Newspaper Page Text
I fl ) T 2 | FHE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN| | S = 4 B 2 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1~7, | Application made to be l Entered in the Post OMer .0 Holly, Colorado, | As second class niatter e e e— — PPRICE | One month - $ .2, Pour months ', Nix months 5 One year - - . 1.50 Advertlsing rates made known on appieution | All kinds of job printing neatly do Call } and get our estimatos, 1 e ——————————————————————————— WHEN IN LAMAR | Caton the BE O B oo Oriental Billiaird | Elall. | " @8 9 @ @ @ a rorthe BEST WHISKIES - - AND - CIGARS FRED SCHMIDT, Provggor Eay T YOUR BUILDINGS INSURE ™" jfomses| C. L. MCPHERSON, | Holly, Colo. ‘. Agent for the ! Serman American Insurance (ompn\).q ~-0f | NEW YORK. { Insures Acainst l FIRES, LIGHTNING | A TORNADOKS and CYCLONES. | WhY Should We ‘ Patronize the ? ‘ “POSTAL B | Because: Its service is prompt and reliable, It has new lines and modern eqnip ment. It maintains gennine and aggressive rompetition, Pablic patronage is essential to the continued maintenance of competition. The present low rates and good ser vice baye been obtained only through its competition, Ite employess are intelligent, dilli gent, enerzetic and courteous and their eonstant ¢ffort is to render the BEST telegraph service, Tt reaches every important commer eial point in the United States and Canada and connects with the LEAD ING At)antic Cable Company. These are a few reasons why you phould gend your ) n Telegrama by the ] OS If\ I_J, THE HOLLY OFFICE IS OPEN: from 8 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock P, M. FUNDAYS: 9to 10 A, M.and 5 to 6 P. M. H. W. Mivrorp, Manager. e et Q! \ : anta e Route DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, .TO EVERYWHERE, Through service in ELEGANT VESTISULE TRAINS (sleepers and chair cars) between COLORADO POINTS and Chicago, Kansas City, Los Apgles, San. Francisco and Salt Lake City. éne Change to New York and Boston. The way to travel is to start pight Santa Fa Route- qffers the best possible accommodatiotis 1o nearly - every par of the world. For information concerning :auro:ul and steamslitp 2“2 ravel, unddress, ¥ J. P. HALL, General Agent, Pass, Dept.. 1700 Lawrence St,, Denver. Colo, J. K. DOUGHTY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Land Oftice Building, Lamar. Colorado . . CARRIES THE LARGEST STOCK IN EASTERN COLORADO OF Hardware, Harness, Stoves and Ranges, McCormick Mowers, etc, Furniture, Undertaking Goods, ~ Pumps and Pipe. AT 7 & | - Rock Bottom Prices for g Cash. LT RRE s @u AND SEE MY STOCK; AT %m COLORADO, B hf HOME NEWS. -‘l Give the new blacksmith a trial, | ! SO, Joves, the Coolidge hardware] | merchiant, was in town Mondav. i | Kid Baxter and tamily took in the cirens at Syracose on Wednesday. T. D, Newman returned Tuesday and | | 18 ax tin at the case in the CHIEFTAIN | :um(‘u. | Ed Sewall does first class plastering, : paper hanging, and painting at resson able prices. | A. (. Burgesser, of Versailles, llli—' | nois, has been here during the week [ looking after his real estate. ¥ | J. W. Morse, democratic randhh!e! for ussegsor, was interviewing the vot | ers on the east glde during the week. | =, W. Perking and wife have taken I chiarge of the Chop House restaurant, | Francis Conley having retired from the business. | J. 5. Chenoweth bought a honse up | in Greeley county and on last Saturday | had it moved on to bhis farm in the Amity settlement, E. E. Bennett has opened up =& blacksmith and wagon shop in the ‘ King boilding. All work guaranteed, l and prices reasonable. | Dr. R. D. Wilson’s household goods arrived Monday and be has_been very I busy during the week getting them in ] position in the cottage on Seruml’ | street, I Master Chase McPherson gave his little friends a party last week, the occasion being his 10th birthday., A large number of the little folks werei pregent and enjoyed themselves most heartily, ‘ Fred Mohl visited Holly agsin last week, bringing with bim a party of ventleman from Chase county, Kansas, | who were investigating the situation hers with a view of inveating in Yrow ers county real estate, Johnston carries a large line of +[ men’s shoes, pants and furnishing .} zoods at the very lowest price, l Y Take your watch, clock or jewel ry to Applegate at Lamar for first .| class repairing. : The Holly hotel 18 agsuming metro "} politan airs. An electric bell was this week placed in position connecting the . |office with the lundiord’s sleeping | | apartments, for the use of guests who arrive late at night or real early in tne 1 morning. Theinterior of the building Lins been nicely papered and paioted. ) David Barnes, of Granada, was circu lating around in this part of the courn y| ty on Fridav last, in the interest of his candidacy for county superintendent, Mr. Barnes is a very pleasant gentle man to meet and appears to be emi .| nently qualified for the duties of the office to which he aspire e. About a year ago Dan Larmor pur chased & hundred cows, paying sl6 per head for them. This week he sold the increase from these cows to A, N, Brooks for §I6OO, and says the cows are worth today S3O per head. Mr. Brooks says he will get S2OOO fur thiese calves. This is a fair profit on these cattle, but itis just what our cattle deajers are making every day.—Garden City Her. ald. J. M. Johnston has just received .| nice line of men’s clothing which he is selling very cheap. 5 The alfalfa hog raiser of Colorado can raise hogs for one-half the money that the farmer in the east can, says the Field and Farm. He 18 not afreid of that bane of the eastern hog raiser’s ‘| life—hog cholera—as it is called -here. He has the advantage of the very best t o{{nsrkelé in the mountains as well as t{in Denver. And Denveris one ot the : moat rapldlg, growing markets in the United Statee today. Stock loaded in the evenlog is usually in Demver for the next morping’s market. Everv day there are new evidences of a geoneral improyement in all kinds of business in Holly. The townis enjoy - |ing a steady and healthy growthk, just keeping pace with the improvements Roing on in the counntry sutrounding. A town built up as Holly ie, backed by a nich agricultural region, tilled by an intelligent, progressive aud indnstrious class of farmers, can have no reaction. New farms cf forty or eighty acres each wre being sold every dny and next . | season will see the cultivated area more than trehled. This wil! mesn a corresponding increase of the bueiness in town. e s S MASQUERADE BALL. A Maequerade Ball and Oyster sup por will be given at the dilver Star hotel in Coolidge on Friday evening, October 15th. All are invited to at tend. Music by Charley Reid’s Orches tra. Get your false faces at White Bros. ‘ A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold tbat caused him to be in x most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly & bad case of Is grippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate ateps to bring a bout a speedy cure. From the adyer tirement of Chamberlain’s Cough REe* edy and the many good recommenda tiona included therein, we concluded to make a first trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactoty in its re ' | sults, is putting it very mildy, indeed. It acted like magic and the result wa; a speedy and permanent cure. We haye no hesitancy ip recommending this excelient Cough Remedy to snyone | sfficted with a comgh or cold in anvy/ {drm—<The Banner of Liberty, Liberty tows, Maryland. The 26 and 60 cebt Sises for sele by O. 1 MePheryon. | Chris llasen went to Lamar vester-! day to see the circus, Mrs. H. P. Horst visited her parents in Coolidge Monday and Tuesday. Mre. S. Harden left Tuesday niam? for Hutchinson to visit relatives. Mesdames Tarbox and Shirley, of Conlidge, were Holly vigitors Saturday. | Bob Rernolds one of Coolidge’s can ] didates for constable, was a Holly visi tor Monday. l tieorge Wateon, one of Lamar’s real estate dealers, was in Holly a conple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tattle and Miss Ethel Hoffman returned from their trip to Baca county on Tuesday. Chief Engineer Hawkins has been in Holly the greater part of the week| looking after his office work. F. G. Hoffman took a load of melons to Coolidge Jast Saturday which he disposed of to the merchants there, Dr. C. F. Rotledge, of Horace, was in town Toesday. The doctor is think ing seriously of making his home here. The G. W. Hall circus train stopped here about an hour yesterday morning and geyeral of the small boye got to see the elephant, J. 8. MeMuortry wag in Hally again ‘on Tuesday but left on No 2 for Tope ka. He reported the sale of & section ‘of Amity l=nd on this trip. ~J. L. Wood is the only candidate for justice of the peace in the field ¢o far and we believe he will make a strong race, with the chaoces in favor of bis election. (. G. Huord. of Leoti, Kangas, drove to Holly on Tuesday. accompanied by his niece, Mlss Lulu Passow, who took the train Wednesday morning for her 1 home at La Junta, ‘ Ed Sewall buys hisn material for |pmnnny, plastering and paper hang img by wholesale. Call on him for estimates. He gives his patrons the I benefit of wholesale price tor material. The Cuisrzaix office has been paint ed, our callers will plesse observe. Althoagh our choice of colors doesn’t appear to be generally admired, we llmnk it 18 reai “‘purty.” Ed Sewal did the job, = Mensrs. Webster and Rockwell with eight large horses and a huge leveler, are smootuing down the forty acres vortk of town in fine shape. The Ami ty company has abandoned the idea of lm)mng thas tract to wheat and will 80w it to alfalfa next apring. It you want to buy a farm see S. W. Perkins. For Ladies’ fine shoes goto John ston’s. A complete lineof Oxfords in black, tan, or chocolate. The “Topsy” hose to match. ‘ l A subscriber, wishing to show his appreciation of our newepadper, said: "“The two classes of men which the world could lesst afford to lose are preachers and newspaper men, for the preachers tell us the truth, and the newspapers tell us everytiiing else.” '—La Junta Tribune, M. Crabbe, general agent for the Midland Savings and Loan company, 'ol Denver, was in town several days . this week soliciting business for his company. That he was successful 1n gettiug our people interested is shown by the fact that he sold 120 shares, representing SI2OO of stock. Thisis undoubted!y a splendid way to lay by a few dollars for a rainy day, especially for those who have but little to lay vp. The Midland is recognized by the best financiers of the state to be safe, sound and reliable. The investments draw interest, compounded, and holders of certificates have the privilege of with drawing at auy time. J. M. Johnston was appointed local agent and will look after the busiuess for the company in Holly. Last Saturday was Miss Ivy Millin ger's 14th birthday and in order to commermorate the event, she invited all her young frlends to come to a party at her home. Accordingly near- Iy all the amall folks in town assem bled in the afternoon and occupied the time until dark having u jolly good time. Mies Ivy entertained her guests charmingly, serving ice cream, cake, candy and fruit, and she was the recip ient of eeveral handsome tokens of friendship. Following are the nsmes of those present: Ruth Hoffman, Dora McCoy, Nerva Kendall, Maggie Bun neit, Phebe Webster, Eva Baxter, Gladys Wheeler, Agnes Riley, Pearl Schrader, Zella Wood, May Kllbie.‘ Laura Millinger, Lonnie McCrady.: Johnnie Gores, Georgie Wilson, Floyd Place, Everett Baxter, Eari Kilble,l Cora Baxter, Colin Simpson, Robbie McPherson. Archie Wilson, Clem Ml - linger, Milton Dayis, Chase McPher -Bon, Luura Conley. Group Quickly Cured. MouUNTAIN GLEN, ARK.~Our children! were suffering with the croup when we seceived a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief.—F. A. THoRN¥ON, This celebrated remedy is for sale by C. L. McPherson, SANTA FEROUTE—California Limited. Beginning October 20, the Banta Fe Route resume its semi-weekly Califor nia Limited train for the sesson of 1807- 98, Equipment will consist of superb vestibuled Pullman palace sleepers. buffet-smoking car, and through din ing car managed by Mt. Frea Harvey. Most luxurious service via any line, and the quickest time. Ancther exprees train barrying palace and toprist slvepers, lea¥es DarLY for Californis. . inquire of H. P. Houst, hocal Agent, As ’t . & '. .I . | Mrs H. W lulurd ahd children are | visiting in Rlhune. [ One of Frafleis Conley’s horses was |} silled by a t&aln iast nizght. i | George Welster spent Suonday and | several otherfays at Tribune, ; Mr.and Mrg, E. E. Vincent returned | Monday fromgheir western trip. Mrs. I Vincent is stl in very poor health. : Candidates@ave been quite numer-|{ loue in this lagality duriug the week: | but cigars an@ithings have been lcuce‘ as ever. Ralph Howhrey brought a load of 1 machinery dg from Tribune this}] week for th@ new Blacksmith and l, Wagon shop. & )( l Nels Thompon and John Rodeck,;] citizens of Hofee, came down Tuesday. | took a look atshe country, and each bought a farm, Floyd Flace saw the circus at Syra cuse Wednesdsy. lic says the show |- was good but Eflgm mighty bhungry | before he got 0 e. What if the u nd does bl‘ow your eyes full of sand o&lonally. Just think of the many days of beautiful calm and sunsbine !. have during the year, and be contenfed. A. Deeter, ‘;'\Ql Lamar, republican candidate for ‘freasurer, and J. A.|, McDowell, of Granada, republican candidate for assessor. were hunting up the volers around here on Wednes day and Thursday. C. L. McPherson has just re cewved a large stock of ladies’ drees goods and ghoes. Prices low as the lowest. Tuesday waw registration day and a large number of the voters got their names down. Those who failed to reg ister can do e next Tuesday. Regis tration book will be found at the | postoffice. Mr. and Mrs, H, P. Horst wilk start tomorrow for a months visit at Mr. Horst's old bome in Ohio. Herman has worked bhard and well earned a rest, Mr. Staufter will pertorm the duties of |, station agent during bis sbsence. | The first frost of the scason appeared ‘ Monday morning and 1t was so heavy | that no vegetation escaped. Those who had fodder crops standing in the fields | | have been getting quite a hustle on| | themselyes duriog the week taking care | jofit. DR. R. D. WILSON. PHYSICIAN axp SURGEON. .| Howry. oo Covronano. | ————————————— g sz;fio. J :(Will pay for “The Farrm : anmd Field’ S And the JCHIERFTAIN e THE FARM AND FIELD ? 118 the best farm journal in the west, em » | bracing The Colorado Farmer, The Live *| Stock Journal, The Live Stoex Record '| The Range Journal snd The Colorado '} Fruit Grower, in one : GRAND COMBINATION: 1 published weekly in | Denyer, Colorado. Regular subscription | price $2.00 per year. We will send vou .| this paper and the CRIEFTAIN ‘| ONE YEAR for TWO DOLLARS and : FIFTY CENTS. ; You cannot afford to do without either, -e e e | @, I-. NMecPherson L J ' NOTARY : PUBLIC, |HOLLY, «~ «~ «~ ¢6oLoO e iy LD : co To g | FRANK MILBURN'S r FER ] WINES, LIQUORSB, CIGARS. ; Mall Orders Promptly Filled. ( Granada, - Colorado. ) | JOHNNY SIMPSON, ' DRAYMAN. ; Goods Promptly Delivered to Any : Part of the City. _J. KNOWLEN, |{CONTRACTOR & ] | BUILDER. \ . GRANADA, COLORADO. m T o —— Tetter, Salt-Rhcum and Eczema. The intense itching snd ing, inci | m:mmm%mu!’ v allayed j g{humylng Cham 8. and tment. Many i cases hnbeenpermnnenaycm it. It |iB equally efficient for Stching and | & tavorite mned‘yl for sore -Ivm hands, chilblains, frost ' mwme}'fl. 25 ota. per box. , —— iR 1 | . Dr. Cady’s Conditien Powders, are | Rt SR iSR . nic, 3 g e, ST e . fa printe comiitie. 8 Foromle ot McPhorpon'ss | SANTA FE ROUTE. : BEST LINE | EAST Double daily train service | to Chicago, Kuusas City ’ | and all parts of Kansas. | | WEST Two days to California. ! | One night out to Phoenix. l Quickest time to Portland. ’ E SOUTH Two days to Galveston, | ‘ One night out to El Paco. i ' 86 hours to Mexico City. § | Through Pallman palace sleepers ‘and free chair cars in each direction. ll)Aily toarist cars to Cslifornia. All trains are up to date and fast. Dining :cnra and eating houses managed by ' Fred Harvey. w. J. Brack, G. P. A, J.P. Haw,, Topeks, Kansas. Gereral Agent, - 1700 Lawrence St., Denver. “Keop In the Middie of vhe Road,, | THE FIGHT IS NOW ON. ‘ “] “*Ere’s 4 | =g e Your \J ‘)‘l | o . AJF . Mountain o . ”” s 2 News. RA ) Cartoon with T overy issue .... WITH.... " GREENBACKS THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE. Rocky Mouataia Hows. (A MFTROPOLITAN DAILY.) 1s the oldest and most widely known newspa per printed in Colorado. It adovts, regardless of cost, every facility offered to Keep abreast of the times. 1t pays especial attention to the unvaralleled resources of its own and adjeining States and territories. Its mining stock reports are full and accurate. Whoever reads The News will be kept in toue’s with all national. state and home reforms, and fully posted on the development of the rich gold and silver mines of Imperial Colorado. Subscribe—or send 5 cents for a sample copy Dally (with Sunday), $7.50 per year,, three months $1,90, per month 65c. Weekly $l.OO Per year. Address NEWS PRINTING CO.. Denver, Colo. e ———————————e————— 1(—)6 ENVELOPES I@o With yonr name, address and Return printed neatly thereon for fifty cents. CHIEFTAIN, HOLLY, COLO. e S ————————— l }S THE BEST. = - NE2o o NI § Y T § = CAP \ S 8‘ 5 | NPy ol \ fl saOA h‘; $ NI - i NP \ A/ . \ N \ WRITE FOR OUR - COOK BOOK. FREE. ,DeLAND & CO. FAIRPORT, N. Y. e————— iW’ Mt ELREES mui has demonstrated ten thousand fimes that it is almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S - PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, irregulariti d 5 It has .becoex;a.t':m 1::51.:‘”::;‘:};1 for this class of troubles. It exerts o wonderfully healing, strengthen ing and soothing lnfiunc‘ upon AR TSI S 1 n . It stops flooding u’ uun:olup — A L 5 Guas] g[ane] Rl Viags . ," l; £} PGS GRS AW (il @ e NS Ot AN "I E NE -\(9'9 7 XA e W W e RY: o 3 SRS p \,’a‘ 2o A AN L ? ¢ Lagl ¥ KT A K N c(vi—:_’ . '311" N 'or cbn“‘ :l..fl\r" it is the best B o medicine f:uuh. u“l‘-i beneScial bring bl iain lot Nomes atres {:t years. It hflmm stimu ites, strengthews the whole sys- S l‘-‘h ‘Thia great remedy is offered fo aflicted woten. = Why will > fim euffer another minnte 'h.c:'flll- nl'::fl vm\h.n'ul' v advice, in mmv‘m . %‘uhmmufl . et Chatianesgs, Tenn. Rer . W smT Camden. 8. 8. wood Wine of a z&‘, e womb and &cfi Bl . kA bk NG g i B. B. m:( A:—l;:\l{l{lsfl, Vice i'res. W. C. GOULD, Cashier. : Sl RaTS NATIONAL & BANK FE >4 HIRST3 NATIONAL 3 BANK, LAMAR, ———— COLO Capital Stock, - - - $50.000.. Surplus, - - . - = 4,000. DIRECTORS. B. B. BROWN, A. N. PARRISH, w. €. GOULD, , M. D. THATCHER, T. M. BROWN. IFURNITURE STORE. MRS. BELLE HOLLIS, PROPRIETRESS. . Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Rockers, any thing you want in the Furniture Line. UNDERTAKER AND . PRACTICAL EMBALNMER. HOLLY, COLORADG. (. L. McPherson 2 . . ) 3 AIN DEALER IN GENERAI. MERCHANDISE 4 PRESCRIPTIONS CARE-~ nflgfl ¢ SPEMY; FULLY COMPOUNDEILx DAY OR NIGHT. >_—_~———————fi—__———_—_____=: GEO. A. WATBON, Real Estate and Collection Agent,. I bave bargains in lJand with E water that cannot he g surpassed. 5 Practice in Justice Cowrts and the U. 8. Land Office. CollectionsaSpeciatty. LAMAR, COLORADO. AN T N A . . s ThesEasteNidesLiverysStablex- Does a General Livery and Feed Businesas. RIGS FURNISHED, RATES REASONABIE. j —- JAMES BAIRD, Proprietor -o-== HOLLY, -- - - . . .. COLORADO. _-———-—-———————m—fi________,“—_____h——-s ———— T\ >IE s HOLLY s HOUSE =< : .......'..Bond and Lodgit;; Dysssiis... . # DAY ¢+ OR + WEEK » Ammnodat!ou - First - class. / Nirs. Kate Nlilinger, Prep. ; e e NIGHT TRAINS, R 2 \ : ‘ ‘ HOLLY, COLO. _— J. L. WOOD & .SON, : “*“DEALERS # IN = Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Doors and - W indow Snfi. ‘ ‘ —-COMPLETE STOCK.—— HOLLY, g s.- - COLORADO SILVER STATE HOUSE . W. E. Vineent, Prep. ‘ LAMAR, - - “m. - . COLORADO, il ,Hq-'n,'lh'lmd throsghout. First cl sscsecss Acoommodations, Large Bample Rooms for Commercial 8ei..., ...