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VOLUME 1. IRRIGATED FARMS FOR SALE "-ru.', t - 2 :'__ : - ’ (Q\D}E_}B_THE GREAT AMITY CANALI]N "HE ! ARKANSAS VALLEY . - Thase lands lie perfect for irrigation and are ihe 3 1 richest lapde in the Arkansas valley. The : GREAT AMITY OANAL, 100 miles long, was built in 1805 and together with reßeryoirs oost Bpwards of $1,500,000. This i the,_largest and best comstructed irngation cnpl in the state. It has first right to water and cap therefors deliver water ‘st “sil'thnes deriag the irrigation seasog. ari Linds ¢gn hh«!fl in suy size tracts ape, eired, at low prigey nd an lpng time payments. Perpetual waterrights, No water rents to pay. Now is the time to spopre » home in this bpanuful valley. " : Y For further particnlars write to s J. S, MGMURTRY, HORACE, KANSAS, ‘ & ELEVATOR CO, WHOLESBALE @RAIN, MKAL, VHOP FEED ' WAKD' and BOFT WHEAT " : FIOUR, GRAHAM, 94 - L |-HOTTEL, Moe's ; LAMAR, £OLO. e n A GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER. JOR f‘{\ f\\i‘y FOR 1-‘ : P o~ \\. /i;’“k,\,/ ,‘ l. B ) ot CFUNNY BLUTCREO" 6330, it MaRE “, ZarN Domerest’s ¥ ajazine is by far the best fumily magazine published; there is ‘none of our monthlies :n which the beautiful and the. usefol, plessure and proft, feshion and ljterature are so iully presented as in Demorest’s. There is, in fact, ne publication pretending tos siml...: scope and purpose which can compare with it. Every num ber contains & free paivtcen coupon Judge’s Librasy is a monthly magasine of fu), Allsd with Tustrations in cerieatvre ang replete with wit and humor. Its cogtributn.s ar~ the best of Ameriean wit and nwmummrhmmMM;M'-:-,!Mh_mnlmd& All these magazines are handsomely gotten up. You should nos miss this chance to Semorest’s Publishiag company, 110 Fifth Aveaye, New Vork. ‘ For the enclosed $2.00 Dieuae send “Dismorest's Famjly M igac:.o,” ‘Judgen’s Library,” A WaAgazine Of fun)and “Wynny Pletures'-§or.ou¢ Year aa pe* your offez, . W.._."....,._,.,..................“.v..... issnrnianess: -0n PaLOL: .00 sb e Mate, OTS Rt ‘ OO S OOrerel .| CHOP HOUSE RESTAURANT, L ! 8. W. PERKINS, Proprietor. . s = | ! BOARDING BY DAY OR WEEK. = ! . "7. Meals and Lunches at ai! hours. Ak . . Santa Fe Avenue, : “sur.- iy, Colorado. ' OO OO e 20 ony I SUY SINEOT 8 KANYMSTIRER ' , s#o TR mm \\,i«\' 06 st 4 apwne oL SHILIORE ST, @ . ORG OF GUN EXVAORBIEANY " S‘:‘ 41'[,‘ ki % I AR AT 1,003 bow Liyiuss Quinsgs op. Betems curiglh IO =3 e R . PewmTermveer - XM —-%:* wols i\:.{.: ot oW 4?3:“;- oL PpSrimed ot B iy e - Mo 1841 | lositty. M e o aaes Ky 38 00 | EESEEEE SRS T e skt G et 8.00 | EtiZmodZ i e | |t sGt | 8 ot peiep ov S fepemi J,g;:' e %o TpSum | o choaper o .‘:7.‘3?{11; e o lang iavceabell | I mss R | B ee S ¥s e LT e S T * (0D wAgONS- ¢ hav » '“I--x 'jv_“wr-w'; ."rv‘.-w.xv,’ s . b R A 800 | e "*’:3‘:3:;3::&‘l‘-1* -AR A5& - EESEEEE DISEORNS Lotk taes Brewster meem e sormine .\/ YISO IV | BT KJNXIN N . ISR g S | ete et ST T RS BUVERS UNION, ~ s ’Mfi YS TR . i m%w Ai T R b LG R e Qffi ’»@Q e Svlj ?3 f‘{%i‘l;a » iAR eARS AP RN BRI R THE HOLLY CHEFTAIN. HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1897. THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. PUBLIRHED EVERY FRIDAY. BY H. W. MILFORD. M.PERKINS, - - Lecal Bditer. | ¢ PROWEKS COUNTY DIRECTORY. Clerk and Recorder, - - M. B. Falkner. Tl‘fll::;men-.‘ R ..“;e‘.‘g" f, - % . . - W McKineee Ootolw'r. = T Lee. Ou-nhdmen.l & -."W R, Vi o BN, S A PO i s G .y G L WaPuangn. &R '} ,”. "' “m [ TIME » T%Bii i’& ‘ THE ATCHISON, TOPEEA AND SANTA FE RAJLWAY, p_;lfnl loayes go“lu follows: AST BO! 5 T hy B, 2.... TIPM " No. 11.... m, m§: 2 %'%'i | B 3 BUy e Tn, r. Homsr, agent. | THE CHIEFTAIN'S TICKET. For Clerk and Recorder, | 8. B. FAULKNER. l For Treasurer, ' } J. W. BENT. | " For Sheriff, : WILLIAM McKENZIE. - For BBupt of Schools, | OSCAR F. LEONARD. || ' For Aueicor, 4 J. W. MORSE. For Surveyor, : - JOHN DUNCAN. : Fot Commuesioper, , ; o Wi JOHNSTON.: - ks For Justios ofAbe Peses, - | g [ ':J.g’la.‘ wWOoD. ; :;" \ ' fioi‘}ofiguo, L JOHNNY. SIMPSON. | T T TRREE £ ranor VO AP S Vgl No o i Y A terribie snow and wind storm visit- | L ed the mountain district on Tuesday. the heaviest and most'destructive for 14/ yedrs, it is aaid.: Nearly all- the -trainale running {ato Denver were delayed and{¢ telegraph wires were _down. in every]« direction, R Bo far as we can Jearm the people of} +he east iide are perfecily satisßed with], the way the cosnly ‘ afféirs ‘bave baen | managed d‘urlng the past two yesrs and ] they ‘will . accordingly give Beant, | Faulkner, McKengle and the rest of the ticket & big majority. .~ 4 According to.the.asnssl report of the |, commissioner ot the Geperal Land|; offios; Genmsl Binger Hormann, thers || are 40,057,204 acres of public lands in|, Catdrdo _not_incloding: vacant land| embraced in military, _ timber sud Indian reservation, reservoir sites, rail roßd grapts, ete. 1 e—— f Weare in veosiptof & copy of the Beet Sugar Eoleroriee, s menthly peper | ‘published at Denverby M. A. Lunn.|: ~and deyoted exclusively & tbe beet || suger industry, Every farmer whol! desires to post bimself on’ sugar beet | Culture, which promises to becoms one|! of the important industries of the ‘west, | should take this'paper. . ! Smmtapm— 1 The canning factosies at Rocky . Ford| ‘aud La Junta haye proven to b sue : cess Yeyond any doubt whatever, ‘and | we' prodict severnl new plants next season. Beveral thonsand dollars have been paid out for labor, besides whai has been paid for pruducts. The super . for quality of ‘canped goods insure. a “leady market direct from' the (factory, jand’the supply is not great enongh for the deand.—~Manssnols Nows. The county oywmissioners . ofice 'is the moss imnportant of any office 1h the lcounty. Ttis an offce that . reqnires | 800 d business judgment asid, 100 re thas {anything else, atrict boneety - Its duties| 879 of sach g natare t hak suevildline ed parson or even an oninformed ‘mas r“«“’fi}wii’f«‘ § " Zak ”“ ¢ Phagyaß ey ot ¥ ol : i'q t»:}i { R fmu‘ | bye s, e - "u:’q},!e;‘\'rlj:v im p’,\-«‘,‘"“.«*’j"' S the dht (hßa tEARLACN 1C Cet gTS Sy ;i" e LR g m;&.;;pf‘.i:ny :fi’%fi;u’fi,flwi y ‘f 2TBTe et g*t:;,zx‘.v-'z?‘—’_’w ‘:,‘;;Q*';»? | RN O S AREERT SR« 558 A i 4,1.»..-x:\,§ffl ,»4,‘;_»‘»4-:l\’}‘.:-,- W :}ifd % ,1 _VTIENTNT AREY gy DS o R :} X eBT I b i e f ks e 2 iwf‘%*) st COSTIERIRRN CORRESPONDENCE. N ERE I LAMAR LOTCALS: e Sathered Sy the né..uu-. Seguter] Correspendent at Sis County's 1 Capifal, QOne patriotic eitisen drclares . ““be vill have more &8 o beers for his vote.” i 7 Sl A very gensational saeß is' on the donkes Jor trial st the ast tarm of the district court. fi Sy T Uounty Clark Faulkner ¥sat to Col-{ orado Bpringe ‘Wodt% night, tof sea about haying the Balists printed.: Mrs. mnm-e‘:fi?_j . Ooolidgs, esme up on Welbe .49 wialt ber | some shopping. e -two phmx'n»fzi in town ontting prices away dows;, almest guy one can ““look pleassat”” when getting & picture takes. Perry McMillen, who has been work ing on the ditsh carpenter work . for some time past, haq come howle o stay until gfter election. | Now doth the anxious candidate, ‘ Go ferth with daily waik, | Aud button-hole each one he mests, And talk and tslk and talk. ; Osndidates are plentifal on the|, sireots and the boys ‘sre @il smoking| free cigars, while the pips is ‘for the p time relegated to the resr. . ; Lawar bas oearly fve hundred voi-| orn registered and there will nndoubt-| | edly he a large per cent-of thes namber | cast votes on pext Tueeday. - Steye Harrl has rather move thas |’ bis sbare, having been: neminsted on | t1 @ demooratio ticket for cofener and|! also for justice of the pesce. * ! Dr. Bryant has rented & vroom on { Main street aad fitted itup for perma- | nent quarters, and will 9y the}' same on bis regula: monthlyigisits. 1 Work ls progreesiog very. wpidly on : Huddieston’s new business Blosx and that genial merghant expects 40 spea : up in grand styie aboms the B! the | vear. e Oircumatances have prevad) "*» omr |, correspoadent from noiagE . bis |, regular quots of naws, but bWI v | =B4 not bave apy omission. RN sb- | solutely "’:L‘ mpled 1 B | .Ty=S —' enee M, i Bav ' v Ry A e 4,_:' B e W Hent, on tbeoid Vasotadale piscs, | usd poatemplate xing shemseives wp): with comfortahle W 1 um.y-mu}m’vuw‘mf aamfortatie | storm started fo, and lested ito Wed. | nesday, Tbe oepdden chiguge from | wari spriog liks weather made che}! biissard more disagteeshie than ueual.}! The atiendance st osr achool 1e ‘very ’ sratifying 1o the sohool besrd asad ; eßows the wisdem of proyiding sa efi cient corps of tegsbers. Thid prediction of » good sokool'is belsg verilied and |, fulfiliedeveeyday, o An entertaiament at the. M, E.| Oburch last Friday night, consisting of | ! & lecture upon Lile and Seshe tn Utilna, | delivered by & fine jooking Ohlnamen ;|| who spoke Eoglish very flsently and|! who fliwstrated - his lesture with | steriopticon views, was vety much on- | Joyed by a Jarge sudiense. . ; ! Mre. Dr. Hesty, who has been 'the : Soprauo of she quartstte ehoir st the| M. E. Oburch for the past thres years, : Hias resizned for thy parpose of -taking & well earoed regs, and Miss Edith E. Wilson, one of tha hew school Seachers bss Aindly consemted to take the position. The music at this chureh} has been and willbe ke op to & good | standard, : 1t would seem that i & counte like| ours, the politicsl parties would nomi-| Rate good men for the variows ‘otfices, | and it was zenersily thought that this was doug, but if one believes. all ihe stories one hearn, 'the mea who are runuing on both' tickets are. ‘mighty | mean follows. 1t desms strange that SB'BOON 86 & man Teceives & NOmlnation for aa office, no orAttf how respested be might have béen before, Be immedi - ately becomes ann of the worst citisens of the cownmunity, that is, if you be lieve all you hear. gt oty Amitvyllle. James Hugerdourn and sons have 140 scres of winter wheatin shis fail. It is up and Jooking fine. George Kislhm sad Gas: Hagerdourn bave retorned from their bansiay trip. They repor{ fiahermaa’s luck. Tkey | saw boar tracks qud same’ home.. | Everyone is buay smokisg candidate gllm nowdavs, . : | Fred: Mobl was ia this vicinlty -with eome lnng sankate hant wok... o Frank Laste sad Hod Bannistsr wois fime i e e, 7 RS R A g T R 'r" I N W o ‘-;-‘{ egt ".‘~g‘—" v‘“,:,;“;’&' 4PR A L"‘,fi.{'fii 2 '%Fb« si’ e 'i-\ PR AR -xfi‘a‘fflcfirw&“&!’ i o ,Kb ‘-‘~~=--"E:;‘-:* STy POO SRS P Ve IR/ 055 s P T L D nfifia;a‘,fifiy’gz-fi; iy 'fi%‘&nfii’ *'“l“{"}'f' yjs VIRENG SRR AR g e RGNt IR e e THE TAX LEVIES. Last vear the asseased value of Prowers county was §1,716.451. and 'the county devy of 26} miils wonld return | $45.500 spproximately. ‘As’ fully ex | olained fo the voters Isst yesr—and to | their satisfaction, as the retarns showed {-—this large levy was made necessary to pay the unusual bridgeezpense and te [Weet the secumulating deficiency cansed by the failure to dispose of dry lands st tox sales. Allowing that 95 per cent of the Je 7y would be colected, the amoont N?z-lnd would haye besn ample to meet scorued indebtedness, andthis year, 8 stated, the lavy wonld not necessarily {Bave exceedeq $0 mills, . Bot early last If=! the buvers of tax titles, who are dis sutisfied with the present redemption law, got together and decided that they { wowld bid tn anly the choicest property jadvensod ‘for. the variess counties'of the .state. Phis step was taken to ivfluence the incoming legis lature to return the old redemption law, gnder which the tax title bayers teok sH {ands offered becanse of the high rates of redemption. Many of the counties of the stutes were seriously embarrasesd by the action of these speculators and several of them sent . petitions to the legislature prayingfor a return to the old law. Prowers county felt the effects of the conspiracy keenly, aa fully SIO.OOO of county taxes against property that had soold before had to be arsumed by the county, making a deficiency of that amonnt in the éstimated crash revenve Very tittie of the taxes thus assumed by the county having sinoe beea paid, and the deficiency, instead of being wiped opt, was made greater. The assessor's return for this year |. showe 2 total valuation for ti.e county of $1.351828, or & reduction of $365.428 from last year’s uassessment. The levy of 80 mills dgainst this amount calls for $40,600, or 5000 lees than last vear, not withstanding the loss of revenue. The showing is certainly a good one and en titles sbe bosrd of commissioners to credit for ity efforts in behalf of the tax payers. To reduce the amount ¢f ' taxes paid by each individual under existing conditions s & praiseworthy sctomp lishment, A few words in conclusion: The county of Prowers is now carrying lands snd lots on which raxes amounting to fully 920,000 ure doe—about SIO,OOO 'being county and the remainder ciiy and mate taxes.. Thisland is asseesed | unpually, but it ‘lO cash. retum o , %fifi‘ m!'@*‘qumr the local faxpayers are compelled to pay- more ‘than their share of the necessary ex pounses. 'How to dispose of thie load is & serious question for the board of com missioners. and hence the necessity of strengthening the presemt excellons mlhc addition of a practical busi sd'man like Mr. Johnstom, who is himself 2 heavy taxpayer. Itis not a euestion of polltics, but & pluin business preposition.—Lamar Sparks. Those who belicve ciroule diarrhoea to be ipcurable should vend whst Mr, P. K. Grisham, of Gaars Mills, La., bas to sy on the subject, vis. “I have besn & sufforer from chronic diarrboea oyer eince the war aud bave tried all kinde of medicives for it. At last } fownd o remedy that effccted a swre and that was Ohamberiain’s Colle, Gholers and Diarthioes Remedy.” This medicine can aiways be depended upon for colic, cholera morbus,dysentery and diarrhosa. It is pleasant to take and neyer fails to effect a cure. 25 and 58 i cent aises (or asle by C. L. McPhereon {| THE NOVEMBER NUMBER FINE NVVRwEaaSN Wy messn Of the DELINEATOR ia eailed the |- Early Winter Nomber, and its wealth of good things is headed by nmarly s} hundred pages devoled fo piyles for late Antomn and Winter, with superb color plates. Among its literary feat uren, Octaye Thanet’s analysis of S.. cial Life in the Bmaller Ufties and} Towns wijl be found especially discrim inatigy. The Quaker heroine of Har riet Riddle Davis’ stirring story, “A Chsance of War,” is not more entertain. inuly oviginalin her way _than is the dsshing Amerienn girl in “The Furthe: Adveoiaren of the Grand Duke” by Martin Orde.” Jenpnie Drake’s briiliaut series of New York Types concloues with » brignt aud witty depiction of ‘The Foreign Resident.”” To her *Talks on Health snd Beauty” Dr, Grace Prekbam-Murrsy discusses Lhe sclentitic suit hygenic uspects of Dress. | No athier page of the magasind will, be road with keener interest than Mre. OCadwalsder Jonves’ replivs to questiona concerning bebavies and etiquette, THE ÜBLINEATOR'S youug people have a0 iuvaluable mentor in this accom plished lady, They sre further remem-{ bered in & pretty Ribbou Drill, snd in |tbree Novel Entertainmenis. The re flax action of dresn 18 smong. the topice trusted 10 Mys. Witherspoou's Tea {Table. Vegatarians will be:delighted oy the vuokary wriicle, excluelvelv | devored to disbes for thelr use, Mr, Viok’s Plower Gardeo' includes ‘some | curioue fasts sdout the Rubbér - Plaat, | Toore ale the sssal nothes of ‘Mew | Books, asd the Listie folks are not” fok {notten. Bauma Hoyweod's explanitios (ol an aflestivg eomsbinatior of ‘Moe~ worx with oatorsd wmbreidery. s sap- FRIMNSOIOA W She Begulsr devasimedt [ decited to. u..m Tattiog, oM. | PR ADEA Yrwais \ | ENIRR I IDiA oAk kg N W -» !% P .[_‘-,i R WERS SR W P 4 ) ) S N Fo Bn o S N vk SHE o A ‘»;rw e S LR ‘fi}fi&;,f o Rqu BES TR R 1;’, {wi’f DA éf" SSR e 1 v LG R B mv‘?@y SR ' o " ' : YAUT ;:‘L »9.‘.5:,‘ % ,"_,*‘ i 1 ’3l REFRES*\ NUUM. W Frßatle vRRS T %351;{;.3?@3(;\"552‘ bl ; g s P SRS R T e R , R N L e e s i é ol Hot : 5 "‘-f’ai"{?’fi“yz*»/:"r ?;'_ | i, ok e U DO DS ‘ THEQ. BAXTER, PROPRIETOR. i : . ‘ e i R e v : S AR e R , FINE WINKS, = = ' i LIQUORS. AND crgAMS. .o' f NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS, |"SeRETAT . HOLLY, €OLO.. « -aouighs ‘ e- e eaenjaprihigamiotengs 7", | v ‘- = ¢ eyl ’:;,_‘,-,,, A ".s_,&:,;‘,‘! /C. C. HUDDLESTON, v | a' N % ' 8 "f,? ', LAMAR, COLORADO. « + ' ’ Deering Mowers, Reapersand Bimders.. = ‘ Vs Sk Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackers and e Rakes, Our Line of Hardware, Gro- = teries, Queensware and Harmess is T Complete, ' ik » & oo >LITERY, FEAD AND sALD STADEEes B e y g Good Teams, Elegant Rigs, 359 - i F iz o Furnished at Reasonable Gl ¢ * AAR S N e -"”": mtq'o . . - . - « FRANK GILMAN, Propretor, . e GRANADA, : i : i : : COLORADO. i GET UP A CLUB FOR THE We are prepared to de all kinds 4 g of neat Job Printing. Letter Heads, y 1 3Note Heads, Envelopes, Btatements e ‘Jor anything in this Line. If you o X have any Job Werk to de call snd : Nee WB, 5 Sans E Wl ‘ TR ! ; Deu’t you wantto send the Catirrianiil] THE CHIEFTAN, | = 1o some triend in theesst. I order tofll TH® Kuasas City Weekiy Star, 39 enable yon todo so we will mail thireedd m"",:::::‘"““‘ i o enpies to any three addresses you dellll . ALL ONE YEAR FOR | 2 sire one yuar for $3,75; four copies W t for $4.50; or five copies for §5, spot " $1 50 cash, : @ " { ELU eav 3 o BEMI-WEEKLY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, ey : AND THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN both one year for 4 R yiedbnil : THE FIELD AND. FARM AND THE CHIEFTAIN . 5 p % : z - ¢ ‘;{ i 0 Oneyear w/ Ve Y o | IT WILL PAY YuU _ 5 . . 5 | ToAdvertiseinthe 3 ¢ I 5 ] y.J » | i ,Y 7 ; CHIEFTAIN. - l : . [FIRST CLASS® |) £ y ah i v A 2 B : _x <~’§‘F | PRAIRIE HAY f- N e : 'w ', ; e 5.\" »Z,'.j’f-, ik “ e a;if ‘ :«‘-1"@;*" 0, o M PR ARV TEVEY B, SRaakd Ps, B,"S BT tpmm%rfiffi# g“i T o L f 4 ’“’Egfi@%%‘%’%&?@** 5 PURCEANER P okl TR e LT T A 'g%? LN RNP iRy e L B :9 LTN R N L S"\2. AT o 4 A By L A O i 8 GRSR el RS RN ) poon } i ee s o ™ X 24 eeTR S e, i sy / ‘l(‘ B f R iRI =~y S b Re !";’fi,f;"flk-""‘ : e A et A b