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JOYS OF MOTHERHOOD Often Prevented by Female Trouble LydiaE.Pinkham’sVegetable Compound brings Joy to Homes by Removing Cause of Trouble Brooklyn, N.Y.,—*ll was workin ‘efter I got married and the young lady who worked next tome gsked me if Ivhad xm¥l intentions of having a child. I told her Iwould be the happi est woman on earth if I could become & mother, but I always had terrible cramps, backaches and headaches. She then told me of a woman she knows who took Lydia E. Pinkham'’s Vegetable Compound for the same troubles and it helped her greutly. 1 took about a half bottle and found that the following month I did not suffer any pain, so I kegt on taking it. I have a wonderful baby boy six months old and he is as strong and fat as anr one could wish a baby to be. I still take the Vegletable Com pound r:gulquy because I have looked fine all the time and felt fine and my mother told me that was the reason. I will be glad tohave you publish m testimonial with my name and ati dress.” —Mrs. EDWARD WERBECK, 1824 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y, Free From Old Trouble Auburn, Maine.—*‘l suffered with fnward weakness for ten years and had doctored all this long time but never got an‘f help. One dax' I saw my sister and she told me of Lydia E. Pinkham’s_Vegetable Compound end I wentand fOt me a bottle of it. 1 took two bottles and a half and I was just as free from my old troubles es I could be. I had only one child 5 Too Ambitious! “Why did you fire young Jones?” “He spent too much time reading guccess storjes.” . * Lift Off-No Pain! 0 /"/9/ e I (e .' o Doesn’t hurt one bit! Drop a little “I'reezone™ on an aching corn, instant- Iy that corn stops hurting, then short- Iy you lift it right oft with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freczone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn Lbetween the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or irritation. 9 Green's August Flower The remedy with a record of fifty-seven years of surpassing excellence. All who suffer with nervous dyspepsia, sour stom ach, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, K:lld.dleo. coming-up of food, wind on stomach, pslpitation snd other indications of digestive disorder, will find GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER an effective and officient remedy.For fifty-sevenyears this medicine ‘has been successfully used inmillions of howseholds all over the civil ized world. Because of its merit and pop ularity GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER can be found today wherever medicines are sold. 30and 90 ceat bottles. t! ZODAC PORTER I I T, Tole ecouha ard cees hermehial - P alent eoughing. T pus For ‘oner 15 years. Pleasant tasting. Bafe for ehlidren. Sold Everywhere—2sc¢. g HALL & RUCKEL, N. Y., MFRS. L ] 3w PARRER'S (=578 HAIR BALSAM N/,:‘. <& @il RemovesDanarufl-BtopefiairFalling] A;Q, - Restores Color and s Beaaty to Cray and Faded } 2U Y - 6oc, and §1 00 at Druseists, b Z ANisenx Chem. W ke, Patchop eN. Y. IflINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal ""‘: % o, stops all pain, ensures comfort to thio e = ::,‘.'."-‘.:.‘.'::.:?‘#J.‘:J‘.’..’%L‘.‘.’i‘:"’““" BATHE YOUR EVES l""‘ L wpron's l'.l‘.llh! WA 10, Aoy, N Bovklot, ) 2 y A L . A : ,‘,/ P o O A $2,500 in Prizes =N ENT!R the International Crow-Shooting Contest. Du Pont offers $2,500 in merchan dise prizos. No entrance fees. Destroy the menace to game and crops. Write today for booklets giving full information on the crow. E.l. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO.,INC Sporting Pewder Division WILMINGTON, DEL. f s " z N %2 Ll e and I was afraid that I could never have any more, for I had been told that I never could have a living child for I was not strong enough to carr one. But they were mistaken and { had anice babyboyand now I havefive children. T can’t praise your medi cine enough. My youngest sister has taken it, too, and praises it.’”’ — Mrs. G. L. WISWELL, 43 Mechanics Row, Auburn, Maine, These cases are similar to many others reported to us. It is well for women to carefully consider such statements and to give Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. It may bring great joy to your home. Over 100,000 women have so far replied to our question, ‘‘Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound?” 98 per cent of these replies are I(Ye'.’l That means that 98 out of evcry 100 women who take this medicine for the ailments for which it is rec ommended are benefited by it. This goes to prove that a medicine specialized for certain definite ail ments—not a cure-all—can and does do good work. I"orfift?' years Lydia E. %inkhum's Vegetable Compound has been a medicine for women. For sale by druggists everywhere, Why Men Wear Silk We hear much about vanity in the well-known feminine sex, but there seems to be no limit of idiocy to which men folk will go in their effort to ex tend their personalities, as the new psychologist might put it, by measns of costly garh. Shirts at S3O each in cer tain establishments have bhecome too commonplace to elevate a single eye brow. Perhaps the only reason men do not dress more gaudily than women is because they lack the courage of their desires and are too vain to admit their own sartorial weaknesses.—Nu tion’s Business, Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It fs wonderful what Cuticura will do for poor complexions, dandrufY, itching and red, rough hands,.—Advertisement. Era of Good Feeling In American political history the two administrations of President Mon roe, up to the time of the eampaign for his suceessor, 1817-1824, was known as thé ern of good feeling, There were practically no issues and but one party, Monroe being unanimously re elected in 1820 except for the personal whim of one elector, Best Way to Relieve Pain Is by direct outside application and the best remedy is an Allcock’s Plaster —the original and genuine.—Adv. Platinum Platinum s found in small gray particles along with other metals, in clhuding gold and chrome fron. Ocen stonally it is discovered In the form of nuggets, which are naturally extreme- Iy valuable. A 25-pound nugget of platinum would at the present time be worth over 530,000, Always Keep a Box on Hand. Brandreth Pills are a safe and rell able laxatlve, made In America for ninety years, entirely vegetable.—Adv, Beat Her to It “What's the matter, Bluehelle?” “Aw, my beaun Is too easy."” “As to how, girlie, as to how?" “\When he culls I'm dressing, of course.” “And In the meantime?” “My sixteen-yenr-old sister beats 1t down to the parlor, springs the little girl stuf® and viwps him for all the candy he has"” An oflice secker wotild rather oceupy n oseat in the polltical band wagon than In n costly Hmonsine ———————————————————————— AHEUMATISM ih _ Let us help YOU, Hundred Sufferers! | 0 vl o farevar. Write Stevens Laboratories, Oakland, Calif. Send wodel ordrawing for I're. froe, Highest reforences. ot restulta, | Promptoonss ussured WATSON E. COLUMAN, Fatent Lawyer G 446 Kt Washington D € - Denser, Colursis, O@es 810 Gulney Huilding, THE ARVADA ENTERPRISE. The AMERICAN LEGION tCopy for This Departinent Supplied by the American Leglon News Service. ) LEGION MEN O. K. SCOUT MOVEMENT A few months gago, leaders of the Amierican Legion in southern Cualifor nia despaired of being able to keey membership in the Lagle Rock post interested, Today that post has been completely revivitied because of inter est in sponsorship of the boy scout movement in the community, The whole membership is now at work outlining plans, teaching the yYoungsters and doing actual scout duty themselves because of this interesi. The post has furnished three scout masters. The post sponsors all troops inthe community regardless of the fact that it has troops of its own. According to a servey made of posts of the Legion, sponsorship of the boy scout movement has been one of the particular community activities, Re ports of nearly a thousand posts indi cated that in some way the Legion men dare at work in aid of this movement, not to encourage militaristic tenden cles, but rather to make a hardier and more self-reliant race. In some posts, this movement is par ticularly a post affair, with certain regulations imposed on the lads re gurding membership in the sponsored scout units. These require that the boys Le blood relatives of ex-service men. Other posts have adopted a troop of scouts or several troops In thelr own cities and are carrying on the work through their organization. In Toledo, O., because most of the posts in the county council had supplied a high type of men for scoutmasters, the leaders of the movement inanugurated a school, and Legionnaires numbered the principal portion of the class, The recent “scout week,” coinciding as it did with the drives of most Le gion posts in interest of 1924 member ship, proved a great Incentive to the scout movement. The former service men in several communities through out the country took it upon them selves to “sell” the scout fdea at the same time that they talked for the Legion and Its membership. As a con sequence the scout movement in many cities, partienlarly in Connecticut and New Jersey had added a great many friends. National oflicials of the Le glon have always contended that every former soldler would find something to interest him in the organization. To some this has been the care of the disabled ; others In the reunlon with former comrades; to certaln ones has come a sense of realization of com munity spirit; and this is exemplitied In the case of the Eagle Rock post in California and scores of others now directing and sponsoring the scout moveient, Disabled Men to Have Wisconsin Summer Camp A summer camp for disabled men in Wisconsin will be opened by the Amer fean Legion In that state as a part of the Legion's service program. This camp will be on state lands In the northern section of the state, wherein the bhoasts of the tourist books “ahounds the muskie and the trout, the bass and the pickerel.” No attempt will be made to keep the camp mlilitary, though the sanitation will be carefully watched by experts, Shacks constructed will provide hous- Ing facilities for a veteran and his family and he Is expected to prepare his own meals. Only disabled men will be aceepted as guests, according to the present plans, Many applica tlons have been recelved at depart ment headquarters for allotment of space, Louisiana Legion Men Get After Loan Sharks Usurious rates of interest charged by “loan sharks™ and sharp husiness tncties nsed by such persons in Shreve port, L., has come to the attention of the Lowe McelFarlane post of the Amerienn Leglon, As o consequence the Leglon men have gone on record favoring steps by the public for pro tective measures for persons unfa willar with sound business practlee, A resolution was passed by the post membership expressing the fear that continunnee of such evil will resalt i sowing of the xeeds of erime atmong the viethms of the usurers and that these persons are enslaving men and wornen, both white and black, in the city. By the terms of the resolution the Leglon i pledged to abolishiment of the evil, Old Foes Are Best Pat was hard hit und sinking rap [dly, 0 u chuplain was sumnoned, Spat,t he sald gravely, Yyou are about to o west, While you have time you must renounce the devil” spather,” replied Pat, “If ' that bhad off, ‘tis In no condition 1 um to he after mokin® new inimies"—American Legion Weekly, Hot Off the Wire Volee on Phone—Glmme Maln 4, Operutor—You should say “Muin oh, >h, oh, four.” V. O, I'.—Oh, oh, oh, ges.~American Leglon Weelly WOMEN! DON'T BE IMPOSED UPON Warning! Not All Package Dyes Are “Diamond Dyes.” . “Dlamond Dyes Always ask for “Diamond Dyes"” and it you don't see the name “Diamond Dyes™ on the package—refuse it—hand it back! Eachi 15-cont package of “Dinmond Dyes™ contains directions so shmple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, walsts, sweaters, stoekings, Kimonos, couts, draperies, coverings—oeverything new, even if she has never dyed before, Choose any color at drug store, Refuse substitutes! More Scrious The Man (gloomiiy)—l was told to go abroad at once, The Girl—Nonsense! These doctors mustu't frighten you out of your life like that. The Man—lt wasn't a doctor, It was o lawyer—London Opinion, Hall’'s Catarrh e will do what we Med‘cme claim for it-- tid your system of Catarth or Deafness zaused by Catarth. Sold by druggists for over 40 years F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio Scripture for It ) Tell me, Jamie, what was the most wonderful thing you saw at sea?” “lothing it was o flying tish.” “Noo, laddie. dinna mak o fule o yer mither, Who ever heard o' a fish flecin’?” “Another strange thing 1 saw while crosing the Red sen. We dropped anchor, and when we hoisted it again there was one of the goheels of Pha raoh’s chariot on it,” “AYe, laddie, an' 1T believe yon Welve Seripture for 16— Northern Daptist, “DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years, Drug stores and general stores sell hottles of “Dandelion” for 3 cents.—Ady, Lost and Found . Tom—l lost an opportunity of Kiss. Ing Betty in the conservatory last night after our dance, Dick—Well, don’t worry ahout it [ found It later.— Boston ‘Transeript, You never hear o man hoast that his wife shines his shoes, Sure Relief IPIQNDIGESTION TNBS— | for wenes - @~ = Sure Relief DELL-ANS _2s¢ AND -75¢ PACKAGES EVERYWHER® Health and good looks —the reward of internal cleanliness HFAITH and good looks go Medical science, through knowl hand in hand. If you do not edge of the intestinal tract gained keep clean internally, your looks by X-ray observation, has found and health are undermined to- at last in lubrication a means of gether. A clogged intestine breeds overcoming constipation. poisons that reach _every Phyaiaiths: Bavor S fi part of the body. These i M % ' übrication & . poisons ruin the complex- ThalukicatNnis) ce I 74 AL k., ion and undermine e lubricant,Nujol,penetratesanc \\\ ?u J health, Constipation softens the lulml food waste and \/}h ' brings on such ailments 'I'”l” hastens its HRPOCHS 'ln","?,’]| {2 asheadaches, bilious at- "ll.' nu.l of the |.‘m|y.b [hus Nujol 2,;/1:7,5';{;‘.:.",;.':,/'s{: tacks. and insomnia |.)nn;,',s internal cleanliness, fig‘.\ cach of which sapsyour Not a Medicine E (e health and vitality. Socn much Nujolis nota lax- © 3 | e -'—\ . more serious conditions follow. ative and cannot l"'_ u(l::« g 3 . k e . 11. l constipation, say intestinal spe- “'”-Pl“.' I\IH~J“'I'-I'” \"’( ”5w ‘i¢ , cialists, lies the primary cause of Used inleading ¢ ; , more than three-quarters of all ill- hospitals and is & &[V | ness including the gravest discases Prese ribed by oy, A ),'% } of life. phy'.u wansthrough- } ;:’ l'/l ""g Laxatives out the world, y Cleanliness Demands More T han [athing Aggravate Constipation Don't give dis- Laxatives and cathartics do not case a start, Adopt this habit of overcome constipation,saysanoted internal cleanliness. Nujol is not authority,butbytheircontinueduse o medicine. Like pure water, it is tend only to aggravate the condi- harmless. Take Nujol as regularly tion and often lead to permanent as you brush your tecth or wash injury. your face, For sale by all druggists, - Bassand . el UJO ‘IJ I R — CERERAS SN : u:{d:p_ ill b REG.US. PAT. OFF, Rz -ol For Internal Cleanliness R . am. R TT,.2 e M Experience as Nurise Causes Mrs. Fleming to Endorse Tanlac. Practical Nurse for 16 Years ‘ Tells of Recovery Thanks to Tanlac — Recommends It to Patients. “I would never have belioved any | medieine on earth conld help me like Tanlace did,” is the precise statement of Mrs, Celin Fleting, 1910 Addison Nt., Berkeley, Calif, o practical nurse of slxteen years' experience, “In 1 seriouss operation weak ened my system so T never saw a real well day until 1 took Tanlae three vears ago. I never segmed to he hun gry, my stomach was so disordoered 1 could searcely retaln o thing T ate, Mackiavelli Machinvelli was an Hallan states man, historian and man of letters | (HGO-TIH27T). T s sald the object of his book, “The Pgince,” is to show | that all is e in diplomaey, The term “NMachinvelllsm™ has come (o mean political cunning and duaplicity, | the art of treicking and overreaching | by diplomuey, | Too many people talk in one (lil'|‘|'~| tion and act in another, r!fl"‘-\fl . £~"29, Children rl; . 11,\ K_' )"; = &¢- 29 C : f é’;_; S N ry Or & o RPN b N e I S SRR S SRA lEENRN N o s | ;;24’;3;;?'2'.3-* i, 1= A . 5 »\;;\ A s B 6..[ ; AR ) fi?&;‘ o e S/ 4 ,« ; BSRRY L A 7y 9 e=" ¥ hu&a'a e S LY T Y o S W Ak, oN N aND f § Y Ly 2O\ . 9 \ " TS <<\ \\i A Ve \A § ” i £ i By T , Y BRBR RS R S 0 . M D ee o g e X N & R - N R\ MOTHIER :- Fletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. 7 e To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of &a‘f/"/‘/ffl":’/‘&:‘ Proven directions on each package, Physicians everywhere recommend it T e PT VS seag oot e gy ey e~ % “Two pleasant ways .. _ v . '\l\:“ . o relieve a cough, (o [ar) ¢ /.‘ J 'r& -~ Take your choice and suit Q,‘a”.' 3) -y your taste. S-B--or Menthol ‘1‘721;" flavor. A sure relief for coughs, jyv‘ 7P WO/ colds and hoarseness. Put one iy k‘*‘&/ b in your mouth at bedtime, AT TRADS Always keep a box on hand, MARR S.B. COUGH DROPS wmrnmHoL C—— Famous since 1847 9 and T lost welght i U was almost a shadow, 1T was very anemie, and shat tered nerves and sleepless nights con tributed even more to my already mis crable state, “Panbae bullt up my appetite and dl cestlon wonderfully, and every single allinent went away, Then, with retorn- Ing strength came o 82-pound nereaso in weight, and from that. day threo years azo my health has been splendid, I recommend Tanlne to many of my patfents, for it is indeed a remarkable medicine.™ } Tanlae is for sole hy all good droge wists, Over 40 milllon bottles sold, ‘.‘\t'u-pl no substitutes, Take Tanlae Vegetohle IPils, The New Ireely-Lathering A| . » (uticura, Shaving Stick FFor Tender Faces EMOLLIENT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC W. N. U, DENVER, NO. 13..1924, b reason one s not toolea olt ener Is because no one thinks it Is worth while