Newspaper Page Text
ROV Ay SRR, SRR ER L S iy o b | WHEN IN LAMAR | Callon the BE B B B B | Oriental Billiard | ]‘l (vl“- B @ @ @ @ @ Forthe ———————e e ! BEST WHISKIES - - - AXD - CIGARS O i | FRED SCHMIDT, Prorgygter, { ANTQTTID I YOUR BUILDINGS | INSUREY " RS2 | C. L. MCPHERSON, | Holly, Colo. o Agent for the @erman American Insuronce Company, e f NEW YORK. Insares Avainst FIRES, LIGHTNING, W/ PORNADOIS and CYCLONES. Any other plece in the vounty For igh prices, but it You want good goods at Bed rock prices, goto J. L, MAYFIELD’S Store in Granada, where yon Can get drygoods, clothing, boots, Shoes, notions and furniture, | Call and see him at | GILANADA, ‘ Where e will be Pleased to show vou | The finest stock of ‘ Goods in eastern \ COLORADO. l e e e e ettt 1 we wlil print you 100 l ‘“*Return’® Envelopes for lifty cents. S ————————————————— B Pr. [o. NVI Elsle]lS; PHYSICIAN axp SURGEON Uil Holly, Colorado: AUUUHUUNGLLL T— e——— e—— —— ——————————— — @, [-. NlePherseon, NOTARY ¢ PUBLIC, HoLLY, -~ - %~ CoLO. FOR SALE ) BY THE i laar S Compans, ALFALFA Seed 11-2 to 51-2 cts. per pound. Gorman and Common Millet Seed. Write M. STRAIN, Lamar, Colorado, e —————————————————————————— J. KNOWLEN, ! ————e e N > CONTRACTOR & W) BUILDEZR, ———e - ——— e GRANADA, COLORADO. e EEE———— e e e——— $2.50. ] Willpay for ““Plaa Farim amd Field” And the CHIEFTAIN P 2, & A—— THE FARM AND FILLD is the best farm journal in the west, em bracing The Colorado Farmer, The Live Stock Jom"ual, The Live Stock Record. The Runge Journal und The Colorado Fruit Grower, in one GRAND COMBINATION: : "published weekly in buflr. Colorado. Regular subscription ' price $2.00 per year. We will send you . this paper and the CHIEFTAIN ~ BNE YEAR for TWO DOLLAES and, R FIFTY CENTS, M cannot alford to do withont sither P ] I \ LR R v | THEHOLLY CHIEFTAIN. | PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. | ——————— ‘ E2Y . V. MILFORD. |S. W.PERKINS, - . Local Ed!!or.] | e ———e—— | HOME NEWS. ] Get your ice of Miles Standish. | “Keno” Rogers rode his whee! down | from Astor this week. | mo complaints of scarcety of water : in the Buffalo canal. | New vegetables are beginning to put in an appearace at the stores. ‘ I'or grocenes, fresh and salt meats and provisions go to S. Harden. | Go to Thomason’s if you are bungry, snd try one of bis square meals., Miles Standisb will deliver ice in Holly. Leave orders at C. L. McPherson’s store, C. L. McPherson has just re ceived a large stock of ladies’ dress goods and shoes. Prices low as the lowest. | WANTED—A good girl to do general honse work. Call at the (,"..'erl’.\l.\" office. Buy a Thurmal bath and be healthy. S. W. Buillingslea, of Lamar, sells them. ‘ George Hollis is doing considerable farming of late. He has anice garden. Mr. Temple, of the Western News paper Uniou, Denver, was in town Tuesday, This oftice turned out some job work for C. H. Adams and W. H. Chaplin this week, W. I. Chaplin, a prominent farmer near Granadn, subscribed for the CHigr- TAIN this week. George Wubster is irrigating the Johnsou tract of land two and a half tmiles northwest of town, Jake Wilcox, foreman of the Duancan farm, is ore of the busiest men in theee parts, Hekeeps his work right up with the season, Get your watches and jewelry re patred at Applegate’s, Lamar. Sat -Isfaction guaranteed. S. Harden has just received a full stock of fresh Groceries and respect fully solicits the patronage ot the publie. Springrield Herald: The ‘“Never sweat’” base ball club is & product of Prowers county. They are ‘‘under Irrigation” &nd don’t need to sweat. Mrs. Wm, Dodson and Miss Mnggiel Newman returned to their homes in Tribune, Monday after sojourning in Holly for a week or more. The dam at the headgate of the Underflow canal washed out last Fiiday mght. It was rebuilt Monduy and the ditch was without water but a few hours, The following farmers: received sugar beets seed from the Agricultaral de partment this week: H. Brown, 8. N. Canfield, John Duncan, V. Coats and; Cliff Wgood. | STRAYED from Holly; Colorado, one | bay gelding, weighs about 1030, in good tlesb, no brund. Any one taking him up and gending notice to the CHIEFTAIN otfice will be liberally rewarded. Wm. Simpson who has been working with the surveying party for the past two months retarned Friday. Heis at work improving his five acre tract, having set out » numbver of fruit and forest treea this week. About w hundred yards of the Amity flume on Sund creek washed out Friday night, because of the waste gate being left closed. Supt. McDowell is up there having it repaired and 1t is probably completed by this time. For seed wheat, address The La mar Milling & Eleyator Co. Sam ples of this wheat can be seen at the CuierTalN office. A. J. Horten, Mgr., Lamar, Colo ‘lt Is The Best on Earth.” That is what Edwards & Parker: merchanta of Fiains, Ga., eay of Cham berlaing’s Pain Balm; for rheumatism: deep deated and muscalar pains, BSold by C. L. McPherson. C. H. Frybarger, Carlton, Colo., sells 10 packages of Arbuckles or Lion coffee for §1.40, Bushel baskete for 25 cents or 2 for 45 cents. The Westfield (Ind.) News priota the following in regerd to an old residest of tbat place: “Frank McAvoy, for wany years in the ewmploy of the L, N. A. & C. Ry, here, says: ‘I haye used Cbamberlain’s Colic, Cholers and Diar rhoen Kemedy for ten years or lenger —sm never withont in my family. 1 consider it the ves. remedy of the kind manufactured, I tuke plensure in rec commending it’.”” It is & specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by C. L. McPherson. |How Mayfleld of Granada Sells ) Ciothing. A good suit for $5.95 A better one for 6.00 A humtker for 7.50 A dandy for 9.00 A Crackerjack for 12.00 And a full line of Dry Goods, No {tions, Boots and Shues, Hats and aps, Ladies and Gentd’ @loves, atid roftory, ! ; i | 1 HAVE OPENED UP I | 'x N OAND ) \d | i 0\ ': l l IVis 1 4 * Of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots,i . ° | Shoes and Furnishing Goods. 1 A HANDSOME tMY SHOE STOCK | FURNISHING Line of New Spring Dress i Comprises of Ladles | GOODS, Underwear, | Novelities, in gingle | and chlldren’s Fine Shoes | Shirts, Overails, Jum- Patterns. All wool i and the BEST hine of | vers, Suspenders, serges, all shades, | medium priced School | Gloves, Neck-ties, and ! from 30 cents a yard | snoes in the Valley. ]" ca;cg;flh; l::electtd l up. A Beautiful line |y s tne Dress shoes, | 7¢O AL of- Bbing, aud?Saimsil ns. Dress. Shoes. mer Wash goods. | Heavy working sh‘oen, HATS. | Percales, Ginghams, | P:TU)“"‘~ and Cow | Lawns, Swisse Organ- | Doy Boots. All SWl‘i;, Fredgms, | dis, ete., ete., | Crush, road Brim : R { 9“6 and John B. Stetson’s. RS 1 ol | ; : CALL AND SEE THE NEW STORE. . J. M. JOHNSTON, FOURTH STREET. HOLLY. COLOQ Get your ice of Miles Standish. | The boys bave been called upon to work out their poll tax. The CuierraiN and the Kansas City Weekly Star both ope year tor $1.50. A bridge has been built across the slough on the sectionline east of town. | You can get a fair bargain in gro ceries at 8. Harden's. Thomason serves iunches and meals at all hours. George Hollis is having the roofs of his buildings on Santa Fe street paint ed, Ed. SBewell 18 wielding the brush, Doc Perkins has for the time being laid aside his nice clothes and is wdding into real hard physical labor. He is fixing up hia new residence. James Millinger returned yesterday from the headgates where he has been doing carpenter work for several weeks, He is now assisting Lew with his new hotel, R. J. Milford was here a few days this week looking for one of his horses, He started for Tribnne Monday. and will take his fumily to Illinois in a short time. l George Penny, a young colored man | from Beaver, Pennsylvania, arrived Friday and will make his bome at the White House, acting as porter for that popular hostelry, W. L. Morehouse of Lamar, deal er in lumber, lath, shingles, doors gash, lime and cement. A special |low rate on Portland cement. | Those who love the beantiful should {go around and take a peep at J. M. IJohnson’s windows. The way he has them decorated would do credit to a | five story brown stone front in Chica | %o. | J. S. McMurtry and family of HHorace, ‘| spent Sundey and Monday in Holly the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. R, H. McCoy. {Joe returned to Horace Tuesday and | Mrs. McMurtry will visit here a week jor two. i Charley Proctor returned Friday from up the river where he has been car pentering for the Great Plains company. | Charley appears to have all kiuds of |ideas in his head but whether any of | them are of 8 matrimonial nature the | future alone can reveal. However | through the regularity with which he holds Bunday evening meetings he has | attained the title of ‘‘Rev.” | A. L. Hare, of Horace, was down | Tuesday. In conversation with the '{ CuigFralN man he said he thought this country was all right and that the next few years would see a wonderful change in in its appearance. He ap | peared to be well pleased with his lot which he invested in some time ago. | He will have his business room fixed .| up and either rent it or occupy it him | self, || A Mr. Baker purchased two five ncre tracts this week. He has been in the nursery business lor « number of years {and intends to plant all Lis ground to .1 fruit trees. He Buys he is satistied this will be one of the very best countries | for truit and especially for grapes, of which he will net out several thonsand the first thing. He returned to Russell Springs, Kansas, Tuesday and will | briog his family out immediately. His | brotber will also come oat and settle | on an eighbty acre farm near town. The Best Remedy For Rheumatism. From the Fairhaven (N. Y.] Register. | Mr. James Rowland of this village, states that for twenty.five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheuma tism. A few nights sgo tha was in surh 1 pain that she was nearly cruzy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he bad read of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and instead of going for a physi | cian be vent to thestore and secured a | bottle of it, His wife did not approve | of Mr Rowland’s purchase at first, but | neverthelass applied the Baim thor. oughly and la an hours time was | able to go to sleep. Bhe now applies it Iwhenever she feels ap ache or a pain and finde that it always gives rellef. He says tbat no medicine wbich she ‘had nsed ever did Yier as much good. &o:&-udumwhmm by ©. Passenger Train Wrecked. As a resalt of a heayy rainfall at the head of Clay creek last Friday night about thirty feet of the Santa Fe track was washed out six miles east of Lamar at the Morse station. The flood of water washed out the flume of the Lamar canal driving it down against the railroad bridze thus forcing the water east of the bridge where it wash out the embankment which was about eix feet high, Passenger train No, 6 plunged into the chasm while running fifty miles an hour. The engine turned a compiete somer sault, alighting in the water with its head end toward the track. The first car, which was a ‘“dead head,’” and the mail car were teleacoped, both left the track and went to the bottom of the chusm. The ‘“dead head” car lay on its gide & mass of splinters, The mail car remained upright. a rail run througk its front end. The smoker and chair car stayed on the track bat was pushed to the side of the embank ment which caused these cars to stand at an angle of about forty five degrees. None of the cars were damaged except the first two. Every one who saw the wreck thought it most remarkable that no one was killed. The engineer was thrown about thirty feet striking a barb wire fence in about three feet of water, Two of his ribs were broken. The other persons injured were s mail clerk and three tramps, one of whom bad an arm and a lag broken. The mail clerk’s injuries were slight. | Train No. 5 was held six hours at Granada when it run to the wreck and the passengerd, baggage and express transferred. Some damage wus done to the mail as Lthe mail car was in several feet of water, but none was lost, The storm which caused the wreck | was accompanied by heavy hail, huge piles of which lay on the banks of the creek. Many people from Granada, Lamar and Holly yiewed the wreck. A large force of men were put to work immediately clesning it up, and inside of twelye hours all trains were runoing on time. —— Preaching Sunday at 11 o’clock a. m. Everybody invited to attend. Bottomley, the Lamar photoprapher, was taking pictures for our people this week. The tender, empker and mail car of the wrecked train was taken east today on the local freight. Those who am"i fortunate enough to own a bike are enjoylng some line rides these lovely mooslight nights, A, L. Berdoe’s household goods ar rived yesterday and are Leing placed in the Amity cottage on Fifth street where Mr. Berdoe and family will re side. The key check man worked Holly Tuesday and sold several checks. He also entertained a_small crowd for a time with some excellent ocarina and flute music. J. E. Staunfler. of Lawrence, Kavsus, has been here since Monday visiting with his brother L. E., our genial night operator. He is delighted with our climate and will probably locate among | us. ‘ Lamar Sparke: All the honey sold in Lamar now 18 the product of Prow ers county apiaries, and a great desl is shipped out during the season. Three years ago all the honev consumed here was shipped in. Mrs. J. M. Johnston arrived this morning from soutbern Illinois where ath bass been visiting her parents. That faraway expression worn by J. M, herctotore has suddenly chauged to the very picture of pontentment. Chris Clasen weat to Coolidge yes terday to piace the ghimmiog machin. ery in position and superintend the starting of the plaat, All of the ma chinery had not arrived so Chris re turned this mornicg. The plant is ex pacted to be ready for operation by % —_— e EREEs | sKeep in the Middle of Ihe Road,, | THE FIGHT I NOW ON. % W\ Ere’s [ —g* | [~ }, Your | NS l :fiér Y Rocky Aéfiy 5 Mountain ~ ” i 7 News. 'Cf‘ ’ Cartoon with =y~ every issue. .«+.WITH.... 3 T 7 GREENBACKS THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE. Tag Rocky Mouatain Nows, (A MFTROPOLITAN DAILY.) 1s the oldest and most widely known newspa per printed lo Colorado. It adopts, regardless of cost, every facility offered to keep abreast of the times, It pays especial attention to the unparalleled resources of its own and adjeining states and territories. Its miniug stock reports are full and accurate. Whoever reads The News will be kept In touck with all national. state and home reforms, and fully posted onthe development of therich gold and silver mines of Iperial Colorado. Subseribe—or send 5 cents for a sample copy Daily (with Sunday), $7.50 per year,, three mounths $1,90, per month 66, Weekly 21,00 per year, Address NEWS PRINTING CO., Denver, Colo, \ y L J ) ; =~ ( DENVER, | COLORADO SPRINGS, : PUEBLO, E TO EVERYWHERE, ; Through service in ELEGANT VESTISULE TRAINS (sleepers -] and chair cars) between : COLORADO POINTS ‘| and Chicago, Kansas City, ; Los Angles, San Francisco ] and Salt Lake City. One Change to New York and Boston. 1 The way to travel is to start right Santa Fa Route offers the best { possible accommodations to nearly | every par of the world. | For Information concerning w railroad and steamship travel, address, | J. P. HALL, General Agent, Pass., Dept.. , 1700 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. | | e ———————————— | The fi I ”d I 3 l m | % . JS'THE BEST. ; | NS — | Lo . K 77 @ eO. f : v 1 = R R . g = SNy TSRS ,8 27 . gt 2 Yaeall ;/.’ gy L ' 2O 3 B ) | ) et > : ! o | WRITE FOR OUR COOK BOOK. ) FREE. . De LAND & O FAIRPORT, N Y ———————————————— | COFFRE 2otz o {1 cent a Pound nroivan, Deimmeer ol st in 4 mecthe. Plast Ume o the Sk of Juse. farmers * | plied and erery ene i E.,—‘.-e-mwhmm l.:-’y e LA LS | o eRAT ST e y| Forsale by C. H. Frybarger, Cariton, , | Colorado. | | e———— E. R YAGER, — E Dealer in | Wall paper. A large stock constant | ly on hand at prices from 7} cents|: | per roll up. )} —— : oo ~ LAMAR, COLO. | e —————————————————————— Ed Swaygze ] Y vees®y : TONSORIAL ARTIST, ) ; fes e Does first-class work. : Give him a trial, ] ! HOLLY, COLORADO. e | e e T J. K. DOUGHTY. j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oftice in Land Office Building, | i : Cel B. B. BROWN, &’ruiden\. A. N. PARRISH, Vice Pres. | W. C. GOULD, Cashier. >4FISRT NATIONAL 3 BANK X Capital Stock, - - - #50.000. Surplus, - - . - - 4,000, DIRECTORS. B. B. BROWN, A. N. PARRISH, W. C. GOULD, M. D. THATCHER, T. M. BROWN. FURNITURE STORE. MRS. BELLE HOLLIS, PROPRIETRESS. Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Rockers, any thing you want in the Furniture Line. UNDERTAKER AND PRACTICAL EMBALMER. HOLLY, COLORADO. ' S3as (. L. McPherson £z b y N DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ) PRESCRIPTIONS CARE nflg‘ 4 SPWRY; FULLY COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. E GEO. A. WATSON, ; Real Estate and Collection Agent. % I bave bargains in land with | water that cannot be | surpassed. Practice in Justice Courts and | the U, 8. Land Office. | "} CollectionsaSpeclialty. | LAMAR, COLORADO. o BT R )B A RLST Y N \ 0 1 W1 T 3 5 The:East:SidesLivery:Stable ¥ Does a General Livery and Feed Business. RIGS FURNISHED, RATES REASONABLE. =O~ JAH'ES BAIRD, Proprietor -0--- HOLLY, e e e e e COLORADO =WHITE ** HOUSE.= .........B_onrd nn:.lj)duing o oes oo v1 DA Y__é. (Tl‘.; 3 7 ‘\\; EEK =% AR Nlrs., Kate Nlillinger, Prop. HOLLY, COLO. e e J.L. WOOD & SON, | | * DEALERNS : I[N » Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Doors and Window Sash. } ——-COMPLETE STOCK.—- HOLLY, e COLORADO. | m SILVER STATE HOUSE | W. E. Vincent, Prep. . i LAMAR, - -™3 - - COLORADO. " vvteure: House Refitted throughont, First clase ....... e suneones ACcOmimodations. Large Bample Rooms for Commercial Men. ......0.. ‘ e BEASONABLE RATES ...00.. i