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VOLUME 1. A $65.00 Machiae g 2 N Baterm “Aritagton” $18.50 T, Gy iy o ® . / u%' 0 pavesy Cash wih Order 204 Cotpen - Bl -"o Sitaeuer : ik ¥ Shigped \ e ) < home, wilhost J 5 W yonrs’ wrim' s\.\ (AR =i i. - i ‘g‘ b ! u‘ufi!-&fim E B P 3 lpm’ : 4 § R fi,‘.’n F%& E ; y AR casgof muu h § B fiq e @ put eut > . Compon, ¥ - all Y amc.o.B " y v ,%“ ; wrontria R ) "work. She fob- STV Ma. 00. “ARLINGTON.” ‘.-u- . The Mead of the ™ . S M o L RS w g SRk e rare o‘.,”b:b::l:uidfith'lium et Is o the '7@ 3 fims‘ms&?&fi.fim&‘?:&%fl‘f hhbuuflwmfl« | M&ofld-\lfl:a-h ; M e e B ee R e Eb-h-msn.m usfieu&‘mmunqm . eind, mede cup at hm-nm-t fom : ou thegooda. A#‘ are cast-herdened x* -nl-mfig._ _h entt be mn&n—fln “‘u- ¢ fi“—nu.w F.'.""“m %1o & roieet lived et w"x"%""" < Oue mu -&.m‘“ » ’fi-‘-...-w.-m one e W ot SootAok e, s el s DON'T PAY SERSMERE. BUY mm OYR ¥ O 00 Is sar o g R witl the maching suywhere securely &' :fi.g0.h..l B md‘.hi-vfiyn' al on o: u-’ k,‘gfl 1f you prefer e e " e eet Do whh e, T e BN B : e u.n-,umw--u\n—'m.w»i m’_—_‘———"‘ | A ) UNDER THE GREAT AMITY CANAL IN;THEV s © . ABEANSA VARLEX .U s vichest lands' in ‘the Arkamsas valley. . The L GREAT AMITY CANAL, 10¢ miles long, wss f buiit in 1805 snd together with reservoirs cost | upwarde of $1,500,000. This is the largest sad | ' best construeted irrmgation casal in the state. It \ hulmfigbttovngradmth’lm deliver 5 water -st all times during the Irrigation season, ' Lasods can be bought in any size tracts de- - . : nired; at low. prices and on long time payments. : Perpotiial water rights. No water rents to pay. " ‘Now is the time to seofre a home in this beautsfal . valley, i Sk ] For farther pufinlu;l write to 4.5 MGMURTRY. HORACE, KANSAS. . ; THE “MAYWQOD” BICYCLE » » » L Sl ol ‘ao o ' Vi P /4 7 ; \\\ i g 2\ / : A2 AVZ S )\ e . iy C L eawm TR mENe Be s p gS ko e '.‘.‘ sde s o - pMeeken) @ sluiate that sy pare 5 :Tl_. o[> Sn plose fran fmgboved douple dishiend; madg of 36-isch oold_ tilied stasl Fods {fouhest 84 atressy eot gt wl4 ~‘l‘ ‘ oo il Sairel S névedy, ppiie ! frestast © Son f ingesuity }: chaniom ki e T A L et “ ‘-lfl"'fig :"" ¥ons aad .Lfi a ekl ta oot ‘:r" s opls Sioge’ oty oo BTT VG P s 3 ~ . el o pewepet ! e romg By} Bilo 1 o p e S [ondered, Lostingiga Pos o . .-:L. - w‘.:;‘ g -:}ofi‘:{w '..,‘ w,..hq',;:1&1,:' M- ¢ .»—vb onr J::.F‘o- X A _-rvt.‘ LAt o - ’-—zuw \ Toyot e, crsbaly o ..,...;;’fiw..v.-.,,‘ Fot 50l :“,.t.“.rl‘ff:; § fous ercduon, enaietes ot toreeh -.?n‘..” »g“ : NoeLR G e e '.,...T..L’:‘,,"’f.._ nd ST e [vorupenia T apsaribet Toey IMPOSOIIADE Rchslmbbanin 5y T R ey poeden *&T"?;' ‘#‘%ffiflx Raal g el euipg Je, QIVENY PVeD L 8 E )R T R kT 4 89.008 :E.!_r. ol et corlonion. W _,mz;'"z,;,:x‘;fi;gfi;‘-:f 4; RFS. ~ Rt AR Bt ERS | L Beitten NENISE TRrsenty | K ;“a“’.”" R S e .1‘”7.):2-;%;%&?‘;"%”‘ ”ke - w;| 1 ety oo o 'a’*"“"’"""vi?fwfig?" "“‘?,M‘?““ el BE eeg R SR i boit | o S SRR e B j@fi%—l‘?w il g@p@fas M THE HOLLY CHIEFTAIN. HOLLY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, M 907. |{THEHOLLY CHIEFTAIN, |! ' puBLIsHRD BYERY' FRIDAY. | ; 1544 AT ~§l"" A L BY . W. MILEORD. - | |s-w.ommime, . . (“Lecal metter. | R ———— | ., PROWERS ODUNTY DIREOTORY. | Quosk ad Eaespter. - 5 B | %- ST ae : R W . TR i u—n-am.}: i et ] | e——re————— | POnoeE souae ] ; : Vest Sound mall-elee .& .. ,“: Sendayopensiind 3 B .| .:,-fi o P "‘!‘-'Z:Lwi';;-;'*‘ 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL XVERY SUNEAY AT TIME - - TABLE a' .,~., - oy - »243 ‘.. THE ATCHISON, TOPERA ' AND SANTA FE 1 BAILWAY. 7 SRl Bl ae Sy, 7. Honer, Auest. | Possibilities of a Ferttle Valley Sonta Fo Maiiway Menagenment Peints Out the Natural Wealth g of. & Vory Wonsdeshil . Chieago, Rl Nov. 19, 1807, Mr. Jas. 4. Davie, g i Industrial Commissioner A, 7. & B.} R MOO, o g ‘Desr zn—muo yowr td':‘;.- ; thing we sas conslstently 1o ' assles” in' Its furtber develupment, A ‘] The progress of this section 'of the couniry the lass fow yesrs Ras bepn very gratifyiog 1o sveryons and vet, in } |y opinion it hes barely commesssd its mareh to where 1t will uitimately } hault, either In indusirial develop meat or populatien. In conmection with this yelley asnd | Its fature ths foliowiag saggesiivas are made, ¢ i i 5& J Ist. Everything possible should ‘he done’ to atill fariher anconrage the| sheep -feeding industry. The bamke in] the valley ars, lam told, glsd to lend] mouney at reascasbie sates to purties] owning alfalfs snd other feed who wieh | 0 buy sheep. Ifihe shesp ard ‘cauty:'| ously bough, good profis can bw made } in'this branech of the business. 1 Now Mexico and Arisons oc‘n sopply | the sheep and the Kanses Oity_ market | demands them after they are fatiened. | Sod. The melemn preduction should | ba pushed. - Nowhere in the VUaited Btates san melons beralsed move swe-| ocsssfully and sewbere in ‘the eountry | { have the meloss raleed astadiished |, such afepuiation as the Rochy Ford and other points 1 the valley. For 1 flavor and geneval separionity, these : meloss cansot be besten snd thel demand for them will more than keep | peca with the supply. ok Srd, More vegetables of ali kinds : showld be.raleed in the valley. This ie sopeciaily Lrue of polaioss; ' onions and ; Tomes takes hondreds of carleads 'of ! Oslerado potatoss every year and there | iona resson why, 18 ia intsiligently Duesusd ;fl. -Arkapéas. valley shouid } 80¢ ouppiy most of shem. - o o b Isis'snd the .l’"n of ‘Xalamasoo, | Miobigas, ships annually. . over §1.009;]: 00 woeth. of esiery, . The. Ashanees | Vallay in my opinies opn preduce. o) bettor artiels them Mishigen dass - and || theve 1o every reason why the eultive. || slon of this piast should be presssnted | in the most vigorons way by the labab- || itants of the valley. ¢ i 1 ¢xpest 60 sbe the dav when westers | oolesy. in praver eised buashes sud ‘sied!. with biue ribhen will; take firsk pre- | | miuin ot all the stete Sirs and esm:|, mand a promism ia the: markes ‘over i ssluty from anywhere eles ia the woild. Ti Hh. The eutifvatien’ of tbe Bay el :fiuhqwu the peoplal! 84 bome (40 ene husdnd. milica of|' Hary ADEE g iee sow antelly senill’ | |- ““"xwgm ‘1 ‘ R g b ~«v'a"vi,‘»utv}m .} (R g e R A Yy (RN R iy it bty _IY, Y. \ e+ B i o T TR o ifi‘gv‘vfi; L TS e iy ;:;:I’:&Z:)'-@;f ,;( : . o | Wx‘: Pt a4 "";;1:" BEN Sy = T g I oTR S W oIR ST b @}y bk gg e goipo iB, MR g d o gt i b 4 e Bl OB vR U re P o e et TR s Bave no sead, the Agviesitare Dy bye by i, gl _..!;-nuu:”flh’hmq_y freguentiy a8 you SOV ®e them in Bugar bedis ought ta average’ the grower. SORHO por scre. Thials o fse) orop asd ange determined a sacocs in ‘the yaliy, (hers (s 20 qussiion ahoad asnouring factories. ¥ & e " Waoit culture is alresdy oo mushiof & sucoees tuthe walley, the excilience and Jagcionsness of the Pessien and #ther fruits iaso marked that 1 take it for grantad that 1a & horilenitarsl way, thera 12 nothing ere te- be said. Ben gulture alec premissn ¢o be s very remusesetive pwrasit: in i the wal -6 oxpert Somand e Jesd Doney 18 almost within Hasits. ’ ! lot woll awary that the ‘eople of ihe valley are slive o theit own inter: 908, Bet T want 00 tmbress sa you' the imporiance of shese engrestions. . ! Yours truly. ; Pavy, Meavon, ' - ; g Third Vios-Presideat. THE ADVANTADES OF IRRIOATION AN interesting Latter on. irrigation _ and the Asventage of Hav g Gmall Parmis. Couxawssn Boorn-Tucxan, Salvation Army Hesdanarters, New York Olty, N. Y. Dhar Sir—When the plan.of locating ‘settiors on small tracts of land in: the Arhaness valley under the suspioss of Salwstion Army wes first mentionsd 10 me, I adylesd: agaiost encoaruging. It, foating that it wae intended to bring into the vallvy. an - wodesirable class of citisens. Aslb the fessibility of the plan, if men skilled In'the caltivation of the »oil were selected. I bsd no ques tlon, since by msny years’ experisnoe 1w Colorado had convinced me that in fayersble localities. smalbholdiogs with irvigation and thowrvugh culuivation would be mere profitable and associated with more plesenre and. conteniment, than the Jurger holdings and indifferent onkivation now’ common -throughout 1 have long belleved that because 'of the prodigslity of the lund, the aysrage m hao glo cultivate lm'l; N ROk nt oF Shhils land th s 't be lodated wpos, X 160 acris. has unt. been suided by any’ other purpose than to. furnish . homes for the peaple, Now ‘thas the poblio lands: bave practically all passed into- private’ ownership, and We spprosch :the inevitsble period of sabdivision, § beg to give some reasons why 3 believe that & group of ‘setilers possmsed of the requisite skill, will sue csed upon small holdiegs in the Arksu ous valley, : To one uafamiliar with irrigation and the climatic conditions prevailing in the arid regions, it is ‘dificult to ex plpin the indiwtrial signifoance of the artificle) applioation of water as practio ed is Colorsdo. The estern fartoer ‘when be has & large otop says be had a favorable yeur, snd’ when bia crop Is Small ho sys ho has iad s bad yesr. It is well known that the years of bigh oot productiveness. when . compared with the vears considessd bad, fair or AVersge, ale véry few., | ! 1o JBdging 6f the rewards of larming, we are therefore compélled to adopt as the tewr, the average vaa: or the average of » number ol’u-u;din yoars, B you ssk Swhat copstitutes s good yoor or & bad year, the furmer will tell you {hat during the former the weather was good, and doring the latter it wms bad. This definition whea analysed Means that during thegood year there was the right amount -of moisture and the right amount of .esnshine or heat propazly distributed thiysughout the sea #on, and that during the bad yearm, Row there is & mary progress in WM‘-In% osod it meaps tbe same In “guch, aamaly; the swcoseaiil convantion with natare, mak ing & servast whenm pomsible and over- Suming or avolding its evils when neces: asry. The farmer of {he ‘hamid reglen is:dominsted by the varving humors of Lo climate. [F it rains too much o too fittle, he must submit, 'One year his laad mey be s swamp, the next year his cattle may die'of shirst. \With the sle meits snconteollable, it is scarcely to be ‘wxpocted that he can makh any material soleutific progress. {8 the absence 9 the upcertain elemens of westher and Sholeture, that we. find the greatest valse 1n \he irrigable und-d.:pmm [ln 66 latser the duo prastisslly siways ARSI sSt ""!iitb:'.‘, wien Ehorvs el with = oueont upaly OF watar for grsiticial spilisation, the e J;?.‘E\nrvx' s reesihn groad prar st 4 ks A R ey Xt x;’éme.;‘:-xm-?g B ? e Rz \.;b-r?‘:. LB Tt ‘.‘mfl?w ) oPy i e g e R. o ik LR SO - b Tt e ;;“, ooy M X Y ~!»}4. LA ‘,’ ils s g g ibin sloowhors. ‘AMedists b pen s e Ak. WA O i { melons, when ralsed by irrigstion pos owes qualition of superiority of Savor and: | xoaplag. which give them ‘s Joomtereial valde. Indeed this s froe of .} Thess rxosptional qualities mey. be. i Jonrt ageribad to the fact. that the arid 901} hes latn fallow for centuries: and| {®one of its valushle chemicss constit feaw hnw«l out by min, or j :ummfitmuully‘bmhh the : to prodwol most &h‘ s y{of the'sarsy; *““ KO L {The foregoiog observations: which [§are patant to anyone yisiting the valley | Yol the Arkansas, verves 1o Justify yosy {claim,.that it is possible to securs & live lbaod npon buts - fow -acres, of land. Now that lam souvermant with' your plase, which 18volve the settlement up: | on irrigated lands of the pick of those withia the resch of Woor orgaaisation, | with eonetunt superyision exercised Ly competent sxperts to the end that the sottlete mav be specially educated iu the selection of cropsiand their proper {rrigation and:colti vation, and with the uprening up-of lavorable markets and othet meave of disposing of the pro dacts; I desire o withdraw the ' objec tions whicli I have heretofore express '[&) 10 yoar propossd colonizstion of the | Arkadms valley, and to now exprems| 'Emy bearty spproval of and belief in the '[maocess of yoor nndertaking. You and ‘| vour ormanization be commended '{in semring homes for those who'* have Lraissed their calling in our rge cities, 11 desive to cominead this mavement for faanther regson. llf succesful it will dcmonstmte that small holdings with | intense cultivation, Mrnish £ sare live '{lihood with' that close ‘aseociation of families, which will remove the greatest | objeetion which has heretofore existed } against life on the farm, and to escape ‘| which thoneands unfitted for other then ‘I manual labor. have crowded into the Leitles, ’ 3o conclasion Tet me cantion you to check any dispcsitiom 10 Jook apomyour Jorgenisstion as as avente ‘of escape | from Jabor. Let ithe @nderstosd that labor withont cessing'will .be ‘the price loF sncssen;:bas thase who gise ‘that - bor will have the satisfaction” of know {ing that if your plans are followed, it | will be fruitfal of the Targest results | attainable by sclentific methods. 3 am ; with gredt respect, 3 Yeoours very sincerely, : ; Pearr Roases, : Deaver, Colo., October 85, 1807. LAMAR LOCALS. Gathofed by the Chieftala’s Reguiar ||| ' Covrespendent at the Comnty’s ) “Capital | ‘). The weather for the past fuw days | has been simply perfect. | The demand for houses ia still urgent '[and evety day there are inguiries for | “house to rent?” '| The teachiers’ amociation meets at the fschacl house on next Saturday and an ; Interesting ocmsion is promised, | Miss Ingersol, one of La Jarta's school teachers, is in town visiting with | Miss Wilson, one of Lamar’s teachets. 1| A ocouple of men charged with being | drank and disorderly, received a fine of 98 and corts, before the poliee court on || Wednesday. 3 ' | 1t ta probable that the sew 'building {of C. C. Huddleston wil) be made a two | ory afhuir, aud the Masons will oocopy ; the npper story, ~ ; | A siso'clock prayer mesting was held ,ob Thankegiving morningat the M. E, | charch, the Christian Eodeavor. Solety , | being the inetigators. - iy .mffies have besn slmost 1 | ocenrrences during the pest | O ad somme gox dhriy ehoup and |OB 94 no lathéy deas, [. M. George B. Merril has tesaed in. .{ Yitations for an sfiernoon reception to o fow friends, the time belng Friday | sernoon, November 28, 1897, '} Jdack Ford road the sscond degree ) Igoat last Batarday night ia the Masos [ ivdye, and thinks be bas the animal | umder pretly good eontrol by mow. 1| 9edes C.C. Holeombe, who held court : here the 927 t torm, created & very fuy- I orable impreseios wpon the members of . the bar and aleo upon oar citisens, y !W'm- 1 '_!“. wore held In | the M. K. chareh, the service beisg an | anion one, and the Bev. Renkin, of the )| U. . ehurch, presched the dissomise, | Tarkess are everywhere in evidesce Inod tere will be very low homes in | Lamar, thes sfior Thaskegiving hes Dested will uot be able to show evidenes ofs viek ol iho moblobind, i v P f:‘fi: g (‘vpg;n,.‘ y m.‘ AT g ] . Ev«f‘m & ),-.nsév j:vo 7 ” ¥ 4“{ B S gRN g W TR Iw, . b ke hae kot Tho S gTI g g i fi-fié‘ R B eT T AR, | & o vyt o dpen Wompenternioezlptateon " ixfi-v«,,.r,q:u;-v.g;»:-gk.‘f«}.,u r ;g:g_ri,‘fi A..V:F;“Z‘ Lo s R s D R UG, ORI S TS i e p AP .n.‘g‘fi?:‘fl«} t N TR oo REFRESHMENTDT 3 XM 'b 00l A)_ A‘,l, ; ~; 4-", ‘%‘f“h;‘»:: f}rv::':rq'f:" ig i Foieiaionne e s s R e ¥ s Gy A N e e ST s e HEO Bax m;:: PROPRINKIYIR @i j _ el s e FUTE T emi———————————————— ARG R o SEEHS A S ARG SRR N U «.:‘:*»w%{ Lo s Fi : P I R R {7O uquoms.AND Claaßs. L il o 0 MOTHING BUT MBNT clitsdosee - L “NPASPLT HOLLY, COMO. e el A A Ctasteh e i ade: & et ;' ' 8 ; « .‘:’ L ‘S%:y‘f'%k*‘ing ) jokn { & - & R % i 42 3+ S, o e T S RS Rakes, Our Line of Hardwaze, Gre : cerles, QueeNsware and Harmess #s + vns o CONPIORR,”, T i L R S S SLIVIRY, TE23 D SALD STADLDss Good Teams, Elegant Rigs, | Furnished at Reasonable ,_ e ML : FRANK GILMAN, Propnetor, 3 ‘ | GRANADA, : . : i . . COLORADO, - i AEhT 3 S (FIRST CLASS -~ " 1 w ? \* ¥iagons €I w. AIRIE HAY | , PRAIRIE HAY | or sale. In Any PUANTITY To Suit T ——— ~ | PURCHASER. S ‘ . A PETTEE . : . * ) Ny | HOLLY, - - - . . . "COLORADO || & ELEVATOR CO., ; WHOLESALE = " - g . GRAIN, MNAL; UHOP FEED, HARD and SBOFT WHEAT ; ; ‘ FLOUR, GRAHAN, : : . i besg: o} L I HOTTEL g, ' LAMAB, cOLO. - v Il : uui we doubt if the company can put a |4 better man for business in his placs, 'al though: they may replace Mr. Uade with jast as §oed an officer. : The litle ehild of Mr. sud’ Mre. |, Stephen Brown wahdered away from|, home daring Wednseday afternoon and 4 when it was misssd the whole neigh: | | berhood turned owt ‘sn search. After| quite s time the litle one was found at | the other end of town from fts home, | ¢ ’ and mnuondtolu,a_l:flouuunn. ] | Io the diesrict court last - week, John ! | Barton plead guilty to patit larceny snd : was sattenced to s fine of SIOO aud a ] dail confinement of sixty days, Afer- . | wards the jail sentence was redvced to ' |thirty days. W. M. Gadley, charged . | wiih rape, was toasd guilty and senten- \ ved 1o the penitentiury for three yeus. | | A‘n-’ppullmbunnn.;' In the eivil ], |action Sounded on the aame charys, the ! Jury tefased to awani he ‘pareats ey || | Cousty Ciork cam Ponltner onys | | that beis the grewtant of Drassmaon | | 884 polate proudly'sa bis-reserd of the |’ »rvu;, and shows ikt e has mede ]! ' Y »“ e Ao et \» Tt .‘ ". {Ve pried to'wis; %.:{ A € Lon ¥. Dy o Doty Pl - | JO _:’fx‘g.fio'f:l/in~ fi,,hgw»fi-,f"{,{ o -{‘?“ N § R TN AN N P SO . f'.‘\,‘_.r ‘-"f‘(l‘n_"\( sty / PO T e L S . SR AT ‘ e e e A o G Uy LR LB LA oig o T o 17 R The Mlohe 1898 Almanas and Papet We ste informed that the 1998 Alms- - Bac of Prel. It} R. Hicka i now reatly, and judgiug from 106 past ‘Bistory, ‘It - : wili.not be many weetis in ‘Savisg its: way into Boides atd offiess al) oyer Americs. It1o much targer s8d finer: thas sny previons fasme. . It Sontaine. 116 pages, Is- eplundidly pristed. snd illustrated on fise bwok paper, havieg: the finest portrait s¥er givenof Prof. . - Hioks. Mt cun no lenger be denied Shay. i the publications of Prof, Hitks have : beovme 8 necessity $o the' Tamily s sommereial life of this onuntty. Win’ Joumnsl, “Woan Awn Worza” sslde . from ite storm, weaier and satsuatimi~ = ©al features, hus tulinn rank with e bess dterary, scicupifle ond famby | . Medasines of the age. Do nos: belleve hearsay snd reporin. Bew' The' Wiite Almanas sad paper for vouriil; ' Yol Wilkthen know why thep eve 00 pagg~ lar.. They aro odtion-osw:idt the mills dong, -u,wmm‘!; naide Lpsdi oty and human lity, . s lnmaaet . upnn::n that Pod. Hieke e il Furaseld . T many yofite. nll. gem .%fl;fig’* s % 2 wfi*fi»_:';; Sl prévfyrigettmmglivncanis. ol i S TRVTOR e R Alite 1 30 asnis »-Supe 0 Baseg i UEID S pose whoh S0 Sk e L & B P R H AR . o St o 5 - gh%‘?.‘ g, R an? ‘_E:E‘,-fi‘ . I aL— : l;,p IO T .. W SO 5 gt:v AR R Y L Ry P g ',j?z“‘,k;?;g o ll.';;*‘ KRR T R [ R N IRV SN R )