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' rday, M - Saturday, Mch. 29 \ SUGAR, persack_-_.______________________________s9.4s B RO R perysac K eme st T R e T ealgo Sunnybrook CREAMERY BUTTER SSR RR RS A pure BULK LARD, perpound ________________________ Iss¢c Bulk ROLLED OATS, 10 pounds for-___________________ 40c Bulk COCOA, per pound ———___________________________ 15¢c FIG BARS, perpound ________________________________ 15c Bulk PEANUT BUTTER, Best Quality._________________ 25¢ } “Bulk MACARONI, three pounds for____________________ 25c Bushel Baskets GANO APPLES.________.______________sl.2s " Gallon cans TOMATO KETCHUP _____ 117777777 7"""" g 0 | Large Bottles SOLITAIRE or LIBBY'S KETCHUP ________2s¢ " Large Bottles PREMIER SALAD DRESSING.--..____.__. 40c Jonquil Assorted JAMS in Glasses, 22 ounce ____________ 29¢c BROWN'S CASH GROCERY PHONE ARVADA ¢4 FREE DELIVERY e T e e— e __——————INSURANCE—MBM 3 Choice Farm Lands -~ o~ 5 sety Y C & at very reasonable price V. ( s prices > ‘é—*’ % can be found listed at our -ST ~ === office. If you want to put 0 0 \\‘\\\\\§ ‘N J“ [/} vyour money in the oldest F F \\§ %,J B and truest industry of the B i\\\ ] 'VS = world, turn it into farm |A A NW < ) lands. Our lists will reveal |L L s\\ S L\\ { \’Q some bargains in rich, fer- |L L }\\\\ = )~ tile lands that will quickly NN\ \\\»\ REAL < Y repay every cent invested in K K \\\\\\ \ STAT[ N them, I I N N , D D| Bl Za LY SM TEL. ARVADA |3 cOL. p I b -N| | S TE R o 3 | DL LYW I 3 SQ SPECIALISTS IN COUNMTRY HOMES AND CARDEN TRACTS I 1 = NSURANGE —ll B EEEEEEEE——— Daily trips. Careful service. Give us your orders Ro.Phone 336-J JOHN T. SCHMITT fbems 73 e Public Sales| ExAeAa u c .a. es THE CIANT OF THE WEST If you are thinking of CAMP NO. 6 having a sale, telephone || ect*:yv Tutaiey, N ot Biogi i ARVADA 992-R-3 JOHN L. MILLER, 'Clerk Lee Carner WANTED—I' will pay cash for 3 100 Goose Eggs Auctioneer 12 Guinea Eggs 6 Peafowl Eggs. JOE GILTNER'in' Phone Arvada 992-Jll All Work Guaranteed o 9 THE TOWN OF ARVADA-—-If Material Furnished :vnnt to 1(." m;n;y:Bdl Hadlya; < e , see J. F. k. Gr C- w- R 0 S S ata:'l.‘ggrn l.o:d and c::n‘ent :o'rk PHONE ARV. 223. W of all kinds. Ashpits cleaned. Telephone Arvada 121. | We will remove from your premises, FREE OF CHARGE, any animals that are dead or past their usefulness. The Capitol Rendering Works Phone Maih 3730, DENVER, COLO. “ALL FOR ALL COLORADO"” ) 7 ° . With Men and States Every man worth while stands for something. You know that kind of man the in stant you see him. He is strong, foursquare and solid as a rock. And it's the same with states—with the people of states. If the citizens of a commonwealth are strong, cro‘renive and fir?nlz loyal to the community in which they live, the world séon nows it and pays tribute. The world recoTnius that that state is going forward be cause its confident, united, resourceful people are going forward! And new citizens Loin the community, new capital flows in, new enterprises are established. That's the ind of state Colorado shall be! Yes, when Colorado’s people stand together four square, without jealousy, confident in their own strength and their own futyge! (This_sdvertisement is published uader the auspices of the Denver Civic and Cc’_nmo.l:ul Au'orun::‘:n li‘l 7:--[,:;:'. o'u:h: Cole il el Tl 107 the srencomiet o 1 ol ity ad awwn ed Beer me The Denver Civi 4 Commerelal Assn.; Denver “Resl Estate Buresu: D:nnv "lt't'ni'l ul.u'lllll;‘ l.:n'ur Denver A:m:u:bnlc ll):::."l. am:'l.“;: ’'fl li.l"l.’ol'!.l'dcg,n:l" uvth,mé:._sé'fi:.'nfi' .-“l"h'c”"l' r'i:.!:‘ zl l‘v’o: \.’lo‘r:tl." 1*!:1 rm'l'lxba'-:"o“.'n?m: 5.'3: Co~Wholesale lI.EI & '"."',l Lumber Co.; ‘l’o- 'lemnl Ine.; Woedmen of the w‘m"— .C.: C;lmp.. Ha:l mmoodn o;l)n: e Syt loery ! burmart Ll 0600 M, 1 SRR ey g B et Fpie’ el el halt ‘!{‘...a..“'i..r'!!.'. -.".';"1'& 'i:‘" ll'm’-'-dl':;;--u MW ";;",}. et T e eee TR e ar.'a' fl".‘flc.b-l . Porter c" Yo e va e Cout -r‘.mn.v'i. Frotners Drug Co.; The Deaver Toat & Avaag BSI ol e, & ;‘E?,'c' %'8 —arochs, s; Horsco W. Beanett @ Co: E. W. Rebin 9% Lumier’ Co.; ns- b i Dowver Live ek Matkat; ommitigs on Buble Uity i rseors’ Avon| w&‘:‘w Ffl“. - fi.::',‘c‘.ll:.. s:i;u-10-m . Biown Datese Horel: U-Lonlq of Deaver 1 of “ALL FOR ALL COLORADO” SERVICES AT ARVADA CHURCHES FOR SUNDAY AND THENEXT WEEK Bible Thoughts for This Week Sunday. THE CHRISTIAN'S MISSION: reach, saying, The kingdom of heaven 1s at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, ralse the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have re celved, freely give.—Matthew 10: 7.8 Monday. SIN SEPARATES:—Your iniqul tles have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.—lsalah 39: 2. Tuesday. LAW OF LOVE:—Love worketh no ill to his nelghbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.— Romans 13: 10, Wednesday. GOD LOVES THE GOOD:— Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.— Psalm 73: 1. Thursday. TRUTH MAKES FREE:—Then sald Jesus, If ye contlnue in my word, then are ye my disciples in deed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. —John 8B: 31, 32, Friday. THE POWER OF THOUGHT :— As he thinketh in his heart, so Is he.—Proverbs 23: 7. Saturday. SUPPLY IS SURE:—Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily .Ihnn shalt be fed. +~&W~.~M"fl.~*-‘fl-‘-.—<~-’«0—o'&-&' Arvada Baptist Church Rev. W. F. Cole, pastor. Bible school, 9.45 a. m. Preaching 11.00 a. m. B. Y. P. U, 6:30. Preaching at 7:30. Subiccts for next Lord's day will e Morning sermon to) b, “in Heav enly Fiaces.” sermon topiz, “The Need of Visicn.” B. Y. P. U. topie, “Climbing the Ladder of the Three Wa” A cordial invitation to all to wor- Sp with us, Prayer meeting every \Wednesday evening., Wheatridge M. E. Church Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn ing worship at 11 o'clock. Epworth League, devotional meeting and short sermon, at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. Arvada Presbyterian Church Rev. Clinton Reed, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Service for Worship and Preach ing of the word at 11. Junior Christian Endeavor at 8~ Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening Service at 7:830. . At the morning service we will re member our Lord's dying love as we gather at His table. As our Com munion meditation, we will have for our theme, “Why the Cross? Christ's | A ) 887 Answer.” At this service we will re ceive new members and admin’ster Laptism. Le every member sit with us at this feast of love., We also cordinlly invite any who are not members of our church but who trust the Blood and Righteousness of the Son of God to vartake with us of His Supper. In the evening, we will continuc the zcries of sermons on “The live Fssentials” o 3 declared by the last General assenhlv, the subject being *The Substitztional Atonement of Christ.” At the mid-week service on Wednesduy, April 2, we will studv “The Abrahamic Covenant."” ‘ We find that Prof. I R. Dean's| widress on ' :he Bible and Seience™ | tast Thursday wight has made a cory | fine impression on the community, | and we arve glad that Dr. Dean is to | address the high school at its fissem- | bly Friday. | We are very pleased to :mnnuncv‘ an eight-day meetine April 13 to 20, | wi'ch will be conducted by Rev. W, I Reed of rcuador, South America. | This will be a union meeting of the| Baptist and Presbyterian churches, | and the whole community is invited | {'o tterd. Mr. Reed is a brother oft the prowor of the Proshyterian chorch and has been in the missionary work i Ecuador for twenty-five years VMore detailed annotneement of these sacetings will be given next week. Ralston Presbyterian Rev. Clinton Reed, pastor. Sunday School at 2:156 p. m. Service for Worship and Preach ing of the Word at 3. Midweek service for Prayer and | Bible study, Thursday, 7.830 p. m. 1 Arvada Community Church]| (Methodist Episcopal) Rev. A. C. Hoover, pastor il | Shrine of St. Anne I Father Benedict, Rector. ] — . Sunday services: Masses, 7.45 a. m. and 9.45 a. m. | Mass daily at 8.00 a. m. ’ Christian Science Society Sunday school at 9:30. ’ Christian Seience services are held Sunday mornine at West First and Adelaide streets at 11 o'clock. ‘ . Subject for next Sunday, “Reality” Shows Progress Made in Science of Telegraphy London.—Striking evidence of the advancement made In Invention during 1923 1s found In the recent exhibit of telegraphic and other lustruments at the British Lmperlal College of Sclence and Technology. The most notable deselopment is In telegraphy ; delay in submarine cabling has been largely ellminated by utillz ing the actlon of light on selenium, which responds so rapldly that the sig nal sent out Is recorded even before the full current has passed over the wire. A magnetic telegraphle drum re corder Is shewn, capnble eof speeding up messages to 1,000 words a minute, This 1s effected by the current of the incoming signal passing through colls centained in a rapldly revolving Irun drum and turning It Into a magnet for a brlef space, thus attracting a slight plece of Iron, shaped llke a brake shoe. This operates a fine syphon tube charged with ink, caus- Ing it to record the signal on the paper tape as it files past {t. Another exhibit Is an*“undulator,” or an Instrument used in high-speed wireless tele, ru‘-hy. capable of print {ng on an -.-nfllwm sllp of paper up to 300 words a minute. Another device which appealed both to laymen and professional 18 the com plicated photographle apparatus for taking motlon plctures at the rute of 5,000 a second, War Veteran Wins Back His Health and Bride Geleshurg, HL~Three years ago Capt. Paul L. Porter, who had sertoed through the Warld war, \\n~‘|hru'\n from o horse. His hack was hroken The Injured otficer was taken to the Walter Reed Nospltal, Washington, where Miss Elizabeth Pumphrey of I'|~rlh:|'.".‘. HL%an army nurse, wus ns his case. Amerlen's greatest nu--lh'lg men sald he conld not live, Lové®developed hetween the eaptaln andghis earetnker, but e re fused th marry bhecause of hts cond! tlon, ;Iu Pumphrey took her charge to a®Boxton hospitnl for n new treat ment. Captain Porter, despalrifig of recovering, returned to his home at énleshurg to die, Miss Pumphréy, refusing to glve wp hopee, resigned from army service and nedompanted him. In a few months he had recovered to the extent of heing üble to walk, and he and Miss Pum phrey were married, Pan Gold on Beaches Moclips, Wash.—Scores of men nre panning gold from the Washington beneh sand, north of Queets, earning on the nverage more than ordinary wnges, The virgin gold s found In nugeets about the size of wheat kep nels, It I 8 generanlly belleved the pre clous metal came from the Olymple mountalng, nlthough some of the plae er miners think n honanga 18 close by the bench workings, Saves Baby Sister Loncaster, Po~-John Purks, ten yeurs old, I Lancaater's youngest hero, When nn ofl stove exploded a few days ngo, the child, alone In the room, crosmed the burning carpet and wrap ping hix hanhy sister in a blanket car rled her to sufety, She wuw nsleep on n cot nenr the stove, Her bhed waw nlmost In flames when her bhrother mude the rescue, The hoy's hunds were badly cut nnd burned. ’ TAXPAYER'S PARTY L ] —lf vou want Arvada made more advantageous | for lu'nph' to live here, and your taxes reduced : ‘ Vote the Straight I s Ticket! axpayer's licket! —This party insists on better conditions, and that the taxpayers shall get value received for their money. FOR MAYOR: GEORGE B. CAMPBELL FOR TRUSTEES: C. E. MAGGARD A. J. MILLER FRED G. TILLER ALONG WEST 38th AVENUE Dr. Henderson, district superin tendent, will speak at the Wheatridge M. E. church Sunday morning, March 30th. > Miss Inez Smith of Boulder spent her vacation with home folks. L. L. Johnson spent last week at hs home on West 38th avenue,the University of Colorado having their spring vacation at that time. Miss Darlington of Denver spent Friday evening at the C. C. Andrus home. Prayer meeting and the Sunday school council held a joint meeting Wednesday evening at the J. B, Tra go home. The Ladies’ Aid met last week in Berkeley with Mrs. Grace Koneman and this week Mrs. Hurt will enter tani them at her home on West 32nd avenue. | Mrs. George Allen is on the sick list. \ Leo Crites and wife of Denver spent the week end at the Fred Tal bott home. At the close of this school year, Mism Erma Eckhart will go east and ‘meet an aunt who will take her on an extended trip to Europe. Miss 'Eckard is a senior in Wheatridge ‘hiuh school. | : N ~ Miss Ina Felch and her mother plan to return to their home in Ore gon shortly. They have been spend ing the winter with Mrs. Elkins. Mr. and Mrs. Hassebroeck of West 38th avenue entertained friends from Denver Sunday. Miss Retha Johnson, instructor at the Barnes Commercial college, was out of school the first of the weck on account of illness, Thomas Rudisell of Berkeley vis ited on West 38th avenue Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Al Talbott of Eliza beth, Cole., visited with their sister, Mrs. Ben Talbott the first of the week, ) PUBLIC WILL NAME WORLD FLIGHT CRAFT Designated After Cities Se lected by Straw Vote. Washington.—The four alrplanes se lected by the arimy nlr service for the round-the-world flight will bear the names of four leading Amerienn efties, The ohject of the alr service In deslgnnting these ships by name, in to crente graater interest in the under taking, "It Ix stuted. Just what cities will be selected for the honor has not been determined. In order to lend zest to the contest, It in the Intention of sir service oMcials to Invite the newspapers of the country to ald In the work of selection, and 1t Ils hoped that the leading Journals will conduct straw hallots for this purpose, ’ One plan put forth suggests that a city from the nortfienst const, one from the north centrnl horder, one from the Pucific const nnd one from the Nouth would make nn excellent combination This would seem to Indicate the cholce of New York, Chicngo, Sun Francisco or Los Angeles, nnd parhaps New Op lenny, though Atlunts might come In for conslderntion am the representa tive city of the South, To Push Movement. Chnmbors of commerce In the lead- Ing cities of the country, regardless of the likeliliood of the parent eity to he selected, will he asked to get he hind the movement and push it with the newspnpers of thelr Immediate Areas, The plans selected for the recorq. brenking flight nre known na “Dougian World Crulsers.” They are conven tiona!l type bil-planes having a long non-stop flylng raunge and easy to ninnenver into and out of small land Ing areas Each of these alrplanes welghs with out pasoline, 01l or pnssengers, nbhout 4,208 pounds. Fully londed, the welght Is nhout 830 pounds. Of the lond of CALTO pounds, nearly 4,000 will he fuel and oil. This amount of fuel and 01l will allow o flight of approximately 2,200 milles The engine used Is the lmproved Liberty, welghing less than two pounds per horsepower With wlde open throttles, It develops 420 horsepower and will earry the plane of more than two tons nt o speed of nbhout 100 miles per hour, This Liberty engine has ‘lu-c-n gr(mly tmproved over former models; nlr Intake pnssages have been \n-nrrnnmnl to prevent backfiring and idunxur of fire. Gamollne pumps for the carburetors are so fitted as to re duce danger from gnsoline : under pressure; stronger timing gedrs have been provided to operate the two Igni tlon systems, L The fuselnge construction V steel tubing welded and rlveted In place, giving additlonal strength over the usunl stick and wire-construction in ‘addition to freedom from warping and loss of allgnment. The wings have a span of 50 feet, nre T 4 feet wide and have a total area of ahout TOO square feet. They are of fuhrlc and wood, ‘The wings can he folded back, redue. Ing the span to 20 feet, tor shipment or storuge. The propeller, between six and seven feet long, about six Inches In width at the hub, tapers to a frac tion of an Inch at the tips, and s com-’ posed of many pleces of selected wood, ‘.qud and pressed together, o | Landing and Take-Off, " ~ The planes can be quickly ndapted for landing nnd take-off on elther Inng or water by a chunge from the 36 by Binch wheels to pontoons. The pon toons have n reserve displacement of 85 per cent, bnsed on the maximum welght of the plane A totul of GOO gullons of gnsollne s enrrled In six tanks; a 60. gallon grav- Ity tank Is in the center section of the upper wing; one of 150 gullons Is bhe hind o fire wall In the rear of the en glne; one of 100 gallons 1y beneath the oor of the pllot's cockplt, and In the butts of hoth lower wings are lunlu‘ holding 62 gnllons ench. Engine dreiv- | enogenr putnps are provided to convey | the fuel to the englne and o hand putp for emergency use s loented lu‘ the cockplt. Firty gallons of lubrient- Ing ofl are enrrled In two Intersection nl tnnks connected together under the engine, Seal's Second Skin Finest. Fine brown fur of the fur senl is under o top skin that Ix stiff, conrse and gray In color and which Ix tnken off v uen preparing the skins for the ket et o Estimates l"urninhwrl Vli-';lm Phone GALLUP 1643 E. W. CLINCHY Plumbing and Heating Jobbing, Ranges Connected, Cense pools, Grease Traps, Sewers 4558 Utica Street (Near White City) Denver, Colorado LAKE STATION FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM MARKET PRICE Paid for Poultry. Call Arv. 995.R13 after 6 p. m. We haul to market on commis- Clearing Sale! 1919 Ford Sedan $150.00 3 Ford Touring $25 each ASHTON MOTOR CO. Phone Arv. 232