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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE VOLUME 111. Local and Personal. Arvada’s popular Eatatorium. | « Smith and Gray. . St Mathews Episcopal church _iß now holding service every Sunday morning at 11:00. -~ Strictly home made mince meat - at 12 1-2 cents per pound at George Muench’s meat market. Arvada’s popular Eatatorium, | Smith and Gray. Turkeys for sale; call phone Arvada 1032. Miss Stella Comstock has 100 .votes and Miss Evelyn Cantral has 75 in the diamond ring con -test at this writing. Just received a new line of nickel plated soap dishes towel racks, rollers and all kind of ...bath room paraphernalia, Call andsee us. R.J. ARNoLD & Co. _ Plumbers. When in need of lumber, paint, or any kind of buildin% material, see A, L, Davis, tne lumberman f‘ri 7East Arvada. Pnone Arvada The Ladies’ Aid society of the M. E. church purpose holding a bazaar tea, December Bth. La dies who have been asked to con tribute fancy articles for same will please hand them in to Mrs. G. West as soon as possible. Every person who contem plates building, whether it is a chicken house or a beautiful home should look in and see the stock of building material at the A. L. Davis lumber yard or call up phone Arvada 741. : Just received a new line of fine trunks ard dress suit cases. We will save you time, mone\y; and express charges. F.D. Hutchings. The Catholic aid bazaar will be given in the bank hall Wednes day November3oth. Everybody <lB ‘inviten to come and - buy Christiass prosents, o o o pazh ““rugs at Burton & Chinn’s. y Great reductions on all trimmed hats. Mrs. Inez French. Ladies’ and children’s furs, a nice line at less than usual prices at the Recht Emporium. The Mission class is increasing in interest with each session. Come and visit Monday evening at the parsonage. For some snaps in. garden tracts call at the Enterprise of fice. Miss Mary Schultz is the proud possessor ofa t eautiful new riano Great reductions on all trimmed hats. Mrs. Inez French. The Rev. R. Sanderson left last week for Calhan where he will assist the pastor in holding evangelistic meetings for three weeks. There will be preaching in the Baptist church Sunday morning at 11:00. Prompt attention will be given to all customers at the People’s Meat Market in the Wigbelt block call or phone Arvada 1391. The Ladies’ aid society of the M. E. church met at the home of Mrs. A. M. Abbot. November 10, 1910. All present had an enjoy able time, and Mrs. Abbot proved herself an admirable hostess. You can f)urchase the finest candies of Ullery the druggist. Always the best corn fed meats at George J. Muench’s meat mar ket at lt‘.ge same old stand, at pri ces you would pay. for poorer , grades clsewhere. Take your shoe repairs to J. B, Jarvis, Corner Wadsworth and Grand View avenues. There are lots of dry weeds in © town that should be burned up, they are dangerous to have so nea. your dwelling, as a spark may set fire to them almost any . time. ; Pullets for sale ly Mis. E. K Dripps, Arvada. o Don’t fail to'see those beauti ful carpets and rugs at Burton & Chinn’s. For rent,— A good house and one acre of land near the High schootf on Grandview avenue. ’ Good old horse for sale cheap, jor trade for chickens. Fred Kel ler, south of Arvada tannery. Mrs. Settle who has been liv ing near Denver View has rented L. C. Elliot’s new house and is moving her week.. Rev. King of Denver will greach in the Baptist church Sunday, both morning and even ing. 2 | For saleor trade for hay, one nine year old horse. Phone Ral ston 1411. AW{a‘,tt Dinwiddie is on the sick list this week : Robert Cleary has been adding three porches to his house, paint inside and out, and put in a foun dation under the house, and fin ishin%lpn the inside.. He will now have quite a comfortable home. g A. M. Pitt has improved his property by building a woven wire fence on two sides of his 20 acre tract. Spuds, spuds, spuds, here they are at last, cheap for winter po tatoes. Now is the time .to put them in. ' The Colorado fruit man has them at $1.15 per hundred while they last. Phone Ralston | 811. 2 i Wanted —Pigs, by M. M. Hess at Oberon Cressing, or address, Arvada, Colorado. At the Presbyterian church, next Sunday morning the natives will be addressed by a native of Calcutta, India, Mr. A. G. Van- Haaften. He has addressed large audiences in this country and is vouched for by prominent representatives of various churches. Those hearing him will be repaid for coming Those not attending other churches are cordially invited. There will be a dinner, suppe: and dance given in connection |with the Catholic aid ™ bazaar Mike Briggs found free lodg |ing and board for a month but he wanted the judge to make it longer. He went into Robert Bagshaws and stole a pair o shoes, tried to sell them on the street and finally tried to per suade the marshal to buy, who at once suspicioned him and Mike owned he snatched them. The result was 30 days in jail and he asked Judge Bennett to make it 40 days. For sale, thoroughbred brown | leghorn, young hens at $6.00 per dozen. Cole’s ranch. ——— . W. F. Gerhart of Pocahontas, la. has leased H.Vonberg’s prop erty, formerly E. A. Brandon’s, in West Arvada and moved his family in last week. Mr. Ger hart has been employed as sta tion agent for the Rock Island railroad for twenty-five years be fore moving to this town. He expects to devote a part of his time to poultry raising the com ing year. The entertainment given un der the auspices of the Presby terian Christian Endeavor netted the C. E.’s $8.40 out of the S7O. 45 taken in. ' The total expense amounted to $16.84. Pearl NICCHLSCN, ek : Pres. North Evans, superintendent of the Methodist Sunday schoo! says they had a record breakiny |attendance at school Sunday morning, there were 142 present and it was the highest number in the history of the school so fa: as known. It will (})robab]y g 0 higher next Sunday if the weather is fine on account of a very fine violin player coming to help in the musie both in the Sgun | day school and church service. Great reductions on all trimmed hats. Mrs. Inez French. - | The Women’s Home Mission |ary societ{; spent Tuesday after .|noon at the home of Mrs. C. R. Buck and notwithstanding the {inclemency of the weather, twen | ty-five ladies was present. Mrs Gulette was also present, and _ fiave a talk on the Deaconess | Home at Colorado Springs. The social feature was an imgortant part and very dainty and delic | |ious refreshments were served 11 by Megdames Cagley, Buck and Drake. o7 LA ARVADA, COLORADO, ERIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 19 Official Count. The votes have ficially counted and appears in the Golden Transcript this week. We hope to furnish it to our readers in our next ‘issue so that they may see how each precinck voted in the county. e Tho official count has made very little change, it increased the majorities just'a little of the county Republican candidates, ail of whom were elected. Charlés Easley for assessor, ran the high est on his ticketibn,vingbeqm, feated by only 19 votes, The Republican _ngl ‘?fis nothing 't brag over and we hope the clost vote will put them on their best behavior during the next tywo years. The same'board of com missiorers as in the last termi will still control for-another two years, they have done ‘well and we expect they will still do bets ter. . Sriee Governor Shafioth carried Jefs ferson county by 177, votes, this isa high tribyte to the governor, coming as it does from a nor- Ema]ly Republican county. T ~ Kenehan carried thecounty by: fourteen votes, it These are the only state Dems ocrat candidates that received a plurality of votesin this county. Miss Dier, who conducted the “‘Union Depot”’ play supposed!y: for the benefit of the Presbyte rian church will hardly get at~ other invitation to come to Ars vada. It would appear from the report of the young peo%le tha $70.45. was taken in at the door and the Christian Endeavor got 8.40. In addition to the receipts aL the door, the merchants paid. about ' sixteen dollars to advers tise merely on the program. It lccks as though Miss DEAR was dcar at any old price. S ! H. S. Burton for county coro ner came off with flyinz colors and rece'}ved the handsome ma jority .of 184 votes ‘over Mr. Sweetser, Demograt. Thia:Weg cast, as there were 205 for the so% cialist candidate. Mr, Burton feels deservecly proud over the ecord made at home where the majority of 219 votes gave him the election\ by overcoming a 'small majority outside of Arvaca fprecincts. Allis quiet after so much ex-| citement lust week in prepara-| tion.for the ‘‘Union Depot’” play given under the auspices of the Y. P.S. C. E. We all wish t extend our thanks and apprecia 'tion to the members of the E. L. and othcrs for their kindness in helping us in our undertaking. C. E. NoLEs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schellenger Cheerckee, la. are on their way to Los Angeles, Calif. and are stopping over a -few days this week with their nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Schellenger. Like many other visitors to our town they are in love with beautiful Arvada. C. M.Rutherford has purchased | the brick house on West Third‘ street, formerly occupied by the| Rev. E. G. Judd, and moved into the same last week. The I{ev.’ Judd has moved to Manzanola, he docs'not intend to take a pul-| pit for nearly a year, it is too] much on his nervous systemi We regret to lose this excellent! family. | A new street has been graded’ from the west end of Grand View ave. to Mr. Kimbro’s. This street opens up a number of good lots which are placed on the market at a low price. | The Independent Republicans met at the court house in Golden last Saturday and had a great meeting, and are very much en couraged over the election re turns. W. W. Wilmore was chosen chairman and his election to that position means business. Wolf’s caliital hams, the best on the market, at George J. Muench’s meat market at the same old stand. A trial will convince you. The grocery firm of Smith and Gray wishes to announce that the store wiil be closed all day Thanksgiving. Mrs. W. R. Swacley is enjoy ing a few days virit with rela ' tives in Longmont, Frenchmen to Give $650,000 for the Completion of ' the Big Reservoir. Capital sufficient to complete ighe Denver Reservoir and Irriga- On company , system of canals nd reservoirs and to paythe wa r tax in irrg(;lation districts that ere promised water this year S been dbt?llfied from a French ndicate said Milton Smith, gen al counsel for the company who eturned yesterday after two ecks spent in Kansas City where e negoitations with the syndi ate representatives were con ucted. __The syndicate will ad s¥ance $650,000 at once, is the an- Imouncement made by the Denver ißttorney, ¢ ' Smith says the company will| {Bupply land under its canals with | vater for next year’s crops. He {also said specifications of the Iwork which' remains to be done twill be drawn up immediately and sent to France with the nec fessary papers. President Kene ffick of the Kansas City firm will | {be in Denver the latter part of| fithe week to make final arrange {ments. He will either go to {f'rance to submit the proposition o the French capitalists inter- | fested, or cable all details. E I« It practically has been decided, Jaccording’ to Attorney Smith, that the Denver Reservor and Hrrigation company project wil < Ibe united with the Henrylyn pro- | ject and water be furnished from | {that source. This question is one | {that will' be submitted to thc l | | French interests. - }: { The Denver men interested in | the preject will furnish security | for the loan of capital necessary to compl%e the project, said at | torney Smith. New Club Organized. new c¢lub®Was organized 4t 18. George Cagley’s home Tues- Jday evening, every one having a Bplendid me on account of the fun and jollity made by the outhful hostess. Present were 'the Misses Emma and Pear] Wat son, Nettie Doughty, Marie|, Muhlenbrock, Grace Greene, Eva || Cagley. and the Mess:s. Clinton |; and Homer Rice, Theodore Se- ] gelke, Alben Swanson, Arthur Schultz, Joe Mitchel, and Mrhand Mrs. Carl MceFadden. Young People Elected. The Epworth League held the regular busincss meeting Thurs day evening November 10. After the regular order of business, the following officers were elected, namely: Clinton Rice pres.; Jes sie Griflth, Ist vice pres.; Gladys| Jarvis, 2nd vice pres.; Sadie Mil-! ler, Brd vice pres., Gladys San-‘l derson 4th vice pres.; Alben| Swanson, Secy.; Homer Elliot, l treas.: Ethyl Martin, organist. Watch the League grow. 1 Wedding Bells. Two of Westminster’s most ‘{ ‘popular young people, Miss Ket- | urah Beeson and Jon D. Bright | were quietly married last Satur day night by Rev. Taylor. They iwnll_ spend a few daysin Colorado| Sfimnfis and will be at home to | 't eir friends after November 19. . _The bride was formerly of| [Chatanoog'a, Tennessce and the | aoom ‘was born and raised in| 'Colorado. The Enterprise joins | | D eongratulations. 1 Notice {1 have at Greenwood larm, lo- I%fid at Juchem Station, a con |siderable quantity of green cot |tonwood and locust timber which L will give away for the clearing, ]the latter being most excellent | for posts. Please see Mr. Noll af ‘the farm. Also kindling wood for sale. Otis B. Clark. Thanksgiving Services. . The Theinksgiving services this year will be held'in the Baptist church, Arvada next Thursday, ‘November 24th, 10:30 a. m., Rev. ,H-.S. Beavyis pastor of the Pres ;b&'terian church, preaching the Sermon. Music by the union |°h°l§. all the people, irrespective l“.c urch relations are cordially ‘Wlted to attend. [ R |nA furnished room for rent Enquire at the Enterprise office. F. D. HUTCHINGS OPEE SATURDAY EVENINGS mfl._flr),_CLOCK PHONE RALSTON 641 We have just received a new line of Men’s trousers made in the latest cuts and nobby patterns at 150 1756 2 00 3 00 5 00 Children’s Suits : With long or knee pants at 4 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 o Rubber Goods We are prepared for the coming winter and carry OVERSHOES RUBBERS RUBBER BOOTS AND ARCTICS at the old prices Hats and Caps lined with fur also automobile caps at 25¢ 50/ 75¢ 1 00 We carry COMFORTS, BLANKETS, OUTING FLANNELS and Dry Goods generally. Shoes Heavy Shoes for Girls at 150 2 00 Ladies’ Shoes at 1 95 2 00 3 00 Men’s Shoes at 2 60 3 00 5 00 -e Get your Shoes, Hosiery, Harness, Whips Etc. from us and get a BEAUTIFUL PICTURE FREE o Wezcarryan excellent qqaqrtment..’v LlON'br’nd . work shoes, MAYER work and dress “shoes, Child ren’ and Misses Shoes. ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prop. RTR S P TY KR L ORI N DSk | W TSRANOT Y 2EKT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER NOW is the time to begin to think akout X [VIAS I invite everyone that reads this ad. to make The Arvada Jewelry Store their headquarters while doing their Christmas shopping. Arvada’s Up-to-date Jewelry Store . T W YT R I 1 TSN AN Y7 A s L ————— S T Y CARL SCHULTZ PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARATEED. Have sh)m2 special bargiins just now in second hand and slightly usad pianos: One Fiszher, was $4)O, now $100: One Stuyves ant, was $35), nov $1235: One Windsor, was $325, now si7s: Oae Farrand-Cezcilian Player-piano; was $650, now $350: One Steinway Square $4O: One Piano-case Organ $BO. Terms if desired. Phone Arvada 1451. A TR LY OYPR T NTS T LIRBoDM T AN TTY -e We Sell Monitor Drills, Goodenough and Success Plows, and Mandt Wagons. B AT LT N st The Reliable Painter and Paper Hanger Al work guaranteed. Has a fine stock of wall paper. - S R Dabal ~ Have your Sidewalks laid and your Cement Work done by HINES & WALTERS Good work guaranteed. ‘ SRR ST TIR LL G NUMBER 21