Newspaper Page Text
WHEN IN LAMAR | Callon the "7:‘ BR-R R 5 | Oriemtal 13illicird ‘ }‘l = l l. 1 — | 8 4 97 @ a a a rorthe | BIST WHISKIES - ! R AN D , ) S CIGARS. | ST - IG AL i FRI‘:I) S(j l I}i ]’ ]')'l“. Drop'r'l't'lor. : ¢ ——— - | | & NI YOUR BUILDINGS INSURE "2 fiomes| C. L. MCPHERSON, |, Holly, €olo. { «oAgent for the |’ JTman Ameriean Insurance Company, | —~-of—- NEW YORK. ; [usures Against 4 FIRES, LIGHTNING, \&/ TORNADOES and |, ~ CYCLONES. | WhY Should We : Patronize the ? “POSTAL" ¢ 4ocuus: T i Its service is prompt and relinble. it has new lines and modern equip ment. | It maintains genuine and aggreseive sompetition. ‘ Public patronage is essential to the| continued maintenance of competition. ' The present low rates and good ser- ‘ vice bhave been obtained only through ' s competition, ] Its employess are intelligent, dilli- Aent, energetic and courteous and thelr |, constant ¢flort i to render the BEST telegraph scrvies, ’ Tt reaches every important commer cial poiat in the Unpited Btates and| “anada and connects with the LEAD. l #NG Atlantic Cable Company. These are a few reasons why you ahould send yonr 1 | 'l':lvgnmm'hy ("he POS’I .’\ L, THE HOLLY OFFICE I 8 OPEN: from 8 o’clock A. M. 1o 8 o’clock . M. AUNDAYS: otolo A, M.and 5 to 6P, . H. W. Mirrorn, Manager. DEXNVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, TO EVERYWHERE., Throngh gervice in ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS (sleepers | and chair cars) Letween | COLORADO POINTS . and Chicago, Kansas City, : Los Aongles, San Francisco : and Salt Lake City. [ Ome Change to New York and Boston. The way to travel is to start right Santd Fa Remwte ,ffers the best possible accommodations to nearly every par of the world. For Information concernfng ‘:lmpd aud steamship m vel, address, J. P. NALL, General Agent, Piss,, Dept.. 1700 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. ety @: L. NlePhersom NOTARY # PUBLIC, HOLLY, =~ «~ <« €O 4. K. DOUGHTY. ATTORKEY-AT-LAW Office in Land Office Building, Lamar. Colorado WMTED'-AN IDEA‘?"'.;_:;.‘.:.:'?JE:E iy .y ! D. .. for thair $lBO prise offer.” ‘ CARRIES THE LARGEST SFTOCK IN EASTERN COLORADO OF Hardware, Harness, Stoves and Ranges, McCormick Mowers, etc, Furniture, Undertaking Goods, Pumps and Pipe. Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. | A S ——— < CALL AND SEE MY STOCK, AT] —— ] f LAMAR, COLORADO, 'HE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. Pl'l”.l.‘rl:l'll) EVERY I"'-RH).\Y. ! BY H. W. MIL%éRD. i S.W. PERKINS, - . Local Editor. | HOME NEWS. J. 8. McMurtry and family svenll Sunday in Holly, Bille are posted in town asbnouncing a big circus at Syrucuse for the 13th. T. D. Newman went to Tribune Tuesday to attend the Greeley county fair. There seems to be an nnusual ameuot of freight unloaded at the depot these ! days. | Ed Sewall does first class plastering, l paper hanging and painting at reason- | able prices. ! Ben Riley bas moved his family into | town &0 his ebildren can et the bene- | fit of our sctool, The plasterers are kept qaite lxury{ replagtering 'he houser that are being | ‘moved into town. ‘ | Dr. R. D, Wilson went to Denver an | }.\londuv after bis lawily and iucidenl-l ally to take 1n the festival, Joe Cisney, the wes! end eection fore man became ill on Monany and went te the hospital at La Junta to recuperate. | Jobn Gores, jr., and Mr. Smeltz nn‘ overseelng the business ot the Amity company during Supt. Pettee’s ab sence, J. R. Webster has been looking atrer tne laterals snd ditch this week, while Chiet Greenlee is seeing the sights 1n Denver. Oncar F. Leonard, democratic candi dute tor conaty enperintendent, was in Holly and vicinity, Wedoesday “conat ing democrat noses.” Holly does not appear to be very exteusively represented on any of the county tickets, But that’s all nguot, Hoily is to buve the Nalvation Army culony., A band of gypsy fortune tellers were cumped 1u tho vast part of town this week., Lhey wanted to tell the denr' people’s foriune 4t 80 much per lve, vuc dida’t get many j be. Three xood aud substuutial dwelling bhouses hayve been adoed to Holly aur g Lthe past wees wud the pruspects are LAt Lh.s will be about the sverage weekiy lucresse lor several weeks (ol comsa, J. M. Johustoun has just received 4 nice hioe of men’s clothing whieh be is selling very cbheap. Abe¢ Peurl, » Prowers cosuly corn Faiser, cisliue that thele Is DUL BuyLLe wliv can stund ou the ground aond teacn r Lue averuge car ub il 18 LUW hasuging vl Lbe stulk lu Lis cora leid.—La Juu tn Titses. Schivol began ou M uday with » laree aticudsuce, 10 fact there was not roows Cuvugl to comioriubie seal wll the cullaren., Owiug to the crowded con ditlun of sue scbool rovm Miss Kester olaris ÜBS wiltlh Ler scloVl Under o dis alvVaulugo aud psicule sLOUd bear Lols 1u wiud wbeu dispused L criticise ‘ue Work doue. . Johuston carries a large line of men's sUOes, pauts sud turuisuing gouds at the very lowest price, eSy L oL 3 eyt Fake your watch, clock or jewel ry to Applegate at Lamar tor tirst class repairing. SR o w4y Mr. Derwin Morris of La Junta, aud Mics Alma Mitchell of Holly, were mars ried in this city Wednesday of this week by Bev. Geo. E. Bicknell. Mr. Morrie is @ railrosd wan runaiog be tween La Juota and Dodge €ity. He bas won fur hie wite one of the nicest giris tbat ever lived in Hamiiton coun ty and we wish the happy cuapie con tinued huppiness and succees in life. —Byracuse Journal. In the begiubing Gud created the heavens snd the esrth. Thea he msde thie editor and the liberal patronizers and the prowpt paying subscerbers and it was goud, The next day s Minoeso* ta biizzurd e in, and He creatcd a wao who didn’t take s home paper aud auother who diun't believe in ad« vertising, and He rested. ‘Then the devil got iuto the moulding room; snd created the fellow who takea the edi tor's paper for vears und then failg to pay for it: The devil then rested but the editor hasn't had any reat since. —Exchange. MASQUERADE BALL. A Masquerade Bal: and Oystet sup per will be given at the Milver Ntar hotel in Coolidge on Friday evening, Uctober 16th. All are invited to at tend. Music by Charley Reid’s Orches ra. Get vour false faces at White Bros. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with & very esevere cold that caunsed him to bv in s most miserable condition. [t was undoubtedly a bad case of Is grippe and recognising it as dangerouns he took immediate steps to bring a boat & speedy cure. From the adver tisement of Chamberlain’s Cough Re edy and the many good recommenda tions included therein, we concluded to make a first trisl of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactoty in its re. suits, is putting it very mildy, indeed. It acted like magic and the result wag 8 speedy and permanent cure. We haye 00 hesitancy in recommending this excelient Cough Remedy to anyone afficted with a cough or cold In amy form—The Banner of Liberty, Liberty town, Maryland, The 26 and 58 cewd #idoe for 00is by O, b MeFheraon. | George Wilson is epjoying the fostiv- | ities st Denver this week. ; ‘ George Hollis 18 painting his coul | | bouse (and aleo his pants) « reddish . hue, 8. Harden, our butcher and grocer, was io Lamar last Saturday on bosi UeRE, No country in the world ever saw nicer weather than esstern Colorad« is enjoying just now. ! H, P. Horst’s houee arrived las Saturday aud was located on nortl Fifth street where it looms up very congpicuously. That maelk over Kid Baxter's eye har about disappeared but the curiosity o! hia friends a8 to how he came by it bar oot diminished. | | Mrs. W.W. Reynolds went to Lamar | Monday morning to attend her siater lin-law, drs. E E. Viocent, who i | quite seriouely ill. | | Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tattle started | Taraday for Baca county to wvisit their 1 | bomestead, They were sccompanied | by Mies Ethel Heffman. | ! We are glad to note that Mre. J. L ! | Wood, who has been ill the grestes ‘ part of the summer, hag 80 far recover ‘ ed aK to be avle to get out, ) l J. L. Wood eays the yellow fever quarantine in the sourh s loterlering considerably witth his lumber business, a5 hie is unable to get apy additional ! stock. ‘ I Ed Sewall buya his material for | painting, plastering and paper hang ‘in‘ by wholesale, Call on himv for vsumates. He gives his patrons the beuvefit of wholesale price tor material. | A gort of pugilistic encounter took place upon our street Saturday evening but owing o the indisposition on the partof one of the participants to iu dulge in such & dangerous past lum-} 0o damage was done, | If all the towns of the state turned out crowds for the Mountaiu and Plain lestival 1o propertion Lo their mize as Holly did, Peuver must he entertuin -Ing tuily as large numbver ol peopie ar her newspapers report. J. M. Johnston was up to Lamar over dunday viriting hiswife and chiild. He says Mrs. Johuston is stili improy 'lng from her lecent dlivess sand that bLis sou, whom they have given the name of Willism J., 18 evjoyiog the best of health, Col. Holisnd, of the Salvation Army, was 10 lewn ageio this week haviog a plat prepared of the site for hia colo Lny. Neariy all the land between Holly and the XY ranch uoder the Buffulo canal and on esch sule of the rallrvad track wili be settied upom by this colony. Awong those who went te Denver to sew the fos ival were dr. sod Mr. H A. Yettee, Mr. aud M, 8. W, Perkias, 3. F. Greenlee, James Dunlavy, Ciyde rblnh r.. Mr. Pettee took his saddle !slong snd «Xpec .o tu give the crowde 4 few poititers iu the art of riding buck -Ing bronchos. | “Hoily Hotel” in large and' beautiful letiers 18 the welcome sign thut meets the eye of the tired snd hungry trayci er a8 ke ulights from the train. With itsa new coat of paiot and new siga the Holly hotel is a8 pice a building n? c¢an be found 1n any ¢« wotry town .no‘ it is & great improvement to the gener—) -al appearance of the whole town. ‘ Fravk Gilman was down frony Grana da ou Tuesday aud iutormmed uve that | he Lad purchased the Granada livery barn aoud desired to sdvertise his bus ness 1o the columns of the CumsPriin. Hence bin *‘ad” will be seen in thi issue. Frank is s wide awake young man, is widely known in this part of the valley and will no doubt make a success with his new ventare, For Ladies’ fine shoes go to John ston’s. A complete lime of Oxfords in black, tan, or chocelate. The “Topsy” hose to mateh. e s o Tt e I Croup Quickly Cured. MoUNTAIY GLEN, Ank.—Our children were suffering with the croup when we leceived a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It sfforded almost instant relief.—F. A. TuorNTON. This celebrated remedy is for sale by C. L. McPherson, e It any of our giris ehould at any tiwe wish to give a young man a tip about leaving for home after entertaining pim until the chickens crow, the foi towing plan may be used to good wde vantege: Hand the young man a pea cil and paper and sask bim to make ¢leven ciphers in a straight line, then to commence at the first and from the right side of the cipher draw s short line straight down. On theright of the fourth make a short line up; on the right of the fifth draw a line down; on the right of the seventh and eigbth make short lines up, snd from the right of the tenth one make a mark down. 1f the ynung man doesn’t make him self scarce after perusing what he has printed, let the bull dog loose and help make business for the tailor and pill peddler. It yon want to buy a farm eee 8. W. Perkins. —e e—— SANTA FE ROUTE—Callforaia Limited. Beginning October 20, the Banta Fe Route resume its semi-weekly Califor nis Limited train for the seanon of 1807- 98. Equipment will consiat of superb vestibuled Pullman palsce sleepers, buffet-smoking car, and through din ing car managed by Mr. Fred Harvey. Most luxurions service via any line, and the quickest timne. Another express train earrying palace snd tourist sleepers, leaves patnLy for California. Ingsire of H, P. Honst, Local Agent, AT 40 F. Ry, N it ) - ey € | Those wbo belfeve chronic disrrhoes | jm be incurable ghould resd = hat Mr. | | P. L. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., hus | |to eay on the subject, yiz. “I havu} been s sufferer from chronic disrrhoea) ever since the war and have tried nll{ kinds of medicines for it. At last I found a remedy that effcted s cure! and that was Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Disrghoea Remedy.” Tnis medicine can aiwsys be depended upon for colie, cholers morbus,dysentery and fiarrhoea. Itis pleasant to take and ney er fails to effeet a cure. 25 and bOl cent gizes for sale by C. L. McPherson C. L. McPherson has just re | ceived a large stock of ladies’ drees | 2oods and shoes. Prices low as the lowest. . ——ll e THE OCTOBER NUMBER | Ofthe DELINEATOR is cailed the Auntumn Number, and its representa -lon of the new Rassian bionse waists, fan back #kirts and all the other Au |tumn noveities jn drees modes and millinery i1 made complirte hy & series t artistic color plates. The literary fratures include a bright and orlsp novelette, “A triomph of miod,)”” by ‘| Anna Eichberg King, author of the feaptivating Eitwyk Siaories. Martin | Orde contioues “Clive Rayner’s Adveon | tures,”” his hero invading the apart ,Jments of a certain Russian Grand | Duke. The series of articles on S.cial Lite 1n America has s brillisnt adtition | in the paper on Soeietv in the Leseer Cities, by Edith M. Thomas. Jeanie | Drake’s “‘New York Types” le this | mouth devoted to The Laudlady. BDr. Grace Peckham-Murrsy discueses the | use of Coswetics from a medical stand | point. The page devoted to the an | aw«ring of questions on etiquette has | already proved s great success: in the | hande of Mra, Mary Cadwulader Jones. ‘| J. Bell Landfear econtributes a novel and pretty ““Harvest Drill” for seven | teen boys and giria. Frances Steven | =on tells bow the sweeping re-forma in [ troduced in Japan have affected the position of women, W. S. Edwards | eontinues his instroction« on Home Taxiderwy; Mre. Witherspoen’s Tea- Table Chat includes s dircuesion of the '|new dispensation in shoes; Mr. Vick’s | answers to correspondents on Flower ‘| Raiging and Gardening sre as helpfmi | a8 usual; tue “SBessonable C okerv” is '| deyoted 1o some characteristic Eaglish ‘| dishes; the new bnoke are carefully noticed and the neediework festures, | headed by Emma Haywood's Feney Stitches and Embroideries, include the usnal i lustrated depar:ments of Crock eting,Luce-Makiog, Knitiing, etc. e T co To FRANK MILBURN'S ' FER : WINES, LIQUOKS, CIGARS ] k , Mall Ovders Promptiy Filled. ; Granada, . - Colorade. P | | JOHNNY SIMPSON, ' DRAYMAN. ; Goede Promptly Delivered to Any i Part of the €lty. e ——— . J. KNOWLEN, F ‘ BUILDER. ; GRANADA, COLORADO, | ———————— : 1 ! I J Caveats, and Trade-Marks aibtained and all ent business conducted for fl@oeenare Fres. SupomesisomeeTi Byl BT OtTSt n-muw-w-hrm : Send -%‘nmu o with deacri;"' Noto 00 el cokt SRS TR the U & a8 foruion comstriae seat fres, Address, C.A.SNOW& CO. | §, 90, pavear Ormce. Wasninaven. 0. 6. o s g \LC | ##o FENCING | iz m _ WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. B =rsserieriTeTese: 2 I St oooaos | O 13 b/ Oemetery, | P e, et and et ’l Fencing. T S The McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE €9, | $34. 196, 118 and 120 Orienne St ONICASO. ILL. ‘l?:ur. Salt-Rheums and Eczema. , Inhluitchhgm-flfln&hd dent to these i | -myhzdmcml'a 5- and n Ointment. Many cases hnmmm%fi It |is equally efficient for itohing and ‘ : h:avwlh nmog for nut” llpm | St oo sove yen M b ; ——————tn— |. Dr. Cady’s Powders, are oot what a M&Em in bad | candition. Touic, “‘-Illrud nndu:nndth io 'm 'a For mle ot McPhovson's. SANTA FE ROUTE. | BEST LINE : { EAST Double daily traic service ! to Chicago, Kausas City | i, and all partes of Kaneas. { | WEST Two days to California. { One night ont to Phoenix. | Quickest time to Portland. ‘ - SOUTH Two days to Galveston, ‘ One night out to El Paro. J l 86 hours to Mexico City. Through Pallman palace sleepers and free chair cars in each direction. Daily tourist cars to California. All | trains are up to date and fast. Dining (cars and eating houses managed by Fred Harvey. W.J.Brack, G. P. A., J. P. Haaz, Topeks, Kansas. Gerneral Agent, 1700 Eawrence St., ‘ Denver. *Keop in the Middis of the Road,, THE FIGHT IS NOW ON. ‘ ) ’ @’ . aEr‘ 8 i = © b‘" Jg Your I | Nt S G |Afi 5 & Mountain . P News.” , :‘q‘ ’ 3 Cartoon with | ™ every sasue \ | oSR ] ' oo WITH. ... ] 1 N | GREENBACKS i THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE.| Tha Roky Mouatain Hews ) (A MFTROPOLITAN DAILY.) '] Is the offest and most widely known newspa- |4 | per printed in Colorado. It adopts, regardless § of cost, evary facility offered to keep abreast | of the times. 1t pays especlal attention to the unvarafeled resources of its own and adjeining states and territories. [ts mining stock reports are full and aceurate. Whoever reads The News will be kept in toue’s with all national. state and home reforms, and fully posted onthe development of the rich gold and silver mines of Imperial Colorado. 3 ' Subseribe—or send 5 cents for a sample copy Daily (withy Sunday), $7.50 per year,, three | | months £1.99, per mouth 65e. Weekly $l.OO wr year, A\ddress NEWS PRINTING CO.. Denver. Colo, | 100 ENYELORES |66 With your name, address and Return printed neatly thereon for fifty !finla. CHIEFTAIN, HOLLY, CULO TS et ey S e v The f j S THE BEST. : NG — N\ § — s 8 . ' NEE] § iy \ | S o ¥ § Vaf ® l\___l’g’f‘_au; I\ 0O | NI &SA ‘ WRITE FOR OUR COOK BOOW. | | : FREE. : | DeLAND & coO. FAIRPORT,. N. Y. ————————————— | | SUFFERING. ' ousands of ) 3 Thmen are ) troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, | shoulders sides | hipsand limbe. | But they need : 3 not suffer, ! | These pains are symptoms of ‘llfimtll derangements that | can f:"::c“" The men strual func on M m peinlessly. M ELREE' . | InesGardul makes menstruation painl and regular. It p\m& d:l.'l cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work ‘ro’cl,. Asd that stops all this pain. ] Moot e e th after month w) of Cardui will retieveneer 10 | costs $l.OO at the drug store. “E,;lo-'t you get a bottle Por advice, in cases requiring mmmu.-um ul"‘m- “The et Chattancoga Medicine & Ce., ] 00000000 s, ~‘.m~. sensma < President. A, N. PARRISH, Vice Pres i B. B. BROWN, I (;.: lml:l“l‘)' ‘(‘;a-lm::.l D : ;-», ; 21 FRSTS NATIONAL? BANK@ LAMAR, T o COLTE = % Gl Capital Stock ek #50.000:. iy Surplus, Sl 4800. DIRECTORS. ' ; B. B. BROWN, A. N. PARRISH, W. €. GOULD; . ; 3 M. D. THATCHER, T. M. BROWN. | FURNITURE STORE.. MRS. BELLE HOLLIS, PROPRIETRESS. ] i s . ; Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Rockers, any thing you want in the Furniture Line. ‘ UNDERTAKER AND PRACTICAL EMBALMER.. ' HOLLY, COLORADG. (" ) M (. L. McPherson, % DEALER IN GENERAIL. ; MERCHANDISE i r PRESCRIPTIONS CARE- Dflg’ z spunlty! I“T_TI;LYV_HC()MI"O‘UNDEI" DAY OR NIGHT:. % E GEO: A. WATFON, g Real Estate and Collection Agent.. I have bargains in land with ; water that sunnot Be Rurpasseds § = Pructice in Justice Conrts and : the U, 8. Land Otice, g — oolluetlo-ansy-oell-rry.. ? E‘ LAMAR, COLORADO % :w————fi.—\— B d ‘0 v . . : by 0 Ty, 3 5 ThesEast:idesLivery:Stablex SRRt " Does s General L.i.\wrand Feed: Businenae. RIGS FURNISHED, RATES REASONABIE. —t- JAMES BAMRD, Propristor -e-— HOLLY, - - - - - -_ . COLORADO e————— 1 ) ; - =HE s HOLLY s HOUSE = e R = DAY # OR WEEK % . Aceemmodations - Figst - class. Nrs, Kate Nl’iling«:r‘, Prop. ; HOLLY, COLO. J.L. WOOD & SON, - j S DEALERN G[N & » Lumber, batix, Shingles, Doors and W mdow Such. 2 —-COMPLETE STOCK,—. 4 HOLLY, - - - - . . .. COLORADD SILVER STATE HOUSE W. E. Vincent, Prep. i LAMAR, - © 2 Mmé oofC . COLORABER |