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VOLUME I. IRRIGATED FARMS FOR SALE ) UNDER THE GREAT AMITY CANAL IN "HE ARKANSAS VALLEY These lands lie perfect for irrigation and are the ; richest lands in the Arkansas valley. The 6EREAT AMITY CANAL, 100 miles long, was built in 1895 and tegether with roserveirs cost wpwards of $1,500,000. This is the largest and best constructed irngation canal iw the state. It Mas first vight to water and eau‘therefore delivéy. ~ “water 'Jnm,mx-. the wrigation season. . | Lands can be bought in any size tracts de fired, it Jow prices and on ‘long time payments. v Perpetual water rights. No watcr rents to pay. Now ie the time to secure 3 kome in this beawtiful valley. 3 i For further partienlars write to J.o. MGMURTRY, = HORACE, KANSAS. _— THE LAMAR MILLING & ELEVATOR CO., WHOLESALE : GRAIN, MEAL, UHOP ;:;sn, HARD and SOFT WHEAT i FLOUR, GRAHAM, ' £ L 1.-EOTTEL May's LAMAR, COLO. “W" . o RT e BRGSO RRD T A GREAT MAGAZIN¢ OFFER. | 3 (T=r : 3 FOR TEAWMIES FoR 1- W Q:r, 1- . 3 : R s/ ¢ : = i ) ...-‘ M 2 A wi-c-.--.._....;.-.,..', soreie ~sm§;, ififi INE” 7| Wa wilk aead all thrse to you ::J%DHPH \RY. ‘% } ne yoar, w: mo. ta:‘ $l. e cedaiios T i tho beantles and 1. waslel, Bhoasnos A prott, fushion, a4 Mterature are 50 Jully presented as in Demovest’s. There Is, in fact, no publication / Mm:rm:-mmmm withit. Every num- Sotgs TRy » mowthly magaiing of fun, Alled with filnstrations in sarkature and Teplete with wit and humor. ‘Bts coutributors are ‘the best i’ Ameriesn wit and oit e e o eete et secure them, g Cat here and return coupon properly filled ont. Demorest’s Dubiishing company, 110 Fifth Avense, Now York. For the enelosed§2.oo please sond “Demorest’s Family Magazine,” “Judges’s Library,” la magazine of funyand “Funuy Plotares” for eue year as per your offes. TR O e Siriosta sovoorve sonseesi foverasos i . PORtOMIOR ss > o'vs wos s opnpossnoss nasrise § DREeS . -e T edas ss s BRALO. . oovcciniss vrorerresosvinn LOOOO L| CHOP HOUSE RESTAURANT. [ - S. W. PERKINS, Proprietor. . - BOARDING BY DAY OR WEEK. - - Meais and Lunches at all hoars. ofo - . Santa Fe Avenue, Holly, Colorado. . . I 0 ] omy ; BUY OINEOT OF MANUPACTURSNS . . o) SISO 2t Racrs VEHIOLES =+ 2., Cetgen \\;\\ Mq‘nnmumv” ® \\‘; fl‘.il" Rg L~ g 0 0k a “ - PIANOer CORNING. , BND R Ao~ ] 2or ¢ bow LuATRER: m'i%mfi ,(;‘K'Z&La b"f‘ fifi%fi?fl:‘ oty A¥IL s e boser iN Bl %fl%@#fi Spamst .Rey T eets ST g lonth. ol 16, oho made of best Ko s Trea. nulfl: B T ee T SS B e S e e e|B, S S YT B 0 |NBT e S 35009“ m. -a!-» 1 It sead ¢ flm we donotefier bas & e g}m‘i}&%&fi—.fl» () for mis e TR SRA L SRR e # oo ) se— » e i- s i‘&‘ Rk ™ gy $25.00 ! 2 il ° 7 ./u‘\ \ SRS R PEttaranenst (OUCRCIE /) S L SNN cfEet Al R <il SRSI S BRIt - TR e THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDAEEEEOBER 15, 1897. THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. PURLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. BY M. W. MILFORD. S.W.PERKINS, - - Local Editor. T R ———— PROWERS COUNTY DIRECTORY. e ;':E”agfl'"' ol N R e Hbe.---c-Wln.Icmlm Coroner, - - - - . . e Com m;n M s","%‘ T A T ! e ————————— P(MTOF!’ICI Bm Vot Rk X sund-;‘::en"ofl u::in‘l Py j O.L' , e N e SUNI‘).Ag z:n.t:o.l.‘xmv.m AUNDAY AT ARTHUR ELL1S, Supt. ’ + TIME - - TABLE. 1 THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY.' | Trains leaves Holly as follows: EASTBOBND. - WESTBOIND. No. o || N e *No. 82..... 9:308.m. *No. 81....12:37p.m. SFreightexcopt Sunday. H. P. HomsT, Agent. Senorita Cisneros, the young Cuban girl who recently escaped from prison in Cuba, arrived in Now York eity om Wednesday and she was warmly wel comed by the Cuban sympathisers. She is in no danger ef being recaptured by the Spaniards as leng as she remains [in this country. R The ninth statietical railroad veport just isaned by \he interstate eommerce commissic n, shows the railroads of the United States to be in a prosperous con ditine. The number of roads 1 the hands of receivers has decreased 38 pes cent, and the number of miles of road hus increased 2,119 A peculiar feature of the report is that ' while the gross earnings of al}.the roads wus $33,000,000 greater tham the previous year. the smount of compensation paiditp em-| The farmers sbont Lovelnd bave sgreed to plant at least 1.500 aeres to sugar beets next spring, and capitalists haye sgreed to erect s factory st that place for manufactnring the product in to the cride materinl. Then s refinery is to be built in Denver for fnishing the product.. The progress of this ' new en terprise will be watched with great in fterest by the people of the Arkansas valley, as they have a decided taste for sugar and helieve they huve as good facilities for growing it as can be found auywhere in the state. R Success in farming, as 10 every other business, depends upon the prevention of waste, [t isa waste of land to give it only half the cultivatiou it needs; it is & waste of feed to give it to a poor animal; it is a waste of time to spend it halfdoing a thing. Ifthe wasted land —now given over to weeds, or only half cultivated—the wasted crops—ounly- par tially gathered—the wasted feed—im properly fed, were utilized to'their full est extent another bundred million dol larm could easily be added to the income of the farmers of this country.—Ex chaoge, C——— > The obe easential to suocessful irrige tion farming is well.leveled Jand and to our notion the fall of the year of all other seasons is the best time 1o do the work for the reason {hat geners! farm work ie 13id by, the land 1s in good con dition and thern ig no other labor eof more pressing nature to take one’s time. There are now simple and cheap grad ingmacbines and svery farmer can have one. Fall grading burjes weed send 100 deep to germinafe, upturns and destroys the cocons of injurious in sects, exposes “aw subsgll to atmos pheric action and ledves the surfuce in good condition for the spring work.— Field and Fa/m. S— Six acrssofland is not much of & farm, but it can snpport & family in cowmfort, if intelligently managed. A BSants Crus (Oal.) paper, gives & case—und it is not an unusval one —of s man doing well on s plot of ground as small as that. “When €, N, Btocking came to Cal ifornls, he was in search ot health_and living, but dicourasgement stared him and bis family in the face:. To find em dloyment seemed: imposelbla, 80 he bought on the Branciforte Oreek six acres of land. He put the jand out In vegetabie, barries, and tree-fruits, and 8 chickea yard. With the combisation of thrifs, industry, and wn those barres six acres of a fow yrars sgo now fairly bud, biossom, and ripen. Last yoar thres huitdred sed mzty-ive dollars were harvested from a pateh of strawberries of 080-juarter of sn acre sad two vods. Just shink of it, ye mes Who let the peanies slip away, and who | ofy hard simes!. In the winter be ¢on -2006 bithes! 10 raleing chickens. Evary | 0 St proand Wk iiad ihd s hada | I VAT S S e s S WASHINGTON The Monetary. Coctfil . 4 ) its sittiog fu Washinghhd e al, recess of two weeks. * pon | cow posing this comm i fhat] thers is golug to be &;’ etit !, started in Congress soblilE: BRNENedy | aseemblies, althongh . hiwd | peliticians among the SN fare |’ working to prevent i el being raised in coojrens ' Fheir | doubt as to whether 88§ g of thet cLaracter caa be g g | the life of the presunt (8 B ear | that a sharp drawing of} 5 oaes | - in congress will result S-SR Nt she | republicans. One of NN pof]|! the monetary comsmisiiy N | that there ahall be'an & pa- | eial bogislation:ay thie if L of| recommanded by M ey | and be pushed by the { influence of the adaf Rt te | kines ave already 9 i he : prediotion has been onRRININE. - | cial fight 10 CongtQuETRNE SR | bitterest and the most SN he 1 Foree bill was before St he | | fighting will be moat ikt *" e, | aa it will be an easy SENNE AN uny | bill supported by tHEFEIENNNE aad | Speaker Reed througiSRACRRNNE 1t |- is assumed that sy (REEENNE. by | those who ave pushingß S SLelNt | will be antagonised MENEEEESvaIFen | in the Senate, and e SNRESSOL S Ahat | Jvody by elight mangb SRR no | prophet 1o say 1 wiIEIN EERGIESE ot | impoo-ible.lo‘* O B v | in the Senates . _ LE-SHESS R | If there 13 any Teni ? IR of | | men in Washingion i "' -1 ing for the purposiE: GSEEENENE S e { nomination of & cabH ,'f ) pof §New York i B 3 eyes of an opcanary SR S | reason, or no PARRRINE of quhSuum“ ‘ ol- | sstic than nNEMGA ‘4 A proceeded to satily ¥RSCNNEN Of | | Heary George 1o be MESENCaw Xbrk | {City. There am twe i i‘; r. (o et - | |od in this ng; nOBSNEININCEN ho | nttended had yoted T “: K .:*e" i f the single tax I 8 not SHe M #bien fone of the -l; it fi“’f | | maxing jo bis; preisht o &”;f . ffect: be haso’t i SNSRI K- | | ooif. and is probe by v w%\ re | ¥ ;’—T s N T Jor shoaasi s Wl Ses and there jaboars ;:4’ Elicie and Japen; an welt'an th Uniiisdßistes should be ve presented, sfigkiving orce promised 10.d0 wo, RNI got dewn to & ques tion of versciif hdiween Ex-Secretary | of Btate 'has bad charge of dhhn-lf_"' ption ‘fer ‘the United States for SN} years, and Lord | Salishary. Me. Foster seys Lord Balis-| bury agreed t 0 N#vs Eogland represent. | ed sn the Cbaferencé tb. which the United States hisdf invitgd Rumsia aund Jupsu to send’ yepreswntstives; Lord | Salisbury says e did not;that he sgreed that there shosld -bs” a conference bet xeen represiagtatives of Eogland and of the United Stales on the subject snd that he will haye agents in - Washingto to attend if, butthey will not be allowed 1o take purt in & onference with rgenis of Russia und Japsn. Officials of the | Department of. Hiate are reticent, but there are grounds for the bellel that the Depariment of Mtate has excepled Mr, Foster’s version of the ‘controversy and will s 0 state in's friendly but vigorous communication'te the Eoglish Govern ment, MNesunbile arrangements are being made for Swo seal eonferences; one between: the U. 8, Rumia and Jupan, and opeßetween the U. 8, und| England. e 3 5 Judging tnq“a jolal uiterances only vne wonld suppees that the President and his Cabuet Were entirely satisfied | with the progress being made by Epain iu its alleged effists to bribg about peace in Cuba. but suelfis teally'not the case. | The recuil of Géw: Weyler by Spain is. of courve, pleasiiii theto. but they re gard it with move @ less Suspicion; be lieving it and slishe rest of the beauti fol profescions of #he' mnew Bpanish ministry to' be ÜBENY' ‘with trickery, baving for its objest'the ‘prevention of interference by this goverament, Re lieving Ihis, and being thoroughly aware thst poblig“sentiment in this country 18 oven”fiyplu in faver of some action by the goyernment that would puu-ped,_'}-d to.the war in Cubar President MeKinley and his ad yisors are watchisg#he setion of the the new Spanish minigley with great cars snd ifthey becom@eonvi»oed that Spain | is not acting in conlifauth, this govern- | ment will act, -mlf-‘ 10 unceriain way, President McKinley, like eyerybody else, wauts the wazßEbusht 1o a clase. If Spain can do it in@ieunable time, sll right; if not, he ks this government can. R L L "Lustgert is repiiiit 10 be - losing bls Derve as the end AIl loug tria} draws' near, .He is probiiils begianing to re alise the ntter RoENN of s case- However, i b SSVlcked }_ wil. be solely upon circaigiiitial ayidesce, and while the circessiiiie paiat sreogly 40 bia gull, thessilyiposst hility of his | i junchent IR o e bia R S 5?!.; g THE NOVEMBER NUMBER - Of ghe Dmmlh'?lbd the Rarly Winter Nomber, snd its wealth of good thinss is headed by nearly s bundred pages devoted to styles for late Autamn and Winter, with superb oolor plates. Among its literary feat ures, Octave Thanet's asalysis of S.. cial Life-in the Samlalier Cities and Towns will be found especially discrim inating. The Quaker hercine of Har riot Riddle Davie’ sturring abory, “A OChance of War,” is not more edtertain ingly originalin ber way than is the dashing American girl in “The Farther Adveantures of the Grand Duke,” by Martin Orde. Jeanie Drake’s brillisns series' of New York Types concludes with a brignt sand witsy deplotion of ‘The Foreign Resident.” Ja .her *Telks on' Health and Besaty” Dr.| Grace Pockbam-Neriy diocusees \he sclentitic aad hygenie aspects nf Dress. No other page of the magasine will be [ s9ad with keeper iuterest than Mrs. Oadwalader Jones’ replies to questio.s concerning bebavior and etiquette. THR UELINEATOR'S young people have an iuvainable mentor in this sccom plished lady. They are further pemem bered in s pretty Ribbon Drill, and ir three Novel Enter:ainments. The reflex action of dress is among the topies treated in Mre. Witherspoon®™s Tea- Table. Vegeiarians will be deiighted by the cookery artwle, exclusively | devored to dvabes for their uwse. Mr. Vick’s Flower Garden includes 'some carious facts sbout the Rubber Plant. Therasia the ueul motices of New i Books, and the Little folka are not for gotten. Ewwa Huy wood’s explanation ot. au effectize combination of lace- | WORK with eslored ~mbroidery jo sup plemented by the regular depariments deveted to Crocketing, Tattinu, etc. —————— Those who belivve chronic diarshoen to be Incurabie should read what Mr, P.E. gfllhnm. of Gaars Mills, La., haer | to say on the subject, yiz. “I buve been a sufferer from chronic diarrhnea ever kince the war a::d have tried all} kinds of medieines for it. At last I} found s remedy that eff-eted a ecnrve and that was ©hamberlain’s Celic, Cholera and Disrrhosa Remedy.” This medicine can aiwnays he depended vpon for colio, cholers morbus,dysenters and diarrheea. It is pleassntto take wnd neyer fails to effect a cure. 28 and 50 cent sis-s for enle by C. L. McPherson e ———— R I e Poultry, Gard Oemetery, hmm and Ravbit. Fencing. Thoussnds of Miles i use, c“.:,l:f.m The McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. 114. 116. 118 and 120 Orfenns SL.. CHICARD, ILL. L ] i , g | I } Cavonts, sad cbtmiaed sad all Past ont condusted for gseecaate Prts. ' "“""u'ém e g 6 Owr dne huu:l..u : @‘E’u".‘fl , ecuaarias C.A.SNOW & CO. OFP. PATENT OFMIGE, WaskiNaven, D\. C. & GOOD .EA“.TRE‘S e e At HOUSEHOLD NECESSIT! AND A HOUSENOLD NESESSITY I 9 oNE oF oun NEW SEWING MACHINES. e . ! / I - E B L A fl - . 1 ) ¥ * ™‘, FOR PULL PARTICULARS ASSREES | 8 » L Kational SewingMachineCs. i oUseusesEs %9 | lm.\ i i i : ‘ 4 , NANTED-AN IDEA; i:‘.,;_';r. AR g ,1_“:&;!{ T '"‘}.7)7.;":{.'_““ ‘.\’,ri' BN T e N eER e ”%;fii’ B' s e - REFRESHMENT & ROOM. k¢ | THEO. BAXTER, PROPRIETOR. =~ ' FINE WINES, firi : LIQUORS, AND CIGAHS. . . & » NOTHING BUT FIRSY CLASS GOODS, /1 SIRARPACT HOLLY, COLO. .. TSN C. C. HUDDLESTON, ’a " - [ | LAMAR, COLORADO. b Deering Mowers, Reapers and Binders. - ; Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackers and ' Rakes, Our Line of Hardware, Gro- ‘ ceries, Queensware and Harmess is . , Complete. '_——_—'———-—-————————-—__ e |3 A0 41D & et LIVERT, FEaD AND sALE STABER=< —_—— - ——— Good Teams, Elegant Rigs, 2 ; s Furnished at Reasonable RatQSO -e -e - ; ' FRANK GILMAN, Propnetor, ! GRANADA, : : : : : : COLORADO. . : Y 3 We are prepared to do ali kinds of neat Job Printing. Letter Heads, ote Heads, Envelopen, Statements or anything in this Lime. If yon s have any Job Work to do call and ik “ee ue. ) | ‘ il L 5 Don’t you want to send the Cuisrriaxiilf THE OHIEFTAIN, to some triend in the east. In order to ‘;' '_ll':: :::l:':z:::::""- nable you todo so_we will mail three copies to any three addresses yon delll] m’mm““ FOR aire one yesar for $375; four copieslill for $4,.50; or five copies for $5, spnt " $1 50 cash. - B\L(O A J ) = SEMI-WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, ‘:*epase : AND THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIR both one year for $2OOO T d i THE FIELD AND FARM AND THE CHIEFTAIN Both-one year $250. CHIEFTAIN. FIRST CLASS o rorsale. |ln Any AUANTITY To Suif i : e B P A R eNG ‘(fi;;\\?;;:,{v- ¢ ke sSTt 14 Fra “,"}.,« AR ;,“’:',‘ AT C PUNUCEHABER - C : ; . e3£Gt st RS R T ! ‘%’:’hf\ ey | 1 A DETTED o P L e R el € et SRR e R S e e J NUMBER 37