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- D. C., MARKER, ; DEALER IN i 3 2 Hardware, Farniture, Hame:‘s, Plows, : Mowers, Hay Rakes, Fleming Hay Stacker, Wagon, Buggies. ITAKE THE LEAD ON BICYCLES, - . Undertaking Goods a Specialty. ' LAMAR, TTVIRTIOIONIING COLORADO T e e i oioi C..C. HUDDLESON . . .y LAMAR, COLORADO. Deering Mowers, Reapers and Binders. Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackers and Rakes, «“Our Line of Hardware, Gro-. = _ceries, Queensware and larnmess is Complete. & ELEVATOR CO, WHOLESALE ) GRAIN, MEAL, CHOP FEED, HARD and SOFT WHEAT ¢ FLOUR, GRAHAM, L, . BOTTEL, Moy's LAMAR, COLO. . . : 8 a g 7; X Al B A GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER. o . 3 = FOR ¢ 2WESasss7 FOR Y./'q \w ?};\,‘3 .»f‘, 1- BBy 1- € 53 g j‘ o regular subseription prics of . | & guom-:sr's MAGAZINE,” | We will send all three to you “JUDGE'S LIBRARY.” and t one Vear for $2.00, or 6 mo. for §l. #FUNNY PICTURES’ $3 30. J . Pomorest’s Magazine ix by far the best family niagazine published; there is noné of our monthlies in which the beautiful and the useful, pleasuré and profit, fashion and literature are so fully presented as it Demorest’s. There is, in fact, no publication pretending to a similar scope and purpose which can compare with it. Every num ber contaliis ‘s freé pattern coupon, £ ] \ Judge’s Library 1s ?fln\hlv magarine of fun, filfed with {llustrations in caricature and replete with wit and humor. Its ¢otitributors are of ‘American wit und humor, > Fanay m:uc is another humorous montlily; there iy & laugh in every line of it. s All these magazines are handsomelygotten up. You should not miss this chance to 7 secure them, - 3 Cut Tere and return coupon properly filled out. Demorest’s Publishing company, 110 Fifth Avenué, New York. For the enclosed $2.00 pleuse send “Demorest’s Family Magazine,” “Judges's Library,” 2 @ magazine of fun) and “Funny Pictures’ for one year asper your offer. ‘ ; A INROAOI: e sordesvisairasrordhsssss st s s Aroabadlhin ok s . 5 ~ ) 0T T 1 (L, RS SR S CS A e A Date.i....ocoihuiaiiiias Blate e, WL e i i s AI ot et e e e NS it e e BRI w 2 N, N. MeLEAN, = g‘a - 9 : [] Carries a Full Line of [ ] Pare Drug ‘and . Medicines, |i | ¢ New Shoes and . Farnishing Pm_xw. Olls, Glass, sl Goods at Great = Stationery, etd:, etc.’ b . Beduced Price. Pregclpllon A Speelslty. wini BeceiVe Carerct Atiamion. JALL AND SEE MY STOCK el N ———— R rfi - " —..‘ > . S LG 2 $ . Yl N mk. MEANS . NSRS 0 X | (U LN pNSINR PERFECTION] } R wien Apuep o T R U -e '!,;P Pt ] < RN TTR ‘M cHRI B - NGCLE-SHOTRIFLES §'\ “ AN : 5 Prenounced by Bxperts the Blandard of the Wold. . I Aok your denler for. WINCHESTER make of Gun or I L}l WINOHESTER REPEATING ARMS 00, Now Haver, OF. } [P — P—— ) v et b . BTI O eLB I G :\R 3 2 e . .\.;_[{ Pl ; i ¥ l.;‘ 4 :“ 5 ',“ “. WA F%msaifia g, 1l e oMo eTR R T, S S i e S 2 s 'K‘s fif'i“fi#f‘%‘m Ri S u'*"""'}'j T i _:: % ’ g V,: Jn Any QUANTITY To Suit : . Froders 5 |Ao il D Sy R SRR BTN SO S e S VRS TRGEN D (3 I A SRR T ——————ieeeietaiiint iR .'%;fl i Pt eeSTR S SR A L R ReR et R LRI b T TBT WWELASER, i 4};‘?; ! U ALSOISERD QS T T D e i"t{g"%‘\‘« RN "{g* ~w ik n%’fi‘.fig&:‘;p oo Tl et ot gL LR RAT NPT N, e 3”2“337‘! ii ok Jé. e%’ IVP oo é R SR e S el R e T e S (e (ST L ‘gg‘; f) ] &I@?fifi‘%f'{ ’élt,, v .}fi?fi% 2 ;’g%s % bffi‘fid‘iflf ;i;; e Ao LR Like gleat eIRe W £ 4 TS RSB SRS R) | 5*?&;”‘*@!«1"’5%" “%’bw’%;fiefiw;nfi iANe M DR B A SR Tg S eke THE HOLLY (}lll!:lf‘.'l‘AlN‘t B A At S FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897, { Application madeto e . e Eutered in the Post Office in Hally, Colorado, X as second class matter. . ————————————————— | ( SUBSCBIPTION PRICE. , Onemonth © - - - 7-g .o | Fourmonths -, -~ - -= 54 Sixmonths . ‘- - . . 98 ) + One year - - - eas LI 1 Advyertisin r:rsuudu known o picstion. | Al k! pristing lnlgz-o. ‘oall Y gy | PEOWERS COUNTY DIRECTORY. ‘ Clerk Recorder, + = .8 B Falkoer. 'l’l-u.r‘::. L e e I SWL Benk | Suy dent, - - - -Geo T, ;nn. ! 3 S 8 e et o W < <o el is o= W MeKinzee. | Coromer, -« -.- =~ - Fred Lee | Assessor. o A e :i).bwuu.m Burveyer, - - 5 - - . Barton. cmmisione |2 %SO GE eep s v " Ml E TR S ————————————— | POS’I‘OI’IICE HOURS. 3 wan-‘t". M. Closes 3P. M. est bound mail closes 8 P. M. Sunday opuu&mhil nfi’z’fo‘}s—lr M, C. L. McPHERSOX, P. M. QUNDAY SCHOOL EVERY SUNDAY AT S ?o.nA.l..nuwsehoolhm ARTHUR ELLIS, Supt. 1 S ——— ' '::'.‘ ESR < 1 THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY. Trains leaves Holly as follows: EASTBOUND. ~ WEST BOJND, No. 2,.... 2:38p.m. No. 1.... 6:l08.m. No, 6.....] | No. f..., 2:03a.m. *No. 44..... 9:30a.m. *No. 43....12:36p. m. N r HomsT, Agent. The tariff bill is making some head | way in the Sefiate but the sugar' sched ple has not been reached vet. R .| A note to Spain is being prepared un der the direction of President McKinley which will contain the administration’s ultimatum in regard to Cuba. ————t— ' The skeleton of Frances Schlatter, who created so much interest in the west a year ago as a “heuler,” was found A few days ago by a couple of trayelers in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. It is supposed that he died of self-imposed starvation. £ Judge Lester hag retired from the Coolidge Enterprise and that paper: is pow being edited by W. E." Tarbox, an old resident of Coolidge. Judging frem ; his spicy “bow’ Mr: Tarbox is equipped || with all the ability nee_-’ulry to make | & saccess at the business: E em—— Heavy rains are reported to have || Mllen'at mavy plscssmp in she moun: .|tains during the” past week 'and at Leadville several inches of snow fell, | The farmers of the Arksnsas valley are quite certain to have plenty ot water | antil their crops sre supgessfully ma tured. g R ‘. The report of Consul Generai Lee on the sitaation in Cuba was received at Washingtcn this weak. It fully conm firms the numerous reports of the inhu man treatment received by American citizens at the hands of the Spaniards | and should be enough to stir our admin istration to immediate action. . d E— »| By avote of 42t0 19 the Senate on Tuesday adopted an amendmert to the tariff bill placing’ raw cotton on the datiable list at 20 ner cent ad valorem. This is the firat:time in the history of tariff legwlation that any bill has car ried cotton on the datiable list, and this will probably be rejected by the House. But why should not the cotton produc-: ers be protected as well as the cotton manufactorer? ) ¥ R . The Coolidge Enterprise man wonders why it is that right here in the heart of | the grdzing country all the beef nsed is “|shippediin. It is & puszler, Same way with eggs and butter in this vicinity. Merchants are sending out money every duy for these articles.” \We ought to be shippiog eggs snd butter out instend 'of money, and the farmers who produced ‘| them would 8d thele store bill a great "] deal + asier to: tieet. f : " The charter for the (k;;fi:z’e. Irriga ‘ltion and; Manofuctnri npany was: fited with the qr%crfn:sy‘ of ‘stute last] week . This company takes out a ditch at the Intercession of the Biffalo at the state line and runs throagh' the' co.unty o ea-t Bridge creek, covering the mont f rtile land in the Arkunsas valley. 1t is the intention of the eompauy o begin operations as soon as possible, se curing right of way, &c., and be abie ¢ I have'water runniog through the ditch for fall .irrigation. The incorporssors are J. R, Beatty, U. T. Tapecott, C. M. | Slanley, W, E. Tarbox and [, B, Martin.: —{:oolidge Entetprine. - 137 Silver fepublicans * from ' thirty-two. | states met in Chicago -on Tuesday and oreanized what is to be .known as the National Sjlver Ihpublgq- party. The foHowiny resolution, indicating the pur pose of the'new party,:was adopted; /. | ‘Rebolved, That the silest republi ot ety o the Ui Sikan avotite b7 o fhiandat e§ 6l Ousad W a8 4 L et 67 = AP, S 0 e Shbe A ; ii& v ' / "w‘ ;8' NOORe. & Pfi‘tfi) 7.:‘;§sv' _ Ly o | (AR RT S S S I % : ?ié*‘i:a:«r;;s:—";-"%fi“:%%szwn& «‘qfiwgm‘ Z--\—fz | N _{,;,mm Riea et i T T i " "k"‘f‘!"l: i fee }’l.’f"‘};’“ g .wmf §TTR T G N il N L R, HOLLY VS CRANADA. The Folly nine coyered themaselves sliaver with glory on the diamoad Friday afternoon in thé contest with Granada. It would hiave been a diff cult matter to find & pecson with saffi cient temerity to bet on ' Hally before the game beyan. - We doubt if'a single ‘player felt that the gamo would go In | ‘ tavor of Helly at the outeet for the reason that the boys had oever played sogether before and did not know whst! gplendid iateria! thev had in thelr: makedp. The gereral seutiment among | the spectators was that, as Jake Gilman expressed it, “thev were tOO fresh off¢ the alfalfs.” but the way they batted! she ball and piled up scores it soon h—l came evident that every one ol them were corn fed. . . The game was called at 4:10 with Granada at the bat. . Doss Newaian did the pitching act for Holly doring the first two innings dad with his fan oy inshoots, speedy out curves and slow drop balla he succesded in fanning the firet batter, Morris. Eeairns made & base bit and while Manning fambied the ball he went to second. Creswell weat to first on a right flelder. Then came Mayfield, the captain snd longest man v the nine, who walted until he g2t bis ball and thea awiped it far jnto the fleld making second bate and allow ing Kealrns to score before it was re covered. Hagerdourn knocked a pretty flv to Mxtining who muffed it and Jet Creawell score. Wilcox. struck out, Newman made & wild tarow to second letting Mayfield and Hagerdourn score. Blackwell struck out. Granada went (0 the field with four scores to their credit. The Holly boys went to the bat ss suming an air of confidence which was plainly evident, they did not feel. Kenirns did the curving during this inning and Hagerdourn wore the mask. George Penny established his reputa tion as a batter by making a base hit on the first ball throwed. Pettee sent & foul something less than a mile bigh which the hands of Morris as it came down. Harry looked as if he was glad he didn’t have to ruc. Rainy sent e liner to right fleld making. fiyst and scoring Penny. Newman made a base hit and Reineéy scored after mak |ing 4 nice sneak to third. Maoniug misenwd third strike, found Newman still lingering on first and went ont. Webster mude base bit and Standard followed . with & two bagger scoriag Newman. Simpson msde base hit and scored Webster.. Penty went to .the bat the second time and maintsined his racord by niaking a base hit and scoring Standa:d end Simpson. Pettee after knocking & large flock of fouls, sent a grounder to right fleld and m’ldei first but Raiocey struck out and he did| not score, The inming ‘ended with seven acorea to the boys’ credit and they went to the field teeling that they were about the:best -piayers in' wie | world. o e e i | - The game was clope from this 04, the | Holly boys keeplig in tha fead in spite | of & “‘goose egg” fn the fourth inning. | Adkins went to the box after the first '|inniog and it anyones doubts the swift | peas of his balls let them ask Bert Stundard sbout it. Bert felt ot one with his ribs. Granada made three scores | in each of the second and third innings ,| ' but Standaxd, who took the bex after .| the second, began to get in practice and ‘| held them down to one score in each | of the next two. ;| On aceount of night spproaching the .| umpire called the game at the close of .| the fifth inning, the score standing 18 to 12 in favor of Helly. Quite a num : ber of spectators witnessed the game, : but Jake Gilman got niore fun oot of it | than snybody else. The Granada boys immediately chal | Jenged the winners to meet /them on | their own ground at Granada which ‘| was promptly dccepted and the' game ‘| will come off today. - "{ Theo. Buxter umpired the game and “| although he had no book to gaide him, | made a few old rales of his own and stuck to them, escaping at'the close of the game without s scratch. 1 WS O L L HUMOR ON THE BENCH. ,l Characteristio Anecdote of Lord Bowes, 4 the Engllh Jurist. g '| - The late Lord Bowen, besides being '| » great judge, was also a great wit, and ' | many {uteresting bon mots of his are | heing recalled just now. .On the occas | alon of the queen’s jubilee, says House | hold Words, the juiges were drawing up an address o the queen. : “Consclous as we uare’ of our short 'comings,” ran the address; “conscious | as we are of one another’s shortcom | ings,” suggested Lord Bowen. - Not ’l'long ago he was ssked to sit In the ad | ymiralty court. Upon taking his seat | he asked indulgence on account of in experiencc in “admiralty business. “And may there be no moanings of the | bar,” he added, “when 1 putout to sea.” | Bometimes his ‘wit wag very decisive, | ‘@B, for instance, when he remarked: | *Truth will out—even ian affidavit.” Hot the least happy of his recorded l. witticisms was the remark he made . ‘when congratuldted on his appoint | fment to be a law lord. He would, he | @aid, find the work easy, his duty being fo give his opinion after 80 mevy others had given: theirs. “In fact, I'only have to sgree, and might well have been : “rllud':n the peerage as ‘Lord. Con: owrry. : /' The. Boot on the Othes Foot. ] In hunter’s lore theres an idea that the jackal is the lion’s provider; that _he locates the game undtakes the lion %o it, This superstition has no more! zflwlt‘m Is found: in' the fact that' ‘N H-nhu-l:l:d hhq-“r?fl- Mfiflnmhm 0 plok S e ¥ hm A -m:wfih ot ,m.,_, '.‘sk*‘.(‘; soeive. ‘{., ‘»l:fl“"! nv“!_.m“v » " m 1 imder & ghass case. | Heyer caten. IS Webed .it Ol ¢ :. ” :"‘ A b L”__‘ e :c. 1,;’:/ :"‘ x%@?fi?aWfiw AR K A nans City. ] g;fsi___".,vx'i_énap: ’ ' pavf?w o .‘T” L L o SRR i LAMAR LOCALS. Gafhored, By the Chieftals’ ’mll Cortespondent at'the County’'s .. DISTRICT OCOURT NOTKS.. ¢ 1o the district court at ‘the session |. jags cloned, the'case of the. People vs |- Petticrow was oismiseed without ' trial, the People va Joseph Horton for larceny’ resulted in‘sn acqaitial. In the latter’ \case, before the trial Distriet - Attorney 1 Ross remarked that it was a“doggons’” fcase. ' s B Boy Sttt { 'Hon.. Platt fogets and, Attorneys j Bottom and Giles from Denver, Chas. lE;_qmol Paeblo and 0. G. Hees from' Ls Junts were the members of the legal fraternity who did business before the districc eourt. Aiso James F.}! Drake of Pueblo. ; Beveral Holly peaple were in sttend ance at the district court seasion either | as jurors ‘or otherwise. Nobne were there as litigants, however, which speaka well for the people. there. A Dr. O. V. Bedell was awarded slll.lO in his actioa against the county and | notios ot appea! was given. | Iu the case of Peck vs Podt ot al judg-. |ment for: plaintiff was rendered for | smount claimed sad for foreciosure of | mortgage. K The appeal case of Friend vs Kiel, in | which the defendant claimed an ex jemption reaunlted in & judgment for Mr. Kiel and he was awarded his ex-| emption. | The jury in’ attendance upon the term of court just closed was one of the best in point of attendance and partic .nlar attention paid to the evidence '| that has ever served in our county, and | were epecially thanked by Judge | Northcutt. '| The case of Martin Grahsm ya J. F. | Funderburg and J. F. Drake was the | longest case tried and was very inter | esting to those who heard the matter. : The case is to be argued by the attor ,| neys at a date to be fixed and judgment | rendered thereatter. ,| Court adjouroed until June 22, at | which time Judge Vorhees, of Pueblo, .| will occupy the bench and try one of { the ditch suits. | The nifiuerous showers ate still inter ; ferlnn-ul!ghtly with the haymakers. | "Fred Lee's new mansion i beginning | to take definite shape and promises to ,{ be yvite an ornament to the town. || ‘We be able to chromical | seyeral marfinges at this time but the | expected events have not yet occurred. | The *“Hot enough for;yon?”’- mun is 3 {abroad in the land, and the weather | 'the past'few days has been rather an | excuse for him. =~ | William MeKeever is in town doctor ' ling up sewing machines, organs and * | suich like instruments of tortare. Mr. | McKeeveor is an expertiin his line. | /The-Downer brotirers'are haryesting # large crop of cherries from their ; orchard close to town,; The trees are literally londed and present a beautifal ; sight. ,| A subscription liet has.been circulat o| € and enouglhi ‘has been collected to g | Justity & zousing old celebration on' the » | Fourth, The matter is in charge of j | the tire laddies and that 1s enough to , | Ruarantee that it will ‘he a howling success. o| The expected buse ball game’betveen f|{the professional men and the cours 8 thouse gung failed to materialize. Au -|the challenge was {issued upon ‘the . | condition that Judge Northeutt should t | nmpire the gume, and the Judge counld vot tind time, the gameis'stlll hanging - |fire. CIGARETTES OF GREEN TEA. | They Tell Us That They Are Now Smeked in “Society.” d| "~ The green tea cigarette bas arrived, .| and promises to cause greater ravages i | fthan'its predecessor, the slender roii of ¢ | ®lleged tobacco, which nbw poisons the air almost everywhere fn Asin, Enrope snd American. The person who first discovered thot green tea would smofs s responsible, suys the New York Jour nal, for milions of disoidered nerves, | stomachs and beads..bus is probably ‘u)o far gone in adoration of the ener { vating habit 1o fcel uny remorse, Al -5 réady the new fod has taken. posses- | ‘sion of England: it will soon storm the : lwalls of Paris, und before we crn fortify against it here We shall be be ki sleged. It will penetrate the boudoir _ljof the ladies. aud even the strait-laced, | orthodox public will see mo harm in i®n Innocent fea cignrette. But none “1 Ahe leas a deadly peril lurks within jt.’ .|} New arcas for the growth of ten are ¢ constantly opened up in the east, and .| fthe product. will be pushed with all the l iienergy of merchants determined to ;. make fortunes. We can even foretce s the time when to etory pound-of tes o .::rehnred for legitimnte consumption ' 'as & cheering und noninebriating bever ',l oge the rmabtie grocer will add tue y! dainty package of tea ciguvettes, em y | Weloped in papef sovered with pretty : | Chiness o' Ce\loncoe designa, thus urg | ing the entrance of the d»maop o the '1 househnld. . ‘Fhere’ is Lut one compen .' sating feature in the whole business, !{ #ud that ix' that at its worxt the tea : cigarette . can. never. fumish an ef ; :Indnq -onl;llngan thit of the Amer ean r roll with \whinh every oltice boy g:!figlnkly exposcs, Mis:lungs te ipartial paralysis daily. . . t SENETT e 3 There I 8 No i'ire In the Ranges. 1| *The higher the altitode attained y{ sald the profemsor, “the colder the -—_ ¢l peratnd sihecomes,” ; Wi 3| - “I'should thipk it would be warmes.® .| replied oue,o';P students, . LoD (| “What wonld' make it warmer?™. . . “The ‘mountnln mnges--Pn- Euy 1 Chat 75, 0, )\’ “ s :"‘*'n. das g e S L A b Eu.::,’ma \.-I‘.&-';;', Il ] #fl%;fibfifiru‘," id 4o rne: world { 9oRIA ' mOw be _"\nfi’unly duhtgdfl? j w . r!\—:ab “';:“*%'\ eugior, | 13 priden W T faoty ‘thnyf (p e ~M:,{L Al, pey Snviie -e P N A A |BO onnt 4A4 Skl oy el ot s 14 ’m"m"“ S (i%:%g o' MO A K L Pl B SR T @mf LR A PTG 28 v’, A '-?.“ ‘= A ’_ BR L = ; ,' e T R R e A Sl GET UF A CLUN FUR T8 SRR T YOO IN A fif"‘ o Y '::-;'f'f.;f;{if & ..,"".l[‘ : TR AR ol ek £F ’n’ 3;% ‘&fi {‘/,‘ r;i{m*%s;«{ iy 5 Mo L MR PR R e s ;*' L IV TEH TV VTV VTV TET VPO TTT VTS (VTR YT RARRR VT T E Don’t you want 10 sand the Curxeriavil it vl " Ay v E (qmlfi..’ WM.Z In order toglly ‘i“fl&l%’dld.“,(,;-f’\i" AT iy v',',;{&;.;',' Eenable ,up,’,la’ggu;_g?n. will mall Shremg o L L E copira to any thres sddremses yon MUl 15 ONE XEAN . FOB BB JErvire one year for $3.75; four copien --"=7'~f'l";'?"'fi-_ b for §4.50; or five. copies for §5, spofl . ‘R4 deE R W Bl L (’%M,%,@"&g‘{; ; B, 3 4k 1A [hA41 SRS E2AlAs A 1 . ,_4}\’{7‘% ISR SR AT e R S R Al '“@‘ S L _}‘{_sz\:‘h SEMI-WEEKLY GLOI;E-DEmo?“;ff‘%?.agmf,ga,;:: __ AND THEHOLLY CHIERTAIN = bothoneyear for = = =~ = . THE FIELD AND FARM AND THE (m111§‘§uglxmfq : 3 L Ry e - botone year $250. / o R ; : We are prepared to do'all kindsf - fl o f neat Job Printing. Letter Heads,E g Ry Note Heads, Envelopes, Statements a : r anything in this Line. If youl el ave any Job Work 1o do call and - $ } ! Hee us. y T A d t . . t h." | CHIEFTAIN. L2 2t REFRESHMENT # ROOM, ¥ | THEO. BAXTER, PROPRIETOR. ‘ : FINE WINES, - ey “LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, s/ —siwiees o NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS. i VO RETALS ‘HOLLY, COLO. AVRELEE _ "gunnnnunlnunlnunuuug = - 1£ You Must g - - POPANT 112 E 1 H - {12 Your Housz. : - IS 8 o oo 3o oo g 1= and c.asider the E | CONSEQUENCES ; §Bo w'” of using i.r;jeviuu. paints, ; i 2 1J.S. Gutta Porcha Paint § 2 . 19 ABSOLUTELY BEST. i = S AN ElazTiC : 2 PRESERVATIVE. : =, ontalne GUTTA PERCAA knd 8 - oth:or witluable gunis _com- 8 = bined withI'URE LINSUED 8 - OLL which gives it grentost H alasHcily derabiiity ntcov. & | snpRelty s e ‘ = water (iud wenthes vrovs. =1 } oo L, § Ml’:’f‘:'ru);l’:::‘nj.“":n {-‘r"r-lm meigu! g ‘ and abdsolzctely solinhle g iut, B | = It expends end eontrnats itl- SR = eat ovacking nnd will siand 4o any e S climate, - ‘ 2 Thehest, hotic: chrapastforboth 3§ | S palutersand ¢ .ners. = ‘ 2 - lf{"w‘rn' <2 unabdle or wn- N \ ' g l‘n’’nin vor !hk'y‘mlzc s \ Nt rmat - i ?flzm.’:ufi~:".lrm, -, z i - \ £ U. S, Gutta Percka Paint Co,, £} s PROVIDENCE, W, 1. s s eotl MEDAL IOHESY AviaRD & = NEW SRLEANS “ American - ; | 'EXPOSITION, ¢ tmstilnte = 1104-1008. | Wew vean, 007, = mfl . " 80 YRARS® EXPERIZNOE. TRADE. MARKS, 1 " DRSIONS, OOPYRICHTS &¢. %"“’Wm.g.m%”m'm?fié “in mo'l‘!::‘hn . ::t%: %: Avosial wotite 1o char o : SOIENTIFIC AMERICAN, mm“a lust ciwoulation » o 3 300 8 yeur Ry MUNN & ©O. : . 881 Breadway New Yerk. Aentto these diseases, isin intly & bambezlain’s Eye and | haye been permanently pared by it. It . efficient for Hohing y ja temedy for” scre hipples.: (S St ¥ “chithis ,“-'tr\r | S AR m »“‘ L g 2 n:'w’ G L AV e - iy e & . B Uy O B fi%fi ; 1 sk what & S e . bal Pt 3-: : 1 Ak it § T ,.«M.?;. e .Tfi;” b s GRS g 1 1y B ey "t’:.. ‘ 'wm,v&; l‘.l‘--!-"!m. - ~.'~.\,-'@.‘ B PR %?”..n-‘-qp‘rh~ . &"&*{“‘“‘ oy v,,,"S":'ii‘:,i:‘fi: e __‘-.;;-‘ 00 aii b DAl - T (A ’fi«m%w, e R, e 4 i O e e e : GO YO FRANK MILBURN'S 1 ' FoRm WINES, LIQUOLS, CIGARS. ; ‘Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Granada, -, - - - Colorado. #a FENCING vn) T ? WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. PR O IC O OO IOIC IO 3 TR RN ST LT L e ososs ! FOONEC T ARSI SOS P - oS -- ) 'q ..’ PSS ONRS S S SRS SRR 5.0 - Poultry, Parm, Garden, Oemetery, Lawn, Bailroad end Rabbit i Fencing. Thousands of Miles Iy use. Catalogue Free,. ‘ Freight uld. Prives Low, i The McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE £0. ! 114, 116, 118 any 127 Oricans St.. CHICAGD, L. L % | MEELRE R M: ELREE) 1l inev@rds i e o, MR g '- b [l - has. demonstrated. ‘thn. w o ; times that it' is whnost ] B " Nk | wEARNESRER, Irregularities and . derangemests. { It Bus become the Ivudiig remedy | lorthl.;cl‘nsls o; tmublu..‘ ltuharu ! & wonderfully healin en { lnlolné :('u"l{llln;. llg‘-m“u;:n { Sheh!?cnatru;‘a“u:,;nu:' At cures *whites’’ and failin ‘Wemb. i It stops flooding lnfi nmdnp ; i , | A g GRgE) , B 4130 A s G ' 3”@"" N el P ] R e “ P e h 2 ,'f.\‘%, LR B -7 1) ’\"’ba ?&6" b o i . e TR B R - ey dRE B : n :‘:‘ /El l" o \‘-J e 8 "? ‘_fi:;'_av ) v" B . fit | el ond paidie deisasnusion: B | |'f - For Choags 1416 J5-on 3he Rew (A HE e [ ol ek ye - B - I Wv*fl_ Tine Youws. .. | [ for years. 5 avigwenii wibewe - i |l ke 6 She e an- ) He R e QRN N B = g,,, ofbor St oo bl : i ,:.“,--‘;;.-.2 s ) il A YOS of Oardul o VT i ‘ . W _mfi} *:;\[”\ Ay ?,‘ | some et iy SRR R N | [ ST Bgaharat S AR LT ;""’="’7{Wl, ST O 1 p ':-,j’:.:.{» it R SR : VR g DA 1% 8 \ )