erime for any editor tc yusy himself by trying to mis lead in place of educating the public —QCneof the Independents In view of the fact that Frank Gréene, one of Colorado’s popu lar young men is making prepa rations to leave us soon, a very pleasant surpise was given him ast Wednesday night by a num oer of his friends. A crowd of about thirty young people knowing when Frank was coming out from Denver, met him at the Tramway station and escorted him to the home of Dr. Greene where a presentation speech was rendered by Miss Hines in behalf of all present and Frank was presented with a sig net ring which he is to wear as a gentle reminder that he always has friends at home. \ Various games were filayed and a good time enf')oyed y all, after which refreshments were served and at a lates honr all left wishing Frank all kinds of sue cess and good things_in his new position and surroundings. Those present were the Misses: Mehafy, Pearl Lamoreaux, Pearl Watson, Emma Watson, Viola Hines, Carrie Bates, Maud-Pierce, Helen Lawrence, Etta Gilnqute, Mary Schultz; the Messrs: Ward Watson, Isaac Hines, Nelson Wil liams, Edgar Watson, John Schultz, Theodore Lamoreaux, Harry DeLand; Mrs. Joering, Mr. \and [irs. Frank Smith, Mr. and LMrs. (leo. Robinsen;: Mr. and [ Mrs. Clayton Greene. | . .Frank leaves us next Sunday | for Washington D. C. where he | has accepted a position ip the U. |S. Patent office.- ARVADA, COLORADO, PY. OCTOEER 14, 1910 Clark Greene’s Home Burns to the Ground. Last Sunday evening the Meth odist church bell rang a few-miz utes before the hour of the Ei worh league service, 6:30 p.l and instead of it being the us call to worship it was a call toti ‘the fire which had already gotts iconsiderable headway in Greene’s home. o [ Only a little fire from kindhi | was started in the stove, andi family-had just commenced tol their evening meal when a per waiting for the car ran into} house crying ‘‘Your houseis fire.””” The tire must have st ed from a defective flue near rqof so thatthe inside of the hoi was ablaze in the upper storyi a little while and in one hour fré the time the bell rang there was| not a stick left. T ’ Neighbors and friends ralliec ‘and took all the furniture ouil from the first floor except somc ‘ dishes and a few articles in the pantry. 5 "”\,;H") The house was situated out of town so far that town water could not be used on it % ‘ iire had gott too mueh heddwa to be extinguished by the ‘ cal engine. Tt 1t was a six room house gz large attic. A Fortunately there wagHaraiys breath of wind and what™the was came from'the northwest and blew the sparks where ther. was no danger to other property. Had the wind been from thc north with a fresh breeze, the: the fire would probably havc spread to other buildings. = = We regret very much to sa) that the propertywas not insured The most of the wearing ai-| parel and everything on the up | per floor was destroyed with th nouse. ) Severagof the citizens immedi ‘ately offered their homes to 'th mily and showed a spirit o | orotherly love to these exceile:M neighborhood for rore than twe! 4| ty years. : 8 Golden, Colorado | Editor Arvada Enterprise: — Some misleading statcments are being made in regard to the stand taken at our Democratic convention on the Pass issue. I would prefer that the tex pay ers be not deceived as to my po sition also as to the Democratic nominees stand and the stanc taken at our convention. The sheniff had shown to tha satisfaction of a majority of tha convention that he had saved the taxpayers money by riding on & pass and while a great majority uf that convention. was strictly against the principle the resolu-! uon was voted down by a smal majority as was well exempiiicc in convention for the purpose oi exonerating our sherifft who s the only two years Demor rat can didate that rode an inch on « pass, neither do they wish orii tend to if re-elected. K No sir, Mr. Tax-payer, I stand. squarcly where 1 did two years :xgo. I will never vote for any pub lic servant whorides o n a passo mtends to, if I kno w it unless shown: (as in Sheri ff Heatel's case) that heis saving monc tor the tax-payer wi'chiout the de moralizing corruptiiag: effect a shown by the recent. § tate Denic cratic andßepublican ¢ onventions where it cost the R. !Q. corpors tions SSOOO. in passe s and cosl the state nearly ‘v /hat litth political honor it had 1 eft by tr)- ing to turn down Goy, Shafrotl the almost unanimous . -choice o! the people for a secan 1 term. On the other hand, ‘‘pny um’’scen: to be the word of m,ogf ¢ 'andidate: on the Pass issue. T 7onder i they are afraid to take the peo ple into thelr con'fidence. lan thinking some of them will get: chance to answer, ‘'yeg’ .or 'no before the camy aign js Iver. hope so, if the tax-payer fails ask their woul d-be gervan, ‘s thes important questions then ! mu: say I will h7ive lostall confi den in the political welfare o.* tI Peiiple. & vy . ~ in conclusion I must say th if we had the majority oft! :g’i":e ‘i‘”fl; tzleb‘lfioral honest ¢ © =ncious stability of the edi of tne Arvada Eanerpzise, t time would be short indced th lthe R. R. ‘corporations woul ldare offer passes, - s =J. A. Ferris, Our Gala Day e weather man had promiscd ased showers and cloudiness | Detober 12th.bu\ it was wisely | red otherwise by the Ruler! ;, things and a miore delizht iay for the celebiation of our er plant opening cou.d not be Ible. Bright and early our business N Legan o stir themselves A thqdccoratioxv- were in keep : Wlth:"f:h.e' hobiday —event. NBarly ali joined in ¢ladly, and } few who _did not, were con gpicuous by their absence. i #'he splendid luncheon provided | by the Baptist nuion vas all that o Id be desired and went far| oeyond the expectations of the iost of those who sat down to hjoy it and many were the com _‘n:r;er,rs heard from cur visitors. £The banquet was spread in the ! sank hail andthe floor space®va well covered with tables that lit srally groaned with good things and were also tastily decorate Plates were se. for 150 at the irst table and a number who came in date had (o wait. A. J. Recht the piesident of he commereial ci oresided as vast master. olo2lclles we.€ made by visitors rcpresenting arious towns, also by local speakers on the interests of Ar yada. The town board wrs euloz’sed | ‘or their arduous work in bring ng to such asuecessii consuma- | jon the water plant. Refer- | snees were made in regard to our | future growth and it was even in- . imated by a county cfiicer that he eounty seat might come t \rvada. The service of the Den cer. Tramway. company was alsc liscussed and it w4s shown by ;arious speakers how the town| vould be helped by a reduction | »f the fare, and the use of an ele wtorat the station. | /_ Kfter the speeches the visitors oot oo BB e nd to sample the water, then t - demonstration by the firemecn Hf the gressure ~of the wate vhich showed up in fine shape. . The water fight was unique "nd caused much merriment ¢x [-ept for the participants whe Liaced the full force of the wate Llt 2 distance of fifty fect fron [ he nozzles. To the Arvada Enterprise:— Fdaving noticed in the Denveranc i efferson County papers that L+, L. Gregg was credited with say ‘ng the tax-paycrs of Jeffersa Lsounty the ncat little sum of 15100,000 during his term as &s essor of our county some yculs ago, | was led to investigate : “ittle on my own hook think ne : iike amount might be savcd evel in our generation if the assessor vas put ,wise as to how it coul ne done. I went tothe the Trcas arer’s office (@ public office by the way with books open to every taxpayer) and sccured the tax solls for the years 1&05-6-7-&-0. Ihe year 1895 was the last yea of Mr. Ferris’ term of office ain the other years represent Mr | greggs full term. Turning t the recapitulations of these year: “found that Mr. Fals in th last year of his term made the assessed value of thecounty §4,5- 27,341 which Gregg the foliowing year cut to $4,0564,556. a cut oi sver $270, 600 but the total tax levied (including military pols gfiinst Mr. Ferris’ value wa: ,842.97 while against M Jregg’s valuie $135,703,51 was 1 L'es. A grand saving_of $3.1 %fi? The same years Mr. Fei ss returned the value of Goldcr | $875,270 and Mr. Gregg returnc ;| $841,646 the following year, acu | of mearly $34,000 . But the tofa [tax levied against Mr. Ferris’ va | lue was 7,505.40 while agains | Mr, Gregg’s value $10,249.08 wa '| lavied; giving the people of Gol I!den the privilege of paying $2 01748, 68 more under the reducc o valuation. Golden usually make | herlevy in October on the curren e tion returned by the asses le|s " and in this caes the Cit: ouncil raised the levy from 2 ;\‘m on Mr. Ferris’ val vatiol elO 80 mills on Mr. Gregg's. Th 1 county levy is made by theßoar 01 O%unty Commissioners in th \e|same way and in this case wa \frg.fid one half mill and 2.1 mil J more the following year. Ih sehool districts, with one or tw |exceptious, make their levy ¢ HON. F. A. I;_JICKHOFF. Ccunty Treasu e~ and Candidate for Re-election Globe Refuses to Print Following Letter. | ree— ] I'piTc R CLOBE: ‘1 | You stiil insist that Tshould vi- L olate 1y oath of oflice and come at in bold print and ask me to -l use the moneys belonging to one ~fund to pay o.ders drawn on an s Hther. If that is not violating 1| the low vhat isit?or what is the! il law ragoicig the bardiing of -| these tui ds? ind furthermore, who are the parties that are so ¢ | very anxious to have these war -1 | rants withoeut registering them? Sasheare viu thatoffice twenty fc [one months and have failed to n ’ find a single person who was an » [ xlcus to Loid these warrants as a | medium of exchange. ! e Itistruo that people will ['uy! (| ne per ccnt premium to get of hese voanarnts (if they are reg . | stered butnotoitherwise.) Even 1| he ccitor of the Globe will not | alto proscot his warranc and sk for the coin ora checek. ‘ ‘ Arcther qu stion, Mr. Editor, ClrWhat wonoents shall [ pay ~fwith thisson 3?7’ County war a7 School rdors? if school Loacas, oo v hat dostriets, 2-6-8-21 | 1 4= or <»? While the Re | übleans were n power they fa- | £ vored the “Viidows or Orphans’’| s What could I give if T “ 1 aid ordors on Dist. no. 2 and al-| b owed orders on no. 47 to stand . [ neithor once Laving any money to ¢ cheir crcdin? ,s\\ [Further, if scetion 1324 which x the valu.Uo of th »previous year, | isoin this cose the schools made ' v heir Lovies ounceorcious of any change ol vilues; the tollowing ¢ royear (1097) 21 districts raised t | cheir levios, one doubling and s I i, ht . or¢ thin doubling their le -1 {oiess Zond the total —tax levied ¢ t wIBO7 on a sl lower valuation 8- was 011,00 (1 or §5300.26 less | than the wtal levy in the last| et . 4 ot | ear ol Mr. Ferris’ term. Mr. X | .rege in the List year of his term s; |reduccd the vaivation of the coun- | ar |ty to §9,420,180 or a reduction in| 1. | our yeors of §004,161 and the | ac | ax levied fur-that year was §l3¢- | ¢ | 4,91 cr than S4OO less - | chan in the last ycar of Mr. Fer-! cn | ris term. A1 dso our beautiful, | o | prosporous . cll rson county grew | ut uncer the era’ty hand of one who | Al sor ©0 long yeurs has fed out of | a- the pueiic erib and now ™ asks for| st | another turn at-our County Seat. | as ! So far | have shown you ol- | the assessor hes nocontrol \\'hat-i 2.1 cver over the @riount-of tax lev cd |icd, and he eannot by any possi- | es ! hle nmcar s s ve the taxpayers one nt | ecnt on thoir taxes except on the | es- | lcvy 1 ade by the state. Their| ity | levy is imade by s atute to 4 mills 20 |except o war, insurrection or on | somethi g of that sort. In the he | last year o Mr. t.regg.&b}erm wd | they ra sed thice t:nths Of one the | mill ab. ¢ the regular 4 mill levy vas | Possibiy the var was of Gregg ills anyway n the four y ars that The Mr. Gregg vas @ ss ssor the state wo | tax vas decicased a total of $5, on (43, UG ur an uvciage of about NUMBER 16 ‘says *Tt shall not be lawful to use the meneys belonging to any fund for the purpose of pavirs warranis drawn or which pro perly shouid have been drawn upon some other fund.”” Please tell me what does it mean. I am more than sarcprised thai a “‘has been lawyer’ and aschor! teacher could possibly sto o such low political — ehicanery as this. Anything aslong as i " helps your cause. 2| You state (urther that you )| were _undei glie impression that -’the county comimissioners were responsible for receiving on daily I'balances. Since when, how, and ’\\'hy? Wil vou teli me how it is possible toincrease the surplis funds Irom $375 in 1908 to . 1 oo in 1909 with an increase of onl $£1.7000 on the tax roll wiich means an average of 2 per cont or $3407 You scem to be very willno to blame me for the things that are not going to suit you, os 1. por ‘anxious to make political cupital tout of —something that is anso lutely accord ng to law. | I kindly ask every voter of fef | ferson county to carefully ook linto the foregoing statemenis £o Ithat your verdict on November | Bth may be just. | Very truly yours, 1 F. A. EICcKHOFF. \ Co. Treas. e e e 0% 1,600 per year from the state tax under Mr. Ferris: but if it isn’t honorable fora farmer to drive half of his stock over the hill out of sight and then say to the assessor, ‘‘Here is mv stock before you count them yourseli,”’ is it honoraple to keep reducing the assessed value of a county when her people are prospering ‘and increasing in wealth uand numbers? W hile the people are inviting capi‘a' and new settlers, |bragging on the resources and ladvantages of the county, is it just and fair for the assessor to cut values and advertise (o the world Iy statisties of his oflice Ithat the county is in reality re | At any rate, Jelier son County with three state in |stitutions ought to be the very |last to take this stand, as we get iback from the State Treasury Imany times more than we pay {mto it. Under Mr. Ferris | the state levy anfounted to £l7, 1309 .13 and the last year under | Mr. Gregg it was $14,034,62. In 1909 the statg levy amounted to 1523,372.74, but during the time | that this amount goes from Jef ferson County to the State Tjca wy the county receives back from the state more than S2OO, (00 to suppo.t the state schools 'n the ‘couity. When aman in an important office has thus low ‘ercd the financial standing of the ' county is it best or can we afiord » to elect the sameman to another .| important county office? t| A Taxpayer.