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VOLUME 1. IRRIGATED FARMS FOR SALE. IRRIGATED FARMS FOR SALE, UNDER THE GREAT AMITY CAN ALIN THE ARKANSAS VALLEY These lands lie perfeot for irrigation and are the richest' lands in ‘the Arkansas valley. The GREAT AHITY CANAL, 100 miles long, was : 3 built in 1895 and ' together with Teseryoirs cost upwards of $1,500,000. This is the largest and - best constructed irngation canal in the state. ' It bas first right to water and can therefors deliver water at' all timee doring the irrigation season. o h-d-eus bonght in.aay. size trasts-dey, nired, at low pri and on long time payments, o Permul !qflghflif “No wator remts to niy. Now is the tin:,b to secure a home in this beaut:fal valley. i For funherfplrtienlln write to J. 3. MEMURTRY, ’ HORACE, KANSAS, e & E:g VATOR CO., | ; . WHOLESALE GRAIN, MKAL, CHOP TEED, : HMARD snd BOFT WHEAT FLOUR, GRAHAM, ETC., ETC. | L J » : ? - % r- LAMAR, COLO. e e LRSI S e g Y RRO A GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER. 8 B rew Prcns | 8 - FOR EhraWEwms> FOR 1- P=4 el L/:‘:g] 1- : ’ e L Giag e ESW% ol sWe will send lthresto san . gy, " RGOS IS Wi 099 ISO, Wy =l e e = literature are so fully presented as in Demorest’s, There is, in fact, no publication ? pretending to a similar scope and purpose which can compare with it. Every num ber contains a free paitern coupon, ; Judge’s Library is a monthly magazine of fun, filled with' Hllustrations in earicature and replete with wit and humor. Its coutributors are the best of American wit and : humor, : € Pome s e eet e et et secure them, 1 Cut here and return coupen properly filled out. Demorest’s Publishing company, 110 Flftk Aveane, New York. For the enclosed $2.00 pleass send **Demorest’s Family Magazine,” “Judges’s Library,” {8 magazine of fun)and “Funny Plctures™ for one year as per your offer. ‘ IO oibcosccibiveasasshssivisvesiTisesvotis st tnsss i ! Potoflien: .. ol o NS BIRLS o es h i s 5me............. Ne e I CHOP HOUSE RESTAURANT, L] ) S.'W. PERKINS, Proprictor. = . BOARDING BY DAY OR WEEK. &= - Meals and Lunches at sll hours.: ; - . Santa Fe A_venue.. Holly, Colorado. . oNLY ) SUY DINEOT OF MANUPAOTURENS —eemcnsgeh. S 0 OV 052232, VEHICLES =~ xzmm Cocpes ,‘\\“ Saipped serwhers to avoms of WHOLLSMS PRGBS, @ T, \\ ] R ' PIANO or CORNING , EXD or BREWNTER : ~,‘~- T /AN ] ~ 3.0 r ¢ bow LEATHER QUARTRR fi O e ie e Cwemr FERETEUR springs of best quality. Body is 28% in. wide by 83 in. oot seasoned lumber, fimMWW§mu i, Sellene mn“”fl”"“r m lfla?émn;lu:'ml, &'fin m boot, storm apron, e ' is our SPECIAL 1 LE_PRICE for this fine buggy. = fo! i to work fn your ] SRS AR SR @ 000 ro» glegrin bueey of £eTowser Dhos aver sfefta Ourectivror $6.00 |it sEtoailig ke bsl Ivt e o | (RS Aot GSR o B e | TelS it v e wen | B RB R : u.&m’um:uq oAR e HEREET RTS M g 4250 s s & Ealoeteil NN\ ,94 ~‘_:1:&?1.‘., R RTR STT N e NN &., W Jofes il 810 s s M!,;':omt S, AW WW%!‘W‘J Se U GRil e e S s SRR e7et TR &fim‘gflfv&%fim§%¢#"}#@%@%? _gfi’?fi:«wfl?& ~Qufg:‘? PSR THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDEESOOCTOBER 22, 1897. '|THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. ‘ BY H. W. MILFORD. S.W.PERKINS, . - . Looal Editor. o PROWERS COUNTY DIRECTORY. Qlork and Recorder, - - 5. B. Falkner. S %, . e e Geal T : B InTam er, . > 2 o = 2 8 w.' MR s ~";{"b‘."“““: Commmmn.s i St aper i DT TR ey I Tpmfl'lgl‘. Qfi}lfln. M. ‘bound QE.I. ; mwénA.'gg:“:n&'sbr. M, 5. OL. McPummsox, P. M. ‘ ;] SUSDAT scHuoL Wu ‘ = ARG of e TIME - - TABLE.| \ O M THE ATCHISON, TOPEEA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY. ; = | Trains leaves Holly as follews: EASTBOUND. _ WEBT BOJND, Nor gt %?é‘.‘.‘ul | No sr 1 THE CHIEFTAIN’S TICKET. For Cierk and Recorder, 8. B. FAULKNER. For Treasurer, | J. W. BENT.. : For Sheriff, WILLIAM McKENZIE. For Supt of Schools, OSCAR F. LEONARD. For Assessor, : J. W. MORSE. ' * For Surveyor. N JOHN DUNCAN. 0 Forg(}y@ljlmiour, : J. W, BENT. J. W, Bent, democratic candidate for county treasurer, is well known to all old residents of Prowers couunty. He was elected to the office of treasarer two years ago, and the efliciency with which he has performed his duties, entitles him to a re-election. Mr. Bent’s two year’s experience in'this office hus made him thoroughly familiar with all the duties of the office, and rendered him capable of serving his constituents’ best interest in a competent manner. The office is one in which honesty, intelligence, and good ‘busuess judgment are required, Mr. Bent has well proven a right to claim =il those qualifications, and consequently deserves the support of all for re-election. - 'Vote for J. W. Bent and you will make no mistake. S. B, FAULKNER. 8. B. Faulkner, the democratic candi date for county clerk is the present-in cumbent of this office. During bis term he has made a reputation for. honesty and efficiency that is sbove repreach. When a man has seryed the people as faithful as Mr. Fauolkner has duripg the past two veurs, he is certainly deserv ing of & second texm. He fully realises the importance of economy. in - county affairs and acts accordingly. when per forming the duties of his office. The ’pooplo will find that, if re-elected, Mr. Faulkner will serve the, best interest of the people in the fature as he has done in the past. WILLIAM McKENZIE. [ Wm McKenzie, sheriff of Prowers ‘county is a candidate for re-elcction to ‘that office. As not a word of a'depreca tory nature can be saiil of his two year's record, theré is no resson why: he should not have a mecond term. Mr. ‘McKenzie by his genial nature and his disposition to perform the duties of his oftice in a fair and impartial manner Lias made himeelf exceedingly popular among his constituents, which will no doubt result in his re-election by a large masjority. OSUAR F. LEONARD, Oscar F. Leonard, candidate for sup ‘erintendant of schoolsis a young man full of energy and ambition. He is an old resident of this county and has sn enyiable repatation as sn educator, He has never before asked for a public office. He is'a man who, slthough well educated, never loses an opportunity to improve himself. The office of super: intendent can be safely intrusted to, ' his care 8 he e In every respect capable of discharging the doties in''s_credible manner, . Holly precinct as 'well as ovary other precinct should roll up ' Jarge msjority for Mr. Teonerd. “ 15 g aptaiie il O ¢ « : J.W MORSE. ' #+ W Morse, onr candidats for souaty | assemsor,.is & proming ‘ e- and ranchman living io SURUENENGS part of the county. 'He is SIS, upright citizen, highly npstial e il who know him and if SNSEENNE - wake a gcod officer. NI g JOHN D?? John Duncan cand NI - surveyor is just the man for'shé S sbe ia s practical clvil entiSSuINN- probably | knows the topograpliiiiithe county' better than any other SN witk i l‘lllh.’l‘hofict.,, t nee of both parties shilliiiiat his ‘su perior - analification ‘SEETENs vffice s} universally racoghisediipesy W.JOB W. J. Johustomy SN democratle| candidate for county SNeßer. Mr. | Johnaton has'boen & ERSURIY - Satar | for s netiber-of jedre il known (o | bes man_ of exosflend isinels jodg: | went, honest and. upllll in ail his} dealing. Hele fully {iimed as to the needs of the county an Jie people * can support him with fullfiifance tha: he will carefully and @Somically’ ad wminister the affairs of ““ fce,’ A Visit to the Ranch. e T eUTR e SRS R 5 o Now that the Lagingieeson is aboat done and with a stfbng idesire to see what can be done withfland under irri gation, we llately palit §*isit to one of the largest ranches 8 lower part of the Arkansas valley v uated between Granada and Holly &dfwn an the XY ranch. Arriving absh ' nch st noon, we were invited § ine with the “boys,” s request (Bit¥ould not be laid neide, sceing that W Nad breakfasted pretty early and thej -“ Bcing air of these parts whetted our-"# ,': lites, 80 we ‘felt that we most have Slßhing to eat. After dinner we 3 : introduced. to the genial foreman’y H e raoch, Mr. Jack Henner.. On pßing our desires krown to Mr. Henle; who by the way is oneof the alfalfs 14 * % pioneers of the west, invited us to Figeeround with him to see the enormousiifaln flelds thick- Iy settled with “hugi s , with an average of aboot } r:', tons in each. Mr, Henner in ,’;;uhn he was finishing the folegd’ eutting, which velded 1} tona to ’g and’ has sbiout 500 acres of fonrtl “ iag. He has'quite s fow men, but coMiiee s 8- swall outfit, as he expe Wi: P B 8 Bl ] about the oth; - SRS (N S 2 i .;{1:~.~:" RS HIO WHN et eo¥s which will be shipped . 400 il Tho balancs o the. cutile willbe'fod on alfalfs il winter, and thus no watter how severe the winter miay-be, they all ckn be kept alive by band feeding, eon:f‘quntl'flhe loss is minimized toatnfle. . ! . Mr, Hennér informed us that he. has several men arrigating right along, 'which beginsabout April: Ist, and - will keep it up until they are frogen out, and -by the end of October they will have 'a splendid crop of fall pasture, We were ‘amazed while riding around, to see the great quantity of alfalfa raised. Asked 88 to what was done with it |all, Jack !u_vl. *‘we are baling and shipping every day o New Mexico and Arizdona.” We ‘were informed that the wild hay was a wuplendid crop this vear and of & very iflne quality. ‘While riding sound we ‘were very much struck with the number ‘of hogs ruoning :loose on (he alfalfa fields, and some of the finest! hogs we have ever seen, all raised on slfalfa and does not costihe ranch & étitto keep all summer. Mr. Henner also informed us that he bis raised s fine erop of oats this season which weigh 48 pounds per bushel. Wealso saw on the raucha good number of 3 and 4. vearold horses (pedigreed) and will be sold 4t reasona able prices.; Altogether, the tmch is one of the finest we have seen in the western coontry, The ranch is. owned by Mr. Fred Harvey, whose .esting ' houses are famous on ‘the Sauts 'Fe nr-ute, Mr. J. Bcott Robertson. is general mana ger for’ Mr. Harvey st this 'point. There is also s store and postoflice on the ranch, both of which sre.under the chiarge of Mr, Mcßain, book-keeper for the ranch, i 8 | A’ a citizen of ProWem county and in ‘tending to remain so, we uTe naturally interested along with othiers; in baving the business affairs of the l:l‘nnly con iducted in sn honest &ndicompetent ‘manner. To have the oonntiu“moineu looked after as it shonld be, &t is neces sury that the very best men ‘are given ' charge of the county ofli‘eu.s We Inok av the matter of electing county officern ‘aß one of business and..not of politics. /It is more important to the {people of ‘Prowers county that they ‘bave honest, efficient und capabls “pablic officers, ‘than that they have offigsra of & partic ular political faith. = Beasnacin:mui be~ longs to /oar party doesnot. Levessarily mean ¢hat ho in just the: Mk ybu would eagags to manage 700 X pHI¥RLS businens afairs; The mme care iiouid be exer ‘l‘ " " ;. A . X W‘hh‘ -y x;%,m! b, flu espable ol dischargiuj trs dtipe of tisty R !-w;x Wi Jg.‘\’v ved; Loy Wu& SR ;:-{;.3%&' G orpopdtis, LR AR b, oo e S v et e P WD P S George M. Pullman, the sleepinog . car msaguate, died maddenly of heart dissase | st his home in Chicago last = Tuesday Amfip,&h’tmw_gg trial of Lutagert which has bess ia pro grem for ity aix days, cost Covk coanty $18.811.71, sud after all this expense the result willbe & dissgrecment of ‘the jury. v : | - ‘Those who belisve chrouie dlarrhoes obe incurable should resd what Mr,| P. E. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., has jto say on the subject, yiz. “I have f s sufferer from chronic diarrboea since the war and have tried all fkinds of medicines for it. ‘At last I Ifound & remedy that effected a cure jaed that was cn-wn'-.’ Qolie, | Cholesa snd Diarrhoes. Botmnedy.” This \ v-oamn’:-g- Stways'be depenifid upon [#or colie, chblers morbes,dysentery and | diarrhoea. Itis pleasatitto take spd {never fails to effect & cure. 26 and 50 cent sises for sale by O, L. McPherson THE NOVEMBER NUMBER SIS Nvyhmmeas Rvmsmwss Of the DELINEATOR is called the Early Winter Number, aid its weaith of good things is headed by hearly a bundred pages devoted to styles for Iste Automn snd Winter, with superb | color plates, Among its literary feat {ares, Octaye Thanet's analysis of Su |cial Lite in the Smaller Olties and | Towna will be found especially diserim inating. The Quaker Larcine of Har riet Riddle Davis’ stirring story, “A | Chance of War,” is not more entertain |ingly originalin her way than is the | dashing American girl in “The Further | Adventurea of the Grand Duke,” by Martin Orde. Jennie -Drake's brilliant | seriea of New York Types concludes | with a bright and witty ‘depiction of ‘The Foreign Resident.” Tn her {*'Talks on Health and Beauty” Dr. | Grace Peckham-Murray discusses the jecleatific and hygenic aspects of Dress. No other page of the magasine will be fread with keener interest than Mrs. Cadwalader Jones® replies to questions concerning bebavior and etiquette. Taz DxLINEATOR'S young people have ap invaluable mentor in this accom plished lady. They are farther remem bered in a pretty Ribbon Drill, and ip three Novel Entertainments. The reflex action ot dress is among the topics treated in Mre. Witherspoon’s Tea {Table. Vegetarians will bo‘dellg.hud sßy the cookery article, exciusively T d,i_ghp- for their use.. Mr. |et g ;‘:*, ‘. JXhera ava the usual notives of New | Books, and the Little folks are not for gotten. Emma Haywood’s explanation of an effective ‘combination of lace work with celored embroidery is sup plemented by the regular departments devoted to Orocheting, Tatting, ete. | e e——— = !ol WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. | CTRREEEEEETES SR SRS STROO | ¥arm, Garden, Oemetory, | R, Bailroad and Baboit " | : londng. | Theamags i e, ot vios | The McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE €O, 114, 116, 118 and 120 Orfeans St., CHICAGD, ILL m JOHNNY SIMPSON, DRAYMAN. Goods Promptly Delivered to Any Part of the City. S e A—— ANTED—AN IDEA Jhooss e ;h& prise offer. : A GOOD SEAMSTRES:S . IS A.. 1} W HOUSEHOLD RECESS!® AND A HOUSEMOLD NECESSITY I 8 ONE oF OUR NEW SEWING MACHINES, - A .l':”‘ | "Y ' £ \‘ B (U -it v 8 : B . | 4} ¥ by et roaliy Vel ational Sewing Machinel’o. 7z »-;:.=~ s ‘*7-',:. 3 A Lo ol A G s SO O G IR PEITNES ¥ Al Caea 7 el B N SNSRI IF S B vN GO DERT T e o 59q Ly x b a eR S ll‘ b PRI EQIIY TN\ :}’ BW R e di2t NS INE 7 MINT ® B i‘? LR |X St eyt Lot de st gt S 0 ]Ts e S e t;:’ Ue S A e DR b R | : 2y S :L.n»- ,My _:: »"-.xyé,flw‘gzyiw“ G _.f_""_,',).?“‘:‘ r; 5 ’:?-:;-.‘ A - 'THEO. BAXTER, PROPRIE oR. iR SOt el A g ol Dyt UTt TR U B ik T T T A 3 i e S e S g A 1 iy SR e o e e | . 0. LQUORS.AND cIGARS. || L e NOTHING BUT FIRST cuuao@% b 5 X\ £ AR o o . £ Vo TR AR RN 9SN R | YSWRERSLT HOLLY, COLO. - StAmans= e T B R eT e 4A;05 -l ; 2 A |C. C. HUDDLESTON, | i ey B 8| 7 fi?}.?r\ ) . . % R g‘%m i%: l : o bl e R > LAMAR, COLORADO. = Hn i A R : Deering Mowers, Reapersand Bindeps. :% ; DN G ¢ ¢ i i S Sl ; Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackersand ‘§§ : e ge: Rakes, Our Line of Hardware, Gre-- ° | e I ceries, Queensware and Harmess 180 4 Complete, LAI U ' N —_—'—————-—_———____i_._.__——————____====_-=—_-= = I>LITERY, TEGD AND SALE STADLD= f S e —_——,—— i oy ! - AR |Glood Teams, Elegant Rigs, } S ; Furnished at Reasonable ] FRANK GILMAN, Proprietor, g i | o GRANADA, &l & ao:on o CODORAD. iil ' :1’:5;75'”%1. |GET UP A CLUB FOR T . , R ! Fivi ol S !P. o e b Gl s s We are prepared to do all kinds ' "‘“ ;4 of neat Job Printing. Letter Heads, il Note Heads, Envelopes, Statements b e e or anything in this Line. If you 5 have any Job Work todo call and S . wee us. N e | G TTTTTTENY ™ ' e Don’t you want tosend the Cnisrriaxgll THE CHIEFTAIN, gt to some friend in theeast. In order to The Kausas City Weokiy Star, cgy- o 0 nable you todo so we will mail threelu “"'.::"‘::r:.".“m'“ e copies to any three addresses you g!e ik ALL ONE YEAR FOR Ve Esire one yuar for $8.75; four copies m TEancal for $4.60; or five copies for $5, spot " 4 LA cash. | 'y A a | ([ ALLLUAAMAMKALACE SEMI-WEEK LY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, e vedayary - 1A AND THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN = % both one year for ot THE FIELD AND FARM AND THE CHIEFTAIN Both one year §250. IT WILL PAY YOU = CHIEFTAIN. = e e ot U g AR FIRST CLASS PRAIRIE HAY y 3 it T £ ‘,“,::‘:-,«Q'a Tk e S A Forsale. = = t W R L7 B e M {ln Any CUANTITY To Suit } 4 B B :“:{‘M’f""}‘?fiia { i T R gl ,:;«Efifl.,_@g‘, O e ji it "PURCHASER ..© & : vy IR Tpr T e ‘:;'s.;-‘4%‘.’3:‘,-‘?'3“:"“‘“ ik ) i B Zieryr R '?’,4{:;{}3%;‘&3s.\.;%3@:«7%??;a,_';f:' ¢ i Gt s v 5Ty ENPTXE TY. s i rten T R L nmf,,g?a;fi y}"’fl;mf‘_’{] \ (ORAY Fisa W BRI Ry ’»i_“‘.":f":;}.."i""‘ "“v,;i‘?‘::,g"'l';' ey 5 DR TR T e ”!tht' SO SR T - R ‘i’;‘ e