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THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE VOLYME liL POOL ROOMS ARE BREEDING PLACES OF VICE Justice Gavin Lectures Young Man Charged With Neg leqs of Family-—-May Pro ceed Against Prop:ietors. © “Cheap poolrooms are the greatpst breeding places of vice and ¢rime in Denver,’’ said Jus tice savin in his court yesterday aftethoon. ‘‘They turn out al together too many crooks, thieves and f»thers of a vicious nature. THat was the gist of oae of the most severe of the many court rooél lectures d:livered by Gavin. It came as the result of the ap _peatance in court of Earl J. Ma hon; arrested for non support on the’corgplaint of his wife, Ger trude Mahon. %I don’t hang around pocl hgfis, > remonstrated Mahon. ¥You don’t,- eh?”” came from Gavin like a flash. “We& I no tice that the constable knew just wheré to find you, and all the people about the place said that they were well acquainted with you. I want to say that the ma jgrity of the fellows in here d: y after day are pool ‘hall loafei, and if- this thing doesn’t stop we'tl have to get after the pro- Eritetors of those places as well as fhe offenders that come into this gurt.” * Mahon was made to give a bond that he will pay his wife $5.00 a week for support. —Ex. W. C. T. U. Notes. It seems best to omit the monthly meeting of the union on account of the revival meetings now being hcld in the M. E. church. A great spiritual awak ening will help the cause of tem perance more than anything else. While we believe in legislative work, in women suffrage, in agi tation, in education, lying deep under all is the foundation stone of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Omnipotent Power working in and through us, his servants, " will win the final glorious victory. We hope several personal let ters were written to our sena tors and represcutative in rcga: d to the Search and Seéizure bi.l, About eighty signaturcs were se cured to the petitions. Hon. V. I bur F. Smith has replied to at least one of thcse letters, say ng he would do what he could for House Bill 53. _ The legislature of Kansas has decided to submit the question, “‘Shall women vote?'’ to the de cision of the pcople. Not even the Ladies Home Journal can ar rest the wheels of progress. May the. vote of women usher ina brighterday. We bel.eve she fee s theresporsibility she is taking upon herself and will vote in the same spirit in which she rocks the cradle, to protect her loved ones from harm and give them the highest happiness. ‘‘Where your treasure is,there will your heart be also.”” Some of our money went to help serd comfort bags to the boys on the “Colorado.”” She was spendii g her vacation on the bright wa ters of the San Francisco Bay. Capt. Gill postoned his depart ure two days to rcceive the Cali fornia ladies. About sevcr y women were present at the e ception with a few white ribbon comrades. Mrs. Spencer ot Ala .med’a writes: ‘‘There was ex hilaration in the swift sail of the launch on the shining surface of the bay,but the great ship, lying motionless, was imposing and impressive. It represented a E.goodly town with its nine hun dred young men each from a different home. As we looked at their smiling faces, we real -8 ized that they felt the good will, - the Christian spirit, the touch of 5 home and mother, in all that was done for them.”” At the sound of the bugle they lined up on the great quarterdeck. Capt. Gill introduced Mrs. Harbaugh, the e Woman from Colorado, who spoke :e very feelingly of the interest the _ women of Colorado felt in their welfare and trusted that they i would ever be an honor to their i country. Then came the presen tation of gifts, and their smiling ; faces evidented their pleasure. : The ladies accepted the invita tion to inspect the cruiser, and "_ found many of of ther sailors r-ading letters, darning socks or ‘r'l mending garments . with their ~ newly acquired pgsscssions. " Wouldn’t you liké to have been 1 there? At the eclegant repast " served later, the table shone with \ the silver service of the ‘'Colo rado’” while California flowers : added their fragrance and beauty. Resolutions. t ARVADA LODGE, NO. 145 I. 0. 0. F. 1 Your committee regretfully an - nounce the death ofiour belovcd ’ b other, Wyatt Dinwiddie, ard , p scnt the folowingresolutions: ) Kesolved:— That in Brotler - Dinwiddie we have always found S_a uniformly upright, honest, lov ing and courteous friend, and if we have been lax in our express- L jons of sympathy to tbe, be 2“reayed wife,: l;zhas been because: . 'we are 100 selfish in our own sor- TOW. This grief was given express > jon by the presence of sixty -1 five of our brothers at the tomb 3 where we can truthfully say that . not one was described in these - beau.iful words or Whittier. - Alas for him who never sees . The stars shine through his cy \ press trees " Who hopeless lays his dead away " Nor louks to see the dawning ) day 2 Across the mournful marbles t play. : » Who has not learned in hours of : faith ] ' The truth to sight and sense un - known - That Life is ever lord of death . Aud love can never lose its own. | Resolved:—That we presen’ a . copy of these resolutions to the . wife of our brother, who by her . b ave, courageous and womanly t bcaring through these trying » h urs, has won our sincerest ad - miration and love, that we, also soread them upon the minutcs , of the lodge and pregent them to ~ the local press. § CHAS. GRAVES, : RICHARD MINGES, ; R. C. GREENE, ; Committee. Resolutions. 3 Whereas, the Great Mastéer ' above has called, and gathered > into the Eternal Grange, the fa > ther and grandfather of Brbthers > and Sister Juchem, therefore, > b it S Resolved: That Clear Creck > Valley Grange, in regular session > asscmbled, does hereby ¢xtend | the bereaved family its sincere > sympathy in its great sorrow; le ' i. further ~ Res'lved: That these resoly - tions be spread upon our minutes and a copy be sentto the be - reved family, also copies be fur " n'shed the Arvada papers for - p . | cation. . } E. PORTER SMITH, . Master. . 0. M. LouDEN, Secy. ARVADA, COLORABDORERIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 191 SOUNDS KEY NOTE FOR TOTAL ABSTINENCE ! —_— .3 . President Taft Wfitei'; m f ta Sunday School Childeiis ; of Country Quo\i_ncif‘ , coln’s Pledge on Questiot. 1 ¥ st > Columbus, 0., Feb. 12.—Pres > ident Taft, in a letter dated Dég: -+ 29, 1910, and read in 3,000 Sulk » day schools in the United f; % - sounded- the key note of a togd - abstainer’s movement. The Wt~ r ter is addressad to Sunday schiol pupilsas “My Dear Youlg . Friends,”’ and reads: * | ““The excessive use of in_. , cating liquor is the cause gis - great deal of the poverty,de s - ation and crime of the world;® one who abstains. from the Ul of such liquor avoids a dangfp . ous temptation. Abraham “-- . ¢olu show.d that he believed this in writing out for his boy friends . the pledge of total abstinence so often quoted. 37 ““Kach person must decidefor himself the-course he will takein reference to his tastes and appe tites: but those who exercise self restraint to avoid altogether the temptation of alcoholic liquor are on the safe and wiser side.”’ Dr. Howard H. Russell of Westerville, 0., founder of the'an - ti-saloon league,- also is founder of the Lincola Legion, whichior _iginated today’s services through- | “out the United States;” The “movemént twill;bhdireébéd?:ik “‘total abstinence department of® the anti-saloon league, with na tional ‘headquarters at Wester ville. Charles B. Allen. EvangelistA'len will commence meetines in the Methodist church Sunday morning and continue them for two weeks. Mr. Allen* has been very - sucecssful as are vivalist and is one of the Colo rado Conference evangelists. The church is anticipating great meet-. ings. y . MASS MEETING. Called To Nominate Town g Officers. A mas; maeting of the citizens of Arvada will be held in the Bank Hall Thursday, March 9, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of nominating one mayor and six trustees for the town of Arvada. All are urged to come and avoid the necessity of the expense of Placing two tickets in the field. [Signed] E. P. GREENE, H. S. BURTON, % Committee. Tie sale ar J. P. Brauch’ wh .h was extensively in e Enterprise, was attended by big erowd and good prices W... obtained. Local and Personal Trimmed hats at cost.and be low, at the French Millinery Ar- } vada. ‘ Take your shoe repairsto J. B. Jarvis, Corner Wadsworth and § Grand View avenues. | For sale, —Leghorn and Barred | Rock laying hens. Mrs. S. Davy, | Arvada, phone Arvada 701. | One five room house for rent | for sl2 per month, with artesian § water in the yar(i. Enterprisc |} ! office. 1 * 40 acres of dry land close to Arvada for SI,OOO only. *‘‘Cheap ¢ %adwt.,” Call at Enterprise of ce. _MissGladys Sanderson has been ill for about two weeks. We are glad to say she is beginning to " get better. M. E.Calahan is busy painting his home and improving Riasprop- | erty during the days he is not on i : his engine. i For sale—Thoroughbred S. C. Ji . Brown Leghorn cockerels, alsu Qj Mammoth Lronze turkey gobbier. * * Cole,s ranch. ? . The Rev. R. Sanderson got in :‘ from Las Animas Monday, and : © expects 10 leave again daturduy ¥ 3 for Morrison. g I s e N ) For sale— Three Mammoth { Pekin Drakes, full blood Rankin { Strain noue better in the country. * B. C. Williams , Arvada; phone - Arvada 91. ~ Wolf's capital hams, the best - onthe market, at George J. - Muench’s meat market at the . same old stand. A trial will convince you. ) "~ B. P. Quaintance has been [; nominated by the President for _postmaster at Golden. Mr. Quaintance formerly held the po sition for several years. | _For Sale,— One team of horses ’% 300 aac.b,alsg one trap, | Lone slnfifrhatness and one set 61 ‘double harness. Mrs. kimma Din ‘widdie, ‘Ralston avenue. Little Lucy Bagshaw who has been visiting her grandmothe: in Colorado Springs since Christ mas, returned home Monday ac companied by her aunt,Miss Lo rene Curtis. . Try ten cents worth of shav ings boiled in oil, for kindling your fire. A small handful docs ‘the work. You czi.ln l;zet it fmlm your grocer or call the saw mill, Arvada 741, i Em?"@;zfi “Kel(l)erstrass' "stiuil Crysta ite Orpington eggs forihatching; 1 pen at's3o per L, -2 pens at $lO per 15, and 4 per: &per 15 or $25 per 100. F. W. hart, Arvada, Colo. S. L. Sausa will sell you pianos at half prices. A S7OO playc for $350; an upright that was SSOO now $165; a Fisher. SSOO, ¢ now 150. Cal: at Grandvicw and ’ Graves or phone Arvada 781. § For sale— a_few choice single comb White- Leghorn cockerels "'awnd_hens; will also exchange for ! hite Leghorn and Barred Rock | “cockerels. L. A. Thompson, Griffith Station, phone Ralston 11, E. L. Blatter, the lecturer fo - the Arvada Grange, informs us | that new work will be taken up ' which will be very interesting | to all tillers of the soil and you | cannot afford to missit. Lhe | muhr meeting will be' d tonight (Fridayf commenc -33‘.&1; 7:30 p. m. =~ A large party | -of young people from the Arva- | ;;"%Gnn e went over to attend | gle (grove Grange Thursday ‘night, a week ago and spent 2 | pleasant evening with a sister | - F. C. Vetting has rented his old - stand in the Hall block and will _again start up in the commission | flnulineu and probably some other lines. -We have steadfastly be lieved that a good commission | m‘q in Arvada would be a fairly profitable business. We i “believe ten years ago there was _more shipped to the mountain towns from Arvada than there is | ' today. This is the natural place “to ship garden and farm produce to the towns to the west. '. W:l‘:r ry . e D. HU Q\.‘i o & Ga ¥m ’ The Toggery Shop . i ot P e OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 10 O,CLOCK L\LSTON o4t W Spring will soon be with us and v 1 off all W our winter goods and make room for our 1 a 2l heavy . goods reduced. UNDERWEAR For Ladics CLil 1 . 0% off. et MEN’S PANTS at 125 1 42 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS i 350 g 4 00aud & CO . A i{ COTTON BLANKETS - Sold f f ortOlS-—Ad our M=ti"s Di : 13.00 at ti 225 1 HIRTS M n's Dress Shirt vl 75¢ at g 50¢ TRUNKS at 4 CO 5 GO € CO | ’ MENS HATS at iOO i1 GO X i PRY- 00D Wao carry Outin- I len, Pil low Cises, Sheets, Blank 1 Gen eral Dly Goods. 4 IR/ g G “ W. M. Siii ¥ o > € B | . HEATFITORE N A Sl e Eoncy tap'.g and 0.1](,_,' s ] y g - Coal, Hay, (. “eed ! Solea frGOLDEN SE/ ' brands g of flour, "'H ! I hoy ) Solic it in the J mo 1 , il ¥ 0 5 to. Are vada 151 and have your ord 1 Anoth #9lOO b xes of appl v, prices ti. same. ) . l Yours 1 W LT H. s it —— %THT ADYT A E“‘, A )RE § o AINY ALVA . k i.. —— — R T—— | — Nex' we b-:lining Februarsy Il Men's £ 7}7 S ) ‘ r sold at a ! TRI e als cat, $3.50 shocs at qf) : . 1180 i SO i g ——— - e 3 DT D Q- : i .ROBEKT BAGSH v ietor.. . flmr: Wi A 7AX TR L - . IR AT T S .LA 2 - 2 4 FOR SALE AT A BARCAIN a 2 three-horse wagon tonguse new sin -8 gle harness, collar and hames. 1 iess and breast straps. Some sccond hand wheels. 1 large spring wagon. 1 small spri dehvery wagon. 2 buggics.: Some second hal [ls good as new. _ R. 0. GRAVI AR R A BIR T TUTTRCNTIIDUNCTL . : B R - W. B. PEA G BUILDING CONTRZCH { I shial) estecn-itca fuvor 1o fuarnish ations om ¥ yoti P work, - W hether Qtis a barn ol ) i guaran i teed. PHUNE RALSTON 1451 or Fesllence nesy 8 the tramwny bridge, Grand View Avent 3 L'MBER 34