Newspaper Page Text
2 > T e Y ‘\ THEHOLLY CHIEFTALN | | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1897, ’ . Ap- leation made to be ! Entered in the Post OfMce i Holly, Colorado, | as second elass matter | SUBSCRIFTION PRICE | Onemonth - = T 2 | Four months - A { Six months . - . .75, | Oneyear - piAEs 1.50, l Advertising rites made known ou appication. | Al kinds of job printing neatly done. Call ! ana get our estimates, ‘ WHEN IN LAMAR |, jallonthe B B B b & * Oriemtal RBilliaird | Flall. l —Baflflflaiarmc; WEST WHISKIES - . - AND i 2 - CIGARS. | Al - 77| 2 ' > | 1 FRED SCHMIDT, Prorggter| INS‘[T‘[{ F\'Ol’l: BUILDIN( .\t 4 —WITH | C. L, MCPHERSON, ”U”}', Colo. L Agent for the ! derman American Insurance Company, s -of-~ | NEW YORK. ! Insures Against ‘ FIRES, LIGHTNING, W TORNADOES and X CYCLONES. WhY Should We | Patronize the ? s-l)()s I‘A\lA‘ £ l Because: Its service is prompt and reliable, [t has new lines and modern equip ment. It maintains gennine and aggressive eompetition. Public patronage is essential to the continued maintenance of competition. The present low rates and good ser vice have been obtained only through its eompetition. Its employess are intelligent, dilli gent, energetic and courteous and their constant effort is to render the BEST telegraph service. Tt reaches every important commer eial point in the United States and Canada and connects with the LEAD ING Atlantic Cable Company. These are a few reasons why you should send your 1 Telegrams by the POS'I AIJ, THE HOLLY OFFICE 1S OPEN: from 8 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock I’ M. SUNDAYS:9toIOA, M.and ) to 6 P. M. H. W. MivLrorp, Manager. Sanfa ke Route DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, TO EVERYWHERE. Through service in ELEGANT VESTIBULE TRAINS (sleepers and chair cars) hetween COLORADO POINTS and Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. One Change to New York and Boston. The way to travel is to start right SantaFa Route ffers the best posgible accommodations to nearly every par of the world. For information concerning railroad and steamsihip w travel, adiress, J. P. HALL, General Agent, Pass., Dept., 170 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. ———————————————————— J. K. DOUGHTY. .ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Land Office Building, Lamar. ; Colorado . . - CARRIES THE LARGEST STOCK IN EASTERN COLORADO OF Hardware, Harness, Stoves and Ranges, ~ McCormick Mowers, etc, Furniture, Undertaking Goods, Pumps and Pipe. Rock Bottom Prices for| i { 4 Cash ; ; —e % CALL AND SEE MY STOCK, A(T ¢ frstE G Bl b e O LAMAR, COLORADO,], BT el 7'{,‘ iy AU S R e . (A ik PR e N OME NEWS. Go 1o Johnston’s for clothing A cold snap isupon us and coal is| very scarce, A train load of hogs passed west over | the Santa Fe vesterdav, | Mrs. F. E. Irwin of Lamar, is visiting | ner sister, Mre. J. M. Johneton T.D. Newman went to Tribune Sun- | day to visit his folke for ¢ short time. ~ Miss Nellie Simpson ‘came up froo | Coolidge on election day to visit her| folks. | | County Supenintendent George Feast | was down from the countv seat yes- | terduy. Another butlding belonging to Geo- Molha, was broueght dowun frow Trib nne yesterday. | ~ The resturants and hotels, and in fact all business housee bad a good L trade on Tuesday. J. B. Harden, election clerk, and 1.]!111:0 Wood, took the ballots to Lamar { ' Wednesday morning. ‘ The election brought back several of the boys who are working for the Stor age Combany up the rives. Mrs. Nellie Lumry und little daught | er, ot Denvyer, was visiting Mrs. H. A, ’ Pettee Saturday and sSuuday. ! The election board Jdeclares that the women did their voting more promptiy and with less trouble than the men. Theo. Baxter went to Lamar this morning to make final proot on his bomestead and algo the bomestead of his father, deceased. The women were all bappy on elec tion day. Thoge who conld vote were proud to do 80, and those who were not old enough ware glad of it. Mrs, E. De. & Harden and little son, Edward, who have besn visiting Mr. and Mrs, 8. Harden for some time, re turned yesterday to their howe in St Louis. Albert Wilgon, who has been work |ing with the Storage Company survey | ing corps since last Bpring, w4B shak {ing hands with his friends here on {election day. It you want to buy a farm see . | W. Perkins. ‘ Go toJ. M. Johnston for school supplies, tablets, slates, pencils, link, and colored Crayons. | Take your watch, clock or jewel ry to Applegate at Lamar for first class repairing. Wm. Simpson came down to vote and look after his five uere tract. He is figuring on poing into the bee business and we are of the oplnion that his head is working in the right direction. Bottomley, the Photographer, wil' be in Holly November 15th, to 22nd. He will make one cubinet photograph of every baby under 18 months old free Small Photographs 25 cents per dozen. Come smiliog. The fact that Wm. McKenzie, against whom the hardest fight was mac'e by the opposition, received the largest majority of any candidate in‘ this precinct, shows the wonderful in-} fluence of the shrewd politicians who were fighting him. George Hollis’ boy, born last week, | has the distinction of being the first boy born in Holly. It was also the '{only child born in the county during last week and was borm within a day of Holly’s first anniyersity. All of thes: circumstances canses George to haye great anticipations for the future of his son. ‘| We wish to have it firmly impressed upon the minds of the public at large, | the important fact that we were elected | justice of the peace on Tuesday. We | are, of course, somuwhat “"swelled up’ oyer our victory becaunse we beat a good man, but after the novelty of the posi tion has worn off we hope to greet our friends as usual. The printed letter which was circulat ed in Holly in the afternoon of election |dav, for the purpose of defeating *‘Scotty", proved to be a boomerang to the other fellows. We know positively of some votes it made for Ncotty. Peo ple as a whole, like fairness in elections and when they see under handed methods ewployed for :he benefit of vertain candidates, it makes 'hem tired and they are apt to vote for the other | fellow. Such seems to have been the case in this instance, The two sporte who made an sttempt to pull off & prize fight in this vicinity last week, but was stopped by the sheriff, succeeded in their efforts on Tuesday eyening while eyerybody was busy at the election. The mill occur red a few miles east of Holly. The participants were a white man and a negro, and they claimed that the win ner was to be matched with Dixon, for the light weight championship of the world. Those who saw tbe fight, say thev wers well trained and professional knockers, The contest lasted five rounds when the negro was krocked out, The great cloak house of Beifeld & Co., Chicago, has placed their book of samples with J. M. Johnston. He will receive orders for ladies and children's jackets, cloaks| and capes, and show a beautiful iine ‘ of samples to select from in Astra- | cban, boucle, melton, plush, kersey, |, ete. p el WANTED—Sod Breaking. ! Parties having sod $o break thig fall]’ and winler und wiching a first class job |- done will find it to their interest to cali | in this ofilee, 1 HEAR ME CROW! | I crow for i FAULKNER | BENT, | McKENZIE. JOHNSTON. DUNCANJ I THE OTHER FELLOWS. I —— N - Election day dawped brightiy and it was quite warm all day. It could not nave been more favorable for get ting out a full vote, yet there were at least fifty voters in this precinct who did not get to the polls. Up to noon here had been but 8 votes cast but the people appeared to feel more like v ting after dinner and when tbe polis cged 114 ballots had been deposited. It would be a hard matter to deter mine the political complexrion of Holly precinct from the yote cast last lues -lay. Very few straight party tickets were voted, and resalted in giving a majority for five of the demecratic can didates and two of tue republicans. Every candidate receiving a majority in this precinct was elected., 3 Below we give the vote of Holly pre. cinct; For Judge Supreme Court, William Gabbert, Dem,, Pao. Party. 35 Cuoarles D. Hayt. Rop., Silver Rep, 66 Digtrict Attorney, Arthur McChesney, Dem., P. Party, 40 Robert R. Ross, Rep., Silver Rep., 59 County Clerk. S. B, Faulkner, Dem. Ind. P. Party, 59 A. M. Brenamaun, Rep. 44 ‘ Treasurer, J. W. Bent, Dem., lud. Peo. Party 61 A. Deeter, Rep. 40 W. H. Taylor, Peo. Party, Sil, Dem., ¢ Sneriff, Wm. McKensie. Dem., Ind. P. P., 79 Frank Kelsey, Rep. 25 0. A. Hunter, Peo. Party, Silver Dem. 4 ABsesgor, J. A McDowell, Rep. 61 E. K, Brown, Peo. Party, Sil. Dem. 24 |J. W. Morre, Dem., Ind, Peo. Party, 23 County Superintendent, | David Barnes, Rep. 75 | Oscar F. Leonard, Dem., Ind. P. P, 81 fAL. Beavere, Peo. Party, Sil. Dem. 5 ' County Commissioner, 34 district, W. J, Jolnston, Dem., Ind. P, P. 52 | Jesse. M. Wright, Rep. 42 Phillip Sarah, Peo. Party, Sil. Dem. 13 * Coroner. | John Curry, Rep. 56 Stephen Harrel, Dem., Ind. P. Party, 27 | J. G. Morris, Peo. Party, Bil, Cem., 15 - Survevor. '|John Duncan, Rep., Dem., Ind. P. P. 86 Justice of the Peace. | H. W. Milford, 26 J. L. Wood, 22 " Constable, | Johnny Bimpsoa. 28 | John Gores, 5 \ ——e — | Goto Johnstons for overcoats, 1 gloyes, mittens and arctics. Cbris Clasen spent election day in | Lamar. Chris was tickled over the re [ sult, one of the principal causes for | which was his financial gain thereby, f Fred Mohl passed through here yes | terday morning with a party of land | seckiers, whom he expecta to locate | northwest of Holly, under the Amity. '] An elegant line of Ladies trim {med hats and baby bonnets at J. M. | Johnston’s, today and tomorrow. J. 8. Chenoweth arelved this morning with his family aud acar of household goods and farming utensils. Mr. Chenoweth will now become one of Prowers county’s permanent citizens. Sheriff McKenzie was down yester day summoning jurors for the next term of the district court. He looked pleased over ths result of the election, aod said Holly precinct treated him nicely. J. M. Johnston has just received the largest and most stylish line of fall and winter neck-wear eyer brought to eastern Colorado. C. L. McPherson has just re cewved a large stock of ladies’ dress goods and shoes. Prices low as the lowest, » We saw J. M, Johnston running to wards his store yesterday morning with 8 large hammer in his hand, We pre sume he is going to knock down prices on his winter clothing. The condition of the ballots show that the paople are getting acquainted with the Acatralian ballot system. The ma:izg was all right, and there wap but one ballot mot counted, It had a cross in the square opposite the sile ¥or demoeratic leliet With 80 embiem. | fie g B e T T Mr«<. H, A. Pettee d;" eflectual work = fur the democratic ll(}él, on Tuesday ! Dont tell ug any xanNijbCll: wolen not | being capable of umle{p{au.lmg pu';itit:-.l We wont believe it, 8 ’ While the successfal candidates for | assesgor and county .up.‘rmleudent! wers oot on the OEIEpras lvckel,l their large maioritiel{ndlca:r that they ! stand bigh in the estimation of the I peopie. and we huve ng fears as tol their competency. We believe they will both make eood_@cer.-n. : Y ‘ The bell which wu&uton the school house last week was, we have smce. ; learned, presented logu school board by the Amity Company, It is a very! ; Useful present, and ‘jts presentation shows a desire on the part of the Amity } Company, to have Holly strictly np ta ! date in every rvnpwa\' . The election of Mfln Faulkner, Mo ’ Kenzie and Bent o gecond terms, 'shows that their effielency as county !nflicera is thoroughly appreciated hy the people of Prowers county. A ma jority of people serionsly object to turn ‘ing men down ith a8 good reasen for doiug so. The theroughness with which these geu n have filled their regpective offi daring the last two years has won for them the admi ration and respect of all, excepting a tew ambitiovs politicisns, and that they will follow the same line of con duct during their second term, there is not the slighest doubt. i B ELECTION NEWS. The result of the eleetion in Colorado is stiil somewhat in doubt, although the figures obtainable at present gives Gabbert, democeratic and people’s party candidate for jostice of the Fupreme court, over 1,000 plurality. There are a few remote counties yet to hear from but it is hardly probable that the re turna from these will be strong enough for Hayt to elect him. In Kansas nothing definite is known, but it is claimed that the republicans have elected Sout of the 13 district judgzes. The county officers, however appear to be about evenly divided be tween the repnblicans and populists, each party claiming the election of the greater number, The election of the republican state ticket in Ohio is conceded, but the offi cial count will be necessary to determ ine the political complexion of the leg islature. The republicans claim to have « mujority of 4or 5 om joint ballot, Late reports state, howezer, that even if their claims are correet, Marc Hanna will be defeated for the Senate by a combination of demacrates and silyer republicans who will unite on some sil ver republican for senator. In New York, Al'on B. Parker, demo cratic candidate for chief judge of the court of appeals, calfll; the state by oyer 58,000 plurality” Van Wyck, the Tammany _ candidate for mayor of Greater New York was elected by over 81,000 plurality. ju Towa electe:] Shaw, republican candi date for governor, by ‘about 30,000 plu rality. ] ; The republicans in New Jersey will bave a majority of 21 in the assembly |on joint ballot, § i 3 Republicans of Ml.l('hfl!afls elected | their gos ernor by 87,000 plarality. In Kentucky, Shncficlfux;l, democrat, roceived 15,000 plarality for governor, |and the legislatme il!lfur’ democratic. Virginia gave the democrats all the | senators elected ande uig‘ety-l‘our and perhaps ninety-five members of the nouse, - | The fusionists carried Nebraska by about 20,000 pluruli(i{ e How to Gure Bililous Colic. | Tsuffered for weekß with colic and pains iu my stomach eaused by billious ness and bad to take medicine all the | while, until I used ¢ /hamberlain’s Colic, | Cholers and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many other people.—Mzs, F, BurLer, Fairbaven, Conn. Persons who are subiect to billious eolic can ward off the attack by taking this reme dy a8 800 n as the first symptoms appear, Sold by C, L. McPherson. i o e SANTA FE ROUTE—California Limited. The California Limited now runs twice a week between Chicago aud Los Angeles, via Sants Fe Route, The third anoual season for this magnifi cent train, ¢ Equipment of saperb yestibuled Full man palace sleepers, buffel-smoking car, and through dining esr managed oy Mr. Fred Harvey. Most luxurious service via apy line, and the fastest time, 7 Another express train, esrrying pal ace and tourist sleepers, leaves DALY for Culifornia. } Injuire of H. P. Hoxsr, Local Agent A.T. &8. F, Ry. DR. R. D. WILSON. PHYSICIAN axp QPBGEON. HoLLy. . CoLoRrADO. @, .. NlcPhersen NOTARY ¢ PUBLIC, HOLLY, -~ .. = COLO 00 TO ; FRANK MILBURN'S FoR WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS, unomntn-'iqmm. Grenads, f - Colerade, B - E iy e e ! SANTA FE ROUTE. 1 BEST LINE | { EAST Double daily train service | { to Chicago, Kansas City ’ { and al} parts of Kansas. ‘ | WEST T'wo days to California. i { One night out to Phoenix, ? i Quickest time to Portland, | - | - ] SOUTH Two daya to Galveston, ! g Ore night out to El Paso, | ] 86 hours to Mexico City. | ' Through Pallman palace sleepers and free chair cars in each direction. ‘lJnin tourist cars to California. All i trains are up to date and fast. Dining ,care and eating houses managed by Fred Harvey. | W.J. Brack, G. P. A, J.P. Hau, } Topeka, Kansas, General Agent, | 1700 Lawrence St., | Denver. e e | { *Keep In the Middle of vhe Road,, |- ! THE FIGHT IS NOW ON, O 1 ‘ ‘ @; | ‘Ere’s | = ol (a2 } Your 3 ) m‘/ ) 'A‘fifiw &~ Rocky A jg . Mountain - ” i 7 News. ) ‘ Cartoon witk | >y~ every fssue | ... WITH. .. 3 GREENBACKS THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE. Tha Rocky Mouatain Nems, (A NFTROPOLITAN DAILY.) 15 the oldest and most widely known newspa per printed in Colorado. It adopts, regardless of cost, every facility offered to keep abreast of the times. 1t pays especial attention to the unvaralleled resources of its own and adjeining states and territorfes. Its minlug stock reports are full and accurate. Whoever reads The News will be kept in touck with all national. state and home reforms, and fully posted onthe development of the rich gold and silver mines of Imperial Colorado. Subscribe—or send 5 cents for a sample copy Dally (with Sunday), $7.50 per year,, three months $1,9, per month e, Weekly $l.OO per year. Address NEWS PRINTING CO., Denver, Colo. e e— — ENXELORES 100 | With your name, address and Return printed neatly thereon for fifty cents. CHIEFTAIN, . HOLLY, COLO. | ——————————————— $2.50. ] Willpay for “Tho Farrm and Field’ And the CHIERFTAIN P 2 | S—— THE FARM AND FIELD 15 the hert farm jowrnal in the west, em | bracing The Colorado Farmer, The Live | Stock Journal, The Live Stock Record | The Range Journal and The Colorato | Fruit Grower, in one | GRAND COMBINATION: publizhed weekly in Denver, Culorado. Regular subseription fprice $2.00 per year. We will send voun this paper and the CHIEFTAIN ONE YEAR for TWO DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS, || You cannot afford to do without either. | ——— ] : J. KNOWLEN, ; {CONTRACTOR & : N | BUILDER. . GRANADA, COLORADO. | ———e ————————— JOHNNY SIMPSON, . DRAYMAN. | | Goods Promptly Delivered to Any Part of the City. | ——————————————— o————— | Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. |’ | _The intense itching and smarting, inci | dentto these diseases, h!mhntlfiullayed bivd ugflying Chamberlain’'s Eye and | Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases | . | have been permanently cured by it. It |- is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite nmed‘ for sore nipgle-, | chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 ats. per box. ——————————e '| . Dr. Cady’s Cendition Powders, are Maa‘:’;"“ nl!mm nm when in I‘Jnlg condition. Tonic, er vermifuge. They are nogu?god but mod!cineandthezut in use to put a horse in prime . condition. Prflo: 25 cents per package. | Forsale at IlcPheuon'g. e T JA‘AAA“AA.‘>A.~‘ - s ) a BESNG | D \ } || I 4 1 E e T 10U -o.nngfiw AvenY Qoniee: & R or phott, With desct r e ~ - %fi:‘- bt e socents 1 |} J : Dbar's with aame In'the U, l,?‘ * § s LR !’-EE~ SNOW& GO ] PATSS DINCE, WaINEToN. 6.6, & ; SRR T AR O i Sl R e e e e- i B Re e L g B. B. BROWN, Praident. A, N. PARRIsI, Vice Praa. W. ¢, GOULD, Cashier. ; 11 ";\ X : Q’Ef: SMFIRSTSINATIONAL § DANKFS TAMAR . "Bl e COLO Capital Stock, - - = $50.000. i Surplus, - - . - . 4,000, DIRECTORS. B, B. BROWN, A. N. PARRISH, W. €. GOULD, M, D. THATCHER, T. M. BROWN. FURNITURE STORE. MRS. BELLE HOLLIS, PROPRIETRESS. . . Bedroom Sets, Chairs, Sofas, Rockers, any . thing you want in the - . Furniture Line. UNDERTAKER AND PRACTICAL EMBALMER. HOLLY, COLORADO. ——hT————”——-_”———_————_——-——_—____—_: (. L. McPherson * L ML, R DEALER IN GENERAI. MERCHANDISE ! PRESCRIPTIONS CARE- Druge Spily FULLY_COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT. , GEO. A. WATSON, Real Estate and Collection Agent. . water that cunnot be surpassed. . Practice in Justice Courts and the U, S. Land Office. CollectionsaSpecialty. LAMAR, COLORADO. i AR —_— e W ". . A 5 The:BastsSidesLivery:Stables ) 5@5 _.4‘ fl ) Nv f.fng 4 '{;,- v Does a Gencrl;—:—;ry ”)-A Bukiness. RIGS FURNISHED. RATES REASONABILE. =0 JAMES BAIRD, Proprietor -v-- HOLLY, $-1- - ' .5 COLORADO: N_w ‘ \ >THE s HOLLY s HOUSE s ......;..Boam and Lodging by......... ; P g * DAY ¢+ OR ¢ WEEK : &cummodulo-l - First - class. NMre. Kate Mlilinger, Prep. - gl L Bl : NIGHT TRAINS, ,‘ ’ wr ik HOLLY, COLG. - w e J. L. WOOD & SONZ SDEALERS:IN & = Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Doon>an;l Window Sash. i1 £k ¢ —COMPLETE STOCK.—— A ¢ HOLEY, &- + &0 - .. 3 COLORAD;()‘:_» / = ] p o g ’*4 SILVE STATE HOUSE = - W.E. Vincent, Prep. o Y“" BRI N R oS R RN R S s