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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE VOLUME Il Local and Personal. The Rev. R. Saideisn re tuyned Monday from his s-rvices at-Ca;(l;.n where he held meet ings for three wceks with good results. fa " Miss Anna Paftner I f Wednesday morrirg for a ti to Califorria where che wll sper.d the wirfer with idati¢s :.d friends. argnlgmmg hdoni free on ary icle ght here. Arvaca Jewelry Store. Strictly honz maiz mince meat;;.;l(fq Ib. Sm:th and Gray. J. fiankivel and family moved this Week'l;afl;om Griffithy to the house on ton avernuc built b C. E. Gilmore. ¥ For sale, —A beaitiful mahog any upright piano almost like new. - Original cost $500 will sell i:!"ls(_ilrio . Call at hGlan(ivicw ves ave. or phone Arva da 781, F S For sale—Two city broke eight Koar old and general purpcse orses. J. M. Tye, East Ralston Avenue, Arvada. Dress making at reasonable prices. Mrs. Amos Musser, on the Dorsey ranch three milcs west of Arvada. Phone Arvada 1064, ! For some snaps in gardcn tracts call at the Enterprisc of fice. © v Greéat reductionsona’l rinmed hats. “Mrs. Inez French. TS TGy _ ECemeread Mrs. Jno. Wollen who hLas an attack of appendicitis is slowly recovering from the same aird expects to be able to sit up shortly. Great reductions on al! trimmed hats. - Mrs. Inez French. w axminister rugnt A i g fifl ‘:gfi‘-'(\ffi‘o}iao been for a long time ill at the residcnce of hg'l, Wideman, was taken to the St. Anthony’s hospital this ‘week..: Our store will be open every evening from the 12th until CHRISTMAS. Arvada Jewelry store. M#& and Mrs. Wilbur, parents of h%'s. C. W. McFadden lcit Tuesday for California after (n joying a few weeks visit with theirgaugh’oer and family. D.’W. Hester and famiiy have moved back to their home on Wadsworth avenue. C. M. Hillman and family have moved into Mrs. A. H. Barth’s house on Ralston avenue. St Mathews Episcopal church is now holding service every Sunday morning at 11:00. Strictly home made mince meat at 12 1-2 cents per pound at George Muench’s meat market. When the wind whistled and shrieked and howled and roared as it did last Sunday, and you saw the sparks flying fiom your neighbor’s chimney over to the !'il':lgure-pila close to your barn, r the dry weeds about th house 3{(1 you feel sure that you hid » insuranee policy in th> Provi ggmeWashinton Co.ort'e Metra Co. orthe Continentd? Ify u want ‘to- be insurcd in one of these rcliable compani s, call a: d sce J. F. White. Ycu wll be sure then, if your house burns to get your money. Good old horse for sale cheap, or trade for chicl e s. FrcdKe - ler, pouth of Arvada tarnery. Prompt attention will be given to all customers at the Pcople’s Meat Market in the Wicbelt block call or phone Arvada 1391. Those who have reccntly heard the Arvada Cornet band, say that the boys are gettng along nicely. In view of the fact that some of them did not know anotew hen theycommer ced th‘a must have given ccnsider abl e'xfii,m(‘."topraq;icin_ andth lead or must have a good stock 0 ] a; tience and considerable ablty The Fnterprise hopes the boy: will‘1.ow go right ahead, as th future will be so much ' easie than' t! e-past. "7 "Mr. and Mrs. John Woodruf . and-fumily n.cved Dack lust wel ~ to the farm just west of town 'ts after “having spert a year of (i mo.e on a fa:n neai Lorgmen: Don’t forget that we can’t b . beat fir fine cigars pnd candies in ncat packages. H. A. 1,-ller: 3 the druggist. d - [orrent or sale: The build ing formerly occupicd by the Teclephone Com)any. Enquire ; John S. Young. J. P. Carscn manager of the . Northern Colorado Alfalia Meal ‘ company was in to\‘? this week * talking meal to some o! our bus ] iness men. > Forsale—a few pair of thor " oughbred Indian Runner ducks, also fat ducks hensand chickens. - Also Belgian hares; J. S. Mollet. > Geo. Lassar, who resides north | east of Leyden had the misfor " tune to have his wind mill blown - down ar.d broken to pieces by the high wind Sunday. . When in need of lumber, paint, > or any kind of building material, - see A. L, Davis, tne lumberman i East Arvada. Pnone Arvada . 417. Lt S, g "~ Just received a new line of fine , trunks ard dress suit cases. We ~ will save-you- time, money and express charges. F.D. Hutchings. - A. E. Jch: son of Jeffcrson ave. - was doing busincss at Arvada ar.d made the office a leasant call. 'kflow would a new piano for the home strike you as a Chuist mas present. If you want to know how this can be done call at the Enterprise office. The new club met Dec. 6, with Mrs. Geo. Cagley, the ideal host ess. ‘lThe new members, Ada and Myrtle Smith, Crace bennet, . Homer Ikilliot, Ward Watson, enjoyment. —Ail e}%}s’ to find a suitable name for the ¢lub were in vain. Wolf’s capital hams, the best on the market, at George J. Muench's meat market at the same old stand. A trial will convince you. General Oliver Otis Howa:d was one of the prominent mili tary officers of the Civil War. He died during this year and a lifc and character sketeh of him will be given by Rev. H. S. Bea vis at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening at the Christian Kndeavor meeting which begins at 7:00 p. m. May we suggest a Xmas pres ent for you? We have many of them, and would be mo:e than leased to show you. H. A, Ul fiery the druggist. Torrence Whit?, who is antic irating a trip to Llorida early ' t{fls month, reeeived a long letter " from Jamcs lu. Stickle, former!: f = splace, giving aver. ; w accourt ot the clinate thaic. Mr. Stickle is well krown here ~and is an cld tinie resdent of . Jefferson county. He has been in Florida near Miami for sev eral years and says the condi tion theie suits him bettcr than any other state in the union. - Every person who contem - plites luildirg, whctherit isa . chicken hous:- or a beautifil ~ home should look in and sce the | stock of building material at the " A. L. Davis lumber yard or call ' up phone Arvada 741, Miss Emma Watson was agree ' ably surprised Monday evening, " De 1, by a crowd of young f lks at a varicty shower. She | aves for lilinois the coming ' week to be married. Those pres- S ent were the Misses Mary ¢ Schultz, I'rances-Mehafiey; Nettie Doughty, Sidney Miiler, Ethel y Swaunson, Dora Newtomb, Alice . Bates, Carrie Bates, Pearl Lam y ereaux, Margaret Robirson, Pearl e Watson; M:ssis. Jno. Schuliz, t Harry DeLand, Earl Robinson, d Ward Watson, Walker Bates, Joe ~. Mitchell,lsaac Hines, Ralph Rob -, Theodore Lamercaux, = Mr. and Mrs. George Robiuson, ;. Mr. and AM.s. Clayton Greene, g The gucsts were higlhy enter: e taired and at a late hour de: ye parted wishing Miss Watsor much bappiness in her new home ARVADA, COLORADO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910 Broomfield Buds. , A IE ey ¢ An appreciative congregatior .. histeced v the duet sung by LilB. Tucker and daughter Elcanor at € church Sunday morning. S A sho.t time ago the Misscs Y Edith and Edna Molholm took a ride on horse back to Arvada and I- return, being good rideis the e young ladies enjoyed the trip e very much. > Although the wind blew a gale ¢ Sunday afternoon and fire started 1 along the railroad track by the k sparks from a heavy freight - train, it caused no serious dam age to the great relief of the . Broomfield residents. - Do you note the hafpyface& " of our ‘‘wee ones’” of Broom " field? Wonder if Santa and the " reindeer have anything to do h with it. 7 - Rufus Pailey has rented W. P. 1 Burgcss’ farm north of Broom- Y field. | The Misses Cybil and Harriet » Hosmer were visiting friends in [r; Denver Saturday. o Miss. Cary Jones and brother spent Saturday evening in Den , ver. » Mrs. J. J. Jones entertained ] the Rev. Mr. Johnson and wife . -at dinner Sunday. An entertainment will be given , at the DBroomfield hall Friday, , December 6th under the aus pices of the M. C. Y. L. A. A good program will be ren dered. Admissicn 25¢. Every ~ body welcome. High School Notes. Last Thursday night the high school.went on a hay rack ride ' out to No. 6, to a literary pro - gram. . This was fineand we are g %omg again in two weeks. Clare Frey of our Freshmen class sang a solo. R : ~of the high school was Friday” ' dfternoon. Iheaffirmative won * the debate for woman suffrage, so of course the boys are elated. . The society disbanded and in its place the Freshmen and Jun ' jors are going to have one society | and the Sophomores and Seniors another. One society will have l the program every other month, these will be held in the evening " hereafter, so that the public may have the benefit of them. : The high school is practicing, under the leadership of Prof. | Johnson, for a musical which will . be held the evening of December - 16. Commercial Club. " The usual meeting of the Com | mercial ¢lub was hcld last Mon - day night. There was not a large attendance though several ~ matters of interest were taken ,~up and discussed. . The committee c¢n roads and " r.d ¢ d fareto Denver, made re _veris. It was shown that the p.obabilities are that in the ne . future the tramway would do ; somethit.g for the town. el he réport on getting the road ~ opered to the west, was ot en ~ couraging on account of one | party not being w lling to donate the right of way, thouch it was hoped that sometime 1 the fu . ture thcy may see the imjor y tance of the road, thcy had not 1 fuly deciled ir. the matter. s On the whole it was a good » meeting, but the attenda:ce ] should have been la:ger. Reduced Fare. » All along the Gold:n car line, f the peo; le are getting stirred up - over the hgh-rate o: toll charged * by the tramway company. They " met ast week with the Golden :, Improvement club and made |8 schedule of ratecs redue , ing the fare by purchasing - 60 trip tickets to 23 cents for | every nickle. They are fully e:- pecting to get this rcduced rat . * The Commercial club ulso hps 5 2 committee at work in regard to # get.tmg a nickel fare to Denver. arely Arvada cannot be dis / criminat: d against much long 1. . Always the best corn fed meats - at Gcorie J. Muench’'s meat mar - ket at the same old stand, at pri nces you would pay for poorcr , grades clsewhere. Giiffith Grist. 5 i‘l\ll':f, Jler s visiting her old g o o ot Mm‘g.m. it JoC o Lovere of Cottage moved =0 Denver last week. = ®he vind blew down a shed !!7‘l Mr. MeDonald and Judge | QOFner. ‘ 3‘ SVeappreciate the boost given | e Glilith n the Enterpsise copied : P from o Gollen paper, yet it is | _ S€arcel; w fair picture. There ‘ e are sixiocn homes on Griffith av- | d elb-, ¢ ;i oa and near Avelon, § e Hrtcon on Cottage south of the | t carline, while north of the line - th€rc arc thirty-three, which e Bl¥cs us some sixty homes. There | ~.are more than thirty who take | ~the car regularly each morning | Sf@k their work in the city. At | = piescnt there are four new | ¢ hei ieb buiiding in the neighbor- } < Neod. ¢ r. 11 Whitacre is having the _BRick 11| d for their new house. , -<1 10 crt Rhodes visited his ‘si§ter Mvs. O, M. Louden Tues day. | t Mis. Lunau attended the Pa- A mona grange Saturday. | Mr. (. C. Forrester has sold r hi§ home at Griffith. Al are | - 'Bory to have the family go. ~Mr. Nankeville moved Monday { toithe new Gilmore house in Ar -2 Mmong social events of the week was the penny show given l atPr. C. I'. Cochran’s Saturday nignt. M. Haris is building a nice ~neéw barn on Avelon avenue. Fremont Items . There wes a very large attend ancce at the literary last Friday L evening and a fine program was ’ %:I- red. There was a big ha " rack load the Arvada hi K ' scho)/, and coming in when tie ' housc was already full, t,hen were - inyited to take seatsin the gal e e .b:l::-"nr.;»:': g .‘_. N "the'olitside was Miss Claire AV ot Arvada and Miss Frieda Par ker of Denver. Pearlßa was the editor of the "P%:nont Squibs”” and showed the boys what a lady could do to make the Squibs a success. - - C. E. Allen made atrip to Col orado Springs Wednesday in com pany with C. W. McFadden of Arvada. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence White are expected to leave about the middle of next week for Florida wherethey will probably remain all winter, provided the climate suits, The farmers are anxious to see a little moisture but up to this time none appears though often it looks favorable for a big SNOW, Ralston Tips. ! RS LT T T T Sy Mr. Frelick has been holding regular services at Ralston Crossing. There is now an at tendance of fifty at the Sunday - school. ~ Glen and Guy Updike are now located on a farm south of Little ton. Mrs. Updike has been on the sick list for a few days. . Miss Mary DBroad has been suf - this weck on Sunday. On - account of the high wind the ' team tried to g-t away returning - fr m church, and all hands were - greatly fiightened. -~ Miss Margaret Miller has been suffering with quite a severe at tack of guinsy sore throat. - There-walltbe a fine entertain - mnt given at No 12. schoolhouse Saturday night for the benefit of the new church’"” There will be good tzle .t ‘rom Denver present, and a small admission fee at the deor. The house ought to be y fill d. | Work has commenced on the - new church. The contract was let to R. J. Jones of Denver. It , i 8 cxpected that the corner stone - will-baukiid in about two weeks. - It will be a great season of re - joieing for the whole community, : a_~:qg}xlxlar jubi_l-p and officials . from the ’r’§byferian churches ; of Denver wili be present. ’ A Complete Surprise. ~ Our batchelor friend, Mr. Lu ther Secerest was very pleasantly " suwrpr's & when about forty or s fifty o’ his old friends walked in - on him Tuesday evening. The - time was véry pleasantly sg«;nt r in music and games after which refre.hmeats were served F. D. HUTCHINGS The Toggery Shop —_— ——e OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 10 O,CLOCK PHONE RALSTON &41 Christmas will soon be here, shop early and shop in Arvada. For Men we have all sorts of useful gifts. 6 pairs Hole Proof Sox for 1.50 done up in pretty bex with guarantee. Mens Mufflers Mens Slippers Mens Handkerehiefs Mens Suspenders Mens Neck Ties Mens Scarf Pins Mens Gloves Mens Cigar Cases and many other useful gifts. . Sole Agent for Hole Proof Stockings for Men and Womea. For Ladies Gifts we carry Handkerchiefs Shopping Pags Purses Gloves Dress Goods Slippers ete. MENS HATS Fall and Winter Styles 1 26 2 00 2 80 We carry Mens and Boys Suits and Overcoats at reduced prices for the holidays g —a:u&-u{ orwr ‘é-.. Mmul?’m..,% Underwear carry the famous MENTOR Brand bes made e e e S S ——L—————— e T RSP Were your last Shoes as gocd as they looked? Were they satisfactory in every respect? If not try a pair from Bagshaw’s next time and learn the full meaning of foot com fort. Take a look at our foot form shoes. ROBT. BAGSHAW, Proprietor. e e EE———— S D R WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER If you do not know what to get for a good Christmas present, stop into the Jewelry Store, we have plenty of good suggestions. Arvada’s Up-to-date Jewelry Store A5, ERCA S L\ A TR T B - B .. X S “PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. Have som: special bargains just now in second hand igh sed planos: il 8;53 %‘li);c‘ilh;r, 1\)\:‘;:(‘.;"11‘)0_ now $100: One Stuyves ant, was $350, now $125: One Windsor, was $325, now $173: Oae- Farrand-Cecilian Player-piano, was $650, now $350: One Steinway Square $4O: One Piano-case Organ $5O. ‘lerms if desired. : Phone Arvada 1451. T ST We Sell 3 Monitor Drills, Goodeno‘t;&h and Success Plows, and Mandt Wagons. NUMBER 24