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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE VOLUME M. Local and Personal. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Buck book“ a tn%over to Monte Vista and | Del Norte last week returning| Tuesday evening. . St Mathews Episcopal ‘church | is now holding service every| Sunday morning at 11:00. ‘ Strictly home made mjnce meat | at 12- 1-2 cents per pound at George Mueich's meat market. | . For rent 11' sale:: The build-| ing former g occupied by the|: Telephone . Company. - Enquire John S. Young. ' 2 e T gL ¢ For sale, thoroughbred hrown | leghorn, &oung hens at'$6.00 per | dozen. 'Cole'sranch. | There will be a. dinner, suppér |. and dance given in connection | wfl;g the Catholic aid bazaar| Wednesday November 30th. : Lucy Cannon received through | the mail last week, a beautiful || box of . butternuts from Miss|: Rosa O’Conner of Arilla, Ontario. |1 For saleor trade for hay, one g nine i'ear old horse. Phone Ral-|; ston 1411. ‘ When in need of lumber, paint, |¢ or any kind of building material, | see A. L, Davis, tne lumberman |? inl'?East Arvada. Pnone Arvada | Luey Cannon attended the ball f fiiven by the L. C. A. at the| nifihts of Columbia hall, Den-|, ver, November 22nd. t Every person who contem- l, plates kuilding, whether it is a|® chicken housc or a beautiful| home should look in and see thc | stock of building material at the|® A. L. Davis lumber yard or call | up phone Arvada 741. ; Just received a new line of finc | trunks and dress suitcases. Wc|: will save you time, money and|: * express charges. F.D. Hutchings. | Rallh‘ andMrs. JaA.hI'?.Ie.wcomb of | ston enjoyed having then | children wt shoe mfi.fij .48y 10 eal WIrKey WILIpLnC. " The Catholic aid bt 1] _Q‘f‘wf‘{.‘f n ":}I bank hs Wednes " dav November 30th. Everybody js inviten’to come and buy | Christmas presents. : We are filnd that Mrs. E. P. | Greene and Mrs. C. P. Horton, who have been on the sick list are canvalescing so that they ar. ; able to be out-aggin. Great reductions on all trimmed | hats. Mrs. Inez French. For some snaps in garden | tracts call at the Enterprise cf- \ fice. R. O Fleener who rented M. | Fraunheim,s twenty acre tract, | north of Arvada, moved hie fan.- jly in Tuesday. “They have becn |’ living neale. : “ May we suggest -a Xmas pres ent for you? We have many of them, and would- be more than| leased to show you. H. A. Ul-| fery the druggist. Great reductions on ail trimmed | hats. Mrs. Inez French. W. W. Benson has had his| * pathroom furnished this week. | T. N, 8imms did the plumbing. | Prompt attention willbe g'ive,n to all customers at the People’s Meat Market in the Wiebelt block call or phone Arvada 1391, Don’t forget that we .can’t be ‘beat for fine cigars and candies in neat packages. H. A. Ullery the druggist. ; Mr. Jaeobs of Denver who hased twentytwo acres of ‘and north of town joining J. J. Weaver’s property on the south, is having a modern SiX'-room bungalow built on fl‘i‘a"d' Wolf’s capital hams, the best onthe market,.at George J. Muench’s meat market at th? same old stand. A frial Wl“) convince you. S | #. W. Gerhart. . L. Newton and H. R. Brown joined th? Commercial club last Monday night. These men ought to be quite an acquisition as th y are liveup to date men. A furmished room for rent Enquire at the Fnterprisc office. Fiddle Filled Church. | The above is not written disre - |spectfully, neither of the churcl 1 which was filled by the fiddle no1 * the fiddle that filled it. Some of the largest music hajls have been filled to overflowing ]' by an old fiddle in the hands of ’ one of the masters. No sweeter music ever floated ! on the air than such strains.i Few, if any instruments can I: compare with the violin in ex-| pression and execution. It has an unlimited command over a very wide range of sounds. It is also one of the most an cient of musical instruments. Its history can be traced back for thousands of years. The popular pastor of the Methodist church had anrounced the Sabbath previous, that Prof. Clarence Richards would be pres ent the following Sunday, and with his violin help in leading|{ the music both in Sunday school and church, and that he belicved the violin should be used to the glory. of ‘God, and the devil should not be allowed to steal away our best music. The result was, that last Sun day morning the congregation, which is usually large, filled the audience .room and the class room. ) 7 Is was a great service; not only did Professor Richards render a most remarkably sweet solo or. the violin, but our fellow towns- | man, W. R. James, sang a solo 1o the great enjoyment of the large audience, and the choir also |- did splendid work. é . I ~ There were also baptisms and reception into church member ship, followed by a good class meeting led by S, J. Shoop. Men who do not attend church somewhere on Sundays, are surely neglecting their highest .nterests, and losing out along spiritual lines, in such a wa) _hat can never be recompensed. ~ There are enough people in Arvada and vicinity to fill every church in town. o kT b e irade cosiohiekens. " Yred Kel er, south of Arvada tannery. ? Wanted —Pigs, by M. M. Hes: at Oberon Crussing, or address, Arvada, Colorado. There will be preaching in thc Baptist church Sunday morning, wnd at the Young People’s meet ng in the evening Mrs. Little ot venver will speak. Tullcte {1 sale by Nis. EL K Dripps, Arvada. Don’t fail to see those beauti ful carpets and rugs at Burton & Chinn’s. B. C. Williams who was riously hurt by falling from a load of baled straw, is still con {ined to his bed and it may be sev oral weeks before he will be ablc to be out again. For rent,— A good house and one acre of land near the High school, on Grandview avenue. You cen f)prchase the finest candies of Ullery the druggist. Captain 8. J. 8hoop entertained at dinner on Thursday Dr, Chas. shoop and family of Denver also Clarence Shoop and family. Take your shoe repairsto J. B. jarvis, Corner Wadsworth and .rand View avenues. 2 A Een. A Parker Pen, A Parker Fouatain Pen, , A Parker Lucky Curve Foun tain Pen, ° At the jewelry store. | Found, —a fur neck piece. Owner may have the same by identifying at the Enterprise ot}- |fice and paying for this adver tisement. | | The followin& were the guests '|of Mrs. J. I.-White on Thursday |last, C. E. Allen and family Mr. |and Mrs. Ernest Carne and Mrs. H. Carne and daughter Miss Mil |dred. ;‘ For rent: A store in the Hall Block., Enquire at Enterprise ' offie. J R R *| A jewel case willmake a very | nice present tor your lady friend. t Come in and see thcm at the Ar . vada Jewelry store, " AR YADA, COLORADO; FRIDAY. NovEMBER 25, 1910 Layinig Coner Stone For Home of De fectives. ’ Wednesday = afternoon at. X o’clock the corner stone of ¢ State Lraming Schodl for Py, minded people was laia . s..i preseuce of several people frog: j Qe ‘Arvada, and the sur rounding country. e { On the stone the followinh | w ords were inscribed A. D. 1910 | St ate Homle ?in(fj ’].‘rs.ininxf Sw fo1' mental defectives, de py the State of Colorado, tggfingfl the efforts of Ella Parish Wil liam,s of the state Board of Cor rectie'ns. Boa.rd of Control John F. Shaf roth, ¢:overnor, T, F. Daly, pres ident. : Three clergymen were present and took part in the exercise:&' the Rev. G. W. Palmer offered the opening prayer, Father O’- Kyan blessed the stone and Rab b1 Friedman made a short ad dress, the president T. F. Daly explained the object and the necessity of the building, and made 1t plain to- those present that it was a humane institution, an absolute necessity to the weli veing ot the state, and that the poard needed $200,000 to carry out the original plans. W. H. Dickson former Attorney Gener al who drew_the hill for the es wablishment of the home, spoke in the 1nterest of the institution and highly etlogized Mrs. Ella ¥, Wilnams for: her efforts 1n getting the work started. Dr. . L. Jefferson of the state land poard also spoke, and Judge Hicks went over the events which led up to the passage ot the appropiiation bill of $50,000 which money 1s used asa starter. It is located on school land which will be a gift. 'L'here are 300 acres of good land situatea vear the tramway car line, anu the Colorado and Southern runp ‘nature of a training school wherc noys and girls who are not bright «nough to keep up with pupils 1. che public School may have & chunce under expert teachers tu nave their minds developed sc chat they may earn a living anu not become a burden to their par entsor the state. It is situateu near our town and the peopic should take a lively interest in its welfare. It ought to be ot great commercial value to us 11 business men see to it and make the acquaintance of the board. It means the expenditure of con siderable money tu carry for ward an institution of this kind, and there is no doubt but it is eminently worthy of a large*ap propriation from our legislature. (v wiltfill & leng felt want. Among those present from Ar- |, vada we noticed F. D. Hutchings and family, Miss Doughty and Miss Swanson, The following members repre senting the —Commercial club were also present to interview |. the board in regard to the pro posed county road which passes close to the home. Wesley Staley, Ma{or Nicoll, E. A Brandon and J. ¥. White. The. president of the board ‘heartily endorsed the -county road which would lead directly to Arvada— Free Lecture. Disease: Its tEr‘evention and cure by osteopathy. A lecture at Barth’s hall, Ar vada, Friday, Dec. 2, 1910; by Drs. R. R. Daniels and C. C. Reid, of Denver, under the aus pices of the Colorado Osteopathic Association, i _ The Ladies’ Aid society of the M. E. church purpose holding a bazaar tea, December 8th. La dies who have been asked to con tribute fancy articles for same w‘lwlease hand them in to Mrs. G West as soon as possible. Always the best corn fed meats at Georfie J. Muench’s meat mar ket at the same old stand, at pri ces you would pay for poorer grades elsewhere. For sale—a few pair of thor oughbred Indian Runner ducks, also f 1t ducks hensand chickens. J. 8. Yol'et. Nickle Fare to Den ver Coming. e DI, 3 At has been said that all things _1e0me to him who waits. ' This | B PEen changed just a little to [ MI-EhiIngG come to him who { The Comm_erc!nl elub has been ALWNIRING, Waiting and quictly peg lginga Y 8t the Tramway com- Ipany for a lon *ime and conces |sions have come too slowiy. | St 8, time we were Kkicking: | The co %any does not seem to { e the importance of our |towm, our constant and steady fgroweth and the increased travel h ghe cars do not seem to be ap-l |7 We must call attention tothesei ; g8. It does seem asif the {eompany would send some dne | ovaroocasionally so as tokeep in | toukh with our progress and help |ulii our work, | Khe town feels a little bit dis colifaged that the fare is not re " M®n cents to Denver is . too 'mtigh and we feel they are dis erifflinating against us. If five cerlls ovEnglewood. why not %o 'A'ickle fare from Denver woMld mean our population dou ble@ in three years or less. " If would mean hundreds of .newt-homes built. [§ would mean the cutting up intd#mall garden tracts all these arge farms which lie contiguous to the town. Iti%vould mean that the cars ‘whiéh come and go during the middle of the day would be erowded and they would have to to be run oftener. ‘ It would mean all this, and thousands of people would have cheir tumway grouch turned in to a smile. Comeon, Mr. Tramway and| lo yourpart. You may rest as sured. ye will do ours and . help YO A _£RD-. Q00 4 SVEryDOCY, whlid W e, N e Commercial Club. Th@'regular meeting of the club Was g:ld last Monday night wnd cPngiderable business to the interdgt of the town was looked after.| o A %I committee, headed by Mayer Nicoll, was appointed w0 looKafter a ridge wagon road to the West connecting with the | one Just opened at the end of" arand View ave, . The fown at the present time isshutiin to a large extent, on the west, The intention is to have al opened which runs close tothe new State Home and chroughthe Stanley farm where 1 great l-tractsof land have been sold and buildings rectedy Itisu these gardeners and othéts are very anxious to have this direct road into Ar vada. Itwill cost but little and be an attomodation to a great many taX payers. ‘ The commttee having charge | of the five cent fare also re-| ported and are hopeful that some| thing will be doing along that line shortly, _ All ourcitizens should become interested and attend the meet ings of ‘the 'flommercial club which are ‘held twice a month. It will ‘cost you very little to come in &nd help to boost for your towL&" DA Do no t for the other fel low to dait all. Fat and Forty, E. L Mmb was forty Tuesday &nd “his mother, Mrs. J. A Ne‘gmb. got up a little party on the oecasion. It was ‘akndod for a surprise but the “fat and forty’’ man could not'be taken unawares. He had planned te go into Den ver, 80 thw to “let the cat out of thetbag” to keep him at. home. y Several of hig friends were | present and they all had a lovely time and;‘eam away feeli g pretty 5‘”‘,”,;‘,!&,'. Enoch was go d for another forty years. ‘ And whoknows if he keeps on 'impl‘OV‘"g?‘hO may, like his pre decessor ofthe same name, not |die st all T2 | | Wilton velvet and axminister | rugs at Burton & Chinn’s. |F. D. HUTCHINGS OPEN SATURD‘AMYW:';‘.:E\H‘JZS TILL 10 O,CI;O&TK’ e PHONE RALSTON 641 We have just received a new line of Men’s trousers made in the litest cuts and nobby patterns at 150 175 2 00 3 00 5§00 : Children’s Suits With long or knee pants at 3 400 ECO 600 700 S XY Rubher Goods . We are prepared for the coming winter and carry OVERSHOES RUBBLERS RUBBER BOOTS AND ARCTICS at the old prices : Hats and Caps 1 lined with fur also automobile caps at | 25¢ LSO/ 75¢ 1 00 We carry COMIFORTS, BLANKETS, OUTING FLANNELS and Dry Goods generally. Shoes Heavy Shocs for Girls at 150 2 00 Ladies’ Shoes at 195 2 00 3 00 Men’s Shoes at 200 200 500 =m‘fff:ffw——-__f—-——'—-__—— _m-’—-— S SRR &.&“mm‘ S— Get ytl)gu" . Shoes, Hosiery, Harness, Whips Etc. g o from us and get a .. .. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE FREE e We carry an excellent asiortment.” LION brand .Work sl¥ses. MAYER work and dress shoes, Child +ren’ and Misses SHoes, ROBT. BAGSHAW, Prop. ’—_.._m*_“ e —— T —————— WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER NOW is the tine to Lecin to think akout XMAS Buy early ani you get what vou want. What do you think of a Parler Lucky Curve Fountain Pen? Czll in and see them. - Arvada’s Up-to-date Jewelry Store miflli‘“’tfi o ';t;‘l’.mm—‘—w m::: T O CARL SCHULTZ PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. FIRS5T CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. | Hav som spe i bigiins just now in second hand and shghtly used praoos: i One Iisch 715 51000, now $100: One Stuyves ant, was 5350, o 5123: One Windsor, was $325, nm\Y' $175: 01> I"a-canl-C2zilian Player-piano, was $650, now $330. O.e sSt:inway .Tquarc] $40: One ianc-case Organ 520, Terms if desired. Hlinces 1’ hone :\rnL:.dn 1451. ‘_fllm‘:‘.‘?.’."{’. T T T r— — e We Sell Monitor Drills, Cocdenough and Success Plows, and Mandt Wagons. R. 0. GRAVES -—-:rr:'ry <o TF TR D m‘,:._._:: e oo e —— —— TR . D. W. COMSTOCK The Reliable Painter and. Paper Hanger All work guian'ec . Has a fine stock of wall paper. 2 I — POD TN TR —— Have your Sidewellis lail and your Cement Work done by ) HINES & WALTERS | Good work p_um'a"iccd. . ’ NUMBER 22