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WHEN 1N LAMAI I Callon lhu—— 7:. noEu B B | Oricerntal I-')f”if»ll‘t.{ l Elall i a ] 3 ™) a I} ror the { - | BEST WHISKIES - AND ) JGARS FRED SCHMIDT, Prorgyter, T YOUR BUILDINGS INSURE™ & ‘ C. .. MCPIHTERSON, | Holly, €olo | . Agent ft U l Serman American Insuronce Company, I ~-0f NEW YORK. Insures Avainst FIRES, LIGHTNING, MW/ TORNADOIS and i CYCLONES o LRGN T Anyother place in the county For bigh prices, butif Yon want gnod goods at Zed rock prices, go to J. 1., MAYFIELD'S Store in Granada, where yon Can get drygoods, clothing, boots, Shoes, notions and farnitare, ('all and gee him at GRANADA, sosssosse | Where he will be Pleased to gkhow vou The finest stock of (inoGR in eastarn COLORADO. e e e————— e we wlill print you 100 ‘“‘Return’’ Envelopes for liity cents. #fl @, [-. NlePherson, NOTARY : PUBLIC, oLy, - - - COoLO N FOR SALE, BY THE laar Sud Compsy, ALFALFA Seed 11 2t041-2cta. Jber pound, German and Common Millet Need., Write M. STRAIN, Lamar, Colorado, e—— et J. KNOWLEN, ———e m r ) CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. L . 5 GRANADA, COLORADO, $2.50. YN Will pay for “PLio' Barsm and Field” And the - - 5 4 N\, FOR ON CHILERTAIN 8o THE FARM AND FIELD % the best furm jonrual in the west, em bracing The Colorads Farmer, The Liv Btock Journal. The Live Stock Record. The Range Journal und The Colorado Frait Grower, in one Vs GRAND COMBINATION: publisked weekly in Denver, Colorado. Regular sabscription price $2.00 per year. We will send vou this paper and the CHIEFT sIN ONE YEAR for TWO DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS, You cannot afford to do without either o J: K. DOUGHTY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW % Office in Land Office Building, : Aewmpr: - &olerado. WO L 0 f i S f {%;:/}" & [ HE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. , PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. ! EBY H. W. MIL;ORD. ‘ '». W. PERKINS, . Local Editor. HOME NEWS. " Get your ice of Miles Standish. The grass on the upland: is needing rain. Yook-keeper Berdoe made a business | trip to Lamar yesterday. Johnny Simpson has rigged bis greys outin & bran new set nf harness. | German millet seed at ¥I.OO per hundred at M. Strain’s, Lamar. A.J. Marine is doing the carpenter work on 8, [larden’a dwelling house, WANTED—A good zirl to do general house work. Call at the CHIEFTAIN office. Go to Thomason's if you are hungry, and try one of bis square meals, | Russel Coats and wife, of the Amity ettlement, were trading in Holly Wed nesday. K. J. Marine brought a load of house old goods down from Tribune Tuesday for J. R, Webster. l Miles Standish will deliver ice in} IHolly. Leave orders at C. L.| AMcPherson’s stor 1‘ Get your watches and jewelry re- ’ paired at Applegate’s, Lamar. Sat-| Isfaction gvaranteed. | C. L. McPherson has jnst rr-—l cetved a large stock of ladies’ ']l‘-‘-’s' goods and shoes. Prices low as the lowest, Jimmy Simpson returned to Holly Wednesday from up the river where ha has been working for the Amilyl company. ‘ A. L Hare, C. L. Grandy and Chas | Stewart, of Horace. came down Tues-| dae. Mr. Hare will remain here nntil he' gete his bhusiness room fitted up, : Jesce and Jamie, the two little non.~| of W.J.Johneton, of Lamar, are vyisic- | ng with their oncle abd sunt, Mr. and | Mre, J. M. Johnston. | : F. G. Hotf'man has new ;mlntnnn{} large enough enongh to eat und the inticariona are fayorable for a go 111 yield. Who said potatoes could .ot b»‘ grown in this country? Howard Brown managed to leave his fine garden on Horee creck a few du,\l; | nie week and attended court at Lamar, We yentore that nothing less than a sheriff’s knmmone wonld get Howard wit of hie garden at this sesson. Hundrede of thousands have been induced to try Chamberiain’s Congn Remedy, by reading what it has done for others, and having tected its meris or themeelyes are today its warmest friende. For eale by C. L. McPherson. We are intormed by Supt. Paine, of Kansas Oity, that supplies for a Postal telegruph office have been ordered shipped here. Assoon as they arrive the wires will be cut in and an office e-tablished in the CHIkFraIS building. Olney Sewall, a prominent citizen of Denver, war in town Wednesday and oade this office a pleasant call, Mr. Sewall s travelling over the valley gathering information for the purpose of publishing a general write upin the Denver Republican. If you know anything that you think shonld be published you will confer a favor by coming around and “unbat toning.” While an editor is supposed 10 know everything that anybody else kuows vet it often happens that im portant items of news escape mention. “For three years we have never been without Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera .| \nd Diarrhoea Remedy in the lhouse,” suys A. H. Patter, with E. €. Atkins & Company. Indianapolis, Ind., “*and my wife wonid as goon think of being with mt flour ag & vottle of this Remedy in the summer geaeon. We have used it .| with all thrre of our children and it has wever failed to cure—not simply stop pain, but cure abaolutely. Tt is al} right, and anyone who tries it will find it 8o.”” For eale by U. L. McPherson. A party of Bwedish newspaper men from Chicugo drove into town from the | west Saturday evening. They were accompanied by W, M. Wylie and Mr. Soderholm of the Amity company and had visitea the Rocky Ford conntry before coniing here. They expressed themseives a8 highly pleased with this ‘ | section of country, decluring that it is the most beautifa! country they ever looked upon. They were convinced of the splendid opportunities which is here presented to those of moderate meana for securing a comfortabie home and on their return te the eaet will di rect their efforts towards inducing their countrymen to take advantage of it, Mr. Isunc Horner, proprietor of the Barton House, Barton, W, Va, and one of the moat wide!sr known men in the stute wus cured of rheumatism after three yeura of suffering, He says: “1 bave not sufficient command of lan gnage to convey any ides of what I auf fored, mv physicians told me that noth ing could be done for me; and my friends were fully convinced that | nothing bnt death wouid relieve me of | my suffering. In June, 1894, Mr, Evans, then salesmnap for the Wheeling Drog company, recommended Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double | their normal size and it seem to me my leg would burst, but soon after I began using the Pain Ba'm, the awelling be | 2an to decresse, the pain to leave, and vow I coneider that Tam entirely enred. For unle by C. b MePherson, " X x;' z 3 @ W, (et your ice of Miles Standish. I Anotber sprinkle of rain last might. 1 : |2 Thomason serves lunches and |, meals st all hours. “How’s yoar alfalfa?"’ is tLe cugtom- i' ary salutation these days. | | Theo. Baxter sttended court at the| hub Monday and Tuesday. i Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Tattle visited | rriends in Granada Sunday. ! ] Robt. Horton and G. P. Hawkins, of | Tribune, were in Holly Tuesday. !4 J. L. Wood bas built a pretty awning |’ on the south side of his residence, | A number of loads of posts have been hauled in from the Cedars this Week, WANTED. | Butter and eggs at the Holly l Butcher Shop. R. H. McCoy bniit a foundation un der C. H. Adams’ hardware store Mon day. Dr. Boggs, ot Coolidge, has made eeveral prolessional trips to Holly duriog the past week. If present prospects count for any |Lh|ug watermelons will be shipped out of Holly by the carload this fall. J. R. Webster bronght his family and houxohold ¢ifveta down from Tribune last Friday. He went to work for the [ Amity company again Monday. | Mr. Greenleaf chief irrigator for the | Amity company, bas returned from the | eettiement northwest of town aud is fr.nw giving his atiention to the laterals ; along the Buffalo. | P. K. Hansen, one of the industrions | farwers of the Amity settiement, came | down Friday anud witnessed the ball Ixame. He says the crops in his neigh ‘ borbood sre fairly booming. Johnny Simpson hauled sand for the vew hotel Monday. Mr. Millinger will plaster this elegant structure through. out with agitite which is becoming ' quite popular as w plastering materisl ,m Holly. It beats “gyp’’ by long odde [ and 18 cheaperin the long run, ‘ WANTED. '\ Dutter and eggs at the Holly | Butcher Shop. ! Wilhs Butler returned Friday from a | | two week's trip to the Indian territory. Slle says that country has the most | favorable prospect for a large wheat 'lcmp. Cora 18 somewhat late buat it is i.uluwxuuuu.dl) aud piowises & good lerop, and the iuy erop is first class, i The laterals north of town are being x;cleun»d out and repaired and division | boxe« are beirg put in where needed. | This is very pleasing to the water ueers | 88 1L 1B # great aAgEravation to see tue | diteh runping full of water and pot be l able to get any of 1t because of 8 defec llivp lateral. "' Phe dance Friday evening given undar '| the augpices of the Holly Bocial Ciub ‘| wae decidedly the most pleasant affair '|of the kind that bas taken place in '| Holly this year. O,er twenty couple "| were present and all enjoyed themselves f| bugely. The Granada boye participat | ed und appeared to enjoy it even more | |lhnu they did the bali gawe. '] J.C.Newman, who hae been foreman * in this uttice ever since the paper was " established, went to his homein Trib flune Saturday. Closs is & good steady | | voung man poseessing no mean ability .|as a writer and for general all round | work in a newmspaper office and we 8 | wouid not be surprised to hear of hiw ¢ | lsunching a paper of his own some day. ¢ | Frauvk Mcßride, of the firm of James | +| & Mcßride, wholesale huy dealers, of | Trinidad, was in town Baturday inter | | viewing Sopt. Pettee in regard to the 2 | hay business. He told & CHISFTAIN 1o porter that huy is getting to be a scarce .| aruicie, there hardly being enough to , | Bupply the trade until new hay comeu‘ ,|"D- Asaresuit the price hae gove up »| to $7 00 per ton. | c| In proportion to the size of the city ? |lO which 1t is printed, the Kansas City -| Star has & larger circutation than other ‘ 1| American newspaper. Its remarkahle | suceess bus been achieved by its un s | faltering adberence to the rule of giving » | its readers the best that the Star's in }| creasing revenues could furnish and its } [ improved facilities cculd supply. The Star was the first newspaper to give its , readers a full week’s papers—six eve : nings and Sunday morning—for ten cents, a thing that was not profitable ) except when done on the big scale on "| which The Star does every thing, The & Star was also the first to estebiieh 4 | weekly edition for the trifling price ot ‘ 25 centa a year; 110,000 regular circula for the weekly edition demonstrates | the wisdom of the idea. Oa Sunday llast our handsome atation | agent provided himself with a horse and buggy and hied himself eastward seeking someone to share with him the pleasuresof a drive over Holly's .| bumpy boulevards. He returned in a short time accompanied by u young lady and to all outward appearances | eyerything wae progrerging to Herman’s | complete gatisfaction. In fact he was’ | 80 satisfied with his present surround | ings that be was apparently oblivions to the fact that a horse needs guiling occasionally and that the responaibility for such guidance vested upon him, Hence, when the horse reached the croesing at 4th and Banta KFe streeis it took a cndden notion to go to the barn and encountering mo reatraining in-!| fluences from the rear made s sharp turn upeeiting the vehicle and deposit ing the ditch. Her man managed to reecver his equilibi ium sudiciently to hold on to the lines and bring the horse to u euandstill, thae preventing & runaway. No dam sge was doue but the shock to Her man’s nerves was scvere thut he stattered a little wi@D he bandled the telentaph hey 3 . | PLANTS FOR SALE. | Cabbage, tomato, sweet uolatoz and pepper plapts. Thousands of | each. Howary Brows, Holly, Colo. ' e —————— Red River Mining District. The best way to reach Red River City | is via the “Sants Fe Rouate' to Spring-| er, thence Morena Valley stsge line passing through Ba!dy and Elizabeth town, over an excellent road open all the year. Stages leave Springer dsily (except Sunday( at 7:00 a. w., carrying the mail. For full information add1ess J.P. HALL, (General Agent, Denver, Colorado. —_——e— e THE JUNE Of tLe DELINEATOR is MUMBER called the early summer number, and it8 presentation of warm weathier modes, fabrics, dress trim mings and millinery is made brilliantly attractively by the handsome color plates. The literary features include contributions by a quintette of famous women. Sister Augelique, 8 damntily bumorous story of life in & Louisiana convent sehool, iz by Molly Eliliott Seawell, author of “The Sprightly Ro mance of Marsae,!” the New Yel} Herald’s $3,000 prize story. In the fourth number of the eeriea on Social Lite in American Cities, Anpe H. W harton, author of **Through Goloniai Doorways,”” etec., discusses with an thority Society in Pailadelphia, Of allied interest is Annie T. Sadlier’s ac count of the Lady Antiquarians of Montreal. Jeanie M. Drake's second study of New York >ocial Types will be found qnite as picasantly critical as was her description of the Metropolitan Woman of Society. In timely recogni tion of the season for flitting Is the paper by Mary Cadwalader Jones, enti tled at Home and Abroad. Mrs. With. ‘erspoon’s Jane Tea-Table Chat, Mr. ‘ Vick's snggeetions for the Flower Gar den, and the page deyoted to Seasonable Cookery snd the New Booke are of habitual excellence. The Young Folks will find described some novel forms of entertainments. and the children are not forgotten. Ladies interested inar tistic needle work shonld not mise thie number, the regular departments of Tatting, Crocheting, Lace-Making, ete., being supplemented by Emma Hay wood’s apecial designs for Fancy Stitch and Embroideries and Ecelesias tical Embroidery, and Bertha E. J. Blodgett’s directions for making an embroidered box for presentation to a June bride. e =g FREE TO OUR READERS To those of our readers who pay up ull urrears within 50 davs, or to & new snbscriber paying not less than one yeay 1in advance, we will give ONE YHARS FREF subseription to the Wouax's Heann axp Hosxe Jourxarn, of Chattanooga, Tenn. This Journal devoted to Health Home and Farm, i=8 16 page monthly paper, bright, instrdctive, elevating. We bave only a' limited number of these prewinms to give away on the above terms. Don't ‘wait uostil you neighbor comes inand gets the last one we have left, A —riian R % Popular Low-Price California Excursions. The Santa Fe Route personally con ducted weekly excursions to Californis are deeervedly popular with travelers who seek 8 wise economy in coet of railrond and sleeper tickets without sacritice of any essentfal comfort Abont ene-third saved as compared with first-clase passage. The Pullmans occupied by these par ties are of latest pattern and afford evVery necessary conyenience. A por ter goes with each car, and &an exper ienced ugent ot the Company is in charge. ladies, invalids, elderly peo ple, ete , will appreciate this personal care, i The Santa Fe's California line passes south of the region of severe snow storms and 18 remarkably picturesque The daily service is ssme a8 above. except as regards agents in charge. For descriptive literature and other information, address @. T. NicHOLBON G. P. A., Monadnock Building, Chica- RO, e——————— e —————————— ’ Ed Swayze . TONSORIAL ARTIST, Does first-class work. (rive him’a trial. HOLLY, OOLORADO. S S — DENYER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, TO EVERYWHERE. Through service in ELEGANT VESTISULE TRAINS (sleepers and chair cars) Letween COLORADO POINTS and Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angles, Sai._anoiloo and Balt Lake City. One Change to New f\@k and Boston. The way to lr‘:?fpl is to. start right SantaFa Rovte gffers the best possible :ueommo«filpnu to nearly every par of the world. , For information concernimg railrond aud steamsing o travel, address, Ekf':' ” General A :'m““%'ept 50 hwn‘%‘ - Denver, Colo. i #Keep in the Middie of the Read,, | THE FIGHT 15 NOW ON. z o -\ FoX = : i Geg) o | (\fir = Rocky | 9\ Jfl A Mountain | | i 2 News.” |] l .’7 ‘ (‘rx:n@:rzi(lf 0D v GUTER - WITH.... GREENBACKS THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE. The Bosky Mouotaia Hem. (A NFTROPOLITAN DAILY.) 15 the oldest and most widely known newspa | per printed in Colerado. It adobpts, regardless of cost, every facility offered to keep abreast | of the times. 1t pays especial attention to the unparalleled resources ofits own and adjeining states and territories. Its mining stock reports | are full und accurate. Whoever reads The News will be Kept in tone’s with all uational. state and home reforms, and fully posted onthe | levelopment of the rich gold and silver mines | of lmpertal Colorado. y ’ Subscribe—or send 5 eents for a sample oopy Daily (with Sunday), 2050 per year,, three | months 81,9, per month 65, Weekly $l.OO | | ver year. | Address NEWS PRINTING CO., Denver, Colo. | 166 enveLores 66 With your name, address and : Return printed neatly thereon : for fifty centa, ‘y CHIEFTAIN, il bty < HOLLY, COLO. st - R el L L D | The fi )STHE BEST. T e RIS N N == | § QD ’%'é:{)r N 3 ' Lq f A §{ Q C I\\ P | %1 B S 8 SoP \ /’ BBRy =4 n'{'(“i § e Sl N[ S 0 \ ODA e {WRITE FOR OUR ‘ COOK BOOK. " FREE. | perAND & O FAIRPORT, N ¥ | - | ‘z ] I | §EBB ol 3 2 | Gt e | ; !?2 ?gfgg gi 2_- = : . :;;%;gggg s :_ =BB UES S o a§§'§~ 11 ihisade pnzsl £ Hlt ;i g’z : “» ;o i ] i 16 rwe <5 , F gt gf’: > & il :'[:E Sdag E&E& g =t r R - o E L§§ 5& = R ggs gfl s 55 § Eig 5 b BF7 <1 viEso3Fs) |- EW' ‘}‘ §§ aosig: i & LEBas lEE ji PN ¢ o N A A A .m':c‘.* S — B R Cavests, end Trade-Marks chtaland snd all Pas! mno»m‘é‘%‘&\ fiwfimfi erips | ] Ot e e s e, e e " VE B 00‘- HOW 80, v ow, | .»J“M- agsiaTen, U, C. ' T_. " ; E B. B. ' BROWN, Presidenpt. A. N. rI’;\RRISH. Vice P’res. . W. (. GOULD, €ashier. S4FISRTS NATIONAL BANK ¥ LARAR. . el COLO- Capital Stock, - - -~ $50.000. Saurplus, - - - - - 4,000, i DIRECTORS. { B. B. BROWN, A. N. PARRISH, W. C. GOULD, M. D. THATCHER, T. M. BROWN. ) FURNITURE STORE. MRS. BELLE HOLLIS, I’ROPRIE’I'REfiS. - Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Rockers, any . A e thing you want in the . - Furniture Line. UNDERTAKER AND PRACTICAL EMBALMER: HOLLY, COLORADO. ‘ b & (. L. McPherson, :?c DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Salfy PRESCRIPTIONS CARE- Drugt 3 Dpialy, vurny conroexvin DAY OR NIGHT. ~ ° ’ E GEO. A. WATEON, 3 ’ Real Estate and Colisgtion Agent. 1 have burgains in land with ‘ water that cannot be é Burpassed. v Practice in Jastice Conrts and the U, 8. Land:Office. CollectionsaSpecialty, LAMAR, ('(Dl,flß;\p(). ' iy AR N R T S P TR B Q 4 ,A.." o\ N1 + The:East:NidesLivery-Sablex: Does a General L,i‘\ ery and Ecced, Business. i RIGS FURNISHED, RATES REASONABLE. -~ JAMES BAIRD, Proprietor -0---' HOLLY, P = o 0 s e il COLORADO } TATIT R O MR " - =WHITE 2 HOUSE = . l ® : '.-. ;;l. a;lc;.l‘.o.(iging b; : = DA \~- : (h) R 1 : \\— EEK » o g B PSR v Accomllodnlon; 45T First - - class, (3 i | Nlrs. Nate ;\’li“il-ngj(iw*, Prep. ! ‘ HOLLY, COLo. : m J.L. WOOD & SON, SO DEALERS £IN 4 Lamber, Laths, b‘iuiuglev, Doors and Window Sash. L —-COMPLETE STOCK.—— : HOLLY, - - - - . . . . COLORADO SILVER STATE HOUSE ~W. L. Vineent, Prop. 3 : LAMAR, - - 3. . . COLORADO. o 7 i o ¢ ¥AT “,il ......,..i mmdal ".’"z"mi‘(‘u’w.:{%fi::;;{l%&;::: t(:'.n?illm'mul'h.len .‘\‘é.:".“‘.