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RALSTON The Maple Grove play, which was to have been given Friday under the suspices of the Parent-Teacher asso ciation, has been postponed indefi pitely. Miss Elva Jacobs, principal of Ral cton school, was ill on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. A. J. Walters has moved to the Faye place which he will occupy for the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Virgin of Ley den celebrated their thirtieth wed ding anniversary Wednesday eve ning.. About 150 guests were invit ed and the festivities lutfid way into the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Virgin were the recipients of many beau-i tiful gifts. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Shevlin, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williams and Miss Erma Harmon visited in Denver Sun-‘ day with relatives and friends. | Enterprise Grange, assisted by the‘ Clear Creek Valley drill team initia- | ted a class of ten persons in the third and fourth degrees last Wed-‘ nesday evening. The following‘ names comprise a list of the happy] candidates: Misses Erma Harmon, Bertha West, Abbie West, Eunice Roberts; Mesdames C. E. Beer and Raymond Geodert and Messrs. Claude Harmon, Sidney Pearce, C. E. Beer and Ray Goedert. A supper of oysters, ice cream, cake and coffee was served to the company after the meeting. The Frank Krigler family has been ill with influenza for the past week. John Roberts has been confined to his home with a severe cold for the past week. Mrs. D. E. Benfield, who has been‘ ill for the past week, is able to be up and about again. o Experience. And now, to conclude, “Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn In no other, and scarce in that”; for it is true “We may give advice, but we cannot give conduct,” as Foor Richard says. However, remember this, “They that won't be counseled can't he helped,” as Poor Richard says; and further, that, “if you will pot hear reason, she'll surely rap you on the knuckles.,”—Franklin. SEWER BOND ELECTION NOTICE Pursuant to Ordinance No. 167 of the Town of Edgewater, Colorado, adopted on the 4th day of March, A. D. 1024, at the regular election for officers of the Town of Edgewater, to be held in said town on Tuesday, the Ist day -f April, A. D. 1924, be tween the hours of 7 A. M. and 7 F. M., there will be submitted to a vote of such qualified electors of the Town of Edgewater as shall, in the year next preceding said election, have paid a property tax therein, the following question: Shall the Board of Trustees of the Town of Edgewater be auth or.zed to contract an indebted ness on behalf of the town and upon the credit thereof by issu ing the bonds of the town in the sum of thirteen thousand, five hundred dollars ($13,500.00), for the purpose of constructing and extending sanitary sewers within and for said town? . No ballots for or against said ques tion shall be receives by the judges unless the person offering the same shall be a quelified elector of the Town of Edgewater, who shall, in the vear next preceding such election, have paid a property tax therein. The said election will be held at the following voting place in said town: The ‘Fown Hall. | The ballots to be used in votinfi upon the question above submitte will be furnished to the voters by the judges of election, to be deposited in a separate ballot box which will be provided for that purfiose. IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Edgewater, in the State of Colorado, has caused this notice to be published and posted as required by law, under the official seal of said city this 13th day ol March, A. D. 1924, STEPHEN HIGGS, Town Clerk of the Town uf AL Ed~ewater. Colorado. ‘S 4d J First publication March 13, 1924. Last publication March 27, 1924. Published in The Arvada Enterprise. E. HODGSON’S ACETYLENE WELDING GENERAL BLACKSMITHING! PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY Opposite Newt Olson Lumber Company Phone Arv. 123-J Eugenics. Eugenics I& from a Greek word meaning well horn, and was first used by Francis Galton, the noted English sclentist, In 1883, who defined it as “the sclence which deals with all Influ ences that improve the imborn quall ties of a race.” = —— eTRN R s L ADJUSTMENT DAY NOTICE Estate of Nels Syverson, Deceased. No. 1454, All persons having claims and de mands against said Estate are hereby ;notified to present them for adjust ment to the County Court of Jeffer son County, State of Colorado, at the Court House in Golden, on the 7th day of J}lril, A. D. 1924, ATTIE SYVERSON, Executrix of said Lstate. First publication February 28, 1924, Last publication March 27, 1924. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby givenathat I, R. O. Graves, Mortgagor, will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to wit: One Ford Automobile, Model T Four door Sedan, Motor Num ber 6781247, Said sale is made under and by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated December 13th, 1923 and recorded in Book 3320, page 515 of the records of Clerk and Recorder in the City and County of Denver, given by A. W. Eaton, to the undersigned, and will ‘be held at the Graves Garage, Arvada, Colorado, on the 29th day of March, 1924. at 2:00 o’clock P. M. Terms cash. R. 0. GRAVES, Mortgagor. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the following is a list of all nom inations to offices certified to me, as the Town Clerk and Recorder of the Town of Arvada, Colorado, under the provisions of the election laws of the state of Colorado, and to be voted upon at the election of municipal offi ‘c*ersDoll;azizi Town, to be held on TUESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL, FOR MAYOR: (Vote for One) George B. Campbell, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Taxpayer’s Party Henry J. Juchem, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Citizens Party FOR TRU?TEES: (Vote for Three) i C. R. Buck, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Citizens Party C.E. Mafgard. Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Taxpayer’s Party A. J. Miller, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Taxpayer's Party Roy A. Pierce, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Citizens Party Fred G. Tiller, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Taxpayer's Party Frdnk E. West, Residence, Arvada, Colorado; Citizens Party %M{(«AA. Town Clerk and Recorder. Arvada, Colorado, March 17, 1924, First Publication, March 20, 1924, Last Publication, March 2%, 1924, s - GENUINE 66 g 99 , 3ULL” M Right now! Settle the whole 2 Bags cigarette question forever by : rolling your own from“BULL”". You get more flavor, more en joyment, more tobacco taste, Or more quality—and much more for your money. (100 for 15 cents) | e Hiriogss et © EIGHT CENTS A BAG =‘¥ Y » RS f’%,\/ 3 g S ¥ (‘\\N\& : "'c’i*, \ B R ;:} r.M”Standmd of the World ‘N\ i I‘».!\/ p ‘\l._.“\"\‘\\ "// “‘.i ) K3\ O r.. ‘OO CICGARETTES for 154 THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE SUMMONS IN DIVORCE State of Colorado, ¥ 88, Count& of Jefferson, ) In the County Court. ANNA M. AKINS, ) Plaintiff. ) vs. ) JAMES E. AKINS, ) Defendant. ) YHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, TO THE DEFEND ANT ABOVE NAMED, GREET ‘ ING: . You are hereby required to appear im an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the County Court of the Countv of Jef ferson, State of Colorado, and an swer the com}alaint therein within thirty davs after the service hereof, if you are served within this State, or within fifty days after the serv ice hereof, if served personally out side the State of Colorado, or, if served by gublication, within sixty days from the date of the last publi cation, or trial will be had the same as though you were present. This is an action brought to ob tain a decree of divorce on the ground of desertion and non-sup port, and such other and further re lief as may seem to the Court just and equitable from the cor--laint, a copy of which is hereunto attached, :n}dl the evidence adduced upon the trial. Witness my hand at my office in Denver, this 7th day of December, A. D, 1923, F. D. TAGGART, Attorney for Plaintiff. First »üblication, March 6, 1924. Last publication April 3, 1924, ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE is_hereby given that the annual election for municipal offi cerss of the town of Edfiewuter. Jef ferson County, Colorado, will be held at the town hall of said Ed§9~ water, on Tuesday, April 1, 1924, be tween the hours of seven o’clock, a. m., and seven o'clock, p. m., at which the following officers will be elected: One Mayor for the term of one year, Three Trustees for the term of two years. STEPHEN HIGGS, Town Clerk. First &\:blicntion, March 18, 1924, Last Publication, March 27, 1924, | Published in The Arvada Ent.erprise.\ o oned 1n Ihe Arvada nnterprise. NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI- | TION TO SELL REAL ESTATE | AND DITCH AND WATER | RIGHTS. ] State of Colorado, ) ) ss. ‘ Cuunt{ of Jefferson ) j In the County Court. No. 1387. In the Matter of the Estate of ) ] JUSTUS ARNDT REHN, ) ‘ ‘ Deceased. ) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF! 'COLORADO: i To Violet A. Rehn, La Verne A., Rehn, Phyllis L. Rehn, Edna Amelia | Nilsson as Guardian of Violet A.T Rehn, La Verne A. Rehn and Phyllis L. Rehn, minors, and their estate, | and Walker J. Bates, Guardian ad | litem of said minors, persons in in~| terest in said estate, GREETING: You and each of you are hereby | notified that on this~ 8th day of March, A. D. 1924, Edna Amelia Nilsson, Administratrix of said es tate, presented to and filed in said | court her Petition for the Sale of certain ref estate and ditch undl water rights belonging to the estate | of said deceased, the matter of which estate is now pending in said court and situate in the county of Jeffer son and State of Colorado, more ful ly described in said Eetition. refer ence to which is hereby made. Notice is hereby given to all the persons above named and to any oth er person in interest in said estate, to a{mear and answer or othorwise‘ plead to said petition in writing on or before Monday, the 21st day of | April, A. D. 1924, the day set for the hearing thereof, or on or before the day to which such hearing may be adjourned, or said petitions wilr be taken for confessed. Given under my hand afd the seal of said court, at Golden, in the county of Jefferson and State of Colorado, this 8th day of March, A. D, 1924, (SEAL) MARGARET TREZISE, Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson County, Colorado. First Publication March 13, 1924, Last Publication March 27, 1924, Igestibl 1 Digestible Protein ° In Their Feed —will make your hens lay More Eggs. Golden Brand Improved Meat Scraps | —are rich in digestible protein, pure and odorless, and produce fertility in Eggs. For Sale by o Mellein Fuel & Feed Stores Phone GALLUP 1246 3705 W. 44th Ave. TTe T S Our Dry Goods Department, Piece Goods, Notions and Toys at give away prices. ichdelsons e[| G sore lbs'%al'.‘:l"\‘lllflt& HZAD TO FOOT APPARLL FOR HAN WOMAN & CHiLD e id Tire Sh Midwest Tire Shop Be Equipped with WEED CHAINS \ and Avoid Accidents! | TIRES :: TUBLES :: ACCESSORIES | GASOLINE :: OILS :: GREASES Phone ARVADA 356 USE T_IIE LITTLE WANT-ADS l';OR Bl(;.l —i!ESULTS