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YOLUME 1. &t §ony q UNDER THE GREAT AMITY CANAL IIN THE ; ARKANSAS VALLEY . ' : Theeo lands lie perfect for irrigation and are the ! richest lands in the Arkansas valley. The = i . GREAT AMITY CANAL, 100 miles long, was i built in 1895 and -together. with reservoirs cost « upwards of $1,500,000. This is the largest and : s best constructed irngation cAnal'in the atate. It . haa first right to water and cair therefore deliver ‘ ;wnt?er at nll_timc/r}urinu.(h irrigation neason. sy ; Lands can be bought in any size tfacts de mred, at lgw’ vrwel and, on long time payfienu, : Perpetud',l water "righth.' No water remts to pay. Now is the time to secure a hothe in this beant:fal valley. b g A (e For further particulan \fi“\g . ~t; W v J. 5. MGMURTRY, HORACE, KANBAS, m & ELEVATOR CO,, WHOLESALE . GRAIN, MKAL, GHOP FEED, HARD snd 80FT WHEAT FLOUR, GRAHAM, " ETO., ETC. : * i Ua® I\ <! _LAMAR, COLO, g e e —————————————————— e R \ N A'GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER. 8 — ’,.’:’;‘;,..‘L‘..:’,’. ~ 3 - G S \LIETRY [ oy FOR §{ s iigs FOR 1- \52; Q,J;EJ’ +_) d ,'”’4% 1- N 'v;:‘ '7;-:‘:;\\' s : riee of & e : zgé%u%blifl:gxn’&a'o We will send s}l three to you e mSODGE S LIBRARE. 0L . o .08 Yoasfor 55.00, 78 mo. for Sl g fdwmummg:’, ol il Grinagee e- i o whid PRE Heautttcl S h the adatt TR Ty od profit l hion and 7 * ‘lteratare ardso fully presented as 1n Demoredt’s. 'There s, in fact, no publication | pretending to s similar scope and parpose which can compare with it. . Every num- | ber contains @ free pattern coupon,” ! ' ~ Suége’s Library is a monthly magazine of fun, fitled with illustrations in cariesture and | replete With wit and humor. - Ita coutributors are-the best of American Wit and | Panay Plotures is another humorous moathly: there 1s alsugh in every ine of . ‘ All theso magazines are handsomely otten up. ¥ou should nos miss this chance to | * secure them, | Cut here and return coupon properly filled out. : Demorest’s Publishing company, 110 Fifth Aveaus, New Yerk. f For the enclosed $3.00 please send “Demorest's Family Magazine,” “Judges’s Lidrary,” | (s magazing of fun)and “‘Fuony Pictures for one year as per your offer. ¢ i PoatoMles . ..ol isd i e, o : 1 A | aDmte Ll Mate. Vil eis il s e ] i %’. : LI O I OOooooooo| el CHOP | REST L = OP HOUSE RESTAURANT. = e -8. W. PERKINS, Propristor. | | { BOARDING BY DAY OR WEEK. || & Meals snd Lunches st all hours. . | L ] SestsFodvewse, ' Haily, Cotorsdo, [|| L 00 oeS e 1 ‘m g BUY DIREOT 0% MANUPAOTUNBRG .. .commntn | : \“v;’ v g VEHICLES *~* "s%x=m _ | R— \g\ © | Shioped saruhers to amene ot WHOLEMLE PRICES, ¢+ | LR ons or oun oy ! 1 SR, .- Enms | T AN] lors % DABTER Top, Passot ‘ SADKININY s, ?_..._‘_:‘...fia“s'*"mr“_} B 4 cf bost qualify. Body is 334 in. o besk et otrioad os painted & e Sl Se, Sagey ol o eße, s, v :}" ; s Ll N E X SPRCIAL AL &..'.»" busgy. : i 3 | SRR bagmy 2k the'lowess pel fotwd, Om receiptof |' i x"‘“nog- w"_"ffl:_jr:fi:i:. - J‘F- %——J“flfi; eiy |1 1120 oo i 0 Jos lowoed prigy ore chuetd.! Bemeecier we i wok gter 820 5 | | seminony | AR ‘i‘f‘f?c:v;;k*:#m‘%"u.f 3 po A o Y : e e Harnsis wte. | soo| Sl e R R S e 7."-;_"" “jh .., ;;._A -: ; 5 ;.;/g‘,;} ‘Z\;,,;, ; «".m,,.:,.;';;_fi;v;:;; ,!‘WF .' io 1o the s R Addaohe Teis Giaguat end Whgte it ma 1 Wil adiva 5S B B whilesle | arnmea ™ . $25.00 | - rk{’&g{“g o ¢ fv‘fi f‘\f%’r“-“é,,év'm & s lres iSy g, (SRR T, Easnamte SRS, | . Yhusle, ot or Bvin's st riesnings, ONNLE ) U7\ Sabic poush Tl i hacp R | -SSR 7Y R e e LR |t 9804 NulAts maete with enth wogon | #ulil Q‘,‘,‘J lffik" Lu»"iyé'»’f';fi ANy TR e TN SRR S W (e S| Sy S . See Vg R o g‘{{Y Ypdelll ;"m"gfi/ i i L e :“~"/-‘ I A R A R S e S TPG TN L T e B e 4%%2; AR O O Vi ee o e e THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. HOLLY, COLORADO, EREDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1897. THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. ] PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. || > 3 _ BY H. W. MILFORD. r S.W.PERKINS, - . Local Egtter. ] . . 1 nonlsoou‘m g nfi‘ RY. ]I Clerkand Recorder, - - .B. Falkner.|! Treasurer, & - - = - J, W Bent|, I-"II?. i :n%o.'l‘. ‘cast. R N w.c.‘.‘:k%‘ Aomomor, - el T g 0 Niame : Surveyer, - - - ‘- ‘A.Dafim § - BJ. X 'r'a. | 1 Commsione, | 2.+ 2TB echng et oeTTE R ERA T McPuEmeoX, F. M, UNDAY ECHOOL RVERY. E::“ AT} S n.fl_A.l..uPo . l'-..m‘ RS Rs | | - = ~ 3 Ipd e ; TIME - - TABLE.| > SRR | ey aL e ok | L el | - IR | | THE ATCHISON, TOPEEA | AND SANTA FE | RAILWAY. \ Trains leaves !oltyu follews: ‘ BO X h e, 2,.... 2:3p.m. . 1.... 5:53Am. aayme| e a?:::.'u"-?' b, T*Frelghtexcept Bunday, H. P. HOReT, Agent. | MASS MEETING. A Large Number of Farmers Meet and Discuss Cantaloup Indus try. Wil Orpnlurn Associa: | tion at Once. On Wednesdsy afternoon just as: the excitement over the election had sub sided, the farmers living in the vicinity of Helly eame to town and held a meets ing in Hare’s hall, The purpose of she meeting was to discuss the feasibility of organising a cantplonp sssocistion and deteymining what acreage counld be planted next seasan. The farmers of the Amity wsettiefient, northwest of town, were out in full force and a very enthusiastic meeting was the result. The meeting was called to order by W. M. Wiley, npon whose motion James Hagerdourn was elected chair} men and H. W, Milford secretary. W.| Prask Crowley, superintendens of ‘the | 4l 1y Y. D WON. (rveling ve-| presentative of the Roeky Ford - Melon |. Association, were present and were in~ vited te address the meeting. Mr.} Orowlav took the floor and devoted | some time to giving the bistory of the|. eantaloup industry at Rocky Ford, and | the manner of plantiug, eunitivating|; and irrigating. He gave an unvarnish. | od account, of his experience, making| plain the numerous difficaities the| melon growers of his section have had to contend with, in bringing the indas=| try to its present high standard. He| said the first cantaloups were grown at |, Rooky Ford in 1881 on s small Bscale. Tuey soon found that the Netted Gem, | sometimes called the Goiden Gem Can- | taloup was far ahead uf soything else || oo scoount of its sise, weighing from | one to one and three-fourths pounds, | justadaptiog it to shipping to large] cities for hotel use, etc., and also for its | superior lavor, - The first were shipped]. in barrels put later on they begsn ship | ping in crates, and .t prevent. that fs ] She way they ship all their melons; |, oach erate ' contalning forty-five can-|. taloups. ) Osataloups thrive best on s ‘sandy|: loam, althopgh a clay loam with some|. sand, will grow good .quality melons, | The virgin-soll mill produce the best]. guality melons, pravidisg the ground | s well worked aad theroughly poaked. | 1t takes more water than older land, | Three years s long enough to plant|; the same ground to melons, for average | . soil, It ‘sbould ‘then be pisnted to|. some fertilising - crope. - Alfalfa fa}; splendid for this purpose. ; In anawer 10 & question by Mr. Wiley | aa to what he'thonghi of our soil, Mr. | Orowley ssid that our soil was some-| what new to hia, bus thev bad the|, asme kind at Montrose ‘snd grew. all], kinds of frmt thers: very successfully. |. ¥rom what he bad seen of the soil bere, he believed good ‘quality ecamtalonpa oould be grown. g i PLANTING ARD OULRIVATING. ¥ The first and most sseential .part of | planting ia ‘4o ‘have ’ the ‘ground ) Mo-ghly»lrnd 40 a good mfli.ud‘] n!::cnllym_uhflq bring Ih:“:;uh ; ap witheus, irvigatiog after planting. The wiost commes métbod 8¢ planting | Ito piant ia bilis/sia et spart eech |} wor. "Mas farrore mmwfi | iwuuw' dosp 804 six ], :‘ ow. Atw el ’ . i'~,’ 15 oßy s - pirs oL ».-_ "”» 4-;‘14”"“ “‘ "‘J::i‘ SN w%,“fl ’ ~.‘ ‘E % 44'—{ K 779 e o ST g ik Ly, | T IECAREE SRS X ST, . ZURTE SN | e T«fl . R ,v%;.g "; ‘f 2 }’*fi PRy ) S wigw oßg i ¢ b *x‘f:-; B R R .-p?‘,-“—-‘ = T AL RS R R < PNTTENN sutivabor. Afor SURabA (it e w e PP v ,a::-:x:"'t. Ry LTS B a L iad I i RSI ‘F"t g e 'f‘z"?w‘iw., R S e RA T N years it has DASSEINSE' beat to cully vatemore and SNES Jess. A smali stream should Digd in irrigating and | ‘should be aIIOWaIES ren Jown the fur rows about ‘eifilopvs. The stream skould 'be regßlSi ‘according to ‘the fall of the land,; sßihas the water will souk out eaoli SFR suMoient ‘distance by the time It 2skes’ the snd of the farrows, thpe:| “v sny waste of water.’ An § WiißCator is enongh for each farrow,: 4 A the growers are findipg Ve ~i ¥a better to plant| less acreage S 8 cmitivate more in tensively. S Cantaloups #IM be pioked overy day and it 18 AR Bick twice s day, in;the morningiEe evening. It re quires much GNNGee to be. able determine WRSRENRS. are —dna‘n? are not B¢ SetENNNMRY If they are Jeft on the vise® SRSy bave a yeliow osst, but. SBEE:BW picked while yet Rreen. THOFRMEDS picked as soon as'the stom SRS jisigns. of loosening from the mele “g‘ lexpert picker can pick twice a8 Siuyand get one-fourth more rm\ jhe same groand than an lnesgglennsd person. Mr. t'” Bone of the growers in his losaliS¥ @@ eantaloups exclu sively, and Bifwould not advise any one to do it, SEthiEs are a variety -of yegetables ths )o grown at -the sawe tine Su ~%@j pcupy the time not Decessary. 1B SESSERialnups. These are tomatoes, SHMEY, Caßbage or heans. Mr. Halo M the people sbout packing -ane ~I!l. snd took es pecial pPains SESHOW the many difficul ties the RecMis¥ord sasociation had to encounter ISEESHIS respect. Ho sald that while rallis _;&luhlpl was & specialty; yallihe i@t important fea ture was thesßatheting. When the in. dustry firsMlerted, the commisplon then ot sli SN DIGHts, since their as socistion SNG ERe growers get the profits, HEEG Ihit Rocky Ford was not Ao ABSMRES ARY part of the valiey, bat desired SWoIk o harmony with poiatElis: d¥¥slopement of ' the whole valisge A8 siecciation of canta loup growers BrE oeßid' work in har mony with @ller aisociations in the vsliey arid lElo doifg, a market counid be found fsFiihe ' wlhole product. el would be ‘; ttedßud all would be protested ARALS Mvencus ‘commis. slon @u jf:’ - : Wse vou "5»“ much. te give o further WA of fisse two eontle men’s 3%i ¥“ forbids it thio wesk, B Podie present were dooply WIS 4 the master ‘ad 4 v eLo Mk thtae :,‘.» 3 B -i:‘.,r_a -—H “_.-‘7'.._‘:*‘ - L ISaOWIIP, Laeits and Oox be appoint od ss colieittes on gonstitution snd bylaws, aad sugmested that those pre sent givethelr sames and number of mo&w tbey wonld plant mexi spHipß, .snd slso that another taeeting Dol bo the .first Monday ia Decomnber, fir the formal organizs tion olf‘_'q samoelgtion. ‘This motion aud suggestions met with unanimous approval. @ ‘The following ‘Are the names of thoee desiring to. become members ot the associatiad and the mumber of asres they will plant next sesson: Names. ' | Acree, W. M, Witey, | ' 5 John Parsons, l £ 1 0. Lm.," | 5 Geo. Hollls, = 1 [ Geo, Bilen, ‘ R 1 ‘T Thornberry, 5 Ll'l.lll‘. B 5 Jool Knowiew; | 5 Beo Riley, ' | . 8 o.oox, ' 3 Jas. Hagetdo! 10 J. N. Luslle, “' 3 E. Mitabell, : 8 E. A. Baonister, 3 A.L Hare, | : 1 O.R'Marston, | 5 Jobn Dupecan, 5 F. G. Hoffman, | .10 W. Parish, i Jake Bleomer, 2 E.J.Baker, = | . 2 ;,O.lllmq. T 2 ohn Mo e 1 ;1. W, nm B 1 L. Wilsom, 1 O.L. MePheteon; ; 5 J. L. Wood,: 5 H. 8. Davis, ] . 5 J. C. Newmelater, SR 10 John'Falk, . . 5 4.0, Cslboun, 2 H. J. Viaton, 5 o e Total, ; 198 i-A vote of | thanks was tendered ‘Messrs Orowley and Hale fop the valu able tnformstion they gave. I' The three yoar uidßoy of J. A.- Johp #op, of Lynin Center, il, is subject to atiacks Bferoap. Mr. Johnden saye he 10 satisfiod that the timely wee of Cham berlain’s Cough B‘nfifl’.dlflu s e bitack, sevad B} % lite He ig m'“..,m e K embir. of e ;,a.l Best ;of the place, B e S . PRt o T oTR VR SRE AL 51"‘“’“‘ WMM:mfiw o :z zga{; e eo, S ; --a?aq\ 4 ”%,ru,dg,;;s\?éifg;; nnv.'e;:flvfivé'&m 2 mm#fi-afi_r".fl\;u., e N e * W“'W"fi‘i”vv‘. L e ‘ P 'g(.‘gv;-l R fl.,gfi"‘w,fi %»‘;j 0 '1,)1?;‘-'11;.«.-,"’#1&': 4'3'f-u~ 4;;@‘\!@#‘ LW e o YTR o7 ,x.";"-,»\“«'.. . LN PN ,fj.' :\%w% e "1:3 R SRR CORRESPONDENCE. L EAMARLOOALS. . Gathorod by the Chleftaln’s Regmiar . Cotrespendent &t the Cosnty’s L. Wirt Markbam Jeft for Chicago Thureday night, on business. | Mrs. 1. L. Maxwell has been quite indispused for the past two weeks but is now nearly well again. Thursday was pension day and the pensioners came promptly on time and ikept the notaries busy. ) John Hesasnd Ilchul"er‘t.?ty_ ‘were l_ngmq_t'ha‘ ~office- business and other matters.. " T Nice summer day .on Wednesday and dreary and dismal wet westher on Thursday. Colorado beats the world for shorp seasona, ' Judge Frybarger and K. J. McMillen, of Curlton, saristed County Olerk Bam Paulknerin csnvassing the vote this ‘week, and got out the official count | much earlier than urual, | : The dance at Golladay’s large barn {last Friday night was well attended and | & thorongh good time was had.* The music was fine ‘and everything else | made up & very successful dance. '| =Ay B: Btewart, who has quite exten sive mining claims in the Cripple Creek | district, came home to vote and virit his | family for a while. [t seems kind o’ patural to hear Andy's hearty laugh ' agsin. | { After two months, the impression | that Lamar would have good schools | this yesr. bas deepened into the knowl; jedge that lamar actuslly has good .| achools, and the interest is increasing | every day, i '| | The road leadiag south of town, 1 throngh Willow Run Arroys, is receiv | ing auite a working and is being put in | the best possible shape. This is work | which should have been done years ago, : bat it is good when it does ccme. | | Asshown by the varied majorities and the selection of the candidates for | office, the election just passed showed | the man who voted as he thought and | not for party. was very much in evi | dence, so far as county politics .was [ concerned. L Charles F. Miller csme ‘to town was lying 1o the diteh; 'the Henry canss: {about a mile enst of the county line. The matter was reported to the coroner, | who probably took the stepe required by law, but the'result i not available to | report this week. v 7 Rev. T. 8, Leland, of Las Animav, | wasin town on Wednesday and in com pany with Rev, C. W. Harned, of Lamar, went to Bacs eounty. on ‘Thurs day to hold the regular services, usually | presided over by the presiding elder, D. B. Ruder. The Methodist pulpit is | to'be supplied by some one whom Dr.} Rader will send. : A fortune teller advertises to give all sorts of good luck and to tell lots of things about xayone who calls. snd to fix matters up so that every one who desires. and has the price, may haye success and get rich and talisman war ranted for five vears. We have not heard of any great rush to the Lamar House, where she has private puriors, | Inthedeath last Saturday night ef Mr. John Mohan, mapager of the Mul len ranch, the community has lost s waluable citisen, and & family consisting of a wife and five children, have been deprived of & loving ‘peotector. The denth was somewhat of & ‘sßock ‘to our’ InLabitants, ‘aß few koew that Mr. Mohan was ill. The remains were tak on to Denver on SBunday might for in terment. ) B ‘Fle ¢tion day ‘passed off rather quistly and there:were no rows or” dingraseful svenes of any natuye during the day. Some fow, in the evening, excited their exhuberance over the success of their fuvorites but all were good natured sud took matters in the bestol apirits. Ac cording to the official count, the follow ing ‘were elect ¢d in this connty: . Hay ¢, for Bupreme Judge, received 185 plurality over Gabbert.’ T E Roes, for district sttorney. 366 majoriry’ over McChesney. b | For county officers the following majori | ties or plarslities were received: 8, B, Farlkoer, .o J. W. Beat, e | Wm. McKensie, 189 'ld. A. MeDowall, P 857 David Ssrner, » T W. J. Jobnston, % ” {Jobn CQurry, .0 L .48 { . “‘No one gainst Jobn Dunesa ' for i %flfl.fiu Nevolew { 1 ¥. Blodpat wus clocted jaatios of | W O. Baer vas cloctod.short term '} gt Ml S Gl ek A : "»'.' o RNy YN R L R 'm‘g»&‘*w oty ol sk oo E%Ww«vi‘ B L v ] {wwm Yot - oo b B | ngxv!vp,',’_p»wwrifim g ety u,\%:_p;fi%‘gf": § b worete oo m\,flk‘iflh L% YR T b wsaradßlisgrenßai g ’ L 3 "‘f‘,,’&'» B ;‘i}f,;};i-.’.j YR LoAR IR TAR sl4 4‘);/:}' »:M‘ 5 é;\)g;;‘l,:(‘:gl, J . MG T ,l NP 4 ~:. S = ‘ .4‘.." 55 a.‘. ~J,«.‘,‘;.‘;fi, o _‘;;4?%:11' ) o ) L e e N ; BT (e « g ‘.jr;‘.,-_-;.v‘ v*‘,};,;f-h,m ‘Jx‘i“;,{;-&m : L ea i eg R R THEO. BAXTER, mfi A A SRR R e imw A T S LI S SDR AN . FINE WINES, & . & S ] LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, Qw ,"u . NOTHING BUT FIMST ULASBWOORS. . T Le T TSR fij g i Sl e e e e '1 ~"’§s\“§:§‘§ ,4;“’%\“: | VSIPAEPALE - HOLLY 000 " Sigsea b e P o b 53 rod iz oos :E L .’u!:;‘ [ Bl LAMAR, COLORADO. eEs “ > e Deering Mowers, Reapers and Binders. ‘§ . Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackersand =~ . y 3 L Wby R : K il Rakes, Our Line of Hardware, Gro- . ceries, Queensware and Harmess 18 ; Complete. o (>LITERY, FEAD AND SALE STADLEes % T e e ; AN {Good Teams, Elegant Rigs, e = S R , Furnished at Reasonable | Rates. . . . . e " ‘ FRANK GILMAN, Proprietor, o »g}‘» | GRANADA, : : : : : : COLORADO/ = | 2 3 o . A‘ LR R 'GET UP A CLUB FOR THE pa Teandt A SR A 80 e iy ‘. ‘f g b f‘, ,;‘ We are prepared to do all kinds | 24 of neat Job Printing. Letter Heads, el Note Heads, Envelopes, Ststome’n‘ti' A | or anything in this Liae. 'lf vou 5 have any Job Work to do csll and Ty o i) A )] | )o . 2LE " » m ' e 3 Don’t you want to send the ORIzFrIAXEI THE OHIEFTAIN, '3 : SIE=IO some trisnd in theeast. In order tofjl§ The Kaasss City Weekly Star; iy | f=onable you todo so we will mail threelllt T o lARoa e G zeopies to any three addresres you deQdl - ALL ONE YEAR FOR '8 Eeire one year for $3.75; four copieafil B for §4.80; or five copies for $5, spotiil. 3sl .50 : a ! Y \ mie R RAL b' , lALERRA RS ‘*A |SEMI-WEEK LY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, ‘““eapme s ke AND THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN : : M one year for ; 5 ' ‘ '4. 200 : ' o 3 ’ 1308 |THE FIELD AND FARM AND THE CHIEFTAIN { Bothomeyear§2so. |~ IT WILY. PAY YU T A Blis w 8 Gf R J“'A"Ng | ToAdvertiseinthe - ARG i { 3 : : ‘&t‘@ © " SRR R 1 ;OHZ.EFTAIB«.‘ A g | T s s ' 5 M W oo J*,f | PRAIRIE HAY , G AR RAT W T W oo ee O ooS 'l G g N s e e e s o - OPEAE wfi*fi"’ t’;’“ TR on SR, TSI % r}g%ffi il T aTE PR T BN v Do iRI geSl LT R e ik T RRN L gil e ¥ y i 2 T "%’“ -o) eRR a8 N P 4 G ~,,~,]J ARI i L ] A3 57 RN e il B SR PRI y £ v,{;.nwf‘ < i'-’t’—}yl,- i P boA 4 gl ‘fx:i'.'-w"";u:‘f“l“.”is’ L N Y G e T ; i ;o A DA i T i ,/; AN & j i e AN R IVRS RN & SR S N A S S