Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 1. UNDER THE GREAT AMITY CAN{\L IN THE ARKANSAS VALLEY These lands lie perfect for irrigation and are the richest lands in the Arkansas valley. The £ GREAT AMITY CANAL, 100 miles long, was \ built in ;895 and together with reservoirs cost . upwards of $1,500,000. This is the largest and best constructed irmgation canal in the state. It . has first nglt to water and can therefore deliver water at all times during the irrigation season. ; h-hq‘nbowh_hrdm de- R sired, at low prices and on long time payments. = " Perpetual ‘flor rights. Np waler remts {0 pay. . Now is'the time to secare & home in this beautsful valley. For further particnlars write to J. ©. MGMURTRY, HORACE, KANSAS. e e e—— & ELEVATOR CO,, ‘WHOLESALE GRAIN, MYAL, CHOP FEED, HARD snd SOFT WHEAT FLOUR, GRAHAM, ; L LT, M = LAMAR, COLO. .' > ___.__fl—_____________.___ A GREAT MAGAZINE OFFER. {6 e Droraes 8 ~ W P EIPiens 3 8 FOR WA FOR - (_ n”- 3-,1' r 1- SR Y 1- ",.’"‘A""-' = & The regular sebecription:price of : ‘v o OREST"! . We will send sll thres to .ofl?g(igvs I.I;B‘AlAlg.&'zatl%E' W}“‘ q;i‘ym,lggg;g ;lj-q,,‘;:_tjl., et o gk gl b Mterature are so fally presented as in Demorest’s. There s, in fact, no publication pretending to a similar scope and purpose which can compare with ft. Every num iy P soch el o g SEERHIU E0 LERRTCE AR mwt;':n-::lh:m lhoum'bmnyo m‘iugdm-ltn‘ Fuany Pictures is snefher humorsus monthly; there 1a a laugh in every ine of jt. All these magazines are handsomely gotten up. You should not miss this chanes to secure them, X Cut here and return coupon properly filled out. Demorest’ ishing company, 110 Fifth A . Now Yeok. ruth.ud::::;.w)lllnmd‘m m.wnum Livrary,” ‘.'-..‘odt-).d “Funny Pictures” for oue year as per your effer. : BAme: R o i PoStOfBOs. o ciccoivonivsncrnsiasirsnronns e e et A0 Mackine B o g\ RESE “Arilagior” For $~{80— - aew L e wareey Gk wi -e-n- o wowe SN threer 18 R IR . v n i dte 7o R - ] - - :‘t;:'mut 10 yosre’ written . ‘ N . oot : P w:r. n'flfig‘ MR N v B *® A w"\% " kot of or .-'.dn:ig Ooupen, 8 2 . ! gy wte.0.0. N -, Y icesesel material ot . 2 S . e & e L e L PS5, <amioR” iSving peis of ity _ The fpad of #5¢ “Actiugipa’s buihgs on patest ssiket iy el down by 8 thum! o s ot ?éx“ X ey i T R e e, h i i uui?utm.m.. SRt el (L SeHeh Raguluser s e .‘,{% winder, h mber of stitehen to the inch, e @'@ofim‘fl._ . bt e of peeie: fimé«nua orei gl wik Ao Eas -‘mvfle'fiw ‘ e R o ey umfi o e e e, WLt BL AR & pagt B b SEERRTE ThVS T e A ot olled con e taes wp. end the, -'@‘“h: : \ e ass Ty e s g e VT e LR SRR et &'vq N hee! device ‘fi : SR I srier to intraduns tio iy gt fiae, wemake s gpecaione- 4o e T e ace. ,L.?*" ,".x;f":fi:‘r:: s seae we wil the abeve-detceitiod ) 3} V:I‘m--'fi -t oo ‘am . ..t ~ I—w‘o‘ifi. h~~m - gfirf‘g—-‘{' o 9000 T 2 irial, - We will ship C O, D. for $19.09 with peivilage of twenty Giys' Uil r“ ) oo Ji%r" fir...#li?‘:}t« Y Uil Satats et wig s Fnrm . . " U \--..;"{ e o J:..-:- G Pk N R e ST ) By ”fi? S —— "a!?-' e ‘.',\'i‘. o ..\3?”‘{", ‘.'*“‘f“"".‘ 4 u’ ’h s “fl‘vr/v 1@ %nw""vv u“.r";. ‘r"'“‘"‘*fi 8 75 1 " . b 4435, Hie vg,j":‘:,a’ A '*f‘é-'w,‘,“_,‘] e (el e THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. e e e HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBEB l’. 1897. THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. 'PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. BY H. W. MILEFEORD. S.W.PERKINS, - - Lecal Baiter.| e | PROWERS COUNTY DIRECTORY. iatiemn . nges | MW S S g e LW T L Wml MeKinzee, BRRvepes) . - bah O | % - 8 Cch'rm. | Commtusonsrs f 2 7% TR e | TR A ‘ FICE HOURS. % Pey | s Eaat bound PO, | St SRS | ST ER es| r AA\ - TIME - - TABLE.| i . HE ATOHIBON, TOPRRA®' | AND SANTA FE RAILWAY. ‘ Trains leaves Holly as follews: ! A R .| L e *Ne. 81....13:57p.m. | 3 oo .P. Homer, Apent. | WHAT IS THE KIONDYKE TO THIS? A Land of Ooid, Beside Which the Claims of Arctic Wealth | Dwindie to Dross. | (From the American Astonisher of Nov. 9, 1007.) | A. Hustler arrived in this city to-day on the belated schooner Prosperity. bringing sccounts of a new gold field that has been opened in the Rocky | Mountains, in the western portion of the United states. He telis tales of gold | before which the recent Klondyke ex- 1 citement must fade into insignificance and brings in support gold bricks, nug gets and dust that attest beyond ques tion the existence of the coveted miner al in plethoric euantities. Huitler was seen st the Gold Bug ho tel soon afier bis arrival sod the ac counts mof the new discovery appear vof credence. He tells & seralghifor " smory~widaly” . {from the meager. nnestisfactory ones | thet are now being ‘passed along from | the land of the miduight sun. Wonder ful as these tales of the gold of the | Klondvke hava beex, the man from the Hitlle known section of our own country far eclipses them, and Hustler has rhe | #old to beck up sli he tells, The Aston isher was shown certified checks for $8,000,000 in addition to the qusntities of gold brought by the returned miner. YThis {s the result of three years of work,” declares Hustler as he spresd the evidences of wealth before the re porter. Think of it, ya toilers! Thires million | dollars io three vears! One man with the wages of 10,000 for .an entire year. Three yesrs ggo Hustler was employ | ed on the railroad grade at Monotony. He drifted wost into ‘the hesrt of the Rocky Mountains and now returns from the new country with this fortune equal to that of a railcosd wrecker. Bat that is not all. Hustler leaves bebind him in the new country mines that are yield ing him an annual income of $1,000,000 and according (o the ‘experts jn such matters, will continue to do so. for un counted years to come. 8 This the story as told by the Hustler: “This country from which I come is located between paraliel 37 and 52, and meridians 107 and 110, It is not alto gother an unkpown land, bus in some parts of the United Stages is_little val ued and the truths about the rickes s not spprecisted. The firet disvovery was made marly yesrs ago, and about thirty years Lack there was some exciie ment over sunouncemaepts of gold: die coveries in that sectien. A few kindred hardy pathfinders pughed ot there, bat after & time the excitement disd down and the wealth of the new. Kldorado was forgotten. © 94 “It may be news to the teeming mil lions of this sastern portion of our coun: try to know thatthe few handfulls of people who rushed opt. there thirty years ago have incressed and multiplied uatilthe gold fields are in this day more or less thickly populated and that toe hoat for the mining of the precious metal bas gose on without ‘interraption since the pioneer days. £ “Of the wealth of the new conutry there can be no question. - Lest yesr the production aggregated above $90,000,000, the new field not being confined {o gold , but in the great " ageresste thers | g S o e .;‘ Mauhe; | YO R Y e i gL try oy fl‘!gj;;;: " o ._::5. *lll i“’f‘ £ u& & '%‘ iy i}fir.‘,sq '." &TR LI é,«q&(n. .ng Akt ; e :'s*‘*‘“’:fi“flf on oot aet a e, \rreay =y et Berid fmale ifié‘#&i’: T Tek viey SELNS "."M‘if«’»;é’,’,: RIS bR das X o " ‘ o & Soal ¥ - Ny s R S S AR ey ARG o(B 0 e B ity The reporter was obliged to say shas o far there had not more tham' obe twentieth as much gold %ome from the land of the midnight san, I “Not more thean & twentieth a8 much? inquired the Rocky Mouatain miMion- / aire: “Why, T thought you satd it- was a gold cotntry.” “Well, they do call it such. What about your climate—is there any starya- : tion among the mineks? ' “Starvation! Whoever hear] of such| s thung! Starvation in s coontry. that produced §38,009,000 worth of farm pro- | ducts Jast ‘yeer,. that fttened 150,000} uuummm:'-.c:c bas 16000 scres ' of bearing frait s that sold & surpius | of 30,000 head of cattls, that prnduces [ an aversge of 88 bashels of whest, 4 bushels of cals. the. esme of ‘corn. 380 bushels of polsl ‘thie acve of greand land?” R 4 “You will excuse me,”the seporter]' was prompt I.By, "'but_you know we | thought gold mising always went with]. starvation and freesing. You ses ialf Klondyke—" [ “Freesing! Well, you Amerieans do! need to travel!” 1 “How is the climate in this new El dorade?’ I “Simply great! Sunshine thas would } make Italy sshamed of iteslf Warm,| little rain, scarcely a cloudy day through | the year, some sqow at the right ssason, some rain when it onght to yain, bt the | finest temperture to be toand anywhere. || Healthy—t wo years adds four inohes 10 )| the expansion of the langs—en ideal |! climate, ' “The sltitude ranges from 4,000 feet abeve sea level on the plains to 10,000, feet higher for the highist mountain | peake. Work is carried oa in all parts|. of it the year round and there is nothing | to interrupt the' product of gold from | the beginniog of the year to itaend, It flows into the mills sad frem them 10| the mints in an. Gaending stream thet |, incresses in volume aa tha years go by.”*| “From what you say it mnst be & good || country; but what eas & poor man do?” | “Anvthing that bs oan do in any other country on the globp, enly more | 20, uot.,nn‘u,,”py?wn some | paoper like myrelf; e | apto al millionsive and gives more money then | he knows whas to do with, just becsuse | be ‘went peospecting and st 4 glake in], the right place. . It | the'place for the poorudl}nrhh e, 10l e 1 don’s know all Jheg. S 0 eheie for thls Kioodyhe eotmtrySi da:. gecy| #'.’ 1000 T SIS smonihs sl 80 38 In' mx day¥ work & Week, #hile eatisy ter-| key,and mines ple for dinner snd golsg | to church on Bendays.” ) “Church! You dont wess to my they bave charches’ in s new goli feld?” , What do ‘you ke s for, anyhow? | Mext thing you will be wantingto kuow if we have schools.™ | “Bave you?” | “Sey—what do yon think you ave up. against—s wild mau from Borneo, or » Bushman from Australia?’ <] thought 1 was interviewing a re turned prospector from » new guld El “ And o 0 you are—from the biggest, beet and richest gold doantry on earth.” “But where ja jll2 1 . “I¢’s Colorado.” . Ol TR R Peetmaster General Favors Pestal. Savings Banks. Postmaster Genbral Gaty, in his first snnual report just issued, strongly ad vocates the ustablishment of postal eav ings bunks by, the Uniled Atates govern ment, The subject s one In which Mr. Gary'is deeply. interesied. For many | mouths he bas Lieen: working -upon a plan for preseatation. to cougress. - In his report, smong other things, be says; “Muny millions of dollare are nn: doubtedly secrersd Uy : the. pesple who have Htle of'sio u-fa-o , in jordinasy securities " gud mamstary” dnstitntions organised by’ private” citisst, [t s dead u%wg'fimmmo the security of e investoaput it is alfor getlier probable that ths ‘bulk. of thwy would tind fin way inlo thechannels of trade and pommeros. - 10 the govern ment andertook this task the service would undoubtedly be gladly acospted by the people. “Their, aalg in the gov | ernment is nubounded. . Their little savings which separstely "conld bandly be put out at intervst, would smount in the aggrogate to 8 sum that ‘could be invested to their advautage. “It wouli| tend to cultivate thrift in » large class, Realizingthe sdvantage of depositing with the governmeat instead of wastefully and uselessly oxpending it would tend to better relationship, bring .l:: % im practiosl its citisens and and enduring patriotism. Tidi giowth of patriotia ssutiment and goud ' citises hip constitnien & powerfil sppeal fo Faieamanship S 0 make & wiy: for thise b t congegueaces.”’ % ik i conne—m— ~The uadaunted soumga:shown by the + Myron Reed of Denver in . propas fing 1o Lnvestients the rémmt illng ) o o, 11 wardems wae o | I in the {nvengation sa | At bort Shosms if ek Shng shoundd b 0 | I i L e U R s oty g R TS W 200 e s W oPR R S ) R e oL g RL A L A CORREBPONDENCE. AAMAR LOOALS. Gathored By the Chfettain’s Reguiar - Corveapondent at the Ceunty’s 3 Capital. Messrs. Hornbeck and Barnes, two of the jurors, represeated the sast end of the county during the week. " ‘The Ndrdest freess s 0 far this fall oogurred Garing last Monday night and alee then tha weather bas besn quite _ Qesnty Judge Bpers, o 4 Uheyease sosaty was in town tbe firet of the|. ¥ ¢I- business at the land ofice '?'“.m Y : a ;e; ¥ n-/t“- 8 hede o 0 ‘m s hat mgmao attend (o Some jmportant bisiness. > It seemed Very natural to ese Fees upon :our { strests, ; # ¢-Mre. Charies Towse has been quite 1l fo the past week, but we are giad to state is \mprovingiand hopes are thst shp will soon ho'filudphg ber ace costemed duties., Mrs. M. A. Bivans, accompanied by her son, was in towa on Monday and sbhowed ber continued faith 1n Prowers eonnty by Aling upon s homestead, 10-r -r ®eas the state line, ws bas been received here that Johony Rodney, a young man formerly living on the north side, and favorably koown there, was killed in a mine secident at Ward, Colorado, & few davs Ago. i Mr. Fuller, of the law firm of Fuoller| & Whitsomb, of Topeks, Kausas, and Mr. Charies Crystier, an attorney of | Kaneas Oity, Missouri, were in attend. 8068 upon the present tarm of the dis trict court. R. R. Ross, the popular district attorney, and who will also ooceupy tbat ofice for the next thres years, has quite an interesting docket to take Durt in this term of court, snd as wsaal is putting fv _hard wosk. Jessie Trotter, a young man whe speat considerable time in Lamas} during the last year, and who went further west, in hopes of benefitting bis bealth, died at Pueblo about the #i3th of this month. Consumption earried him to his long reat. State Renalor Drake, of Pueblo, was 1B sttendance at couit, beiag oune ot tbe iuterestea parties In. the case of {Mgrua Graban !_l‘-.figl»,t‘:MN;i: [endaved asd sk appbsl ‘wes lakea to jshe bigher courts by the plainsiff. | ©. . Yauger, pablisher of the Irsiga uea £rs, speat the most part of the | week [u sud around Lamar, gatbering matenal for a write up of Prowers oounty to sppear ia the next issve of | lits monthly. His imdividual opinioa wes that Frowers couaty is hard 10 et Tbe Forsbay Comedy Company, after | pisying a thrve nights engegemens at 44 Golladay hell, left town with what et kave been & most vomfogtable | Swliog wwards ‘the Lumar ' people. They had s erowded houss at ensh per fopmanes,and the audience wes very spprecistive of the many good things ia the somedies presunted. The daliy papets “snneunce the ap poinimeai o D. E. 'Usoper ss posi master-ot Lamur., Mr. Cooper bas bad ezperience in she postofiice work, hav. g been pestmusier in lows, and of sowse hns nut forgotten sbe roatine. The appointment is wery gratifying to | the friends of Mr. Cuoper, and e has & bost of frieuds. Districs oourt convemed Tuesday sfternoon, with Judge U. O. Holcoab, {of Alsmuss, presiding, Sudge Northentt ls bolding court at. Oresde and Dei |Noste. Judge Holcomb's vfficial steuo | srapber, Ms.Jobn Nevitt, of Del Norte, | nlso came with him and is attending to shat important part of the cows pro- Amitvyille. 1. The sogel of deatp has sgain visitew Anityville. R. A. Blaymaker was calted 16 han.reeh ;last ‘Saturday movn ing. ‘Hbo lsaves s wifs and five chil< | dres to mowrh bis loss. Tbey have the sympathyv of the entire commumiy. Mr. Parks snd Mr, Osmian and fam lies, of Ksnsas, bave moved on their furms and Are at work making improves ments. ” J. B, Chenowsth 18 baving some bulldings moved irom Tribuane, Kansas, 10 bis farm. Wil have them repaired, J..F. Frisbey has buiit a granary to live in till spring, :J. Knowlen did the work. . | A Gus Hagerdourn and teaia bave gose up omshe Henry diteh to work. 1. N, Leslie waé dolng business in Lamar Jast week, o 4 Mg, :Kills and sons ate threshisg in Ill;ud*lt'. eye e \ Jaks Bioomer wént io Lamar “cowrt. iog” thin week, Y& ey A Tr—— e Loy aad hardly interies in: sppesranse te| « wiab )‘:‘.m | Aot 5. M Ouey, Fosesionst AR m || REFRESHMENT # ROOM. ¥ | l : % s wg"“; ’ THEO. BAXTER, PROPRIETOR. ; : " LAMAR, commpo, Deering Mowers, Reapers and Binders. B Binding Twine, Dain Hay Stackersand Rakes, Ouwr Line of Hardware, Gro- | ceries, Queensware and Harmess is Complete. : SqITIEY, TRO 1D LLE STMdie |Good Teams, Elgga.nt Rigs, Furnished at Rea.son_g.ble ; R&tfil‘. . o 1 & ' _ FRANK GILMAN, Progmetor, & @RARADAY *yoragior v gt -20 y COLORADO. [FIRST CLASS =~ |~ PRAIRIE HAY ; For sale. |ln Any AUANTITY To Suit | PURCHASER. = oM A PETIEE . ICROLEE " . i g s _COLORADO “jforms the froptispiece. One of she 1 | beat avticles is a full sccount of the | meating ot Lincol, Nebrasks, of the | National Zrngation Congress. A few |, of the other important articles are tha |, -1 tollowing: *“A Lawyer’s Study of Irrk : {@ation,’” by 8. 8, SBherman; “Irrigation | [ Near - Greeley, Coloradn.” by Dawid|, Boyd, A. M ; “Irrigation Investigations f |in Wyoming.” by Prof. B. C. Buffum; | ,| Problems Confronting the Settler. on | | the Plaine,” the sscond of a series by |, |J. E, Payne of the Rainkelt Experi- ] .| ment Btation. “The Editor’s Outlook” |, s thetitleof s very interesting da-|, | partment of discassion, comment and « ,|opinion. ' Evidently the editor has ] opisiuns, and certainly he knows how 1 to express them forcibly as well s in- | telligibly and conrteously. | Fuature numbess of The Review “will|, ) | not Be less interesting than the one || | before us, If good'writers and ' appropri. ; .| te aubjects can’ wuke them lnumfll; ‘ | to'the people wha -read. ~ “Makers | | Irrigation History™ jathe sitle. of o], series of srticles 1o beyin with the next. ' namber; avd & new, department—:‘The 3 | Orchard and Gardea Under derigstion |, | =l, Blao promired, whjoh. will. be ;a! featere that will bthl‘b'l!: sppreciatad | by & large elasp olw TR Y : | The Irtigation Re¥iew is published : ,| #8 ' Deaver, Colorado., , Bubscription | | price, one doliar s vear, ten cents s! ! I_lflb.'. . s ] | Tl ——— | The three vear nld boy of J. A. John® j¢on, of Lynn Center, 111, 1s sulject 10 atiacks of cronp. . Mr. Johnson miys he 4o satiafied that the timely tee of(mu-.. '|berlaia’s Congh Remedy, duriog ‘Joovere attack, saved his boy's life. He 138 im the drag bLusiness, s member of,. | the frm of Johnson Bros., of that place.| [so badull thiese to rh goee from, sad | | #ilted physicians ready ta resvend .to . 2 v:w, wily " g \h‘i. i | e ' "-"";’ K i) i ; | w.f’Eh"" wcior 1o ody athor,| | SR _NMODA. [he_COMREE 'sl r%- !‘ J,ru S TBt e V{Kr‘: Lo el i raraa gty perdegan ARy ] i—-‘tt" h SRCIE SN Ry mimNe{ NP TEIRG AT Coeß el bIR e is 0 A e—— The Hicka 1808 Almsnae ana Paper. We are infosmed thas the 1898 Almss - nacot Prof. Ar) B. Bicks ia now ready, aad judging from Its past history, it will not be many weeks in finding ita way into homes and ofices all over America. It 1s mueh Jerger and finer than any previous issas. .It contsins’ tlB pages, is splendidly printed apd Uinstrated on fine ok paper, having the Suest porirait rver given of Prof. Hicke, 1t ean 0o longer be denied that the publications of Prol, Hicks have : ‘becume & necessity to the famlily amd ‘commercial life of this coumtry. Hia Jowrnal, “Wosn axp Woaxs,” aside from Its storm, weather and astronomsi oal foatures) bas taken rauk with the il\ut' Hteraryy: sofentific snd family Wagusingd of the age. Dd nob belleve Beaingy ind reporin., - Beo thio. Hicks Almanie ol paper for vouraelf. You will then:know why they ave o 0 popa lar. They are educators of the mill -1008, snd'nuriviled gafoguards te prop~ orty and huinen lite. It 1 s iattie of simple record’ thay Prap! .‘Mh bax! I'retold ‘for many" years all |, great _ atarms, floods, drosths nnd tornsdoss, anfl‘even the reseut terrible drouth over alf'the ‘eonniry, Fhe | Almange ' slone is 36 centa 3 copy. The paper in. 8100 a yoar with the Alinanac as & pre mipm. Sead to 5 il | Wozp axp Wonxs V'us. 00,, | 201 Locuet Br., Bt. Louis, Moy ~ e AP s WA S e "The worst cold I ever bad inmy life. . was cared by Chumberlain's: Ooomh. Homedy,” writes W. H 'Norton, of Bat: toe Crast Cul._7els fhaaian st WL 8 congh and | way expectoating a3l thay: time. The Remedy cured .me, ) 5; want all of my M‘* PR Jith o congh ar sobd S h iSN RGN ey TT B T *a,,w:\ 1“ G N .z'%*w:»m By T 3 Hote Binde Bt Tt s e R TR Ll o A S 953"{»"’\"«*‘ L B TELET ¥ i ,‘1 . K Y T A